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Functions and Departments of a Newspaper

Newspaper organization has various departments taking care of a variety of tasks. Each department
has a specified function with several staff taking care of each function. Various departments that are
a part of a newspaper organization include:

1. Editorial department
2. Advertising department
3. Circulation department
4. Printing department

Editorial Department of a Newspaper

 Responsible for gathering news, interpretation of news and short listing news features.

 The editors in this department include like the photo editor, the design editor, and the
layout editor, etc.

 The editor of the newspaper alone cannot handle the work and is therefore assisted by chief
correspondent, Resident editors, Managing Editors Dy. Editors, Asst. Editors, Sub Editors,
photographers, cartoonists, feature writers.

Advertising Department of a Newspaper

• The advertising department is the one which is critical because it gets in the revenue
necessary to sustain the newspaper. Very important department in the revenue generation
• It looks after collecting advertisements that are placed in every newspaper edition.
• The sector looks into classified ads, local, national, real estate ads, the law adds.

Circulation Department of a Newspaper

• It looks after the circulation or distribution of copies of the newspaper. Its Three main
responsibilities are -
• Selling the Paper.
• Delivering it to retailers.
• Collecting data from subscribers

Printing Department of a Newspaper

• Production aspects of the newspaper.

• Installation and maintenance of machines.
• Compiling the data into the newspaper format and then putting it on paper.
• Example- printing plate preparation, printing, cutting, folding, etc.
Who’s who in Reporting and Writing
Editor– The person who selects the content for the newspaper is usually referred to as the editor.

Chief Editor/ Editor-in-chief- It is the one who heads the newsroom. They also plan and direct day-
to-day operations.

Chief Sub Editors- look after the smooth functioning of the news desk. The news desk usually
operates in shifts. A chief editor heads each shift.

Beat-:- Journalists often specialize in a subject area, called a beat, such as sports, religion, lifestyle,
arts or science. Different beats are allocated like sports, fashion, crime, etc. and reporters cover the
story as per their assigned beats.

Chief Reporter– head of the reporters or reporting’s room.

Senior Reporter– Experienced reporter.

City Reporter- The city desk reporter, who is responsible for the paper’s local content, looks over the
story, makes additional changes if necessary, and sends it over to the news desk.

Correspondents- The section of national and international news, generally the first part of the
paper, is compiled from correspondents who send in their stories electronically, usually via intern or
online, to the editorial desk.

Columnists are journalists who write regular articles recounting their personal opinions and
experience it can politics, stories of general nature, etc.

Feature writers:- Reporters writing longer, less news-oriented articles may be called feature writers.

Editorial content:- The portion of the newspaper that is not advertising is called editorial content,
editorial matter, or simply editorial, although the last term is also used to refer specifically to those
articles in which the newspaper and its guest writers express their opinions.

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