Flat bands result in a divergent density of states and high sensitivity to interactions in physical systems. In this work, we compare the behavior of electrons confined to a single flat band on the surface of a sphere to those in flat bands under a magnetic this http URL, the zero-field flat band exhibits an additional C(2) symmetry, which causes electrons to symmetrically cluster on opposite sides of the sphere's center when a trapping potential is introduced, resulting in a unique form of long-range "entanglement". Moreover, the rotational symmetry of the system with zero field displays different characteristics. Our findings emphasize the distinctive role of zero-field conditions, where interactions that are short-range in real space manifest as highly long-range within the flat band, and the modifications introduced by band mixing are particularly pronounced.
Flat bands result in a divergent density of states and high sensitivity to interactions in physical systems. In this work, we compare the behavior of electrons confined to a single flat band on the surface of a sphere to those in flat bands under a magnetic this http URL, the zero-field flat band exhibits an additional C(2) symmetry, which causes electrons to symmetrically cluster on opposite sides of the sphere's center when a trapping potential is introduced, resulting in a unique form of long-range "entanglement". Moreover, the rotational symmetry of the system with zero field displays different characteristics. Our findings emphasize the distinctive role of zero-field conditions, where interactions that are short-range in real space manifest as highly long-range within the flat band, and the modifications introduced by band mixing are particularly pronounced.
Flat bands result in a divergent density of states and high sensitivity to interactions in physical systems. In this work, we compare the behavior of electrons confined to a single flat band on the surface of a sphere to those in flat bands under a magnetic this http URL, the zero-field flat band exhibits an additional C(2) symmetry, which causes electrons to symmetrically cluster on opposite sides of the sphere's center when a trapping potential is introduced, resulting in a unique form of long-range "entanglement". Moreover, the rotational symmetry of the system with zero field displays different characteristics. Our findings emphasize the distinctive role of zero-field conditions, where interactions that are short-range in real space manifest as highly long-range within the flat band, and the modifications introduced by band mixing are particularly pronounced.
graphene surfaces
Samuel S. Taylor,1 Nicholas Skoufis,1 Hongbo Du,2 Cody Covington,3 and Kálmán Varga1, ∗
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, 37235, USA
Department of Physics, School of Science, Xi’an Technological University, Xi’an, Shaanxi 710032, China
Department of Chemistry, Austin Peay State University, Clarksville, USA
Time-dependent density-functional theory simulations are performed to examine the effects of
varying incident points and kinetic energies of hydrogen atom projectiles on a graphene-like struc-
ture. The simulations reveal that the incident point significantly influences the hydrogen atom’s
kinetic energy post-interaction, the vibrational dynamics of the graphene lattice, and the scattering
arXiv:2412.06939v1 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci] 9 Dec 2024
angles. Incident points that do not directly collide with carbon atoms result in prolonged interaction
times and reduced energy transfer, increasing the likelihood of overcoming the graphene’s potential
energy barrier and hydrogen atom adsorption. The study also explores the role of initial kinetic
energy in determining adsorption, scattering, or transmission outcomes. These results emphasize
the critical influence of initial parameters on the hydrogenation process and provide a foundation
for future experimental validation and further exploration of hydrogen-graphene interactions.
real-time propagation [44], with the Kohn-Sham (KS) the simulations is determined by the grid spacing, which
Hamiltonian of the following form is the key parameter that can be adjusted. In our simu-
lations, we used a grid spacing of 0.25 Å and placed 81
ℏ2 2 points along each of the x- and y-axes, and 65 points are
ĤKS (t) = − ∇ + Vion (r, t) + VH [ρ](r, t)
2m (1) placed along the z-axis.
+VXC [ρ](r, t). Motion of the ions in the simulations were treated clas-
sically. Using the Ehrenfest theorem , the quantum forces
Here, ρ is the electron density, defined as the sum of the on the ions due to the electrons are given by the deriva-
densities of all occupied orbitals: tives of the expectation value of the total electronic en-
∞ ergy with respect to the ionic positions. These forces are
then fed into Newton’s Second Law, giving
ρ(r, t) = fk |ψk (r, t)|2 , (2)
d 2 Ri X ions
Zi Zj (Ri − Rj )
where fk is the occupation number of the orbital ψk , Mi = Z i E laser (t) +
dt2 |Ri − Rj |3
which can take values 0, 1, or 2 (fk = 2 is allowed due Z
j̸=i (7)
to spin degeneracy). Additionally, fk must satisfy the
constraint k=1 fk = N , where N is the total number of −∇Ri Vion (r, Ri )ρ(r, t) dr,
valence electrons in the system.
Vion in eq. 1 is the external potential due to the ions, where Mi , Zi , and Ri are the mass, pseudocharge (va-
represented by employing norm-conserving pseudopoten- lence), and position of the i-th ion, respectively, and Nions
tials centered at each ion as given by Troullier and Mar- is the total number of ions. This differential equation was
tins [45]. VH is the Hartree potential, defined as time propagated using the Verlet algorithm at every time
step δt.
ρ(r′ , t) ′
VH (r, t) = dr , (3) To model a graphene sheet, coronene (C24 H12 ) was
|r − r′ | selected due to its structural similarity to graphene.
Coronene, depicted in Fig. 1, consists of 7 benzene rings
and accounts for the electrostatic Coulomb interactions at its core, resembling the honeycomb lattice of graphene.
between electrons. The last term in eq. 1, VXC , is the Its relatively small size allows it to fit comfortably within
exchange-correlation potential, which is approximated by the simulation grid. A larger molecule would significantly
the adiabatic local-density approximation (ALDA), ob- increase the grid dimensions and highly increase compu-
tained from a parameterization to a homogeneous elec- tational costs. Graphene super cell with periodic bound-
tron gas by Perdew and Zunger [46]. ary conditions also computationally expensive because a
At the beginning of the TDDFT calculations, the large supercell has to be used to avoid the interaction
ground state of the system is prepared by performing between neighboring cells and allow scattering with an
a Density-Functional Theory (DFT) calculation. With angle with respect to the surface.
these initial conditions in place, we then proceed to prop- The coronene molecule was positioned at z = -2 Å
agate the Kohn–Sham orbitals, ψk (r, t) over time by us- in the xy-plane, and H atom was positioned 7 Å above
ing the time-dependent KS equation, given as the coronene at z = 5 Å. These positions fit well within
∂ψk (r, t) the 20 Å × 20 Å × 16 Å grid centered at the origin,
i = Ĥψk (r, t). (4) with sufficient space along the z-axis to accommodate
the trajectory of the hydrogen projectile.
Eq. 4 was solved using the following time propagator In the following section, we present the results of 28
! simulations in which a hydrogen projectile was directed
iĤKS (t)δt at a 4 × 7 grid of incident points on the graphene-like
ψk (r, t + δt) = exp − ψk (r, t). (5) target surface. To further investigate the interaction dy-
namics and explore conditions favorable for hydrogen ad-
This operator is approximated using a fourth-degree Tay- sorption, an additional set of 7 simulations was performed
lor expansion, given as with varying projectile kinetic energies at a distinct in-
cident point and angle separate from the first set of 28
4 n simulations.
X 1 −iδt
ψk (r, t + δt) ≈ ĤKS (t) ψk (r, t). (6)
n! ℏ
The operator is applied for N time steps until the final
time, tf inal = N ·δt, is obtained. A time step of δt = 1 as
was used in the simulations. A. Incident Points and Scattering
In real-space TDDFT, the Kohn-Sham orbitals are rep-
resented at discrete points in real space. These points are Fig. 1 illustrates the incident points where the hy-
organized on a uniform rectangular grid. The accuracy of drogen was aimed in each of the 28 simulations. The
FIG. 1. Diagram illustrating the incident points of H atom projectiles on the xy-plane of the coronene molecule.
coronene sheet that the hydrogen was aimed at lies in the x and z directions.
the xy-plane. A 4 × 7 point grid of incident points was The initial positions of the H atoms were selected
used for the x and y values, respectively, with a grid spac- to align with the incident points illustrated in Fig. 1.
ing of 0.3 Å. In all simulations, the hydrogen projectile The height above the coronene molecule was consistently
was launched at an angle of 27.4◦ from the z-axis (or- maintained at 7 Å for all simulations, ensuring unifor-
thogonal to the coronene plane) with a kinetic energy of mity in the initial z-coordinate. Additionally, the initial
1.89 eV (velocity of 0.19 Å/fs). These parameters for velocity and its angle were kept constant across all sim-
the initial kinetic energy and angle were motivated by ulations. As a result, the only variable between simula-
a recent study [18]. The initial kinetic energy remained tions was the H atom’s initial position in the xy-plane at
identical across all simulations, with components only in z = 5 Å, enabling the H atom to precisely target each of
FIG. 2. Kinetic energy (in eV) of the H atom (red solid line) and the net kinetic energy of all atoms in the coronene sheet
(green dashed line) as a function of time throughout the simulation. Each graph corresponds to a different simulation from the
column of x1 incident points, ranging from y1 to y7 .
FIG. 3. Kinetic energy (in eV) of the H atom (red solid line) and the net kinetic energy of all atoms in the coronene sheet
(green dashed line) as a function of time throughout the simulation. Each graph corresponds to a different simulation from the
column of x2 incident points, ranging from y1 to y7 .
the incident points shown in Fig. 1. barrier. In all simulations, the H atom failed to penetrate
Fig. 2 displays the kinetic energy (in eV) of the H atom this barrier or form a bond with a C atom. Instead, the H
throughout the simulations for all incident points along atom experienced strong repulsion, leading to a sudden
the x1 column. In most cases, the H atom reaches the change in direction (e.g., from 35 fs to 40 fs at x1 y4 ).
coronene surface at approximately 35 fs. As the H atom After being repelled away from the coronene (beyond
approaches the coronene (e.g., during 30 fs to 35 fs at 40 fs), the H atom’s velocity gradually decreases, sug-
incident point x1 y4 ), its kinetic energy sharply decrease gesting the presence of an attractive force exerted by the
due to interactions with the coronene’s potential energy coronene. This deceleration stabilizes into a constant ve-
FIG. 4. Kinetic energy (in eV) of the H atom (red solid line) and the net kinetic energy of all atoms in the coronene sheet
(green dashed line) as a function of time throughout the simulation. Each graph corresponds to a different simulation from the
column of x3 incident points, ranging from y1 to y7 .
FIG. 5. Kinetic energy (in eV) of the H atom (red solid line) and the net kinetic energy of all atoms in the coronene sheet
(green dashed line) as a function of time throughout the simulation. Each graph corresponds to a different simulation from the
column of x4 incident points, ranging from y1 to y7 .
locity once the H atom reaches a sufficient distance from energy transfer is largely converted into vibrational en-
the coronene, where it is no longer influenced by signifi- ergy within the coronene molecule, as indicated by the
cant forces. initial rise in net kinetic energy followed by oscillatory
The scattered H atom transferred a portion of its ki- behavior observed after 40 fs.
netic energy to the coronene structure, as evidenced in Comparing the kinetic energy profiles of the H atom
each kinetic energy graph where the total kinetic energy across all simulations in the x1 column (Fig. 2) provides
of all atoms in the coronene begins to increase upon in- important insights into the interaction dynamics. No-
teraction with the H atom at around 35 fs (Fig. 2). This tably, the interaction time between the H atom and the
tional energy—some of the energy is dissipated within the Furthermore, the data reveal that the hydrogen generally
electron density. As shown in all the kinetic energy fig- reflects at an angle closer to the coronene plane than its
ures (Fig. 2–5), the vibrational energy of the coronene initial trajectory. In all simulations, the hydrogen ap-
molecule increases upon interaction with the H atom. proaches the graphene sheet at an angle of 27.4◦ and, on
However, after the initial interaction, this energy oscil- average, reflects at an angle of 33.5◦ .
lates as the molecules move, stretch, and repel each other. Interestingly, the scattering angles for the first row of
The increase in vibrational energy following the hydro- incident points—previously identified as having a higher
gen scattering event results from the excitation of the probability of adsorption—do not show a significant de-
coronene structure due to the energy transferred by the viation from the overall average reflection angle. The
H atom. reflection angles for incident points x1 y1 , x2 y1 , x3 y1 , and
x4 y1 are 63.7◦ , 43.7◦ , 15.2◦ , and 14.2◦ , respectively. The
average reflection angle for these points is 34.2◦ , closely
aligning with the overall average reflection angle of 33.5◦
across all incident points.
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