Candidates are advised in their own interest to submit Online Application much
before the closing date to avoid possibility of any failure to submit application due
to heavy load/jam on website.
In case the candidate does not have a VALID personal e-mail ID he/she should
create his/her e-mail ID before applying online application and must maintain that e-
mail ID till the end of recruitment process.
1. Applications are invited ONLINE from eligible candidates for filling up of Two (02) posts
in Level - 2 of VII CPC Pay Matrix (Rs.19900 - 63200) against Cultural Quota in the
following disciplines for the year 2024-2025 over Western Railway:-
2 Guitarist or Saxophone 01 VI LD HI
Player B, LV BL, OL, LC, DW, AAV NO
* Since, Dancer requires the use of all fully functional senses and limbs, therefore this post
is only suitable for NON PwBD.
Abbreviations: VI- visually impaired, B- Blind, LV- Low Vision, LD- Locomotor Disability, OL-
One leg, BL-Both Legs, LC- Leprosy Cured, DW- Dwarf, AAV- Acid Attack Victim, HI –
Hearing Impaired.
(ii) Matriculation plus Course Completed Act Apprenticeship approved by
NCVT /SCVT for technical categories.
(iii) Matriculation plus ITI approved by NCVT / SCVT for technical categories.
a) The candidates having no professional qualification as per 2.2 above
need not apply.
b) Before applying, for the above post candidates should satisfy themselves that
they have the requisite qualifications from recognized Board / University /
Institute as on the date of closure for online submission of the application
against this notification. Those awaiting results of the final examination for
the prescribed qualification are not eligible and hence should not apply.
c) Notified posts are open to all candidates and candidates belonging to SC / ST
/ OBC / PWD / Ex. Service Man categories who apply against this notification
will be extended relaxation as admissible in a general open market recruitment.
However, in case of being selected with any relaxation on account of being a
candidate from the above categories, he/she will be taken against reserved
roster point. In case the relevant Caste certificates uploaded are not found to
be valid, such candidates fulfilling norms of General category will be treated
as UR.
d) Only the candidates qualified in the Written Test as per merit shall be called
for Practical Demonstration.
e) Merely registering / filling up online application on RRC-WR website does not
entitle the candidate to be eligible for Written Test.
f) Candidates are advised to keep their personal mobile number and
personal valid e-mail active throughout the recruitment process, as all
communications from RRC-WR will be only through Website/SMS/email.
RRC-WR will not entertain any request for change of mobile number and e-
mail address at any stage. Dates for various stages of recruitment process
shall be intimated through RRC-WR website only and candidates are
advised to visit RRC WR website https://www.rrc-wr.com regularly for
further updates as there can be failure in delivery of SMS/E-mail to the
candidates due to reasons beyond the control of RRC
g) Candidature of the applicants provisional at all stages of selection process
subject to fulfilling the eligibility conditions.
Ex-Servicemen candidates who have put in Upto the extent of service rendered
3 more than 6 months service after in Defence plus 3 years
Creamy Layer
4 Persons With Disabilities (40% & above)
10 Years 13 Years 15 Years
4.2 Date of birth of candidates should be between the dates given below (Both
dates inclusive):
Lower limit
Upper limit of Date of Birth (Not earlier of Date of
than) Birth (Not
Age Group later than)
5.2 After ensuring the correctness of the particulars in the application form,
candidates are required to pay fees through the payment gateway on RRC-WR
website which has been integrated with the online application. Online fee
payment through Net Banking, debit / credit card, UPI will be available up
to 02/01/2025 till 18.00 hrs. No change/edit will be allowed thereafter.
5.3 The payment can be made by using Debit card / Credit card / Net Banking,UPI
etc by providing information as per the instructions on the computer screen.
Transaction charges levied by the Bank for online payment, if any, will be
borne by the candidates.
5.4 On successful completion of the transaction e-receipt with the date entered
by the candidate will be generated which should be saved/printed and
retained by the candidate. The same should be produced on demand at the
time of Document Verification.
5.5 In case after completing the Registration process, the online transaction
is not successfully completed, please make the online payment again.
Duplication, in payment, If any will be refunded on verifying the same.
5.6 Candidates should provide the correct details of beneficiary Bank
Account in which they would like to receive the refund viz. beneficiary
name, Bank name, Account number and IFSC Code while filling up the
application form to facilitate refund of fees to the eligible candidates as
per Para 5 (i) & ii) above after deducting bank charges.
5.7 Fee in respect of candidates who are found ineligible shall not be refunded.
5.8 Refunds as per para 5 above will be made after deducting bank charges only
to those candidates who are found eligible as per notification and actually
appear in the Written Test.
For the above recruitment, the Questions will be objective type with multiple
choices and are likely to include:-
a) Mathematics:
Number system, Decimals, Fractions, LCM,HCF, Ratio and Proportions,
Percentage, Mensuration, Time and work, Time and distance, Simple and
Compound interest, Profit and Loss, Elementary Algebra, Geometry and
Trigonometry, Elementary Statistics etc.
c) General Awareness:
Current Events of national and International Importance, Games and
Sports, Art and Culture of India, Indian Literature, Monuments and Places
of India, General Science and Life Science (up to 10th CBSE), History of
India and Freedom struggle, Physical, Social and Economic Geography
of India and World, Indian Polity and Governance – constitution and
political system, General Scientific and Technological Developments
including space and Nuclear Program of India, UN and other Important
World Organisations, Environmental Issues Concerning India and World
at Large, Basics of Computers and Computer Applications, Common
Abbreviations, Transport Systems in India, Indian Economy, Famous
Personalities of India and World, Flagship Government Programs, Flora
and Fauna of India, Important Government and Public Sector
Organisations of India etc.
d) General Knowledge on Cultural Activities / Cultural Area:
Knowledge of various Raagas Knowledge of Harmonium, Knowledge of
Tabla Tal, Knowledge of various Musical Instruments, Knowledge of various
dance forms.
Candidates should be in possession of Aadhaar Card. At the time of registration,
candidates have to fill 12 digits Aadhaar Card number. The candidates not having
Aadhaar number and have enrolled for Aadhaar but have not received Aadhaar
Card can enter 28 digits Aadhaar Enrolment ID printed on the Aadhaar Enrolment
This provision is applicable to the candidates of all states and Union Territories
except the state of Jammu and Kashmir, Meghalaya and Assam. Applicants from
these state scan enter in the online application form, their voter ID number, valid
passport number, driving license number or any other valid Government identity
card at the time of online application. Candidates have to produce original
Aadhaar card or document mentioned above, at the time of Document
7.2 The recruitment will be based on the Written Test / CBT followed by a Practical
Demonstration and Document Verification. Candidates recommended for
appointment will have to undergo medical examination and should be found
fit and should have requisite Medical Fitness as per the Medical
Classification prescribed for the selected post.
7.3 The eligible candidates will be called for Written Test / CBT. The qualified
candidates as per merit position in Written Test will be called for Practical
Demonstration. The candidates, who are found eligible in all respects, will be
considered on the following basis.
7.11 Candidates are also advised not to bring any valuable/costly items to the
examination halls as safe-keeping of these items cannot be assured.
Administration will not be responsible for any loss in this regard.
7.12 Mobile phones, Pagers, Laptops, Calculators, Bluetooth devices or any other
communication devices are not allowed inside the premises where the
examination is being conducted. Any infringement of these instructions shall entail
disciplinary /judicial action including barring such candidates from appearing for
future examinations.
e. OBC candidates who have uploaded their existing OBC caste certificate in
Central Government format (as per Annexure-‘B’) issued by the
Competent Authority and also have uploaded the Self-declaration form
regarding current status of Non-Creamy-Layer as per Annexure-‘C’ should
invariably produce the Latest OBC certificate with non-creamy layer
certificate valid for the current year 2024-2025 in Central Government
format (as per Annexure-‘B’) at the time of Practical Demonstration and
Document Verification, failing which he/she may be disqualified.
(c) The photograph must match with the appearance of the candidate on
the days of Written Test and document verification and Medical test.
(d) In case the candidate wears glasses, then the photograph should not
have any glare/reflections on glasses and eyes should be clearly
(e) Candidates may note that RRC-WR may, at any stage, reject the
applications for uploading old/unclear photograph or for any significant
variations between photograph uploaded in the Application Form and
the actual physical appearance of the candidate.
Applications with the following short comings will be rejected:-
(i) Applications without scanned signature.
(ii) Application without scanned photograph.
(iii) Application with scanned photo but wearing Goggles or with cap or with wig or
coloured glasses or disfigured /small size or unrecognizable.
(iv) Not possessing the prescribed Academic and Cultural Qualification for the post
on the date of submission of application.
(v) Application without valid Community certificate in the proper Pro-forma from the
appropriate authority.
(vi) Relevant certificates as proof for claiming age relaxation or fee relaxation if any
wherever claimed
(vii) Applications without proof of age.
(viii) Applications of over-aged or under-aged candidates and also where date of
birth certificates uploaded are illegible, date not filled in or wrongly filled.
(ix) Incorrect / Incomplete applications in any form, is liable to be rejected.
(x) Multiple Applications with minor changes of information and / or facts or varied
details for same post.
(xi) Applications without examination fee of Rs.500/- or Rs.250/-,wherever
applicable or less fee
(xii) Any other form of irregularities as observed and considered as invalid by RRC-
(xiii) Copies of certificates not self attested as mentioned in paras 8.1 to 8.6.
10 General Instructions:-
10.1 On completion of Registration during submission of ONLINE application, a
Registration ID will be issued to each applicant. Candidates are advised to
preserve/note their Registration ID for further stages of recruitment process /
correspondence with RRC-WR.
10.2 Candidate need not send any application printouts or certificates or copies to
RRC-WR by post. The candidature of the candidates will be considered only on
the strength of the information furnished in the ONLINE application, which is
subject to verification at a later date. Any deviation what so ever found in the
particulars filled in the online application with the documents uploaded or
originals produced will result in disqualification of candidate at any stage of
10.3 The onus is on the candidates to prove with valid documents that all the
information submitted by them in the ONLINE application is true.
10.4 Emoluments on initial appointment will be minimum pay of the level of pay, plus
other allowances as admissible at that time.
10.5 RRC-WR conducts verification of eligibility conditions with reference to original
documents only after the candidates have qualified in Written Test and are
shortlisted for Practical Demonstration / Document Verification. RRC-WR may
reject the candidature of any applicant at any stage of recruitment process in
case the candidate is found to be not fulfilling the requisite criteria and if
appointed, such a candidate shall be removed from service summarily.
10.6 Candidates attempting to apply with minor changes of information and / or facts
to submit multiple applications against this will be summarily rejected and such
candidates will be debarred from all future examinations of RRB / Railway
Recruitment Cell (RRC).
10.7 Candidates who have been debarred by any RRB / RRC either for life or for
a specified period which is not completed should NOT apply for this
notification. Their candidature will be rejected during any stage of recruitment
as and when detected.
10.8 Signatures of the candidates on all documents should be identical, either in
English or Hindi, and must be in running hand writing and not in block / capital
or disjointed letters. Any variation in the signatures or signature in different style
or language at the time of Written Test, Practical Demonstration and DV etc.
may result in cancellation of candidature.
10.9 The Railway Administration also reserves the right to cancel the notified
vacancies at its discretion and such decision will be final and binding on all. In
the event of cancellation of notified vacancies the examination fee paid by the
candidates will not be refunded except for candidates who have attended the
Written Test and candidates who belong to exempted categories. Refer para 5
for fee exempted categories.
10.10 Selection by RRC-WR does not confer upon candidates any right of
appointment in the Railways. The function of the RRC-WR is to recommend
names of suitable candidates to the concerned authorities of the Head Quarter
Office, Western Railway. The Offer of Appointment letter will be issued by the
concerned Authority where the candidate is posted subject to availability of
vacancies and satisfying all eligibility criteria including Medical Fitness,
antecedents and character.
10.11 Selected candidates will have to undergo training wherever prescribed and
during the training period only stipend will be paid as applicable.
10.12 Selected candidates have to execute surety and / or Indemnity Bond wherever
10.13 Selected male candidates who are finally appointed are liable for active service
in Territorial Army.
10.14 Free Sleeper Class Railway Pass admissible to SC / ST candidates will be part
of e-call letter when they are called for various stages of selection viz. Written
Test / Practical Demonstration / DV (as applicable) as per the details of valid
caste certificate furnished in ONLINE application. At the time of obtaining
reservation and travelling, the Reservation Clerk and/or Ticket Checking Staff
will ask for the original SC / ST community certificate for verification of
genuineness of the candidate. Any attempt to misuse this travelling authority
shall lead to rejection of candidature at any stage of the selection process
including debarment for future examinations.
10.15 Candidate should be in readiness to appear for the Written Test / Practical
Demonstration / DV at short notice.
10.16 Serving Defence Personnel likely to be released within one year of the closing
date i.e.01/01/2026 can also apply.
10.17 The selection of the candidate by the Railway Administration does not confer
any prescriptive right on the candidate for the post.
10.18 The Railway Administration reserves rights to rectify inadvertent error or
omission at any stage of recruitment and an erroneously appointed candidate
shall be liable to be summarily removed from Railway Service. RRC-WR will not
be responsible for any inadvertent errors.
10.19 RRC-WR reserves the rights to conduct additional examination, Practical
Demonstration and Document Verification at any stage. RRC-WR also reserves
the right to cancel part or whole of any recruitment process at any stage for any
of the post notified in this Employment Notice.
10.20 In the event of any dispute about interpretation, the English version will be
treated as final.
10.21 In the event of any mis-statement / discrepancy in the particulars / incomplete
or invalid application or candidates has suppressed any relevant information or
the candidates otherwise does not satisfy the eligibility criteria for the post
being detected at any stage, his / her application / candidature will be cancelled
or services will be terminated without any notice.
10.22 Misbehavior or misconduct will lead to summarily rejection and cancellation of
candidature and no correspondence will be entertained in this matter.
10.23 Ordinarily, a Railway servant shall be employed throughout his service on the
Railway or Railway establishment to which he / she is posted on first
appointment and shall have no claim as of right for transfer to another Railway
or another establishment. In the exigencies of service, however, it shall be open
to the Competent Authority to transfer the Railway servant to any other
department or division/unit or Railway or Railway establishment including a
project in or out of India
10.24 RAILWAY'S DECISION FINAL: The decision of the Railway Administration in
all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of the applications,
issue of free rail passes, penalty for false information, allotment of posts /
places to selected candidates and all other matters related with conduct of
recruitment process will be final and binding on the candidates and no enquiry
or correspondence will be entertained in this connection. Railway
Administration reserves the right to fix any date and venue for Written Test,
Practical Demonstration and Document Verification, etc. change in venue or
postponement of Written Test, Practical Demonstration and Document
Verification, etc., for its convenience, which can also be cancelled.
10.25 Travel Expenses: Only SC / ST candidates will be issued with llnd-Class Free
Pass for their journey from their nearest Railway Station to the nearest Railway
Station of Written Test venue. Others will have to make their own arrangements.
No reimbursement of travel expenses will be made on any account. No TA / DA
/ Accommodation will be given for appearing in the selection procedure.
10.26 Canvassing in any form shall disqualify the candidature.
10.27 The Railway Administration is not responsible for any delay in delivery of e-
mail or SMS. Candidates should also check their spam e-mail folder.
10.28 The notification along with all Annexure will also be available on the RRC-WR
website along with detailed instructions on ‘How to apply’.
10.29 Candidates are advised to visit the website of RRC – WR regularly for any
change(s) and keep a track for updation of information / schedule of
examination etc.
Any candidate found using unfair means of any kind in the examination, sending
someone else in his / her place to appear in the examination and attempt to
impersonate will be disqualified and debarred from appearing in all the examinations of
all the RRBs / RRCs for lifetime. He / she will also be debarred from getting any
appointment in the Railways and if already appointed, will be removed from service.
Such candidates are also liable for legal prosecution.
Candidates found submitting forged / fake certificates / documents of any kind for
securing eligibility and/or obtaining privileges, including free travel for appearing in the
examination shall lead to rejection of their candidature for the particular recruitment for
which he / she has applied. Further, he / she will also be debarred from all
examinations conducted by all RRBs / RRCs all over the country for a period of 2 years
/ for life as deemed fit and legal action will be initiated, if warranted.
Candidate shall not bring in or attempt to bring in any political or other influence to
further his / her interest in respect of the recruitment. Candidatures of such candidates
are liable to be rejected.
Candidates will be selected purely as per merit. Railway Recruitment Cell, Western
Railway has not appointed any Agents or Coaching Centers for action on its behalf.
Candidates are warned not to fall under the lure against any such claims being made by
Persons / Agencies.
The ONLINE application process is a serious matter for recruitment in public
service. The applicants are expected to take it in all seriousness. Any attempt by
the applicants to manipulate the process by furnishing false information or
mischief by uploading obscene/objectionable photograph or matter shall be dealt
severely and they shall be liable for criminal action, besides other administrative
Beware of Touts and job racketeers trying to deceive you by false promises of
securing job in Railways either through influence or by use of unfair or unethical
means. Giving and taking Bribe is an offence. Please beware of unscrupulous
elements and do not fall in their trap.
Candidates are advised to consult only the official website of RRC–WR
:https://www.rrc-wr.com and beware of FAKE websites put up by unscrupulous
Chairman (RRC)
Western Railway
Enclosures : Annexure‘A’,‘B’,‘C’,’D’‘E’F’&G
Annexure – ‘A’
The format of the certificate to be produced by Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes candidates
applying for appointment to posts under the Government of India.
1. This is to certify that Shri/Smt/Kum* …..........................................................................….................…….
Son/Daughter* of Shri /Smt..................................................................................................................................... of village /town*
..............................……......……… District/Division* …...……………………........................ of state/Union Territory*
…......................………… belongs to the ….................…… Caste/Tribe * which is recognized as Scheduled
Caste/Schedule Tribe* under:
The Constitution (Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes) order, 1950
The Constitution (Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes) (Union Territories) order, 1951 [ as amended by the Schedule
Castes and Scheduled Tribes Lists (Modification) Order, 1956, the Bombay Reorganization Act 1960, the Punjab
Reorganization Act, 1966, the State of Himachal Pradesh Act, 1970, the North Eastern Area (Reorganization) Act, 1971
and the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Order ( Amendment) Act, 1976 ].
The Constitution (Jammu & Kashmir) Scheduled Castes order, 1956.
The Constitution (Andaman and Nicobar Islands) Scheduled Tribes order, 1959 @ as amended by the Scheduled
Castes and Scheduled Tribes Order (Amendment) Act, 1976.
The Constitution (Dadra and Nagar Haveli) Scheduled Caste order, 1962
The Constitution (Dadra and Nagar Haveli) Scheduled Tribes order, 1962@
The Constitution (Pondicherry) Scheduled Caste order, 1964@
The Constitution Scheduled Tribes (Uttar Pradesh) order, 1967@
The Constitution (Goa, Daman and Diu) Scheduled Caste order, 1968@
The Constitution (Goa, Daman and Diu) Scheduled Tribes order, 1968@
The Constitution (Nagaland) Scheduled Tribes order, 1970@
The Constitution (Sikkim) Scheduled Castes order, 1978@
The Constitution (Sikkim) Scheduled Tribes order, 1978@
The Constitution (Jammu & Kashmir) Scheduled Tribes order, 1989@ The
Constitution (SC) orders (Amendment) Act, 1990@
The Constitution (ST) orders (Amendment) Act, 1991@ The
Constitution (ST) orders (Second Amendment) Act, 1991@
The Constitution (ST) orders (Amendment) Ordinance 1996
2. Application in the case of Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe Persons who have migrated from one
State/Union Territory Administration
This certificate is issued on the basis of Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe certificate issued to Shri/Smt/*
…....................................................…… Father/Mother of Shri / Smt. / Kum* ......................................................................
of village /town* ..............................…………… District / Division* .......................................................................... of state / Union
Territory* …...............………… who belongs to the ............................................. Caste/Tribe* which is recognized as a Scheduled
Caste/Scheduled Tribe in State/Union Territory* issued by the ……………………. Dated …………...............…
3. Shri / Smt / Kum* ........................................................... and/ or his/her * family, ordinarily reside(s) in village/town*
…………………… of …………………………. District/ Division* of the State/Union Territory* of
Signature …………………………….
Designation …………………………
(With seal of office)
Place ……………………
Date ……………………
* The authority issuing the certificate may have to mention the details of Resolution of
Government of India, in which the caste of the candidate as OBC.
* As amended from time to time
Note: The term "Ordinarily" used here will have the same meaning as in Section 20 of the
Representation of the People Act, 1950.
Annexure ‘C’
Place: _____________
Date: ______________
Place: _
Certificate of Disability
(In cases of amputation or complete permanent paralysis of limbs or dwarfism and in case
of blindness)
[See rule 18(1)]
(Name and Address of the Medical Authority issuing the Certificate)
Recent passport
size attested
(B) In the light of the above, his/her over all permanent physical impairment as per
guidelines ( ............... number and date of issue of the guidelines to be specified), is as follows-
In figures ---------------------------------- percent
In words: - percent
2. This condition is progressive/non-progressive/likely to improve/not likely to improve.
3. Reassessment of disability is :
(i) not necessary, or
(ii) is recommended/after ............... years.............................. months, and therefore
this certificate shall be valid till ----- ----- ------
(DD)(MM) (YY)
Name and Seal of Member Name and Seal of Member Name and Seal of the
impression of the person in
whose favour certificate of
disability is issued.
Form – VII
Certificate of Disability
(In cases other than those mentioned in Forms V and VI)
(Name and Address of the Medical Authority issuing the Certificate)
(See rule 18(1))
{Countersignature and seal of theChief Medical Officer/Medical Superintendent/ Head of
Government Hospital, in case the Certificate is issued by a medical authority who is not a
Servant (with seal)}
Note.- In case this certificate is issued by a medical authority who is not a Government
servant, it shall be valid only if countersigned by the Chief Medical Officer of the District
1. Name of candidate :
3. Age :
4. Residential Address :
Date of issue:
Government of