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Name:____________________Branch:__________ Sec :___ Reg No.:_____________



1A C Program to take a user's name and age as input and

display a personalized greeting
1B C Program to perform basic arithmetic operations.
Logical operations, Bitwise Operations and ternary
1C C Program to input a number and calculate its square
and cube. Display the results.
1D C Program to calculate simple interest using the
2A C Program to find whether a number is positive,
negative, or zero.
2B C Program to check whether a given number is even or
2C C Program to input three integers and find the largest
among them using nested if-else.

2D Student Grade Calculator (if-else ladder):

Accept a student's marks and assign a grade using the
following scale:( Marks >= 90: A,Marks >= 80:
B,Marks >= 70: C,Marks < 70: D

2E Electricity Bill Calculator (switch-case):

Based on the number of units consumed, calculate the
electricity bill as follows(1-100 units: ₹1.5/unit,101-
200 units: ₹2.0/unit,Above 200 units: ₹3.0/unit
Use switch-case for slab selection.

2F Even Numbers Skipping Multiples of 5 C Program to

print all even numbers from 1 to 50, but skip numbers
that are multiples of 5 using the continue statement

3A C Program to calculate the factorial of a number using a

for loop.
3B C Program to reverse a given number.
3C C Program to find the sum of the first n natural
3D C Program to print the multiplication table of a given
3E C Program to check if a given number is an Armstrong
3F C program to Print Right triangle pattern of stars
4A C Program to find Sum and Average of Elements in a
1D Array.
4B C program to input n integers into a 1D array and find

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