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摘抄笔记_QQ 浏览器_20241026

0:02greetings to all in love and light of the one infinite Creator my name is Jonathan Tong and I'm
facilitator for0:08the Seattle law of one study group we can be found on the list of study groups
on the lnl research page shown on your0:16screen we do also have a Facebook page and we do
meet twice a week on Zoom0:21Tuesdays from 3: to 5:00 p.m. Pacific time and Saturdays from
8:00 to 10:00 a.m. Pacific time you don't have to live0:29in Seattle or anywhere near Seattle to
join our Facebook group or our Zoom sessions anyone who's interested and0:36available is
welcome to join just contact us at Seattle lawof [email protected]:42to get on our weekly mailing
list we send out weekly updates to let you know0:47what we're doing that week as well as the
zoom links we do also have a YouTube channel where we have recordings of our0:54podcast
series as well as previous q&as with Jim mccardy Austin Bridges Gary0:59Bean and Trisha bean
from the lnl research channeling team otherwise uh1:05yes uh again just contact us at Seattle at
La one uh Seattle [email protected] to get1:11on our mailing list if you would like to join any of these
q&as otherwise today we are once again delighted and1:18Overjoyed to be uh having some time
with our friend Jim mccardy to talk about the law of one and how to live it in our1:24daily lives
how are you doing today Jim doing really well it's been a great day1:30nice we uh actually got
some unpredicted rain today oh nice it came from the north and1:38supposedly we're going to
get some uh freezing temperatures soon so my flower gardens are probably going to see
the1:44end of their tenure on the planet a lot of leaves changing color1:50falling oh yeah lot lots
of colors yeah just kind of getting started on it1:57in Seattle or at least in my little part of Seattle
looking out the window it's a beautiful change of2:04seasons for sure hey uh you did mention
before we started recording that uh asLiving the Law of One 1022:10you have noted on your uh
Camelot Journal more than a couple of times you're in the process of recording uh2:16portions
of living the law of one 102 care to uh give our viewers an update on2:22what you're doing and
what that's about well first of all we changed our recording studio from the basement
to2:29what used to Carla's U Closet in her office upstairs because uh there was2:35rain about a
month ago that my some pumps are still responding to so it was all noisy down there so I had to
change2:42it around it's really nice and cozy up there too I think it's a better place to do it so uh
with that said uh 102 is a2:51and 103 were books that I've written from Carla's outlines that she
made back2:57when she was working on uh living love one one one the choice so fortunately
uh3:03I was able to find those outlines and uh write both books and the audio book that3:08I'm
making now is the the outer work and um as I mentioned to you earlier uh3:14Carla was able to
write only one chapter there that was the first chapter and it's beautifully written even though
we3:21are assuming it may not have been her final edit uh it was still so well done3:27she had
some things to share in there that um beautiful and3:34mindblowing wow that's beautiful yes so
uh living the law of 11 101 was the3:40choice and living the law 102 is the outer work yes and
103 is the inner work3:47nice yeah so looking uh forward to that uh any updates on where the
book3:54publication editing process is at no I don't know when that will be out I3:59believe it
would be sometime this fall um because it's going hand inand somehow in a way I don't
understand because I'm4:06not technically uh wise in these things but Austin's working on the
book and the audio uh chapters that I can record4:14simultaneously so there there's four
chapters along with the preface and the prologue that are ready to be um4:22recorded and I
assume that that they be ready for a a paperback as soon as the4:28rest are done too looking
forward to the recordings yeah definitely thanks for for letting us4:34know uh I do see a few
questions in the chat window so I did want to remind folks who are on the zoom call right
now4:41if you have a question that you would like to ask Jim please go ahead type it put it in the
chat window and we will go4:48in the order of questions that are there uh in uh doing the
questions otherwise I4:54did actually have a question that was sent in a couple weeks ago from a
group4:59member who is not able to join us this is a question about the beginning of the raw
contact and it is specifically aboutBeginning of Ra Contact5:07a specific question from session
one so if you don't mind I'm going to put this5:13on the screen so that we can see it this was the
seventh question in session one5:20uh and the questioner or the person asking this question
basically wants to know do you remember what the question5:26was because it says the
question was lost because the question was sitting tooo far uh from the recording device
at5:33that time uh but uh sorry I am trying to5:38get myself cuted sorry okay um the response
was Rod did say uh consider if5:46you will that the universe is infinite this has yet to be proven or
disproven5:51but we can assure you that there is no end to yourselves your understanding what
you would call your journey of5:57seeking or your perceptions of the creation that which is
infinite cannot be many for many is a finite concept to6:06have infinite you must identify or
Define that Infinity as Unity otherwise6:12the term does not have any reference or meaning in an
infinite Creator there is only Unity you have seen simple examples6:20of unity you have seen the
prism which shows all colors stemming from the sunlight this is a simplistic example of6:27unity
in truth there is no right or wrong there is no polarity for all will6:33be as he would say reconciled
at some point in your dance through uh the Mind6:38Body Spirit complex which you amuse
Yourself by distorting in various ways6:44at this time this Distortion is not in any case necessary it
is chosen by each6:50of you as an alternative to understanding the complete Unity of thought
which binds all things you are6:56not speaking of similar or somewhat like entities or things you
are everything7:02every being every emotion every event every situation you are unity you
are7:08Infinity you are light love light uh love light light love you are this is7:14the law of one the
person asking the question and I think I know the answer to this question7:21already wants to
know do you remember what the question was to which this was the response7:26Jim no I
wasn't there uh7:32that would be a no the uh the rock Conta was not planned7:37and I was out
shopping for groceries and it was Don and Carla and another fellow7:43who had been a member
of our Sunday night meditation group who was learning how to channel and instead of
the7:50regular haton or lwei coming through raw came through and uh this question has
to7:57have been asked by Dawn but I don't know what the question was um and I
don't8:02know why it didn't record because his other questions recorded and down here8:07in
1.9 uh that background noise that was me coming in the the door of the living8:13room with my
arms full of groceries because I was out shopping and so I just8:19kind of tiptoed down the hall
into the kitchen and put the groceries away and8:24uh waited for the session to end and Don
was really excited after the session he8:29came back and he said this is what we've been waiting
for for 19 years could you transcribe this now and I said now yes8:37please and he never got
excited about anything I'd ever seen before Carla called him her Melancholy Man he was
not8:44melancholy when the raw contact started that is fascinating yes I8:51remember you're
mentioning that before may I ask your take on the first sentence in the third paragraph
whereThere is no right or wrong8:58Ross says in truth there is no right or wrong I know uh that
can9:05be confusing perhaps for a number of folks in third density what's your take9:11on that
what do you think raw means when they say in truth there is no right or wrong and how do we
apply that to our9:19third density existence basically the one great9:24original thought of love
the Creator wants to know more about itself so it9:30created the creation out of itself and the
way that we can see that9:36in our daily lives is that whatever we do is a part of a way to help
the9:41Creator know itself to help us know ourself and to help the C us know the Creator so the
right or wrong is only a9:51part of what we see in the third density actually if you looked
at9:56negative polarity entities they could be what we would say wrong uh the path of10:02that
which is not but at some point as you go through millions of years of the10:09fourth density the
fifth and they get into the sixth density then they have a problem because in order to go
further10:17they have to see everyone as the Creator they can't control or separate from them
anymore they can't do wrong things so10:24what they do is reverse their polarity and become
one with with the Creator10:30because they are very wise haven't been through fifth inity of
wisdom and from that point on uh after the mid six10:37density there is no more polarity so I
would say that there is no right or10:42wrong because everything helps the Creator to know
itself everything that happens in our world helps us to know10:48ourself because we are not
separate from everybody else in the world whatever they are doing we need to see them
as10:54the Creator as well we might not want to you know uh have them over for
dinner11:00but uh they are the Creator I definitely get that from the11:05six density perspective
I guess the thing that is perhaps troubling or confusing or whatever is that from a11:14third
density perspective is that not kind of the whole point to make that11:19choice uh between
different polarities what we see as service to others service11:25to self right or wrong yes that is
indeed the choice and reason it works is11:31because there's a veil of forgetting between our
conscious and subconscious Minds so that we can see that there is a11:38world around us that is
well we I guess the better way of putting it would be if we want to become11:46the Creator in
the balancing exercises Ross suggested that we look at11:52everything that we do and balance it
so that we become a 360 degree being we are the thief the12:00poet the Mystic the writer the
the murderer we are12:06everything and that is a way of accepting everything and everyone and
all parts of ourselves as the Creator so12:14know yourself accept yourself and become the
Creator that's a direct quote from raw12:21so that's the the way it works this is an illusion we
have to remember that12:27what we see is right wrong here if we stick to those points and are
not able to see others as the Creator too then we12:35still have work to do on accepting ourself
because usually what happens is what we do not like about another person12:42is being
reflected from them to us we're seeing oursel in that12:48mirror beautifully said yeah thank you
so much for for sharing that uh I would12:53like to go ahead and start looking at questions taking
questions from the chat window so do see Fred Rohit GMO and then13:02Robert and then if
there's any questions after that I'll have to go back and check but why don't we go ahead
and13:08start with Fred Fred would you like to unmute your mic and13:14ask sure um I was
wondering on the L&L researches uhL/L Research podcast13:22website you have a a podcast and
I know it's on Spotify also that's where I found uh your your direct material on13:31Spotify um
were there any plans in the future to do any more episodes I think13:36you're like episode like
105 106 was the last I checked my Spotify to see if you13:42added any more was there any plans
for you guys to do any more of that well13:48Gary and Austin and Trish have been so busy with
all of the other work for LML research that we haven't had any chance13:54to do podcasts for a
couple of years now and I thought that would probably be the14:00case that I would be the only
one doing any kind of podcast like this or but14:05they were over a couple of weeks ago and they
said something about wanting to14:12start up the podcast again so I'm looking forward to
that14:19happening does that answer your question FR yeah that's awesome thank you
that14:24I'm looking forward to it that's uh one of the main ways digest material is with14:30my
earbuds doing other things you know I I I do digest a lot of material and um I14:37really
appreciated the the podcast that you guys put out I appreciate Jonathan's14:43new podcast and
uh a whole bunch of people who who do that work it's really14:50really appreciated by people
like me I'm sure other people do too that's great I hope we can continue to give
you14:56information that you can use and enjoy indeed thanks for the question Fred
uh15:02Rohit did you would you like to unmute your mic and ask your15:07question yeah hi
good evening yeah so my my question was that um I think theyThird density bodies15:13have
spoken in law of one or probably in raw material that uh we are in the third15:19density
experience but we still have the body of second density animal body so my15:25question was
that if um so how does this what density body looks like uh you know15:32is it available or or is
not given to us because uh you know as as they say that15:37it was transferred from the Mars I
believe or from the malic so whatever body was available on that time so we15:44taken that
body so how would a third density body would look like yeah thank you well we uh our body is
our body in15:53the third density but it comes from the second density ape uh which
apparently15:58the entire uh uh third density bodies throughout this major galaxy The
Milky16:04Way galaxy are all from the ape and uh I'm not sure why and and uh Raod16:12didn't
really know why either that the uh the AP was chosen as the form because uh I know later on in
the Raw contact uh16:20don asked how many other entities in the entire creation would look like
us you16:26know with these eight bodies and R said I think it was um 5 to 10%
somewhere16:32around there and so Don said wow that's a a lot of different kind of bodies
and16:37so we have a second density body that we inhabit and that carries us around
in16:43this third density illusion and we need to take care of those bodies because if16:49we
didn't have those bodies we couldn't interact with each other and and so16:54uh you know the
older you get the more care you need to take of your body I've17:00discovered and uh so that's
just the way it is I mean it we have a I think a quo17:07call it a personality shell and H we have a
Consciousness that inhabits the17:13shell of our body the body is a shell of Consciousness and
this is the way that17:19we get to interact with each other to to learn who we are to make the
choice to17:26do whatever you need to do within the third density see if you couldn't walk
around here and interact with each other17:31you know be kind of a boring life and you
wouldn't have a chance to get a lot done true yeah thank you thank you17:40that's a great
question thank you for asking uh no follow-ups on that17:45oh um yeah so yeah as Jim said that
yes17:50even the third density body would look like or function the same way I thought maybe
we would be having more U higher17:58consciousness you know more alertness on the sensory
purpose or something so um I18:03think that's okay I understood yeah I was believing that uh
our ETS maybe they18:09inhabit third density body or something you know18:17yeah yeah I
seem to remember reading at least one or two passages where quo I18:22think said that yeah
the choice in this logos our subl logos chose the AP body18:28part ly for the opposable thumb uh
so that it would enhance the likelihood18:33that third density entities would build tools which
would then make them less18:39prone to um using their minds using their bodies to like build
tools and18:45stuff instead of developing telepathic skills for example that was something that
they deliberately made more18:53difficult for for third density entities here okay yeah yeah that's
all thank you so much for thank you so much for the18:58answers thank you thank you for the
question uh I see guo next and then Robert and then L ye who I'm guessing is19:06Lindsay and
then Aram uh GMA would you like to unmute your mic and ask your19:11question yes hopefully
my connection is not too unstable but uh since we're19:18talking about the audios uh Jim there
are many thanks uh to be given to you19:23and a big one of them is the audios now I the
previous audios we with the19:29machine voice was cool but now with your voice it has
Revolution the law of one19:36experience yeah I I I I listen to it on road trips while going to work
while19:41going to University everywhere it's great thank you thank you so much I'm glad you
enjoy it thank you yeah so last19:49time um I asked you a question about the Viet Ray activation
uh in summary youOctaves and sub-octaves19:56mentioned that the the Viet Ray has a great and
greater manifestation as we proceed through the densities and one20:03thing that really CAU my
attention is that you mentioned that at the end of the eighth uh density then at some
point20:11everything coalesces back together and it is the Harvest of the Creator
and20:17everything begins again so I I thought about it a lot and I came up with
this20:23questions to see uh what what's your take upon that so uh here we go in the20:30love
one we mentioned there is a mention of octaves of existence of the octaves of densities and
there's sub octave like20:37infinite sub octaves but it seems to be implicit that there are there is
such a20:43thing as eight main octaves and then you have like an Infinity of sub octaves
but20:49I I was wondering if uh maybe these eight main octaves could it20:57be possible that
they are themselves eight sub octaves of two21:03different harmonics you know that would be
really crazy I don't21:08even know how we could make sense or does it even does it even make
sense to21:13ask this question but I think your question makes sense uh Jim would you like to
respond to that much of it well21:20I'm not quite sure if I understand it uh are you saying there
are more than one21:26grouping of eight octaves that would interact with each other
I'm21:31not sure if I I think he is suggesting that this octave is one of like eight octaves and I
wasn't aware that there21:39was any limit on the number of octaves my impression was the
octaves just went on into Infinity but you're right that21:46this octave could be a sub Octave of
some larger octave and blah blah blah is that what you're asking gyo or am I21:52misinterpreting
your question21:58are you there uh your mic is muted yes sorry so so what I meant is that in
the22:04in the love one ra mentions that there are a lot of sub octaves22:10right okay so and
there are eight main octaves and then H once you pierce22:17through the last one then
everything uh recreates again and it's a whole22:22different experience and when you say eight
octaves do you mean eight densities within one octave oh yeah yeah22:30eight densities yes so
sorry sorry yeah the eight dens yeah the eight main densities could could they could they
be22:37like a sub densities of like a bigger octave that's question well as far as I22:43know and I
could be wrong uh they would be discreet uh by themselves they would22:51not be part of
Greater octaves within this octave however there are an22:58infinite number of octaves to come
and an infinite number that have been so23:04there are an infinite number of octaves but they
are sequential in their what23:10you say their ability of the Creator to know itself within this
portion of its23:15creation it it creates the octaves the octaves learn and have experiences
and23:22the Creator knows itself and we all coales as the Creator become one again and then all
goes over again but as Ross23:31said it begins and ends in mystery does it answer your question
GMA23:36do you have any follow-ups on that yes a great question yes and I think a big23:41part
of the mystery is the role of the Guardians I don't know if maybe a because they seem to be like
anRole of Guardians, Council23:48interface between the the next Octave of the dimensions and
this one and in23:53theory there there should be like a guardian from our first density
that23:59that that surveys or that that monitors the the previous octave or something24:04like
that did did you ever ask ra or haon or anything about the the role of the Guardians or do you
have anything to24:11that you have want to share well the role of the Guardians seems to be to
help the entities or the population of24:19planet Earth to be able to partake in their evolutionary
process um without interference from any24:27other entities of say a negative nature uh that
there has to be a calling for24:33all entities to be able to come to the planet and go through the
quarantine uh as far as24:42um see what I was going to tell you here uh the Guardians are oh
yeah this is what I was24:49going to say um when we go through the Harvest and we leave our
bodies we drop24:55our bodies and walk into the light there are those that are called the
light25:00Bringers that are even more than Guardians they are from the octave Beyond this one
which is something that25:09kind of blew our minds when we discovered that and also Ross said
that they had communicated with such entities25:16and that they had also communicated with
those guardians or Bringers of light from before this octave which makes you25:25wonder if we
all coales and become one with the25:30Creator is there where are these Guardians these light
Bringers coming25:37from if we're all one so I think that's part of the beginning and ending
in25:43mystery don't think that it can be explained in words but Ross said that they had been in
contact with entities25:50from both sides you know before and after this octave that is super
fascinating uh Jim25:58am I understanding correctly that the Guardians are inner Plains entities
associated with this26:05planet yes uh they're basically associated with the Council of Saturn
um26:11there are nine entities the nine that are sit on the Council of Saturn and then there I
believe there said that26:17there were 16 uh Guardians that all were available for um whatever
kind of work26:25that the you know would be done by the council any thoughts or Plans by
social26:31memory complexes such as raw that would come before the council as to whether or
not it would be a good idea to do that26:37then the Guardians might have something to say
about that so the Guardians are below the council and spiritual26:45hierarchy more or less
although I think they're basically interchangeable as well I don't know if the council is
uh26:52always the same nine maybe yeah that's a whole another thing don't know sure I mean
we start26:59getting here into what might be called The Eternal present moment and how
people and entities function on the27:06inner planes and so yeah truly a27:11mystery yeah yeah
indeed and if I remember right I mean the guardian known27:17as Yahweh was also def
identified as a confederation entity if I remember right27:25which uh the original the original yah
was right there NE negative entities27:32appropriated the name of Yahweh in order to have their
way with the you know who27:37they hope would be an elite that could take over the planet and
make it negative too but I think I had thought27:43that a Guardians were separate from the
confederation so I was a little confused27:48by Yahweh being identified as a guardian and a
member of the Confederation yeah27:55well that was my understanding too that the Guardians
are not a part of the Confederation the Confederation is28:01formed of fourth fifth six density uh
social memory28:06complexes and U so I don't think the Guardians would be part of that
the28:12Confederation we need a flowchart that's what we need a flowchart or a
vend28:18diagram or an Excel spreadsheet or whoever is in charge of that stuff get on that would
appreciate it28:25thank you GMA for your question I do want to move on to Robert's question
followed by Linds I believe and then28:32Aram and then I know Mick had a question as well uh
Robert would you like to unmute your mic and ask good evening sir28:41it's a pleasure to be with
you again want to make sure and thank you for all your service for for this planet love28:49you
very much um after all this Cosmic traveling I feel kind of weird askingJim's childhood heroes,
admired celebrities28:55this simple question but Jim did you have any childhood heroes
or29:05celebrities well I guess when I was in high29:11school um my hero was my baseball coach
uh Monty29:19kein uh he was not only the one who led us helped me it was a coach who
coached29:25us to the state championship in 1963 but at that time he was playing
football29:30for the University of Nebraska and while he was playing there they won two
national championships under Bob29:37Dean and uh then after he played there he became a
backfield coach and uh29:45eventually uh went I think he played a little pro pro ball but he
decided to stay with the coaching and So eventually29:53he became a backfield coach for the
Tampa Bay Buccaneers and in 2002 they won the29:59Super Bowl and uh later on he just passed
away this past July 11th and I30:06went to the funeral in a celebration of life for him and just
before he passed away he was inducted to the National30:13Football League Hall of Fame so uh
he and then he was a you know my my30:19hero and I was just 16 years old at that time what a
great question Robert thank30:25you for asking that do you have any follow-ups on that30:31and
I thank you for that answer yeah um and I actually did remember hearing that30:36on one of
these sessions with you during the summer must have forgot um but uh30:43celebrities the part
of the question also maybe were there any like movie stars or even radio celebrities you
were30:52impressed by h30:59I'm going back to my childhood to try to remember all that I know
uh watch a lot31:06of TV huh I like comedians I liked Jerry Lewis and31:12um let's see who else I
like some31:18musicians um that time though who were they I've always liked31:26musicians
how about during the hippie Revolution oh figures and there that31:32struck you as inspirational
or Heroes people you kind of maybe admired or31:38wanted to be like well31:44um yeah I'm
trying to remember again the hippie Revolution for me was uh back in31:51the 60s so that's
about 80 years ago I'm trying to remember who is that alond31:58Brothers Band yeah yeah I was
uh living in32:04Jacksonville Florida at the time they were pretty famous then so many musicians
at that time I32:12think were so inspirational to so many people Robert did you have any
other32:17follow-ups on that these are all great questions that's that's fine thank you Jim thank
you Jim you didn't read comic32:25books or anything like that as a kid did you no uh I went to
movies a32:31lot my mom and dad had a grocery store in Lexington Nebraska it was town of
5,000 people and right across the street32:37was the Majestic Theater and I would go over there
every Saturday night and watch whatever was on32:43the movies usually change from week to
week and um were there any movies that made a big impression on you when you32:49were at a
young impressionable age I don't remember the the the names32:55of the movies I just
remember I always sat in the seventh row the second seat in from the aisle and I would get
so33:04engrossed in the movie that I would forget it was a movie that I was part of33:10it and
then as I was walking out of the movie going outside I say ah that was just a movie oh wow oh
what a great33:18story yes you were one with the movie experience uh thanks for the
questions33:24Robert uh we had another question from someone in the chat window who was L
ye and I'm guessing that's Lindsay Lindsay33:31are you asking that question would you like go for
it um I have quite a bit of33:40dream I I would call it contact and a lot of it is it's just a lot of
information um and I found that like the33:48more I would try to like follow up or like find more
information about something or like try to incorporate33:54like recommended spiritual practices
like the my day-to-day life actually got way worse um and so I was recommended me34:01to in a
dream to basically like they just really like your reactions like stop engaging and so once I
started34:07doing that it was like I found I still get quite a bit of information um but34:16like my
day-to-day has gotten so much better just like not responding like I don't like react at all like not
even34:22sending like a like loving like love and light feelings like even doing that would kind of
like intensify the34:27experience so I found that just like so do you have a question Lindsay yeah
so I guess my Curious is my my I'm curious ifDream work34:35like there's any knowledge that you
like personal knowledge that you may have to share34:40with me as far as like what to do in
situations where you come across um34:46information that's maybe not the most helpful so
you're getting that from your dream that was not helpful and and you34:53uh would rather not
have that information rather not yeah I I mean I don't know if I have34:59any say over whether
or not I receive the information but I guess just like as a like how's in your experience like
do35:07you have any recommendations of how to manage or respond to35:12it well I've never
gotten information in my dreams that I felt was uh not in my35:18best interest uh so this is
something that I actually this is the first time35:23I've heard of anybody having that um I guess I
would recommend uh before you go35:31to bed have a little meditation and ask for your
guidance or your higher self to35:39help you find the information in your dreams that is helpful
on your spiritual35:45journey and uh maybe to also protect you from any sources that would give
you any35:51kind of other information that is not helpful because usually now that we
have35:56that veil of forgetting between the conscious and the subconscious Minds uh the
dreaming is a way that our36:02subconscious mind or our guides or our higher self can give us uh
hints and clues as to how to travel our spiritual36:10journey and so in general the dreaming is
considered to be a very powerful36:16spiritual tool but you might need to have some assistance
from your your guides or higher self to uh keep the36:22dreams positively oriented any follow-
ups on that Lindsay36:29no thank you that's a great question thanks for asking uh G did you have
a36:34clarification question on this uh it's more to you lindsy I once dreamed that I36:40saw the
equation of the universe and I went an entire year in physics and then I realized maybe it's not
that that was36:48not the meaning of the dream so now I'm just kind of like maybe it's just some
things you're sometimes you're shown36:54cool things but you don't always have to inact them
like in real life and there's37:00a certain discernment that comes with practice that for sure
thanks for37:05sharing that carel uh Aram did you have a question you wanted to37:10ask yeah
hi hi Jim hi Aram good to see you again it's good to see you too um uh37:17I have a question
about the nature of infringement um so hypothetically so ifPsychic readings and free
will37:24someone who is psychic or clairvoyant has the ability to see future events
for37:30someone else would telling them about their predictions be a form of
undue37:38influence could it be a form of infringing on the other's Free37:44Will well that's a
good question um I think that in general um whatever any37:52person that's psychic uh or not
psychic says to another person37:58uh can either be accepted or rejected by the other person
they always have free will to U say no I I don't think that's38:05right so I I don't think it really has
to be but if somebody has some extra38:14control over a person and tells them something
psychically about38:20it could be an infringement if someone trusted them so much you know
um I think38:27that would basically be uh you know for younger children that would be uh
influenced by older people that would38:35say well this is what you need to do this is what I
think about your future and you know but a child doesn't38:43have that ability to discern usually
but an adult I think has that ability so I38:49don't in general I'd say no it wouldn't be an
infringment you know it's a sort of a take it or leave it38:55thing okay um I the reason why I ask is
because in the39:01past there have been times when I felt uncertain about things and I've gone
to39:06to people who you know um were psychic or you know advertised themselves
as39:12psychic and I'm wondering I would I would take in their information and use39:17my
discernment but I was wondering if you know on a unconscious level I was39:23somehow um
taking in that information and and increasing the probability of it39:31coming true through
unconscious actions and so I I wasn't sure if that was um39:38the impact that it had on my own
free will and if that meant that it was some form of infringement but um I guess I I39:47have the
ability to make those choices you do but uh you just reminded39:53me about uh some people uh
have almost39:58an addiction to psychic uh resources and look to them for a lot of
the40:05information they get in their lives and I I know of a person of that nature and40:11I've
always thought that she was relying too much on psychic predictions that40:17supposedly were
coming through a Channel or a psychic from her40:23mother and she would do whatever the
mother told her to do through the40:28channel and she wouldn't think for herself so I think it's
possible but40:34it's something that uh you create out of your own I guess U feelings
of40:40unworthiness or not knowing but in general I don't think40:46it's something that is really
going to be a problem for most people but for some it could be okay thank you those are
great40:55questions AR yeah thank you for asking uh I do see Mick and Diane had
questions41:00next in the chat window but I did have a question that was sent into us
uh41:06yesterday I think by one of our Facebook group members who was not able to join us so
I'm going to ask this question on41:13behalf of jazz question is about intentional communities
and Jim questionintentional communities41:19what do you think of intentional communities
around the world where they are trying to live a more sustainable41:26life good for the
environment they have their own currency they grow food Etc is41:31this a possible
manifestation of fourth density positive people and Earth I41:38think so and I'm always glad to
hear about groups like that uh I know that throughout the history of United States41:45there
have been some that have attempted that and I don't think there's been much success as far as I
know now I don't41:51have a whole lot of information about that but I I know that uh we try
tried41:57to get an intentional group going here a couple of times and and it just didn't work out
because uh people eventually42:04you know wanted to go their own way and so we blessed
them and said well thanks for trying you know for sure yeah I can42:12totally imagine that so
many different Wanderer personalities coming into play42:18which doesn't necessarily lend itself
really well to living in close quarters42:23thank you for uh the question J I wanted to turn to Mick
would you like to unmute42:29your mic and ask your question and anyone who's still on the
zoom meeting if you still have a question you would42:34like to ask we have time for it go ahead
put it in the chat window and Mick would42:40you like to go ahead ask your question yeah
thanks Jonathan can you hear me yep yep clear cool uh thanks Jim42:48good to be here um so I
had a question do you have an opinion on animal shelters uh a little background like Ianimal
shelter ethics42:56worked at one and a lot of times I felt like I was like43:01objectively uh
violating the Free Will of the animal putting it in a cage giving it medicine and it's like
yeah43:09it's like you can say it's for its best interest but that's like I don't know uh43:14do you
have any opinions on that well now are you talking about an animal shelter where the animals
don't ever get43:21a home a forever home they're just there in the shelter for the rest of their
lives43:27well I worked at a I worked at a rescue so that was taking them from shelters and
finding them homes but basically the43:36whole process of like the whole process of taking a
stray animal on the street43:42and uh sterilizing it like neutering it Etc U putting it into a shelter
either a43:49kill shelter a non-kill shelter I don't know I like I had a lot of kind of conflicts
internally about that43:57yeah well I definitely don't go for the kill shelters U and I understand
why44:03some um shelters would want to keep the uh animals for a while and neuter
them44:09because there's in some areas there just a lot of animals especially cats uh around that
can cause problems uh but I44:18think in general uh if they're in a shelter and getting food and
uh medicine and they they feel like they're uh you44:26know you can tell that they enjoy being
alive I think it's a good idea but if there's some way that they can let you44:33know that that
that's just not the way they want to live maybe there would be another solution but I don't know
what44:38it would be um that's a great question any followups44:45on that it's a hard one to
answer too yeah yeah it is a hard one I didn't really I just yeah I want because I I44:51was
working there for you know several months listening to a lot of the channeling and they're always
talking44:56about Free Will and it always was like a juxtaposition of like the dog you know and
you ask like45:03if you can tell if they like it or not like I felt pretty confidently they did not like it
and I worked at a rescue45:09that was like pretty good like they had a lot better than most
shelters are pretty bad like they're pretty uh pretty45:16hard places to be for long periods of time
if you're like empathic uh like I had to quit working there actually yeah45:24it was like yeah um
so yeah I just like I wondered if any45:30thoughts on that uh I another question are you still a
baseball fan uh this45:37time of year uh no I don't know why but after Carla passed into larger
life I45:43just lost my interest in sports and watching television and uh you know45:50going to
movies and things I don't know why but I just no I don't have any interest in that45:55anymore
what sports were you watching together when Carlo was around what oh46:01well you fan of uh
well being in Kentucky I started off in the woods46:06being a a Kentucky fan University of
Kentucky and I moved to Louisville and I was the University of Louisville fan and46:13so I was
both of them and then I was still kind of interested in Nebraska uh University of
Nebraska46:21because they had good football teams for a while uh so you know we did that
I46:27think she basically put up with me watching the sports as long as I was happy she was glad
that I was watching46:34the sports but I don't do oh that's sweet elain did you have a
clarification46:39question I have a followup question um how old isBoscoe46:47Bosco is Bosco
I'm assuming male yeah and how's he46:54doing have you all heard about Bosco I'm reading I I
read about bco every day47:01okay from the Camelot Journal oh I'm very HED and and I always I
my heart47:08just goes out to you and bosow every time you mention yes well Bosco is
he's47:1419 years old wow and uh he is a he and47:20he has all kinds of problems it started off
when I first knew him about six47:27years ago he had stomatitis which is inflammation of the
throat which meant all his teeth had to be47:33extracted and then he was positive for feline
leukemia and then later on he developed47:40diabetes which he still has and then he has a
congestive heart failure and he47:47had cancerous growth removed from his mouth and he has a
cancer in his kidney as a present so uh the big challenge is47:55trying to get him to eat eat food
that has all the medications that you need48:00for that especially you know twice a day 12 hours
apart I have to give him48:05insulin injection so he's got to have food first and sometimes he's a
little picky about what he wants to eat and48:12I'll get all his meds in the food I'll give it to him
and he'll just kind of turn his nose up at it walk away and so48:18I have to try two or three or
four times to get him to eat something and you know I eventually get up give up trying
to48:25get all the medications in there just I go just eat something for me and tonight he did a
great job I went down to Feeder48:32Supply where they have all kinds of cat food and I got three
or four different kinds all together I probably have 10 or 12 kinds trying to keep him you
know48:38interested in the food we've got so uh despite all of that he's still a sweet48:45cat and
he still you know is a great cat to hang out with he still likes be brushing him at night before
I48:52go to bed oh so sweet we're having a good time together I've never heard of a cat
1949:00years old that's amazing so obviously Bosco does not want to leave you well
I'm49:09hoping that he'll stay around long enough that I can help him become a third density
being yes yeah g giving49:17and taking of love you know from him to me and me to him I think is
the way so every time I have a chance to pet him I49:23pet him when I'm sitting in my bedroom
which is also my office working on like camlet Journal he comes in and he he49:28meows I take
time out and I pet him some more yes and so so sweet we're working49:34on it we're gonna get
him there thank you for asking El thank and give our49:40love to to Bosco we have time for two
more questions we're going to take one from Diane and then one from Rohit and49:46then we
will wrap it up Diane would you like to ask your question yeah um you were talking
aboutmurder49:54murder and that we've all been the murderer and I hear that so I'm kind
of49:59like let's bring this to today today most murderers know their victim most50:05victims
know the person who has murdered them but it occurs to me that sometimes50:12it almost
seems pre- incarna that somewhere along the line when I've looked at cases my God
this50:20was chosen and if that's correct how does that50:28work with polarity if if could I
possibly say I will murder you because I50:35love you and I know you need this is that a
possibility and if a person does50:42commit a murder or a victim does create a situation where
that will50:50happen is anybody positively or going to is there any positive polar in that
how50:58does that work that's a great question what do you think Jim um I don't think there is
one good answer for that51:06question I think anything is possible uh There Are Spiritual
families51:12that trade roles back and forth from one Incarnation to another they help
each51:18other learn certain lessons and sometimes you know lessons of change and becoming
more than you were are painful51:25and we we grow by pain a lot of times but as far as
murdering being something51:31that would be a means of a positive entity becoming more
positive I kind of51:36doubt that um I would guess and I could be wrong that that might be
something51:42that negatively oriented entities would do but then again I don't think that they
would agree with you know to work51:48with anybody else because they're their way of doing
things is separation from51:53each other and control of each other so I think that more likely it is
um52:01somewhat uh I guess would you say uh made maybe not a pre-incarnate choice52:07but
some tendency in the pre-incarnate choices that was distorted and not52:13correctly perceived
because supposedly our pre-incarnate choices are given a52:18bias by our subconscious mind so
that when we're in the situation that gives us a chance to enact the pre-incarnate52:25choice
then our conscious mind gives a bias for us to see it in a certain way and I just don't think that
murder would52:31be one of those things for a positive entity and I don't think negatives would
do it I think it has to be a confusion52:37of pre-incarnate choices playing out in the Life pattern
that once the Incarnation is over and the review of52:43the Incarnation is completed with the
higher self that that signpost that was52:49misinterpreted would be attempted again so that that
would not occur again do you think Jim it could be a52:56matter of karma that each of those
entities are taking on those roles in53:02order to balance karma for what they did or didn't do in
previous Incarnation53:07it's possible I mean I think there are an Infinity of possibilities you
know I53:13really don't think there's one set know description of how this works it's a great
question Dian did you53:20have any follow-ups yeah actually you already answered my follow-
ups as as you revolve in your53:27answer you answered the other questions I was going to ask so
thank you very much well thank you for the question was53:33a mindblower indeed uh Rohit did
you have a question you wanted to53:42ask yeah my question yes my question was um related to
um uh like Carla um whenCarla's LSD experience53:52she was there um it mentioned also in I
think in contact that once she took an53:59uh thing called LSD and uh and no one knew uh but it
was54:05came out in the contact that ra mentioned that she took in some kind of substance you
know with her and it was54:11open for a negative entity to come inside her uh field or let's say
or I54:17don't Energy Center something like that so did it help her in positively or
in54:23negatively or do uh is it recommend for wondrous to take this substance and to54:29you
know to access higher uh you know I don't know Consciousness or something54:35yes thank you
uh she actually took LSD twice and uh we didn't know about it at54:41the time it was with
another friend of ours that had been a member of the group that Don and Carla started years
before54:49U the raw contact and as far as what raw had to say about it was that for Carla54:56it
was not a good idea to take LSD because it tended to drain her energy55:02her physical body
energy and uh her mental energy the physical body was the55:09difficult part because uh she
already had a weak body as it was and they did say that for other55:17people if they took the
substance known as LSD during the session it would be55:25helpful but Carla took it before the
session it55:31was wearing off so at some point uh they had to shorten the sessions so if
you've55:38seen the law of one books you know that book two is much shorter than any
other55:44book because because she took two types or two LSD experiences it doubled
the55:50effects so the the first one would have caused uh one month of difficulty
the55:56second one would cause two months you add them up that's three months so for three
months our sessions were much56:01shorter and that's reflected in book two now I do know
other folks uhu when I uh56:08went out to Oregon to be with the folks of cosmic awareness
Communications before I came back to join Don Carla uh56:16many times those uh channels for
Cosmic awareness would take LSD and it would56:23Aid their channeling of the entity so it's
something also that varies according to you know your your the body56:31construct and and
what your ability is to use that kind of energy but for Carla56:37they did not recommend it at all
great question thank you so much for56:42the answers well thank you so much everybody for
the questions I believe that was the56:49last question I saw in the chat window if I miss
somebody please let me know uh56:55otherwise Chim uh we do have a little tradition here of
ending our sessions with something we57:01are calling a pop quiz today is no different uh as uh
most of our viewers57:07know by now I believe pop quiz was an expression that Carla used to
use to refer to the little tests and challenges57:14we get in our daily rounds to see if we have
learned the lessons that we came here to Incarnate uh and these q&as and57:22our podcasts we
just like doing up at the end of the session uh add some laughter and levity uh to some
otherwise57:29serious conversations so today uh Jim for our Pop Quiz I think it would bePop
Quiz: Louisville57:35safe to say uh most of our viewers know that you live in the great state of
Kentucky and that within the great state57:42of Kentucky you live in the Great city of Louisville
but how much do they know and how much do you know about the great57:49city of Louisville
well let's find out today I'm going to ask you three multiple questions about
Louisville57:56Kentucky let's see how many of you and our viewers can answer correctly viewers
go ahead and say out loud to yourself uh58:02folks in the zoom uh meeting you can put them in
the chat window if you want as always the points don't matter if you58:08had fun you won if you
learn something new and interesting about Louisville you won Jim are you ready for your
first58:14question oh yeah all right I'm guessing you're going to get at least one of58:20these
questions correct which is more than I you usually uh wager how about58:26for your first
question who was Louisville named after you probably know58:31that it was King Louie of France
but was it King Lou the9th King Louis the 13th58:39or King Louis the 16th what do you think Jim
C 16th oh wow are you just guessing58:45or did you know that no I know that oh wow good for
you yeah anything else you58:51can tell our viewers about King Louis the 16th nope58:57he was
uh let's see the last king of France before the fall of the monarchy59:02yes and his Queen was uh
someone named Marie Antoinette who most people have59:08probably heard of oh yeah who
uh I only learned from researching this question was uh there's no records of her59:15actually
saying let them eat cake the line that was supposedly attributed to her that ended up getting her
beheaded59:23eventually along with her husband uh but uh yes uh King Louie uh the
city59:30was named after him in appreciation of the support for the American Revolutionary War
because in 1778 Ben59:37Franklin the first US ambassador to France asked King Louie uh for help
Louie provided uh money troops and Naval59:44support which did in fact help the Americans
win the war and that is why to this day Louis uh Louisville symbol is59:50the FL the coat of arms
of France uh are you ready for your second second59:56question jimie this one I think you might
know I don't know if our viewers know though1:00:03what famous athlete was a Louisville native
was it a Jim Brown B Carl Lewis1:00:10or C Muhammad Ali oh come on Muhammad1:00:16Ali
muhamad Ali International Airport yes you know that and anybody1:00:23who's been to
Louisville knows that but uh otherwise yeah a lot of folks might not know that uh Muhammad Ali
yeah born1:00:30in very inspiring human being after he got Parkinson's disease yeah tell
us1:00:36about him what thoughts do you have on this very special third density entity well he
uh he wanted to help people do1:00:46what they felt was right in their life and uh he stood up
for folks that1:00:52weren't he was a social activist later on in his life uh we have the Muhammad
Ali Center1:01:00downtown and it's got his story of his life you walk through it you get to see
everything about him and what he what he1:01:07stood for he had his uh I have an entire
chapter or section in a chapter 1031:01:15devoted to Muhammad Ali really oh yeah yeah oh
looking forward to that so uh I1:01:22I I think he was just one of the greatest human beings
we've ever had that's how he got his nickname yeah for1:01:30folks who were not alive or adult
enough to know he was just a really incredible1:01:35person Larger than Life seems to be a
description that was inent uh for for1:01:41him so much just an incredibly charismatic uh
incredibly skilled uh1:01:47professional athlete uh and I I would say yeah someone who had
obviously a1:01:52really huge ego really huge sense of self but so clearly uh cared so
much1:01:59about uh others as well and service to others um what do you think Jim from a love
one perspective do you think he1:02:06graduated was he I think that he did graduate and he may
or may not have been1:02:12a wander doesn't matter he made it yeah yeah indeed enough that
uh let's see1:02:18third question someone you are probably quite a bit less familiar with but our
viewers probably will be more familiar1:02:26with uh what famous movie actress was born and
raised in Louisville was it a1:02:32Jennifer Lawrence B Emma Stone or C bre Larson hey wow you
knew that I did not1:02:40actually think you would know that how did you Jennifer Lawrence she
is an icon in Louisville she has Charities so many1:02:47donations to Charities all over town oh I
did not know that she's an amazing1:02:52human being herself around Louisville there are big
signs on buildings that1:02:59honor people like her she's one of them and Muhammad Ali is one
of1:03:05them yeah yeah she's a beautiful soul she seems like a really really cool1:03:11person
good person and is obviously known for her serious roles in uh The1:03:17Hunger Games and uh
the X-Men movies and other uh serious movies but she's really1:03:24great comedic actress too I
think the last movie she did was called no hard feelings that she helped produced I1:03:30believe
and hilarious she is yeah really great serious and comedic actress and1:03:36that movie has a lot
of heart to it it's a it's a beautiful film strongly recommend uh and that's neat to know1:03:43that
she is honored and remembered in Louisville enough that you would know her uh Jim wanted to
thank you again for1:03:49being here and sharing your time with us as always did you have any
last thoughts Reflections wanted to share before we1:03:55say goodbye well I want to thank you
all again you're always so impressive with1:04:01the questions you ask and you get me thinking
about things I haven't thought about before I mean when I first got off1:04:09of the raw contact
and I wanted to do something else I tried to get some readers questions but I didn't
get1:04:15enough to be able to continue that from a Camelot Journal but if I just would
remember all the questions you've asked me I could have been doing that still1:04:22today but
it's worked out well because I I enjoyed working with Carla's quo1:04:27channelings but I thank
you again for all of the great questions opening your1:04:32hearts sharing them with me give me
a chance to think use my little bitty mind1:04:39to try to respond and hopefully open my heart to
you and let you know that I love you for every question for every1:04:45moment we've been
together and I look forward to being together again love you so much my friend on1:04:52behalf
of everyone here and everyone watching this it's such a joy and a privilege and honor to to hang
out with1:04:58you thank you for all you've done and contined to do in service to others uh to all
the friends at lnl research thank1:05:05you for all you've done and contined to do in service to
others for all who joined us on this Zoom meeting and1:05:10bringing your beautiful questions
and your vibrations and your energy thank you for all you've done and continue to1:05:16do in
service to others for everyone watching this on video at sometime in the near or distant future
thank you for1:05:22all you've done and continue to do in service to others for sending your love
and revealing yours until next time in1:05:29the love and light of the one infinite Creator ad
Q&A Jim McCarty 10/15/24
Seattle Law of One Study Group
2024 年 10 月 25 日 0:00 Introduction 2:10 Living the Law of One 102 5:02 Beginning of Ra Contact
8:53 There is no right or wrong 13:18 L/L Research podcast 15:12 Third density bodies 19:50
Octaves and sub-octaves 23:44 Role of Guardians, Council 28:50 Jim's childhood heroes, admired
celebrities 34:32 Dream work 37:18 Psychic readings and free will 41:15 intentional communities
42:50 animal shelter ethics 46:40 Boscoe 49:53 murder 53:45 Carla's LSD experience 57:30 Pop
Quiz: Louisville

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