Bronchiectasis.PLOUGHING 24
Bronchiectasis.PLOUGHING 24
Bronchiectasis.PLOUGHING 24
Classic cases:
Cystic fibrosis: Slim and short, pale, diabetic finger prick marks,
clubbing, scars from previous or current long lines for antibiotics.
Offer the resp investigations but also sweat test for sweat sodium and
chloride >60mmol/L, faecal elastase, abdo USS for liver, CT sinuses,
DEXA scans, family counselling and testing.
Yellow nail syndrome: Yellow, slow growing nails with some degree of
onycholysis and very curved, and features of a pleural effusion or
bronchiectasis on the chest, and lymphoedema elsewhere.
Associated signs:
Differential diagnosis:
Congenital or acquired.
Further investigations:
Bedside tests: PEFR, ECG (right heart strain), ABG (hypoxia,
respiratory failure, acidosis), obtain a sputum sample (send for MCS
and AFBs; cytology to r/o a neoplastic process), urine dipstick (for
proteinuria suggestive of amyloidosis).
Conservative: Smoking cessation, postural drainage (assisted by
mucolytics and nebulised saline), active cycle breathing,
pneumococcal and annual influenza vaccinations.