6. Smart Gridd v.10 07102020 Compressed
6. Smart Gridd v.10 07102020 Compressed
6. Smart Gridd v.10 07102020 Compressed
Conduc�ng research in the Domes�c Power Sector, while
keeping focus on problem solu�on and upgrada�on of
the conven�onal grids to smart grids in Pakistan. It
aspires to increase synergy between conven�onal and
smart grids by u�lising modern innova�ve technologies.
Power Grid Simulator (HIL), GPS based Transmission/
Distribu�on Monitoring, Microprocessor Relay
Protec�on System, Power Quality Analysis, Transient
Measurement System, Opera�on and Control and
Customizable Micro Grids Control and monitoring.
Micro Relay Protec�on System based on NI-CRIO • CPU Intel Atom E3940
Consis�ng of range of ready-made electromechani- • Number of cores 4
Protec�on Relay Development • CPU frequency
cal and microprocessor relays as well as compact
system Rio enables protec�on relays that can be • 1.6 GHz (base)
programed for various protec�on logics • 1.8 GHz (burst)
• On-die L2 cache 2 MB
Smart Grid automa�on along The system is used to monitor and control different • Three nodes are available with the
with SCADA and DCS System) remote parts of the electrical system system