Module Information
معلومات المادة الدراسية
Module Title Electrical Circuits Analysis Module Delivery
Module Aims, Learning Outcomes and Indicative Contents
أهداف المادة الدراسية ونتائج التعلم والمحتويات اإلرشادية
DC part: standard units used in electrical circuits, Charge, Current and voltage
Indicative Contents definitions, Passive electric components (R, C, and L), series and parallel connections,
المحتويات اإلرشادية sources conversions. [20 hrs.]
Della to star and star to delta conversion, Ohm’s law, power, energy, and Kirchhoff’s
laws. [20]
Methods of analysis (Source Conversions, Mesh analysis, Nodal analysis, superposition
theorem, Thévenin’s theorem, Norton’s Theorem, and maximum power transfer
theorem) [ 30].
Total SWL (h/sem)
الحمل الدراسي الكلي للطالب خالل الفصل
Module Evaluation
تقييم المادة الدراسية
Relevant Learning
Time/Number Weight (Marks) Week Due
As Outcome
Quizzes 2 10% (10) 5 and 10 LO #1, #2 and #10, #11
Formative Assignments 2 10% (10) 2 and 12 LO #3, #4 and #6, #7
assessment Projects / Lab. 1 10% (10) Continuous All
Report 1 10% (10) 13 LO #5, #8 and #10
Summative Midterm Exam 2hr 10% (10) 7 LO #1 - #7
assessment Final Exam 3hr 50% (50) 16 All
Total assessment 100% (100 Marks)
Week 14 Methods of AC circuit analysis II
Week 15 Inductor and capacitor circuits
Week 16 Preparatory week before the final Exam
Grading Scheme
مخطط الدرجات
Group Grade التقدير Marks % Definition
A - Excellent امتياز 90 - 100 Outstanding Performance
B - Very Good جيد جدا 80 - 89 Above average with some errors
Success Group
C - Good جيد 70 - 79 Sound work with notable errors
(50 - 100)
D - Satisfactory متوسط 60 - 69 Fair but with major shortcomings
E - Sufficient مقبول 50 - 59 Work meets minimum criteria
Fail Group FX – Fail )راسب (قيد المعالجة (45-49) More work required but credit awarded
(0 – 49) F – Fail راسب (0-44) Considerable amount of work required
Note: Marks Decimal places above or below 0.5 will be rounded to the higher or lower full mark (for example a mark
of 54.5 will be rounded to 55, whereas a mark of 54.4 will be rounded to 54. The University has a policy NOT to
condone "near-pass fails" so the only adjustment to marks awarded by the original marker(s) will be the automatic
rounding outlined above.
نموذج وصف المادة الدراسية
Module Information
معلومات المادة الدراسية
Module Title Mathematics I Module Delivery
Module Aims, Learning Outcomes and Indicative Contents
أهداف المادة الدراسية ونتائج التعلم والمحتويات اإلرشادية
Part C – Interpretations of the derivative.
This part will take the knowledge provided in part B and employ it to a meaningful
Interpretations of the derivative {Slope of the Tangent Line, Rate of Change, (Position,
Velocity, and Acceleration), L’Hopital Rule, Taylor and Maclaurin Series.} [10 hrs]
Revision problem tutorial sessions [5 hrs]
The primary approach for presenting this module will be encouraging students to
participate in the activities, as well as enhancing and improving their critical thinking
abilities. This will be accomplished through lectures, tutorials, debates, and assessing
Module Evaluation
تقييم المادة الدراسية
Relevant Learning
Time/Number Weight (Marks) Week Due
As Outcome
Quizzes 2 5% (5) 5 and 11 LO #1 - #4 and #5 - #10
Formative Assignments 2 5% (5) 6 and 13 LO #1 - #5 and #6 - #12
assessment Projects / Lab. N/A N/A N/A
Report N/A N/A N/A
Summative Midterm Exam 2hr 20% (20) 8 LO #1 - #7
assessment Final Exam 3hr 70% (70) 16 All
Total assessment 100% (100 Marks)
Delivery Plan (Weekly Syllabus)
المنهاج االسبوعي النظري
Week Material Covered
Week 1 Review of Real Numbers System (Intervals, Inequalities, Absolute Value.)
Week 2 Cartesian Coordinates System (Increment, Distance, Straight Line Equation, Circle Equation.)
Week 3 Functions (Domain, Range, odd, even, Types {Polynomial, Algebraic}.)
Functions (Types {Transcendental Functions (Exponential, Logarithmic, Trigonometric, Inverse
Week 4
Trigonometric, Hyperbolic, Inverse Hyperbolic)}.)
Limit and Continuity of Functions (Theorems on Limit “Calculation Techniques”, One-Sided and Two-
Week 5
Sided Limit.)
Limit and Continuity of Functions (Limit at infinity, Theorems on Limit at infinity, Some special limits,
Week 6
Conditions of Continuity.)
Week 7 Differentiation (Derivative as a Function, Calculating Derivatives from the Definition.)
Differentiation (Rules of differentiation {Constant, Powers of a function, Constant Multiple,
Week 8
Summation of Functions, Product of Two Functions, Quotient of Two Functions}.)
Week 9 Differentiation (Functions and their Derivatives, Implicit differentiation.)
Week 10 Differentiation (Logarithmic differentiation, chain rule.)
Week 11 Interpretations of the derivative (Slope of the Tangent Line.)
Week 12 Interpretations of the derivative (Rate of Change.)
Week 13 Interpretations of the derivative (Position, Velocity, and Acceleration.)
Week 14 Interpretations of the derivative (L’Hopital Rule.)
Week 15 Interpretations of the derivative (Taylor and Maclaurin Series.)
Week 16 Preparatory week before the final Exam
Each weak a questions sheet will be solved and discussed related to the material covered in the
theoretical lecture.
Grading Scheme
مخطط الدرجات
Group Grade التقدير Marks % Definition
A - Excellent امتياز 90 - 100 Outstanding Performance
B - Very Good جيد جدا 80 - 89 Above average with some errors
Success Group
C - Good جيد 70 - 79 Sound work with notable errors
(50 - 100)
D - Satisfactory متوسط 60 - 69 Fair but with major shortcomings
E - Sufficient مقبول 50 - 59 Work meets minimum criteria
Fail Group FX – Fail )راسب (قيد المعالجة (45-49) More work required but credit awarded
(0 – 49) F – Fail راسب (0-44) Considerable amount of work required
Note: Marks Decimal places above or below 0.5 will be rounded to the higher or lower full mark (for example a mark
of 54.5 will be rounded to 55, whereas a mark of 54.4 will be rounded to 54. The University has a policy NOT to
condone "near-pass fails" so the only adjustment to marks awarded by the original marker(s) will be the automatic
rounding outlined above.
نموذج وصف المادة الدراسية
Module Information
معلومات المادة الدراسية
Module Title Logic circuits design Module Delivery
Module Leader’s Acad. Title Assistant Prof. Module Leader’s Qualification Ph.D.
Module Tutor Dr.Rand Ali e-mail [email protected]
Module Aims, Learning Outcomes and Indicative Contents
أهداف المادة الدراسية ونتائج التعلم والمحتويات اإلرشادية
Review of AND, OR and NOT gates, NAND, NOR, EX-OR, EX-NOR, introduction to
Hardware Description Languages (HDL), Boolean operation and expressions, laws and
rules of Boolean algebra, De Morgan's Theorems, Boolean analysis of logic circuits,
simplification using Boolean algebra, canonical and standard forms of Boolean
expressions, Boolean expression and truth tables, developing Verilog model for logic
circuits, gate delays, the Karnaugh Map, prime implicant and essential prime
implicant, Karnaugh map minimization, don't care Conditions, Quine–McCluskey
method. [10 hrs]
These learning and teaching strategies aim to create an engaging and interactive
learning environment. We summarize them below:
1. Lectures: the instructor will present in-class lectures to introduce and clarify
important concepts, theories, and principles related to the design of digital
logic circuits.
2. Interactive Discussions: Engaging students in interactive discussions to
encourage critical thinking.
3. Hands-on Laboratory Work: students gain practical experience in a
controlled environment to reinforce theoretical concepts.
4. Group Projects: Assigning group projects that require students to collaborate
and work together to solve logic circuit design problems. This promotes
teamwork, communication, and division of tasks.
5. Simulations and Virtual Labs: Utilizing simulation software and virtual labs to
provide students with virtual hands-on experiences when physical resources
are limited.
6. Use of Visuals and Multimedia: Incorporating visual aids, multimedia
resources, and interactive tools can enhance understanding and
7. Assessment and Feedback: Regular assessments, including quizzes, tests, and
examinations to show how well the students understand the subject.
8. Practice and Revision Sessions: Providing dedicated practice sessions and
revision classes enables them to improve students’ comprehension and
strengthen their information.
Module Evaluation
تقييم المادة الدراسية
Relevant Learning
Time/Number Weight (Marks) Week Due
As Outcome
Quizzes 2 10% (10) 6 and 12 LO #1- #5 and #6 - #11
Formative Assignments 2 10% (10) 3 and 12 LO #2 and #5, #7, #11
assessment Projects / Lab. 1 10% (10) Continuous All
Report 1 10% (10) 14 LO #5 - #13
Summative Midterm Exam 2hr 10% (10) 8 LO #1 - #7
assessment Final Exam 3hr 50% (50) 16 All
Total assessment 100% (100 Marks)
Week 3 Signed numbers, arithmetic operation with signed binary numbers, BCD, digital codes
Review of AND, OR and NOT gates, NAND, NOR, XOR, XNOR, introduction to Hardware HDL, Boolean
Week 4
operation and expressions, laws and rules of Boolean algebra, De Morgan's Theorems
Boolean analysis of logic circuits, simplification using Boolean algebra, canonical and standard forms
Week 5
of Boolean expressions, Boolean expression, and truth tables
Week 6 developing Verilog model for logic circuits, gate delays
Week 7 Karnaugh Map, prime implicant and essential prime implicant, Karnaugh map minimization
Week 8 Midterm exam + don't care conditions, Quine–McCluskey method
Week 9 Basic combinational logic circuits, design procedure, implementing combinational logic
Week 10 Verilog models of combinational logic circuits, code conversion
the universal property of NAND and NOR gates, Combinational logic using NAND gates only and NOR
Week 11
gates only
Week 12 Half Adder, full Adder, half Subtractor, full Subtractor
parallel Binary adders and parallel Binary subtractors, 4-bit subtractor using 4-bit Adder, The Adder –
Week 13
Subtractor circuit, adder expansion
Week 14 carry lookahead adder, decimal adder
Week 15 Odd and Even functions, Parity generation and checking, magnitude comparator
Week 16 Preparatory week before the final Exam
Week 10 Lab 10: Binary to Gray code, and Gray code to Binary (implementation using kit)
Week 11 Lab 11: BCD to Excess-3 Code Conversion (implementation using kit)
Week 12 Lab 12: Adders (implementation using Kit)
Week 13 Lab 13: Adders (implementation using Logisim)
Week 14 Lab 14: Subtractors (implementation using kit)
Week 15 Lab 15: Subtractors (implementation using Logisim)
Grading Scheme
مخطط الدرجات
Group Grade التقدير Marks % Definition
A - Excellent امتياز 90 - 100 Outstanding Performance
B - Very Good جيد جدا 80 - 89 Above average with some errors
Success Group
C - Good جيد 70 - 79 Sound work with notable errors
(50 - 100)
D - Satisfactory متوسط 60 - 69 Fair but with major shortcomings
E - Sufficient مقبول 50 - 59 Work meets minimum criteria
Fail Group FX – Fail )راسب (قيد المعالجة (45-49) More work required but credit awarded
(0 – 49) F – Fail راسب (0-44) Considerable amount of work required
Note: Marks Decimal places above or below 0.5 will be rounded to the higher or lower full mark (for example a
mark of 54.5 will be rounded to 55, whereas a mark of 54.4 will be rounded to 54. The University has a policy NOT
to condone "near-pass fails" so the only adjustment to marks awarded by the original marker(s) will be the
automatic rounding outlined above.
نموذج وصف المادة الدراسية
Module Information
معلومات المادة الدراسية
Module Title
Engineering Drawing and Module Delivery
Module Type Core ☒Theory
Module Code ENDA114 ☒Lab
ECTS Credits 4
SWL (hr/sem) 100 ☐Seminar
Module Aims, Learning Outcomes and Indicative Contents
أهداف المادة الدراسية ونتائج التعلم والمحتويات اإلرشادية
1. Creating accurate and detailed technical drawings: AutoCAD enables users to
produce precise 2D drawings with accurate dimensions, annotations, and symbols. It
allows for the creation of technical drawings that can be used for construction,
manufacturing, or documentation purposes.
2. Designing 3D models: AutoCAD supports the creation of three-dimensional models
of objects, structures, or products. Users can visualize and analyze designs in 3D,
enhancing their understanding of spatial relationships and enabling better
communication of design intent.
3. Streamlining the design process: AutoCAD offers features like parametric design,
Module Objectives
which allows for easy modification of designs by changing parameters. It also
أهداف المادة الدراسية
provides tools for automating repetitive tasks and customizing the software to suit
specific workflows, reducing manual effort and increasing efficiency.
4. Collaborating and sharing designs: AutoCAD enables collaboration among team
members by facilitating the sharing of drawings, allowing for markups, and tracking
revisions. It supports interoperability with other software applications, enabling
seamless exchange of design data.
5. Generating presentation and visualization materials: AutoCAD includes rendering
capabilities to create realistic visual representations of designs. Users can generate
high-quality renderings, animations, and walkthroughs for presentations or
marketing purposes.
1. Proficiency in creating 2D drawings: Users will learn how to create accurate and
detailed 2D drawings using AutoCAD. This includes skills in drawing lines, shapes,
dimensions, annotations, and symbols.
2. Ability to design in 3D: AutoCAD enables users to create three-dimensional models
of objects and structures. Users will develop the skills to design and manipulate 3D
objects, apply materials, add textures, and set up lighting for enhanced visual
Module Learning representation.
3. Understanding of parametric design principles: AutoCAD offers parametric design
capabilities, allowing users to associate parameters and constraints with design
elements. Users will learn how to create intelligent designs that can be easily
مخرجات التعلم للمادة modified by adjusting parameters.
الدراسية 4. Proficiency in using drafting tools and commands: AutoCAD provides a wide range
of tools and commands for drafting and editing. Users will gain proficiency in using
these tools to accurately create, modify, and organize elements within a drawing.
5. Visualization and rendering skills: AutoCAD includes rendering capabilities that
allow users to generate realistic visual representations of their designs. Users will
learn how to apply materials, set up lighting, and create high-quality renderings for
presentations or visualization purposes.
1. Introduction to AutoCAD:
Indicative Contents - Overview of AutoCAD and its applications
المحتويات اإلرشادية - User interface and navigation
- Drawing and editing tools
2. Basic 2D Drawing:
- Creating basic shapes (lines, circles, rectangles, etc.)
- Modifying objects (trimming, extending, filleting, etc.)
- Adding annotations and dimensions
3. Advanced 2D Drawing:
- Working with layers and layer properties
- Creating and using blocks and attributes
- Advanced editing commands (offset, array, mirror, etc.)
4. Project Work and Case Studies:
- Applying AutoCAD skills to complete real-world projects.
Type something like: The main strategy that will be adopted in delivering this module
is to encourage students’ participation in the exercises, while at the same time refining
Strategies and expanding their critical thinking skills. This will be achieved through classes,
interactive tutorials and by considering types of simple experiments involving some
sampling activities that are interesting to the students.
Module Evaluation
تقييم المادة الدراسية
Relevant Learning
Time/Number Weight (Marks) Week Due
As Outcome
Quizzes 2 10% (10) 5 and 10 LO #1, #2 and #10, #11
Assignments 2 10% (10) 2 and 12 LO #3, #4 and #6, #7
Projects / Lab. 1 10% (10) Continuous All
Report 1 10% (10) 13 LO #5, #8 and #10
Summative Midterm Exam 2hr 10% (10) 7 LO #1 - #7
assessment Final Exam 3hr 50% (50) 16 All
Total assessment 100% (100 Marks)
Week 1 Creating- lines.
Week 2 Creating- arcs.
Week 3 Creating- circles.
Week 4 Creating -POLYLINE
Week 5 Creating- ELLIPSE
Week 6 Creating -POLYGON
Week 7 Creating -RECTANGLE
Grading Scheme
مخطط الدرجات
Group Grade التقدير Marks % Definition
A - Excellent امتياز 90 - 100 Outstanding Performance
B - Very Good جيد جدا 80 - 89 Above average with some errors
Success Group
C - Good جيد 70 - 79 Sound work with notable errors
(50 - 100)
D - Satisfactory متوسط 60 - 69 Fair but with major shortcomings
E - Sufficient مقبول 50 - 59 Work meets minimum criteria
Fail Group FX – Fail )راسب (قيد المعالجة (45-49) More work required but credit awarded
(0 – 49) F – Fail راسب (0-44) Considerable amount of work required
Note: Marks Decimal places above or below 0.5 will be rounded to the higher or lower full mark (for example a mark
of 54.5 will be rounded to 55, whereas a mark of 54.4 will be rounded to 54. The University has a policy NOT to
condone "near-pass fails" so the only adjustment to marks awarded by the original marker(s) will be the automatic
rounding outlined above.
نموذج وصف المادة الدراسية
Module Information
معلومات المادة الدراسية
Module Title Academic English Module Delivery
Module Aims, Learning Outcomes and Indicative Contents
أهداف المادة الدراسية ونتائج التعلم والمحتويات اإلرشادية
1. The course covers the core language skills that students need to
Module Learning communicate successfully in technical specializations.
Outcomes 2. Enable students to give their opinions and participate in discussions on
a wide range of English topics.
مخرجات التعلم للمادة الدراسية 3. The ability to communicate effectively in written format on a range of
contemporary topics, especially technical ones.
4. Understanding the key points of a range of moderately complex oral
and written texts with relative ease.
5. Communicating effectively as part of a multicultural and international
6. Expressing meaning and using different vocabularies through the use
of digital technology.
A- Communicative competences
- Listening - Understand and identify the main points of dialogues on
familiar topics regularly encountered in life, work, school, etc., within
the scope of the curriculum. - Listen and guess meanings (through the
Indicative Contents expressions and feelings of the speakers) in familiar monologues and
المحتويات اإلرشادية conversations in everyday life - Understand the main points of news
programs, broadcasts, interviews, etc., on familiar topics which are
clearly delivered in simple language, or with illustrative images.
- Speaking - Pronounce clearly and relatively accurately short dialogues.
- Speak and interact with fellow speakers about familiar topics, express
personal views and exchange information about the topics covered in
the curriculum. - Describe in simple discourse familiar topics, narrate a
short story closely related to the topics covered. - Present preparedly
the projects on the topics in the curriculum.
- Reading - Read and comprehend the main points, specific contents of a
text of 200 words on current and familiar topics. - Read and understand
the argument flow of texts, identify main conclusions in texts using clear
- Writing – write paragraphs (block and indented styles), Write simple
connected and coherent texts; write short reports based on
suggestions, providing factual information and reasons for the
recommendations made in the reports; collect short information from
several sources and summarize it. Write descriptive texts of simple
charts and tables.
B- Linguistic knowledge
- Pronunciation: Vowel and consonant syllable, words with different
syllables, Words with stress (specials cases) – Words without stress,
Sentence stress, assimilation, linking vowels with vowels Question,
intonation, Homophones, practicing words and terms, phrases, and
sentences related to the students’ major.
- Vocabulary: Words related to themes and topics of the course,
collocations, words with different meanings, and pronunciations.
- Grammar: parts of speech, past, Present, and future tenses, Word
structure (compound nouns), Countable and uncountable nouns.
Types on sentences: simple, compound, complex sentences, Articles,
language function: commands, requests, offers, advice and
instructions. Modal verbs, Relative pronouns and Relative clauses with
which-that-who-whom-whose-where-when. Prepositions, Phrasal
verbs (including verbs, adverbs and prepositions), comparison showing
changing things, Sentences of reason and results and Conjunctions:
although, however etc, active and passive, Adverbial clauses of
condition, Comparatives and superlatives of adjectives.
B. Class Discussions.
C. Presentation to get students to communicate with each other in the
target language and to practice using the target language for
D. Visual by the use of pictures, images, and spatial understanding.
E. Aural (auditory-musical) by using sound and music.
F. Verbal (linguistic), using words, both in speech and writing.
Module Evaluation
تقييم المادة الدراسية
Relevant Learning
As Time/Number Weight (Marks) Week Due
Quizzes 2 10% (10) 5 and 10 LO #1 and #4
Assignments 2 10% (10) 2 and 12 LO #3, #4, and #6
assessment 1 10% (10) 14 All
/ presentation
Report 1 10% (10) 15 All except #5
Summative Midterm Exam 2hr 10% (10) 7 LO #1, #3, and #4
assessment Final Exam 3hr 50% (50) 16 All
100% (100
Total assessment
An introduction
Parts of speech(nouns-verbs-adjectives-adverbs-prepositions-articles-pronouns-
Week 1
Unit One of the book (Headway)
The components, structure and kinds of the sentences
- Simple-compound –complex
Week 2
- Declarative- interrogative –exclamatory – conditional –imperative
Unit Two (Headway)
Week 3 Tenses (present, past and future)
Reading Skills and how to make skimming, scanning and intensive reading (Passage)
Week 4
Unit Three (Headway)
Writing Skills (Punctuation – ways to join sentences- principles of paragraph structure)
Week 5
Unit Four (Headway)
Passive and active sentences in scientific writing.
Week 6
Unit Five (Headway)
Mid-term Exam
Week 7
Learning and Teaching Resources
مصادر التعلم والتدريس
Available in the
1- New Headway Plus for Beginners, English Course, John
and Liz Soars.(4th edition). Oxford University Press.
Required Texts Yes
2- Santiago Remacha Esteras. (2007). Infotech: English for
Computer Users. (4th edition). Cambridge.
Recommended Texts No
Murphy, R. (1985). English Grammar in Use. Cambridge.
Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab - English Listening
Grading Scheme
مخطط الدرجات
Group Grade التقدير Marks (%) Definition
A - Excellent امتياز 90 - 100 Outstanding Performance
B - Very Good جيد جدا 80 - 89 Above average with some errors
Success Group
C - Good جيد 70 - 79 Sound work with notable errors
(50 - 100)
D - Satisfactory متوسط 60 - 69 Fair but with major shortcomings
E - Sufficient مقبول 50 - 59 Work meets minimum criteria
Fail Group FX – Fail )راسب (قيد المعالجة (45-49) More work required but credit awarded
(0 – 49) F – Fail راسب (0-44) Considerable amount of work required
Note: Marks Decimal places above or below 0.5 will be rounded to the higher or lower full mark (for example a mark
of 54.5 will be rounded to 55, whereas a mark of 54.4 will be rounded to 54. The University has a policy NOT to
condone "near-pass fails" so the only adjustment to marks awarded by the original marker(s) will be the automatic
rounding outlined above.
نموذج وصف المادة الدراسية
Module Information
معلومات المادة الدراسية
Module Title English Language Module Delivery
Module Aims, Learning Outcomes and Indicative Contents
أهداف المادة الدراسية ونتائج التعلم والمحتويات اإلرشادية
1. The course covers the core language skills that students need to
Module Learning communicate successfully in technical specializations.
Outcomes 2. Enable students to give their opinions and participate in discussions on
a wide range of English topics.
مخرجات التعلم للمادة الدراسية 3. The ability to communicate effectively in written format on a range of
contemporary topics, especially technical ones.
4. Understanding the key points of a range of moderately complex oral
and written texts with relative ease.
5. Communicating effectively as part of a multicultural and international
6. Expressing meaning and using different vocabularies through the use
of digital technology.
A- Communicative competences
- Listening - Understand and identify the main points of dialogues on
familiar topics regularly encountered in life, work, school, etc., within
the scope of the curriculum. - Listen and guess meanings (through the
Indicative Contents expressions and feelings of the speakers) in familiar monologues and
المحتويات اإلرشادية conversations in everyday life - Understand the main points of news
programs, broadcasts, interviews, etc., on familiar topics which are
clearly delivered in simple language, or with illustrative images.
- Speaking - Pronounce clearly and relatively accurately short dialogues.
- Speak and interact with fellow speakers about familiar topics, express
personal views and exchange information about the topics covered in
the curriculum. - Describe in simple discourse familiar topics, narrate a
short story closely related to the topics covered. - Present preparedly
the projects on the topics in the curriculum.
- Reading - Read and comprehend the main points, specific contents of a
text of 200 words on current and familiar topics. - Read and understand
the argument flow of texts, identify main conclusions in texts using clear
- Writing – write paragraphs (block and indented styles), Write simple
connected and coherent texts; write short reports based on
suggestions, providing factual information and reasons for the
recommendations made in the reports; collect short information from
several sources and summarize it. Write descriptive texts of simple
charts and tables.
B- Linguistic knowledge
- Pronunciation: Vowel and consonant syllable, words with different
syllables, Words with stress (specials cases) – Words without stress,
Sentence stress, assimilation, linking vowels with vowels Question,
intonation, Homophones, practicing words and terms, phrases, and
sentences related to the students’ major.
- Vocabulary: Words related to themes and topics of the course,
collocations, words with different meanings, and pronunciations.
- Grammar: parts of speech, past, Present, and future tenses, Word
structure (compound nouns), Countable and uncountable nouns.
Types on sentences: simple, compound, complex sentences, Articles,
language function: commands, requests, offers, advice and
instructions. Modal verbs, Relative pronouns and Relative clauses with
which-that-who-whom-whose-where-when. Prepositions, Phrasal
verbs (including verbs, adverbs and prepositions), comparison showing
changing things, Sentences of reason and results and Conjunctions:
although, however etc, active and passive, Adverbial clauses of
condition, Comparatives and superlatives of adjectives.
B. Class Discussions.
C. Presentation to get students to communicate with each other in the
target language and to practice using the target language for
D. Visual by the use of pictures, images, and spatial understanding.
E. Aural (auditory-musical) by using sound and music.
F. Verbal (linguistic), using words, both in speech and writing.
Module Evaluation
تقييم المادة الدراسية
Relevant Learning
As Time/Number Weight (Marks) Week Due
Quizzes 2 10% (10) 5 and 10 LO #1 and #4
Assignments 2 10% (10) 2 and 12 LO #3, #4, and #6
assessment 1 10% (10) 14 All
/ presentation
Report 1 10% (10) 15 All except #5
Summative Midterm Exam 2hr 10% (10) 7 LO #1, #3, and #4
assessment Final Exam 3hr 50% (50) 16 All
100% (100
Total assessment
An introduction
Parts of speech(nouns-verbs-adjectives-adverbs-prepositions-articles-pronouns-
Week 1
Unit One of the book (Headway)
The components, structure and kinds of the sentences
- Simple-compound –complex
Week 2
- Declarative- interrogative –exclamatory – conditional –imperative
Unit Two (Headway)
Week 3 Tenses (present, past and future)
Reading Skills and how to make skimming, scanning and intensive reading (Passage)
Week 4
Unit Three (Headway)
Writing Skills (Punctuation – ways to join sentences- principles of paragraph structure)
Week 5
Unit Four (Headway)
Passive and active sentences in scientific writing.
Week 6
Unit Five (Headway)
Mid-term Exam
Week 7
Learning and Teaching Resources
مصادر التعلم والتدريس
Available in the
1- New Headway Plus for Beginners, English Course, John
and Liz Soars.(4th edition). Oxford University Press.
Required Texts Yes
2- Santiago Remacha Esteras. (2007). Infotech: English for
Computer Users. (4th edition). Cambridge.
Recommended Texts No
Murphy, R. (1985). English Grammar in Use. Cambridge.
Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab - English Listening
Grading Scheme
مخطط الدرجات
Group Grade التقدير Marks (%) Definition
A - Excellent امتياز 90 - 100 Outstanding Performance
B - Very Good جيد جدا 80 - 89 Above average with some errors
Success Group
C - Good جيد 70 - 79 Sound work with notable errors
(50 - 100)
D - Satisfactory متوسط 60 - 69 Fair but with major shortcomings
E - Sufficient مقبول 50 - 59 Work meets minimum criteria
Fail Group FX – Fail )راسب (قيد المعالجة (45-49) More work required but credit awarded
(0 – 49) F – Fail راسب (0-44) Considerable amount of work required
Note: Marks Decimal places above or below 0.5 will be rounded to the higher or lower full mark (for example a mark
of 54.5 will be rounded to 55, whereas a mark of 54.4 will be rounded to 54. The University has a policy NOT to
condone "near-pass fails" so the only adjustment to marks awarded by the original marker(s) will be the automatic
rounding outlined above.
First and Second Semester
Module 1
Module Information
Module Title Workshops Module Delivery
Module Type Support Theory
Module Code WORSH11 Lecture
ECTS 4 Lab
Credit/year Tutorial
SWL/year 100 Practical
Inductive Contents
1. Introducing the student to the basics of the art of turning and milling,
types of cold working machines, the skill of dealing with them,
choosing metals, operational tools, and methods of measurement and
2. Introducing the student to the basics of the art of casting, hot forming,
metal selection, method of working on casting furnaces and tools, and
manufacturing casting molds
3. Familiarize students with the basics of cars and the systems they use, as
well as maintenance, disassembly, and assembly processes.
4. Introducing students to the basics of household and industrial electrical
appliances, the skill of using tools, and designing electrical circuits and
control panels
5. Introducing the student to the basics of the art of plumbing, leveling
surfaces, the skill of using tools, manufacturing and installing
geometric shapes, and methods of measurement and standardization
6. Introducing the student to the basics of the art of blacksmithing, cold
and hot forming of metals, the method of hardening them, and the skills
of dealing with hand tools, forming machines, and heating furnaces
7. Introducing the student to the basics of the art of filing and manual
operation of metals with the help of manual, electrical, and mechanical
tools, the skills of dealing with them, and the methods of measurement
and standardization
8. Introducing the student to the basics of the art of welding, the
installation and assembly of metals, the types of welding machines, the
skills of dealing with them, the types of welding, and the methods of
measurement and standardization
9. Introducing the student to the basics of the art of carpentry and
woodworking with the help of manual, electrical, and mechanical tools,
the skills of dealing with them, and methods of measurement and
Module Evaluation
Time/No. Weight Week Due Relevant
(Marks) Learning
Formative Quizzes
Assessment Assignments All
Projects / Every 3 weeks 60% Continuous
Summative Midterm
Assessment Exam
Exam Every 3 weeks 40% Continuous All
Total assessment 100%
Inductive Contents
1. Introducing the student to the basics of the art of turning and milling,
types of cold working machines, the skill of dealing with them,
choosing metals, operational tools, and methods of measurement and
2. Introducing the student to the basics of the art of casting, hot forming,
metal selection, method of working on casting furnaces and tools, and
manufacturing casting molds
3. Familiarize students with the basics of cars and the systems they use, as
well as maintenance, disassembly, and assembly processes.
4. Introducing students to the basics of household and industrial electrical
appliances, the skill of using tools, and designing electrical circuits and
control panels
5. Introducing the student to the basics of the art of plumbing, leveling
surfaces, the skill of using tools, manufacturing and installing
geometric shapes, and methods of measurement and standardization
6. Introducing the student to the basics of the art of blacksmithing, cold
and hot forming of metals, the method of hardening them, and the skills
of dealing with hand tools, forming machines, and heating furnaces
7. Introducing the student to the basics of the art of filing and manual
operation of metals with the help of manual, electrical, and mechanical
tools, the skills of dealing with them, and the methods of measurement
and standardization
8. Introducing the student to the basics of the art of welding, the
installation and assembly of metals, the types of welding machines, the
skills of dealing with them, the types of welding, and the methods of
measurement and standardization
9. Introducing the student to the basics of the art of carpentry and
woodworking with the help of manual, electrical, and mechanical tools,
the skills of dealing with them, and methods of measurement and
Module Evaluation
Time/No. Weight Week Due Relevant
(Marks) Learning
Formative Quizzes 20%
Assessment Assignments - All
Projects / Every 3 weeks 60% Continuous
Report -
Summative Midterm -
Assessment Exam
Exam E-very 3 20% Continuous All
Total assessment 100%