registration act
registration act
registration act
Draft the document to reflect the transaction (e.g., sale deed, lease deed).
Present the document at the Sub-Registrar’s Office within four months of its execution
(Section 23).
o If the document is executed outside India, it can be presented within four months of
arrival in India (Section 26).
5. Verification
The Sub-Registrar verifies the identity of the parties and witnesses, along with the payment of
stamp duty.
6. Final Registration
The document is entered in the register, stamped with the date, and indexed for public record.
1. Sub-Registrar:
o Primary officer responsible for registering documents in their jurisdiction.
2. Registrar:
o Supervisory authority over Sub-Registrars, who also handles appeals and specific
1. Ensures Validity: Registered documents provide legal backing and prevent fraudulent
2. Provides Public Notice: Registration allows the public to access information about property
ownership or rights.
3. Evidentiary Value: Registered documents carry evidentiary weight in courts.
Section 18 of the Registration Act, 1908, allows parties to voluntarily register certain types of
documents that are not mandated for registration under Section 17 (compulsory registration). This
provision is designed to provide flexibility to individuals while promoting transparency and legal
security in their transactions. By choosing to register these optional documents, parties can ensure
they have greater evidentiary value and public recognition in case of disputes.
1. Legal Flexibility:
o Section 18 enables individuals to decide whether they want to register specific
documents that are not strictly required to be registered by law.
2. Enhanced Credibility:
o Registration lends authenticity to documents, making them more reliable and easier to
prove in legal proceedings.
3. Public Notice:
o Registered documents are entered into a public record, which provides notice to third
parties about the existence and content of the document.
4. Reduced Disputes:
o By voluntarily registering a document, parties can avoid future conflicts, as the
document’s contents and execution are certified by a public authority.
Documents Eligible for Optional Registration
5. Acknowledgments or Agreements
o Non-testamentary instruments that do not affect rights in immovable property but
involve other arrangements, such as acknowledgments of debts or contractual
o Example: A written acknowledgment of a loan.
While registration is not mandatory under Section 18, parties may opt for it for the following reasons:
A document must be presented for registration within 4 months from the date of execution.
If executed outside India, it can be presented within 4 months of arrival in India (Section 26).
If a document is not presented within the 4-month period, it may be accepted with a fine of up
to 10 times the registration fee, provided it is presented within an additional 4 months.
3. Place of Registration (Sections 28-31)
Section 28: Documents affecting immovable property must be registered in the Sub-
Registrar’s office within the property’s jurisdiction.
Section 29: Other documents can be registered at the Sub-Registrar’s office where the
executing party resides.
Section 30: Registrars may accept documents that could have been registered by a Sub-
Section 31: In special cases, documents can be registered at the residence of the executant
with the Registrar's approval.
Registration has a retroactive effect: A registered document is deemed to take effect from
the date of its execution, not from the date of registration.
o Example: If a sale deed is executed on January 1 but registered on January 10, the
transfer of property is deemed to have occurred on January 1, not January 10.
Priority over Unregistered Documents: A document that is duly registered prevails over
any unregistered document related to the same property or transaction.
o Example: If two sale deeds are executed for the same property, the one registered first
will take precedence over the other, even if the second sale deed was executed earlier.