03 - Kinetics Erioglaucine 2 - Sp24_Pre-Lab

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Kinetics of the Reaction of Erioglaucine with Sodium Hypochlorite – Part 2: Pre-Lab Activity

Complete this activity before reporting to lab. Each student should complete their own activity.
Fill in section number, name, and TA name_________________________________________________________________________________

Sec:__________ Name: _____________________ TA Name: _________________

To familiarize you with the data processing you will complete for this lab, sample data has been created
for a hypothetical reaction involving two reactants, A and B. Each line of the table below represents a
single run of the experiment, and each run is comprised of many absorbance readings over a period of
time. For the sake of space, the absorbance vs. time data sets are not provided here. Instead, processed
data (similar to what you would read off the LabQuest output) is provided as the basis for these problems.

Run [A] at t = 0 sec (M) [B] (M) Temp (°C)

1 7.24 x 10-5 1.250 23.4
2 7.22 x 10-5 1.250 23.3
3 3.61 x 10-5 1.250 23.4
4 3.63 x 10-5 1.250 23.4
5 7.25 x 10-5 0.625 23.2
6 7.24 x 10-5 0.625 23.5
7 7.23 x 10-5 1.250 13.5
8 7.22 x 10-5 1.250 13.4


1. In order to determine the kinetics of the reaction via the Method of Initial Rates, what data will you
plot for each of your eight runs?

2. You will take the first 10 seconds worth of data on each these plots and perform linear fits to these 10
data points. What valuable information can be obtained from this line? How does this relate to the
kinetics of the reaction?

3. The table below provides examples of linear curve fit data for each of the eight sample runs. Use this
information to determine the initial rate for each run. Record these rates in the table below.

Run [A] at t = 0 sec [B] (M) Temp Equation of Line (t = 0s to t = Rate

(M) (°C) 10s) (M/s)
1 7.24 x 10-5 1.250 23.4 y = - (4.32 x 10-7)x + 7.24 x 10-5
2 7.22 x 10-5 1.250 23.3 y = - (4.31 x 10-7)x + 7.22 x 10-5
3 3.61 x 10-5 1.250 23.4 y = - (1.09 x 10-7)x + 3.61 x 10-5
4 3.63 x 10-5 1.250 23.4 y = - (1.08 x 10-7)x + 3.63 x 10-5
5 7.25 x 10-5 0.625 23.2 y = - (2.14 x 10-7)x + 7.25 x 10-5
6 7.24 x 10-5 0.625 23.5 y = - (2.17 x 10-7)x + 7.24 x 10-5
7 7.23 x 10-5 1.250 13.5 y = - (2.33 x 10-7)x + 7.23 x 10-5
8 7.22 x 10-5 1.250 13.4 y = - (2.35 x 10-7)x + 7.22 x 10-5

Kinetics of the Reaction of Erioglaucine and Sodium Hypochlorite – Part 2 – Pre-Lab

4. From the initial rates you listed in the table, determine:
a. Order of reaction in A

b. Order of reaction in B

c. Rate law

d. Rate constant at room temperature

Determination of Activation Energy (Parts A and B of Lab)

Kinetics studies provide the opportunity to determine activation energies for reactions through the use of
the Arrhenius equation. By determining the value of k at two different temperatures, the Arrhenius
equation can be rearranged into this combined equation:
𝒌𝒌 𝑬𝑬 𝟏𝟏 𝟏𝟏
𝐥𝐥𝐥𝐥 � 𝟐𝟐� = 𝒂𝒂 � − �
𝒌𝒌𝟏𝟏 𝐑𝐑 𝑻𝑻𝟏𝟏 𝑻𝑻𝟐𝟐
k1 is the rate constant at temperature T1
k2 is the rate constant at temperature T2
Ea is the activation energy in J/mol
R is the universal gas constant (8.314 J/molK)

For each of the methods of analysis you use in this lab, you will be asked to determine the activation
energy. Refer to the equation above when you are asked to complete this calculation.

5. Using the data from the table provided in Question 3 above, find the activation energy for this

Kinetics of the Reaction of Erioglaucine and Sodium Hypochlorite – Part 2 – Pre-Lab

In order to determine the kinetics of the reaction via the Method of Integrated Rates, you will plot three
different types of plots and observe which one produces a linear relationship.

6. Use the information organizer below to summarize what these three different types of plots and the
information each provides.

Plotted Data If Plot is Linear: Order of Slope


7. For the hypothetical reaction between A and B, the plot of 1/[A]t vs. t for Run 1 is linear with a
curve-fit equation of y = 82.375x + 13,812. The same plot for Run 5 is y = 41.095x + 13,835. Based
on this information, determine:
a. Order of reaction in A

b. The value of kobs for Run 1

c. The value of kobs for Run 5

8. Determine the order of the reaction in B. Clearly show your reasoning/work. (Simple investigation or
using the equation listed as Equation (8) in the Background section of this lab manual entry).

Kinetics of the Reaction of Erioglaucine and Sodium Hypochlorite – Part 2 – Pre-Lab

9. What is the rate law for this reaction? What is the rate constant?

a. Rate law _________________________

b. Rate constant at room temperature ___________________________

10. The linear plot of 1/[A]t vs. t for Run 7 has a curve-fit equation of: y = 44.627x + 13,831. What is
the rate constant for Run 7 using the Method of Integrated Rates?

11. Find the activation energy for this reaction.


One more way to process kinetics data is through analysis of half-life. In the Kinetics, Part 1 pre-lab
activity, you created tables of collected data for the reaction between crystal violet and hydroxide, then
determined the half-life by inspecting your collected data. The results from that part are presented below.
(You did so for the reaction between erioglaucine and hypochlorite in the actual lab.)

For the following questions, refer to “TABLE for RUN 1”

12. Based on the information in TABLE for RUN 1 which statement below is true?

a. The half-life decreases by a factor of two for every time interval.

b. The half-life remains constant for every time interval.
c. The half-life increases by a factor of two for every time interval.

13. What, therefore, is the reaction order with respect to crystal violet? _________________
(Refer to the information the background section of this experiment for information on how to answer
this question.)

Kinetics of the Reaction of Erioglaucine and Sodium Hypochlorite – Part 2 – Pre-Lab

14. Using the half-life of the first interval in the TABLE for RUN 1 and using the information in Table 2
of the Background section of this experiment, determine the value of kobs for this set of experimental
conditions: ______________ (We will refer to this value as kobs1 below.)

For the following question, refer to “TABLE for RUN 3”

15. Using the half-life of the first interval in the TABLE for RUN 3 and using the information in Table 2
of the Background section of this experiment, determine the value of kobs for this set of experimental
conditions: ______________ (We will refer to this value as kobs2.)

16. Determine the reaction order with respect to [OH-] by using the values of kobs1 and kobs2 you found in
question 14 and 15. Clearly show your reasoning/work. (Simple investigation or using the equation
listed as Equation (8) in the Background section of this lab manual entry).

17. Because of the flooding technique used, kobs = k[OH-]b. What is the value of k?


18. What is the rate law expression for this reaction?


19. The lab partners run the crystal violet and hydroxide experiment once more, this time after cooling
their reaction mixture down to 11.9 °C. They determine the rate constant at this temperature to be
0.095 M-1s-1. Using the value of k determined above (which was measured at a reaction temperature
of 22.2 °C), determine the activation energy of this reaction in kJ/mol.

Kinetics of the Reaction of Erioglaucine and Sodium Hypochlorite – Part 2 – Pre-Lab

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