Lecture 14 Oral malignant epithelial tumors
Lecture 14 Oral malignant epithelial tumors
Lecture 14 Oral malignant epithelial tumors
Pathology 2 , 1601312
To Know:
1-Aetiological factors of oral cancer.
2-Squamous cell carcinoma.
3-Describe the criteria of the malignant ulcer.
4-TNM staging of squamous cell carcinoma
5-Verrucous carcinoma.
6- Basal cell carcinoma.
Possible etiological factors for
oral cancer:
Major factors
• Tobacco smoking
• Smokeless tobacco (Chewed, sucked or sniffed)
• Betel quid habit
• Alcohol
• Sunlight (lip only)
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Exophytic lesion Endophytic lesion
3) May appear as a white lesion or an
erythematous Lesion
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Criteria of malignant ulcer
M = Metastases
Histopathology of squamous cell carcinoma:
• Differentiation: is the extent to which tumor cells are mature i.e.
resemble the normal cells of origin.
• According to degree of differentiation of the tumor cells, SCC is
divided into 3 histological grades:
1. Well differentiated tumor cells closely resemble its tissue of
origin and tend to grow and spread at a slower rate than
undifferentiated or poorly differentiated tumor cells.
2. Poorly differentiated tumors
- Little resemble their tissue of origin,
- Lack the structure and function of normal cells,
- Grow uncontrollably and
- Able to invade muscle, soft tissue, etc., even bone.
3. Moderately differentiated tumors : (grade in-between).
Grades of squamous cell carcinoma.
Grade of SCC is evaluated according to the percent of
keratinization and the degree of anaplasia and nuclear
Well diff.
Moderately diff.
Poorly diff.
Well differentiated S.C.C.
• Invasion and proliferation of masses of
malignant epithelial cells (prickle cells)
in the form of
• Keratin pearls, concentric squames of
• epithelial pearls consisting of a central
area of keratin surrounded by whorls of
epithelial cells
• Cell nests, whorls of epithelial cells.
• Intercellular bridges are still present to
some extent.
• Slight alteration of nuclear/cytoplasmic
• Abnormal or bizarre cells are rare
• Lymphocytes and plasma cells
infiltration of the stroma.
Poorly differentiated S.C.C.
• Little resemblance of epithelial
cells to cells of origin (immature)
• Marked pleomorphism, the cells
are rounded, may be spindle
• Loss of intercellular cohesion
• Increased normal and abnormal
mitosis (tripolar, multipolar)
• No keratin formation
• Chronic inflammatory cells are
• Loss of function (keratin
formation) and Shape of
epithelial cells (desmosomal
attachements) is characterestic
of poorly differentiated squamous
cell carcinoma.
Invasion of Bone by SCC.
Ill-defined, irregular
radiolucency; moth- eaten
appearance (similar to
osteomyelitis), then complete
fixation to the mandible
The extent of bone
involvement is more than what
we see in the radiograph.
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Causes of The Death in patient with
oral SCC.
Verrucous carcinoma:
• Uncommon tumor appears as a warty
white lesion.
• Is a subtype of SCC affects skin and
• It may represent a later stage of
proliferative verrucous leukoplakia.
• Grow slowly.
• Distinct, diffuse, papillary, verrucae
superficial, nonmetastasizing form of
well-differentiated squamous cell
It has the best prognosis as No or low
metastatic potential
Surgical excision (not aggressive).
It is a highly differentiated
malignant tumor
Basal cell carcinoma
Long exposure to UV radiation.
Atrophy by age.
**Multiple BCC occur in younger age as a sign of basal cell
nevus syndrome (Gorlin-Goltz Syndrome)
Basal Cell Carcinoma
(Rodent Ulcer)
underlying tissues.
Histopathology of basal cell carcinoma
Nests and cords of
cuboidal cells arise from
the region of the
epidermal basal cells
Neoplastic cells around
the periphery of the
invading nests and strands
are usually palisaded and
often columnar.
Proliferation of basaloid
cells in the form of
islands, nests and cords of
small darkly staining ovoid
cells beneath an intact
epidermis. 23