IJCRT2405290 (1)
IJCRT2405290 (1)
IJCRT2405290 (1)
org © 2024 IJCRT | Volume 12, Issue 5 May 2024 | ISSN: 2320-2882
Abstract: Vehicle to Vehicle communication is one of the upcoming prominent technologies, which aims to
provide more road safety measures by providing the important data and information of the vehicles. By
introducing Li-Fi technology in the V2V communication enhances the overall performance of the system. The
Li-Fi technology helps the V2V communication system to transmit data through a wireless medium at a higher
data rate. In Li-Fi, signal is transmitted from a LED and the data is received by the photodetector. In this project,
a prototype V2V communication Li-Fi system is designed to avoid road accidents and traffic congestion. The
transmitter of the proposed system consists of Li-Fi transmitter module to convert the input data into modulated
light signal. The receiver of the proposed system consists of Li-Fi receiver module which decodes the modulated
light signal. The decode data is displayed in the LCD. The data shared between two vehicles are speed,
temperature and steering angle. These parameters are important to avoid major accidents. Li-Fi technology is
used over other transmission techniques, because it is suitable for real time applications.
Traditional V2V communication systems typically rely on radio frequency (RF) technologies such as Wi-Fi and
cellular networks. While these technologies have been successful in providing basic communication capabilities,
they suffer from limitations such as limited bandwidth, susceptibility to interference, and security vulnerabilities.
To overcome these challenges and meet the growing demands of future transportation systems, alternative
communication technologies are being explored.
The integration of Li-Fi (Light Fidelity) into Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) communication systems represents a
significant step forward in the quest to enhance road safety and optimize traffic management. However, thorough
testing and assessment are necessary prior to using this cutting-edge technology in practical settings. At this
point, simulation becomes important and plays a key part in determining whether Li-Fi-based V2V
communication is feasible and performs well.
Designing and implementing this Li-Fi-based V2V communication system is a major focus of this project.
Information gathered from simulated scenarios offers a thorough grasp of Li-Fi technology's performance in a
dynamic and heterogeneous V2V communication ecosystem. with a focus on enabling real-time data exchange
between vehicles on the road. Specifically, the system aims to facilitate the exchange of critical information
such as vehicle speed and temperature, which are essential for ensuring safe and efficient operation on the road.
In the subsequent sections, we will delve deeper into the technical aspects of the proposed system, including the
design and implementation of Li-Fi transmitters and receivers, data transmission protocols, and system
integration considerations. Through this project, we aim to demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of using
Li-Fi technology for V2V communication, paving the way for safer, smarter, and more connected transportation
systems in the future.
In the 1990s, the notion of vehicles communicating with each other marked the early stages of what is now
known as vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication. This concept emerged as a response to the growing need
for enhanced safety and improved traffic efficiency on roadways. While the development of vehicle-to-vehicle
(V2V) communication in the 1990s was a collaborative effort involving many researchers, one individual who
made notable contributions during that time is Dr. Victor D. Menon. He conducted research on dedicated short-
range communications (DSRC), an essential V2V communication technology. Research and development
pertaining to vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication has been greatly aided by the U.S. Department of
Transportation's (USDOT) Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) program.
The primary goal of these early concepts was to leverage communication between vehicles as a means to enhance
overall road safety. By enabling vehicles to exchange information with one another in real-time, it was
envisioned that potential hazards and risks could be identified and addressed more effectively. The focus was
on developing a communication framework that would allow vehicles to share key data such as speed, position,
and direction of travel. The deployment of wireless technologies played a crucial role in these early concepts.
The creation of layer-2 protocols that enable a car to communicate with other cars in a safety manner. The goal
is to deliver safety alerts to vehicles with minimal latency and high dependability. The communication is geo-
significant, local, and one-to-many. The network of vehicular communication is ad hoc, highly mobile, and has
many competing nodes. The messages must be received with a high probability, but they are very brief and have
a limited useful lifetime. The Dedicated Short-Range Communications (DSRC) multi-channel architecture is
compatible with the protocols. We derive analytical bounds on the performance of the suggested protocols. The
protocol's performance sensitivity is assessed in a range of offered and vehicular traffic flows. The outcomes
demonstrate the viability of our strategy for DSRC vehicle safety messaging.
Driving load reduction, traffic prevention, and safe driving are all expected to be addressed by driving assistant
systems with cameras and sensors. Additionally, wireless technology-based vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V)
communication systems have been suggested as an add-on to the current systems. A GPS module is used in place of
the traditional speedometer in the proposed system, which eliminates many of the issues with the current setup. In
order to prevent transmission collisions, this study develops an embedded communication system for a small
autonomous electric car. The ability for vehicles to communicate with one another facilitates the successful design
of a platooning control system that takes vehicle interruptions and separations into account.
Vehicles with internet connections might be an upgrade. In addition to the current IoT connected vehicles solution,
this paper presents a novel concept of a vehicle to vehicle (V2V) connection via the internet. This system could
guarantee data transfers between cars as they approach, sharing real-time road information and guaranteeing everyone
drives in a safer and better environment. The IoT-based V2V communication system is built upon a foundation of
sensor- equipped vehicles, capable of collecting and sharing data related to their speed, position, and status. These
vehicles form a self-organizing network that facilitates seamless communication, allowing for the transmission of
critical information such as traffic conditions, potential hazards, and road infrastructure updates.
Using Light Fidelity (Li-Fi) technology, this paper presents a novel approach to Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V)
communication, since road safety is still a top priority in the age of smart transportation. Li-Fi, a visible light-
based wireless communication technology, has special benefits like high data rates, low latency, and immunity
to electromagnetic interference. This paper explains the integration of Li-Fi for the transmission and reception
of driver safety-related data among vehicles, contributing to an advanced and secure V2V communication
system. The proposed system relies on vehicular Li- Fi transceivers installed in vehicles, enabling the
transmission of critical safety-related information, including vehicle speed, acceleration, and position. Li-fi's
inherent characteristics, such as the ability to provide high-bandwidth communication, facilitate real-time data
exchange, enhancing the responsiveness of safety applications.
The project is structured to comprehensively address the research objectives of enhancing vehicular
communication through the application of Li-Fi technology. The project begins with a clear problem definition
and scope clarification, laying the foundation for the study of robust and efficient vehicle-to-vehicle
communication using Li-Fi. Subsequently, a thorough literature review is conducted to delve into existing
knowledge and insights related to Li-Fi technology, V2V communication, and the intersections between the two.
This review will provide the necessary context and inform the research approach. Moving forward, the research
design and approach are carefully selected, taking into account the defined scope and objectives. The
methodology includes a data collection phase, where data sources and collection methods are determined,
whether it involves Li-Fi hardware, simulation tools, or real-world vehicular networks. Performance metrics,
such as data transfer rate, latency, signal strength, reliability, and network connectivity, are collected and
rigorously assessed.
The heart of the project lies in the implementation of the Li-Fi system within a controlled environment or testbed,
configuring Li-Fi transmitters and receivers in vehicles to establish V2V communication channels. Performance
evaluation follows, involving a series of experiments and simulations to measure and analyze key parameters.
These parameters include data transfer rate, latency under different conditions, signal quality, and network
reliability. The methodology also encompasses a comparative analysis, where the performance of Li-Fi- based
V2V communication is benchmarked against traditional wireless technologies such as Wi-Fi or cellular
communication, shedding light on the strengths and limitations of Li-Fi in vehicular networks. In the pursuit of
optimizing the Li-Fi system, the research delves into strategies to enhance its performance for vehicular
environments. Adaptive modulation schemes, beamforming techniques, channel allocation strategies, and
interference mitigation approaches are explored. Security and reliability represent critical aspects of the
methodology, where the study investigates the protocols and measures required for secure V2V communication
via Li-Fi and assesses the system's robustness under varying environmental conditions and potential sources of
The suggested technology is functional. There are two components to it, the transmitter and the receiver. Visible LED
light is used to transmit data between vehicles. Consequently, the recommended system has low environmental impact
and low installation costs. Vehicle-to-vehicle communication has been shown to be the most successful strategy for
lowering the daily total of reported accidents. Li-Fi technology uses LED light to transmit data from one vehicle to another.
Li-Fi technology is not very complicated because the protocols that are used in it are being phased out. The design of this
system aims to achieve maximum dependability while permitting any required data flow between the transmitter and
receiver inside the vehicle.
Li-Fi Receiver
Arduino is an open-source electronics platform known for its user-friendly hardware and software. It makes use of
microcontroller boards that can be programmed using a condensed form of C++. Arduino is widely utilized in robotics and
home automation projects, and its extendable shields increase its flexibility even further. It's customary to share projects
with the community via blogs and social media, and while publishing information, it's crucial to take your audience's degree
of experience and license needs into account.
Figure 1: Arduino
The most versatile and basic variety is the brushed DC motor driver, which has several uses. This DC motor
functions as a modulator-equipped power amplifier. To power DC motors, a DC inverter converts AC to DC.
Increased motor speeds provide more voltage in the tachometer, which the inverter uses as a reference to make
sure the motor is operating at the user-specified speed. This is mostly utilized for accurate reversing and braking.
Figure 3: Mosfet
Figure 6: Hc-05
A DC motor converts electrical energy into motion and is comparable to a miniature power plant. It consists of
a moving portion (rotor) and a stationary part (stator). The motor's rotor rotates because of magnets that conduct
electricity. These motors are useful because they are widely used in electric automobiles, fans, and toys, and
they are simple to use. They are powered by direct current (DC) batteries or power supply.
Figure 7: Dc Motor
The circuit has been built as discussed, codes have been uploaded into the Arduino then the project is ready for testing.
The different parameters discussed in this project are Speed and Temperature. Speed parameter is calculated in the form
of RPM (Revolution Per Minute). And Temperature is calculated in Degree Celsius (℃). The Li-Fi-based communication
system successfully detected the speed of vehicles with high accuracy and effectively monitored the temperature of vehicle
engines in real time.
This proposed system may enable both intra- and inter-vehicle sensory data exchange in automobiles. The data
exchange can be used to identify the abrupt changes in vehicles that gives a risk and alert the driver. Better
vehicular conditions are made possible by an intelligent transportation system that are made possible by the use
of V2V communication. The results of the performance evaluation of Li-Fi technology in V2V communication
is carried out in simulated environment in which the result of inputs (Temperature, Speed, and Steering Angle)
of the vehicles are obtained in LCD Module.
Collision Avoidance: Li-Fi V2V communication enables automobiles to communicate real- time position, speed,
and direction data, which can assist in the detection and prevention of potential collisions. This can significantly
reduce the number of accidents and increase traffic safety.
Traffic Management: Vehicles can communicate information about traffic conditions, congestion and road
closures through Li-Fi V2V communication, which is effective in traffic management. Vehicle rerouting and
traffic flow optimization are made by using this data.
Emergency Vehicle Alerts: When an emergency vehicle, like an ambulance or fire truck, is coming, adjacent
vehicles can receive instant alerts via Li-Fi V2V communication. This expedites response times and makes room
for the emergency vehicle.
In this project, a prototype V2V communication Li-Fi system has been designed to avoid road accidents and traffic
congestion. In the proposed system, light emitting diode (LED) has been used to transmit data and photodiode has
been used to receive the data from one vehicle to another vehicle. The parameters such as speed, temperature and
steering angle of the Vehicle have been measured and transferred to one vehicle to another vehicle. The vehicle
monitoring section of the Li-Fi system has been designed using Arduino, temperature sensor, speed sensor, motor
and LCD display. The measured values of speed, temperature and steering angle are compared with the threshold
of average and over speed conditions, normal and high temperature conditions, right and left movement conditions
respectively. The measured data provides the important information of one vehicle. The measured data is
exchanged at a higher data rate from one vehicle to another vehicle. The proposed system can send data up to 15
feet system without any interference. So, the Li-Fi technology incorporated with V2V communication has
numerous advantages which improves the road safety.
Our sincere Thanks to Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, India for providing us the
environment and support to complete our project in successful manner.
Mr. Kishore Kumar G K, Mr. Nithish S and Mr. Srinithivasan A are UG scholars in Department of
Electronics and Communication Engineering at Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology, Coimbatore,
Tamilnadu, India.
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www.ijcrt.org © 2024 IJCRT | Volume 12, Issue 5 May 2024 | ISSN: 2320-2882
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