Morphology Pragmatics
- is the study of words and their parts. - is the study of meaning of words, phrases
Morphemes, like prefixes, suffixes and and full sentences, but unlike semantics
base words, are defined as the smallest which deals with the objective meanings
meaningful units of meaning. of words that can be found in dictionaries,
A morpheme is a minimal unit of meaning in a pragmatics is more concerned with the
language; a morpheme cannot be broken down meanings that words in fact convey when
into any smaller units that still relate to the original they are used, or with intended speaker
meaning. It may be a word that can stand alone, meaning as it Sometimes referred to.
called an unbound morpheme (dog, happy, go, Language universals are patterns that exist in all
educate). Or it could be any part of a word that known languages and have been significant in
carries meaning that cannot stand alone but must shaping linguistic theory and research. They
be attached to another morpheme, bound provide a basis for understanding the underlying
morphemes. They may be placed at the principles of language structure and can be used
beginning of the root word, such as un- (“not,” as to improve language learning methods. Linguistic
in unhappy), or re- (“again,” as in rearrange). Or, research is ongoing, and as we continue to study
they may follow the root, as in -ly (makes an language, the concept of language universals will
adjective into an adverb: quickly from quick). continue to evolve and become more nuanced.
- is the arrangement of words in
sentences, clauses, and phrases, and
the study of the formation of sentences
and the relationship of their component
Syntax can be defined as a set of rules,
principles, and processes that preside over the
structuring of sentences in any given language.
Syntax defines the rules that need to be followed
when forming a sentence.
- is the study of linguistic meaning. It
examines what meaning is, how words
get their meaning, and how the meaning
15. It deals with the concrete biological principles 25. It is the science of population. It deals with
and concept of man. fertility and mortality.
16.It is the branch of physical anthropology which 26. Applies anthropological knowledge and
deals with the documentation of biological history methods to solve real world problems in areas
of mankind such as healthcare, education, and
- PALEONTHROPOLOGY environmental conservation.
17. Genetics deals with the inherited
characteristics. There is a genetic relation
between parents and their offspring’s. 1. What branch focuses on human condition?
18. It deals with matter related to the nutritional 2. What is the focus of anthropology compared to
perspective of human beings and their other social science disciplines?
subsequent growth and development. - By studying human societies
3.What social science that inter-correlated to
19. It studies disease patterns and their impact on anthropology?
human societies. - HISTORY
5. How does sociology correlate with 10. ___ Is a culture that has been lost and even
Anthropology? cultural trait itself is in the process of being
- Both sociology and anthropology focus on forgotten.
human behavior and social interaction. - DECULTURATION
6. Anthropology is the study of artifacts, bio 1. Understanding of the human mind and how it
facts, cultural landscapes. relates to experience, culture and society
7. Political science is the study of power and 2. From simple daily routines and rituals to
comparative perspective. intricate social interactions and cultural
- TRUE expressions it covers a wide range of human
8. Psychology is the study of how the human - BEHAVIORAL
mind works.
- TRUE 3. Referring to the shared beliefs, values,
practices and behaviors that characterize a
9. Sociology is the scientific study of the mind particular group of society
and behavior. - CULTURE
4.Tradition of cooperation and unity within the
1. According to _____ culture is a complex whole community is referred to as the ______?
which includes knowledge, beliefs, arts, morals, - BAYANIHAN SPIRIT
customs, and other capabilities and habits
acquired by man as a member of society. 5. Living together or keeping close ties is common
- EDWARD B. TYLOR among extended families?
2-5. Give at least 4 characteristics of culture.
- Culture is shared 6. Many Filipinos utilize traditional healing
- Culture is learned methods like massage and folk healers. In
- Culture is Adaptive addition to contemporary medicine.
- Culture is maladaptive - TRADITIONAL HEALING PRACTICES
6. It is a process of learning your own culture. 7. Filipino holidays like sinulog and pahiyas are
- ENCULTURATION colorful local gathering that honor shared culture
and heritage.
7. It is a process of accommodating desirable - FESTIVAL AND CELEBRATION
traits from other cultures.
- ACCULTURATION 8. Faith and spirituality are essential aspects of
- Filipino culture.
8._____ includes all intangible parts of culture. - RELIGIOUS PRACTICES
3. A ____ cannot be broken down into any smaller 3. It is an example of a universal cultural pattern
units that still relate to the original meaning. that exists as biological Imperative
4. Morphemes, like ___, ___ and ___, are defined 4. what, when, where and how people eat
as smallest meaningful unit of meaning. is of fundamental importance.
- BASE WORDS 5. _________most cultures align biological sex to
gender identification and have males and female
5.It can be defined as a set of rules, principles, genders.
and processes that preside over the structuring of - GENDER ROLES
sentences in any given language
- SYNTAX 6. _____each culture defines and sub-individuals
time differently.
6.It is a study of linguistic meaning. - TIME
7. A universal cultural pattern is the____.
7. It is the study of meaning of words, phrases, - FAMILY
and full sentences.
- PRAGMATICS 8. ______ Asserts that no Universal cultural
patterns are unchangeable whereas cultural
8. According to ___, essential features of Absolution asserts the opposite.
language, such as structure-dependency and - CULTURAL RELATIVISM
recursion, are universal, and this makes them
part of our genetic makeup.