ID NO: 1306177
CHAPTER ONE........................................................................................................................1
1. INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................1
CHAPTER TWO.......................................................................................................................5
2.5 Community development.................................................................................................8
CHAPTER THREE..................................................................................................................10
3.6.1 Questionnaires.........................................................................................................11
NGOs are highly diverse group of organization engaged in a wide range of activities and take
different forms in different part of World. Some may have charitable status, while others
based on recognition of social, political, religion and others for interest group and most
NGOs are non _criminal, not oppose political parties, not hindered by short term financial
objective (ibid).
NGOs are classified into different group based on different issues. The most common focus
to classify NGOs is based on orientation and level of operation. NGOs level of operation
indicates the scale which an organizational works such as local, regional, national and
international and rapid development of non _governmental organization (NGOs), occurred in
western countries. Farther more, globalization of 20 century of that process occurred after the
fail of the communist system. NGOs become part of the Washington consensus. Then, NGOs
have developed to emphasize on humanitarian issues developed and sustainable development
(Vakil, 2009).
According to Thomas (2014) the biggest NGOs are compressed such as world vision, Oxfam,
save the children, Catholic relief service and amnesty international, Red Cross worldwide life
fund doctors without borders. International rescue committee and mercy crops organization
(vigil 2009).
According to UNDP defined NGOs are actually not recent phenomena in Africa. It emerged
during national struggle for independence and the origin development and an activity of
NGOs is based on geographic space. The first organization in Ethiopia which can be defined
as NGOs were traditional self-help system. Some were registered proper organization and to
days they are better known as community based organization (CBO) some of early self _help
system were the debo and afersata which were systems providing mutual aid and
reconciliation. Today the commonly know self _help, like ikub and indri which is rotating
saving and credit system (WWW.HALL JONES. Ethiopia.org.).
In 1960 both foreign and local NGOs were established Ethiopia. The first NGOs that were
established in the country were the Ethiopian Red Cross and Swedish save children. As the
result of change of government in 1990s, is considered as favorable condition to encourage,
development and the growth of NGOs in Ethiopia. Currently has their members increased
more NGOs flourished. Today 90% of NGOs operating in the countries are local NGOs
(WWW.HALL JONES.Ethiopia.org.).
As it is the case at international level in Arbegona town NGOs also involved in all aspect of
community development? NGOs play an overall role in awareness and raising economic
strength, legal protection, funding project, capacity building psychological support,
educational support, area of family planning and environmental conservation in Arbegona
town. Therefore these research papers access the community development of Arbegona town.
In Ethiopia context NGOs are the highly diverse group of organization engaged in the wide
range of community development activities such as humanitarian issue, environmental
protection, development aid, psychological support, climate change, malaria prevention and
actively involved in all aspect of the community development and they are non _profit
making, civil service society organization and voluntary organization. However the varied
and important role they play has not always been recognition. (Bahiru, 2009).
As it is the case in other parts of the country. NGOs in Arbegona town also play
humanitarian, environmental and developmental aid role in the community development.
Despite the involvement of NGOs in community development in Arbegona town in multi
_dimensional aspects, there are many factors that influence the objective and responsibilities
of NGOs in town.
The core attention of this study is to access various challenges. Such as: shortage of finance
and resources. The problem of capacity constraints, problem of dependency on external
donors, problem of effectiveness and efficiencies in NGOs officials, absence of
accountability and transparency in the NGOs officials, lack of government commitment
officials, bureaucracy, problem of activities duplication, problem of turnover and miss
understanding of the beneficiary. These and the other challenges become obstacles and
limited NGOs role in the realization of community development objective in Arbegona town.
What are the possibilities of NGOs for community developments in Arbegona town?
1.7 Significance of the study
After accomplishing of study it benefits first and for most to create awareness to the people
about the importance and the role of NGOs in community developments. It also helps as a
reference for the future researcher. It will be helped to know some of the challenges that
hinder the NGOs role in the community development by forwarding possible
recommendation and suggestion. The study also contributes for increment of NGOs and
understanding such encourage researcher farther study on the issue in the future.
Non -governmental.
Non -profit making
Voluntary organization
Solid, continuing from ultraistic and philanthropic
According to the United Nation Development program (UNDP) defined NGOs as any one
non-profit voluntary citizens group which is organized on local, national or international
level.NGO compromise a variety of services and humanitarian function, monitory policies,
and encourage political participation of community level. They provide analysis and expertise
serve as early warning mechanism and help monitory and implementing international
agreement. Some are organized around specific issues such as; human right environmental
health care, disaster relief and development assistances. NGOs are any that is neither
affiliated with nor under the direction of a government control (Solomon; 1996)
2.2.3 Gross Organization NGOs
It is locally based membership organization that works to develop their own community
grassroots also known as primary grassroots organization. (LISA: 2007; 48)
NGOS are private organization, non-profit organization, institutionally separate from
government even if they receive government funding.
Finally alike other organization in the private sector non-governmental or non-profit the
owners or director (carols 1992).
A case study in Vietnam illustrates that NGOs play an important role in promoting
sustainable community development; usually this is accomplished by providing three basic
Service delivery (relief, welfare)
Education and,
Public policy advocacy (strongest 2003)
In generally, the roles and functions of the NGO have increased attention among scholars and
practitioners of developments. The various advantages of NGOs can be categorized in two
perspectives on the function of NGOs. Those are:
should be a much border idea and have a more comprehensive agenda than any one class of
institution can manage or lead alone community development. (WWW: academic journals
org: 2011).
According to national metrological agency West Hararghe zone, the town receive rain fall
and temperature of town is 400_1800 mm and 32 ºc respectively. The town is relatively
woiena daga climate condition. This means the maximum temperature and minimum
temperature amount is 20.5 and 24 respectively. Arbegona town can be generalized to social
political structure administration. The town income of mostly based on business agriculture.
3.5 Source of data
The researcher will be used both primary and secondary sources of data. Therefore, the data
collection methodology employed in this study will include both primary and secondary
sources of data in order to get adequate and relevant information about the subject matter.
3.6.1 Questionnaires
The questionnaires contain both open _ended and clause question distributed to fifteen (15)
NGOs representatives who will be selected from two (2) NGOs.
5 Others - - - 50 birr
6 Binding 2 35 70 birr
Total 595birr
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