Quiz Result (5)
Quiz Result (5)
Quiz Result (5)
Quiz Result
Right Answer
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employee engagement.
2. Companies in the Fortress category are known for their focus on innovation and long-term strategies.
Description : Companies in the Fortress category are typically characterized by a focus on stability and
protecting their market position rather than on innovation and long-term strategies.
3. Strategic human resource management involves a pattern of planned activities designed to enable an
organization to achieve its goal.
Description : Strategic HRM involves a systematic approach to planning and implementing HR activities
that support the achievement of organizational goals, ensuring that HR efforts are aligned with the overall
Your Answer : Specialized jobs, minimal training and tracking wage rates
Description : Cost-reduction strategies typically involve specialized job roles, limited training and close
monitoring of wage rates to control expenses and enhance operational efficiency.
5. Which quadrant includes activities that require high interpersonal skills and have a direct business
Description : The "High strategic value/relationship" quadrant includes activities that demand significant
interpersonal skills and directly impact business outcomes through relationship management and strategic
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Correct Answer : Baseball Team
Description : The "Baseball Team" company type is known for emphasizing innovation and risk-taking,
aligning with organizations like Hewlett-Packard that foster a dynamic and creative work environment.
7. Which of the following is not part of the universal seven management practices known to enhance firm
Your Answer : Reduced training and development
Description : The universal seven management practices include selective hiring, self-managed teams and
high compensation tied to performance, but reduced training and development are not considered best
practices for enhancing firm performance.
9. What does James Brian Quinn’s definition of strategy primarily focus on?
Description : James Brian Quinn’s definition of strategy emphasizes integrating organizational goals,
policies and action sequences to create a cohesive plan that guides the organization toward its objectives.
10. In strategic human resource management, HR strategies are generally aligned with __________.
Description : HR strategies are designed to support and align with the business strategy to ensure that
human resources contribute effectively to achieving organizational goals.
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