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総合型選抜Ⅲ 世界人材志向型

適 性 検 査

第1問 次の英文を読み、400字以内の日本語に要約しなさい。解答用紙(1)に記入するこ

Students from New Zealand have developed sustainable materials made from the leaves of a tree
local to New Zealand, the cabbage tree, and a plant whose seeds are often eaten, flax. Sustainable
materials are products that are made that limit their harm to the environment and the amount of
resources they take. They support a long-term ecological balance. The sustainable material the
New Zealand students developed could soon be used to make high-performance outdoor sporting
equipment like skis, kayaks, and skateboards. Their plan is to replace the traditional materials that
are used like fiberglass and carbon fiber. Skateboards need to be strong. Ben Scales and William
Murrell are two students at New Zealand’s University of Canterbury. They believe they can make
them even stronger by using fiber from plants. After experimenting in their at-home workshops,
they created new, natural composite material, or material made up of different items. Scales is 21
and studies product design. He said their first attempt is looking good. Scales said their first
experimental product is a skateboard. It is made up of 25 percent fiber from a plant called harakeke
and 75 percent recycled polylactic acid, which is plastic made from corn starch. He said the
material is good to make a skateboard because it can take the force and shocks skateboards receive
better than what skateboards are now made from: wood or carbon-fiber. The fiber is taken from
the Harakeke plant, which is a native flax plant in New Zealand. The fiber is mixed with different
resins, which is a product that comes from some trees that can be used to cover a surface or hold
objects together. Leaves from the cabbage tree are also an important part in their material. The
plan is to use these sustainable materials to make skis, snowboards, and kayaks. These outdoor
sporting items are currently made from nonnatural materials like fiberglass and carbon fiber. The
university students have found interest from possible business partners in other countries. Scales
said some of the companies include businesses in Europe that make boats to skis and a few
overseas startups that are looking to shape the personal transport industry. He said, “… they are
looking to use sustainable materials that just are not offered in industries like that. So, they are
wanting to use our material once we have gotten it ready, which will hopefully be soon.” If they
are successful, the students could bring new life to New Zealand’s flax fiber industry. They could
also bring back practices used by the native people, the Māori, before European colonization.

Phil Mercer, “New Zealand Students to Build Sporting Equipment Using Plants” VOA Learning English
EDUCATION, 20 July, 2021.
Retrieved from https://

第2問 次の英文を読み、その要旨とあなたの意見を解答用紙(2)に英語で書きなさい。

Since at least 500 B.C., animal testing has been carried out, and every year in the United
States, about 26 million animals are used in research ("Should Animals Be Used", 2020). While
it may be true that animal testing has led to improvements in human health, it is also a fact that
many of these experiments cause pain and suffering to the animals, so it should be banned
Proponents of animal testing contend that animal testing is regulated by laws to protect
animals from mistreatment such as the Animal Welfare Act (AWA). Since 1966, this law requires
that veterinarians check the living conditions of animals in zoos and laboratories; for example, to
check how they are treated and if they have enough clean water and food (Animal Welfare Act,
n.d.). However, 95% of animals such as birds, fish, rats, and mice used in experiments are not
protected by the AWA (Favre, 1970). Furthermore, most animals like rabbits which are specifically
bred for testing are not even covered by the law (Galanes, 2010). To give one example, the Draize
test is often used by cosmetic companies. With this test, the eyelids of rabbits are forced to remain
open, sometimes for many days. It is so terrible to imagine such a cruel situation, and based on
these facts, animal testing should be prohibited.
Furthermore, proponents of animal testing would contend that animal testing has
contributed to a lot of medical improvements for both humans and animals. The British Royal
Society released a statement saying that almost every 20th century medical achievement resulted
from the use of animal testing (Royal Society, n.d.). One example of medical improvements is the
polio vaccine tested on animals. It reduced the global incident of disease from 35,000 cases in
1988 to only 27 cases in 2016 ("History of Animal Testing", 2021). It is true that animal testing
has led to improvements for human lives. However, it is also true that there are some mistakes
because of animal testing. Although animals and humans have similar DNA, it is not a 100%
match. The reaction of drugs in animal bodies would not necessarily be similar in human bodies.
For example, in the 1950’s, thalidomide was developed as a medicine to help people sleep better.
This medicine was tested on animals before being released, and no animals were born with defects.
However, it was later discovered that the medicine caused serious harm to the fetal development
of the arms and legs of human babies which resulted in more than 10,000 babies being born with
serious birth defects ("The Tragedy of Thalidomide", n.d.). Therefore, we should not rely on
animal testing to develop new products and to prove the safety of products.

In conclusion, many animals used in animal testing are not protected by the AWA and
there is a possibility that they are treated badly in laboratories. Animals are quite different from
humans, so sometimes animal testing misleads researchers and may actually cause harm to human
bodies. While it is true that animal testing has the potential to improve life for humans, we should
not rely on it. These days, alternative ways to develop new cures and to check the safety of
products are being developed without the need to use animals, so we do not need to rely on animal
testing anymore.

Animal Welfare Act. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Favre, D. (1970, January 01). Overview of U.S. Animal Welfare Act. Retrieved from

Galanes, K. C. (2010). Overview of Animal Testing in Commercial Products. Retrieved from

History of Animal Testing - (2021, February 24). Retrieved from

Should Animals Be Used for Scientific or Commercial Testing? (2020, June 10).
Retrieved from

The Tragedy of Thalidomide and the Failure of Animal Testing. (n.d.).

Retrieved from

The use of animals in research. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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