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Trade - COPA

Syllabus Breakup Daily

Week Day Subject Theory Practical
Theory Introduction WindowsOperating System Using Windows Operating System
1 Practice on Windows interface and navigating
Theory Introduction to operating System. windows.Practice on managing files and folders using
removable drives.
2 Customize the desktop settings and manage user
3 Theory Main features of Windows OS. accounts.
View system properties and control panel details.
4 Theory Concept of various shortcut commands. Work with keyboard shortcut commands. Print and
2 5 ES Increased Social initiations relationships and networks . scan document using different commands.
Acceptance of peers from different cultures and social groups
and work with them . Collaboration with team to priroritise the
common goal and compromise individual prirorities.
6 ES Characteristic of a responsible citizen-
Display the same by respecting self,
others, environment, care for duty and value for time.
Trade - COPA
Syllabus Breakup Daily
Week Day Subject Theory Practical
1 Theory Computer basics and Software Installation Computer basics and Software
View the BIOS settings and their modifications.
2 Theory •Introduction to the booting process. .Install Windows operating
•Introduction to various types of system.
memories and their features. .Install necessary application software for Windows
i.e. Office Package, PDF Reader, Media Player etc.
3 Theory •Basic Hardware and software issues and Configure Bluetooth and wi-fi
their solutions. settings.
4 Theory •Usage of Application software and Install Drivers for printer, scanner, webcam and
Antivirus. DVD etc.

3 5 ES Adopting best practices and aspire to follow success stories of Burn data, video and audio files on CD/DVD using
individual for application software.
personal development.
6 ES English literacy:-Importance of learning english
Trade - COPA

Syllabus Breakup Daily

Week Day Subject Theory Practical
1 Theory •Scope of the COPA trade.  Visit COPA Lab. of the institutes and
•Safety rules and safety signs. locate the electrical
•Types and working of fire extinguishers.  connections with computer system
 .Identifying safety symbols and hazard
Introduction to Computer components
 .Practice safe methods of fire fighting in
2 Theory •?Introduction to computer system.
case of electrical fire.
Concepts of Hardware and Software.
 Use of fire extinguisher
3 Theory •?Function of motherboard components and
 Identify computer peripherals and
various processors.
internal components of a
4 Theory Various Input/ Output devices in use and  disassembled desktop computer.
their features.
Behavioural Skill-Creating a focused and responsible learning
5 ES envirnment-Chart
1 paper Activity.  Assemble components of desktop
Self-awareness and confidence building, display professionalism computer.
6 ES at the institute
and work place
 Assemble components of desktop
Trade - COPA

Syllabus Breakup Daily

Week Day Subject Theory Practical
Introduction to DOS Command Line Interface & Linux Operating DOS Command Line Interface &Linux Operating
1 Theory Systems Systems Use basic DOS commands for directory
•Introduction to basic DOS Internal and Manage files and folders using DOS commands.
2 Theory External Commands.
•Introduction to basic DOS Internal and
3 Theory External Commands. Install Linux operating system.
Install necessary application
4 4 Theory Monthly Test th software for Linux i.e. Office Package, PDF Reader,
Media Player etc.
Use Basic Linux commands for directory listing, file
5 ES Monthly Test ES and folder management, password etc.
Different naming words, word used for replacing names, action
6 ES words, describing people, place and their use. Monthly Test Practical

Trade - COPA

Syllabus Breakup Daily

Trade – COPA
Week Day Subject Theory Practical
Trade - COPA
Syllabus Breakup Daily Use the Linux graphical user
Trade - COPA
Syllabus 1
Week Breakup
Day Daily Theory
Subject •Introduction
Theory to Open Source Software. interface
Practical for file and folder management,
Syllabus Breakup Daily exploring the system etc.
Week Day
1 Subject
Theory Theory
Word Processing Software Practical
•Introduction to Linux Operating System Customize desktop settings and manage user
Week Day Subject Theory Using WordPage
Work with Processing Softwareand
layout settings Open MS Word
2 Theory features, structure, files and processes. accounts in Linux.
1 Theory and familiarise
5 1
3 Theory
Theory •Working
Basic Linuxwith objects,
commands. with basic wordautocorrect
Use templates, components. tools, and record and
4 Theory Basic Linux commands. Practice creating, saving andsource
renaming of tutor.
2 Theory •Introduction to Word features, Office execute
Practice aTyping using open typing
2 Theory Introduction to punctuation-comma, full stop, question mark. documents.
2 Theory button, mail
macro, toolbars.
merge, macro.
6 5
3 ES
3 Theory templates and other tools in Word. Practice
View of using
system shortcut
properties keys
and and use
manage Open Office
•Introduction to the
andvarious applications Edit document
Linux using
. tool. basic
Use Mail formatting Mail
8 3
ES •Creating,
Singular saving
plural formatting and as word
setting in merge Use conditional
4 Theory in MS office.
Monthly documents
Test TH using Word. External Data Source. Practice Letters, Label &
7 Change of tense-simple present, past; present, past progressive Envelop printing using Mail Merge
Trade - COPA Usege of appropriate words to express themselves
5 ES Use Table
Monthly of Context,
Test and Indexing,
Practical formattingHyperlink,
tables and other
5 ES Monthly Test ES
Construction of simple senteces-kinds of sentences Bookmark,
objects. Comment,
Syllabus Breakup
6 Daily ES equation , symbols, citation, cross- reference,
6 ES Asking & self indtroduction
Week Day Subject Theory footnote,
Practical translate, synonyms, thesaurus, spell
Greetings & self indroduction check & grammer, compare etc.
6 ES
Trade - COPA Theory Using Spread Sheet Application
Spread Sheet Application Open MS Excel and familiarise withbasicapplication
Syllabus Breakup
2 Daily Theory •Introduction to Excel components. (
9 3 Theory
Subject Theory Practical
Week Day
4 Theory features and Data Types. Practice
Practice creating,
Importingsaving and excel data.
& exporting
1 Theory •Cell referencing and linking Sheets. Use absolute and relative referencing, linking
1 ES
Theory Asking & responding
•Concepts of sorting,to question
filtering and
2 Theory sheets, conditional
formatting excel formatting
spread etc.
6 ES Sharing information
validating data. with others Perform data analysis using “what if” tools and
2 Theory
Pivot Table and record and execute a macro.
3 Theory Modify Excel page setup and printing and use open
4 Theory
Theory •Introduction to various functions in all Practice Excel functions of all major categories i.e.
11 office as Spreadsheet application.
categories of
•Analyzing Excel.
data using charts, data tables, Financial, Logical, Text, date & time, Lookup, Math,
10 4 Theory pivot tables, goal seek and scenarios Statistical etc.
Execute simple projects using Excel & Word.
5 ES Formal and informal communication Use various data types in Excel, sorting, filtering
Speak and provide information about workplace and validating
Discussions on current happenings. Self, Work, Environment
6 ES data.
5 ES
Simple writing skills Create and format various static and dynamic
6 ES charts.
Trade - COPA
Syllabus Breakup Daily
Week Day Subject Theory Practical
Image editing and creating Presentations
1 Theory Image editing, Presentations Use Windows Paint or image
editing software like Open Office Draw, GIMP,
2 Theory •Introduction to Open Office. IrfanView or a similar tool.

3 Theory
12 •Introduction to the properties and Perform Image editing using open source
4 Theory editing of images. applications.
Communication Skills:-Interview Skill/Confidence Building
5 ES Open power point presentation and familiarise
with basic application components
Professionalism and display of same at the institute and work
6 ES place

Trade - COPA
Syllabus Breakup Daily
Week Day Subject Theory Practical
• to different formats of Create Slide shows, Insert picture and theme.
1 Theory images and their uses.
Add new slide, format text, link with word and excel
• Introduction Introduction to Power Point and its documents.
2 Theory Practiceanimatingslide transitions and objects.
•Creating Slide Shows. .Create slide shows by inserting audio & video and
•Fine tuning the presentation and good synchronise with presentation.
13 3 Theory Modify slide page setup and
presentation technique.
4 Theory Quarterly Test TH print the slides.
57.Create a simple presentation project using open
5 ES Quarterly Test ES
Understand the usage of appropriate words to express
6 ES themselves communicate effectively on telephone.
Quarterly Test Practical

Trade - COPA

Syllabus Breakup Daily

Week Day Subject Theory Practical
1 Theory Database Management Systems Database Management with MS
2 Theory •Concepts of Data and Databases. .Create database and design a simple tables in
3 Theory •Overview of popular databases, RDBMS, Practice enforcing integrity constraints and modify
OODB and NOSQL. properties of tables and fields.
Create relationships and join tables.
4 Theory Parents instructor meeting: 2 hrs
Manage personal hygiene and presentation positive body
language:adopt and use it appropriately to build a positive
5 ES impression
14 Create and format Forms
Different spatial zones: Understanding and need to maintain it,
6 ES create safe zones for communication

Trade - COPA

Syllabus Breakup Daily

Week Day Subject Theory Practical
•Rules for designing good tables.
1 Theory Integrity rules and constraints in a table.
•Relationships in tables. Create simple queries with various criteria and
2 Theory •Introduction to various types of Queries calculations
and their uses. Create Simple update, append, make table, delete
and crosstab
3 Theory •Designing Access Reports and Forms. queries.
•Introduction to macros, designer objects Modify form design with controls, macros and
4 Theory controls, their properties and behaviour. events. (
Import and export data to and from Access and
create and format various types of reports
15 5 ES Maintainig appropriate eye-contact in building trust and
confidence Compress and Encrypt databases.
Impact of touch in a formal environment.
6 ES Acceptable and unacceptable touch.

Trade - COPA

Syllabus Breakup Daily

Week Day Subject Theory Practical

Networking Concepts Configuring and using Network View Network

1 Theory connections
Connect a computer to a network and share
•Introduction to Computer Networks, Devices i.e. Printers, files, folders and drives.
2 Theory Necessity and Advantages. Work with various Network
devices, connectors and cables. Create straight and
cross cable and punch a UTP cable in the patch
•Client Server and peer to Peer socket and test the connectivity.
3 Theory networking concepts. Practice IP Addressing and Subnet masking for
•Concept of Proxy Server and proxy IPV4/ IPV6 and pinging to test networks.
Trade - COPA Theory firewall server.
Configure Hub and Switch.
Time mangagement and planning skills interview skills its
Syllabus Breakup Daily ES Set up and configure wired and wireless LAN in a
5 phases & ways to crack interview
Computer Lab within at least three computers. Use
Week Day Subject Theory Practical
patch panel & I/O Box for wired LAN and installing
6 ES Handing setbacks/rejection and recover from it with an action
16 • of DHCP Server. & configuring Internet connection in a single PC
• etwork Concept Ntopologies. Introduction to andup
Set in a LAN.
proxy server/ DHCP Server with firewall.
1 Theory LAN, WAN and MAN.

•Network components, viz. Modem, Hub, Set up a proxy server/ DHCP Server with firewall.
Switch, Router, Bridge, Gateway etc.
2 Theory •Network Cables, Wireless networks and .Set up video conferencing using open source
Blue Tooth technology. software.
•Concept of ISO - OSI 7 Layer Model.
•Overview of various Network protocols Use various tools (by open source
Viz. TCP/IP, FTP, Telnet etc. /free)fornetwork troubleshooting, maintenance
3 Theory •Concept of Logical and Physical and security for both Wired and
Addresses, Subnetting and Classes of Networks. Wireless
4 Theory Monthly Test TH
Monthly Test Practical
17 5 ES Monthly Test ES
Developing strongs professional contract/network to gain
6 ES support inl learining process and career as a whole
Trade - COPA

Syllabus Breakup Daily

Week Day Subject Theory Practical
1 Theory • of DHCP Server. Browse the Internet for information (use at least 3
• etwork Concept Ntopologies. Introduction to popular browsers). Create and use e-mail for
LAN, WAN and MAN. communication with attachment, priority setting,
address book.
•Network components, viz. Modem, Hub, Communicate with text, video chatting and social
Theory Switch, Router, Bridge, Gateway etc. networki
2 •Network Cables, Wireless networks and Use online dictionary, translation software, storage
Blue Tooth technology. space, share files with e-mail links, download
•Concept of ISO - OSI 7 Layer Model. manager, download & upload YouTube files,
•Overview of various Network protocols google map & earth etc.
3 Theory Viz. TCP/IP, FTP, Telnet etc. Update windows & other software.
•Concept of Logical and Physical 80.Configure Outlook, mail service in mobile
Addresses, Subnetting and Classes of Networks. phones. Use tools like
Monthly Test TH Skype, Google+ etc.
4 Theory 81.Browser setting for Bookmark, cookies,
• of DHCP Server.
and pop ups,
• etwork Concept Ntopologies. Introduction to
5 ES LAN, WAN and MAN.
default website, trusted site, restricted site,
Basics of Operating System, Types of
content, history
18 operating systems, user interface of widows OS/ latest create,
copy move and delete files and folders, use of external
6 ES memory like pen drive, CD,DVD etc, introduction toinbuilt
windows apps, advanced setup.
tools and features.

trade - COPA

Syllabus Breakup Daily

Week Day Subject Theory Practical
Designing Static Web Pages
1 Theory Web Design Concepts Practice with basic HTML elements (e.g. head, title,
body), tag and attributes. (
2 Theory Design simple web page with
text, paragraph and line break using HTML tags
3 Theory •Concepts of Static and Dynamic Web 84.Format text, change
4 Theory pages. background colour and insert
pictures in web page.
Basic operating of word processing, Design simple web page with
5 ES creating, opening and closing documents, use of shortcuts, tables and lists.
19 creating and editing of text, formatting the text Use marquees, hyperlinks and mailto link in
Creating simple documents like resum, designing web
6 ES letter writing, job application etc., printing document pages.
Create frames, add style and design layout

Trade - COPA

Syllabus Breakup Daily

Week Day Subject Theory Practical
•Introduction to HTML and various tags Create frames, add style and design layout
1 Theory in HTML. Insert text box, check box and combo box in web
2 Theory
• Introduction to HTML and various tags Design web page using password field, submit
3 Theory in HTML. button, reset button and radio button etc.
•Concepts of CSS and applying CSS to
4 Theory HTML.
Trade - COPA Basic of excel worksheet and its importance creating simple
worksheets adding and average function, printing of simple
Syllabus Breakup Daily ES Design a web page adding flash file, audio and
5 excel sheet.
Week Day Subject Theory video files.
Indroduction to world wide web. (www) usefull websides web
browser-usege, search engine etc. Using popular sites like Design web page with forms and form controls
1 Theory bharat skills, skill traing related govt. portals,, and using HTML tags.
6 ES other job portals.
•Introduction to open source CMS viz,
2 Theory Joomla, Word press etc. and Web authoring tools viz.
Kompozer, Front Page etc. Create web page using Cascading Style Sheet (CSS).
3 Theory •Concept of good web page designing
21 techniques. Use WYSIWYG (Kompozer) web design tools to
design and edit web pages with various styles.
4 Theory Monthly Test TH
Monthly Test Practical
5 ES Monthly Test ES
Cits Applications , apprenticeship portal (naps), resize images,
6 ES singing up, online fund transfer, using UPI gateway
Trade - COPA

Syllabus Breakup Daily

Week Day Subject Theory Practical

1 Theory Project Work Guideline Industrial Visit/Project work

. Create a simple web site of at
least 5 web pages which will include Images,
Trade - COPA
tables, charts, lists and hyperlink on any topic like
2 Theory Student Information System, Book Store, and
Syllabus Breakup Daily
Week Day Subject Theory
Revision Practical
3 Theory Introduction to Programming and Setup
Use and configure
JavaScript a LANData
Variables, using
types, Constants
trade - COPA at
1 Theory Scripting Languages. andleast 3 computers connected with wire and 3
4 Theory Networking computers connected with wireless and secure it.)
to JavaScript and its
Syllabus Breakup Daily Practice withstatements
Use Control basic elements of JavaScript.
and Loops in JavaScript.
2 Theory Creating andfor
application using an email account like gmail, and any other,
the web.
Week Day Subject Theory
usages of cc and
Introduction bcc, Servers
to Web attaching documents
and their checking email and Practice with switch case, loop controls and Errors
23 5
3 ES
Theory composing
features. email in JavaScript.
1 Arithmetic, Comparison, Logical Embed
4 Theory JavaScript Basics – Data types, PracticeJavaScript in HTML
with Arrays to display
in JavaScript information
22 Operators
Scaning QR/ARin JavaScript.
code, Operator
sharing bast precedence. in web pages, documentation and formatting of
6 ES Variables,
Program Constants
prictices and and Conversion
downloading trade between
loops data
invideos types.
using Wi-Fi, HTML source code.
fund Transfer
Arrays skills:-
in JavaScript –Need
app of becoming
like BHIM. entrepreneur
Practice with functions in JavaScript web page
5 ES concepts, types and usage. Practice with String, Math and Date functions in
Trade - COPA ES
Theory WaysString
The to becoming
data typea ingood entrepreneur
JavaScript. JavaScript.
Syllabus Breakup Daily Introduction to String, Math and Date.
3 Theory Introduction to Functions in JavaScript. Use online tool or open source software to
Week Day Subject Theory Practical
develop and edit web pages containing Titles,
Built in JavaScript functions overview.
1 Theory MS excel revision(row,columns,basic
Concepts of Pop Up boxes in JavaScript. formatting,insert different font sizes and colours, frames, lists,
4 Theory menu,print
to the Document Object Model. tables, images, image map, controls, CSS, forms,
25 2 Theory Look up introduction
Concepts of using and functions hyperlinks etc., use web template to create a web
3 Theory Animation and multimedia files in Java Script.
type page of various styles.
Develop a simple web project using HTML,
4 ES
Theory Enabling environment available to vecome an entrepreneur
JavaScript and host it in IIS and a registered
5 ES Different Govt. institutions/schemes
6 ES promoting entreprenur viz., Gramin bank, PMMY-MUDRA loan,
Trade - COPA
Syllabus Breakup Daily
Week Day Subject Theory Practical
2 Theory
26 3 Theory
4 Theory
5 ES
6 ES

Trade - COPA
Syllabus Breakup Daily
Week Day Subject Theory Practical
1 Theory
2 Theory
3 Theory
4 Theory
5 ES
27 6 ES

Trade - COPA

Syllabus Breakup Daily

Week Day Subject Theory Practical
1 Theory
2 Theory
3 Theory
4 Theory
28 5 ES
6 ES
Trade - COPA
rade - COPA
Syllabus Breakup Daily
Syllabus Breakup Daily
Week Day Subject Theory Practical
Week Day Subject Theory Practical

1 Theory
2 Theory
2 Theory
3 Theory
3 Theory
4 Theory
4 Theory
5 ES

5 ES
6 ES
6 ES
Trade - COPA

Syllabus Breakup Daily

Week Day Subject Theory Practical

1 Theory

2 Theory

3 Theory

4 Theory

5 ES

6 ES

Trade - COPA

Syllabus Breakup Daily

Week Day Subject Theory Practical

1 Theory
2 Theory

3 Theory

4 Theory
32 5 ES

6 ES

Trade - COPA

Syllabus Breakup Daily

Week Day Subject Theory Practical

1 Theory

2 Theory

3 Theory

4 Theory

5 ES

6 ES
rade - COPA
Syllabus Breakup Daily
Week Day Subject Theory Practical
Introduction to E- Commerce and
1 Theory advantages. E Commerce
2 Theory Browse E-commerce websites viz. ebay,
Amazon, flipkart, OLX, quikr
3 Theory Building business on the net. etc. and prepare comparative statement of the
34 4 Theory Test Monthly TH main features of these sites.
Monthly Test Practical
5 ES Monthly Test ES
6 ES Handling rejection and building resilience, identify day wasters.

Trade - COPA

Syllabus Breakup Daily

Week Day Subject Theory Practical
1 Theory Payment and Order Processing,
2 Theory Chargeback and other payment methods.
3 Theory
Upload products for selling in E- Commerce Sites and
4 Theory Security issues and payment gateways.
make online purchase from E Commerce sites.
Labour Welfare legislation:-Benefits guaranteed under various
5 ES acts- Factrories act, apprenticeship act, employees state
insurance act(ESI), payment wages act.
Employees provident fund act, the Manage security issues in E- Commerce and payment
6 ES workmen's sompensation act, POSH. Interpret applicable labour operations.
35 and industrial laws.

Trade - COPA

Syllabus Breakup Daily

Week Day Subject Theory Practical
1 Theory . Protect information, computers and networks from
2 Theory Overview of Information Security, SSL, HTTPS, Security threats, viruses, spyware and other malicious code.
information Security vulnerability and Risk management. Provide firewall security for Internet connection and
3 Theory Network System
4 Theory
36 Quality management:-Create awareness on introduction of
5 ES quality concepts.
Concept of Quality Management(QMS), PDCA, Fishbone,5s,5d, Protect the computer against various internet
6 ES kaizen. threats

Trade - COPA
Syllabus Breakup Daily
Week - COPA
Day Subject Theory Practical
1 Theory Introduction to Directory Services, Access Control,
Syllabus Breakup Daily
2 Theory
Week Day
3 Subject
Theory Theory
Introduction to Security, Privacy protection, Practical
4 Theory Audit and Security
Introduction to IT Act and penalties for cyber crimes.
2 ES
Theory Indtroducton of ISO , Preparation to the worid of work:-Identify
3 Theory the differencetobetween
Introduction jobpenalties
IT Act and and carrer
forJob roles
cyber available in
crimes. Make backup copies of important file, data and
respective traes
4 Theory information.
6 ES Awareness of industries, and the
37 Awareness of higher education/educaiton/up skilling (short-
respective professional pathways.
term) options Steps involved in online application for instructor Secure your Wi-Fi networks using password, WEP,
Trade - COPA
5 ES course, WPA- PSK, WPA2-PSK, SSID, MAC
apprenticeship and different jobs in popular site like the address filtering. Create individual user accounts
Syllabus Breakup Daily
38 6 ES,,, for each member
Week Day Subject Theory Practical
1 Theory
2 Theory Limit member access to data and information, and
Revision restrict authority to install unnecessary
3 Theory
4 Theory Quarterly Test TH
rade - COPA5 ES Quarterly Test ES Quarterly Test Practical
forms of greeting , Use of positive body language Handling
Syllabus Breakup Daily
6 ES grievances (Use of ask- listen-repeat technique)
Week Day Subject Theory Practical
1 Theory Project work
2 Theory 1. Create and host a web site of at least 6 web
3 Theory pages using JavaScript containing interactive
4 Theory Project Work Guideline objects, functions etc
2. Create a project with Excel & VBA on Payroll
5 ES Relationship building with customers,
40 Systems
importance of probing.
3. Create a company in Tally and post vouchers in
6 ES it for a financial period. Vouchers should contain
Use of open-ended/close-ended questions to guage reuirement. purchase, sales with VAT, contra, payment ,
receipts, cost centre cost category etc.)

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