Meaning of Consumer Rights
Meaning of Consumer Rights
Meaning of Consumer Rights
Consumer rights are the legal rights enjoyed by consumers in relation to the purchase of goods or
services. These rights ensure fair treatment and protection for consumers against fraudulent, deceptive,
and unfair business practices.
The Consumer Protection Act (COPRA) is a comprehensive legislation in India that aims to protect the
interests of consumers. It provides a legal framework for redressal of consumer grievances and ensures
fair market practices.
Definition of Consumer: A person who buys any goods or hires or avails of any services for a
consideration which has been paid or promised or partly paid or partly promised or under any system of
deferred payment and includes any user of such goods or services other than the person who buys or
hires or avails of such goods or services for commercial purpose or for resale or other commercial
Right to Safety
Right to be Informed
Right to Choose
Right to be Heard
Consumer Forums: The Act establishes a three-tier system of consumer redressal forums:
Right to Safety:
This right ensures that consumers are protected from goods and services that are hazardous to their
health and safety. It implies that products should be designed, manufactured, packaged, and labeled in a
way that minimizes the risk of injury or harm.
Right to be Informed:
This right guarantees that consumers have access to accurate and adequate information about products
and services. This includes information about quality, quantity, purity, standard, price, expiry date,
manufacturer's name and address, and other relevant details.
Right to Choose:
This right allows consumers to have a variety of products and services to choose from. It also ensures
that there is fair competition in the market, which leads to better quality products and services at
reasonable prices.
Right to be Heard:
This right empowers consumers to express their grievances and concerns about products and services. It
ensures that their opinions are heard and considered by manufacturers, sellers, and service providers.
This right provides consumers with a mechanism to seek compensation for any loss or injury suffered
due to defective products or deficient services. It empowers consumers to file complaints with
consumer forums and seek appropriate remedies.
This right emphasizes the importance of educating consumers about their rights and responsibilities. It
aims to create awareness about consumer protection laws, market practices, and quality standards.
4. Case Studies
A consumer purchased a pressure cooker from a local store. While using the cooker, it exploded, causing
serious injuries to the consumer. The consumer filed a complaint with the consumer forum, claiming
that the manufacturer was negligent in designing and manufacturing the cooker. The forum, after
considering the evidence, ordered the manufacturer to pay compensation to the consumer for medical
expenses and loss of income.
A consumer purchased a mobile phone from an online retailer. The product description on the website
did not mention that the phone was a refurbished model. Upon receiving the product, the consumer
realized that it was not a new phone. The consumer filed a complaint with the consumer forum, alleging
that the retailer had not provided accurate information about the product. The forum ordered the
retailer to replace the phone with a new one or refund the purchase price.
5. Conclusion
Consumer rights are essential for protecting the interests of consumers in the marketplace. The
Consumer Protection Act provides a legal framework to ensure that consumers are treated fairly and
ethically. By understanding their rights and seeking redressal for grievances, consumers can empower
themselves and contribute to a more just and equitable market.