Gns 211 Summary by a-media (Chapter 15)

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 Social media are the social interaction among people in

which they create, share, or exchange information and
ideas in virtual communities and networks.
 Kaplan and Haenlein (2010) define social media as a
group of Internet-based application that is built on the
ideological and technological foundations of web 2.0
which allow the creation and exchange of user-generated
 Furthermore, social media depend on mobile and web-
based technologies to create highly interactive platforms
through which individuals and communities share, create,
co-create, discuss and modify user-generated content.
 Some of the reasons undergraduates use social media are
the benefits derived from the usage.
Categories and Features of Social Media

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 Social Networking Sites (SNS):- are platforms for virtual

social lives created by people over the Internet. Examples
of SNS are:
 Facebook; It is the largest social network with the
biggest audience compared to other media. It enables
people to communicate with their friends and
exchange multimedia-based information conveniently.
Facebook could also gain a unique position as a
learning technology for educational purposes.
 LinkedIn: Is a social networking site for people in
professional occupation
 Research Gate: is a SNS for scientists and researchers
to share papers, ask and answer question to find
 Academia: The platform is used to share research,
monitor deep analysis around the impact of research
and track the research of academics followed by users.
 Social Bookmarking and Sharing Tools: They include;
 CiteULike: This allows users to save and share
citations of academic paper amongst researchers.
 Delicious: Is a social bookmarking web service for
storing, sharing and discovering web bookmarks.
 Digg: This is a new aggregator site that shares the most
interesting and talked about stories, videos and
pictures on the web.

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 Reddit: Is a social media news and entertainment

website where registered users submit content in the
form of either a link or a text post.
 Blogging and Microbiology Tools:
 Blogger; This is a weblog publishing service from
Google, for sharing text, photos and videos.
 Word press; It is an open source blogging tool and
content-management system (CMS) based on PHP and
MYSQL, which runs on a web hosting service.
 Tumblr; This is a microblogging platform and social
networking service that allow users to post multimedia
and other content to a short-form blog.
 Twitter; This is an online social networking site and
microblogging service that enables users to send and
read tweets, which are text messages limited to 140
characters. Registered users can read and post tweet
but unregistered users can only read them.
 Presentation Sharing Tools: They include;
 Scribd; This is a digital documents library that allows
users to publish, discover and discuss original writings
and documents in various languages using their iPhone,
iPad, Kindle Fire and Nook tablet.
 SlideShare: This platform allows the sharing of
information in PowerPoint, Openoffice presentations,
Keynote, PDF and info graphics

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 Slide rocket: It is an online presentation platform that

let users create, manage, share and measure
 Audio and Video Sharing TOOL: This include
 YouTube: Is a video-sharing website which allows
users to share their videos with friends, family and the
 Flickr: This is an image and video hosting website with
large pool of picture galleries available with social
networking, chat, groups and photo ratings
 Livestream: This is a live streaming video platform
that allows users to view and video content using a
camera and a computer through the internet.
Research and Writing Collaboration Tools: This include;
 PBworks: This is a commercial real-time collaborative
editing system that allows users to capture knowledge,
share files, and manage projects within a secured and
reliable virtual environment.
 Wikispaces: The section of this social site allows
teachers to create a classroom workspace where the
teacher and students can communicate and work on
writing projects alone or in teams
 Wikipedia: Is a free online encyclopedia, written
collaboratively by the people who use it. It is a special
type of website designed to make collaboration easy,

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called a wiki. Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger launched

Wikipedia on January 15, 2001, the latter creating it's
name, wiki (quick) and encyclopedia.
 Project Management, Meeting and Collaboration
Tools: This include;
 BigBlueButton: It is built for online learning. It
enables universities and colleges to deliver a high-
quality learning experience to remotes students.
 Skype: The service allows users to communicate with
peers by voice using a microphone, video by using a
webcam, and instant messaging over the Internet.
 Virtual World: This include;
 Second Life: This is a free 3D virtual world where
users can socialize, connect and create using free voice
and text chat.
 OpenSim: This is open source multiplatform, multiuser
3D application server which can be used to create a
virtual environment (or world) and can be accessed to
through a variety of clients, on multiple protocols.
Use of Social Media in Teaching and Learning.
 Concept of Good Academic Performance: This is a
situation where the learner perform very well above
average in his/her academic work. He or she develops
good skill in academics, well_motivated and achieves
academic excellence in his/her work.

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 Several factors can lead to good academic performance of

students one of which is social media. Although, it is
largely depends on how they are being used.
 Research findings have revealed several positive
outcomes on the usage of social media among students
and their peers.
 Students gained more vocabulary and improved their
writing skills as a result of their participation on social
media such as Facebook, Twitter.
Potentials of Social Media Use in Teaching and Learning.
 Social media are very effective in research purposes.
Social networking sites represent a moving target for
researchers and policy makers. They are useful for all
kinds of researches.
 The social media types like Blogs and Content
Communities has better role in research. The Content
Communities and Blogs can be act as a Digital Library. It
can provide useful information and contents which are
not available by nearest resources.
 Content Communities can provide both visual and text
information. For instance, YouTube are providing lots of
educational programmes or information which can help
students not only in the area of research but education

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 Today's student are fluent in Web and social networking

technologies. Teachers can make use of this knowledge to
enhance opportunities to learn. With social media,
teachers can promote cooperation and discussion, create
meaningful conversation, exchange ideas, and boost
student interaction.
 Social media is an effective way to build better interaction
skills among students. Students who hardly ever raise a
hand in the class may feel more comfortable on Facebook,
Twitter, or YouTube.
 Social media also has the potential to prepare students for
successful employment. Students entering the workforce
can use social networking sites to network and find
employment. With LinkedIn, older students can establish
a professional web presence, post a resume, rest a target
company or school, and connect with other job seekers
and employers.
Guidelines for the use of Social Media
 Don't spend too much time chatting with friends. Time is
very precious, anytime wasted can never be regained.
 Don't just accept an online relationship with anyone
whom you do not know offline.
 Don't join groups that may be considered unprofessional
or inappropriate and leave any of such group which you
are already a member.

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 Don't post obscenity or anything that depicts you in an

unfavorable lights such as images of you drinking, using
drugs, in questionable settings, with disreputable
companions, in inappropriate attire, or engaging in illegal
 Protect your privacy on social media by avoiding
provision of personal details or information e.g job tittle,
addresses, phone number etc.

Compiled by A-MEDIA : 09123315386.

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