ch3-before islam
ch3-before islam
ch3-before islam
The pre-Islamic period of history of Arabia is known as the period of jahiliyyah or the period of
ignorance. There were several reasons for this, as explained below:
Religious Conditions
The Arabs, before the advent of Islam were mostly idol worshippers, with the exception of the
Jews and the Christian every tribe had its own deity: there were about 360 idols in Ka'bah at the
time of the conquest of Makkah. People from different parts of Arabia used to come to pay their
homage to these idols; Al Habal was the chief of these deities, whereas Al Lat, Al Uzzah, and
Al Manat were female deities, and were referred to as the "Daughters of Allah".
There were hundreds of other idols; animals were sacrificed at their altar; and the blood of these
animals was presented as an offering to these deities. They considered angels to be daughters
of Allah, "Has then your Lord (O Pagans!) preferred for you sons and taken for Himself daughters
among the angels? Truly you utter a most dreadful saying"! [Isra 15:40]
Beside the idols, the Arabs worshipped elements in the nature the sun, the moon, and the
stars; they regarded trees, stones, caves and other objects of nature as holy.
Some believed ghosts and jinn, and were steeped in superstition; they resorted to the process
of divination through arrows, while others were devoted to fire-worship and they built altars and
shrines to fire.
During the period of Jahiliya, Christianity, Judaism and Zoroastrianism were also practiced in
Arabia. The Christians and the Jews had distorted their religions. The Christians believed that
the Christ was the son of God, while the Jews believed that Ezra was the son of God. "The Jews
call Uzair a son of Allah and the Christians call Christ son of Allah." [at-Taubah 9:30] They had
distorted and modified their books to serve their purpose.
Social Conditions
The Arab society at the time of Jahiliya was morally corrupt. Arabs were superstitious,
uncivilized and barbarous. They indulged in all kind of evils; they were addicted to gambling,
drinking, and stealing; and practiced fornication, adultery and usury. Unfair trade practices
were widespread, 'Might is right’, was the order of the day.
Slavery was common and master enjoyed the right of life and death over his slaves. Injustice
and all kind of malpractices were rampant in the society. Raiding the trading caravans as well as
highway robbery was common.
The position of women in the Arabian society was so low that they could be inherited like
property or animals; they were regarded as chattels; they had no right and no social standing. A
man could many as many women as he liked, and could divorce them any time he wished. The
birth of a daughter was regarded as a matter of shame to the family. Some tribes buried female
infants alive. "When the female (infant) Buried alive is questioned. For what crime she was
killed." (At-Takwir81:89) Children were murdered for fear of poverty that would come from
raising them.
Cultural Conditions
The Arabic language and poetry was fully developed and the Arabs excelled in poetry. Every year
a fare used to be held at Ukaz, where poetry contests were held and the best poems were written
in gold letter and hung on the Ka'bah.
The Arabs had excellent memories, and were proud of their fluency and regarded all other
people as dumb and mute.
They were brave people, loyalty to their tribe; courage, proof of the honour and glorification
of the tribes was regarded as virtues.
The Arabs were always ready to pick a fight, and did not hesitate to shed blood. A minor incident
would stir up a dispute which, would last for many years, and thousands of lives would be lost.
Political Conditions
The Arabs did not have an organized government. Most of them were nomads with no
settlements. They were scattered tribes who would settle where ever they found water and
The chiefs of the tribes were chosen because of their bravery, wealth, and wisdom.
Tribal loyalties led to inter-tribal rivalry and jealousy Disputes among tribes arose over cattle
pastures, springs of water, horseracing and other minor matters. The dispute would stretch to
many years.
One such dispute harb-Al - Basus stretched to ten years, while battle of Dahis and Ghabra
started over horse racing and lasted for many decades. The tribe stood by its members and would
not rest till they avenged him in case of injury or murder.
Economic Condition
Economically, Jews were leaders of Arabia. They were owner of best arable land in Hijaz, best
farmers, good businessmen & industrialists.
Arabs were far behind than other nations in industry, would hire slaves and foreigners to work for
them so slaves were backbone of economy in Arabia. Arabs were mostly traders; Quraysh
tribe was among the leading traders.
Trading caravans were dispatched on yearly basis, one in winters to Yemen and one in summers
to as-Sham (Syria)
People visiting Kabbah for homage especially in hajj months was a great source of income for
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Prophet Mohammad (SAW) has a distinguish lineage. He was a descendent of Prophet Ismail
(AS), son of prophet Ibrahim (AS). He belongs to Banu Hashim, a sub clan of the Tribe Quraish
which was a famous branch of Ismailite Arabs. His family had custody of Ka’bah and responsibility
of taking care of pilgrims. His grandfather, Abdul Muttalib, was known in history for three things;
He restored the well of Zam’Zam, he had a dialogue with Abraha who came to destroy kabah and
he brought up his grandson Muhammad (SAW).
He was born on 12th Rabi-ul-Awal, 570 A.D. this year is known as Aam ul Feel-Year of Elephant.
His father Abdullah died before birth. He was named ‘Muhammad’ (the praised one) by
Grandfather Abdul-Muttalib and ‘Ahmed’ (the one who praises) by Mother Amna bint Wahab.He
was nursed by Thaubiyah in early days after birth who was slave girl of uncle Abu Lahab. She
fostered Hamza (RA) also.
Later according to Arab’s custom, he was entrusted for upbringing to Halimah Saadiah of Banu
Sa’ad, which was famous for its fluency and eloquence in Arabic language.
Immediately after accepting him, she experienced good fortune and blessing came to her and
her family. She asked to keep the Prophet (SAW) for longer than the initial two-year period
because she felt a close bond to him.
Prophet (SAW) was 5 years old when Angel Jibreel (AS) visited him. He opened his chest, took
out his heart, removed clot of blood and washed his heart with Zam’zam then put it back
together.Halima Saadia was shaken by the story of the two angels who came to clean the
Prophet’s heart, after which she returned the Prophet (pbuh) to his mother.
He returned to his mother at the of age of 5. His mother (Amna) took him Madinah to visit the
grave of father at the age of 6. On return journey, she passed away at Abwa and buried there.
Umm Ayman, the slave girl brought him to his grandfather - Abdul Muttalib. Abdul Muttalib brought
him up with affection for two years. Prophet (SAW) was 8 years old, when his grandfather died
too. But before his death, he entrusted Prophet to his Uncle Abu Talib. Uncle Abu Talib loved him
deeply, a lifelong friend and helper. ‘’Did He not find you an orphan and give you shelter (and
care).’’ (Ad-Dhuha 93:6)
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Prophet (SAW) never indulges in the corrupt Makkan society. His marriage to Khadijah
(RA) freed him from financial worries. He used to meditate in Cave of Hira, a cave in Jabal
Nur which is 2 miles from Makkah and ponder over the condition of his people.
As he approached the age of 40, he started observing sign of prophethood such as True
dreams and visions.His period of solitude in cave of Hira increased, so he would take
provisions with himself or Khadijah (RA) would provide him.
During the last days of Ramadan in 610 A.D, while prophet (SAW) was meditating in the
cave, an angel appeared before him in form of man. The angel said ‘’Read.’’ Prophet (SAW)
replied, ‘’I am not a reader.’’ At this angel hugged and squeezed him so hard that he thought
that he would die of suffocation. He was then released. The angel again said, ‘’Read.’’
Muhammad (SAW) again gave the same reply. The angel squeezed him harder and released
him. The angel asked him third time, ’Read.’’ Muhammad (SAW) repeated his reply, ‘’I am
not a reader.’’ The angel hugged him even harder for third time. Muhammad (SAW)’s fear of
suffocation increased, so he asked, ‘’what shall I read’’. The angel then released him saying
first five verses of Surah Al-Alaq.” Read! in the name of your Lord, Who created. Created
man out of a clot of congealed blood. Read! And your Lord is most bounteous, Who has
taught by the pen. Taught man what he did not know. He recited these verses after the angle
and felt as though the words were written on his heart. First 5 verses of Surah Alaq (96:1-5)
were the first revelation.
The Prophet (SAW) was greatly shocked by this strange experience and thought he was
possessed by an evil spirit. He (SAW) left the cave and proceeded to his house. On the way
down from the mountain, he heard Jibra’il (AS) saying, “O Muhammad! You are the
messenger of Allah and I am Jibra’il”. This time Jibra’il (AS) was in his true form, the
angel was as huge as filling the horizon.
Prophet (SAW) rushed home, trembling with fear; he asked his wife Khadijah (RA), to wrap
him in blanket and narrated the incident to her. Khadijah (RA) consoled him by saying: “Allah
will never disgrace you as you keep good relations with your family, speak the truth, help the
poor and the destitute, serve your guest generously and assist those who deserve help.”
Khadijah (RA) took him to her cousin, Warqah-bin-Naufil. Waraqa was a blind Christian
scholar with Knowledge of old scriptures of Torah & Gospel. When he heard what happened
in Hira, he confirmed that it was indeed Jibra’il (AS), the angel who brought revelations to all
the previous prophets. He also forewarned that Prophet (SAW) would be forced to leave
Makkah on account of his beliefs by his own people. He wished that he was young to live
and support him but Warqa died soon after that.
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First revelation in the cave of Hira marked the beginning of Prophet Muhammad (SAW)’s role as
Messenger of Allah. He told his wife Khadija and later her cousin Waraqa bin Nawfal about the
event. Khadija was the first to accept the message.
After the verses from surah Mudathir were revealed to Prophet (SAW), the revelation came
frequently and regularly. ‘’O you, who are wrapped in your mantle. Arise and warn. And
glorify your Lord. And purify your garments. And keep away from idols (Al Mudathir 74:1-5)
The Holy Prophet followed the divine call with full determination and courage and stood up to
inform the people about Allah's commandments so that they could be saved from the evil ways
of life. He started preaching secretly to people who were close to him, his relatives and friends.
Some of Prophet’s close relatives accepted Islam in secrect preaching which gave immense
support to Prophet PBUH.
▪ Hazrat Khadija (RA) was the first person, and the first woman who accepted Islam.
▪ Abu Bakr (RA) was first male adult to enter the folds of Islam.
▪ Ali ibn Abu Talib and the cousin of the Holy Prophet, was the first youth to accept Islam. At the
time of acceptance, he was only ten-years-old.
▪ Zaid bin Haritha (RA), the freed slave of the Holy Prophet, was the first slave to accept Islam.
▪ Umm-e-Ayman was the first slave girl to accept the Oneness of Allah.
In the early days, the Holy Prophet (SAW) preached Islam secretly. Some companions were
the first to accept Islam like; Ammar bin Yasir (RA), Khabbab bin Al-Arat (RA), Uthman bin
Affan(RA), Abdul Rahman bin Auf (RA), Saad bin Abi Waqas (RA), Talha, Arqam, Sa'id bin Zaid,
Abdullah bin Mas'ud, Uthman bin Mazun, Ubaidah (RA)and others. A number of them accepted
Islam at the hands of Abu Bakr (RA).This secret mission continued for about three years, during
which time 40 people embraced Islam.
The early Muslims were poor and a number of them were slaves. Thus, in the beginning, Islam
was spread through these poor (and common) people that Islam was established during its early
days. The main message at this point was to reject idols and believe in one God.
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First duty ordained in the beginning of mission was Salah twice a day and Wudu was made a
prerequisite of prayer. Makkan paid no attention to the new faith due to small number of his
followers. Then the verse of suarh Ash-Shu’raa revealed, ‘And admonish your nearest
kinsmen.’’ 26:214). To follow the orders, Prophet (SAW) invited some members of Banu
Hashim and Banu Muttalib to his home twice. He addressed them towards the message of
Allah, his prophethood and warned them abut hereafter. Their reaction was very rude especially
of Abu Lahab but Abu Talib promised to protect and help Prophet (SAW).
Soon Allah (SWT) directed to Prophet (SAW) to make his massage public by the verse of surah
Al-Hijr ‘’ Therefore, declare openly to them, what you are commanded, and turn away from
the pagan.’’ (Al-Hjir 15:94). Prophet (SAW) ascended the Mount of Safa and proclaimed ‘’Ya
Sabahah’’. A traditional way to warn the citizens.
Prophet (SAW) addressed to Quraish and asked them: "If I were to tell you that there were
some horsemen in the valley waiting to raid you, would you believe me?" The Quraish
replied: "Yes, we have always witnessed the truth from you". There then he (SAW) invited
them to Islam, asked them to worship One Allah and told them that he was the chosen man from
Allah and he is the Messenger of Allah. Abu Lahab interrupted first, he disgraced and cursed
Prophet Mohammad (SAW) and talked to him in a loud and rude manner. Similarly, others called
Mohammad (SAW) a liar and a mad man. Disappointed by the reaction of Abu Lahab, yet
determined Prophet (SAW) continued to invite the different clans one by one.
Despite the taunts of his tribesmen, he remained firm in his mission. He continued mission and
more people entered in the folds of Islam. This open preaching brought hostility and opposition
to the Prophet (SAW) and his companions.
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When Prophet (PBUH) was given the command of preaching his religion openly, he went to
Mount Safa and invited people of Makkah to Islam. He began to approach all different clans of
Quraish and proclaim the message loudly in courtyard of Ka’bah. this resulted in more people
to enter the fold of Islam. Quraish felt threatened and held a meeting in Dar-ul-Nadwa.They
planned to persecute and torture the Holy prophet (SAW) and his followers as per their power.
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They offered the Holy Prophet (SAW) an agreement that they will follow Prophet’s (SAW)
religion if and only if Muhammad (SAW) and his follower will also worship idols with them. In
this way Gods of both parties will get satisfy with them. At that moment surah-al-Kafirun was
revealed, ‘’ To you be your religion, and to me mine." (Al-Kafiroon 109:6)
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After the revelation to preach relatives (Surah Shura 26:214) and Prophet (SAW)’s open call at
Mount Safa. Quraish rejected him and feeling threatened of new message began to persecute
the Muslims.Those who had no protection were easy targets and faced worst persecution.
Tribal heads began to torture tribesman.
Ammar bin Yasir (RA), was from the tribe of Makhuzum. He and his parents suffered terribly at
the hands of the elite tribe of Makkah, the Quraish. His parents were made to lie on the burning
sand, both his parents were martyred. In fact, his mother Summayah (RA) was the first female
martyr of Islam.
The Makhzum clan used to take out Ammar ibn Yasir with his father and mother in the heat of
the day and expose them to the excessively-hot environment of Mecca and torture them in the
scorches of the open fire, and Muhammad used to pass by them and say, "Patience, O family
of Yasir! Your meeting-place will be Paradise" and "O fire! Be cool and harmless for
‘Ammar in the same manner in which you became cool and harmless for Ibrahim;”
consequently, Ammar had scars on his body from the torture for the rest of his life.
Uthman in Affan (RA), His uncle used to wrap him up in a mat made of palm leaves, and then
put a fire under it was wrapped in palm leaves and set fire to by his uncle. His uncle Al-Hakim
ibn Abu Al-Aas ibn Omayyah tied him up strongly and swore that he would not free him until he
left Islam. Therefore, Uthman swore that he would not leave Islam. When his uncle saw how
determined Uthman was in remaining a Muslim, he let him free.
Abu Bakr (RA) When Abu Bakr proclaimed the Unity of God in the courtyard of the Ka’aba
openly. The Quraish set upon him fiercely, and maltreated him so mercilessly that when his
fellow tribesmen intervened and carried him to his house, he was quite unconscious and his face
was swollen.
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Amr bin Fuhairah (RA) was as a slave who was tortured. Abu Bakr (RA) purchased his freedom
and he continued to work for him as a shepherd.
Talha and Zubair bin al Awwam (RA) were dragged on streets and suffocated
Abu Zarr Ghaffari (RA) was attacked by a crowd of non-believers. He fell down and became
senseless for sometimes.
Mus’ab ibn Umayr (RA) lived life of comfort and luxury but when accepted Islam was tortured
by mother’s relatives, till he escaped and migrated to Abyssinia.
Khabab bin Arat (RA) was put on heated stones and made to lie on burning coal with a rock on
his chest.
The weak and those held in bondage like slaves, were persecuted brutally and savagely.
Labeenah was a female slave of Banu Adi. She would be beaten up mercilessly.
Zinnira (RA) was a female slave belonged to the Makhzum clan. She was handed over to Abu
Jahl to be tortured. Deprived of sleep, food and water, she became blind as a result of the
malnourishment. Abu Jahl taunted her that that the idols Al-Lat and Al-Uzza had taken her sight
away. She responded that her Lord Allah had decided this and that he could return her eyesight.
Miraculously the next day, her eyesight was restored. Abu Bakr also purchased her freedom.
Prophet (SAW) told the believers to meet secretly at Dar al-Arqam, where they would learn
about their new faith.
Prophet (SAW) allowed some people to migrate to Abyssinia in 5th Year of Prophethood to
escape from the severity of persecution.
A social and economic boycott was imposed on the Muslims. They were to live in Shib-i- Abi
Talib, where they faced great hardships for three years.
The persecution was not only physical but also economic. The poor Muslims were not paid for
their hard work. The rich and settled Muslims like Abu Bakr (RA) had to face non-cooperation
in trade. For example, Makkans used to sell their goods in less than the purchase price in order
to hurt Muslim traders.
Later, they migrated to Madinah leaving their homeland for faith.
• Cambridge O Level Islamiyat by Dr Saqib Muhammad khan and Dr Habib ur Rehman
• When the Moon Split by Safiur Rahman Mubarakpuri
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Life of Prophet (SAW) in Makkah
➢ Background of Migration
o In fifth year of Prophethood, Quraysh intensified their hostilities.
o Prophet (SAW) received a revelation that hinted at allowing the Muslims to migrate to a safer
o ‘O My servants who have believed, fear your Lord. For those who do good in this world is
good, and the earth of Allah is spacious. Indeed, the patient will be given their reward
without account." (Al- Zumar- 39:10)
o Prophet (SAW) advised his followers to secretly prepare to migrate to Abyssinia as the king of
Abyssinia Ashamah, (Najashi/Negus) was known to be a just Christian ruler.
o The purpose of this first migration was to escape persecution and be able to practice Islam freely.
➢ First Batch Who Migrated to Abyssinia
o The First Batch migrated in the month of Rajab in 5th Year of Prophethood.
o It was consisted of 12 men and 4 women
o The first batch included Uthman (RA) (as leader) & his wife Ruqayya (Daughter of Prophet
o Prophet (SAW) said about them, “They are the first people to migrate in the cause of Allah
after Ibrahim and lut.’’
o The group sailed on boats, through port of ‘Shuaiba’ in Jeddah. Quraysh were unable to capture
them as they reached the coast too late.
o This was the first batch of the Muslims that migrated to Abyssinia for the cause of Islam and left
behind their belongings, relatives and business.
➢ Incident of Surah An-Najam
o Few months later, the first batch returned back to Makkah because of a rumor that Makkans had
embraced Islam.
o due to Prophet (SAW)’s recitation of Surah Najam near Kabah, the idolaters also prostrated with
ayat tul Sajdah as the effect of divine words, ‘Prostrate yourselves before Allah, and serve
Him. (53:62)
o after confirmation that the rumor was untrue, some returned to Abyssinia, other stayed back in
protection of influential people.
➢ Second batch who Migrated to Abyssinia
o The Second Batch was consisted of 82 men and 18 women.
o It was led by the Prophet’s cousin, Ja’far Ibn Abi Talib (RA) and this group too managed
to flee from Makkah without their enemies noticing.
➢ Quraish tried to extradite the Emigrants
o Quraish got worried of possible growth of Islam.
o They sent a delegation to Negus to get the Muslim Emigrants back.
o Quraysh delegation was consisted of ‘’Amr ibn Aas’’ and ‘’Abdullah ibn Abi Rabiah’’
o They bribed the bishop to get access to the King.
o After presenting gifts from Arabia, they requested to expel Muslims from Abyssinia as they
had abandoned the religion of their forefathers and their leader was preaching a different
religion which was neither theirs nor the religion of king Negus.
➢ Outcomes
This event is very significant in the history of Islam for several reasons. Some of them are:
o After the migration, the Muslims were in a safe haven where they could live in peace and
o This was the first success of the Muslims against the Quraish.
o The Muslims had a chance to spread their religion out of Arabia.
o This migration provided the idea of an even bigger migration, the migration to Madinah in
the future.
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10th Year of Prophethood - Journey to Taif
➢ Background
o Preaching of Islam in Makkah wasn’t progressive and growing anymore.
o Quraish’s constant hostility for 10 years, three years of boycott and death of his two supporters
disheartened the Holy Prophet (SAW)
o due to lack of security, after Abu Talib’s death continuation of his mission in Makkah wasn’t safe.
➢ Prophet’s (SAW) Plan to visit Taif
o Prophet (SAW) looked out of Makkah to preach
o Taif, is a city, 60 miles from Makkah, populated by the Banu Thaqeef, the second largest tribe in
o Zaid bin Haritha (RA) accompanied him. They began this journey with full of hope.
➢ Rude Rejection of people of Taif and persecution
o Prophet (SAW) approached leaders of Taif. They were three brothers whose names were Habib,
Mas’ud and Abd Yalail, sons of Amr Bin Ummaya and invited them to Islam
o The three brothers refuse to accept his teachings and insulted him.
o Prophet (SAW) stayed in Taif for ten days and delivered the message of Islam to all of the noble
and common people, one after another, but all to no avail.
o The street hooligans and other residents hooted on Mohammad (SAW), tried to strangle him and
laughed at him.
o They also pelted stones on Prophet (SAW)'s feet; whenever he raised his feet, they stoned him
and forced him to flee from the city.
o His feet became so injured that his shoes got filled with blood, the Prophet (SAW) sat down due
to pain. The cursed hooligans forced him to stand back. Then just as Prophet (SAW) raised his
feet they pelted stones on him and laughed.
o Zaid bin Harith (RA) tried to shield Prophet (SAW) and came in front of him. He also got badly
hurt as his head was severely wounded.
o The mob continued to chase the Prophet (SAW) and his companion until they were driven to the
outskirts of the city.
➢ Refuge in an orchard
o Prophet (SAW) along with Zaid bin Haritha (RA), took shelter in a garden.
o There he prayed to Allah for help and support, using heart touching words known as Du’aa Al
o O, God! To you alone, I complain of my weakness, my insufficient ability and my
insignificance before the people. You are the most merciful and the Lord of the helpless
and the weak.
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o This orchard was a property of two brothers, Utbah and Shaybah, who were the sons of
Rabee'ah. Having compassion and mercy, Rabiah's two sons sent their Christian slave, Addas,
to him with a tray of grapes.
o The Christian boy belonged to Nineveh, the city of Yunus (AS). On hearing about Yunus (AS) from
Mohammad (SAW), Addas anxiously asked if Mohammad (SAW) knew anything about him. He
(SAW) remarked: "He is my brother. He was a Prophet & so am I".
o Thereafter, Addas paid homage to Prophet (SAW) and kissed his head, hands and feet.
o The two, Mohammad (SAW) and Zaid (RA), relaxed there and nursed their wounds.
➢ Journey Back to Makkah
The Prophet (SAW) and Zayd (RA) set out on the way back to Makkah.
➢ appearance of Angels at Qarn AI-Manaazil
o When he reached, Qarn Al- Manaazil, Angel Jabril appeared, with angel mountains and asked for
permission to bury the people of Taif as punishment.
o But Prophet (SAW) showed great model of mercy and forgave them.
o The kind-hearted Prophet (SAW) replied, “No, I hope Allah will bring forth from them those
who will worship Allah alone and will not associate anything with Him.”
➢ Incident of Waadee Nakhlah
o on the way back to Makkah, Prophet (SAW) halted to offer prayer at the valley of Nakhlah
o Due to his heart touching recitation of Quran, a group of Jinns embraced Islam. This incident is
mentioned in surah Al-Ahqaf.
➢ Seeking Protection and entrance in Makkah
o They stopped at Hira as it was not safe to enter Makkah defenceless.
o seeking their security & protection to enter in Makkah, Prophet (SAW) sent messenger to notable
members such as Akhtas bin Shariq & Suhail bin Amr but they refused
o Finally, Prophet (SAW) managed to enter in Makkah under the protection of Mut’im bin Adi and
his sons. He went home after visiting Kabah.
➢ Conclusion
o The Holy Prophet (SAW) never lost hope which serves as a lesson to Muslims that the help and
support of Allah comes after difficulties.
o Prophet (SAW) showed that Muslims should remain steadfast and they should always seek the
help and support of Allah as he himself demonstrated.
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10th Year of Prophethood – Isra and Miraj
➢ Back ground
o Isra’ and Mi’raj took place during a time when the Prophet (SAW) was facing intense
hardship and pain.
o Tenth year of prophet hood is known as Amm ul Huzn due the death of Khadijah (RA) & Abu
o A Divine consolation after a sequence of hardships in Makkah and Taif.
o A miraculous experience which elevated Prophet (SAW) ‘s strength and encouraged to continue
his mission.
o The Night Journey and the Ascension were physical experiences, of both the body & the soul.
o Rajab 27th, tenth year of Prophethood (sources indicate different dates too)
o Isra means night journey which was from Kabah in Makkah to Bait Al-Maqdis in Jerusalem.
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Hospitality of Angel Jibrail (AS)
o Angel Jibrail (AS) brought two vessels one filled with milk and other with wine. He was asked
to choose between milk and wine, and he chose the milk, to which Jibrail said, “You have been
guided on the fitra (natural nature)” (Muslim)
o Miraj means Ascension to seven Heavens that was from Bait ul Muqadas in Jerusalem to
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Role of Musa (AS) for reduction in number of daily prayers.
o On his return, Prophet (SAW) met Musa (AS) and informed about fifty prayers a day who
advised him to have the prayers reduced.
o Prophet (SAW) went back until the fifity prayers reduced to five daily prayers. When Hazrat
Musa (AS) suggested him to get it reduced further, Prophet (SAW) said, “I have requested
so much of my Lord that I feel ashamed, but I am satisfied now and surrender to Allah's
Order.' Sahih al-Bukhari 3887
o Later, Jibrail (AS) taught the Prophet (SAW) to perform the five daily prayers.
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Pledges of Aqabah
th th
11 to 13 Year of Prophethood
▪ It was a very significant development. People who took pledge were the influential men of
▪ The group of twelve men returned to Madinah.
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➢ The Second Pledge of Aqabah
o 13th year of Prophethood, during Hajj season, seventy-five people, 73 men and 2
women from Yathrib came to visit Prophet (SAW).
o A secret meeting was held at night at the place called Al –Aqabah.
o Prophet (SAW) ‘s uncle Abbas ibn Al-Mutalib accompanied him in this pledge.
o The believers from Yathrib invited the Prophet (SAW) to migrate to their city as their
o All the people pledged at the hand of Prophet (SAW) which was called ‘The Second
Pledge of Aqabah’
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Appointment of Twelve Chiefs and their responsibilities
o Twelve Chiefs, nine from the Khazraj & three from the Aws were appointed by Prophet
o Following were the responsibilities of the chiefs.
1. They were supposed to promote Islam in their respective areas.
2. They were responsible to deal the affairs of community.
3. The duty of the deputy was manifold: he would be the leader of the prayer, the teacher of
the Qur'an, the arbiter in disputes, the adviser and commander on the battleground.
o Prophet (SAW) directed his companions to migrate to Yathrib even those who were in
o The pledges of Al Aqabah gave hope to the Muslims and the prophet to migrate as they
found support and protection from a different but willing source.
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Migration to Madinah
➢ Back ground
o Muslims were not safe due to the constant hostility of Makkan.
o After the invitation of the people of Yathrib during the second Pledges of Aqabah, The Prophet
allowed his followers to migrate to Yathrib. Makkan Muslims started migrating individually and in
small groups.
o Abu bakr (RA), Ali (RA) stayed for Prophet (SAW) who was waiting for Allah’s order.
o When the Quraish got to know, they gathered at Dar-un-Nadwa and unanimously decided to
assassinate the Prophet.
o Allah (SWT) informed the prophet (SAW) about this plot through a revelation and permitted him to
o And [remember, O Muhammad], when those who disbelieved plotted against you to restrain
you or kill you or evict you [from Makkah]. But they plan, and Allah plans. And Allah is the
best of planners. (Surah Al-Anfal- 8:30)
o Prophet (SAW) asked Ali to sleep in his bed to deceive the Quraish and also to return the valuable
people had kept with the Prophet.
o By that time the band of eleven assassins had already gathered at the Prophet’s door.
o Fully relying upon Allah (SWT), the Messenger of Allah left his house with his hands full of soil and
he sprinkled the soil over the heads of the conspirators while reciting verses from Surah Ya-seen.
“We have made before them a barrier and a barrier behind them, so We have covered them
over so that they cannot see.” (Surah Yaseen-36:9)
o Miraculously unseen by the Band of eleven assassins, he left for Abu Bakr (RA)’s house.
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➢ Three Days and Nights stay in the Cave
o At night in the cover of darkness, the Holy Prophet and Abu Bakr left Makkah, but they did not take
the road to Yathrib. They moved in the opposite direction, and took refuge in a cave in Mount Thaur,
which is about five miles away in south of Makkah.
o Abu Bakr (RA) entered in the cave first, cleaned the place and stuffed the holes.
o Prophet (SAW) slept with his head on Abu Bakr (RA)’s lap.
➢ Abu Baker (RA) and his whole family’ supported during stay in cave.
o During the day, Abdullah the son of Abu Bakr would listen to the plans and talks of the Quraish, and
at night he would carry the news to the fugitives in the cave.
o Asma the daughter of Abu Bakr brought them meals every day.
o Aamir ibn Fuhayrah, a servant of Abu Bakr would bring a flock of goats to the mouth of the cave
every night to graze the family flock around the cave with the purpose to provide fresh eve’s milk
and to remove the footprints made by Abdullah and Asma (RA).
➢ Quraish announcement
o When the Quraish came to know that the Holy Prophet had left Makkah they were much disturbed.
They offered a reward of a hundred she camels to anyone who found the Holy Prophet and brought
him back to Makkah.
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➢ Rest at the tents of Umm Ma’bad on the outskirts of Qadid
o On their way, they passed by Umm Ma’bad’s tent.
o They wanted to refresh themselves with some food and milk.
o The lady apologized for lack of hospitality due to a severe drought.
o With her permission, Prophet (SAW) milked the only goat in her camp.
o Miraculously, milk poured out in copious flow, from which the migrating party and Umm Ma’bad
(She is noted in history of Islam for providing a physical description of Prophet (SAW) in the most
eloquent, precise and befitting manner)
➢ Met Buraidah bin al Husaib (RA), who embraced Islam with 80 his tribesmen.
(The Prophet (SAW) forgave him and confirmed this with a token written on a piece of parchment.
Suraaqah used the document as a token at the time of the conquest of Makkah to gain access to the
Prophet (SAW) and declare his acceptance of Islam)
o Prophet (SAW) spent about eleven days on his journey to the city.
o Three concealed in the cave and eight on the little-used road.
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Prophet (SAW)’s experiences in cave of Hira & Thawr
➢ Introduction
▪ General introduction of both caves
➢ Conclusion/ Importance
➢ Conclusion/ Importance
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Prophet (SAW)’s experience of caves
Answer must begin with the general introduction and details about each event as mentioned in the outline.
o The angel asked him third time, ’Read.’’ Muhammad (SAW) repeated his reply, ‘’I am
not a reader.’’ The angel hugged him even harder for third time. Prophet (SAW)’s fear of
suffocation increased, so he asked, ‘’what shall I read’’. The angel then released him saying
first five verses of Surah Al-Alaq.
1. Read! in the name of your Lord, who created, 2. Created man out of a clot of congealed
blood: 3. Proclaim! And your Lord is most bountiful, 4. He who taught by the pen, 5.
Taught man what he did not know. He recited these verses after the angle and felt as though
the words were written on his heart.
➢ Conclusion/ Importance
In the cave of Hira, prophet SAW did not just receive the first revelation but he also met angel Jibril
for the first time. He also saw the real appearance of angel Jibril outside the cave when he rushed
back home. The beginning of Islam and prophethood started from the cave of Hira which makes the
cave a significant land mark for the Muslims.
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The cave of Thawr
➢ Conclusion/ Importance
o Stay in the cave of Thawr, provided a chance of safe migration. If Mohammad (SAW) had failed
in escaping from Makkah, Islam could not survive. He could not establish a model Islamic state
in Madinah without this migration.
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