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CHAPTER ONE........................................................................................................................1

1. INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................1

1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY.................................................................................1

1.2 Statement of the Problem.................................................................................................2

1.3 Basic Research Questions.................................................................................................3

1.4 Objective of the Study....................................................................................................3

1.4.1 General Objective......................................................................................................3

1.4.2 Specific Objectives....................................................................................................3

1.7 Significance of the study...............................................................................................4

1.8 Scope of the study.........................................................................................................4

1.9 Organization of the study..............................................................................................4

CHAPTER TWO.......................................................................................................................5

2. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE.............................................................................5

2.1. Concept of NGOs............................................................................................................5

2.2. TYPES OF NGOs............................................................................................................5

2.2.1 Charitable NGOs........................................................................................................5

2.2.2 Relief NGOs..............................................................................................................5

2.2.3 Gross Organization NGOs.........................................................................................6

2.2.4 National and multinational NGOs.............................................................................6

2.2.5 Empowerment NGOs.................................................................................................6

2.2.6 Service Orientation NGOs.........................................................................................6

2.2.7 Economic development NGOs..................................................................................6

2.3. Feature of non _governmental organization (NGOs)......................................................6

2.4. The role of NGO in promoting community development...........................................7

2.5 Community development.................................................................................................8

2.6 The new civil society or NGOs laws................................................................................9

CHAPTER THREE..................................................................................................................10

3. METHOD AND METHODOLOGY OF THE STUDY......................................................10

3.1 Description of the study area..........................................................................................10

3.2 Research design..............................................................................................................10

3.3 Sampling methods and sampling techniques..................................................................10

3.4 Sampling Population and sampling size.........................................................................10

3.5 Source of data.................................................................................................................11

3.5.1 Primary source.........................................................................................................11

3.5.2 Secondary sources....................................................................................................11

3.6 Instruments of data collection........................................................................................11

3.6.1 Questionnaires.........................................................................................................11

3.7 Methods of data analysis................................................................................................11

3.8. TIME SCHEDULE AND BUDGET PLAN.................................................................12

3.8.1 Time Schedule.........................................................................................................12

3.8.2 Budget Schedule......................................................................................................12





Internationally non -governmental organization (NGOs) has been existing dating back to at
least the late 18 century. Non-governmental organization (NGOs) is standing for private
voluntary organization “civil society organization "and "non _profit organization”(David

Usually non-governmental organization (NGOs) is defined as Organization that perform

public interest agenda, rather than commercial Interests. It believes that the first international
NGOs was probably anti _slavery society, formed in the 1839.However, the term NGOs
organized at the end of Second World War (WWII). When the united nation (UN) sought to
distinguish between private organization and intergovernmental specialized agency. Non-
governmental organization (NGOs) originated from all over the world and has access to
different label of resources. Some organization focus on single policy objective of AIDS
while others will aim at largest policy goals poverty eradication (HALL_JONES, 2009).

NGOs are highly diverse group of organization engaged in a wide range of activities and take
different forms in different part of World. Some may have charitable status, while others
based on recognition of social, political, religion and others for interest group and most
NGOs are non _criminal, not oppose political parties, not hindered by short term financial
objective (ibid).

NGOs are classified into different group based on different issues. The most common focus
to classify NGOs is based on orientation and level of operation. NGOs level of operation
indicates the scale which an organizational works such as local, regional, national and
international and rapid development of non _governmental organization (NGOs), occurred in
western countries. Farther more, globalization of 20 century of that process occurred after the
fail of the communist system. NGOs become part of the Washington consensus. Then, NGOs
have developed to emphasize on humanitarian issues developed and sustainable development
(Vakil, 2009).

According to Thomas (2014) the biggest NGOs are compressed such as world vision, Oxfam,
save the children, Catholic relief service and amnesty international, Red Cross worldwide life

fund doctors without borders. International rescue committee and mercy crops organization
(vigil 2009).

According to UNDP defined NGOs are actually not recent phenomena in Africa. It emerged
during national struggle for independence and the origin development and an activity of
NGOs is based on geographic space. The first organization in Ethiopia which can be defined
as NGOs were traditional self-help system. Some were registered proper organization and to
days they are better known as community based organization (CBO) some of early self _help
system were the debo and afersata which were systems providing mutual aid and
reconciliation. Today the commonly know self _help, like ikub and indri which is rotating
saving and credit system (WWW.HALL JONES. Ethiopia.org.).

In 1960 both foreign and local NGOs were established Ethiopia. The first NGOs that were
established in the country were the Ethiopian Red Cross and Swedish save children. As the
result of change of government in 1990s, is considered as favorable condition to encourage,
development and the growth of NGOs in Ethiopia. Currently has their members increased
more NGOs flourished. Today 90% of NGOs operating in the countries are local NGOs
(WWW.HALL JONES.Ethiopia.org.).

As it is the case at international level in Arbegona town NGOs also involved in all aspect of
community development? NGOs play an overall role in awareness and raising economic
strength, legal protection, funding project, capacity building psychological support,
educational support, area of family planning and environmental conservation in Arbegona
town. Therefore these research papers access the community development of Arbegona town.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

NGOs have gained an important role in development cooperation during the last two decades.
The development funding channeled through NGOs increased and the number of NGOs
engaged in development activities both north and south has been growing. Supporting NGOs
has been seen as one way to strength civil society in the south and provide potential for
enhancing more effective development then the states and their exercise participation ship.

In Ethiopia context NGOs are the highly diverse group of organization engaged in the wide
range of community development activities such as humanitarian issue, environmental
protection, development aid, psychological support, climate change, malaria prevention and
actively involved in all aspect of the community development and they are non _profit

making, civil service society organization and voluntary organization. However the varied
and important role they play has not always been recognition. (Bahiru, 2009).

As it is the case in other parts of the country. NGOs in Arbegona town also play
humanitarian, environmental and developmental aid role in the community development.
Despite the involvement of NGOs in community development in Arbegona town in multi
_dimensional aspects, there are many factors that influence the objective and responsibilities
of NGOs in town.

The core attention of this study is to access various challenges. Such as: shortage of finance
and resources. The problem of capacity constraints, problem of dependency on external
donors, problem of effectiveness and efficiencies in NGOs officials, absence of
accountability and transparency in the NGOs officials, lack of government commitment
officials, bureaucracy, problem of activities duplication, problem of turnover and miss
understanding of the beneficiary. These and the other challenges become obstacles and
limited NGOs role in the realization of community development objective in Arbegona town.

1.3 Basic Research Questions

 What are the roles of NGOs in promoting community development in Arbegona town?

 What are the challenges of NGOs in promoting community development in Arbegona


 What are the possibilities of NGOs for community developments in Arbegona town?

1.4 Objective of the Study

The study would have general and specific objectives.

1.4.1 General Objective

To assess the role of NGOs in promoting community development in Arbegona town.

1.4.2 Specific Objectives

 To identify the role of NGOs in promoting community development.
 To assess the challenges facing NGOs in promoting community development.
 To assess possibility of NGOs in development process.
 Finally, to forward recommendable solution.

1.7 Significance of the study
After accomplishing of study it benefits first and for most to create awareness to the people
about the importance and the role of NGOs in community developments. It also helps as a
reference for the future researcher. It will be helped to know some of the challenges that
hinder the NGOs role in the community development by forwarding possible
recommendation and suggestion. The study also contributes for increment of NGOs and
understanding such encourage researcher farther study on the issue in the future.

1.8 Scope of the study

The scope of the study is delimited on the accessing and investigation of NGOs role in the
community development in Arbegona town. The study will be conducted in Arbegona town,
Oromia region West Hararghe zone.

1.9 Organization of the study

Research proposal have been organized in four (4) chapters. The first chapter would be deals
with introductory parts which include background of study, statement of the problem, basic
research question, and significance of the study, scope of the study and organization of study.
The second chapters elaborate the conceptual and theoretical frame work of NGOs and
community development on the other side. The third chapter deals with methodology and
method of the study such as, description of the study area, research design, sampling method
and sampling techniques, sampling population and sampling size, sources of data collection
type, instruments for data collections and method of data analysis. The forth chapter includes
the budget plan and time schedule.



2.1. Concept of NGOs
One important concept of civil society is NGOs are established by individual on voluntary
basis. According to Paden (1987) defines NGOs are all organization located out sides he state
domain and structure of government "but this definition NGOs has distinct not only from the
state, but also from business and corporations. According to Solomon and Hanne (2004),
NGOs possessing the following five attributes.

 Non -governmental.
 Non -profit making
 Voluntary organization
 Solid, continuing from ultraistic and philanthropic
According to the United Nation Development program (UNDP) defined NGOs as any one
non-profit voluntary citizens group which is organized on local, national or international
level.NGO compromise a variety of services and humanitarian function, monitory policies,
and encourage political participation of community level. They provide analysis and expertise
serve as early warning mechanism and help monitory and implementing international
agreement. Some are organized around specific issues such as; human right environmental
health care, disaster relief and development assistances. NGOs are any that is neither
affiliated with nor under the direction of a government control (Solomon; 1996)


There are different ways of classification of NGOs. However, NGOs may be classified in
accordance to their provide in the following types.

2.2.1 Charitable NGOs

Which are the earliest functions NGOs, giving some things to other such as, food and dress to
the organs and destitute like war, genocide and etc. (Bhose: 2007; 46).

2.2.2 Relief NGOs

Relief NGOs involved in providing relief and rehabilitation programs classified under this
types. It also followed by natural calamities like war, genocides and etc. (Ibid)

2.2.3 Gross Organization NGOs
It is locally based membership organization that works to develop their own community
grassroots also known as primary grassroots organization. (LISA: 2007; 48)

2.2.4 National and multinational NGOs

According to Lindbergh and Bryant (2005) argues NGOs may be national and multinational.
Fully multinational or transitional based on differences between where they locate their
operation, produce and deliver core values (Ibid).

2.2.5 Empowerment NGOs

Enable peoples to gain power and authority, so that they access and control the resource.
Their aim is to help poor people, develop a clear understanding of the social, political and
economic factors affecting their lives. (World Bank; 2003)

2.2.6 Service Orientation NGOs

Including with activities such as, the provision of health care family planning and education
service in which the program is designed by NGOs offal’s. (Ibid).

2.2.7 Economic development NGOs

These types of NGOs believed that rise income of the poor and marginalized will bring
development for the (Bhose, 2004, 48).Green and Matthias (1999) have classified NGOs in
the context of operational area and activities. As operational, area NGOs are three types such
as community based NGOs, national NGOs and international NGOs. Based on activities six
types of NGOs are identified. They are: service oriented NGOs, research, supportive NGOs,
NGO for policy advocacy, funding NGO and coordinating NGOs. (Kumar 2005 p: 40)

2.3. Feature of non _governmental organization (NGOs)

Non-profit organization exists as special category of organization in the tax code in
recognition that society is "delegating public tasks to private groups”. In many country NGOs
features classified in to five distinguishing features those are:-

 NGOs have an organized feature: in short there is institutionalized entity.

 NGOS have voluntary feature at minimum they must be some voluntary participation
either to the management of the organization.
 Non-profit organization governs them and controls their activities meaning that they set
their own producers and are independent of country.

 NGOS are private organization, non-profit organization, institutionally separate from
government even if they receive government funding.
 Finally alike other organization in the private sector non-governmental or non-profit the
owners or director (carols 1992).

2.4. The role of NGO in promoting community development

Those NGOs are not limited to specific agendas and in many instances can act independently.
Even though NGOs are highly diverse organization. The common goal is that they are not
focused on short term targets and hence they devote themselves to long term issue like
climate change, malaria prevention and human rights. In generally there are three important
roles of NGOs in the community development. Those are:

2.4.1 Social development

NGOs play an important role in global social development work that has helped facilitates
achievements in human development has measured by the UN human development index
(HDI). One of the major strength of NGOs is their ability to maintain institutional
independence and political neutrality even though NGOs is used to collaborate with
governments in numerous instances failure to maintain neutrality and autonomy may
severally compromise the NGOs legitimacy. Unfortunately, if a government insists up on
political allegiance the NGOs encounter the dilemma of either violating the neutrality
position or failing to provide needed services to the population (Asamoach, 2003).

2.4.2 Sustainable community development

The five dimension of sustainable community development are follows:

 Increasing local economic diversity

 Self _reliance development of local markets, local protection, local processing greater co
oppression among local economic entities.
 Reduction in the use of energy combined with recycling and management of waste
 Protection and enhancements of biological diversity and stewardship of natural resource.
 Commitment of sustainable communities to social justice. (Bridhger and lull of 1999)

A case study in Vietnam illustrates that NGOs play an important role in promoting
sustainable community development; usually this is accomplished by providing three basic
 Service delivery (relief, welfare)
 Education and,
 Public policy advocacy (strongest 2003)

2.4.3 Sustainable consumption

NGOs can also play an important role partners to business in justly in promoting sustainable
consumption some of the instance where this partnership has been successfully are in
categories such as, product development, sustainable housing labeling, worldwide life
fund(WWF) green purchasing, marine stewardship, and so on.(Asamoach 2003)

In generally, the roles and functions of the NGO have increased attention among scholars and
practitioners of developments. The various advantages of NGOs can be categorized in two
perspectives on the function of NGOs. Those are:

 A police view (Desai: 2005) and,

 An instrument view (Seibel and Fisher 1998)
In interview the NGOs community is pericardia purely instrumental, its compromises of
clusters of organization that provide support and services which the state or the markets does
not provide at all or not as well (James, 1998).

2.5 Community development

2.5.1 Concept of community

To begin with definition we need to define two key concept community and development. It
has multitude meaning from geographical view bounded physical place with people living to
gather and meeting their live hood and social interaction need (e.g., urban neighborhood,
small town, cities ).to group of people whose interaction is based not on physical proximity,
but on community interests. (N: ponjonk: 2007)

2.5.2 Concepts of development

Community development combines the idea of communities and developments hence
community development "fillies on interaction between people and joint action rather than
individual activity what some sociologists call "collective agency. Community development

should be a much border idea and have a more comprehensive agenda than any one class of
institution can manage or lead alone community development. (WWW: academic journals
org: 2011).

2.6 The new civil society or NGOs laws

The space for independent civil society actively in Ethiopia already extremely narrow and
shrink dramatically in 2009. The government passed a new civil society law Whose provision
are among the most restrictive of any comparable law in you here in the law makes any work
that touches on human rights governance issue illegal carried out by foreign NGOs and labels
any Ethiopia as "foreign ". The low makes most independent human right work virtually
impossible and human rights work demands illegal under the law is punishable as a criminal
offence (Human Right Wotch:2011).



3.1 Description of the study area
Arbegona town is located in Eastern Ethiopia. It is 326km far from capital city of Ethiopia,
Addis Ababa. This town was established in1924. This town as border by Galeti River in the
east, Guba Koricha in the west and Kuni south and Mieso in north direction. According to
statics of 2007 the total population of Arbegona town is 40,790 in which 21,332 are male and
19,458 are female.

According to national metrological agency West Hararghe zone, the town receive rain fall
and temperature of town is 400_1800 mm and 32 ºc respectively. The town is relatively
woiena daga climate condition. This means the maximum temperature and minimum
temperature amount is 20.5 and 24 respectively. Arbegona town can be generalized to social
political structure administration. The town income of mostly based on business agriculture.

3.2 Research design

The study will be conducted through utilize both qualitative and quantitative research
approaches. Qualitative data will be collected and analyzed using one qualitative data
analysis methods and this approach help the researcher to gain information that have direct
relation with the issue. Quantitative is amount of interview, questionnaires and process of
research methods.

3.3 Sampling methods and sampling techniques

In this study the researcher will utilize purposive sampling methods. The researcher took
purposive sampling techniques. Because of select to representative. Those NGOs include
world vision and Red Cross society.

3.4 Sampling Population and sampling size

The researcher as used sample size of two (2) from total number of two (2) NGOs found in
Arbegona town. Those NGOs are world vision and Red Cross society. The researcher select
those two(2)NGO based on the year of foundation and their goals, as well as the selected
NGO representative based on their willingness on the capacity they respond questions and
their treat, where researcher inter their office accordingly.

3.5 Source of data
The researcher will be used both primary and secondary sources of data. Therefore, the data
collection methodology employed in this study will include both primary and secondary
sources of data in order to get adequate and relevant information about the subject matter.

3.5.1 Primary source

The primary source of data will be collected from the representatives of two (2) NGOs
officials and other concerned bodies through questionnaires and interview.

3.5.2 Secondary sources

The secondary source of data will be gathered from different documents, reliable related
literature, internet and other relevant books.

3.6 Instruments of data collection

3.6.1 Questionnaires
The questionnaires contain both open _ended and clause question distributed to fifteen (15)
NGOs representatives who will be selected from two (2) NGOs.

3.7 Methods of data analysis

The data that the researcher as collected through above methods will be presented analyzed
and interpreted in the form of tables, percentages and base on the descriptive methods


3.8.1 Time Schedule

No Work Activities Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan
1 Title selection ✔
2 Draft research proposal ✔
3 Proposal first draft, writing and ✔
4 compiling review literature ✔
5 Proposal final writing and submission ✔
6 Development of questionnaire and ✔
7 Data collection ✔
8 Data analysis ✔
9 Report write the research paper ✔
10 Submitting the research paper ✔
11 Presentation ✔

3.8.2 Budget Schedule

No Resources needed Units Measurement quantity Unit Cost Total Cost

1 Pen Number 1 25 birr 25 birr

2 Printing service Number 50 3 birr 150 birr

3 Internet MB 300 0.5 cents 150 birr

4 Photocopy Number 50 3 birr 150birr

5 Others - - - 50 birr

6 Binding 2 35 70 birr

Total 595birr

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