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Personal Development

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Lesson 18


It is said that every kind of relationship is a two-way traffic which means that all parties should
learn how to give and take. There are different forms of relationships and each of us has a clear
description for each of these forms. We certainly have our own ways of creating and improving these

one of human beings' greatest emotions.

are one of the most important aspects of life for these people, and a source of tremendous fulfilment.

is a form of relationship closely linked to a person and which can only be important to that person.


● Privacy and Intimacy
● Impersonal Relationship
● Attraction


are two attributes describing personal relationshipsand level of commitment to another person/s

commitment to an organization like a businessentity, a principle or purpose.

it is a force that unites people and can grow into an attachmentwhich eventually leads to commitment.

Here are some of the attractions you need to remember:






What Makes a Healthy and Acceptable Expression of Attractions?

1. Mutual respect
2. Trust
3. Honesty
4. Support
5. Fairness / equality
6. Separate identities
7. Good communication

10 Things That Are Unacceptable in Any Relationship

1. Cheating
2. Putting you down
3. Not supporting your dreams
4. Controlling
5. Lack of communication
6. Unnecessary sacrifice
7. Unreliability
8. Forgetting the memorable day
9. Self-destruction
Not caring about friends and family


Personal Relationships – Identify Ways to

Become Responsible in a Relationship

6 Major Elements of Becoming Responsible in a Relationship

1. Mutual Respect
Lack of respect absolutely brings people to an unpleasant environment and pushes people from respecting
one another and themselves, too.

2. Value Quality Time

Having time for fun will absolutely help you create more memories worth treasuring. Quality time with
your loved ones may mean learning to love them more.

3. Trust and Honesty

Every person deserves to be trusted by someone dear to them particularly by family, friends, and
significant other.

4. Well-communicated Love
Love we felt may certainly start any form of relationship. However, it is not the thing that can keep it.
Love is just a feeling. What really keeps any relationship is the love that is well-communicated.

5. Reliability and Security

Each one of us dearly loves to have somebody whom we can depend on and who will guarantee to
protect us from any harm or trouble at any circumstance.

6. Non-judgmental Listening and Presence

Who among us would like to be in a company of people who do not have the heart to listen and give us a
chance to explain our sides first? Most people would find this situation totally unfair.


Various Roles of Different

Individuals in Society and
How they can Influence
People Through Leadership
and Followership

Roles of an Efficient Leader That Can Influence People

1. Set example -
It is the first rule. Walk the talk. Do not compromise anybody in the organization or team integrity.

2. Assume and do responsibility -

you should be guided by your own duties and responsibilities.

3. Show Initiative-
find out what needs to be done. do not wait for anyone to tell you what to do.

4. Life-long learner-
capacitate yourself. Learn everything you need to know about the current job.

5. Show enthusiasm-
if you come to work happy and cheerful, it provides motivation.

6. Willing to serve-
this quality is known of a servant leader. Showing this kind of characteristics can inspire thought and
action of your own constituents.

7. Active listener-
to become an active listener, you must maintain an eye contact. Pay attention to facial expressions and
body language.

8. Show empathy-
Try to understand where people are coming from and their point of view. Put yourself in the other
people’s shoes.

9. Be sensitive to the need of others-

as a good leader, you must be the one who should know and feel the needs of your constituents.

10.Delegate work-
sharing work among members at the organization should be divided into a manageable task.

11. Learn to appreciate-

If someone has done great with the assigned tasks, be sure to let them feel they are appreciated.

12. Be patient-
Do not get easily annoyed if untoward incident happens.

are team that can contribute
success in your leadership.

means when people express words, actions, respect, and support
to a leader.

Roles of an Effective Follower That Leaders Need

1. Courage to do responsibility-
Effective follower feels a sense of personal responsibility and ownership for his or her own behavior in
the organization.

2. Courage to challenge-
If the leader’s actions contradict the best interest of the organization, effective follower takes a stand.
3. Courage to participate in transformation- Effective followers view the struggle of change and
transformation as a mutual experience shared by all members, support the leader and does not afraid to
confront the changes.

4. A can-do attitude-
A leader’s job becomes smoother when he or she has followers who are positive and self-motivated, can
get things done, accept responsibility, excels in required tasks, and willingly accept difficult assignment.

5. A collaborative approach-
Each follower is a part of the leader’s larger system and should realize that his or her action affect the
whole. Work effectively as a team member.

6. Courage to serve and subservient-

Effective follower understands the needs of the organizations and seek to serve those who need.

7. The passion to drive personal growth-

Leaders want followers who seek to enhance their own growth and development rather than depending
on the leader to do it.

**LESSON 21-22

Social influence is characterized by a change in your behavior caused by the people that empower you to
adjust to a particular situation.


is changing your behavior to be the same with the others in the group.

2. Compliance
is granting a request or demand asked by another individual in exchange of either a reward or a

3. Obedience
means changing your behavior to follow the demand given by an authority or an adult you have high
regards with.
**Conduct a Mini-survey on
Filipino Relationships
(family, school, and community)

Social relationships refer to the connections that exist between people who have recurring interactions
that are perceived by the participants to have personal meaning. This includes relationships between
family members, friends, neighbors, fellow workers, and other associates.

Family relationships
or relatives are people we are connected to through some form of kinships, such as parents, brothers and
sisters, grandparents, aunts and uncles or step-parents.

are people we are not related to but choose to interact with.

are people we trust, respect, care about, and feel that we can confide in and want to spend time with.

are people you may encounter oftentimes, but are not friends or relatives.

A survey is a data collection tool used to gather information about individuals. Mini-surveys are carefully
focused on a specific topic.

Steps on writing a mini- survey

Step 1: Clarify Your Objectives Ask yourself:

a. "What do I want to find out?" "Why?"

b. "Is this technique the way to get this kind of information?"
c. "When I get the answers to these questions, will they meet my needs?"

Step 2 : Find Out What Else Has Been Done Research

and review materials or resources which have been previously used to examine your chosen subject

Step 3 : Choose the Respondents

First, you must decide whether you are going to ask your questions of the entire group or second you use

Step 4 : Develop the Questions

Prepare your questions to be asked from your respondents. Learn to write good questions by thinking
things through and by knowing about the people who will answer them.




Family came from the Latin word familia which means group of people living in the household. Family
could be related by blood, or birth or by other relationship.

Types of Family Structures

It is also known as “conjugal” or “traditional” family, consisting of married couples and their offspring.

This type of family includes all relatives in proximity, such as grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins.
these relatives typically live together, and all share daily household duties.


This family type includes one parent and their children only. A single parent family could be the result of
a divorce, the death of one parent, or even a single parent adoption.

A family where the parents have divorced and remarried, bringing children from other unions together to
form a new nuclear family. It is also known as “blended” family, because two families were combined.

A family includes parent who serves as a temporary guardian for one or more children to whom they may
or may not be biologically related.

A family wherein parents may adopt a child to whom they share no blood relationship, or one parent may
adopt the child of the other parent.


A family wherein parents are from different races.


A family wherein parents adopted a child with a different race.


A family wherein one of the family members is conditionally separated from the others. This separation
may be due to their job or employment or could be due to hospitalization

Married couple without children.


A family wherein one or both parents has a different sexual orientation and is part of the LGBT

It is a family who settles together in a different place; it could be from one place to another due to some
circumstances such as the father’s job.

A family wherein one or both parents are already an immigrant of other country. Their children may be or
may not be an immigrant.

Each of us have legacies passed from our ancestors, from generation to generation such as culture,
traditions, and customs. No matter who we are, where we live, we have one thing in common-- heritage.
This heritage is transferred to us by our parents whether good, bad. This heritage is also called legacy, and
this could be passed to us socially, emotionally or spiritually.


In order to prosper, children need an enduring sense of security and stability nurtured in an environment
of safety and love.


To really succeed in life, children needs to learn the fine art of relating to people. If they learn how to
relate well to others, they’ll have an edge in the game of life.


The Spiritual Legacy is the least in priority, but that’s a mistake. As spiritual beings, we adopt attitudes
and beliefs about spiritual matters from one person or another. Parents need to take the initiative and
present faith to their children.

**LESSON 26-28

is defined as what you do for a living using your profession or occupation that undergo education or
training to master knowledge and expertise.

-are small tasks that lever to career goal.

-is wise decision-making of steps and process for continuous development of learning of achieving his/her
professional and personal goal

are areas that provide enjoyment and learning which result to a feeling of reward to an individual.
Personal interests should be inclined to career so that it will result to a satisfying career decision-making.

are talents or abilities that can be learned or acquired through training or day to day experience.

are stable life goals that people have. It is an individual belief that are honed from childhood and
throughout his life.

According to Rokeach Personality theory, there are two classification of values. The terminal values
and instrumental values.

that refer to the end desire of people in life, leading to a prosperous life and a world at peace.

that deal with acceptable mode of conduct, such as being honest, ethical, ambitious, clean, broadminded
and others.

is blended characteristics that are evidently displayed and are important in expressing and
communicating. These are the feelings, thoughts, and behavioral patterns a person has. Every individual
has a different personality.

Traits that are needed in developing one’s career in achieving life goal:

a. Self-concept
is an individual’s perception on different roles, behavior, and opportunities.
The process of individual change through his/her life experiences and discovery of his/her sense of self is
called vocational development. Vocational development is a short job that helps to hone skills related to
career choice

b. Self-determination
is when a person decides to act based on intrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation comes from your inner

c. Self-monitoring
is the capability of a person to watch over his/her behavior and the relationship that he organized within
his environment.

d. Proactive Personality
is when people have the capacity to take actionswithout being told and use thoughtful analysis to solve

e. Self-esteem
it is an accumulated life perception of social acceptance or avoidance. Self-esteem is characterized by the
affective strength of your mind.

f. Self-efficacy
is the ability to finish a task successfully within the time frame.

g. Locus control
are people who have a high sense of responsibility in controlling lives have High internal locus control.

Factors that Influence Career-planning and Decision-making

a. Parental Autonomy
b. Financial Hardship
c. Change in Family roles
d. School Location
e. Academic Performance
f. Employment Rate
g. Herd Mentality
h. Self-sabotage

**LESSON 27:Career Options Based on Career Development Concepts and Personal Life Goals

Career Development Concepts

Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory

The Social Cognitive Theory of Albert Bandura elaborates “self-efficacy,” an individual’s characteristic
where a person performs in a certain level of work according to his/her confidence to accomplish a task.
This “confidence” is an outcome of someone’s past activities, experiences, and accomplishments where
he/she develops a certain level of performance.

Super’s Career Development Theory

Donald Super’s theory postulates that a person undergoes several stages in career development.
Synthesizing into five, Super outlines five developmental stages that occur in the career development of
an individual.

Growth (around 4 to 13)-

children develop their wants, capacities, behavior, socialization skills, and general view of the world.

Exploration (14 to 24)-

people try to “find” themselves in the world through identifying their hobbies, groups, and experiences. In
this stage, they identify tentative choices until they reach their permanent occupation.

Establishment (25-44)- individuals are set to their appropriate positions but still strive for advancement.

Maintenance (45-65)-
people proceed to continual adjustments, challenging themselves to explore to better grounds. They try to
update their competencies and innovate ways by which they can approach their field of work.

Disengagement (over 65)-

people start to disengage themselves from the workforce; they concentrate on retirement planning and
retirement living.

Holland’s Theory of Vocational Choice

Proposed by John L. Holland, this theory emphasizes the relationship between personality and the world
of work. Essentially, the Theory of Vocational Personalities in Work Environment discusses that an
individual looks for an environment that is attached to his/her personality, personal characteristics, and
view of the world.

Career Development Factors

1. Personal
2. Academic
3. Familial
Other Factors:
1. Work values
2. Personality types
3. Extroversion
4. Intuition
5. Feeling
6. Perceiving
7. Interests
8. Aptitudes

3 Major Effects of Job Discontent

1. Loss of motivation/lack of interest/frustration
2. Poor productivity/absenteeism
3. High turn over rates

**LESSON 28:Identifying Career Option Leading to Attaining One’s Personal Goal

are a well-defined statement explaining the profession that an individual intends to pursue throughout his

refers to the process of making educational and career choices based on knowledge of self and of the


1. Self-assessment
2. Knowledge of academic-career options,
3. In-depth evaluation and goal setting
4. Career plan implementation.

A Career plan includes the short-term and long-term goals for your career.

Career planning is the self-evaluation & planning done by a person to have a strong career path.

1. Knowing yourself
Assess yourself to know who you are and what you want.

2. Exploring your options

Discover careers to find what you really want.

3. Making Decisions
It is the process of making logical choices from the available options by identifying a decision, gathering
information, and assessing alternative resolutions.
4. Moving On
It is more about learning to live and managing your career to help yourself succeed.


1. Assess yourself to know who you are and what you want.

2. Explore careers to find a career you want.

3. Set goals to reach the career.

4. Expand your skills to prepare for your career.

5. Find a job that matches your goals.

6. Manage your career to help yourself succeed.

1. A short-term goal is something you want to do soon. The near future can mean today, this week, this
month, or even this year. It is something you want to accomplish soon.

2. A long-term goal is something you want to do further in the future. It requires time and planning


1.Write it down.
Write down your career plan so that you will remember it and you can track your progress.


Each goal must be specific and as clearly defined as possible.

Each goal must also have clearly defined metrics for how it can be measured – either for progress or the
end goal.

It can be easy to get carried away when setting goals, but a goal that is ultimately not achievable will
deplete your motivation. Keep goals small and achievable

this is where putting some time in to plan your goals can pay off.
make sure you set yourself realistic deadlines for each goal and its required steps to keep you focused and

2. Set deadlines.
Make one of two goals that you can achieve within a few days or a week.

3. Reward yourself.
Working toward your goals is hard work.

4. Have an accountability partner.

It's important to not try to complete your goals alone.

**LESSON 29-31:Factors in Personal

Development: Guide in
Making Important Career

is defined by Merriam Webster dictionary as a profession for which one trains and is undertaken as a
permanent calling.

Values are individual beliefs that motivates people to act. It serves as a guide for human behavior.

concerns, involves, draws the attention of, or arouses the curiosity of a person.

refer to the ability and capacity acquired through deliberate, systematic, and sustained effort to smoothly
and adaptively carryout complex activities or job functions involving ideas (cognitive skills),things
(technical skills), and people (interpersonal skills).


● Openness
● Conscientiousness
● Agreeableness
● Extraversion
● Emotional stability
**LESSON 30:Factors in Personal Development: Guide in Making Important Career Decisions


1. Knowing Yourself -
It takes an initial step on self-exploration by determining your interests, limitations, inner talents, skills,
and potentials that would help create an image of your future self.

2. Identify Personal Skills –

A person’s skill differs from one person to another. Once you realize your capacities, it is important to
concentrate on improving it even further.

3. Strategize on Developing Self –

After knowing your personal skills, expose yourself to worthwhile activities like: training workshops,
community projects, school organization, and even extra-curricular activities in school.

4. Research on Career Options –

There are plenty of career options that an adolescent like you can choose from. Should you wish to know
more about these options, you may compare and contrast the different background of your chosen
professions and see if that suits your interest and skills.

5. Career Planning –
Think of your personal plan of actions on how to achieve your set goals for the future. In career planning,
you may include your teachers, parents, and peers so that they can give you necessary feedback in order
to decide on a good career choice.
1. Conduct Personal Research -
Reading few articles and journal entries about the kind of career that you wish to have can help you gather
information which may be helpful in your decision-making.

2. Invest in Acquiring Necessary Skills –

It is expected that adolescents do not have enough skills at this stage; however, this is earned through
proper training involvements and pursuing activities related to the kind of field you wish to become
expert with.

3. Refrain from Abrupt Decision –

One of the challenges adolescents’ encounters is by deciding too early about what they want to pursue
even without adequate background on that field.

**LESSON 31:Creative visualization of personal development through the various stages that you
went through


Culture -
It refers to the shared values, beliefs, and norms of a specific group of people.

Gender, Beliefs, and Behavior -

Greenwood, 2017 cited in the “Child Psychology: A Contemporary Viewpoint Updated,” children learn
values, motives, and behaviors from their parents and the culture within which they live.

Economic and social conditions - This includes income, education, community safety, and social

Personal Development in Decision Making for Career Planning

Personal development
helps you set goals and expectations for yourself. Any individual without a vision in life not only fails to
deliver but also gets easily lost in the crowd. It is important to set expectations for yourself.

Personality development
is not only about changes in traits but also about changes in other layers of the self.

Steps in Personal Development Planning Process

by Prachi Juneja

1. Know your goals and aspirations in life.

Define your goals, whether they are short-term goals or long-term goals. Remember, goals need to be
realistic. Write your goal on a piece of paper. You need to be very clear and confident about it. Be honest
to yourself.

2. Do a SWOT analysis of yourself.

Understand your strengths. There are very few people who actually know their weaknesses and areas of
improvement. Sit and jot down what all new things you would like to learn which would eventually help
in your career.

3. Understand what would be the best available option.

You must be ready that you cannot get all the things you want.

4. Look at the positive and the negative side.

Learn to weigh your decision. What would be the effect and what might the result. This would help you
choose the right decision.

5. Be patient enough.
This may be a cliché that patience is a virtue, but having a long patience always results the positive
feedback. Always give your hundred percent to whatever you do because anything you work half-hearted
result negative feedback.

6. Do not get demotivated if the results are not positive at the first attempt.
You need to give yourself some time.

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