Chapter 5 Conflict Management
Chapter 5 Conflict Management
Chapter 5 Conflict Management
Meaning of Conflict
The word “conflict‟ can be defined as: the behavior of an individual or group which purposely
sets out to block or inhibit another individual or group from achieving its goals. Note that
conflict involves one party purposely standing in the way of another achieving its goals, and this
distinguishes it from competition.
Conflict can be a disagreement, the presence of tension, or some other difficulty between two or
more parties.
Conflict is a process in which an effort is purposely made by “A‟ to offset the efforts of “B‟ by
some form of blocking that will result in frustrating “B‟ in attaining his or her goals.
Conflict is the pursuit by two different persons on goals that are incompatible so that gains by
one person must come about at the expense of the other. It results from incompatible influence
attempts between and within individuals, groups, or organizations. Conflict often accompanies
differences in power among parties.
We can define conflict then, as a process that begins when one party perceives that another party
has negatively affected, or is about to negatively to affect something that the first party cares
Conflict commonly arises from four circumstances
Conflict can occur when individuals or groups perceive they have mutually exclusive goals
or values.
Behavior by one party designed to defeat, reduce, or suppress an opponent
Groups that face each other with mutually opposing actions and counteractions
If each group attempt to create a relatively favored position vis-à-vis the other, than conflict
may ensue.
Conflict can easily occur in multinational or multicultural situations, since basic differences in
language, norms, personal styles and other cultural characteristics hinder effective
communication and set the stage for conflict. Cross-cultural sensitivity and understanding are
key ingredients for minimizing dysfunctional conflict.
Conflict has a number of dimensions. These dimensions are public (overt, visible, and
authorized), or private (covert, hidden, and unauthorized), formal or informal, rational
(premeditated or logical) or non-rational (spontaneous, impulsive, and emotional).
The likelihood of conflict increases when parties interact, view their differences as incompatible,
and see conflict as a constructive way of resolving disagreements. Perceptions play a major role
in conflicts.
Conflict in organizations is inevitable as far as people work together. That is, conflict occurs
because people do not always agree on goals, issues, perception, and because people inevitably
compete. Conflicts can be functional or dysfunctional. Functional conflict is healthy &
constructive disagreement between two or more people, whereas, dysfunctional conflict is
unhealthy & destructive disagreement between two or more people.
Functional (Constructive) Conflict: Functional conflict is a healthy, constructive disagreement
between two or more people. Conflict develops cohesiveness within the group members. A
group goal therefore becomes a priority. Individual goals are then relegated to secondary
position. Conflict leads to innovation and creativity, as there is competing sprit among various
groups. Conflict provides challenging work environment and enhances opportunities for self-
development of group that leads to formation of group norms. Functional conflict enhance work
culture leads to upgradation of various systems within the organization and therefore growth is
achieved. Constructive conflicts contain an element of creative adaptation born from a
realization that one must know both one's own and the other's interests and goals to be able to
find a road both parties are willing to walk to discover a mutually acceptable outcome. Focusing
on the process, not just the outcome one person desires, is key to productive conflict
Jurisdictional ambiguities: Have you ever telephoned a company with a problem and had
your call transferred through several different people and departments? This situation illustrates
jurisdictional ambiguity that is, unclear lines of responsibility within an organization. When a
problem occurs for which there is no definite source of responsibility, workers tend to "pass the
back," or avoid dealing with the problem. Conflicts emerge over responsibility for the problem.
5.1.1. Personal Factors causes of Conflict
The causes of conflict that arise from individual differences include
Skills and abilities: The work force is composed of individuals with varying levels of skills
and ability. Diversity in skills and abilities may be positive for the organization, but it also holds
potential for conflict, especially when jobs are interdependent. Experienced, competent workers
may find it difficult to work alongside with new and unskilled recruits. Workers can become
resentful when their new boss, fresh from college, knows a lot about managing people but is
unfamiliar with the technology with which they are working.
Personalities: Individuals do not leave their personalities at the doorstep when they enter the
workplace. Personality conflicts are realities in organizations. To expect that you will like all of
your coworkers may be a naive expectation, as would be the expectation that they will all like
Perceptions: Differences in perception can also lead to conflict. One area in which
perceptions can differ is the perception of what motivates employees.
If managers and workers do not have a shared perception of what motivates people, the reward
system can create conflicts. Managers usually provide what they think employees want rather
than what employees really want.
Values and ethics: Differences in values and ethics can be sources of disagreement. Older
workers, for example, value company loyalty and probably would not take a sick day when they
were not really ill. Younger workers, valuing mobility, like the concept of "mental health days,"
or calling in sick to get away from work. This may not be true for all workers, but it illustrates
that differences in values can lead to conflict.
Emotions: The moods of others can be a source of conflict in the workplace. Problems at
home often spill over into the work area, and the related moods can be hard for others to deal
Communication barriers: Communication barriers such as physical separation and
language can create distortions in messages, and these can lead to conflict. Another
communication barrier is value judgment, in which a listener assigns a worth to a message before
it is received.
Conflict Outcome/Consequences
Positive consequences
- Leads to new ideas
- Stimulates creativity
- Motivates change
- Promotes organizational vitality
- Helps individuals and groups establish identities
- Serves as a safety value of the organization by indicating problems
Negative Consequences
- Diverts energy from work
- Threatens psychological well-being
- Waste resources
- Creates a negative work climate
- Breaks down group cohesion
- Can increase hostility and aggressive behaviors
Type of Conflict
The following are the major and main types of conflicts in organization.
1. Intra-personal Conflict: Intra personal conflict is also called the conflict within the
individual. This type of conflict can be of two types:
Value conflict: Every individual has to play certain roles, which conforms to his value
system. However, there are certain situations when an individual may have to compromise
on value system and beliefs. For example, finance manager of an organization, while
submitting tax returns to the government may conceal some facts, which may go against his
belief and value system. This situation may cause tension and conflict within the individual.
Decision-making: Problem solving is one of the important jobs every individual has to
undertake in work environment. Every problem has various courses open. At times it is
difficult for a person to select an appropriate course of action. This situation causes conflict
within the individual. He therefore will have to take decisions based on the past experience
and the knowledge.
2. Inter-personal Conflict: This relates to conflict between two or more individuals and is
probably the most common and recognized form of conflict. Interpersonal conflict is caused
due to disagreement over goals and objectives of the organization. These are heightened due
to difference of opinion of individuals and when issues are not based on facts. Every
organization is full of unresolved issues, problems and differing situations that leads to
conflict. Conflict can also take place between one person of a group with another person of
the same group or another group on issues relating to decision-making.
3. Intra-Group Conflict: this relates to values, status and roles played by an individual in the
group and the group norms. Individual may want to remain in the group for social needs but
may disagree with the methods and procedures followed by the group. The conflict may
arise when social changes are incorporated in the group. When group faces new problems
and when values are changed due to change in social environment. Intra-group conflict is
like inter-personal conflict except that the people involved in the conflict episode belong to a
common group.
4. Inter-Group Conflict: Conflicts between different groups, sections and departments are
called inter-group conflict. For example, conflict between production and sales departments
over the quality being produced and the customer requirements. Inter-group conflict causes
due to factors inherent to the organizational structure like independence, inconsistency in
various policy matter, variance on promotion criteria, reward system and different standards
being adopted for different sub-units and departments.
5. Inter-Organizational Conflict: this conflict takes place between two dependent
organizations. Conflict can take place between government organization, unions and the
operating industry. Government organizations function to ensure that minimum standards
are followed by the organizations. Managers must try and reduce inter-organizational
conflicts by adopting positive approach and by following strictly, the rules and regulations
laid down by the government agencies. Conflict can also take place between seller and buyer
Conflict Process
Luis R. Pondy (1967), developed a conflict process model, which is useful to understand how a
conflict starts. He has delineated five steps that he calls as ‘conflict episode’ These are:
Latent conflict,
Perceived conflict,
Felt conflict
Manifest conflict,
conflict resolution and
Conflict aftermath
Avoidance Accommodation
Low High
Ineffective Techniques: There are many techniques for dealing with conflict. Before
turning to techniques that work, it should be recognized that some actions commonly taken
in organizations to deal with conflict are not effective. Non action is doing nothing in hopes
that the conflict will disappear. This is not generally a good technique, because most
conflicts do not go away, and the individuals involved in the conflict react with frustration.
Some of these ineffective techniques are:
Secrecy: trying to keep a conflict out of view of most people, only creates suspicion. An
example is an organizational policy of pays secrecy. In some organizations, discussion of salary
is grounds for dismissal. When this is the case, employees suspect that the company has
something to hide.
Administrative or biting: This is delaying action on a conflict by buying time, usually
by telling the individuals involved that the problem is being worked on or that the boss
is still thinking about the issue. Like non action, this technique leads to frustration and
Due process non action: is a procedure set up to address conflicts that is so costly,
time-consuming, or personally risky that no one will use it. Some companies' sexual
harassment policies are examples of this technique. To file a sexual harassment
complaint, detailed paperwork is required, the accuser must go through appropriate
channels, and the accuser risks being branded a troublemaker. Thus, the company has a
procedure for handling complaints (due process), but no one uses it (non action).
Character assassination: is an attempt to label or discredit an opponent. Character
assassination can backfire and make the individual who uses it appear dishonest and
Effective Techniques: there are also effective techniques that includes
1) Problem solving: Interested parties confront the issue and cooperatively identify the
problem, generate and weigh alternate solutions and select a solution. It is appropriate for
complex issues plagued by misunderstanding. It is inappropriate for resolving conflicts
rooted in opposing value systems.
2) Super ordinate goal: It is a technique used to create a shared goal that cannot be attained
without the cooperation of each of the conflicting parties.
3) Expansion of Resources: When a conflict is caused by the scarcity of a resource – say,
funding, promotions, and desirable work or working conditions, etc. the expansion of
resource can create a win-win situation. Unfortunately, it is often not possible in practice.
4) Altering the Human Variable: This strategy calls for using the behavioral change
techniques such as human resources training to alter attitudes and behaviors that cause
5) Altering the Structural Variable: Conflict is resolved through changing the formal
organizational structure and the interaction patterns of conflicting parties through job
redesign, transfers, and the like.
6) Authoritative Command / Impose a Solution: Finally, if all fails, it may be necessary to
impose a solution. But this has to be done with great care. It often works in the short term. If
the solution suits neither party, it seldom solves the problem itself. Indeed, there is always a
danger that the apparent resolution has been achieved at the price of both parties uniting
against the arbiter, who is now seen as a common enemy.