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Geography P2

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basic education Department: Basic Education REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA SENIOR CERTIFICATE EXAMINATIONS GEOGRAPHY P2 2016 MARKS: 75 TIME: 1% hours EXAMINATION NUMBER: CENTRE NUMBER: Qi Q2 Q3 a4 Copyright reserved This question paper consists of 12 pages and 1 page for rough work and calculations. QINUA AU A Please tum over Geography/P2 2 DBE/2016 SCE RESOURCE MATERIAL 1. An extract from topographical map 2525DC MAFIKENG 2 Orthophoto map 2525 DC 13 MAFIKENG. 3 NOTE: The resource material must be collected by schools for their own use. INSTRUCTIONS AND INFORMATION 1. Write your EXAMINATION NUMBER and CENTRE NUMBER in the spaces on the cover page. 2. ‘Answer ALL the questions in the spaces provided in this question paper. 3 You are provided with a 1 : 50 000 topographical map (2525DC MAFIKENG) and an orthophoto map (2525 DC 13 MAFIKENG) of a part of the mapped area. 4. You must hand the topographical map and the orthophoto map to the invigilator at the end of this examination session 5 You may use the blank page at the back of this question paper for all rough work and calculations. Do NOT detach this page from the question paper. 6 Show ALL calculations and formulae, where applicable. Marks will be allocated for these 7 Indicate the correct unit of measurement in the final answer of calculations. No marks will be allocated for answers with incorrect units. 8 You may use a non-programmable calculator. 9. The area demarcated in RED on the topographical map represents the area covered by the orthophoto map 10. The following English terms and their Afrikaans translations are shown on the topographical map: ENGLISH AFRIKAANS Diggings Uitgrawings Furrow Voor Gold Mine Goudmyn Golf Course Ghoffoaan Landing Strip Landingstrook River Rivier Sewage Works Rioolwerke Waterworks Waterwerke Conran esomes | TAMIA NINNNINHIN I] 20224 ove Geography/P2 3 0BE/2016 SCE GENERAL INFORMATION ON MAFIKENG. Mafikeng, now known as Mahikeng, is the capital city of the province of North West in South Africa. In 2001 it had a population of 49 300. In 2007 Mafikeng was reported to have had a population of 250 000. The town is built on open veld at an elevation of approximately 1 500 m on the banks of the Upper Molopo River. The Madibi Goldfields are approximately 15 km south of the town. Mafikeng also briefly served as the capital city of Bophuthatswana in the 1970s. The temperature averages 18,5 °C. Mafikeng has an average annual rainfall of 559 mm. (Source: Examiner's map] Copyright reserved TONE EA Please tum over Geography/P2 4 DBE/2016 SCE QUESTION 1: MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS The questions below are based on the 1:50000 topographical map 2525DC MAFIKENG, as well as the orthophoto map of a part of the mapped area. Various options are provided as possible answers to the following questions. Choose the answer and write only the letter (A-D) in the block next to each question 1.4 During the apartheid era Mafikeng was part of the ... homeland. A Ciskei B _Bophuthatswana C Transkei D Venda 1.2 The map index/reference of the topographical map to the south-west of Mafikeng is A 2525CD. B 262588. C 26258. D —-2625BA. 1.3 The direction of 1 from 2 on the orthophoto map is A north-east. B south-west. Cc south-east. D north-west. 1.4 The true bearing of spot height 1308 (K) in block G9 from trigonometrical station 101 (L) in block H9 is ... A 201°. B 207°. Cc 21, D o27°. 1.5 The diggings (O) in block J10 indicates that this is a/an A archaeological site. B agricultural area. Cc construction site. D mining area. 1.6 The grid reference/coordinates/position of the excavation in block A6 is 25°46'30"S_25°37'06"E/25°46,5'S 28°37,1'E, 25°37'06"S_ 25°46'30"E/28°37,1'S 25°46,5'E. 25°46'48"S_25°37'30"E/25°46,8'S 28°37,5E. 25°37'30"S 25°46'48"E/28°37,5'S 25°46,8'E, vow> Conyright reserved TANNA A Pease tum over Geography/P2 5 DBE/2016 SCE 1.7 The general street pattern of the urban area in block F7 is .. A radial. B planned irregular. C unplanned irregular. D —_agridiron 1.8 Features are larger on the orthophoto map than on the topographical map because the orthophoto map A isbigger. B has a smaller scale. C covers a larger area D has alarger scale 1.9 The actual distance between (P) in block 11 and (Q) in block H4 is .. A 10km. B 5km. Cc 12km. DD 7km. 1.10 The general direction of the flow of the river in block F2 is A north-west. B south-west. — C north-east. D south-east. 1.11 Feature 3 on the orthophoto map is a/an .. A main road B other road Cc canal. D railway line. 1.12 Land-use zone 4 on the orthophoto map is a. A residential area. B heavy industrial area — C light industrial area D central business district. 1.13 The feature found at 5 on the orthophoto map is a water purification system. a man-made lake. a water storage facility. sewage works. Copyright reserved CONTA AAA A Please tum over vow> Geography/P2 6 0BE/2016 SCE 1.14 The stream order at N in block J2 is A 2 B 3. c 14 D4. 1.15 The primary activity in the mapped area is A mining B forestry. C crop farming D fishing. (5x1) [15] Conic reserved TNA ITAA lease turn over Geography/P2 7 DBE/2016 SCE QUESTION 2: MAP CALCULATIONS AND TECHNIQUES 24 22 Refer to the magnetic declination indicated on the topographical map 2.44 Calculate the magnetic declination of 2525DC Mafikeng for the present year. Indicate the unit of measurement in your final answer. Show ALL calculations. Marks will be awarded for calculations. Difference in years: Mean annual change: Total change: Magnetic declination for 2016: x1) 2.1.2 State the importance of calculating the magnetic declination for the present year. (x1) Refer to the area demarcated in RED on the topographical map, which represents the area covered by the orthophoto map. Use the demarcated area to calculate the surface area of the orthophoto map in km?. Indicate the unit of measurement in your final answer. Show ALL calculations. Marks will be awarded for calculations. Formula: area = length (L) « breadth (B) @x1) Cooyetteseved NNUAL) 2824 (5) (1) (5) Geography/P2 8 DBE/2016 SCE 23 Refer to spot height 1306 (K) in block G9 and trigonometrical station 101 (L) in block H9 on the topographical map. 23.1 Calculate the average gradient between spot height 1306 (K) and trigonometrical station 101 (L). Show ALL calculations. Marks will be awarded for calculations. vertical interval (VI) Formula: gradient =————~_____—_ c horizontal equivalent (HE) (x1) (6) 2.32 Is the average gradient between spot height 1306 and trigonometrical station 101 calculated in QUESTION 2.3.1 a true reflection of the gradient in reality? Give a reason for your answer. (+1) 2.3.3 Is spot height 1306 visible from trigonometrical station 101? Give a reason for your answer. (+1) (2) [20] Copynant reserved TAMU AAA AU AAT Please tum over Geography/P2 9 DBE/2016 SCE QUESTION 3: APPLICATION AND INTERPRETATION 3.1 Refer to the table below, the information on Mafikeng (on page 3) and the topographical map to answer the questions that follow. Average monthly precipitation (mm) for Mafikeng Jan. | Feb. | Mar. | Apr. | May | Jun. | Jul. | Aug. | Sep. | Oct. | Nov. | Dec. 114 [81 | 68 | 49 [21 [ 4 [1 {5 | 10 | 52 [ 72 | 82 3.1.1 Name the season that experiences the lowest precipitation (x4) (1) 3.1.2 Name the high-pressure cell that is responsible for the low precipitation in the season named in QUESTION 3.1.1 (1x1) (1) 3.1.3. Explain why the high-pressure cell in the answer to QUESTION 3.1.2 causes a low precipitation (1x2) (2) 3.1.4 State TWO ways, visible on the topographical map, in which farmers around Mafikeng have prepared for drought conditions often experienced in South Africa (2x1) (2) 3.2 The post-apartheid industrial development committee is considering developing Mafikeng. Refer to the topographical map and the orthophoto map and discuss TWO favourable factors that they should consider. (2x2) (4) Gonyright reserved CONIA A A Please tum over Geography/P2 10 DBE/2016 SCE 3.3. Compare block F6 on the topographical map with the same area on the orthophoto map and state ONE way in which the democratic government has provided the poorer communities with basic needs, (1x2) (2) 34 3.4.1. State ONE advantage and ONE disadvantage of the Upper Molopo River flowing through the town of Mafikeng Advantage: Disadvantage (2x1) (2) 3.4.2 Explain TWO ways in which the Mafikeng municipality can limit the effects of the disadvantage in your answer to QUESTION 3.4.1 (2x2) (4) 3.5 Refer to the industrial area in blocks E6 and E7. 3.5.1 _ Is this a heavy industrial area or a light industrial area? (1x1) (1) ae TANTO A A A ey Geography/P2 4 DBE/2016 SCE 3.5.2 Discuss TWO factors that influenced the location of this industrial area. (2x2) (4) 36 State ONE difference between the settlement pattern at M in block B4 and the settlement pattem at R in block D2. M R: (2x1) (2) [25] QUESTION 4: GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS (GIS) 4.1 Refer to the topographical map and the orthophoto map of Mafikeng, 4.1.1 Which one, the topographical map or the orthophoto map, is made up of: Pixels/Grid cells: Point, line and polygon symbols: (2x1) (2) 4.1.2 State TWO ways in which a high resolution will be of greater assistance when examining features. @x1) (2) a aeaed TINIAN AEA A UT LIED Geography/P2 12 SCE 4.2 Refer to the golf course in block C7. 4.2.1 Explain the term data layer. (x4) 4.2.2 Name TWO data layers that influenced the location of the golf course. (2x2) 4.3 Spatial data and attribute data are used when examining features on a map. 4.3.1 _ Differentiate between spatial data and attribute data (2x2) 432 State TWO attributes of the stream (N) in block J2 on the topographical map. (2x14) TOTAL: Copyngnt reserved TAMURA A DBE2016 (1) (4) (4) (2) [15] 75 Geography/P2 DBE/2016 SCE ROUGH WORK AND CALCULATIONS (NOTE: Do NOT detach this page from the question paper.) copyrantroseres LN

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