Letter of Invitation ….,2024
Invitation[……./NULM/ROs/……/24-25/ ......... ]
1. Urban Administration and Development Department (UADD) of the Government of Madhya Pradesh
(GoMP) is implementing the National Urban Livelihood Mission (NULM) programme of GoI at State
level and in 378 mission cities. The programme is designed to provides sustainable livelihood to urban
poor through building community based collective institution in the form of self help groups and its
2. Urban Local Body (ULB)… Singrauli…….. (hereinafter „the Client‟) now invites online proposals
from reputed firms for developing community collective institutions Self Help Groups (SHGs), Area
Level Federations and City Level Federations) of poor. The selected agency will work on
strengthening of existing SHGs, formation of new Self Help Groups , Area Level Federations and City
Level Federation , including bank linkages and handholding support to the urban poor in Nagar
Palik Nigam, Singrauli..
3The financial proposal is not required in this case since the basis of selection is Fixed Cost Basis
selection (FCBS).
5. Cost: The fixed cost amount is Rs.10000/-per self help group (SHG).
7. Agency will be selected for a maximum period of Two years. However, the performance of the
agency will be reviewed yearly and upon satisfactory performance of the selected agency will
continue its support for entire contract period. The funding for the formation of SHGs, bank linkages,
handholding and strengthening of SHGs and its federations will be available for two years only.
8. The formation of new SHGs will not be allowed in the second year. Therefore, the formation of new
SHGs will be in the first years only.
9. All information contained in this package should be treated as commercially confidential and you are
required to limit dissemination on a need-to-know basis.
10. Agencies will be empanelled by the ULB under State Urban Livelihoods Mission, through a
competitive process of technical proposal evaluation.
11. The RFP includes the following documents:
i. Letter of Invitation
ii. E-tendering/NIT
iii. Data-sheet
iv. Terms of Reference
v. Instructions to Agency(including Data Sheet),see Annexure-A
vi. Terms of Reference (ToR), see Annexure-D
Please note that while all the information and data regarding this RFP is, to the best of the Client’s
knowledge, the Client holds no responsibility for the accuracy of this information and it is the
responsibility of the Agency to check the validity of data included in this document.
The scope of work mentioned in the TOR (Terms of Reference) will be applicable to NULM or its allied
programme/ name change in future.
Municipal Corporation Singrauli
Madhya Pradesh
2. Whether submitted the soft copy of the Envelope-A & Technical Proposals
(i.e. & Envelope-B) in PDF format?
5. Have all the CV‟s Signed by Concerned person and properly authorized?
7. HaveyoucheckedtheEligibilityCriteria&Enclosedtherelevantdocuments as
For participation in e-tendering module of UADD, it is mandatory for prospective bidders to get
registration on website www.mpetenders.gov.in. Therefore, it is advised to all prospective
Agencies to get registration by making on line registration fees payment at the earliest.
Tender documents can be downloaded from website www.mpetenders.gov.in. However, the
tender document of those agency shall be acceptable who have made online payment for the
tender documents fee of two thousand only/- (Rs. 2,000/- only) plus service & gateway charges,
without which bids will not be accepted for empanelment.
Service and gateway charges shall be borne by the agencies.
Since agencies are required to sign their bids online using class-III Digital Signature Certificates,
they are advised to obtain the same at the earliest.
For further information regarding issue of Digital Signature Certificate, agencies are requested to
visit website www.mpetenders.gov.in.Please note that it may take up to 7 to 10 working days for
issue of Digital Signature Certificate. UADD will not be responsible for delay in issue of Digital
Signature Certificate.
If an agency is bidding first time for e-tendering, then it is obligatory on the part of agency to fulfil
all formalities such as registration, obtaining Digital Signature Certificate etc. well in advance.
Agencies are requested to visit our e-tendering website regularly for any clarifications and/or due
date extension or corrigendum.
Agency must positively complete online e-tendering procedure of www.mpetenders.gov.in
UADD shall not be responsible in any way for delay/difficulties/ inaccessibility of the downloading
facility from the website for any reason whatsoever
EMD and TECHNICAL PROPOSAL must be submitted online. Submission of financial proposal is
NOT REQUIRED in this case).Tenders received within specified time (e-tender) shall only be
opened on the date/time specified in DATA SHEET.
The prospective bidders will upload scanned self-certified copies of requisite documents as
required in e-tendering process.
Earnest Money Deposit and the tender fee:-
The Tender fee of Rupees Two thousand only is to be submitted by an agency by making Online
Payment only against RFP No:……./NULM/ROs/…../24-25/……
The EMD of Rs 10000/ (Rs Ten Thousand Only) is to be submitted by agency by making Online
No Proposal will be accepted without valid earnest money deposit and Tender Document fee
paid Online.
The prospective bidders, submitting EMD envelope in physical form as detailed
Technical bid:-Agency must positively complete online e-tendering procedure at
www.mpetenders.gov.in. They shall have to submit the documents as prescribed in the RFP online
in the website.
On the due date of e-tender opening, the technical bid of bidders and EMD and tender fee, will be
opened online.ULB reserves the right for extension of due date of opening of technical bid.
ULB reserves the right to accept or reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason what so
In case, due date for submission & opening of tender happens to be a holiday, the due date shall
be shifted to the next working day for which no prior intimation will be given.
Any change/modifications/alteration in the tender documents by the agency shall not be allowed
and such tender shall be liable for rejection.
If there any extension of the due date of proposal submission will be posted on the website only at:
www.mpetenders.gov.in. The information will not be circulated through news paper.
For amendment, if any, please visit www.mpetenders.gov.in. site regularly. In case of any bid
.amendment and clarification, the responsibility lies with the bidders to note the same from web
site of mptenders.gov.in. ULB shall have no responsibility for any delay/omission on part of the
agency .
Data Sheet
1 Name of the Client: Municipal Corporation Singrauli, Madhya Pradesh,
15 Eligibility Criteria:
At least Three financial years (2021-22 to 2023-24) of experience in the formation,
strengthening, bank linkages, and training of self help groups and its federations, Micro
Should have formed at least 50 SHG per year for the last above mentioned Three
financial years.
Average annual turnover of at least Rs. 25,00,000 (Rupees twenty five lakhs) for the last
three consecutive financial years and the first financial year should not older than 2019-
20. Bidders should provide audited financial statements along with all schedules in their
technical proposal.
Bidders should provide sufficient documentary evidence of compliance against the
above eligibility criteria in the technical proposal mentioned in the table ‘Evaluation
16 Proposals must be online submitted no later than the following date and time: as per Key Dates.
17 Expected date for public opening of Technical Proposals for empanelment:
as per Key Dates.
Evaluation Methodology:
Documentary evidence
S.No. Parameters (to be submitted in the
technical proposal)
1. Agencyexperience–100 marks (Agency w o r k e x p e r i e n c e i n t o
SHGs/Federation, Bank Linkages.
formation of SHGs in the last three years
1. Agency formed at least 150SHG–(10marks) NULM portal
1.1 2. Agency formed at least–151-250 SHG(15marks) /client report 20
3. Agency formed above250SHG(20marks)
2. Agencycredentials–10marks
1. Number of projects awarded in last Three years (Techform2)any of the
by government/semi government/any aided followings:
agency/CSR (2021-2022, 2022-2023,2023-2024) Completion
13.Agencyawarded1-3projects(5 marks) certificate from
14.Agencyawarded4andaboveprojects-(10marks) clients
Work order
3. Firm'sInfrastructure–10marks
Whether office set-up available in the proposed cluster? Details of office
- 1Officer(05 marks) address with phone
3.1 10
- Morethan1(10marks) numbers
4.Empanelmentdetails– 20marks
Whether currently empanelled for strengthening or Copy of valid
4.1 training of SHGs with Central Government/ State empanelment 20
Government agencies like NRLM/NULM/NABARD.
5.Agency experience in Madhya Pradesh–50marks
Number of relevant projects in Madhya Pradesh
5.1 (minimum 2 projects in last 3 years : Technical form 2 10
(2021-22, 2022-23, 2023-24)
15.Agency awarded 1-3projects(5 marks)
16.Agency awarded 4 and above projects-(10marks)
Total 150
Note: For Empanelment agency should get at least 60% Marks out of 150 (Total Marks) Priority would be given to highest
marks obtaining agency for work
comprising the The Technical Proposals (submitted Online)will be opened at the date and
Proposal time specified in the Data Sheet/ Key Dates while Financial Proposal is not
require in this proposal.
Technical Proposal 5.4 The Technical Proposal shall contain the following:
(see Annexure-B) i) Section1: Covering Letter, subject to maximum of two (2) pages
ii) Section2: Project detail sheets outlining previous experience of the firm
in at least five similar types of assignments completed during the last
Five years (in prescribed format)(FormTech2)
iii) Section3:Employee/Trainer details (Form Tech3)
iv) Section 4: CVs of personnel to work on this project (in the CV please
include name of staff, nationality of staff, profession/designation of staff,
proposed position in the team, whether employee of the firm, number of
years with the firm, key qualifications, education, experience and
languages known),(FormTech4);
v) Section5:Firmsinfrastructure(Formtech5)
vi) Section 6: Technical Response comprising approach and methodology
on how the firm will deploy and manage the complement of staff,
including charts and diagrams; (Formtech6)
vii) Section7: Empanelment letter Tech form 7
viii) Section 8 Matters not appropriate in any other section. This includes:
written confirmation authorising the signatory of the Proposal to commit the
Agency; disclosures, if any; and declaration of conflict of interest, if any.
ix) Section 9 should not include any promotional material, brochures, etc.
5.5No mention of your commercial response should be made anywhere in the
Technical Proposal, unless specified in the Data Sheet; non-
Financial Proposal5.6 No Financial Proposal is required at this point of time:
(See Annexure-C)
Submission 5.7 Agencies are expected to carefully review the contract provisions
instructions attached in the RFP for preparation of their Technical Proposals.
5.8 The Agency shall submit both Technical Proposal issuing the
appropriate submission sheets provided in Annexure-B: Technical Proposal
Submission Forms and Annexure-C: These forms must be completed without
any alteration to their format, and no substitutes will be accepted. All fields
shall be completed with the information requested.
5.9 Agencies are required to submit their Technical Proposals online (in soft
copy) in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format only.
Taxes 5.11The Agency may be subject to taxes (such as: fringe benefit tax, value
added or sales tax, service tax, duties, etc) on amounts payable by the Client
under the Contract.
Proposalvalidity 5.17Proposals shall remain valid for the period specified in the Data Sheet
commencing with the deadline for submission of Proposals as prescribed by
the Client.
5.18 A Proposal valid for a shorter period shall be considered non-
responsive and will be rejected by the Client.
5.19 In exceptional circumstances, prior to the expiration of the proposal
validity period, the Client may request Agency's to extend the period of validity
of their Proposals. The request and the responses shall be made in writing. A
Agency may refuse the request. A Agency granting the request shall not be
required or permitted to modify its Proposal.
5.20 During the Proposal validity period, Agency's shall maintain the
availability of experts nominated in the Proposal. The Client will make its best
effort to complete negotiations with in this period.
5.21For Online submission please refer “Instructions to Bidders for
participation in e-Tendering”
Late Proposals 5.34 The Client will not consider any Proposal that arrives after the deadline
prescribed by the Client for submission of Proposals in the Data Sheet/ Key
Dates. Any Proposal received after the respective deadline for submission
shall be declared late, rejected, and returned un opened to the Agency.
Withdrawal of 5.35 A Agency may withdraw its Proposal after it has been submitted by
Proposals sending a written Withdrawal Notice, duly signed by an authorized
representative, and including a copy of the authorization document. The
Withdrawal Notice must be:
i) submitted in the respective envelopes shall be clearly marked
ii) received by the Client prior to the deadline prescribed by the Client for
submission of Proposals.
5.36 Proposals that are withdrawn shall be returned un opened to the
5.37 No Proposal shall be withdrawn in the interval between the deadline for
submission of Proposals and the expiration of the period of Proposal validity
specified in the Data Sheet or any extension thereof, except in the case of a
request by the Client to extend the Proposal validity.
6 Opening of 6.1 The Client will open EMD/ Technical Proposals at the address, date
Proposals and time specified in the Data Sheet as the deadline for submission.
Opening of Technical
6.3 Only Technical Proposals read out and recorded at Proposal opening
shall be considered for evaluation. No Proposal shall be rejected at the
opening of Technical Proposals except for late Proposals, in accordance with
Clause 5.35.
6.4 The Client shall prepare a record of the opening of Technical Proposals
that shall include the name of Agency's and indicate whether there is a
withdrawal. The Agency's ‟representatives who are present will be requested
to sign the record. The omission of a Agency’s signature on the record shall
not invalidate the contents or effect of the record. A copy of the record will be
distributed to all Agency's in writing or through standard electronic means.
6.5 Technical Proposals which are rewarded the minimum qualifying marks
according to the evaluation criteria provided in Clause 7.7 below shall qualify
for Empanelment.
7 Evaluation of 7.1 Information relating to the examination, evaluation, comparison, and
Proposals post-qualification of Proposals, and recommendation of Contract award, shall
not be disclosed to Agency's or any other persons not officially concerned with
such processes until information on Contract award is communicated to all
Undue influence 7.2Any attempt by a Agency to influence the Client in the examination,
evaluation, comparison, and post-qualification of the Proposals or Contract
award decisions may result in the rejection of its Proposal.
Clarification of 7.3 To assist in the examination, evaluation, comparison and post-
qualification of Proposals, the Client may, at its discretion, ask any Agency for a
clarification of its Proposal. Any clarification submitted by a Agency that is not in
response to a request by the Client shall not be considered. The Client’s
request for clarification, and the response, shall be in writing. The Client may
waive any non-conformity or omission in a technically qualifying Proposal that
does not constitute a material deviation.
Evaluation of7.7 The evaluation committee shall evaluate the Technical Proposals on
Technical the basis of pre-set criteria detailed in the bid-data sheet
Qualification of7.8 After the technical evaluation is completed, under FBS the Client shall
Technical notify, in writing, Agency's whose Technical Proposals receive a mark of
Proposals 90/150 or higher, indicating the date, time, and location for opening of
Financial Proposals. specified in the Data-Sheet within the budget.
7.9 When fix cost budget method is used no Financial evaluation, the
Selection will be done on the basis of technical Scoring above 90/150
marks Below it proposal will be considered disqualify.
Client’s right to 7.15 The Client reserves the right to accept or reject any Proposal, and to
accept any annul the bidding process and reject all Proposals at any time prior to
Proposal, and to reject any or Contract award, without the re by incurring any liability to the Agency's.
all Proposals
7 Award of 7.1 Prior to the expiration of the Proposal validity period, the Client shall
Contract notion the successful Agency, in writing, that its Proposal has been accepted.
Notification At the same time, the Client shall notify all other Agency's of the results of the
7.2 Until a formal Contract is prepared and executed, the notification of
award shall constitute a binding Contract.
Negotiations 8.3 The successful Agency will be informed in writing of the date, place and
time for negotiations/ clarifications, if any. Representatives conducting
negotiations on behalf of the Agency must have written authority to negotiate
and conclude a Contract.
8.4 The successful Agency will confirm in writing its participation in
negotiations and ability to adhere to its Proposals within five(5) days of
receiving the notice.
Availability of 8.6 The Agency shall confirm the availability of all personnel as indicated in
Personnel its Proposal.
8.7 The Client will not consider substitutions during contract negotiations
unless both parties agree that undue delay in the selection process makes
such substitution unavoidable, or for reasons such as death or medical in
capacity. Any proposed substitute shall have equivalent or better qualifications
and experience than the original candidate and must be submitted to the
Client within the period of time specified in the Letter of Invitation to negotiate.
8.8 Failure to meet either of these requirements may result in
Signing of 8.9 Promptly after notification, the Client shall send to the successful
Contract Agency the Contract and the Special Conditions of Contract (draft attached in
this RFP).
8.10 Pursuant to negotiations, the successful Agency shall sign, date, and
return the Contract, along with necessary supporting documents, to the Client.
9.1 The Agency is expected to commence the Services on the date and at
Start date the location specified in the Data Sheet.
The Agency shall perform all the services as specified in the ToRs. The Agency shall
8 Penalty ensure quality and timely delivery of all the deliverables. Failing to achieve the
deliverables due to the reasons of the delay from the Agency will attract a strict
penalty. Penalty of around 0.5% per month of the contract valve will be levied, if the
deliverables are not achieved on time.
[Location, Date]
We, the undersigned, offer to provide the Consulting Services for [Insert title of assignment] in
accordance with your Request for Proposal dated [Insert Date] and our Proposal. We are here by
submitting our Proposal, which includes Technical Proposal only.
We hereby declare that we have read the Instructions to the Agency included in the RFP, and
abide by the same, and specifically to conditions mentioned in Section 1.5to 1.8. [In case of any
declaration, reference to concerned document attached must be made].
We hereby declare that all the information and statements made in this Proposal are true and
accept that any misleading information contained in it may lead to our disqualification.
We confirm that all personnel and/or sub-contractors named in the tender will be available to
undertake the services.
We undertake, if our Proposal is accepted, to initiate the Consulting Services related to the
assignment not later than the date indicated in the Data Sheet.
We understand you are not bound to accept any Proposal you receive.
Name of Firm:
Name of Agency:
Name of Senior Staff (Project Director/Coordinator, Team Leader) involved from your firm
and functions performed indicated whether regular full-time employees of your firm or part-
Description of actual services provided by your firm in the assignment (Pl. ensure that the details
such as training provided, candidates placed, self-enterprises, placement provided etc are provided in the project detail
Regular full-time employee as defined in Clause 4 of„ Instructions to Agencys‟.
1. Office address
3. Photographs of Local
4. Other infrastructure
The urban poor face multiple deprivations - inadequate access to affordable housing, basic civic services
like water, sanitation, drainage, solid waste management, roads, street lighting, health care, education
and social security, and livelihoods opportunities. The dimensions of urban poverty can be divided into
three categories: (i) residential vulnerability (access to land, shelter, basic services, etc.); (ii)social
vulnerability (deprivations related of actors like gender, age and social stratification, lack of social
protection, inadequate voice and participation in governance structures, etc.) and (iii) occupational
vulnerability (precarious livelihoods, dependence on informal sector for employment and earnings, lack of
job security, poor working conditions, etc.). These vulnerabilities are inter-related. Amongst the urban
poor, there are sections subject to greater vulnerability in terms of the above classification; these include
women, children, the aged, SCs, STs, minorities and differently-abled persons who deserve attention on
a priority basis.
The National Urban Livelihoods Mission (NULM) shall rest on the foundation that mobilisation of urban
poor households to form their own institutions is an important investment for an effective and sustainable
poverty reduction programme. These institutions of the poor would partner with local self-governments,
public service providers, banks, private sector and other mainstream institutions to facilitate delivery of
social and economic services to the poor.
Urban Local Body under State Urban Livelihoods Mission (SULM), Madhya Pradesh, seeking support
from Agency(ROs) for the promotion and strengthening of women collectives through formation of self
help groups and strengthening of existing SHGs in urban settings of the 378 cities/towns of the state.
ROs/CRPs will be engaged to facilitate the formation of SHGs and their federations at area and city/ town
level. ROs will also facilitate the processes of bank linkages and provide training and capacity building to
SHGs and their federations.
Madhya Pradesh, Urban Local Body will empanel 1 or 3 top ROs (Agency) based on the technical
competency of the organization through a competitive processes. The empanelled agencies may
beallocatedapartoftheCity/areaorentirecityfortheimplementationofthe program.
2. Scope of Work
NULM become operational in all cities/town of Madhya Pradesh. All target households (urban poor
households and occupationally vulnerable segments like rag pickers and street vendors) will be included
to achieve universal coverage.
The selected agencies will be forming, strengthening, hand holding and facilitate for bank linkages of
SHGs and its federations, enabling them to function as an institution independently. ROs will be creating
Area Level (AL) and City Level Federation through strong facilitation and handholding support to the
The capacity building of SHGs and Federations will be the primary role to be played by the selected
agencies. Agencies will develop training modules for SHGs and Federations in coordination with
respective ULBs/SULM. The ROs will impart training to SHGs and Federations on agreed and approved
training modules. ROs will coordinate with key stakeholders such as ULB, SULM, Bank and other
relevant government department.
Agencies will ensure that all members of ALFs/CLFs undergo training to build their capacity on issues
such as: (a) the SHG / federation concept (including savings), facilitate bank linkages for SHGs, hand-
holding support, developing proposal for bank loan etc. as agreed with ULBs and SULM.
ROs will handhold SHGs for 1 years. The ULB will assign the RO to a compact geographical area of the
city within which the agency will function. The RO should cover a minimum of ……..SHGs depending
on the local conditions, a city/town may be covered by a single or more than one RO to achieve
3. RO Team Composition:
Each cluster will have one Team Leader and at the City/ULB level the RO will appoint two personnel
3.2 A part from the forming of new SHGs the selected agency will also strengthening the agencies
but potential to become an active group. The number of such self help groups in ULB to be
agreed with the concern authority of ULB. Once the number of defunct/irregular SHGs agreed the
agency will work for the strengthening of SHGs.
3.3 Community Organisation: Selected agencies will be responsible for community mobilisation,
building trust and gain confidence of urban poor to form self help groups and take collective
actions at the slum level/city level. ROs will work closely with women and facilitate the processes
of forming self help groups and form area and city level federations.
3.4 Bank and Financial Linkages: The selected agency will facilitate the processes for establish
SHGs linkages with Banks which begins with the opening of bank account. To scale up SHGs
Bank linkages and make it sustainable banks have been advised to consider lending to SHGs as
their main stream credit operations. ROs will facilitate filling of loan applications for eligible SHGs
to access credit from the banks.
3.5 Capacity Building SHGs: After the identification of existing SHGs and formation of new SHGs
with potential and interested individual, agencies will provide training to all the members of SHGs
(not just the leaders/ representatives). The broader content of the training module will be:
(a) The basic concepts of functioning of a SHG i.e Panchsutra like how to conduct meeting;
basics of savings, lending money, repayment habits; book keeping; responsibilities of group
members,(b)book-keeping and accounting, fund management, building bank and credit linkages;
(c) communication, decision making, conflict resolution, self-assessment, etc.; and (d)accessing
government benefits under NULM and other programs. The training will have to be in accordance
with the prescribed protocol given in Annexure-A. However, the final content of the training will be
mutually agreed with respective ULBs.
3.6 Capacity Building of Area/City Level Federation: Selected agencies will ensure the formation
of Area Level (AL) and City Level (CL) Federations. In order to enable these Federations function
independently the AL and CL key representatives and its members should be trained in
accordance with the given format in Annexure-B.
3.7 Coordination: ROs will coordinate with ULBs, Bank, SULM and other government departments
for leveraging fund for self help groups and vulnerable/poor households to access benefits
through different government led programme and schemes. ROs will also facilitate the processes
for the convergence with relevant programme and scheme dealing with skills, livelihoods,
entrepreneurship development, health education etc. ROs will coordinate with skill Agency in the
City/town, encouraging potential candidates for skill up-gradation and development fur
sustainable livelihoods.
3.8 Handholding support for at least 12 months: ROs have to provide continuous facilitation and
also attend SHGs and federation meetings on a regular basis. The ROs will also facilitate the
processes to bring in bankers, government officials from various departments, and members from
established SHGs to interact with SHGs. The ROs will provide assistance to the SHG members in
the process of opening bank account for newly formed SHGs and the existing SHGs that have no
bank account. ROs will encourage SHGs to access credit from formal banking system.
3.9 Withdrawal strategy: The ROs will develop and implement strategies for the withdrawal of
external support from the beginning. ROs will gradually withdraw its active support and hand-over
to the area/city level federations in phase manner.
Stakeholder Roles
SULM (State Over all supervision and guidance to the implementing agencies and
Urban Livelihood ULBs
Mission),UADD review of the overall performance and progress
Liaison with key stakeholders to achieve objectives of this programme
Output/ deliver able review
Stakeholder Roles