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6. Smart Gridd v.10 07102020 Compressed

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Smart Grid and Power Research Laboratory USPCAS-E


The Lab offers prototyping/tes�ng system based on Na�onal Instruments Hardware and LabVIEW. It has
demonstrated modern engineering techniques combined with a cost efficient, flexible development pla�orm, and
creates opportuni�es for control and measurement in various parts of power systems. The Lab is capable of
real-�me simula�on/emula�on of power systems through power hardware in the Loop and Power Grid Simulator.
The state-of-the-art facility is established with the worth of one million USD through the USAID funding.
Our vision is to be na�onally recognised for choice educa�onal programmes as well as vanguard research through
purposeful ac�vi�es and eminence of its faculty, staff and graduates. The EPE Department at USPCAS-E aims to
offer quality educa�on programmes of interna�onal standard; to be a place of useful learning and research in
Electrical Power Engineering; and to serve the community and industry as an instrument of technological
innova�on and educa�onal advancement. The department has a dedicated Smart Grid Lab that has capacity of
real-�me digital simula�on. The lab enables research and development of new equipment, such as numeric relays
as well as facilitates hardware or controller in the loop tes�ng. We collaborate with na�onal as well as interna�onal
academic and industrial partners and centres of excellence through applied and joint research projects and
exchange visits of students and faculty.

Conduc�ng research in the Domes�c Power Sector, while
keeping focus on problem solu�on and upgrada�on of
the conven�onal grids to smart grids in Pakistan. It
aspires to increase synergy between conven�onal and
smart grids by u�lising modern innova�ve technologies.

Power Grid Simulator (HIL), GPS based Transmission/
Distribu�on Monitoring, Microprocessor Relay
Protec�on System, Power Quality Analysis, Transient
Measurement System, Opera�on and Control and
Customizable Micro Grids Control and monitoring.

National University of Sciences & Technology

Smart Grid and Power Research Laboratory USPCAS-E


Equipment Descrip�on Specifica�on

• 400 MHz Real-Time Processor
• 256 MB RAM
FPGA Based Rapid Control NI-GPIC Back to Back Invertor Board • 512 MB Non-vola�le Storage
Prototyping • Xilinx Reconfigurable FPGA
• 58 hardcore DSP48A1 slices (mul�pliers)

Micro Relay Protec�on System based on NI-CRIO • CPU Intel Atom E3940
Consis�ng of range of ready-made electromechani- • Number of cores 4
Protec�on Relay Development • CPU frequency
cal and microprocessor relays as well as compact
system Rio enables protec�on relays that can be • 1.6 GHz (base)
programed for various protec�on logics • 1.8 GHz (burst)
• On-die L2 cache 2 MB

• GPS �me synchroniza�on to +- 10 ns

• Input modules for 400v(rms),50A(rms)
NI phasor Measurement Unit This system is used to monitor the power flow with • 4 GB of local non-vola�le storage
(PMU) development system GPS �me stamping • -400C -700C opera�ng temperature
• 50KS/s per channel simultaneous wave
for acquisi�on

NI phasor Data Concentrators • Two PMU can be a�ached with the

(PDC)/Synchro phasor Develop- Used to concentrate the PMU data
ment System

• 4 or 8 simultaneously sampled 14-bit

Transient and Frequency channels
NI-PXIe-1071 • User-programmable with lab-VIEW
Measurement Setup With Oscilloscope Card FPGA
• Streaming and Logging

• GPS �me synchroniza�on to +- 10 ns

• Input modules for 400v(rms),50A(rms)
Power Quality Analyzer The system is used to measure the power quality signals
related variables • -400C -700C opera�ng temperature

• Programmable resis�ve, capaci�ve and

Programmable Electronic Load, induc�ve loads up to 25 KW
The system is used as a load for different research • High voltage programmable DC power
High Voltage Programmable DC
purposes supplies having output voltage in the
power Supplies and Ba�eries
range 50 V – 5000 V and output current
in the range 0-5 mA

Smart Grid automa�on along The system is used to monitor and control different • Three nodes are available with the
with SCADA and DCS System) remote parts of the electrical system system

• The system is capable for simula�ng 72

Power Grid Simulator This system is used to run Hardware in the loop switches
simula�ons • 64 LC components
• Unlimited Resis�ve elements

National University of Sciences & Technology

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