GK Languagecert Book
GK Languagecert Book
GK Languagecert Book
Table of Contents
PART # 1 .......................................................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION AND ...................................................................................................... 1
GENERAL QUESTIONS ................................................................................................... 1
What do you think about manners? ............................................................................... 2
Which kind of season do you have in your Area? .......................................................... 2
How social sites play role in your life?............................................................................ 2
Favorite Subject in school? ............................................................................................ 2
What do you do in your free time? ................................................................................. 2
What do you judge in a person in a first meeting? ......................................................... 3
Do you prefer to use your own car or private transport? ................................................ 3
Most famous Occupation in your country? ..................................................................... 3
What do you want to live with a small family or big? ...................................................... 3
What kinds of clothes do you dislike wearing? ............................................................... 3
Would you prefer high salary or good job? ..................................................................... 3
Learning two native languages from Childhood? ........................................................... 3
Do you prefer living in a busy area or quiet area? .......................................................... 4
What do you judge in a person in a first meeting? ......................................................... 4
Do you prefer to use your own car or private transport? ................................................ 4
What is your ideal home or in what type of home you want to live in? ............................ 4
Are you and your neighbors’ close friends? ................................................................... 4
What for you are the characteristics of a true friend? ..................................................... 4
Tell me about a time when you helped a friend? ............................................................ 5
What advice would you give to someone who wants to make new friends? ................... 5
Which places in the countryside would you recommend to a visitor to your area? ......... 5
Area where you live ....................................................................................................... 5
Describe the area where you live. .................................................................................. 5
What do you like or dislike about your area? ................................................................. 5
What problems does your area have? ........................................................................... 5
What is the most beautiful place you have ever been to? .............................................. 6
Money management ...................................................................................................... 6
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-53321
WEEKEND .................................................................................................................. 83
READING .................................................................................................................... 85
NEWSPAPER .............................................................................................................. 85
MEMORISING ............................................................................................................. 87
FRIEND ....................................................................................................................... 88
TRAVELLING .............................................................................................................. 88
TRANSPORTATION .................................................................................................... 89
Swimming .................................................................................................................... 90
PHOTOGRAPHY ......................................................................................................... 90
Countryside ................................................................................................................. 91
Some recent news which has Interested you ............................................................... 92
What people should do to improve their language skills............................................... 92
The importance of formal qualifications........................................................................ 93
A Time when your family helped you ........................................................................... 93
At times when you help in an event or organization. .................................................... 93
A Movie you remember ................................................................................................ 94
Why school should include school trips in the curriculum ............................................. 94
A meal you can cook ................................................................................................... 94
How to keep calm and avoid stress ............................................................................. 94
Do you find it convenient to watch a movie in the cinema or at home? ........................ 95
Recycling ..................................................................................................................... 95
Solution of problem of too much Traffic........................................................................ 95
Good way to volunteer your time ................................................................................. 96
Beauty Problems/Issues .............................................................................................. 96
why people go to fun places ........................................................................................ 97
Wading in Pakistan ...................................................................................................... 97
Effects of technology on our life ................................................................................... 98
Why mobile phones are gaining its popularity? ............................................................ 98
Memorable School Days .............................................................................................. 98
Describe a teacher who has influenced you in your education. .................................... 99
Memorable family event arranged................................................................................ 99
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-53321
PART # 1
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
Communicator B2
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
Use of Computer: Nowadays, computers are used everywhere: in schools, hospitals, and
by military forces. We are completely dependent on computers. Computers have made our
lives easy and comfortable.
The first thing I judge in a person is the appearance he has, the way he talks to the people
who are below in status from him.
What is your ideal home or in what type of home you want to live in?
My ideal home would preferably be located in the countryside which is not too far from the
city. It should be famous for its stunning natural beauty, and it should also have a huge
lake, surrounded by some incredibly beautiful rolling hills which catch the sunlight when
breaking through the clouds on a beautiful afternoon. And as far as the weather of the
location of my ideal home is concerned, it should have pleasant weather all around the
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
What advice would you give to someone who wants to make new friends?
If I get opportunity to give my advice to someone will be to look for honesty, understanding
and authenticity in the one to make him/her your friend, as someone has once said. Good
friends bring so many colours of happiness in your life by relieving stress, giving comfort,
and removing loneliness
Which places in the countryside would you recommend to a visitor to your area?
I would
recommend the most attractive places to visitors in my area like; Swat, Kalam and
Murree. As Swat is considered Switzerland of Pakistan, it is full of natural beauty. Moreover,
Kalam and Murree have also become the tourist spots due to its lavish beauty.
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
Pollution of the air, water, and soil is caused by toxins such as plastics, heavy metals,
and nitrates, caused by factors such as toxins and gases released by factories,
combustion of fossil fuels, acid rain, oil spill, and industrial waste. Pollution. ...
What is the most beautiful place you have ever been to?
The most gorgeous place that I’ve visited is Murree
The small town is surrounded by beautiful mountains and forests with beautiful mountains
view, calm & elegant.
I’ve already been there twice and I can’t wait to visit it again. It also has one of the most
Murree is Pakistan’s most developed and popular hill station located at an altitude of 6000-
7000 feet above sea level. At an hour’s drive from Islamabad along with a good quality,
winding alpine road, it is crowded by visitors all year round. The scenery is superb, climate
cool in summers and crispy cold in winter.
Money management
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
Personal comfort
What has been the most uncomfortable place you’ve been in?
Well, I have been the most uncomfortable place when that is when I was 16 years old and
I lost my father on an occasion and many people surrounded me to ask me for my parents
and that time I was not able to tell them then someone declaring on the speaker by my
dress and my father found me then.
How important are good manners in the country where you live?
in the country where I live god manners are very important because respect goes to those
whose manners are good if their manners are not good then no body respect them.
Why do you think older people often complain about younger people’s manners?
Because in the days of old people, there was no Interlocutornet, no mobile phone but now
a day the younger generation is engaged in mobile, and they don’t sit their elders so they
keep complaining.
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
Organic food
How easy is it to buy organic food in the area where you live?
Yes, off course it is very easy because I am living in village and you know in village farmer
grow organic vegetables and all other items that’s are eaten.
Why do some people believe that organic food is important for health?
Actually organic food contain a lot of protein and vitamins which are essential for our health
so organic food is important for health.
Why do you think some people are willing to pay more for organic food?
Organic food contain lot of protein and vitamins which are essential for our health so people
want to pay more and more to purchase organic food.
Why do some people believe that food in the past was healthier than today?
In past year farmer grow and sold organic food naturally but now farmer grow food by
artificial method which are not good for health hence in past food were heath.
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
women used to wear long dresses Then women started to wear shorts dresses, This
fashion lasted for some time and now women wear long dresses agai.
To what extent do you agree that what you wear shows your personality?
Absolutely I agree with that 100 percent. because I know that what I like to wear and what
will wearing improve my personality.
How has your fashion style changed since you were younger?
My fashion style has change moderately because when I was younger I was like to wear
jeans and t -shirt but now I like to wear shalwar cameez
Why do you think professional sports people are paid so much money?
The biggest reason is that they play well and they are also famous for sports. But is we
look at the other side they are paid more because of long travel and expenses.
Eating habits
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
it comes to summer, i can choose more physical activities like swimming, camping in the
forests and playing balls, etc.
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
PART # 2
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
Interlocutor: Thanks for your suggestion, but look at the price; it's very high
Candidate: Don’t worry about the price. If you like it, we should buy it.
Interlocutor: But this time I am not able to buy it because the price is too high.
Candidate: Don’t worry. I will give you money and you must buy it, or we can go to another
place like the nearby shopping mall.
Interlocutor: Thanks for your kindness. Let's go check another store.
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
Dialogue # 9 Neighbors
Wakeel Saib: Hello there!
Eric: Hello.
Wakeel Saib: I’m Wakeel Saib, your neighbor across the street. You’re new to the
Eric: Yes, I just moved in last weekend.
Wakeel Saib: That’s nice. How are you settling in?
Eric: Fine, thanks.
Wakeel Saib: Would you like to come over and have a cup of coffee?
Eric: Thanks, but I’m kind of busy right now. I’ll take a rain check.
Wakeel Saib: No problem. Stop by anytime. We have quite a few social events in the area
that you might be Interlocutorested in.
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
1) Take a rain check: politely decline an offer, with the implication that one may take it up at a later date.
2) Turn down: reject something offered or proposed.
3) Inundate: overwhelm (someone) with things or people to be dealt with.
4) Recluse: a person who lives a solitary life and tends to avoid other people.
Dialogue # 10 Friends
We’re friends.
I start.
Interlocutor: Guess what! My sister’s having another baby.
Candidate: Congratulations! It is so nice to hear.
Interlocutor: Thank you!
Candidate: How is your sister feeling now? Is she doing well?
Interlocutor: She is perfectly fine now.
Candidate: Would you mind telling me what name did you give to the baby?
Interlocutor: Well, my sister gave her quite strange name if I say, for her, it is very
significant so I won’t be wrong, she named her Rose.
Candidate: And what does that mean?
Interlocutor: It means a red flower.
Candidate: This name is exceptionally good. As she must be like a rose.
Interlocutor: Yes, she is .
I start.
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
Interlocutor: Hello, Golden Lane sports Centre, how can I help you?
Candidate: I was wondering if you could give me some information about some facility and
Can: I want to register myself for swimming lesson do you have class for that?
Interlocutor: I am afraid we won’t have those classes. We are currently running cricket class,
judo classes and Yoga Classes.
Candidate: I would love joining your Cricket classes. If you don’t mind, could I know the
regis and monthly fee?
Interlocutor: of course! We charge 40$ for registration and take 30$ monthly.
Can: Isn’t the fee too high as compare to others? Can you give me some discounts?
Interlocutor: Sure
Can: If you don’t mind may I know your classes timings for cricket?
Interlocutor: Well, we have 3 classes in a whole day, two classes are in the morning which
approximately last for 2 hours and one is in the evening which lasts for 2 hours and 30
Candidate: Alright! I will join the evening class because I am totally free in the evening.
Dialogue # 12 Coincidence
Interlocutor: Well, hello there, Julia! Long-time no see!
Julia: Interlocutor! Hi! What a coincidence! I haven’t seen you in ages! What are you doing
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
Interlocutor: I just got a new job in the city, so I’m shopping for some clothes. Hey, what do
you think of this shirt?
Julia: Hmmm … well, you know how much I love blue. See? I’ve got the same shirt!
Interlocutor: You always did have good taste! What a small world.
Interlocutor: Why do not we have a glass of juice in that famous restaurant located down in
the second floor?
Person: Well, I prefer listening to romantic song, yet they appeal our emotions and feelings.
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
Ibad: You can say that again! I am immensely excited for going on this trip because I have
never ever been to Switzerland.
Neighbour: Enjoy yourself, and forgot about your pet, I am here to look after it.
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
You start.
Candidate: Excuse me. Can I help you with homework?
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
You start.
Candidate: Excuse me. Where is the supermarket?
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
Dialogue # 61 A Post-man
I work in a post office. You want to buy some stamps.
You start.
Customer: Excuse me. Give me 2 stamps please.
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
Dialogue # 66 A banker
I work in a bank.
I start.
Interlocutor: What would you like to do today?
Candidate: I need some cash. Please give me.
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
You start.
Customer: Excuse me. Show me some nice clothes.
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
Dialogue # 92 Photography
I am a photographer. You want me to take picture.
You start.
Candidate: Excuse me. Can you take my picture please?
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
Dialogue # 94 Teacher and Student; need to buy new chairs for classroom
I am your teacher. You think we need new chairs for the classroom.
You start.
Student; Excuse me sir. These chairs are old. Change it please.
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
Dialogue # 107 Waiter and Customer; there is a problem with your drink
I am your waiter in a restaurant. There is a problem with your drink.
You start.
Customer: Excuse me. This drink taste is not good. Change it please.
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
Today We are going to discuss about writing competition, so I think the theme should be
friendship because everyone Loves to have friends, so if we write about friendship that
would be great.
I agree with you and I believe that the type of writing would be opinion essay Do you agree
with me?
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
No I don’t think so, I Think it should be a short story because everyone like short story. If
we write short story everyone can enjoy it.
I agree with you. What do you think about the number of words? How many words do you
think are enough to deliver the message?
I think the number of words should be 2,000 because that is enough to deliver the message.
If we write more than 2,000 words, it might seem boring. What’s your idea?
Yes, why not what do you think, for how long this competition should be open?
I think it should be open for a month, because in this month everyone could apply, but I
think after a month it should be closed.
Well, I agree with you. Who do you think should be the judge? I think the teacher should be
the judge so they can find any mistakes. What do you say?
No, I disagree. I think the judges should be writers and journalists because they have a lot
of experience in the writing field, so they can judge better and more fairly.
Let’s talk about the price for the winner is going to be 500 dollar. Do you agree with me?
I disagree with you I think they should be published so they may get publicity and they will
become famous.
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
Today we are going to talk about choosing a theatrical play I think it’s should be a Kind of
drama. Dramas are often engaging and emotional, making them popular among
Actors: Students and Teachers: well I think the actors in this play should be a
combination of students and teachers. This approach can foster a sense of community and
collaboration within the school or organization.
Venue: A Local Theatre: Well I think the play should be performed at a local theatre. This
venue likely provides the necessary facilities and equipment to stage the play effectively.
Costumes: Rent Theatrical Costumes: Well the Costumes will be rented, which ensures
that the characters will be authentically and appropriately dressed without the need for a
large investment in costume creation.
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
Audience: Students, Staff, and Their Families/Friends: I think the audience should be
students, staff, and their families and friends. This broad audience can help create a
supportive and familiar environment for the performers. 13
Admission: 5 Euros: I think the cost of admission should be 5 euros. This price is likely
affordable for the intended audience, encouraging attendance and support for the event.
Today we are going to discuss how to improve our language Skill for this we need to start
watching foreign film without subtitle because it helps immerse learners in the language,
enhancing listening skills and comprehension by forcing them to rely on audio cues and
Read E-books: well Reading e-books allows learners to engage with written language,
expanding their vocabulary, improving reading comprehension, and exposing them to
different writing styles and genres.
Do Role-plays: I think doing role-plays provides a practical way to practice speaking and
listening in real-life scenarios. It helps build confidence and fluency through interactive and
situational language use.
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
Write Short Stories Using Specific Words: Writing short stories using specific words
encourages creativity while focusing on particular vocabulary. This exercise helps learners
incorporate new words into their active vocabulary and understand their usage in context
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
Today we are going to discuss a day out in Liverpool for this we need to start from 9:30
am because in morning time there will be no rush and we can easily go to Liverpool.
Transport: We should use a public transport, because it is a practical choice in a city like
Liverpool with its extensive bus and rail network.
Activities in the morning: first of all we should visit the Liverpool Football Club stadium.
Because it is a popular attraction, especially for football fans, offering a chance to explore
Infield Stadium and learn about the club's history.
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
Eat: In the meal, I think we should order fish and chips outside. This classic British dish is
a staple in Liverpool, and eating outside could imply enjoying the meal at one of the city's
scenic spots.
Evening out: Well in the evening we should visit to the cinema. This provides a relaxing
end to the day, offering entertainment and a chance to unwind after a day of sightseeing
Today we are going to discuss an environmental day for this we need to start our day with
a beach cleaning activity. This involves participants working together to remove litter and
debris from the beach, contributing to environmental conservation and community
11:00-13:00: Tree planting in the local park: Well in the morning we should go to clean
up the beach and start tree planting in a local park. This activity not only helps in enhancing
green spaces but also promotes ecological awareness and community involvement in
environmental sustainability.
13:00-14:30: Picnic in the park – return to college On 13:00 we should have a picnic in
the park, it will provide a break and an opportunity to enjoy nature. After this we will return
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
14:30-16:00: Design a poster for the school’s web page after the break, we can create
a session where participants design a poster for the school’s website. This task likely
focuses on raising awareness about environmental issues and promoting the activities of
the day.
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
Well, honestly speaking, I love watching movies. Most of the time when I'm free, I watch
movies. I recently watched a movie that became my most favorite movie, and I also
recommend you watch it. The movie's name is Dunki (not Donkey, which is an animal
name). Dunki is a Hindi word meaning illegal border crossing. The movie is based on a
true story that shows how illegal border crossing is risky and can cost your life. I watched
it hardly a month ago, as my friend recommended it. It's a family movie, so all family
members were free, and it was a Sunday, so we decided to watch it on Netflix. This movie
stars the famous Bollywood personality Shah Rukh Khan, who is actually my favorite as
well. The movie is about illegal border crossing, where four friends want to go abroad.
Two want a better future, one wants to join his girlfriend in the UK, and Shah Rukh Khan
wants to support them in their dream. However, they're not educated, and the consultant
tells them he'll make fake degrees, but they need to learn English to pass the embassy
interview. Since they're not educated, they face difficulty learning English, so the case
officer refuses them three times. Then, the consultant tells them to go via Dunki (illegal
border crossing), so they decide to go via the illegal way. The hardships and challenges
they faced are shown in the movie. After reaching the UK, they took asylum, but after
spending their whole life there, they didn't even visit their home country to meet their
relatives because they took asylum.
Childhood Memory:
A childhood memory Childhood memories are memories that we can’t forget ever. Some
incidents are so bright in our minds that we recall it again and again. We all have tons of
memories in childhood. These memories help us to build our character and personality,
that’s why childhood memories are hugely important in our life. I have some really good
memories from my childhood. I spent a long time in rural areas. I’ve completed my school
from a village primary school. That was a very good experience for me. I can remember
lots of incidents from there. I went to visit a village fair with my father and we bought lots
of toys for me and my siblings. I still can feel the fair which in held in my village lots of
people, colorful shops, and songs playing on loudspeakers when I close my eyes. These
feelings and memories are priceless. I wish if I could go back to my past and see
childhood again, that would be amazing. But I know it’s not possible. I think everyone
loves their childhood memories like i do and I would suggest everyone to save the
childhood memories of next generation so they can keep them forever and share with
others. I miss my childhood.
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Well I will definitely talk about this, there is a lot of picture which bring happy memories
when I saw them, The picture which is my most favorite and I saw it all the time,
whenever I am sad is the picture which I took in my school farewell party, it was last day
of our school and our junior student decided to give us a farewell party, the picture is
taken by my favorite teacher shazia. In the picture all over class mate were standing
together, while taking picture there was a crow flying in the sky and he did putty on my
friend head, which is capture in the camera, all of over friend and teacher were laughing
at that time, whenever I saw this picture its bring happy memories and remind me my
school days.
Responsibilities of parents:
Parents has a duty of care over their child to ensure that all their needs are met. The
wellbeing of the child is the most important and it is the responsibility of the parents to
care for their child’s wellbeing. They must love their children in a responsible manner and
provide for their healthy growth. They must inspire their children by their own exemplary
life and must never neglect to correct their faults. Parents are responsible to provide the
necessary food, clothing, shelter and medical care insofar as they are able. The
responsibilities of parents are meant by the role, efforts and contributions of the parents
for the children's physical. Mental, social and emotional development as well as the
development of other aspects so that children can develop themselves and contribute
largely to the development of the society and nation. The life of the children will be in a
trouble once the parents fail to understand their responsibilities towards them. Parents
have to perform vast responsibilities towards them. They include adequate nurturing,
proper love, affection, guidance, good behavior, etc. The children of today are the future
hopes of the family, energetic personalities of the society and capable citizens of the
country. Therefore, parents have to internalize their responsibilities towards their children
in order to make them able and ideal citizens of the state.
Well Definitely I will talk about the last trip from home away, which we organize one month
ago we all family member were together and its holidays in Pakistan. We all family
member decided to go to the northern areas of Pakistan, we started our journey from
Monday, and we reached to balakot which is very beautiful place where we stay for the
night, the next day we had our breakfast which is very delicious after finishing our
breakfast we start our travel again we go to Naran velly which is surrounded by a huge
mountain and the snowfall was starting there, also some beautiful lake and awesome
landscape, after that we start our journey toward babusar top, which is situated 8
thousand meter above the see level which is also a very beautiful place. After this we
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Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
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started our journey toward gilgit which is near to china, it’s a very cold area, the people of
gilgit are very humble, we had problem in our car the give us shelter and food for free and
repaired our car, after this we go to hunza velly which is very old place in Pakistan.
Well, I'll definitely talk about that because there are many people who helped me during
tough times. First, I want to talk about my friend, Ali, who helped me in school. I had
received money from my father to pay my school fees, but I spent it on my friend's
birthday. The next day, the school demanded the fee, or they threatened to kick me out. I
told my friend, Ali, about my situation, and he said, 'Don't worry, I'll help you.' The next
day, he gave me the money he had saved for his bicycle, and I was able to pay my fees.
I'll always remember his help. On the other hand, my mom also helps me whenever I
need something. For instance, recently, it was my girlfriend's birthday, and I wanted to
give her a special gift, but I didn't have enough money. I told my mom about it, and she
said, 'You can take my new watch and give it to your girlfriend.
To be honest, it's my favorite topic of discussion whenever my friends and I get together.
We often talk about the advantages and disadvantages of living in the countryside versus
the city. Personally, I prefer living in the countryside because I love nature and want to be
closer to it, but I'll discuss both sides. Living in the city offers access to numerous facilities
such as schools, colleges, universities, hospitals, and job opportunities, including the
option to start one's own business. However, there are also disadvantages. Cities often
suffer from air and noise pollution, heavy traffic, frequent road accidents, a high cost of
living, limited family time due to busy lifestyles, and a lack of access to organic food and
products. On the other hand, living in the countryside or a remote area provides a
peaceful environment, clean air and water, proximity to nature, reduced stress, strong
family bonds, and opportunities for self-improvement and personal growth. However,
there are also drawbacks. Access to quality education and healthcare may be limited, job
opportunities may be scarce, and transportation options may be inadequate. 19 In
summary, both city and countryside living have their pros and cons, and the choice
ultimately depends on individual preferences, priorities, and circumstances.
Well, my topic is who the person who influenced my decision was making, so I would
definitely talk about a few individuals who helped me in in the right decision making. First
of all, no doubt! My mother who is working as a teacher at Govt School. As last year, I
was facing issue in decision making weather to go UK or America as both countries hold
reputed universities, I was extremely confused in it. Then I asked my mother to show me
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Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
the right way what to do, she said Uk is the best country for higher education if one wants
to get quality education, so she was the one who made my decision making quite easier.
Moreover, I started Uk process as the start was quite challenging because I did not have
any idea how to apply some of my family members would say to apply through agents
and some would say to apply by own, but my mum said apply buy one so you’ll
understand the whole process. I decided to do all my process by own. Finally, I got offer
letters from universities, now I will be flying towards the university after passing this test.
The work environment has changed a lot from the past to now because of new
technology, changing social norms, and different workforce needs. In the past, work had
strict schedules, required being in the office, and had a clear hierarchy. Now, work is
more flexible with options for remote work, flexible schedules, and a focus on work-life
balance. Digital tools like cloud computing, AI, and virtual collaboration have changed
how we do tasks and communicate, allowing us to work together from anywhere. There is
also more focus on diversity, inclusion, and employee well-being, as a supportive and
inclusive workplace leads to more innovation and satisfaction. Continuous learning and
agile methods are more common, showing the need to adapt quickly in a changing job
market. This shift values employee independence, well-being, and a more inclusive and
responsive work culture.
Use of Computer:
Well the topic is very interesting safe how computer is affecting our lives in daily basis so
first of all I would talk about computer and technology there it is you know it has changed
over life and it is a ranking of the life if you take example of the student so in the past
student would only be dependent on the teacher and the book but now by the advent of
technology they can get help in doing their homework if they face in trouble in
understanding of the lesson which is given to them by school or college. Moreover, The
advent of smartphones and the internet has transformed communication, allowing people
to connect instantly through messaging apps, social media, and video calls people in the
past were hardly get into touch with each other through letters but due to the advanced
technology it is now just a piece of cake. Like, Technology enables communication on a
global scale, making connections between individuals and cultures worldwide.
Furthermore, Advances in technology have facilitated remote work, allowing people 20 to
work from different locations and promoting flexibility. Additionally, advances in
technology have improved the quality of education as in the past if the students would not
be able to go to their universities or colleges so they would not be able to take classes but
now students are easily able to have access to take classes online, for instance, Covid-19
pandemic initiated the trend of taking online sessions. Apart from this, now people don’t
need to go to shopping malls to buy their stuff as the internet has made it easier for the
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Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
customers to order things online whether that’s food, clothes, or anything else. Moreover,
youngster are also using technology to play games or watch movies as it is also a kind of
source used for entertainment purpose.
It is a moral duty of us to take care of the elderly. Being a responsible person we should
know how to take care of old people. Our parents or elders sacrifice their golden days with
a smiling face in shaping our life. During their old days, they also want support, love, and
care from us. So we need to provide assistance to them during their old days.
But unfortunately, today’s youths are seen ignoring their moral duties.
Some youths consider their parents like a burden for them at their old days. And thus they
prefer to put their old parents in old age homes rather than taking care of them. This is
nothing but a shameful act. Being a human we all should know the importance of elderly
care. In every country, there are
different laws to protect the elderly. But the elderly care law can’t do anything if we don’t
change our mindset. This is very unfortunate. One day when they will get old, they will
understand the importance of elderly care.
One day while keeping the old books in a box, I found a very old photo album. Curiosity
made me turn over the leaves.
Memories flashed across my mind as I came across the first photo of myself as a little baby.
Old memories took me to the depths of past. In the next photograph, my mother was giving
me a bath and I, as a little kid was crying. Then came the family photograph. I, very neatly
dressed up, was beaming in my mother’s arms. My grandfather, grandmother and uncles
also stood there in the photograph. It was like touching the times gone by. I was surprised
to see how byoung and pretty my mother used to be and how
small I was; many memorable moments of various festivals had been caught in the eye of
the camera l saw my childhood once again through photographs. At last came the wedding
photo of my parents. I could not believe my eyes when I saw my parents looking so young
and beautiful. Though time affects physically yet my parents have grown loving, more
caring and considerate through the years. When I closed the album, it was as if a dream
snapped. I was back again, amidst the dusty old books. So much had changed! I took a
deep breath and busied myself once again in keeping those books in the box.
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Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
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Remote areas
Remote areas are defined as places that are out of the way or considerably secluded from
civilization. Remote areas are really just a more extreme extension of rural areas. Remote
areas life is very different from city life.
Lots of people don’t prefer this life over city life because of a few reasons. First of all, now
all the facilities that people get in the big cities are not available in the Remote areas. The
Internet and electricity are the two most important things that can bring a huge change.
And these two are not properly available in the Remote areas. Even the better road is
making the communication system better. Remote areas life is simple and very peaceful.
When someone is living in a Remote area, he can spend his time the way he wants. In the
Remote areas, there is no air pollution. The air is clean and safe for everyone. There are
lots of advantages that have made Remote areas life Interesting. The food, the living
quality, and lot more things have made this amazing.
People love to live in the Remote areas due to some reasons. I am providing these reasons
here with you. The first reason is the food quality.
You will find all types of fresh vegetables, fruits, or fishes here in the
Remote areas. And that’s almost impossible in the city. The people are very friendly here.
You can make friends with anyone. They are ready to spend time with you too. I love
Remote areas life a lot because I have spent so many years in a Remote area. I have seen
the real scene of the Remote areas from very near and I loved it by heart and soul.
The person who had a great influence on me when I was a younger was my grandmother.
Since my childhood she has always been a caring person and loved me very much. She is
still a good friend of mine whom I share many things with. She is very kind hearted and
giving person who always tries to help others in whatever way she can.
She is a successful mother of four children including my father. She has devoted her life to
her kids and educated them properly and when her grandchildren came along she did the
same for them. She has a really charming personality and lights up whatever room she’s
in with her smile. She is really wise and always has the best advice to offer.
There are several reasons why she was an influential person to me when I was a child. The
most important reason is because of her unconditional love and affection for me. She was
a good mentor who could show me positive ways of living and guided me in my distressed
time. Talking to her was a soothing experience and the stories she told were always
entertaining but also full of morality. I learned many positive attitudes and good thinking
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Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
from her. Even now, she is someone I can confide in and seek guidance from. She’s always
there to support me, or anyone else who asks. Her openness and kindness have been a
real influence on my life.
Every four years, the world stops to watch International sporting events such as football
world cup or Olympics in which athletes show their best
performance to make their country proud of them. These sporting events have proved to
be essential in easing out International tension in difficult times when world powers were
trying to bring peace while local governments were fighting over land. In my opinion,
although International events bring nations together, they also have seen their dark days.
Looking at the positive side, the best example of such events are the world cups which
tends to bring nations together, at least temporally. For instance, the cricket matches
between Pakistan and other countries, especially India, allow people to forget the
differences and compete pacifically and even embrace each other after an event. Similarly,
International sporting events show benefits in some developing countries which live in daily
Internal civil war. For example, Brazil has a high rate of unemployment, lack of education,
hunger, crime, corruption which leads to immense embarrassment amongst Brazilians.
However, when the football world cup starts, the Brazilian squad, which is considered the
best team in the world, provokes an amazing feeling of pride in their country. It brings
families, neighbors together and even rival gangs watch the game and celebrate
peacefully. Turning to the negative sides, such games have also been witness of racial
discrimination and other frauds. When such events come into light, they tend to hurt the
emotions of a group of people Internationally, sometimes even worsening the situations.
Sports have always been a great way to ease out tension and bring harmony. But, it must
be taken care that the message being sent out during such games is right and of peace.
I went to an exhibition with my friends recently, and was very impressed with it. It was held
in the musical grounds of our town, and was titled ‘The Arts and Crafts Exhibition’. It was a
big exhibition, though not as big as the International ones held in big city.
As we entered the gates, I saw many colorfully decorated stalls nearby. There seemed to
be more and more as we entered further into the grounds. They were all beautifully
decorated. It was obvious that the participants had used all their skill and imagination in
doing up their shops. Artists and craftsmen from all over the state, and several from even
states, were so many things on display that we grew dazed. Potteries, textiles, shawls,
handicrafts, paintings, jewelers, handlooms, jute crafts were just some of them.
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Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
All the exhibits were really very good. The craftsmen and artists must have spent months
in preparing for this exhibition. What we all liked best were the shawls from Kashmir.
There were also prizes for the best decorated stall, best artists, best craftsmen etc. To our
delight, the craftsman from the Kashmiri stall also got a prize. There were some shops
selling tea and snacks where we refreshed ourselves. We enjoyed our visit to the exhibition
very much.
Hey, you know that the school authorities are going to produce a school newspaper, which
was in English. And I think they should add the news about school as well as the local
news. And it must add some useful information about cinemas and even about restaurants.
Because you know, that nowadays, youngsters love to go these places. So they just read
it in a newspaper when lots of Interest, if these kinds of news are also ad in the newspaper,
and there must be an article about the successful old students who get higher scores and
you know, get prizes, as well. You know, it would be a great motivation for the from for the
present students. And the length of the pay of the newspaper is just four pages. Because
if it's too long, then students I don't think so they just read that newspaper, they just read
hold the newspaper, and it must be available online. Because if it is printed, then the
student didn't like to read that one. Because nowadays, the students spend lots of their
time on mobile. So I think you know, they should, the newspaper should be available online.
And it should be available just once a month because I think it's enough like once in a
month is just okay.
You know that the 100th anniversary of school is coming. And for this, I'm just decided to
make a documentary movie. And for this, I'm going to think about getting a camera on rent
because you know that I don't have my own camera. So I'm just thinking about to get a
camera on rent what do you think about it? , and I think students should have to write the
script by themselves because they know about the school very well. And the length of the
movie is just for an hour because you know that if the movie was too long, then I think the
student got bored. And we can easily get all the pictures from the city Record Office
because they have all the records of our school and you know, all the pictures they have.
So we can easily get the pictures from the city Record Office. And for the content of the
movie, we should talk about the past and present students, you know, they are just well
aware of the success and from the rules and everything about the school. And I'm just
thinking about completing that movie and showing it on the 100 school anniversary.
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Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
I'm thinking to arrange a course for zoo teenagers, what do you think about it, I'm thinking
to arrange that course during the school holidays because at that time school students
didn't have any work to do. So I think that would be a very entertaining and beneficial, you
know, beneficial activity for them. And basically, the aim of the main or the aim of the course
is that the students get some experience of working with the animals and the length of two
courses just for four weeks. And I think the students should spend most of their time with
the animals and approximately 10 Students will be in each course because they get, you
know, easily if this if the strategist minimum then they can easily get a chance to Interact
with animals and learn the things and about the meal and they should bring the food from
their house. Because if they bought something outside, you know, it's not healthy for their
health. So I think the food, they should bring the food from their house, and the cost of the
course is 20 Euros a week because I think it's going to
be very bad, very, you know. Very reasonable for the students, they can easily just pay that
It was a golden period of my life when I was a school-boy. For me sweet are the memories
of the school-days. Deep are the impressions of schoollife and unforgettable are the
experiences in schooldays. On occasions the
I spent first ten years of my childhood in a small and beautiful village A school was a
totally new concept for me. On its first day I was afraid.
I was the favorite student of my teachers and the Principal. When I passed the S.S.C.
examination with flying colors they came to my home to congratulate me. It was a very
emotional day and the greatest reward for me.
I was a successful student. The credit of it goes to all of my teachers. I got very good
teachers throughout my school life. They were devoted teachers and- the worshipers of
good values. They embedded in our mind the good and the virtues like hard work, honesty,
courage helping and respecting the elders. They parted their knowledge with us. They gave
us good thoughts and broadened our outlook. They developed in us a habit of rational
thinking. What I am today I
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Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
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Pakistani flavor
People of my country, Pakistan , love to prepare all kinds of food, it a very popular
food item pretty much for all occasions.
People in my country enjoy this particular meal because it tastes so delicious and
yet very easy to digest, Baryani is one of the best of all Pakistani food, and is dear
to the hearts of all Pakistanis well known traditional dish in Pakistan is chicken
biryani It is mixed rice made with Indian spices, meat (chicken, goat, beef, prawn,
or fish), vegetables or eggs. Meat is the prime ingredient with rice,
mint leaves, ginger, onions, tomatoes, green chilliest, and garlic It consists of
small pieces of boneless chicken .
The Internet has grown to become the most popular medium used for communication and
sharing information. It is a network of computers that are connected to each other, allowing
sharing of information. The universe is surrounded by the Internet. Life would be boring
and much more difficult Without Internet our life will be boring, Internet provide us lot of
facilities like when we want to search something we can go to Google which is best search
engine by typing a sentence we find 100 of result. This is good but
remember we can't search it without Internet. We have face book where we upload our
picture, video and even we can write our Column, we have WhatsApp and we can
communicate with friend and family member and all these facilities only we used when we
have a nonstop Internet connection
The twenty-first century is known as the age of Information Technology. Various innovation
and development took place in the field of technology which has made a significant impact
on our lives in different ways. With the invention of technology we become more powerful.
We have the ability to transform the environment, extend our life time, create big and
Interconnected societies and even explore various new things about the universe. Today,
we use technology from morning to evening, from the simplest nail cutter to television and
personal laptop. Technology has touched all aspects of our lives, whether it is mobile
phones, kettle, kitchen microwave, electric cooker, television, water heaters, remote
control, fridge, and other larger communication systems such as the Internet facilities,
railways, air-routes, and so on. Thus, technology plays an extremely crucial.
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Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
he advancement in technology has made our lives easier, comfortable and enjoyable. It
has reduced the effort and time required to complete a task, thus enhancing the quality and
efficiency of work. Technology has become a part of our life and benefited us in many ways.
Today, we can communicate with people living in any city or country. Communication has
become much faster and easier as we are just a click away from people. In education,
technology has played a vital role, especially during the COVID19 breakdown period. It has
brought virtual and online classes for students and teachers across the globe to share
knowledge, ideas and resources online. Moreover, technology has made it easier for
students to understand complex concepts with the help of virtualization, graphics, 3D
animation and diagrams.
Source of Information:
Mode of Education:
The Internet is becoming popular an essential field of education with the passage of time.
Now people can do research and learn things from the Internet.
It has facilitated trade and commerce both locally and Internationally. As a result of Internet,
it has become very easy to find out the intended buyer or seller. Besides, one can contact
his counterpart in business through e-mail, video conferencing, chat, voice chat, etc.
Both school life and college life is the most memorable time of a person's life, but both of
them are quite different from each other. While in School life, we learn everything in a
protected environment, College Life exposes us to a new environment where we have to
learn new things and face new challenges by ourselves. We spend half of our young lives
in school, and thus we get comfortable living in that environment. But College Life is for
three years only, where every year introduces new challenges and lessons to us. While in
school, our teachers and friends always protect and guard us, in college life we form a
relationship with our mentors, and they don't protect us all the time as our school teachers
did. Unlike school life, we don't have many limitations in college life, and it is up to us how
we want to spend our college life. In college life, we see new faces and experience a unique
environment in which we have to mingle ourselves. We make new friends there who stay
with us for the rest of our lives. Also, we get a chance to shape our careers asking the right
decisions and studying hard. College life is not only about the study but also about the
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Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
College Life is one of the most remarkable and lovable times of an individual's life
College Life exposes us to whole new experiences which we always dream of experiencing
after our school life. Lucky are those who get the chance to enjoy their college life, as many
people don't get this chance due to their circumstances or financial issues.
One of the best things about college life is that you get a new experience every day. In my
college life, along with studying, I and my friends enjoyed a lot of other things. We traveled
to lots of places, had new experiences, and learned many new things. Our college's
canteen was a remarkable place in my college life as whenever we got time, we used to
chill in the canteen.
Your body needs energy to work normally and keep you alive. You obtain this energy from
nutrients in the food that you eat - mostly, carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Minerals and
vitamins are other nutrients that are also important in your diet to help your body stay
It is important to find the right balance between these different nutrients to achieve
maximum health benefits (see below). A balanced diet generally contains food from each
of the following food groups:
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Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
Protein foods. These include meat, fish, eggs and other non-dairy sources of protein
(including nuts, tofu, beans, pulses, etc).
Including lean proteins, whole grains, healthful fats, and fruits and vegetables of many
nutrients you need for growth and repair, helping you to stay strong and healthy and
help to prevent diet-related illness, such as some cancers I prefer to eat healthy home-
cooked food, rather than fast food or preprepared meals, because I want to stay fit and
healthy as I get older.
A place where various creatures like animals, birds, reptiles, fishes, etc. are kept in cages
or guarded areas for the purpose of the display is called a zoo
Visiting a zoo is not only fun, but it also teaches us a lot of things. It gives us immense
knowledge about the habits and tastes of various animals In addition, zoos are a great
source of entertainment for kids. They love visiting zoos and Interlocutoracting with
animals. This helps them learn practical knowledge about the animal. It also gives them
exposure to wildlife Zoos may be great entertainment, but their big goal is to educate the
public about wildlife and what we can do to protect them. … In addition, zoos work really
hard to save animals that are threatened in the wild. Zoos can take at-risk animals, breed
them in captivity, and then reintroduce them back into the wild.
Visiting a zoo helps children understand the importance of taking care of the environment
as it has a significant impact on the lives and welfare of
animals. Zoos also teach families about the importance of conservation and animal care.
… Visitors can learn the unique story about each animal as they walk around the zoo.
Important Inventions
Invention have started a revelation in the world. The first computer was about the size of a
room, then there were new inventions in the computer world even we have computer in the
shape of laptop now.
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Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
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In the past every one traveled by horse then the car was made and now people travel by
airplane even a small jet plane is available for individual travel.
In the past people used to wash cloth by hand but now washing cloth is very easy due to
invention of Washing machine even we have cloth's dry machine.
In which house you would like to live either small or big? Why?
there are so many different types of houses or apartments I would like to live in
The apartment to be equipped with all kinds of modern amenities and features.
Since I want my apartment to be fully loaded with all kinds of modern amenities, I want a
modern gym or fitness room that includes a yoga studio in addition to a large hot tub that
is full of water, used for hydrotherapy, relaxation or pleasure. It should also have a digital
media and game centre with a home theatre that has high-end screens and enough
reclining chairs to accommodate up to a dozen guests, and a billiard table in order to help
me enjoy my time during my leisure hours. Needless to say, I also want a large kitchen with
a very modern-looking cabinet, dishwasher and washing machine in it, and kitchen to be
attached to a large dining committing area. Finally, in addition to having Wi-Fi Interrnet
system and satellite
TV, my apartment should also have automatic security lock system in order to ensure
maximum security.
it would also allow me to live close to a natural and clean environment, full of trees and a
Why should we highly pay to player? What are the reason for that.
The first reason why I think that such high salary is deserved by famous athletes and
entertainers because we all need them. Entertainment plays an essential role in our every
day’s life. We need to relax, watching TV with our favorite TV stars or favorite football
players. Entertainment is one of the best ways to eliminate stress and tension and leave
all troubles behind. For example, I cannot stay home all day long without watching TV. So,
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Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
basically, I believe that famous athletes and entertainers have such high salaries because
we need them. They like doctors for our minds and souls.
The second reason for this is that famous athletes have to work hard in order to get good
results. I am sure that achievements they make are the result of hard work, persistence
and pain. They sometimes risk their lives and health.
It would offer a financial benefit to many families. It would offer a financial benefit to many
Professional athletes sacrifice important aspects of their lives, especially their health and
family. For instance, during each season of any professional sport, there are away games
that keep players from their families. More significant, though, is that players put their
bodies in danger daily. Physical injury can leave professional athletes handicapped or
disabled for the rest of their lives;
The act of protecting the environment from being polluted is called environmental
protection. The main objective of environmental protection is to protect the environment or
natural resources for the future. First of all, the world climate will remain normal The health
of people would improve.
The environment can be saved by reducing pollution, decreasing exploitation of forests and
by being more careful and aware.
Some of the reasons include environmental air pollution which increases the concentration
of carbon dioxide that caused the formation of acid rain. Another reason is one of the side
effects like global warming caused by the deforestation which increases the global
temperature caused the occurrence of ice melting. Moreover, the global warming change
the climate become warmer and flood encouraged the growth of the pests and vectors like
malaria and dengue fever to spread the disease out to the environment which increases
the level of biochemical oxygen demand. Therefore, the environment should be protected
for a better life in future
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
The Internet has enabled us to send and receive e-mail. It can be said without any doubt
that e-mail is the cheapest way of communication in the present world. What we need to
do to send e-mail is just to type a letter on our computers and to send it through Internet.
In this way, we can send and receive big documents electronically in an instant. The
Internet has also stimulated different types of communication facilities such as chat rooms,
voice chats, video conferencing, etc.
Source of Information:
The Internet is becoming popular an essential field of education with the passage of time.
Now people can do research and learn things from the Internet.
It has facilitated trade and commerce both locally and Internationally. As a result of Internet,
it has become very easy to find out the intended buyer or seller. Besides, one can contact
his counterpart in business through e-mail, video conferencing, chat, voice chat, etc. The
Internet has started a new dimension of business and transaction called e-biz or electronic
business. Using this system many banks and financial institutions have started online
banking and transaction. In this method, money is transferred and the transaction is made
electronically. The Internet has enabled people to buy their necessary goods online just by
ordering their purchases using computers staying at their houses.
Medium of Advertisement:
As millions of people use Internet now, it has become a great medium of advertising.
Advertisements on Internet are easy and effective. This medium is getting popular day by
day as advertisers can reach their target groups at comparatively less cost.
Whenever there are holidays I spend my time with my family, this is because I am at work
all the time, mean we are away from home and our family. So ……………….
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
At my school we really focus on the science subjects and English. Since most students will
apply to a foreign University
In my opinion business is probably the first choice for most students. Nearly everyone wants
to be rich so they think that majoring in business would help them achieve this goal. I guess
the second most prevalent subject would be computing. You know many students like to
play computer games so there is no doubt that people are into that subject.
I would love to go to abc University – I have an offer for that university right now but of
course I need to get a good score.
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
It's really freezing (sunny, cool, breezy, chilly, warm, humid, hot) today. If I didn’t have to
take the IELTS exams, I would prefer to stay at home. Actually I prefer cloudy days,
because then it's neither too hot nor too cold.
And what's more important to me is that this weather is perfect for photography as the light
is so soft. So at this time of day, I like to go out with my camera to take photos.
In my hometown the weather is quite pleasant, neither too hot nor too cold most of the
time. Even in winter, the temperature is still quite mild. But the summer is often hot and
The bad thing about the weather in my hometown is that it doesn't snow as heavily as does
up north like in Beijing for example. It does snow, but usually we just get a little bit. Every
time I see children having a snowball flight or making a snowman on TV, I really envy them.
I believe though China is a vast country, there are four distinct seasons in most places. But
unfortunately in recent years, many places are becoming boiling hot in the summer. I guess
the changes are primarily due to the greenhouse effect. So in this extreme weather, I will
really prefer to work at home, and the air- conditioning is working all day long, and at night,
I even sleep on the floor to be cooler.
Yes, Nanjing is facing more and more oppressive haze; I always keep a watchful eye on
the weather forecast. I installed an app in my mobile phone, and I watch the PM 2.5
indicator it has become a bit of a routine for me.
As for the unusual weather, global warming has really become a hot topic around the world.
It is caused by the greenhouse effect as the sheer volume of carbon dioxide emitted into
the air, prevents the atmosphere from cooling off at night. As for other unusual weather,
hurricanes, which can easily flatten thousands of homes near the coast in a short period of
time, are becoming more common.
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
Well, if I had to choose between the two, I'd probably go with the distinct seasons in each
year because each season has its own merits. I think I would get bored if it was warm all
year round.
No, in spring and autumn, when the temperature is neither too cold nor too hot, people in
China tend to hike in the mountains, or go running. When it comes to summer, people can
choose more physical activities like swimming, camping in the forests and playing balls,
etc. But in winter,
people believe it not suitable for outdoor exercises, so they prefer to stay at home to keep
I seldom watch TV. I only turn on the TV to watch a football match on weekends. That is
once a week. I am a big fan of football so I watch a lot of football matches. It's exciting and
entertaining to see how players push their limits to win the games. I also enjoy watching
movies, especially when I connect my computer to the TV screen and watch movies in High
Definition from my bed; it is really enjoyable at night.
Lately I have tried to watch BBC programs, because they are all in English and it can
improve my listening for my IELTS exams.
Oh, yes, I really was a couch potato when I was younger. On weekends, when my parents
went out to do other things, I was left alone at home with the TV all day long. Therefore, I
became obsessed with various TV programs, including the adverts. I can still remember
my favorite cartoons like Transformers, Tom and Jerry, Dragon Ball, etc, which I watched
all through my childhood.
Yes, as the techniques have advanced in these years, the TV has also developed a lot.
They have become thinner and clearer to be exact. I remember those old TV screens were
made with a plasma panel, making the whole TV heavy and big. Then LCD technology and
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
the LED display came out making the TV thinner and lighter so we can enjoy brighter and
clearer programs.
I believe that watching TV has benefited me in some way, as well as bringing me some
detrimental consequences. Watching TV programs had enabled me to broaden my
horizons as I was born and raised in a
small county and there were many places and things I had no opportunities to experience.
But the TV had helped me to see them. But spending too much time in front of TV also
made me addicted to it and unfortunately harmed my eyes. So I’ve had to wear glasses
since middle school.
There are a lot of museums in Nanjing because Nanjing has a central place in the history
of China. It allows the local residents to know more about their traditions and historical
I go to the museums a lot, when I go to a new place, I'll find the local museums that have
Interesting features. The museum I visited last time was the Guanfu Museum located in
the rural area of Beijing. It is a private owned museum featuring Chinese antiques like
porcelain, furniture, jade and some paintings.
Yes, the reason is that generally, most museums are non-profit organisations, and these
goods make up a large part of their income, except for the tickets of course, and also partly
because these items are closely related to the theme of the museums, which cannot be
bought in other bookstores or shops.
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
9 | P a g e http://ieltsmaterial.com
Yes, I am fond of holidays. The main thing is that on these days, I don't have to work and
have plenty of time to relax and also I will have more quality time with my family.
I believe my favourite public holiday would be National Day because I get at least seven
days to go travelling and also it's the best time to get around, the weather is neither too
cold nor too hot, and the foliage of trees will have turned yellow or red, which is very pretty.
It's kind of hard to say but people that I know around me tend to go shopping with their
families or friends to take advantage of the sales in the shops, but maybe for others, they
probably will stay at home to relax. I believe public holidays are rather important and there
should be more of them in my country. The main factor is that people really need to unwind
without any distractions after tiring work and also public holidays can dramatically boost
consumption, as goods in the shops will be sold at a discount during these days.
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
I'm really into watching films because some films are very entertaining and provoking. I
sometimes go to cinema with my friends and family to enjoy our leisure time in the
Well, if I had to choose between the two, I would probably choose foreign films, especially
Hollywood films because most of them are well-acted, with lots of charismatic celebrities
and are often enormous box-office hits; whereas you know, Chinese films are usually low-
budget, so they are not as attractive as their American counterparts.
I go to cinema to watch movies from time to time. Normally if I’m not busy with my work, I’ll
check out the movies to see whether there are any movies that attract me; but if I have lots
of things on my hands, I'll probably focus on my work.
It's kind of hard to say but people that I know tend to like watching movies in the cinema,
but maybe for others, they just prefer to stay at home and watch TV programmes
As for me, I like drama films the best because sometimes they just tell simple but warm
and heartfelt stories with provoking and often emotional endings which touch me a lot. 10
| P a g e http://ieltsmaterial.com The first film that I watched was the Lion King many years
ago in the cinema with my parents. What I can remember now is the terrific animation and
the amazing soundtrack. I particularly liked the song Can You Feel the Love Tonight that
I knew it was produced by Elton John. And I've learned lessons from this movie. It is about
living up to our responsibilities, no matter how hard it is.
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
10. What do you think are the good points and the possible bad points about having leisure
11. How do people in your country spend their holidays?
12. Do you like to travel in your holidays?
13. If you had a child, what leisure places would you go to with your child? Well, I enjoy
driving around in my spare time. I always drive my car with my friends or family out to
the countryside during the weekends to relax. I feel that driving not only enables me to
go where I want to at any time, but I can also make my own itineraries and discover the
stunning places that others may not find.
Normally, I'll hang out with my friends because I want to relax, but after being a father, I
spend more time at home with my kid, telling stories to him or playing games with him.
If I had to choose between the two, I'll probably spend more time at home with my kid,
telling stories to him or playing games with him, whereas, hanging out with friends will
reduce my quality family time with my son. Oh, definitely not, you know, a modern lifestyle
brings people more convenience, however, in this modern fast paced society the fierce
competition makes more people spend more time at work, resulting in less quality time with
family and friends.
Yes, definitely. After a tiring week, people really need to relax. Apart from earning money,
I still need to enjoy my family time, hang out with friends to socialise and travel around to
experience different lifestyles. 11 | P a g e http://ieltsmaterial.com
Well, between the two, old people are fond of a slow-pace of life compared to young people,
for example, old people enjoy walking in the garden or chatting with old friends, on the
contrary, young people are fond of energetic activities such as football and hiking in the
Well, it's kind of hard to say but people that I know around me tend to hang out with friends
for dinner, but maybe for others, they will probably go shopping with family in the shopping
malls to enjoy themselves. Well, I'm really into taking my kid travelling around to the natural
places around here during the weekends to relax. Although travelling to other places is
really time consuming, I still like going out because I believe that staying close to the nature
can cultivate people' s mental development
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
Yes, I'm really into watching sports on TV because it entertains me a lot. Besides, I like
seeing other people do the things that I can't do and wish I could do.
Yes, I sometimes play football in the morning with my friends in the garden during the
weekends to get some exercises.
My favorite sports star is a footballer called Messi who is a forward for Barcelona. He has
the perfect blend of speed, strength, skill and toughness. He is also an icon in the modern
football game.
I guess the most popular spectator sport in China is basketball. Many young people in
China play basketball but mainly boys play it. Basketball courts are easy to find and it
doesn't require any specific facilities or expensive equipment other than a basket and a
Well, I guess what I'll try in the future is tennis because it can help me build strength and
can improve my flexibility and balance. Besides, tennis is a social activity too; it's a sport I
can enjoy with friends if I play regularly.
Oh, no, though my life is quite a bit boring, I'm too scared to do any extreme sports because
I don't think I have enough guts to put myself in these difficult situations.
My top three favorite fruits and vegetables are broccoli, celery and grapes because all of
them are both nutritious and delicious. Also, I want to give mushrooms an honorable
mention as they are one of my favorite things to cook with, although they are a fungus.
I eat fruit at home on a daily basis. I always buy a lot of different types of fruit in the shopping
mall at the weekends for my whole family.
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
Oh yes, there are loquat trees everywhere in my hometown. Loquat is very sweet and has
lots of nutrition and is actually medicinal too. Yes, we do. We really need to eat vegetables
everyday because you simply cannot find another food group that is as perfectly matched
to our everyday human needs. There are various proteins, fibre and vitamin that cannot
be found in other foods such as meat.
Well, actually I don't have any instinct for fashion and my look says I'm a laid-back kind of
guy. So I usually wear casual clothes. I'm most comfortable wearing jeans, a T-shirt and
my flip-flops.
Oh, definitely not. I always wore school uniform which was a blue jacket with a white shirt.
They were very simple and boring. So when I reached home, I tended to put on my favorite
Oh, yes. Formal clothes really make me nervous so when I go home, I take them off and
change into my sweatshirts.
Yes, when I was a child, I needed to wear a uniform at school from primary school all the
way to the very last year of high school; it is a tradition in China, so I believe my parents
had to follow this tradition too.
No, I really couldn't stand the school uniform because the clothes were a bit too old-
fashioned; in addition, sometimes I was reluctant to wear them because they were too
large. I don’t know why they couldn't be a bit more trendy and colourful like the ones in
other countries, like Japan and Australia.
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
Normally I'll go out to some stunning natural places to let off steam with my family or friends
on weekends; but if it's not sunny, I'll stay at home for the whole weekend. Mostly I just use
the Internet to kill time.
I guess some men play sports while women may just do housework. So men may probably
do things for their own Interest, by contrast, women spend more time for their families.
I always spend the whole weekends with my family. I barely work on weekends.
Last weekend, I took my son to the Nanjing Botanic Garden to go to see the various plants.
We went into the greenhouse exhibition of plants which was very remarkable.
Well, there are so many people in my hometown, it's really hard to say, probably most
people tend to stay at home to enjoy family time, but personally speaking, I guess there
are not too many entertainments in my small hometown for people to go to.
Next week, I plan to do some shopping because as the Spring Festival is just around
the corner, I need to go to the supermarket to buy food and other groceries; besides, I
have to buy some new clothes for my family for the coming New Year, it's an old Chinese
Yes, actually I've been thinking about going to the gym on Saturdays. I have to do some
exercise, I'm so out of shape now!
Absolutely no! That's crazy. I have to relax no matter what. Weekends are not for work! ! !
If I were an employee, I would think this is a horrible idea. Employees are human; we all
deserve to have some off-work time.
Yes, the main factor is that after five-days of hard work, I really need some leisure time to
let off steam, or travel around to experience the countryside. Whereas, when I was a kid, I
had plenty of time to play, every day was almost the same.
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
Yes, I'm really into reading because I believe that reading can be both entertaining and
educational. Reading broadens my knowledge by opening up the whole world to me. While
I'm reading, I can be visiting another country or a different time period, or travelling through
space. I can find out how people solved problems or think up new ideas.
Oh, it's a tough question, or it should be more of what books I don't read. I have a really
open mind towards books and what genre they are. Classic literature, novels,
autobiography, historical story - whatever I love reading them all.
Yes, I remember when I was a kid, I'd like to take some historical books from my father's
bookshelf, and read the historical stories, which were really entertaining and educational
for me. As a result, I'm very familiar with our ancient Chinese history.
It's kind of hard to say but young children that I know tend to read fairy
tales to cultivate their mental development, but maybe for others, they just want to watch
TV and play with their toys.
I believe if you want your children to be smart, they have to acquire a love for reading,
which has numerous benefits. Reading opens the door to a child's early academic
success, imparts a love of learning and leads to higher grades in every 16 | P a g e
http://ieltsmaterial.com subject. Besides, reading can help children improve linguistic
skills in the form of a richer vocabulary, correct grammar, and more articulate oral
communication. On top of that, books teach child about relationships, situations,
personalities, and what is good and what is bad in the world he/she lives in.
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
Not very often. Newspapers take time to get published so they are not updated as quickly
as the news on social media sites is. Besides, I would have to go to the kiosks and spend
money to buy newspapers.
Well, if I had to choose between the two, I'll probably go with reading magazines in my
spare time because they are well printed and always have in-depth reporting on particular
events; whereas, you know, newspapers always report the same news as the Internet, so
they now seem to be not so indispensable.
I'm more Interested in newspapers that write about foreign cultures. I like to learn about
their religions, customs, and the foods they eat. Occasionally, foreign news Interests me,
too. I also really like reading scientific related news.
I got in the habit of reading newspapers when I was in high school; I was around 17 years
old then. The library in my school had several kinds of newspapers and magazines so when
I had free time, I'd go to read news about the latest political events, sports and fashion
Yes, I feel that it's very important for me and other people to know what’s happened both
domestically and Internationally.
It's kind of hard to say but people that I know tend to read political news because they are
Interested in what happens domestically and abroad, but maybe for other people, they just
care more about sports and fashion events.
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
Well, if I had to choose between the two, I'll probably go with reading domestic news
because it is closer to home, and it affects me more whereas, you know, International
news sometimes have nothing to do with my daily life, so I just read the headlines.
Well, I feel that newspaper publishers always try to use bold headings, attractive
advertisements, and insights in the article to get the readers' attention.
Well, I guess that newspapers have a great influence on society. Newspapers keep people
informed about the economy, politics, science and education. Also, it tells us something
about our society and the country. Moreover, it also helps to educate people about their
rights and duties.
Yes, getting news from the Interlocutornet is popular now because it's very convenient to
get news from the Interlocutornet via a mobile phone. The news apps on my mobile phone
usually send me the most urgent notifications so it keeps me posted minute by minute.
Well, there are many things I have to remember to do every day. For example, after getting
up in the morning, I need to do simple physical exercises like crunches and push-ups.
Besides, another important thing to keep in mind is to teach my son to read traditional
Chinese poems in the evening.
Well, it's kind of hard to say but people I know use to-do-list apps on their mobile phones
to help them remember what to do next; but maybe for other people, they might just write
urgent things down in notebooks the old fashioned way with paper and pen.
Well, I guess it's quite normal that elderly people become more and more forgetful. Apart
from some negative emotional factors like stress and depression, elderly people tend to
forget things because of the normal ageing process.
Oh yes, I nearly forgot the birthday of a woman I liked. I had asked her what her birthday
was, and told her I would send her a gift, but unbelievably I forgot it until the evening of that
day. Fortunately I asked her out to dinner to celebrate and I saved the day.
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
I hang out with my friends from time to time. Normally if we have lots of time on the
weekends, we will go to the cinema to watch movies to have a good time. We might also
have dinner together in a restaurant if we have the time.
Usually I like to hang out with one of my close friends. Actually we live in the same
community so we can meet frequently. Also, both of our kids are in the same class in
kindergarten, so we like to take them to the park or playground together.
Well, that depends. We sometimes go to a restaurant to enjoy tasty food if someone knows
a decent place. Also if we have plenty of time we like to plan a hike or camp in a nearby
forest park to enjoy outdoor life. That would be a very memorable experience.
Well, if I had to choose between the two, I would probably go with hanging out with a big
group people because I think that I am an extrovert. I like to meet different people to know
about different kinds of life and make myself more sociable; whereas, you know, with only
a few people around, it would be hard to find something Interesting to do, such as travelling,
hiking, etc.
You bet! I am a big fan of travelling. I spend many months each year travelling. It's not only
an indispensable part of my life, but also helps me to know and learn new things and have
new experiences.
I think autumn is the best time to travel. As it is neither too hot nor too cold, people feel
comfortable enough to go out. Also, the foliage of trees will turn 21 | P a g e
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
yellow or red so you will see the beautiful colours of the trees all around you. Wherever you
go, you will have a memorable trip.
Yes, Chinese people are renowned for their hospitality to visitors. There are numerous
tourist attractions around the country. For instance, you can visit the countryside to see the
picturesque views, or you can visit historical relics to get to know about the events that
have shaped Chinas long history, or you can just stay in the cities to experience how the
local people live.
I rarely go by bus because I have my own car now, so I always go somewhere by car.
Well, between the two, travelling by plane is relatively very fast, for example, it just takes
three hours for me to go to Beijing but it is quite expensive; on the other hand, travelling by
trains is an increasingly cost
Yes, people that I know tend to go to work by car because it's very convenient to drive, but
for others without cars, they just take buses or ride an ebike to work because it's cheap
and effective
Yes, I believe that as people earn more money and have a better life, they will buy cars for
themselves and their families, and most will drive their cars to the office.
Oh no, it's impossible to ride a bike to work because you know, Nanjing is a big city, I live
about 20 kilometres from the office, so I'll be late if I rode a bike to work.
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
I believe private transportation will become the most popular means of transportation in my
country because as people get richer, people will tend to buy cars for their families and
businesses, and obviously China has already become the biggest market for vehicles in
the world.
Well, if I had to choose between the two, I'd probably go to work in my own car because
it's much more comfortable than being in a crowded bus or subway.
Yes, I can. I learnt at school when I was about 7 years old. Swimming lessons were
compulsory at our school, like at most schools I think. Yes, there are a few public swimming
pools. There is the main indoor one at a big sports complex in the centre of town. There
are also a couple of outdoor ones, but you can only use them in summer, as it is too cold
in winter. There is a big one in a park, whereas the other is much smaller. Of course, I think
it's very important to learn to swim. First, you might spend a lot of holidays by water, for
example, when you go to the beach or go to a lake, so you won't be able to enjoy yourself
with your friends if you can't swim. Also, for safety reasons it's very important. You often
hear about accidents involving young children so it's very important.
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
& why?)
14. Do you prefer to send postcards to people or to send photos that you took yourself?
Yes, I am a big fan of doing photography in my spare time. I always travel around with my
camera. It’s a habit I’ve had for almost 8 years. The main thing is that I can capture the
most precious moments in my life, such as a graduation ceremony, or a sweet moment
with my girlfriend, and also I believe photography helps to cultivate my thinking about the
world. If I had to choose between the two, I'll probably go with taking photos of other
people because I feel that different people have different characteristic, so each photos
will be different. Whereas, I rarely take a selfie because it makes me embarrassed.
Normally, I'll probably just go out and about to take photos because I really enjoy natural
scenery such as the seashore, sunsets and twilight, but when I take my son with me, I take
photos of him to capture his happiness.
I store my photos both on my computer disk and on the Interlocutornet for backup. Also I
have been running a photography website for 4 years, and I keep all my best photos there.
Yes, I used to print some photos of my kid to hang in his room, they help us have good
memories of the happy times we have together. 25 | P a g e http://ieltsmaterial.com
Well, if I had to choose between the two, I'll probably go with my own photos because they
are unique and getting a lot of positive comments from friends is a pleasant thing. Whereas
postcards are not as meaningful to me as the photos I take myself.
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
People living in the countryside can enjoy various activities that those who cities cannot
such as going out at night without fear of street criminals and doing exercise in the early
morning to enjoy the fresh air
Living in the countryside can definitely benefit people in a number of ways. For one thing,
it's good for one's health thanks to significantly lower levels of pollution. It is undeniable
that air quality in big cities is so bad that longterm exposure to it may cause respiratory
diseases and other health problems. Besides, the cost of living in rural areas is likely to be
lower than that in cities.
However, many people have been attracted to live and work in big cities because of better
employment opportunities and higher living standards.
There are many recent news in which I am Interested and I want to know about these news
from any sources or any cost . Pakistan politically is unable because imran khan Govt Has
finish and Shahbaz shareef become new prime minister of Pakistan but khan said I don’t
accept him because he comes via conspiracy and planted by the establishment so khan
call PM Shahbaz and his Cabinet is imported by the International conspiracy. Now khan
give call their follower for Pakistan Capital Islamabad and planned to jam capital and will
sit in Islamabad until new election has announced but Govt don’t want to go for election
and they try to rewrite constitutions by their will and they want to change some article
The opportunity to improve your language skills is just one of the many benefits of
studying abroad.
It can take years to master another language, but studying abroad is one of the quickest
and easiest ways to build your proficiency. You’ll be amazed at how rapidly you expand
your vocabulary, sharpen your listening skills, nail a new accent, and get to grips with
grammatical rules.
There are so many reasons to learn another language. It’ll enrich every aspect of your
study abroad experience and help you settle into daily life beyond the classroom. Not
to mention the array of International career opportunities it could open up after
graduation. Confidence
As the age-old saying goes, confidence is key. Whether you’re a complete novice or
consider yourself to be fluent, there is almost certainly some conversational slang you have
yet to learn.
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
Read magazines: Magazines are a great place to start because they’re written in an easy-
to-follow style
Research the country: When you’ve chosen where to study abroad, arrive
with a basic knowledge of the country’s culture and history Speaking: Try to speak
in language that you want to learn
Traditionally our schools are responsible for formally educating our children and young
people, and families and friends supply the informal portions of their educations. Both of
these portions of a child's education are of equal importance. They both contribute greatly
to a child's learning experience. They affect the way a child thinks and communicates with
society."Formal education is the hierarchically structured, chronologically graded
'education system', running from primary school through the university and including, in
addition to general academic studies.
People must meet certain educational requirements and get a license or certificate before
they can practice accounting, law, or medicine."Informal education is a truly lifelong
process whereby every individual acquires attitudes, values, skills and knowledge from
daily experience and the educative influences and resources in his or her environment -
from family and neighbors, from work and play, from the market place, the library and the
mass media
In our part of the world, family is an important institution in our lives. We tend to live and
grow together amid any difficult situation. My family has always assisted and encouraged
me in each phase of my life. However, the one that stands out is the phase of my MDCAT
preparation. It was an arduous task both; physically and mentally. My family encouraged
me through that time. They believed in me, and to be honest that was what kept me going.
Unfortunately, I couldn't ace the examination, hard-luck
perhaps. But, my family remained optimistic and supported me through that bewildering
time. For which I would always be grateful, and I'm looking forward to returning all the favors
that my family has bestowed upon me.
I have a keen Interest in organizing social and cultural events. Since school life, I used to
take part in different activities. During school life, I have served as an organizer of sports
events. Recently, I assisted my elder brother in organizing an ETEA mock test for medical
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
students. It was organized on a higher level and the number of students that appear in the
test was enormous. It's always a pleasure working with different people and learning new
Entertainment is one of the mandatory parts of our lives. A movie is the best depiction of
leisure and fun. Since my teen life, I've watched quite a few movies, but classic movies
from both Hollywood and Bollywood Interest me the most. Out of all, Will Smith's movie,
The Pursuit of Happiness stands alone. It's no doubt one of the best movies I've watched,
and I will remember it for the rest of my life. It's an autobiographical, based on the life of an
American Businessman Chris Gardner who struggles all his life with poverty. It's about the
journey of happiness. A great movie with strong motives of positivity and happiness behind
Schools are the basic outlets that help students grow their personalities and shape their
future lives. Education-based learning is achieved through educational institutions and from
the day-to-day experiences of daily life. Thus, it's crucial to keep in mind both sources while
designing a curriculum. School trips provide first-hand experience with real life. They tend
not to be in the confinement of a classroom rather they are subjected to a practical world,
where their observations and actions are entirely based on their
instincts from which they grow and learn. Apart from this, school trips aid in strengthening
the factor of motivation. Students are motivated to learn from new avenues of real life. It
also helps in the social and personal development of the students and provides
opportunities for Interaction with peers and faculty members.
I live in the Northern areas of Pakistan, which are rich with distinct meals. We usually
prefer meat over vegetables. I grew up seeing my father and mother cooking various
dishes. But one that always steals the show is "Dam Pukht". I love cooking it. It contains
no amount of spices and extra condiments. It has an earthly taste of meat infused with
the tastes of various vegetables cooked on slow flame for an hour or two. I've tried
cooking it a few times and it turned out delicious, and I always get appreciation from the
Life is not a bed of roses alone, it's a blend of both good and bad instances. The question
is Interesting and difficult to answer at the same time. According to what I believe it's
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
humanly impossible to avoid stress throughout our lives. One should not dwell on avoiding
stress, rather the aim should be to deal sanely with stress and anxiety. Personally,
whenever I feel stressed I go for a long walk, it helps me. And sometimes I pour my heart
out on a piece of paper. In addition, for a mental peace and calmness, I believe one should
look at the brighter aspects of the issues at hand, rather than completely losing oneself to
the calamities of life. Keeping in mind that everything happens for a reason, and bad times
too shall pass would help a lot.
I know it's difficult to remain sane in this world of insanity and chaos, but one has to look at
the welcoming opportunities life has yet to offer.
Considering the question, I'm comfortable with both watching a movie in the cinema and at
home. But, as far as convenience is concerned, I would go with watching movies at home.
At home, I'm the man in control. I can easily switch it on and off in case of any emergency
or work. Besides that, it's economical to watch movies at home rather than spending a hefty
amount of money on the ticket. And even worse, when the tickets of your favorite movie
are sold out. In addition, Cinema is a public place with little or no privacy at all.
Though, in cinema, it's all about the enormous screen and audio-visuals that attracts the
audience, which is of course compromised in watching movies at home. Thus, there are
pros and cons of everything in existence, still, I would go with the latter option.
Waste management is one of the biggest problems in society today. On a daily basis, the
world produces close to 4 million tonnes of waste. Many of this includes waste that the
world can easily harvest to recycle and make into new products, and people around the
world do this. Several governments require you to separate your garbage at home into wet
waste and dry waste or into waste, which is recyclable and that which is not. The most
common waste items include plastic, paper, metal cans, and glasses. Plastic is recycled
according to its quality and type, but the basic process is to melt it and recreate another
plastic item. To recycle paper, it is first cleaned of any ink or dirt using chemicals, then
made into a pulp, which is later made into new, clean paper. Objects made of glass or
metal follow recycling processes similar to that of plastic, with the difference being that they
are first broken and only melted into new ones.
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
Light rail
Road pricing
Beauty Problems/Issues
The beauty industry shapes girls, boys, men and women around the world. From putting
make-up on Barbie at a young age to picking out the blush you want to wear at your
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
wedding, the beauty industry is in every stage of life. Growing up with the beauty industry
can be rewarding and frightening. There are a plethora of problems with the beauty industry
from products to its impact on mental health. Learning how to navigate around the problems
with the beauty industry and tackle them head on is something beauty gurus must do to
keep themselves safe and see change.
people want to go to fun places to entertain and refresh their mind, some feel relax and
some people go to eating and some for swimming and some want to go to play
Mega Zone
Fatima Jinnah Park F-9, Islamabad has a mega zone complex that includes sports activities
and a standard length swimming pool. It is a public recreational park. It has the following
Bowling alley
Arcade games
Laser tag
Cafe Zone
Swimming pool
Play area
Mega Zone is a perfect place in Islamabad to have some fun with family and friends. It is
located at a prime location in Islamabad and therefore it is one of the most visited places
for recreation. This place is well-managed by authorities. This best destination to open from
9 in the morning till 11 at night.
Wading in Pakistan
typical Pakistani wedding, or Shaadi ( )شادیconsists of two main events - the Nikkah and
Walima. Arranged and semi-arranged marriages in Pakistan often take long periods of time
to finalize and up to a year or more can elapse from the day of engagement until the
wedding ceremony. Wedding customs and celebrations vary upon ethnicity and
religion.[10] Nikah
The Nikah ن ِكاحis the formal marriage ceremony where a marriage contract, or Nikah-Nama
( ,) نکاح نامہis signed by both the bride and the groom in presence of close family members.
The Nikah is typically performed by a religious scholar at a mosque, such as an Imam,
Mufti, Sheikh or Mullah, Walima
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
The Walima و ِليمہis the formal reception hosted by the husband and wife and officially
makes the marriage public. It is typically a huge celebration with many relatives and as well
as invited guests of both families in attendance. Traditionally, the Walima was hosted at
home but nowadays are increasingly being held at marriage halls, restaurants or hotels.
We are living in an era that is surrounded by technology. From the computers that we use
for work, to the phones that we use to Interact and now the machines we use to stay fit,
technology is everywhere and we are using it like never before. Although there are certain
advantages associated with it, people often believe that technology has done more harm
that it has done good. How can technology make our lives easier?
Technology is the application of scientific principles for the practical purposes. For example,
we are using watches to get time, mobile phones to stay connected, Internet to grab
knowledge etc and thus our life is made easier than before. Living without these amenities
might have not affected our lives as in we would still have been living, but certainly we
should have stayed in the primitive age. Technology has changed the way we study, work
or even spend money. Gone are the days when we were limited to the physical resources
we had, now there is so much more that we can get irrespective of whether it is around us
or not. Technology has helped us in getting a better life standard with much more efficient
tools and devices to help us in every possible way.
Mobile phones are gaining popularity because they are easy to use and carry. You have a
computer and camera in a device equivalent to your palm. Moreover, they are more
affordable for the public and come without any legal complexities. Even more, it is more
convenient than other means of communication when it comes to contacting the other
person. I believe since a person gets everything, from Internet, to camera, to Interaction,
mobile phones are gaining popularity and they definitely go a long way.
To everyone, school days are considered as the best days of their life and they remember
the memories for the rest of their life. I also have numerous memories of my school days
and I miss the day when I got caught for school bunking.
Recently I have passed my university and now waiting to take admission for my further
education abroad. When I sit for studying the university admission materials, the past days
appear before my eyes. I start missing those days. I was a student of the seventh grade at
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
the Govt School in Mardan. There were some other students with me and we had formed
a group. All of the group members used to occupy the last benches. Thus we were named
as the ‘backbenchers’. Most of the times, the troubles in the class were created by us. But
the teachers did not punish us severely or seriously as we were top students in the class
as well. After any of the trouble, it became a policy of the teachers that they would ask us
questions about our study and they could not make us stop with the academic issues. So,
they could not punish us. Moreover, some of the students of the class were in our favor and
thus we got rid of all the troubles.
I consider myself exceptionally fortunate to have been taught and guided by some excellent
teachers throughout my academic life. Among them, I would like to talk about Mr Ali, who
has been an extraordinary teacher, an exceptional mentor, and who has had a great
influence on my studies.
I met Mr Ali for the first time when I was in fourth grade. He was our math teacher. Initially,
we thought that he would be a tough teacher and we would have to be very polite in front
of him. We got this impression mostly because of his serious look and tidy dress-up. But
soon we found that he was a very friendly person and we did not have to be "very polite" to
him. He never made things complicated and tried over and over again to explain something
to us. He had a unique way of teaching and could explain complex topics very easily.
my father’s 80th birthday. We wanted to have a special celebration for him but decided to
keep it a secret so as to surprise him on the day.
My youngest brother, who lives two and a half hours drive away from the rest of my
immediate family, told Dad that he’d come down with his family so we could all go out for a
meal together. What we actually did was to invite members of our extended family to come
as well without my father knowing. Most of them live a long way away, like in London or
Scotland, so we don’t see them very often. They came down the day before and stayed in
local hotels.
There was a lot to arrange and it was difficult to sort everything without Dad guessing what
we were up to. There were several times when I thought he must know something was
going on but was just playing along and pretending he didn’t.
We booked a table at a local restaurant and on the day, my sister decorated it with balloons
and other party bits and pieces. It looked amazing. It was a very long table as in the end
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
there were more than twenty family members at the meal. So, as well as my parents and
my siblings, there were also nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles and cousins. I think it was
probably the biggest family gathering we’d ever had.
We arranged for Dad and Mum to be the last to arrive so that everyone else could be seated
at the table waiting for them. I’ll never forget Dad’s face when he walked into the restaurant.
He hadn’t guessed what we were arranging and it was a real surprise to him to see
everyone there.
We had a lovely meal together but the best thing was spending time with all our relatives.
It made me realize what a close-knit family we are even though we don’t see each other
very often. I think that Dad enjoyed it too and I hope it showed him how much he means to
our whole family.
Why do you think some people learn a language and then forget how to speak it?
Well, definitely they forget to speak it due to lack of practice and Interlocutorest, as you
know practice makes a man perfect so practice is must remember the things what you want.
LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Material
Address: Ahmad Plaza Canal Road Mardan
Contacts: 0347-6848324 / 0937-533214
How useful have you found speaking English when you travel?
Since communication is a big part of traveling, speaking in English makes it a lot easier. A
whole lot easier. For one thing, knowing how to speak English is an important skill in the
tourism and hospitality industry. You can travel almost anywhere in the world and find
someone who can help you, give you directions and so on. Also