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The name of the organization shall be the Communication and Information Sciences Graduate

Organization (CISGO).

ARTICLE II: Purpose and Scope

Section 2.1. This student-led organization, associated with the College of Communication &

Information Sciences, aims to provide student resources, professional development opportunities,

and social connection to the C&IS graduate student population.

Section 2.2. In pursuit of this general purpose, CISGO will work to:

A) Host social events to foster a culture of community amongst members;

B) Organize, host, and facilitate professional development workshops or opportunities;

C) Partner with other student organizations and faculty to facilitate the goals above.

ARTICLE III: Relationship

The Communication and Information Sciences Graduate Organization (CISGO) is unaffiliated

with any local, state, or national organization or entity. Although this organization has members

who are students at The University of Alabama and may have University employees associated

with or engaged in its operations, the University does not direct, supervise, or control the

organization and is not responsible and cannot be held liable for the organization’s contracts,

acts, or omissions.
ARTICLE IV: Membership

Section 4.1. Active membership in CISGO shall be limited to students who are currently

enrolled in the College of Communication & Information Science’s doctoral or master’s program

at The University of Alabama. Active members are eligible to vote and hold office in CISGO.

Section 4.2. Membership in registered student organizations shall be open to all students of The

University of Alabama, without regard to race, religion, sex, ability status, national origin, color,

age, gender identity, gender expression, sexual identity, or veteran status except in cases of

designated fraternal organizations exempted by federal law from Title IX regulations concerning

discrimination on the basis of sex.

ARTICLE V: Organization Leadership

Section 5.01. The officers of CISGO shall be the President, the Vice President, and the

Treasurer. These officers shall comprise the Executive Committee. All executive officers must

be current University of Alabama students.

Section 5.02. The President shall

A) Delegate CISGO duties to members and officers;

B) Communicate on behalf of CISGO and its executive committee;

C) Organize and call official CISGO meetings and lead CISGO-sponsored events;

D) Collaborate with executive committee to materialize CISGO events;

E) Ensure actions of CISGO remain consistent with the vision and purpose outlined.
Section 5.03. The Vice-President shall

A) Serve as point of communication for information regarding CISGO;

B) Assisting Treasurer with budgetary needs;

C) Orchestrate CISGO events and the recruitment of faculty at CISGO panels;

D) Collaborate with fellow officers to materialize CISGO programming and events.

E) Function as President-elect for next year

Section 5.04. The Treasurer shall

A) Manage annual CISGO budget;

B) Manage vendors for programming and events;

C) Collaborate with fellow officers to materialize CISGO programming and events.

Section 5.05. The terms of all officers of CISGO shall be one year; however, officers may serve

multiple consecutive terms.

Section 5.06. One or more advisors shall be appointed or confirmed at the beginning of each

academic year by the Executive Officers. The advisor(s) must be a full-time faculty, staff, or a

full-time employee of The University of Alabama.

Section 5.07. The Advisor shall

A) Advise CISGO to ensure compliance with UA policies and procedures;

B) Act as appointment committee should the office of Vice-President or Secretary

become vacant during a semester;

C) Act as disciplinary committee should an executive committee member fail in their


ARTICLE VI: Elections

Section 6.1. CISGO will hold elections for the positions of all offices annually during the month

of April in The University of Alabama’s spring semester. This meeting shall be open to all

members of the CISGO. At this meeting, the only business that may be considers is the election

of Executive Committee members for the next academic year. The primary advisor must be

present at the election meeting.

Section 6.2. Any active member of CISGO may nominate any active member of the

organization, including themselves, to any office. All nominations must be accepted by the

nominee. An individual can only accept nomination for one (1) executive officer position.

Section 6.3. After accepting nominations for each office, the President will close nominations. In

the event that only one individual accepts nomination to an executive officer position, that

individual will assume the position for the next academic year. In the event that two or more

individuals accept nomination for an executive officer position, the position will be put to a vote.

Section 6.4. Voting shall occur by secret ballot, distributed to each active member of CISGO

present at the meeting. Each active member may cast one and only one vote. Proxy voting is not


Section 6.5. A simple majority vote is required to elect Executive Officers. In the event that a

winner cannot be determined because two or more individuals receive the same number of votes,

any individual who received less than those individuals will be removed from the list of potential
candidates and a new vote will be conducted until such time as one candidate receives a simple


Section 6.6. The new Executive Officers shall be immediately installed following the selection

of each office. Outgoing Executive Officers are expected to assist the new officer-elect in

learning about their new role and the duties and responsibilities associated with it.

ARTICLE VII: Vacancies and Removal of Executive Officers

Section 7.01. Any officer may be removed at the discretion of the organization’s advisory board

if responsibilities are neglected or if inappropriate behavior is exhibited.

Section 7.02. Should the Presidential position be vacated mid-term, the acting Vice-President

will assume the position of President and it’s responsibilities.

Section 7.03. Should the position of Vice-President or Treasurer be vacated mid-term, the board

of Advisors will appoint a student to fulfill the responsibilities of the position until next election

is able to take place.


ARTICLE IX: Finances

ARTICLE X: Constitutional Amendments

This constitution may be amended following a formal written proposal submitted to the board of

advisors and the acting Executive Committee. Unanimous agreement amongst acting officers and

the board of advisors must be reached in order for the amendment to be ratified.

ARTICLE XI: Rules of Order

Section 11.1. The rules contained within the most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall

govern this organization, to the discretion and better judgment of the Executive Officers, unless

they are found to be inconsistent with the constitution of the organization.

Section 11.2. Words and phrases shall be read in context and construed according to the rules of

grammar and common usage. Words and phrases that have acquired a technical or particular

meaning shall be construed accordingly.

Section 11.3. If any section or portion of this document is ambiguous in terms of scope,

application, or intent, then any such ambiguity will be presented to the Advisory board of

CISGO, who will recommend an interpretation. Such interpretation will be binding until such

time as the constitution can be amended to clarify the ambiguity, or overturned by the Office of

Student Involvement.

Section 11.4. In the event that an issue, dispute, or situation arises that is not contemplated by

the provisions of this document, the matter will be presented to the Advisory board of CISGO,

who will recommend a solution, resolution, or course of action. Such recommendation will be

binding until such time as the constitution can be amended to provide guidance, or overturned by

the Office of Student Involvement.

Section 11.5. If the majority of the Executive Board disagrees with the interpretation of the

advisor, as contemplated in Section 3 of this Article, or the recommendation of the advisor, as

contemplated in Section 4 of this Article, then the matter can be presented to the Office of

Student Involvement for consideration and final determination. The determination of the Office

of Student Involvement shall be binding until such time as the constitution is amended.

Created: 2/21/23

[date originally ratified by vote of the Organization]

Amended: 1/13/24

[date approved by vote of the Organization]


Signed By:


Signed By:


Signed By:


Signed By:


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