Foreword i
Introduction . . . . . . . • . . 1
Key Elements of Discovery Teaching . 3
A Note on Large Group Instruction . . 4
Circulating· . . . . . . • • • 35
Polling· . • . . . . . . . • . • • . 36
Finger and Hand Signals. • • · • . • • . 37
Chorus Response· . . . • . . . . . 38
Rapid Oral Questions . • . 39
Counting, Naming, Predicting Hands . 39
Chain Answering. . . . 40
Deliberate Errors. . • • . 41
Attention and Focus. . • • 43
Success Reinforcement • • . 47
Student Errors . . . . • • 50
Encouraging Insecure Students. 52
Student Interactions • . . • . 53
students. Our work primarily focused on general mathematics *
and prealgebra classes. Students in these classes usually
have fallen behind the norm and seem to be trapped by their own
feelings of academic inferiority. On the whole, our efforts
were quite successful in providing these students with a
successful learning experience. We remain, however, firmly
convinced that it would be far more effective to work with these
same students in elementary school, before their attitudes about.
their academic abilities have set so firmly.
The present manual, Guidelines for Discovery Teaching, ..
is the result of this experience with secondary school students.
It is written for teachers of general mathematics and prealgebra
classes, although it contains many suggestions that apply to
other levels and other subject areas. It is designed to capture
the essential elements of discovery teaching which we found
successful with students in grades nine through twelve.
acting like (2E-1)x(2E2)=2E1
t .t. T
lEX 4 =2
Key Elements of Discovery Teaching
Chapter 3 contains techniques for structuring questions
to develop conceptual understanding. The reader is
also referred to the curriculum modules which are a
companion to these guidelines. The modules contain
·outlines illustrating ·in detail the Socratic develop-
ment of selected topics.
Some reasons for this somewhat surprising phenomenon are:
causing the student to feel embarrassed. Moreover,
there are ways in which the skillful teacher can draw
out a truly reluctant student in a group situation
that would be impossible if she were alone with him.
(See Chapter 5)
solve alone. Such a shared experience of success by a )
3. Vary the difficulty of questions. In order to keep
students of different abilities constantly involved in
the you must ask a mixture of hard and easy
questions. Challenging questions keep the faster
students interested, while routine questions give the
slower students a chance to respond and build confidence.
3 2
What•s 42 1
+ 4? (Is 6 + 8 a legitimate
Who can draw a picture to
illustrate this problem?
1 1 3
=2 + 4 =4 What•s the next question? What problem would we
solve to find s 10 ?
= 21 + 41 + 81 =87 What problem do I have to Find a formula for sn.
solve to find s 4? (All
the steps to computing
1 1 1
Who can predict s 5?
to a generalization through examples, or practicing an
idea the class has just verbalized. Have the class
chorus their answers when you really want to move fast.
Using quick consecutive chorus responses is a very
effective device for focusing a class. Appropriate
times for a more relaxed pace include: when the class
is discovering a key concept, when students are attempting
to articulate thoughts, when they are checking a result
on their papers, and when a student is teaching.
6. Ask a variety of questions on the same concept. Asking
a variety of questions on the same concept gives more
students a chance to participate, reinforces skills,
and may give students new insights and understanding.
Often students who didn't understand a concept the first
time find it makes sense when presented from a different
cl2 + 1>
2 • 12 =?, (l2 + l
+ 1
+ 1) .
2 •
1 =?,
1 1 1 1 1 1 .1
+ I + + + + • I = ?,. .. i j + = ?'
3 +
9 =
• T
3 +n =
., .
2 + 3 =
3 +
4 = .,
1 ?
4 +
5 = ? ...
= ?. , . . .
1 1 1
X 4
2 X 6 = ?. ' -x 8
2 = ?
• I
21 = ?. ' 22 = ?. , 23 = ?. ' . . .
Note that most of the sequences just given admit of
2 •
= n,
3 + 3 ·n = 3n
1 n+1, 1 1 2n+1 1
n + n+1 = n(n+1)' 2
X 2n = n.
i =1
In teaching such patterns, it is often a good idea to
arrive eventually at the general form, provided it can
be done, which it usually can, without undue strain.
1 1
• ht as k II3
Hence one m1g + = ?. II or--more d 1• ff 1cu
• lt --
who can generalize this?
1 1 1 1
2 + 3 = ? versus 2 X
3 = ?
10 X
2 = ? versus 10 .
- 21 = ?
1 .. 1 1 1
1o 10 = ? versus
10 - TO = ?
5 + ? = 0 versus 5 X ? = 1
1 1 1 1 1
2 + 3 = 5 2 X
3 =5
1 .
- 21 =
10 X
2 = 5 10 1
1 .1 5 1 1 1
1o -. 1o = 6 10 - TO = 6
5 + 0 = 0 5 X 20 = 1
the next question. Specific questions also avoid
correct answers that slow you down or lead in a
different direction from what you had planned.
10. Leave some questions open until the next class or even
longer. It creates an intellectual challenge which
students may think about on their own. It also gives
you a chance to present more tools or a different
approach for solving the problem so that more students
will grasp it. When the class eventually solves the
problem, there is a greater sense of accomplishment--
"This problem was so hard it took us three days to
solve it."
11. Don't push for results the class isn't ready for.
If the students are forced to a conclusion they don't
quite understand, they lose confidence and are likely
Vto forget what you've taught. It is preferable to
return to the subject at the next lesson, perhaps
approaching it from a different direction.
The same principle holds true for verbalizations and
generalizations. When a new concept is introduced,
students frequently discover how to solve problems
without being able to articulate how they got their
answers. Forcing them to verbalize prematurely may
lead to confusion. If only a few members of the
class can provide an explanation or generalization,
the rest of the class tends to rely on rote memoriza-
tion of their classmate's rules, rather than their own
conceptual understanding.
new insights and deeper conceptual understand-ing. Review )
provides a springboard for new material.
or by the pattern 23 =
22 2
= 4' .
Review the addition of fractiops using a number line.
!! t
6. Introduce new notation or terminology.
11. Use worksheets, letting students ask each other for
help or refer to their notebooks.
Answer: 32 · 4 =8
32 8 =4
New words are written on the board either off to one side
or linked to an appropriate example.
Example: (;"\----exponent
reviewed. Key vocabulary words should be written on the board
frequently, and students might be asked to read or spell the
more difficult ones.
b) (2E3)E4
2E(3 + 3 + 3 + 3) =
Who can read the part of the
sentence in the closed curve?"
C) 2E3 = 2 X 2 X 2 "Who can circle the base? 11
IThe summationlfrom i=1 up to
i:1 5 of (D , etc.
(._.. ••.!
(a) Begin with several particular 3 + 51 = 0
examples the class can solve. 5 + 6 = 0
(e) Check by substituting particular values.
2 + D = 0I 7 + D = 0, 17+ D = 0, ot + D =0
Note that this approach does not lead to an understanding of
what CX represents. However, it is an efficient method for
arriving at generalizations once the class understands what
they are. To reinforce the concept, it is important to ask
review questions such as "What does oc stand for?", and "Will
I get a true sentence if I substitute numbers for oc? 11
Examples: j '(x) + D =0
5 2
X dx + 1 5x dx =D
show that we can use any number; how would she generalize this
statement?" As the students become more familiar with the
process, you can leave out more and more steps, giving only a
few examples or saying, simply, "Who can generalize this
(C) ()l X 1 = Ol
(d) an x am = a(n+m)
Another useful activity is for students to make conjec-
tures about possible generalizations and attempt to verify or
disprove them. For example, a class which has studied the
distributive law OL x (" + "'( ) = ( Ol x ) + ( x t ) might
conjecture that OL + ( (d x Y ) = ( Ol + p ) x ( ot + 'l{ ) •
Example: 5 + 0 =5 2 + 3 =3 + 2 24 = 42
1 1 5
5 + 3 = 8 (2 X 3) + 2 = 2 X 4 2 + 3 =6
Equivalent Sentences
4 = ? becomes 42 + 41 = ?
2 + 5 = ? becomes 2 + 2 + 3 = ?
23 X 2 = ? becomes (2 X 2 X 2) X (2 X 2 X 2 X 2) =?
(6 + 12) + [ ] = 32 (9 X 2) + = 32 D
(3 X 6) +D =32 (6 + 6 + 6) + [ ] = 32
(36 7 2) + [ ] = 32 x 36) + [ ] = 32, etc.
Examples: + l = D
2 1 3
4 + 4 =4
(2 X 2 X 2) X (2 X 2 X 2 X 2) = 2
t J t4
23 X 2 =
5 + 8 =
5 + 5+3 = D
Don't allow arrows to outlive their usefulness and become
a fetish to the point where a problem is "wrong" in the students•
minds if it doesn't have all the arrows. Arrows for operational
and relational symbols can be omitted, although they are helpful,
at first, in focusing on the renaming process.
The many steps involved in writing an equivalent sentence
provide opportunities to involve students with a wide range of
skills in the solution of the same problem. Questions such as
"How can I rewrite the 8 using a 5?", "What do I bring down
for+?", "Where did this: come from?", etc., often involve
the least active participants in the class.
(a) 25 X 2y = 20 (:::cz:::) 5 + y = 0
(c) 10 - 6 = 6. <=> 6 + 6. = 10
5 - 2 =V<=> -2 +V= 5
(d) 4 .
=0<=> 2 xQ= 4
Examples: (a) 21 x 31 = ?
(c) 2 x 3 = ?
1 1
(a) 2 X ) X 3 X 2 = 1
'-...._.,/ "'-"'
D X 6 = 1
2° X 23 2(0+3)
(b) =
D X 8 = 8
3) - 3 + 3)
(c) 2 X 3) + ( 2 = 2 X (
D + 6 =
Note that each sentence is true because we assume a
property derived for positive integers is also valid for the
integers·and rationals. In the first example, we assume the
commutative and associative properties for multiplication;
in the second, the formula for multiplying exponential terms;
and in the third, the distributive law. These assumptions
generally will be tacit at first, although through language
such as "If this sentence is true, what does that tell us
about 2 x -3", the class can gradually appreciate the process
by which mathematicians extend definitions to larger number
(a) Reinforce 2EO = 1 by looking at:
2E3 = 8}. 2
2E3 =
)7 2
2EO =
): 2
2EO =
3 X 4 = 12
3 X 3 = 9
3 X 2 = 6
3 X 1 = 3
3 X 0 = 0
3 X 1 = 3
3 X 2 = 6
2E4 = 16
2E3 = 8
2E2 =
2E1 =
2EO =
2E - 1 =
2E - 2 =
2E - 3 =
2E - 4 =
(d) Some misleading patterns:
(i ) = 2 X 2
21 = 2 X 1
20 ? 2 X 0
(iii) 6E2 = 36
5E2 = 25
4E2 = 16?
32 + 3 + 41 2
= 53, prime Is n + n + 41 1 prime for
all n?
Equality; Transitivity
Now, again ask what "=" means. Probably students will suggest:
the same as, or, means the same number. This understanding of
equality will be useful when you work with equivalent sentences.
(b) If John is the same age as Joe, and Joe is the same
age as Stan, what is true about Joe and Stan?
= =
1f-t 3 Xi 3 + 6 + 9 + 12 .and 3 + 6 + 9 + 12
Once you have done many problems and examples, you might
want to develop a standard expression for drawing conclusions,
such as "the conclusion of the chain of equalities is . . • "
The generalization (aEb) Ec = aE (b x c) is an example of
a concept that results from considering a chain of equalities.
In trying to develop this concept, you might consider:
{2E3) E4 = (2E3) x (2E3) X (2E3) X (2E3) = 2E (3+3+3+3) = 2E
(3 x 4); you wish the class to draw the conclusion (2E3) E4 =
2E (3 x 4). Some suggestions for leading the class to this
result are:
(a) Who can find another name for (2E3) E4 that uses the
least chalk?
(b) Who can find a cyame for (2E3) E4 that uses only a
2, 3, and 4 once as in the problem?
(c) Who can point to something on the board that's equal
to (2E3) E4? Keep having students do this until you
get the 2E (3 x 4) form.
(d) the first and last parts of the sentence in
a simple closed curve, and have the class read what
is in the curve.
(2E3) E4 2E (3x4)
(2E3)x(2E3)!(2E3)x(2E3) = 2E (3+3+3+3)
Embedding the Material in a Conceptual Framework
2 2
that you can add up a series like 2 + 10
+ 100 + 1000 +etc.,
and that you will be bounded from above by something as small
as 2.3.
Circulating gives you accurate feedback on student under-
standing, helping you gauge when to move on to a more advanced
topic. If most of the students were correct, then the answer
can be put on the board and the class can move on. If not, you
might want to have the class investigate the different ideas
about the problem by offering all answers, correct or incorrect.
student who merely copies his neighbor begins to focus on the t··
problem and soon begins answering questions spontaneously.
(b) Other mathematical symbols such as operational or
relational symbols can be shown on the fingers or
drawn in the air.
Chorus Response
Some situations in which chorus responses are appropriate
and effective are:
of students who participate. An auctioneering style: ·"Ten people
have it," 11
This whole row, .. etc., or naming students: .,John has
it," Sue's got an idea," etc. are both effective for this purpose.
Students want the recognition you are giving, and the time you
spend talking about hands gives them extra time to think.
Chain Answering
Examples of situations where chain answers are effective
1 X
X 1 X 1( = ?
1 X 7'C:?
1( = ?
Deliberate Errors
serve primarily to focus the class and keep them alert. Sparing
use of this technique, coupled with a warning that there may
be some mistakes in your boardwork, avoids the danger of seeming
Example: 23 = 2 X 2 X 2
25 = ? Student response: "You add two
more 2's. "
You write 25 = 2 X 2 X 2 + 2 + 2.
1 + 1 = 2 and 2 + 4 = 6. And
that has to be the way to work
the problem, because how do
you work
Attention and Focus
Comment before you give the problem: "This one may be too
hard."; "I'll catch you on this one."; "This is tricky, only
the most alert will get it."; "Last time I gave this problem,
no one got it."; "You need to switch into a higher mental gear.";
"In fact this is a star problem."; "This is a no ha'nd problem."
"When I lower the chalk (or the eraser) from over my head;"
"When the chalk touches the blackboard;" "When I count to three;"
"When I close the door;" "When Tanya raises her hand." You can
use this as a daily technique so long as the cue is a different
signal each time you use it. Younger students enjoy your
trying to catch them on a false cue, such as touching the board
with a finger instead of the chalk, counting 1, 2, 4," skipping
over "3," or lowering the hand without the chalk.
Box, circle or draw an arrow ---> to make the problem or
question currently under investigation stand out. The visual
reference will help a non-attender pick up where the class is.
Box all important problems which emphasize the conclusions the
class arrived at in that lesson. Let students come to the board
to circle a hint, or circle what told them to use "X" for the
committal and ask the class its opinion). Some ways of rein-
forcing and creating success experiences are outlined below:
6) Experts. Designate students, who have caught on to a
concept, as experts for the day. Have them check the
correctness of other students' answers, or help you
circulate. These students can also be involved as
peer teachers or tutors.
Li=1 2-i = 1 + 1 + 1 = 7
2 4 8 8 "I didn't study
4 2
+ - +
this until I
was in college. "
8 8 8 8
10) Reward questions. Mathematical research proceeds
when mathematicians ask themselves questions. A
student in a discovery class who asks a good mathe-
matical question should be praised. Students should
be encouraged to ask themselves if alternate approaches
can be used for solving a problem, or what happens
if the problem is changed. Occasionally, the volume
of good questions threatens to slow down the pace of
the class because too much time is spent investigating
tangents. In this case, ask the students to write
their questions on paper and hand them in. The few
minutes that it takes to write a response can be
richly rewarded in the ensuing mathematical corres-
pondence that will develop.
3) Explore consequences. Often technically incorrect
answers contain good thinking and mathematical
creativity. Students often find that by slightly
changing the question or one of the assumptions
(axioms) of the problem, they can more easily answer
the question. Research mathematicians are rewarded
for this kind of thinking. Students are usually told
they are wrong and made to feel foolish.
Encouraging insecure students. In addition to the group
techniques for encouraging student participation, there are a
number of techniques for building confidence in shy or insecure
students. These are particularly helpful at the crucial moment
when a student you have called on starts to falter in a response
or explanation. There are several techniques for helping him
out of a potentially embarrassing spot without his losing face.
Some suggestions follow:
1) Techniques for handling errors. (See above section.)
6) Call on someone. If the student still doesn't want
to try the problem, have her call on someone else.
Student interactions.
1) Listening to each other. It is important to make
certain that students listen to each other and do not
rely on you to determine the correctness of an answer.
The signals for agreement and disagreement discussed
earlier facilitate this. You can also encourage it
by insisting that students speak so that they can be
heard. Do not repeat inaudible answers, but say
something like "Joe, did you hear Jane•s answer? 11 ;
Sue, repeat your answer so John can hear it. 11 ; or
Who can repeat what Bill said? 11
Once teachers who use the discovery style have seen
the benefits to be derived from debates, they will be
on the lookout for likely topics. "Mini-debates" are
possible on just about any subject, such as which way
to move the decimal point when converting decimals
into percents, or whether you need a common denominator
when you multiply fractions, or whether there is such
a thing as a square root that is not irrational, but
not a whole ·number either. By being constantly called
upon to debate and discuss, students will begin to
realize that .mathematics is not an obstacle course
filled with facts that must be memorized by rote, but
rather a subject that is fascinating in its form and
B. Review.
1. Rapid summary
2. New directions
3. Provocative questions
4. Foundation for new material
5. Embed in new material
6. New notation or terminology
7. Student questions
8. Deliberate errors
9. Mid-lesson reviews
10. Plan at end of class
11. Worksheets
12. Change of pace
13. Involvement techniques
c. Vocabulary.
1. Introduce in context
2. Write words on board
3. Vocabulary page
D. Boardwork.
1. Organize space
2. Erase all but important results
3. Circle for focus
5. Point to an answer
6. Box or circle
7. Read
1• Use names
2. Student agreement
3. Acknowledging other students
4. Students to the board
5. I know you know
6. Experts
7. Star problems
8. Advanced material
9. Who has it now?
1 0. Reward questions
B. Student Errors.
1. Deliberate errors
2. Allow revision/Call on someone
3. Explore consequences
4. Partial answers
D. Student Interactions.
1. Listening to each other
2. Mathematical Debates