Vol 44 (1) - Singh Et Al 55
Vol 44 (1) - Singh Et Al 55
Vol 44 (1) - Singh Et Al 55
and inorganic fertiliser management and other cowpea hay was fed at 15.00–15.30 h. The lambs
agronomic practices in Kharif and Rabi seasons were maintained on these diets from October 10,
in one hectare fields with organic and inorganic 2006 to April 30, 2007 (202 days). Water was
backgrounds for the preceding 5–6 years of crop offered twice daily at 11.30 h and 16.00 h.
production. Available N, P and K were 195 kg, After 60 days of feeding, a digestibility trial
12.0 kg and 225 kg per hectare in these fields. of 7 days was conducted. Lambs were housed in
Organic carbon, pH and EC of the soil were 0.64 metabolism cages with provision for collecting
%, 7.50 and 0.04 dS/m, respectively. Farmyard faeces and urine separately and a 2-day adap-
manure (N 0.41, P 0.3 and K 0.43%) was applied tation period was allowed. Faeces and urine of
to organically grown cowpea and barley grain individual animals were then collected daily and
crops to meet their N, P and K requirements (20, pooled in iron trays and plastic canes, respec-
60 and 40; and 80, 40 and 40 kg, respectively) tively. Representative samples of faeces for DM
at the time of field preparation. For inorgani- (1/10 aliquot) and N (1/50 aliquot preserved in
cally grown crops, urea, diammonium phosphate 20% H2SO4) estimation were collected from
and muriate of potash were applied at the time individual animals during the trial. Samples of
of sowing and a half dose of N 40 days later to feed offered (cowpea hay and barley grain) and
the barley crop to meet their N, P and K require- refusals were also collected daily and representa-
ments. The cowpea was harvested at full bloom tive samples were kept for DM estimation. Dried
to pod initiation stage, chaffed and conserved as samples of faeces, feed offered and refusals were
hay, while the barley grain was harvested when ground through a 2 mm sieve using an electri-
mature. Crude protein and organic matter concen- cally operated grinding mill. Ground samples
trations were comparable in organically and inor- were stored in plastic containers and used for fur-
ganically grown cowpea hay and barley grains ther chemical and biochemical estimations. After
(Table 1). NDF, ADF and cellulose concentra- the metabolism trial, eating patterns of lambs fed
tions were 2 to 3.5 units higher in inorganically the mixed diets were recorded for 3 consecu-
produced cowpea hay. tive days by measuring the amounts of feed con-
sumed during different periods (1, 1–3, 3–5, 5–7
and 7–17 h) of feeding. Lambs were weighed
Animals, feeding and digestion/metabolism trial monthly on 2 consecutive days using electronic
platform scales. Growth rate during the study
Twelve male lambs (Local x Corridale) were ran- period was calculated.
domly distributed into 2 groups of 6 animals with
mean body weight of 13.12 ± 0.795 and 13.12
± 0.748 kg, respectively, and were housed indi- Rumen liquor and blood collection
vidually and offered inorganically and organ-
ically grown cowpea hay ad lib and crushed At the termination of the experimental feeding,
barley grain in 62.8: 37.2 and 62.4: 37.6 propor- rumen liquor was sampled from individual ani-
tions, respectively, supplemented with common mals using stomach tubes before feeding (0 h)
salt to meet their nutritional requirements (Ran- and 4 h post feeding. About 100 ml of a repre-
jhan 1998) at 09.00–10.00 h daily and additional sentative sample was drawn from each lamb from
Table 1. Chemical composition of cowpea hay and barley grain produced organically and inorganically.
all parts of the rumen. Rumen pH was measured Total volatile fatty acids (TVFA), total N
immediately after collection using a digital pH and ammonia N of rumen liquor were deter-
meter (Systronic pH system 361). Rumen liquor mined following the methods of Briggs et al.
samples were strained through a double layer of (1957), McKenzie and Wallace (1954) and
muslin cloth. About 80 ml of rumen liquor was Conway (1957), respectively. Blood samples
preserved with a few drops of saturated mer- (plasma) were analysed for glucose (Folin and
curic chloride and frozen in labelled polypro- Wu method), protein (MacIntosh and Styke
pylene bottles for estimation of metabolites. The 1927) and urea N concentrations (Rahmatullah
remainder of the rumen liquor was preserved and Boyde 1980) as described by Sastry et al.
with 10% formalin in polypropylene bottles for (1999). The method described by Moir (1951)
microscopic counts. was followed for counting the total protozoa in
Blood samples were collected from the jug- formalised rumen liquor, while holotrichs and
entodiniomorphs were identified by the method
ular veins in air-tight vacutoner tubes using dehy-
of Ogimoto and Imai (1981). The data were
drated EDTA from individual lambs prior to
analysed statistically (SPPS 13.0) in one-way
feeding and frozen for blood biochemical anal-
ANOVA using the General Linear Model as per
Snedecor and Cochran (1968).
Table 2. Nutrient intake and digestibility in lambs fed organically and inorganically produced cowpea hay-barley grain diets.
DM (g/d) 612 637 32.6 NS
DM (g/kg W0.75) 79.1 76. 5 2.77 NS
CP (g/d) 73.2 70.9 NS
CP (g/kg W0.75) 9.47 8.80 0.237 NS
DCP (g/d) 48.4 48.4
DCP (g/kg W0.75) 6.27 6.05 0.109 NS
ME (kcal/d) 1454 1411 69.9 NS
ME (kcal/kg W0.75) 187.7 174.7 5.24 NS
Digestibility (%)
DM 61.2 63.6 1.04 NS
OM 65.1 67.4 1.01 NS
CP 66.3 69.1 1.40 NS
NDF 52.9 55.5 1.44 NS
ADF 50.9 52.9 1.37 NS
Cellulose 60.2 59.9 0.96 NS
Hemicellulose 54.2 54.7 0.71 NS
1DM = dry matter, DCP = digestible crude protein, ME = metabolisable energy, OM = organic matter, CP = crude protein, NDF =
neutral detergent fibre, ADF = acid detergent fibre.
58 Sultan Singh, S.K. Nag, S.S. Kundu and S.B. Maity
both groups. Urinary N loss was significantly conversion ratio (FCR), crude protein conversion
(P<0.05) higher in lambs fed an inorganic (2.04 ratio (CPCR) and metabolisable energy conver-
g/d) than in those on an organic diet (1.34 g/d; sion ratio (MECR) were identical in lambs fed
Table 3). This resulted in higher N retention for the organic and inorganic diets.
lambs on the organic diet than for those on the Rumen pH was significantly (P<0.05) lower in
inorganic diet (6.38 vs 5.68 g/d), but again the lambs on the organic diet than on the inorganic
difference was not significant. Nutritive values
diet at both 0 and 4 h post feeding (Table 5).
(DCP %, DE and ME Mcal/kg DM) were com-
TVFA level in rumen liquor of the organic lambs
parable (P>0.05) in both organic and inorganic
diets. was also higher (P<0.05) at 4 h post feeding than
Total weight gains of lambs during the study in the inorganic group (128.4 vs 92.9 meq/l) as
were similar for both groups (14.1 vs 13.9 kg; was total-N concentration (99.4 vs 90.8 mg/100
Table 4). While wool growth of the organic group ml). The concentrations of blood metabolites,
exceeded that of the inorganic group (968 vs 926 namely plasma urea, plasma protein and blood
g), the difference was not significant. The food glucose, were not affected by the type of diet.
Table 3. Nitrogen utilisation and nutritive value in lambs fed organically and inorganically produced cowpea hay-barley grain diets.
N balance
N intake (g/d) 11.70 11.34 0.517 NS
Faecal N (g/d) 3.97 3.60 0.306 NS
N absorbed (g/d) 7.73 7.73 0.256 NS
Urinary N (g/d) 2.04 1.34 0.179 *
N retained (g/d) 5.68 6.38 0.282 NS
N retention (% intake) 48.54 56.26 1.326 NS
Nutritive value1
DCP (%) 7.97 8.56 0.266 NS
DE (Mcal/kg DM) 2.89 2.99 0.708 NS
ME (Mcal/kg DM) 2.37 2.45 0.036 NS
1DCP = digestible crude protein, DE = digestible energy, ME = metabolisable energy.
g 400 Inorganic
1 3 5 7 24
Feeding hours
Figure 1. Cumulative daily feed consumption of lambs fed organically and inorganically produced cowpea hay-barley grain diets.
Lamb performance on organic and inorganic diets 59
Table 4. Growth and wool production of lambs fed organically and inorganically produced cowpea hay-barley grain diets.
Table 5. Rumen fermentation and microbial activity in lambs fed organically and inorganically produced cowpea hay-barley grain
Rumen metabolites
pH 0h 7.16 7.07 0.022 *2
4h 6.83 6.46 0.077 *
TVFA (meq/L) 0h 68.26 73.48 1.862 NS
4h 92.92 128.42 9.592 *
Total-N (mg/100 ml) 0h 73.17 79.63 2.359 NS
4h 90.77 99.37 2.114 *
NH3-N (mg/100 ml) 0h 21.29 14.73 1.436 NS
4h 32.48 37.33 2.186 NS
Blood parameters
Plasma urea (mg/dl) 13.83 14.15 1.081 NS
Plasma protein (mg/dl) 10.27 9.84 0.391 NS
Glucose (mg/dl) 56.20 54.54 1.126 NS
1TVFA = total volatile fatty acids; total-N = total nitrogen; NH3-N = ammonia nitrogen.
2Means within rows with an asterisk differ significantly at P<0.05.
Table 6. Microbial counts in rumen liquor of lambs fed organically and inorganically produced diets
ports the findings of Bystrom et al. (2002) and chemical composition and livestock feeding was
Singh et al. (2008), who observed no significant assessed by MacCarrison (1926). He recorded
difference (P>0.05) in feed intake of lactating 10–15% more vitamin A in wheat and millet
cattle fed organically and inorganically produced treated with manure than with chemical fertiliser
diets. Similarly, Singh et al. (2009) had failed to along with better animal growth, but it was dif-
observe differences in eating pattern and meal ficult to ascertain the reliability of these results
consumption with organic and inorganic diets in owing to lack of statistics and unclear method-
Tharparkar heifers. ology. The similar FCR, CPCR and MECR in
While there were suggestions from the data lambs fed the two diets are in agreement with
that the organic diet might have been digested the findings of earlier workers (Basra et al. 2003;
better than the inorganic one, differences were Mahmoudzadeh et al. 2007).
not significant. The lower rumen pH readings at Blood constituents serve as monitors of change
4 hours post feeding in the organic lambs were in intake and metabolism of energy (Kunz et al.
supported by the higher total volatile fatty acid 1985; Reist et al. 2002) and protein (Clement et
levels and total-N at this time. Since total bac- al. 1991). The concentrations of various blood
teria and total protozoa counts were superior in metabolites were identical in lambs on both diets
organic lambs, these indicators of higher or more and were within the normal range (Mahanta et al.
rapid breakdown of the organic diet were not 1999; Singh et al. 2006; Raghuvansi et al. 2007),
surprising. This pattern of lower pH and higher reflecting the similar energy and nutrient intakes
TVFA concentration in the organic group is in in both organic and inorganic lambs. Similarly,
agreement with earlier observations (Raghuvansi Roesch et al. (2005) observed no difference in
et al. 2007). Despite greater urinary nitrogen blood metabolites, except blood urea and IGF-I
excretion in the inorganic lambs, they were concentration, of dairy cows maintained on farms
still able to produce liveweight gains and wool with organic production and conventional/inte-
growth equivalent to those of the organic lambs. grated production.
The higher N retention and lower urinary loss in
Tharparkar cattle fed an organic diet reported ear- Conclusions
lier (Singh et al. 2009) are consistent with our
present findings. The nutritive values (DCP, DE
This study has shown that an organically grown
and ME concentrations) of organic and inorganic cowpea hay-barley grain diet will produce similar
diets were comparable in both groups of lambs, performance in lambs as an inorganically grown
which supports the results of Singh et al. (2006) diet. While some differences between the diets
with growing lambs. in terms of rumen microflora and nitrogen reten-
Similarly, Arnon et al. (1947) failed to show tion were detected, this had no significant effect
significant differences in growth rates of guinea on the production parameters of liveweight gain
pigs fed grass from plots with histories of organic and wool growth. This suggests that farmers can
or inorganic manuring, and Singh et al. (2009) select their fertiliser strategies on the basis of cost
observed no effect of fertiliser type (organic vs and environmental issues with little concern for
inorganic) on growth rate in Tharparkar heifers. potential benefits of organic fertilisers for animal
While Balfour (1975) suggested that organically performance.
grown feed may have some benefit for animal
health and performance (more milk production in
cows fed organic diet), Greaves and Scott (1959) Acknowledgements
and Miller and Dema (1958) showed no benefits
on animal health and production from consump- Authors are thankful to the Institute Director for
tion of organically grown feed. However, Roesch providing animals and laboratory facilities to
et al. (2005) observed lower body weight of carry out this study under the Institute’s Project
organic production cows than integrated produc- ‘Evaluation of organic and inorganically pro-
tion cows, though the reductions in body weight duced feeds/fodder in ruminants’. We thank the
during dry and lactation periods were similar Crop Production Division for providing technical
between systems. In one study, the effect of ferti- help and guidelines to produce the cowpea and
liser (control vs manure vs chemical fertiliser) on barley grain based on organic and inorganic ferti-
nutritional value of wheat and millet in terms of liser management practices.
Lamb performance on organic and inorganic diets 61
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