Full Download Airport Design and Operation 3rd Revised edition Edition Antonin Kazda PDF DOCX
Full Download Airport Design and Operation 3rd Revised edition Edition Antonin Kazda PDF DOCX
Full Download Airport Design and Operation 3rd Revised edition Edition Antonin Kazda PDF DOCX
Airport Marketing 1st Edition Nigel Halpern
Airport Design and Operation 3rd Revised edition Edition
Antonin Kazda Digital Instant Download
Author(s): Antonin Kazda, Robert E. Caves
ISBN(s): 9781784418700, 1784418706
Edition: 3rd Revised edition
File Details: PDF, 39.20 MB
Year: 2015
Language: english
Third Edition
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Third Edition
University of Žilina, Žilina, Slovakia
Loughborough University, Loughborough, UK (Retired)
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ISBN: 978-1-78441-870-0
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We would like to thank our wives for their understanding during our writing,
because the time involved for this work was stolen from our families. Also we thank
‘little’ Zuzana and Tom for their help with language and the manipulation of
computer software.
Contents vii
Abbreviations xv
Preface xxiii
Acknowledgements xxv
2. Predicting Traffic 23
2.1. Introduction 23
2.2. Types of Forecast Needed 23
2.3. Methods of Analysis 24
2.3.1. Informed Judgement 25
2.3.2. Trend Extrapolation 26
2.3.3. Econometric Models 27
2.3.4. The Travel Decisions 30
2.3.5. Modal Shares 30
2.3.6. Discrete Choice Models 31
2.3.7. Revealed and Stated Preferences 33
2.3.8. Effects of Supply Decisions 34
2.3.9. Uncertainty 34
2.3.10. Scenario Writing 35
2.4. Historic Trends in Traffic 36
2.5. Factors Affecting the Trends 37
2.5.1. Economic Factors 37
2.5.2. Demographic Factors 38
2.5.3. Supply Factors 38 Cost per passenger kilometre (pkm) 38 Aircraft size 39
viii Airport Design and Operation
4. Runways 73
4.1. Aerodrome Reference Code 73
4.2. Runway Length 77
4.3. Declared Distances 93
4.4. Runway Width 95
4.4.1. Runway Width Requirements 95
4.4.2. Runway Shoulders 96
4.4.3. Runway Turn Pads 97
4.5. Runway Slopes 98
4.5.1. Transverse Slopes 98
4.5.2. Longitudinal Slopes 99
6. Taxiways 113
6.1. Functional Criteria and Taxiway System Design 113
6.2. Rapid Exit Taxiways 115
6.3. Taxiway Separations 120
6.4. Taxiway Geometry 122
7. Aprons 127
7.1. Apron Requirements 127
7.2. Apron Sizing 128
7.3. Apron Location 130
Contents ix
8. Pavements 145
8.1. Background 145
8.2. Pavement Types 146
8.2.1. Unpaved Movement Areas 147
8.2.2. Pavements 148 Use of hard surface pavements 148 Subgrade 149 Sub-base 150 Bearing course/base course 150 Flexible (asphalt) pavements 150 Rigid (concrete) pavements 152 Combined pavements 158 Block paving 159
8.3. Pavement Strength 160
8.3.1. Pavements-Aircraft Loads 160
8.3.2. Pavement Strength Reporting 162
8.3.3. Overload Operations 167
8.4. Runway Surface 168
8.4.1. Runway Surface Quality Requirements 168
8.4.2. Methods of Runway Surface Unevenness Assessment
by the Dual Mass Method 168
8.4.3. Pavement Texture 172
8.4.4. Runway Braking Action 176
8.5. Pavement Management System 180
References 555
Index 561
Abbreviations xv
μm Micrometres
A Ampere
a/c Aircraft
ABAS Aircraft-Based Augmentation System
AC Advisory Circular
A-CDM Airport Collaborative Decision Making
ACARE Advisory Council for Aeronautics Research in Europe
ACI Airports Council International
ACLU American Civil Liberties Union
ACMI Aircraft, Crew, Maintenance, and Insurance
ACNSG Aircraft Classification Number Study Group
ACRP Airport Cooperative Research Program
AD Aerodrome
ADF Automatic Direction Finder
ADSG Airport Design Study Group
AEA Association of European Airlines
AFFF Aqueous Film Forming Foam
AFTN Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunication Network
AGA Aerodromes, Air Routes and Ground Aids
AGNIS Azimuth Guidance for Nose-in Stands
AIP Air Information Publication
AIP Airport Improvement Program
AMAN Arrival Manager
AMC Acceptable Means of Compliance
ANP Aircraft Noise-Power
AODB Airport Operations Database
API Advance Passenger Information
APIS Aircraft Parking and Information System
APN Apron
APP Approach
APP Advanced Passenger Processing
APU Auxiliary Power Unit
ARCP Aerodrome Reference Code Panel
ASD Addressable Switching Device
ASDA Accelerate-stop Distance Available
xvi Airport Design and Operation
TNT Trinitrotoluene
TO Take-off
TODA Take-off Distance Available
TOGA Take-off and Go-Around
TORA Take-off Run Available
TPHP Typical Peak Hour Passengers
TRA Task and Resource Analysis
TSA Transportation Security Administration
TSC Terrorist Screening Center
TWY Taxiway
UH Unburned Hydrocarbons
UHF Ultra High Frequency
UK United Kingdom
ULD Unit Load Devices
UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply
US United States
USA United States of America
USAF US Air Force
USD United States Dollars
V Volt
V Velocity
V1 Take-off Decision Speed
V2 Take-off Safety Speed (Applicable to Larger Multi-engine Aircraft)
VA Volt-ampere
VAGS Visual Alignment Guidance System
VAP Visual Aids Panel
VAT Value Added Tax
VASIS Visual Approach Slope Indicator System
VDGS Visual Docking Guidance System
VFR Visual Flight Rules
VHF Very High Frequency
VLA Very Large Aircraft
VMC Visual Meteorological Conditions
VOR Very High Frequency Omnidirectional Radio Range
VRLA Valve-Regulated Lead Acid
W Watt
WAAS Wide Area Augmentation System
WCO World Customs Organization
WECPNL Weighted Equivalent Continuous Perceived Noise Level
Wi-Fi Wireless Fidelity
WRS Wide-area Reference Stations
WS Wing Span
Preface xxiii
This book is titled ‘Airport Design and Operation’. However, the reader will not
find chapters devoted exclusively to airport design or airport operation. Airport
design and airport operation are closely related and influence each other. A poor
design affects the airport operation and results in increased costs. On the other
hand it is difficult to design the airport infrastructure without sound knowledge of
airport operations. This is emphasised throughout the book.
The book does not offer a set of simple instructions for solutions to particular pro-
blems. Every airport is unique and a simple generic solution does not exist. The
book explains principles and relationships important for the design of airport facil-
ities, for airport management and for the safe and efficient control of operations. We
hope that we have been able to overcome the traditional view that an airport is only
the runway and tarmac. An airport is a complex system of facilities and often the
most important enterprise of a region. It is an economic generator and catalyst in
its catchment area. However, this book is focused on one narrow part of the airport
problem, namely design and operation, while bearing the other aspects in mind.
This third edition includes some important changes in the international regulations
covering design and operations. It reflects the greater attention being given to secur-
ity, safety and changes on the air transport market with respect to the impact of low
cost carriers operations. The third edition contains new parts on airport long-term
planning; Reduced Aerodrome Visibility Conditions operation; RESA and EMAS
construction; aircraft performance; rapid exit taxiway specifications; dowelling tech-
nology in concrete pavement design; fuel storage and leak detection; impact of
mobile and IT technologies on passenger terminal design and operations; develop-
ments in security risks and their impact on security SARPs; ground transport sys-
tem improvements and their impact on airport attractiveness; new de-icing
chemicals and procedures; changes in rescue and fire fighting and a new chapter on
wildlife control. All these changes and additions strengthen the operational content
of this book.
We appreciate all the help from the professionals who have contributed to the text
or have given freely of their time and expertise to advise and correct our draft texts.
Without their help, it would not have been possible to complete this book. We
would like to express special thanks to:
Tony Kazda and Bob Caves
First, consider the well-known question: ‘Which came first’? In the context of this
book, it does not refer to the notorious problem about a chicken and an egg but
about an airport and an aircraft. In fact, the answer is clear. The aircraft came first.
When aviation was in its infancy, the aviator first constructed an aircraft and then
began to search for a suitable ‘airfield’, where he could test the machine. The aero-
drome parameters had to be selected on the basis of performance and geometrical
characteristics of the aircraft. That trend to accommodate the needs of the aircraft
prevailed, with some notable exceptions like New York’s La Guardia airport, until
the end of the 1970s. This was despite the increasing requirements for strength of
pavements, width and length of runways and other physical characteristics and
equipments of aerodromes. The aerodromes always had to adapt to the needs of
the aircraft.
The first aircraft was light, with a tail wheel, and the engine power was usually low.
A mowed meadow with good water drainage was sufficient as an aerodrome for
those aircraft. The difficulty in controlling the flight path of these aircrafts required
the surrounding airspace to be free of obstacles over a relatively wide area. Since
the first aircraft were very sensitive to crosswind, the principal requirement was to
allow taking off and landing always to be into wind (Figure 1.1). In the majority of
cases, the aerodrome used to be a square or circle without the runway being marked
out. The wind direction indicator, which was so necessary in those days, still has to
be installed at every aerodrome today, although its use now at big international
airports is less obvious. Other visual aids that date from that period are the landing
direction indicator and the boundary markers. The latter aid determined unambigu-
ously where the field was and where the aerodrome was, this flight information for
the pilot not always being evident in the terrain.
Immediately after World War I in 1919 1920, the first air carriers opened regular
air services between Paris and London, Amsterdam and London, Prague and Paris,
among others. However, in that period no noticeable changes occurred in the
airport equipment, or in the basic operating concept, other than some simple
building for the processing of passengers and hangars for working on the aircraft.
2 Airport Design and Operation
Figure 1.1: The second prize winner in a competition in 1931 for the design of
Praha-Ruzyně airport development. Source: The Czech Airports Authority.
Even in the 1930s, the new technology of the Douglas DC-2 and DC-3, which were
first put into airline service in 1934 and 1936, respectively, was not significantly
different to require large changes in the physical characteristics of aerodromes, so the
development of airports up to that period may be characterised as gradual. The first
passengers on scheduled airlines were mostly business people or the rich and famous,
but this was a small-scale activity, most of the flying being done by the military.
The main change in the airfield’s physical characteristics was the runway length. The
multiengine aircraft required the length to increase to approximately 1,000 m.
The increasing number of aircraft and the training of the military pilots required
more support facilities at airfields, such as hangars, workshops and barracks.
War does not benefit mankind but, for aviation, it has meant a rapid step change in
development. After World War II, there were unusually favourable conditions for
the development of civil aviation and air transport. On one hand there were
damaged ground communications, while on the other hand, there were plenty of
surplus former military aircraft. There was also the requirement to support the sup-
ply chains from the United States to Latin America, to Japan, to Europe under the
Marshall Plan or the largest post-war air cargo operation during the Berlin
Blockade (24 June 1948 12 May 1949) — the Berlin airlift. All of that activity
Air Transport and Airports 3
allowed civil air transport to recover quickly and then to continue to a higher level
than before World War II. The requirements for aerodromes changed dramatically
in that same short period of time.
The new aircraft required paved runways, partly because they were heavier and
partly because regularity of service became more important. However, they were
still relatively sensitive to the crosswind, despite having nose-wheel steering.
Therefore, the big international airports adopted a complicated system of between
three and six runways in different directions in order to provide sufficient opera-
tional usability from the entire runway system (Figure 1.2). The large number of
runways often reduced the amount of land available for further development of the
airport facilities. One of the runways, most often the runway in the direction of the
prevailing winds, was gradually equipped with airport visual and radio-navigation
aids, thereby being regarded as the main runway. At the same time terminal
facilities were constructed which, besides the services required for the processing of
passengers and their baggage, provided also the first non-aeronautical services, such
as restaurants, toilets and duty free shops.
Dobrovíz Knezeves
13 1 H
H 3
Jenec (35)
Airport development stages:
1939 –1945 Hostivice
1945 –1955
1958 –1962
1962 –1963
Jet aircraft required further extension of the runway, together with increases in its
width and upgrading its strength. The operation of jet aircraft had an effect also
upon other equipment and technical facilities of the airport. One of them was the
fuel supply system. Not only did the fuel type change from gasoline to kerosene but
also the volume per aircraft increased considerably, requiring reconstruction of the
fuel farms and the introduction of new refuelling technologies.
The introduction of the first wide-body jet aircraft, the Boeing B 747-100 in 1970, had
a large impact on the design of terminals. Before the B 747-100, the runway or apron
were limiting capacity factors for some airports but, after it was introduced, the term-
inal building capacity became critical. The B 747-100 capacity could replace two or
three existing aircraft. Thus, the number of aircraft movements was relatively reduced,
and the number of passengers per movement increased. The B 747-100 required a
further increase in the strength of manoeuvring areas, the enlargement of stands and
other changes such as airport visual aids which resulted from greater height of
the cockpit giving a different view from the cockpit during approach and landing.
The B 747-100 in fact symbolized a whole new era of wide body air transport, as
well as causing the system to adapt to it. At the same time, it demonstrated that
there had to be a limit to which airports could adapt fully to whatever the cutting
edge of aircraft technology demanded of them. Not only was there a reaction from
the international airport community; the manufacturers themselves also came to
realise that if they constructed an aircraft with parameters requiring substantial
changes of ground equipment, they would find it difficult to sell it in the market-
place. Futuristic studies of new aircraft in the early 1980s, with a capacity of
700 1000 seats, were not taken beyond the paper stage, partly for this reason as
well as because the airlines had found it hard to sell all the capacity offered by the B
747. Following this argument, the Boeing B 777-200 was designed with folding
wingtips, though this option has not yet been taken up by any airline. The Airbus A
380 was designed to fit into an 80 m box which the airport industry regarded as the
maximum it could cope with economically. Although all new large hub airports like
Munich, Hong Kong, Kansai, Beijing, Dubai and others have been designed to
cope with the A 380, only minor changes like the location of airside signs has been
necessary. The airports which were originally designed around the needs of piston-
engine aircraft have had to make very substantial changes to accept it. London’s
Heathrow airport has lost more than 20 stands due to having to increase taxiway
separations and has had to build a new pier, the total cost being £450 million. The
Airbus A 380 also has a considerable impact on the design and operations of airport
passenger terminals and access roads. The passenger capacity of the A 380 depends
on the seat configuration chosen by an airline. The A 380-800 is certified for up
to 853 passengers (538 on the main deck and 315 on the upper) in a one-class
configuration though now no airline has configured A 380 with so many seats
Air Transport and Airports 5
(Figure 1.3). Airlines announced seat capacities ranging from 407 passengers
(Korean Air) to over 644 (Emirates Airline) in two classes.
Figure 1.3: Airbus 380 will be used on the densest routes. Copyright: Airbus;
Photo: J. Pommery.
Most recent changes to airports have not been provoked by new aircraft technology
but by political and economic developments. The airport situation in Europe has
changed considerably since the 1960s. The airport in the past was a ‘shop-window’
of the state, and together with the national flag carrier, it is also an instrument to
enforce state policy. After the successful corporatisation and then the privatisation
of the British Airport Authority and some other airports, many governments have
gradually changed their policy towards airports, particularly in regard to subsidy.
The following important factors influenced the entire development of airports from
1975 to 2014:
The threat of terrorism, and in particular the bomb attack against the B 747
Pan-Am Flight 103 on 23 December 1988 near Lockerbie in Scotland and later The
September 11 attacks in 2001, subsequently required expensive changes of airport
terminal buildings with a consistent separation of the arriving and departing passen-
gers and installation of technical equipment for detecting explosives. The security
problems are discussed in detail in Chapter 13.
The privatisation of airports started in Great Britain in 1986, and represented a fun-
damental change in the manner of administering and financing the airports in
Europe. It was and still is seen by most people as a success, though there are those,
particularly in the United States, who believe that the emphasis on commercial via-
bility has made it difficult to concentrate on an airport’s main function of providing
an effective and efficient transfer between air and ground transport. It has, though,
resulted in a considerable extension and improvement of the services provided,
particularly for the passengers and other visitors of the airport.
The deregulation that began in the United States in 1978 produced a revolution in
the development of that industry. Up to then, air transport had been developing in
an ordered fashion. Deregulation represented a free, unlimited access to the market,
without any capacity and price limitations, unblocking the previously stringent reg-
ulation of the market in the United States. The percentage of the population who
had never travelled by plane before reduced from 70% to 20%. However, it also
brought about negative consequences for airport capacity due to the concentration
of traffic at the major hubs and due to the gradual creation of extremely large
airlines with the features of strong monopolies.
The rate of growth of air transport worldwide since 1990 has been strong. The
volume of passengers in regular air transport doubled in the period from 1990 to
2000, and in the region of the Pacific Basin it even quadrupled. The airspace in
Europe became seriously congested. Airspace slots, into which a flight can be
accepted by prior arrangement, became scarce. The queues of aircraft lengthened,
Air Transport and Airports 7
both on the ground and in the air. The costs incurred by delayed flights reach USD
hundreds of millions annually.
Besides the need of funding for reconstruction and the building of new terminals,
the biggest problem for many large airports, in particular, in Europe is the lack of
capacity of the runway system, leading to a requirement for the construction of new
runways. This is accentuated by the development of regional transport which will
continue throughout Europe, despite the EC’s preference for rail travel. Regional
transport serves business trips mostly or to feed long-haul flights, thereby increasing
the demand for capacity of runway systems during the peak hour.
Both companies anticipate the fastest market growth in the Asia-Pacific (including
China) region. This could be illustrated by comparing the top 15 world airports
data in 2013 and 2005 by total passengers (Table 1.1). There were eight US
8 Airport Design and Operation
Table 1.1: World top 15 airports ranking by total passengers — 2013 data.
airports and just two airports from Asia among the top 15 airports in 2005 but
five US airports and five Asian in 2013. Beijing ‘leapt’ from 15 to the second
place in just eight years and more than doubled the number of passengers. Dubai
Airport (7th in 2013) appeared among the top 30 airports for the first time in
2007, ranked 27th with 19.3% growth and 34.3 million passengers and nearly
doubled its throughput within six years. Similarly Soekarno-Hatta was 10th in
2013, up from 36th in 2008.
Air Transport and Airports 9
The North American and European markets are sustainable but moderate growth is
expected. Those markets retain their importance because of their size. Also, the
Middle East increased its importance not only due to well-established long-haul air
carriers but also due to a very good geographic position which supports their global
hub strategy.
The changing structure of air transport, including not only the increasing number of
small aircraft intended for direct point-to-point inter-regional transport but also the
trend to liberalisation and the universally growing transport volumes, will even
further increase the pressure on airport capacity. In addition, the airports must also
satisfy the changing profile and new categories of passengers. They must prepare for
increasing numbers of elderly people and young parents with children. New stan-
dards have made it necessary to reconstruct completely some airport terminals. All
these pressures will require substantial increases in investment. Similar changes will
appear in the carriage of freight.
As already mentioned, the airside characteristics have always been ‘dictated’ by the
aircraft geometry and performance. On the other hand the landside design and in
particular the passenger terminals, are influenced by the state policies and market
trends. During the last two decades the Low-Cost Carrier (LCC) model has grown
tremendously, pioneered by Southwest Airlines in the United States and Ryanair in
Europe. The LCC model has also rapidly developed in Asia and Middle East.
According to Airline Profiler, LCCs’ movements in 2005 in Europe accounted for
17% of all passenger traffic, and this increased to 32% in 2013. LCCs’ very efficient
business model (fast turnaround times, scheduling optimisation etc.) also created
pressure on the airports they serve. For example, the top three Ryanair require-
ments on an airport are low airport charges, fast turn-around times and single-story
airport terminals. At the beginning, LCCs benefited from cheaper landing fees at
previously unused secondary airports.
Some low-cost carriers prefer simple and sparse passenger terminals with a mini-
mum of commercial facilities so as to negotiate low charges. A few airports decided
to satisfy those requirements. However, it must be stressed that most low-cost car-
riers are extremely unstable partners and can withdraw their services within a month
so that the airport is left with a facility of limited usage. Therefore, the requirement
to design for high terminal flexibility is very important. It must also be stressed that
airport terminal capital and operating costs are only a part of the total cost of the
airport infrastructure development and its operation. In the long run, during the
whole terminal life-cycle, the cost difference between a ‘normal’ and ‘economical’
terminal may not be significant.
it began and nearly 25 years after it was recognised as being necessary. It is there-
fore sensible to predict requirements perhaps 35 or even more years ahead, yet the
ability to predict even 15 years ahead is questionable.
The Far East has become the most rapidly expanding region from the viewpoint
of further development of airports as the economy recovers its former vitality.
The airports at Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Hong Kong (Chek Lap
Kok) and Seoul Incheon show very strong growth, and plans for the construction
of new large international airports in China and Indonesia have been announced.
Due to a relatively simple system of planning and public hearing procedures, the
overall planning/construction time will be considerably faster than in Europe. The
same could be expected for new airports in the Middle East or Turkey.
After the opening of Munich II, Oslo Gardermoen and Athens Sparta and the
major expansion of Madrid Barajas, Milan Malpensa, Manchester and Paris
Charles de Gaulle (Roissy), the development of the network of new international
airports in Western Europe may be considered as almost complete. Further airport
capacity will be gained by reconstruction and improvement of former military bases
and scarcely used ‘secondary’ airports flown mostly by low-cost carriers, but they
are often in rather remote locations. The remaining option for increasing capacity is
the further development of existing airports. In general, this will be problematic
because they have not reserved sufficient land for further development or increas-
ingly complex technological developments will have to be employed.
It is anticipated that the ‘hub and spoke’ system will continue to be supported in the
United States, so causing further pressure on capacity. The National Plan of
Integrated Airport Systems (NPIAS) for 2015 2019 identifies 3,345 public-use
airports (3,331 existing and 14 proposed) eligible to receive grants under the FAA
Airport Improvement Program (AIP). The FAA estimates that over the years
2015 2019, there will be a need for approximately $33.5 billion of infrastructure
projects eligible for Airport Improvement Program grants. The 389 primary airports
(large hubs, medium hubs, small hubs and non-hubs) account for 12% of the air-
ports and 62% of the total development. Large hubs have the greatest estimated
development needs, accounting for $8 billion (25%) of the $33.5 billion identified.
The 2,939 non-primary (non-primary commercial service, general aviation and
reliever airports) make up 88% of the airports and account for 38% of the total
development, respectively.
The war terminated before the airport was completed. It was necessary to
adapt the airport project to the needs of civil aviation. It was not a simple
task. It was necessary to estimate the development of civil aviation and its
requirements after a six-year stagnation. A commission of experts assessed
several options for completing the construction of the runway system using
the three runways under construction. Apart from others, the commission
determined these requirements:
1. The runway system should allow the operation of any type of aircraft, con-
sidering a crosswind limit of 4 kts (2 m/s).
The resulting design was in the form of a Star of David. Originally the
construction of a third runway triangle was planned to the north of the present
airport, beyond the A4 trunk road. Thus a system of three parallel runways
would have been available whatever the wind direction. That additional trian-
gle was rejected in 1952. By the end of 1945 the construction of the first runway
and several buildings were complete, and Heathrow airport was officially
opened on 31 May 1946, passenger processing being done partly in tents.
The dynamic developments in air transport made possible by new types of air-
craft required constant changes to the original project. By the end of 1947 the
construction of the first runway ‘triangle’ was completed. Work on the second
‘triangle’ continued simultaneously with the construction of an access tunnel
into the central area under runway No. 1. In 1950 the construction of the run-
way system was practically completed. In order that space may be found for
the construction of terminals, apron and the remaining infrastructure in the
central area, runway No. 3 and subsequently also other runways were closed
very quickly, and thus only three runways have been in operation since then
(see Figure 1.4). The cross runway has now also been closed to allow redeve-
lopment of the East end of the central area, leaving only the now standard
arrangement of one pair of parallel runways until and if a third parallel
runway is built; this might be on the site of the proposed third triangle.
Airport Design and Operation
Figure 1.4: The current layout of London Heathrow. Source: NATS UK AIP Aerodrome Chart - ICAO AD 2-EGLL-2-1.
Air Transport and Airports 13
The original terminal buildings were only of a temporary nature. They were
located to the north of the northern runway, and it was clear that in the future
they would have to be substituted by a new complex in the middle of the
runway system. The construction of the new complex began in 1950 with the
control tower and terminal building designed for short routes, this becoming
the present Terminal 2. It was completed and opened in 1955.
In step with the increasing demand for air transport, new terminal buildings
were built. In 1962 Terminal 3 was opened, designed specifically for long-haul
flights. In 1968 Terminal 1 designed for domestic airlines was opened.
Terminal 4 was built in 1986 to the south of the southern runway after a pro-
tracted inquiry, and all British Airways’ long-haul routes were moved into it
from Terminal 3. This broke out of the central area for the first time, despite
the difficulties caused by aircraft having to cross the southern runway and by
passengers and bags having to be transferred between Terminal 4 and the
central area.
Further increase in traffic caused the capacity of terminal buildings and stands
to become the limiting factors, so Terminal 5 with its satellites was constructed
in place of the Perry Oaks sewage farm, between the two main runways at the
west end of the site.
The inquiry took four years and the terminal was opened in March 2008.
In the same year the first commercial A380 flight arrived at Heathrow. In
the autumn of 2009, after British Airways vacated Terminal 4 and moved to
Terminal 5, Terminal 4 was refurbished. The old Terminal 2 was closed in
November 2009 and demolished in summer 2010. In the same year Terminal
5’s second satellite building was completed and in October 2010 the second
phase of building Terminal 2B began. In summer 2011 the new Terminal 5C
opened officially and in summer 2014 the new Terminal 2, The Queen’s
Terminal, was opened. Now there is a Commission working to decide on
a preferred way of generating a further runway’s worth of capacity in the
South East of England. The options have been decided and are now out to
They include a third parallel independent runway to the northwest of the pre-
sent northern runway at Heathrow. They also include a so-called extended
northern runway which, with a safety area between the two runways, could be
used for departures at the same time as the existing one accepts landings or
could give flexible options for relieving noise under the various approach and
departure paths.
14 Airport Design and Operation
Although attempts to reach agreement had been made much earlier, the need to
agree on common requirements for airports used by air carriers became more
urgent after World War II. In compliance with Article 37 of the Convention on
International Civil Aviation in Chicago in 1944, the International Civil Aviation
Organisation (ICAO) adopted Annex 14-Aerodromes to the Convention on 29 May
1951. Annex 14 provides the required set of standards for aerodromes used by inter-
national civil air transport. The Annex contains information for planning, designing
and operating airports. With the developments in aircraft technology described in
the previous section, together with the consequent changes to airports, Annex 14
has been regularly amended and supplemented. Particular Amendments were in the
majority of cases approved at sessions of the respective specialist ICAO conference
on Aerodromes, Air Routes and Ground Aids (AGA). Each of the ICAO member
states may propose a supplement or amendment to an Annex through its aviation
authority. The proposal is usually assessed or further examined by a panel of
experts. Each of the member states may nominate its experts to the panel. Within
ICAO there are panels and working groups that have been dedicated to several spe-
cific issues for a long time, for example,
Other ad-hoc panels have been formed to consider a specific one-off problem, for
Air Transport and Airports 15
The conclusions reached by the panels are reported in the form of working papers
that are sent to the states for comments. Then amendments and supplements to the
Annex are usually approved at the Air Navigation Conference or at the AGA
Each of the ICAO member states is obliged to issue a national set of Standards and
Recommended Practices regulating the points in question for their international air-
ports and amplifying them as necessary. This can give rise to problems of language.
The options for an ICAO member state are either to adopt one of the official ICAO
languages (English, Arabic, Chinese, French, Spanish or Russian) or to translate it
into its own language and notify ICAO accordingly. If there is a need, the member
state may adapt some of the provisions in its national Standards and Recommended
Practices if it files the differences with ICAO. The provisions in the Annex have two
different levels of obligation and relevance:
Furthermore the member states are invited to inform ICAO of any other changes
that may occur. In addition, the states should publish the differences between their
national regulation and the Annex by the means of the Flight Information Service.
Notes are only of an informative character and supplement or explain in more detail
the Standards and Recommendations.
At present Annex 14 has two volumes; Volume I Aerodrome Design and Operations
and Volume III Heliports. Besides the Annexes ICAO issues other publications. The
16 Airport Design and Operation
following manuals, which supplement Annex 14, include guidelines for aerodrome
design, construction, planning and operations.
However, airport design and operation often requires knowledge of specific parts
of other ICAO Annexes and documents which are closely related to airports,
that is, Annex 3 Meteorological Service for International Air Navigation; Annex 4
Aeronautical Charts; Annex 5 Units of Measurement to be Used in Air and
Ground Operations; Annex 6 Operation of Aircraft; Annex 9 Facilitation; Annex
10 Aeronautical Telecommunications; Annex 11 Air Traffic Services; Annex 13
Air Transport and Airports 17
Landside parts of the airports are mostly not covered in the ICAO documents,
except Annex 9 — Facilitation which relates to parts of airport terminals but
guidance material could be found in different IATA manuals (see Chapter 12).
This book uses these ICAO documents, which are available from the world regional
distribution centres, as primary references. It is not considered necessary to repeat-
edly refer to them in the text.
Some countries, like the United States, generate a full set of their own standards
and recommendations which complement and expand on those contained in the
ICAO documentation. These are published as Federal Aviation Administration
(FAA) Advisory Circulars 139 and 150. Many other countries find these useful as
reference material. In Europe the common standards are being developed and
maintained across the European Union by the European Aviation Safety Agency
(EASA) with reference to the Commission Regulation (EU) No 139/2014 (of 12
February 2014) laying down requirements and administrative procedures related to
aerodromes. The rules should reflect the state of the art and the best practices in the
field of aerodromes and also take into account the applicable ICAO Standards and
Recommended Practices.
All signatory countries to ICAO are obliged to apply the ICAO standards to their
international airports. It would be uneconomic to apply them fully to their more
numerous domestic airports, though it is sensible to take note of the principles
embodied in the ICAO documents. Therefore every state has the possibility of mak-
ing its own national Standards and Recommended Practices dealing with specific
problems of domestic airports and airfields exclusively within the territory of the
particular state for aerial works in agriculture, general aviation airports as well as
for limited commercial operations. Besides the various types of civilian airports,
there are also military airports. Their physical characteristics, marking and equip-
ment may be different from the characteristics recommended for civil aerodromes.
In creating a national set of Standards and Recommended Practices that does not
derive directly from Annex 14 or another ICAO publication, the aviation authority
usually puts an expert in charge of elaborating a draft of the document. The
document draft is distributed for comments from selected organisations and panels
of experts. After inclusion of the comments, the new draft is once more discussed in
18 Airport Design and Operation
a wider forum. The proposal is also assessed in relation to other Standards and
Recommended Practices. Development of each legal document requires a consider-
able amount of time and effort. If the necessary amount of knowledge, together
with adequate legal and technical resources, is not put into the elaboration of the
standard, the consequences can be serious. The document should be supplemented,
amended, re-elaborated and exceptions from it should be noted, all of which takes
further time and effort.
Some European airports are struggling with a lack of capacity. Conclusions of the
1992 ECAC transport ministers’ conference were that each state is obliged to ensure
development of ground infrastructure and to detect and eliminate bottlenecks that
are limiting the capacity of the airport system. In that way it should be possible to
ensure that the increased requirements for capacity of airports in the future will be
met. The solutions to these capacity issues can only be approached successfully on a
system basis. It is necessary to assess the capacity of each part of the airport system
individually: runway, taxiway system and configuration of apron, service roads,
parking lots, cargo terminal and ground access to the airport. The result of such a
system study is a proposal for staging the development of airport facilities, elabo-
rated in a master plan of the airport.
An airport master plan represents a guide as to how the airport development should
be provided to meet the foreseen demand while maximising and preserving the ulti-
mate capacity of the site. In the majority of cases it is not possible to recommend
one specific dogmatic solution. It is always necessary to search for alternative
solutions. The result is a compromise which, however, must never be allowed to
lower safety standards.
The Master Plan of an airport may be characterised as: ‘a plan for the airport con-
struction that considers the possibilities of maximum development of the airport in the
given locality. The Master Plan of an airport may be elaborated for an existing airport
as well as for an entirely new one, regardless of the size of the airport’. It is necessary
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