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Transfer of Inheritance
Restoration of Rights
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United State Republic Postmaster Article Number: 7018 1130 0000 4815 539


!"# $%%R&S" NA!&%NA' R#PU('&)

*#+#RA' ,%-#RN$#N! N%R!".#S! A*R&)A/
Northwest Amexem / Northwest Africa / North America.
‘The North Gate’.
Societas Repu!icae Ea A! Mauri"a#os.
Aori$i#a! a#% I#%i$e#ous Natura! &eop!es o' the La#%.
The true a#% %e (ure A! Morocca#s ) A*erica#s.
Aidait o *act
*or !2e Record !o be Read &nto !2e Record
Notice to Aent is Notice to Principal  Notice to Principal is Notice to Aent/

  !ranser o &n2eritance  

 Restoration o Ri2t
$ade: 7 +a; o Auust 018 A/+/ <1438 $/)/= <018 )/)/>/=

1/ (et?een +NITED STATES OF AMERI,A ,OR&ORATION -Trustee-s/ a#% the ri$ht'u!/ Deca!rati0e
a#% &u!ic!1 2 &roc!a*i#$ Heir 2 Appare#t o' the sai% Estate : +emetrius (arca (e;/ -Aori$i#a! )
I#%i$e#ous Natio#a! Moorish 2 A*erica# ) Heir ) Moaite I#herita#ce 2 La#% a#% Resources3
$eo$raphica! at Latitu%e3 45.65789: A#% Lo#$itu%e3 ;6<.7:955: =>5> South Ei$hth Street? =Near
,orporate @roo"!1#?/ =Ne Bor" Repu!ic? Northest A*eCe* 2 ‘TheNorth Gate’.The &ropert1 'urther
%escrie% herei# as >5> South Ei$hth Street @ui!%i#$/ Bear @ui!t >7>5/ Lot-s3 <4/ @!oc"3 ><>/ Lot
Area3 </688 Suare 'eet/ !i0i#$ Area3 >9/785 o#)ithi# Latitu%e a#% Lo#$itu%e/ sai% ‘Dee% Date’3 u#e
4/ 558 A.D./ sai% i#$s ,ou#t1 ,!er" ‘Dee% Ree!’3 <<4/ sai% i#$s ,ou#t1 ,!er" ‘Dee% Ree! &a$e’3
>76>/ sai% ‘Sa!e %ate’3 u#e 4/ 558 A.D./ @ui!%i#$ Descriptio#3 >5>;>59 South Ei$hth Street/ &arce!
I#'or*atio# recor%e% i# the i#$ ,ou#t1 ,!er"’s O''ice 'or pu!ic Recor%s i# @roo"!1#/ Ne Bor"
Repu!ic/ Northest A*eCe*. The Geo$raphica! ,oor%i#ates o' the Rea! &ropert1 ) Estate are as
'o!!os3 45 %e$rees/ 4 *i#utes/ <9.48>: Seco#%s North) ;6<%e$rees/ 96 Mi#utes/ 94.5>: Seco#%s West
-a!so "o# as >5> South Ei$hth Street/ @roo"!1# Territor1/ A*ster%a* Territor1/ Northest A*eCe* )
A! Moroc )North A*erica ‘Turt!e Is!a#%’
/ (et?een +NITED STATES OF AMERI,A ,OR&ORATION -Trustee-s/ a#% the ri$ht'u!/ Deca!rati0e
a#% &u!ic!1 2 &roc!a*i#$ Heir 2 Appare#t o' the sai% Estate3 +emetrius (arca (e; -Aori$i#a! )
I#%i$e#ous Natio#a! Moorish 2 A*erica# ) Heir ) Moaite I#herita#ce 2 La#% a#% Resources3
$eo$raphica! at Latitu%e3 45.65784 A#% Lo#$itu%e3 ;6<.7:486< =>59 South Ei$hth Street? =Near
,orporate @roo"!1#?/ =Ne Bor" Repu!ic? Northest A*eCe* 2 ‘TheNorth Gate’.The &ropert1 'urther
%escrie% herei# as >59 South Ei$hth Street @ui!%i#$/ Bear @ui!t >7>5/ Lot-s3 </ @!oc"3 ><>/ Lot
Area3 </676 Suare 'eet/ !i0i#$ Area3 >9/785 o#)ithi# Latitu%e a#% Lo#$itu%e/ sai% ‘Dee% Date’3 u#e
4/ 558 A.D./ sai% i#$s ,ou#t1 ,!er" ‘Dee% Ree!’3 <<4/ sai% i#$s ,ou#t1 ,!er" ‘Dee% Ree! &a$e’3
1791 sai% ‘Sa!e D%ate’3 u#e 4/ 558 A.D./ @ui!%i#$ Descriptio#3 >5>;>59 South Ei$hth Street/ &arce!
I#'or*atio#/ recor%e% i# the i#$ ,ou#t1 ,!er"’s O''ice 'or pu!ic Recor%s i# @roo"!1#/ Ne Bor"
Repu!ic/ Northest A*eCe*. The Geo$raphica! ,oor%i#ates o' the Rea! &ropert1) Estate are as 'o!!os3
45 De$rees/ 4 Mi#utes/ <9.4<> Seco#%s North ) ;6< De$rees/ 96 Mi#utes/ 9<.94 Seco#%s West
-"#o# as >59 South Ei$hth Street/ @roo"!1# Territor1/ A*ster%a* Territor1/ Northest A*eCe*/ A!
Moroc) Noth A*erica ‘Turt!e Is!a#%’.

The &ropert1-s %escrie% herei# as La#% a#% Resources3 $eo$raphica! at Latitu%e3 45.65789: a#%
Lo#$itu%e3 ;6<.7:955: =>5> South Ei$hth Street? =Near ,orporate @roo"!1#?/ =Ne Bor" Repu!ic?
Northest A*eCe* 2 ‘The Norrth Gate’. The &ropert1 'urther %escrie% herei# as Resi%e#tia!/ Bear @ui!t3
>7>5/ Lot-s3 <) <4/ @!oc"3 ><>/ Lot Area3 </688 suare 'eet A.D. -prescrie% u#e 4/ 558 A.D./ sai%
i#$s ,ou#t1 ,!er" ‘Dee% Ree! <<4’/ sai% i#$s ,ou#t1 ,!er" ‘Dee% Ree! &a$e’3 >76>/ sai% Sa!e
Date’3 u#e 4/ 558 A.D./ @ui!%i#$ Descriptio#3 >59 South Ei$hth Street/ &arce! I#'or*atio# @!oc" ><>
Lot3 < recor%e% i# the i#$s ,ou#t1 ,!er"’s O''ice 'or &u!ic Recor%s i# Ne Bor" Repu!ic/
Northest A*eCe*. The &ropert1 %escrie% herei# as La#% a#% Resources3 $eo$raphica! at Latitu%e3
45.65784 a#% Lo#$itu%e3 ;6<.7:486< =>59 South Ei$hth Street? =Near ,orporate @roo"!1#?/ =Ne Bor" Repu!ic?
Northest A*eCe* 2 ‘The Norrth Gate’The &ropert1 'urther %escrie% herei# as Resi%e#tia!/Bear @ui!t3
>7>5/ Lots3 </ @!oc"3 ><>/ Lot Area3 </676

&a$e > o' >9

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United State Republic Postmaster Article Number: 7018 1130 0000 4815 539

suare 'eet A.D./ sai% i#$s ,ou#t1 ,!er" ‘Dee% Ree!’3 <<4/ sai% i#$s ,ou#t1 ,!er" ‘Dee% Ree! &a$e’3 >76>/ sai% Sa!e
Date’3 u#e 4/ 558 A.D./ @ui!%i#$ Descriptio#3 >5>;>59 South Ei$hth Street/ &arce! I#'or*atio# recor%e% i# the i#$s
,ou#t1 ,!er"’s O''ice 'or &u!ic Recor%s i# Ne Bor" Repu!ic/ Northest A*eCe* .

@EGINNING $eo$raphica!!1 -o# the La#% uris%ictio# at a poi#t o# the the Northeaster!1 si%e o' South Ei$hth
Street/ Dista#t/ To;Hu#%re% 'eet Northester!1 'ro* the cor#er o' South Ei$hth Street a#% @e%'or% A0e#ue/

Unlock this page a"er an ad 10

ru##i#$ the#ce Northeaster!1 para!!e! ith @e%'or% A0e#ue/ O#e;Hu#%re% o#e 'eet o#e ha!' i#ches to the ce#tre
!i#e o' the @!oc"/ The#ce Northester!1 a!o#$ the sai% ce#tre !i#e o' the @!oc"/ Se0e#t1;Fi0e 'eet/ the#
Southester!1 para!!e! ith @e%'or% A0e#ue/ O#e;Hu#%re% o#e 'eet o#e ha!' i#ches to the Northeaster!1 si%e o'
South Ei$hth Street/ The#ce Southeaster!1 a!o#$ the Northeaster!1 si%e o' South Ei$hth Street/ Se0e#t1;Fi0e Feet to
the poi#t or p!ace or @e$i##i#$

3/ This ‘Tra#s'er A$ree*e#t is a ‘Restoratio# o' Ri$ht’ a#% is i#0o"e% -correcti#$ *a!'easa#ce a#%
*isreprese #tatio#s. It is a’ &u!ic Notice’ a#% ‘Tra#s'er I#stru*e#t’ 'ro* the +NITED STATES OF
AMERI,A/ ET ALLI/ a#% the re!i#uish*e#t o' a!! Here%ita*e#ts ac" to the R&,"!*U' "#&R
United State Republic Postmaster Article Number: 7018 1130 0000 4815 539
APPAR#N!/ Aori$i#a! a#% I#%i$e#ous Natura! &erso#-s o' the La#% 2 Not TaCe%/ +emetirus (arca
(e;/ I# &ropria &erso#a/ Sui uris. I# the *atter o' ‘Ri$hts o' &arties’ a#% ‘Ri$hts o' &ropert1’/ this
suare 'eet I#stru*e#
A.D./ sai%t i#$s
otai#s,ou#t1 ,!er" ‘Dee%
a#% esta!ishes Ree!’a#%
‘ustice’ 3 <<4/ sai%o'i#$s
‘Ri$ht ,ou#t1
,!ai*’ 'or the,!er" ‘Dee%
Natura! Ree!@ei#$/
Di0i#e &a$e’3 >76>/ sai% Sa!e
Date’3 u#eMa#i'este%
4/ 558 A.D./ @ui!%i#$
I# Hu*a# Descri
F!esh/ ptio#3 2
Moorish >5>;>59
A*ericaSouth Ei$hth+emetrius
# Natio#a!/ Street/ &arce! I#'or*atio#
(arca (e;. recor%e% i# the i#$s
,ou#t1 ,!er"’s O''ice 'or &u!ic Recor%s i# Ne Bor" Repu!ic/ Northest A*eCe* .
4/ &roc!ai*i#$ I#herite% @irth Ri$hts/ the Heir a!so ‘Rec!ai*s’ a!! assu*e% authorit1 or poer o'
@EGINNING $eo$raphica!!1 -o# the La#% uris%ictio# at a poi#t o# the the Northeaster!1 si%e o' South Ei$hth
authorit1 'ro* a!!a!!e$e% Trustee-s. The Heir i#te#%s to/ a#% eCercise/ such Ri$hts to ri#$ Remed; to
Street/ Dista#t/ To;Hu#%re% 'eet Northester!1 'ro* the cor#er o' South Ei$hth Street a#% @e%'or% A0e#ue/
the prese#t *isreprese#tatio#s the *is;assu*e% authorities the ro#$s a#% to a!!
ru##i#$ the#ce Northeaster!1 para!!e! ith @e%'or% A0e#ue/ O#e;Hu#%re% o#e 'eet o#e ha!' i#ches to the ce#tre
!i#e o' 5/
the @!oc"/ The#ce
'or*er Northester!1
*isappropriatio#s / 1a!o#$ the sai% Personum
a%%ressi#$ ce#tre !i#e @urisdiction
o' the @!oc"/. &articu!ar
Se0e#t1;Fi0e 'eet/ the#
e*phasis is p!ace% upo#
Southester!‘I#1 &erso##u*
para!!e! ithuris%ictio#’
@e%'or% A0e #ue/ O#e;Hu#%re%
- jurisdiction over theo#e 'eeto#e
preson Theha!'
sai%i#ches to the
‘,!ai*s Northeaster!
o' Ri$ht’ a#% the1 eCercisi#$
si%e o'
South Ei$htho' Street/ The#ce
such Ri$hts a#%Southe aster!1i#c!u%e
urisictio# a!o#$ the
su(ect *attersi%e o' South
o' a!! Ei$hth
Here%ita* Street/
e#ts/ Se0e#t1;Fi0e
corporea! Feet to
a#% i#corporea!/
the poi#t oretc.
p!ace or @e$i##i#$

3/ This ‘Tra#s'er A$ree*e#t

/ Operati#$ a#% #a0i$ati#$isi#a ‘Restoratio
a *is#o*er# )o'#o*Ri$ht’ a#% re/
%e $uer is i#0o"e% -correcti#$
a#% ‘co!ora!e *a!'easa#ce
status’ a#% %oes/
ha0e/ has/ a#%
*a#i'est as#tatio#s. It is a’
%isho#ora!e a#%&u!ic Notice’
i#(urious a#%Natura!
to the ‘Tra#s'er I#stru*e#t’
Di0i#e 'ro* the +NITED
@ei#$/ Ma#i'ester% i# Hu*a#STAF!esh.
AMERI,A/ ET ALLI/ a#% the re!i#uish*e#t R&,"!*U' "#&R
correcti0e ‘A$ree*e#t’ etee# THE +NITEDo' a!! Here%ita*e#ts
to the
ALLI/ a#% +emetrius
APPAR#N!/ Aori$i#a! a#% I#%i$e#ous Natura! &erso#-s o' the La#% 2 Not TaCe%/ +emetirus (arca
(arca (e;/ sha!! sta#% as ‘&ositi0e La’ a#% 'ore0er ‘,ure%’. I/ +emetrius (arca (e; / a* a sa#$ui#e
(e;/ I# &ropria &erso#a/ Sui uris. I# the *atter o' ‘Ri$hts o' &arties’ a#% ‘Ri$hts o' &ropert1’/ this
%esce#%a#t o' the A#cie#t Moaites ) Moors a* aare o' *1 ri$ht'u! status a* #ot a *i#or a* #ot a#
a$ree%/ t otai#s
ar% o' the a#% esta!ishes
state a#% I a* ‘ustice’ a#%
pu!ishi#$ ‘Ri$ht
‘ for the ro' ,!ai*’
ecord ’ that'or the co*pete#t/
I a* Natura! Di0i#e
'ro* @ei#$/
this %a1 'orth/ to
ta"e *1 seatI#a#%
a*o#$stMoorish 2 A*erica
‘The Affairs # Natio#a!/
of Men ’. +emetrius (arca (e;
7/ Ase#t o' theI#herite%
&roc!ai*i#$ co!or;o';authorit1 acti0ities
@irth Ri$hts/ the Heiri*pose% 1 occup1i#$/
a!so ‘Rec!ai*s’ 'orei$#/authorit1
a!! assu*e% co!o#ia! orEuropea#
poer o'
Oppressors a#%a!!a!!e$e%
authorit1 'ro* %isi#$e#uous @oo";eepers
Trustee -s. The Heir Ii#te#%s
a* co*pete#t to ha#%!esuch
to/ a#% eCercise/ the A''airs
Ri$hts o' Remed; to*1
*1 &erso#a!it1
to ri#$
i#herita#ce a#% *1 Natio# ) State
the prese#t *isreprese#tatio#s theas*is;assu*e%
it re!ates to *e a#% to *1
authorities peop!e
the 2 the
ro#$s a#%Moors
to a!! o' Northest A*eCe*
2 Northest A'rica 2 North A*erica 2 ‘The North Gate’.
5/ 'or*er *isappropriatio#s/ 1 a%%ressi#$ Personum @urisdiction. &articu!ar e*phasis is p!ace% upo#
8/ ‘I#+emetrius
&erso##u* uris%ictio#’
(arca - jurisdiction
(e; a Natura! Di0i#eov@ei#$
er theMa#i'est
preson The sai% ‘,!ai*s
i# Hu*a# F!esh 2o'ei#$
Ri$ht’a#a#% the eCercisi#$
Aori$i#a! )
o' such Ri$hts
I#%i$e#ous a#% urisictio#
) Moorsih A*erica# i#c!u%e the su(ect
Natio#a!/ *atter o'-a#%
a* e*raci#$ a!! #ot
Here%ita* e#ts/ corporea!
aa#%o#i#$ a#1 a#% a#% i#corporea!/
a!! o' *1
i#herite% a#%)or secure% ri$hts ith sai% ri$hts a#% i**u#ities a''ir*ati0e!1 secure% a#% protecte% 1
the Free Moorish A*erica# Jo%iac ,o#stitutio# the +#ite% States Repu!ic ,o#stitutio#),o#stitutio#
the +#ite% a#% #a0i$at
States o' i#$
A*i# a *is#o*er
erica Repu!ic) th #o* %e $uer
e Trea t1 o're/ a#% ‘co!ora!e
&eace status’
a#% Frie#%ship ha0e/>8<:
>686 has/ a#% %oes/
the +#ite%
Natio#s as %isho#ora!e a#%
sa! Dec!arati o#i#(urious
o' Hu*a# to the Natura!
Ri$hts Di0i#e
the +#i @ei#$/ Ma#i'ester%
te% Natio#s Ri$hts o' Hu*ai# Hu*a# F!esh.
# @ei#$s theThis
correcti0e ‘A$ree*e#t’ +emetrius
Natio#s Dec! aratio# o# etee# THE
the Ri$hts +NITED
o' I#%i$e #ousSTATES
&eop!esOF theAMERI,A/
+#ite% NatiET
o' a ,hi!% a#%
(arca (e;/ sha!! sta#% as ‘&ositi0e La’ a#% 'ore0er ‘,ure%’. I/ +emetrius (arca (e; / a* a sa#$ui#e
ac"#o!e%$i#$ that the sai% Rotaria# i#stru*e#ts o' the Natio#a! a#% I#ter#atio#a! La/ $i0es support
to/ rea''ir*s/o'a#%
the are
A#cie#t Moaites
i# p!ace ) Moors
to e#'orce a*‘,o*pacts
a!! sai% aare o' *1 ri$ht'u!
) Treat statusa!!a*
ies’ upo# #ot astates
#atio# *i#ori#a* #ot a#
a$ree%/ ar%
o!i$atio#s too' the state a#%
+p!i't;Fa!!e# I a* pu!ishi#$
Hu*a#it1 ‘ for the
2 the Moors record’ that
o' Northest I a* co*pete#t/
A*eCe* 2 Northest'ro*A'r
ica%a1 'orth/ to
; North
ta"e *1 seat
A*erica a#% p!ace
2 North Gate. a*o#$st
The sa*e‘The
spiriAffairs of Men
t o' ri$ht 2 !a’.pri#cip!es o' e#'orce*e#t are eCpresse% ithi# the
peace 2 pro*oti#$ i#itiatio# o' ‘Deco!o#iKatio#’ 1 its supporti#$ ,o**ittee *e*ers states.
7/ Ase#t o' the co!or;o';authorit1 acti0ities i*pose% 1 occup1i#$/ 'orei$#/ co!o#ia! Europea#
Oppressors a#% %isi#$e#uous @oo";eepers I a* co*pete#t to ha#%!e the A''airs o' *1 &erso#a!it1 *1
9/ This re*e%1 2 orie#te% Tra#s'er o' Here%ita*e#ts i#0o"es +emetrius (arca (e;s +#a!ie#a!e )
i#herita#ce a#% *1 Natio# ) State as it re!ates to *e a#% to *1 peop!e 2 the Moors o' Northest A*eCe*
I#a!ie#a!e/ Secure% Ri$hts Susta#ti0e Ri$hts a#% @irth Ri$hts as a Moorish 2 A*erica# Natio#a!.
2 Northest A'rica 2 North A*erica 2 ‘The North Gate’.
This &u!ic Notice/ I#herita#ce ,!ai*/ a#% &u!icatio#/ is 'urther supporte% 1 / a#% a''ir*e% 13
8/ +emetrius (arca (e; a Natura! Di0i#e @ei#$ Ma#i'est i# Hu*a# F!esh 2 ei#$ a# Aori$i#a! )
aB *R## $%%R&S" A$#R&)AN C%+&A) )%NS!&!U!&%N: DJo%iac ,o#stitutio# a#% @irth
I#%i$e#ous ) Moorsih A*erica# Natio#a!/ a* e*raci#$ -a#% #ot aa#%o#i#$ a#1 a#% a!! o' *1
Ri$hts o' the Mooris h A*erica#s 2 ei#$ A!i/ E!/ @e1/ De1 a#% AL/ Artic!e to - para$ra ph to
i#herite% a#%)or secure% ri$hts ith sai% ri$hts a#% i**u#ities a''ir*ati0e!1 secure% a#% protecte% 1
the Free Moorish A*erica# Jo%iac ,o#stitutio# the +#ite% States Repu!ic ,o#stitutio#),o#stitutio#
bB UN&!#+ S!A!#S R#PU('&): +#PAR!$#N! %* @US!&)#: Moorish A*erica# ,re%e#tia!s3
'or the +#ite% States o' A*erica Repu!ic the Treat1 o' &eace a#% Frie#%ship >686 >8<: the +#ite%
 AA141 E !rut2 A1
Natio#s +#i0ersa! Dec!aratio# o' Hu*a# Ri$hts the +#ite% Natio#s Ri$hts o' Hu*a# @ei#$s the +#ite%
Natio#s Dec!aratio# o# the Ri$hts o' I#%i$e#ous &eop!es the +#ite% Natio#s Ri$hts o' a ,hi!% a#%
UN&!#+ S!that A!#Sthe SU PR#$#
sai% Rotaria#)%UR !: SUPo'
i#stru*e#ts R#$# 'A.! a#%
the Natio#a Acts o' State La/ $i0es support
to/ rea''ir*s/ a#% are i# p!ace to e#'orce a!! sai% ‘,o*pacts ) Treaties’ upo# a!! #atio# states i# their
dB UN&!#+
o!i$atio#s to S!A!# R#PU('&
+p!i't;Fa!!e# ) )%NS
Hu*a#it1 2 the!&! U!&o'
Moors %N: Artic!e III
Northest -</ Sectio#
A*eCe* to - A'r
2 Northest Artic!e
ica ; IV -4/
Artic!e2 VI
A*erica -:/Gate.
North A*e#%*e#t
The sa*eV -9 -Liert1
spirit o' ri$ht,!ause a#% A*e#%*e#t
2 !a pri#cip!es I -7 -Reser0atio#
o' e#'orce*e#t o' the
are eCpresse% Ri$hts
ithi# the
o' the
peace &eop!e i#itiatio# o' ‘Deco!o#iKatio#’ 1 its supporti#$ ,o**ittee *e*ers states.
2 pro*oti#$

9/ eB This
R#S %'U!2&%N
re*e%1 NU$Tra
orie#te% (#R S#-#N
#s'er !>*&-# D7
o' Here%ita*e#ts 5B: Date%
i#0o"es Apri! >6/ (arca
+emetrius >7<< A. D. -MOORISH
(e;s +#a!ie#a!eAMERI,AN
I#a!ie#a!e/ OF &HILADEL&HIA
Secure% ANDRi$hts
Ri$hts Susta#ti0e THE +SE OF THEIR
a#% @irth Ri$htsNAMES
as a Moorish 2 A*erica# Natio#a!.
This &u!ic Notice/ I#herita#ce ,!ai*/ a#% &u!icatio#/ is 'urther supporte% 1 / a#% a''ir*e% 13
B Uniersal +eclaration o "uman Ri2ts ->748 2 +#ite% Natio#s Hu*a# Ri$hts -Artic!e Fi'tee# ->9.
aB *R## $%%R&S" A$#R&)AN C%+&A) )%NS!&!U!&%N: DJo%iac ,o#stitutio# a#% @irth
&a$e  o' >9
Ri$hts o' the Mooris h A*erica#s 2 ei#$ A!i/ E!/ @e1/ De1 a#% AL/ Artic!e to - para$ra ph to
bB UN&!#+ S!A!#S R#PU('&): +#PAR!$#N! %* @US!&)#: Moorish A*erica# ,re%e#tia!s3
 AA141 E !rut2 A1

cB UN&!#+ S!A!#S SUPR#$# )%UR!: SUPR#$# 'A.  Acts o' State

dB UN&!#+ S!A!# R#PU('&) )%NS!&!U!&%N: Artic!e III -</ Sectio# to -  Artic!e IV -4/

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Artic!e VI -:/ A*e#%*e#t V -9 -Liert1 ,!ause a#% A*e#%*e#t I -7 -Reser0atio# o' the Ri$hts
o' the &eop!e

eB R#S%'U!&%N NU$(#R S#-#N!>*&-# D75B: Date% Apri! >6/ >7<< A. D. -MOORISH AMERI,AN

B Uniersal +eclaration o "uman Ri2ts ->748 2 +#ite% Natio#s Hu*a# Ri$hts -Artic!e Fi'tee# ->9.

&a$e  o' >9

United State Republic Postmaster Article Number: 7018 1130 0000 4815 539

B +eclarations on t2e Ri2ts o &ndienous Peoples D007B UN&!#+ NA!&%NS: ,#N#RA'

ASS#$('> 2 &art o#e ->/ Artic!e 'our -4

2B !reat; o Peace and *riends2ip 1781787 Superseded b; !reat; o Peace and *riends2ip o

iB !2e +eclaration o t2e ,rantin o &ndependence to )olonial )ountries and People E United
Nations: ,eneral Assembl; F1514/

GB 6!2e American +eclaration o t2e Ri2ts and +uties o $an -A%opte% 1 the Ni#th I#ter#atio#a!
,o#'ere#ce o' A*erica# States @o$ota/ ,o!u*is/ >748 at Artic!e 'i0e -9/ a#% Artic!e te#t1;siC

HB +eclaration on t2e Principles o &nternational la?/

lB #ecutie %rder Number 13107 :< Fe%era! Re$ister/ :8/ 77> ->778 2 I*p!e*e#tatio# o' Hu*a#
Ri$hts Treaties .

With this %ocu*e#t i# p!ace/ proper i%e#tit1 'or +emetrius (arca (e;/ esta!ishes a#% re*o0es 'or the recor% a#1
a#% a!! *isreprese#tatio#-s o' aa#%o#*e#t or a!!e$e% aa#%o#*e#t-s or 1 a#1 c!ai*s to that e''ect/ state% 1/
co#structe% 1/ a#1 'orei$# perso#s a#1 'orei$# e#tities a#1 'orei$# $ui!%s or 1 a#1 pri0ate 'orei$# u#io#s/ or
associatio#s/ etc.

10/ A#1 perso#s a!!e$i#$ a#1 c!ai*s o' authorit1/ or ho *a"e a#1 c!ai*s o' ‘poer o' attor#e1’/ or/ ho
*a"e a#1 other u#'ou#%e% c!ai*s/ to the co#trar1 o' this A!!o%ia! I#stru*e#t/ are here1 a#% herei#
6Rebutted E Ad &ninitum/ No 'orei$# perso#-s a#% #o 'orei$# e#tit1 or e#tities/ possesss ‘!ea0e o0er
*e’. No 'orei$# perso#-s a#% #o 'orei$# e#tit1 or e#tities/ possess/ #or ha0e the1 ee# $i0e# ‘poer o'
attor#e1’ o0er *1 #atura! proper perso#/ #or o0er *1 Here%iat*e#ts. No e#e*1 o' the State #o
0io!ator o' the ,o#stitutio# 'or the +#ite% States o' North A*erica a#% #o 0io!ator o' the Treat1 o' &eace
a#% Frie#%ship etee# Morocco a#% the +#ite% States/ ca# e0er/ u#%er a#1 !a'u! circu*sta#ce/
represe#t *e or prese#t a#1 i#terest or estate co#cer#i#$ *e.

11/ I/ ei#$ a ‘Ri$ht'u! Heir’ a#% I#heritor i' the La#% a#% a!! Here%ita*e#ts/ as ‘&rese#ti#$’ *1;se!' -i# *1
proper perso# to a!! co*ers a#% to the ci0i!iKe% or!% o' #atio#s.

1/ I a* ,!ai*i#$ Ri$hts to *1 0ast Estate to *1 Free Natio#a! Appe!!atio# )No*e# to *1 Re!i$io# to
*1 Hi$h ,u!ture to *1 A#cie#t ,usto*s to *1 I#herita#ces to *1 Herita$e/ a#% to *1 Aori$i#a! )
I#%i$e#ous Ri$hts/ i# a!! the aspects/ a#% #ua#ces re!ate% thereto a#% to the Ri$hts o' the stu%ies a#%
re;c!a*atio#s o' the sa*e. I ho!% *1 Ho#or a#% Tit!e to *1 Natio#a!it1 a#% to *1 @irth Ri$hts 2 ei#$
%i!i$e#t a#% respo#si!e to the Ho#or o' *1 A#cie#t Mothers a#% Fathers. Further*ore/ I %e%icate
*1se!' to that hich is ri$ht a#% true 2 ei#$ reputa!e to the $reat ‘Hu*a#itaria# ,ause’ o' he!pi#$ to
up!i't 'a!!e# hu*a#it1 a#% to ac"#o!e%$e the ast $ooris2 "eritae a#% respo#sii!it1 to the socia!
%uties i#here#t to the aa"e#i#$ o' *1 peop!e/. A#% so/ to a!! perso#s to ho* these prese#ts sha!! co*e
or e *a%e "#o#/ I assert *1 ri$ht'u! ,!ai*s a#% I spea" a#% Dec!are 'or the recor%/ this Allodial
Decree. Let this Truth sta#% as So0erei$#/ i# har*o#1 a#% i# u#it1 ith other acti0e/ !o1a! Moorish
A*erica#s ho ha0e/ a#% %o/ re*ai# true to the Di0i#e a#% Natio#a! &ri#cip!es o' the Re%e*ptio# ,ause
o' *1 peop!e a#% hu*a#it1 at !ar$e. A#% ith the sa*e a''ir*ator1 Truth/ I ho*o!o$ate our Ri$hts to
our se*piter#a! Herita$e a#% to our 0ast Estate.

Amended +ocumentDsB o September 0 018/ Nunc Pro !unc

&n Re: Postal Article NumberF 7018 1130 0000 4815 533 September 7 018Nunc Pro !unc7018 1130 0000
4815 948 September 0 018/

& Am: 7t2 +a; o Auust 018 A/+/ <1438 $/)/= <018 )/)/>/=
+emetrius (arca (e; / AuthoriKe% Represe#tati0e
Natio#a! Di0i#e @ei#$ Ma#i'est I# Hu*a# F!esh/ I# Fu!! Li'e/ Sui Here%es/ Sui uris/ I# &ropria &erso#a
All Ri2ts Resered .it2out PreGudice or Recourse .orld?ide: +.,.,. >;56 ) >;<58 +.,.,. >;>5<
=Near ,orporate State Ne Bor" 2 Jip ECe*pt?
Nortthest A*eCe* 2 No# Do*estic 2 No# Su(ect 2 No# Resi%e#t

&a$e < o' >9

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United State Republic Postmaster Article Number: 7018 1130 0000 4815 539

!"# $%%R&S" NA!&%NA' R#PU('&)

*#+#RA' ,%-#RN$#N! N%R!".#S! A*R&)A/
Northwest Amexem / Northwest Africa / North America.
‘The North Gate’.
Societas Repu!icae Ea A! Mauri"a#os.
Aori$i#a! a#% I#%i$e#ous Natura! &eop!es o' the La#%.
The true a#% %e (ure A! Morocca#s ) A*erica#s.

*or t2e record reIuest t2rou2:

Noble: +emetrius (arca (e; Ri2tul "eir Apparent

Whe# %ocu*e#te% p!ease retur# this ‘A!!o%ia! A! Seisi# i# Dee%’ a#% a!! other %ocu*e#ts to mailin location

+emetrius (arca (e; A''%+&A' !&!'#

,)o >5> South Ei$hth Street AptP < ,
Near @roo"!1#/ Ne Bor" Repu!ic Territor1 !rust  $ooris2 Nation DnoncorporateB
u#ite% States Repu!ic/ North A*erica
No#;Do*estic/ No#;Su(ect/ No# Resi%e#t

.2en usin t2e mailin location ?riteJt;pe #KA)!'> AS PR&N!#+ A(%-# An; ot2er ormat ?ill be
taHen as *raud and )onspirac; to?ards t2e "eir/

Q ;;;;;;; LU&!)'A&$ A''%+&A' A' S#&S&N &N +##+  

D!ranser and Remission o &n2eritance rom !rusteeDsB to "eirB

MN%. A'' $#N (> !"#S# PR#S#N!S !"A!:

As Natura! Heir to the La#%-s 2 Northest A*eCe* ) Northest A'rica ) North A*erica ) ‘The North
Gate’/ I Rec!ai* a#% Assert a!! *1 Ri$hts a#% I#herita#ces. The Trustee-s 2 THE +NITED STATES OF AMERI,A
SERVI,ERS/ ASSIGNS/ ET,. The sai% ‘Trustee-s’ %o !a'u!!1 here1 REMISE/ RELEASE/ S+RRENDER/
AND FOREVER +IT,LAIM to/ +emetrus (arca (e; -Moaite ) Heir ) Di0i#e )@ei#$ ) F!esh a#% @!oo%
REAL &RO&ERTB AND LAND ) GRO+ND =NEAR ,orporate @roo"!1#/ ,orporate STATE OF NEW BOR?
ith the 'o!!oi#$ !e$a! %escriptio#3

ALL THAT ,ERTAIN !ot-s or piece-s o' La#% ) Grou#% ) &arce!/ %escrie% accor%i#$ to =,orporate INGS
,O+NTB RE,ORDED?/ a!!e$e% as 'o!!os/ to it3

The &ropert1 %escrie% herei# as La#% a#% Resources3 $eo$raphica! at Latitu%e3 45.65789: ) Lo#$itu%e3
6<.7:9555: =>5> South Ei$hth Street? =Near ,orporate @roo"!1#?/ =Ne Bor" Repu!ic? Northest A*eCe* 2
‘The North Gate’. The propert1 'urther %escrie% herei# as Resi%e#tia! @ui!%i#$/ Bear @ui!t3 >7>5/ Lots3 <4
Nu*ers/ @!oc" #u*er ><>/ Lot Area3 >9/785/ Li0i#$ Area3 </688 suare 'eet o#)ithi# Latitu%e 45.65789: )
Lo#$itu%e ;6<.7:9555:/ sai% ‘Dee% Date’3 u#e 4/ 558 A.D./ sai% i#$s ,ou#t1 ,!er" ‘Dee% Ree!’3 <<8/ sai%
i#$s ,ou#t1 ,!er" ‘Dee% Ree! &a$e’3 >76>/ sai% ‘Sa!e Date3 u#e 4/ 558 A.D./ @ui!%i#$ Descriptio#3 >5> South
Ei$hth Street/ &arce! I#'or*atio# recor%e% i# the i#$s ,ou#t1 ,!er"’s O''ice 'or &u!ic Recor%s i# @roo"!1#/ Ne
Bor" Repu!ic/ Northest A*eCe*. The &ropert1 %escrie% herei# as La#% a#% Resources3 $eo$raphica! at
Latitu%e3 45.65784 ) Lo#$itu%e3 ;6<.7:4486< =>59 South Ei$hth Street? =Near ,orporate @roo"!1#?/ =Ne Bor"
Repu!ic? Northest A*eCe* 2 ‘The North Gate’. The propert1 'urther %escrie% herei# as Resi%e#tia! @ui!%i#$/
Bear @ui!t3 >7>5/ Lots3 < Nu*ers/ @!oc" #u*er ><>/ Lot Area3 >9/785/ Li0i#$ Area3 </676 suare 'eet
o#)ithi# Lo#$itu%e 45.65784 ) Latitu%e ;6<.7:486</ sai% ‘Dee% Date’3 u#e 4/ 558 A.D./ sai% i#$s ,ou#t1
sai% i#$s ,ou#t1 ,!er" ‘Dee% @oo"’3 <<4/ sai% i#$s ,ou#t1 ,!er" ‘Dee% &a$e’3 >76>/ sai% ‘Sa!e Date3 u#e 4/

&a$e 4 o' >9

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United State Republic Postmaster Article Number: 7018 1130 0000 4815 539

558/ @ui!%i#$ Descriptio#3 >5>;>59 South Ei$hth Street/ &arce! I#'or*atio# recor%e% i# the i#$s ,ou#t1 ,!er"’s
O''ice 'or &u!ic Recor%s i# @roo"!1#/ Ne Bor" Repu!ic/ Northest A*eCe*.

HAVING @EEN ASSIGNED =Nu*er >5> South Ei$hth Street Apart*e#t < ,?

@ei#$ the a!!e$e% pre*ises %escrie% herei# as Resi%e#tia! @ui!%i#$/ Bear @ui!t3 >7>5/ Lots3 <4 here/ @!oc"3 ><>/
Lot Area3 >9/785 sure 'eet / Li0i#$ Area3 </688 o#)ithi# Latitu%e3 45.65789: ) Lo#$itu%e3 ;6<.7:955:/ sai% ‘Dee%
Date’3 u#e 4/ 558 A.D./ sai% i#$s ,ou#t1 ,!er" ‘Dee% Ree!’3 <<4/ sai% i#$s ,ou#t1 ,!er" ‘Dee% Ree!
&a$e’3>76>/ sai% ‘Sa!e Date3 u#e 4/ 558/ @ui!%i#$ %escriptio#3 Resi%e#tia! @ui!%i#$. &arce! I#'or*atio#
recor%e% i# the i#$s ,ou#t1 ,!er"’s O''ice 'or &u!ic Recor%s i# Ne Bor" Repu!ic/ Northest A*eCe*.
@ei#$ the a!!e$e% pre*ises %escrie% herei# as Resi%e#tia! @ui!%i#$/ Bear @ui!t3 >7>5/ Lots3 < here/ @!oc"3 ><>/
Lot Area3 >9/785 sure 'eet / Li0i#$ Area3 </676 o#)ithi# Latitu%e3 45.65784 ) Lo#$itu%e3 ;6<.7:486</ sai% ‘Dee%
Date’3 u#e 4/ 558 A.D./ sai% i#$s ,ou#t1 ,!er" ‘Dee% Ree!’3 <<4/ sai% i#$s ,ou#t1 ,!er" ‘Dee% Ree! &a$e’3
>76>/ sai% ‘Sa!e Date3 u#e 4/ 558/ @ui!%i#$ %escriptio#3 >5>;>59 South Ei$hth Street. &arce! I#'or*atio#
recor%e% i# the i#$s ,ou#t1 ,!er"’s O''ice 'or &u!ic Recor%s i# Ne Bor" Repu!ic/ Northest A*eCe*
Accor%i#$ to sai% ‘La#% Sur0e1’ co#%ucte% per i#$s ,ou#t1 &u!ic Recor%s sai% ‘Fi!e Nu*er’ =p!ace #u*er
here?/ co#%ucte% 13 p!ace #a*e a#% corporatio# here/ %ate% pa!ce %ate here A.D./ the 'o!!oi#$ is the sai%

@EGINNING $eo$raphica!!1 -o# the La#% uris%ictio# at a poi#t o# the the Northeaster!1 si%e o' South Ei$hth
Street/ Dista#t/ To;Hu#%re% 'eet Northester!1 'ro* the cor#er o' South Ei$hth Street a#% @e%'or% A0e#ue/
ru##i#$ the#ce Northeaster!1 para!!e! ith @e%'or% A0e#ue/ O#e;Hu#%re% o#e 'eet o#e ha!' i#ches to the ce#tre
!i#e o' the @!oc"/ The#ce Northester!1 a!o#$ the sai% ce#tre !i#e o' the @!oc"/ Se0e#t1;Fi0e 'eet/ the#
Southester!1 para!!e! ith @e%'or% A0e#ue/ O#e;Hu#%re% o#e 'eet o#e ha!' i#ches to the Northeaster!1 si%e o'
South Ei$hth Street/ The#ce Southeaster!1 a!o#$ the Northeaster!1 si%e o' South Ei$hth Street/ Se0e#t1;Fi0e Feet to
the poi#t or p!ace or @e$i##i#$

@ei#$ the sa*e sai% pre*ises #o $ra#te% o# the 7t2 +da; o Auust 018 A/+/ <1438 $/)/= u#to +emetrius
(arca (e; 1 Moaite @!oo%!i#e I#herita#ce;

I a* Recor%i#$ this Tra#s'er &u!ic!13 o' I#herita#ce Luitclaim Allodial Al Seisin in +eed J @udement b;
+eault J Allodial Luiet !itle b; #stoppel a#% Docu*e#ti#$ the sa*e pu!ic!1/ the 7 Da1 o' Auust
5>8 A.D. =>4<8 M.,.?. This %ocu*e#t sha!! ser0e as ‘&u!ic Notice’ to a!! hose prese#ts this sha!! co*e3

La#%)Terra)&arce! Locatio#3 Latitu%e3 p!ace #u*er here Lo#$itu%e3 p!ace #u*er here
=Near ,orporate @roo"!1#?/ =Ne Bor" Repu!ic?
Northest AMEEM ) North A*erica

Luitclaim Allodial Al Seisin in +eed E 1

+emetrius (arca (e; and Related documents E publis2ed t2e 7 +a; o Auust  018 A/+/

&a$e 9 o' >9

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United State Republic Postmaster Article Number: 7018 1130 0000 4815 539

!"# $%%R&S" NA!&%NA' R#PU('&)

*#+#RA' ,%-#RN$#N! N%R!".#S! A*R&)A/
Northwest Amexem / Northwest Africa / North America.
‘The North Gate’.
Societas Repu!icae Ea A! Mauri"a#os.
Aori$i#a! a#% I#%i$e#ous Natura! &eop!es o' the La#%.
The true a#% %e (ure A! Morocca#s ) A*erica#s.
Aidait o *act
.rit o Allodial Al Seisin &n +eed

*ree National Nomen D!o be placed on t2e recordBO Noble : +emetrius (arca (e; Dneer A'' )AP&!A'

1/ To A!! Thise Who* These &rese#ts Sha!! ,o*e/ #o Be3

@e it "#o#/ re*e*ere% a#% ac"#o!e%$e this %a1/ a#% 'or a!! ti*e/ that I/ No!e3 +emetrius (arca (e; %oth
A''ir*/ Attest/ a#% Dec!are/ that I seiKe this !a#% A!!o%ia! A! Seisi# i# La A!!o%ia! A! Seisi# i# Fact A!!o%ia! A!
Seisi# i# Dee%/ i# the #a*e o' A!!ah / the Most Hi$h/ ,reator o' the Hea0e#s a#% Earth.

. I/ No!e3 +emetius (arca (e;/ @1 the Mi$ht a#% &oer o' A!!ah The Most Hi$h/ ,reator o' The Hea0e#s a#%
Earth/ upo# receipt o' this !a#% 'ro* Heirs or Assi$#ee-s o' prese#t #a*e o# Tit!e/ a#% Assi$# A!!o%ia! A! Seisi# i#
Dee% ri#$s this !a'u!!1 %escrie% !a#%/ as %escrie% e!o ‘out o' euit1 status’ as sho# 1 prior recor%-s a#%
%o here1 Re*ise a#% 'ore0er Re!ease a!! Ri$hts/ Tit!e/ a#% i#terests i# the e!o Descrie% !a#% to +emetrius
(arca (e;. I# Fu!! Li'e a#% So0erei$# Status o' !rut2 A1 AA141/ Re$istere% ith ‘The Depart*e#t o'
ustice’/ Washi#$to# / District o' ,o!u*ia.

3/ I a* c!ai*i#$ the %escrie% La#% e!o 1 authorit1 assi$#e% 1 I#here#t ri$hts at !east i# ,o**o# La a#% so
ri#$s sai% !a#% i# &ara*ou#t Tit!e3 &ropert1 so sou$ht to e seiKe% a#% !a'u!!1 %escrie% a#% re'ere#ce% u#%er
A!!o%ia! Seisi# i#;Dee%.

4. ALL THAT ,ERTAIN !ot or piece o' !a#% ) $rou#%/ %escrie% accor%i#$ to the =,orporate INGS ,O+NTB
RE,ORDER?/ a!!e$e% as 'o!!os/ to it3

The &ropert1 %escrie% herei# as La#% a#% Resources3 $eo$raphica! at Latitu%e3 45.65789: a#% Lo#$itu%e3
;6<.7:955: =>5> South Ei$hth Street? =Near ,orporate @roo"!1#?/ =Ne Bor" Repu!ic? Northest A*eCe* 2 ‘The
Norrth Gate’. The &ropert1 'urther %escrie% herei# as Resi%e#tia!/ Bear @ui!t3 >7>5/ Lots3 <4/ @!oc"3 ><>/ Lot
Area3 </688 suare 'eet A.D./ sai% i#$s ,ou#t1 ,!er" ‘Dee% Ree!’3 <<4/ sai% i#$s ,ou#t1 ,!er" ‘Dee% Ree!
&a$e’3 >76>/ sai% Sa!e Date’3 u#e 4/ 558 A.D./ @ui!%i#$ Descriptio#3 >5> South Ei$hth Street/ &arce!
I#'or*atio# recor%e% i# the i#$s ,ou#t1 ,!er"’s O''ice 'or &u!ic Recor%s i# Ne Bor" Repu!ic/ Northest
The &ropert1 %escrie% herei# as La#% a#% Resources3 $eo$raphica! at Latitu%e3 45.65784 a#% Lo#$itu%e3
;6<.7:486< =>59 South Ei$hth Street? =Near ,orporate @roo"!1#?/ =Ne Bor" Repu!ic? Northest A*eCe* 2 ‘The
Norrth Gate’. The &ropert1 'urther %escrie% herei# as Resi%e#tia!/ Bear @ui!t3 >7>5/ Lots3 </ @!oc"3 ><>/ Lot
Area3 </676 suare 'eet A.D./ sai% i#$s ,ou#t1 ,!er" ‘Dee% Ree!’3 <<4/ sai% i#$s ,ou#t1 ,!er" ‘Dee% Ree!
&a$e’3 >76>/ sai% Sa!e Date’3 u#e 4/ 558 A.D./ @ui!%i#$ Descriptio#3 >59 South Ei$hth Street/ &arce!
I#'or*atio# recor%e% i# the i#$s ,ou#t1 ,!er"’s O''ice 'or &u!ic Recor%s i# Ne Bor" Repu!ic/ Northest

@EGINNING $eo$raphica!!1 -o# the La#% uris%ictio# at a poi#t o# the the Northeaster!1 si%e o' South Ei$hth
Street/ Dista#t/ To;Hu#%re% 'eet Northester!1 'ro* the cor#er o' South Ei$hth Street a#% @e%'or% A0e#ue/
ru##i#$ the#ce Northeaster!1 para!!e! ith @e%'or% A0e#ue/ O#e;Hu#%re% o#e 'eet o#e ha!' i#ches to the ce#tre
!i#e o' the @!oc"/ The#ce Northester!1 a!o#$ the sai% ce#tre !i#e o' the @!oc"/ Se0e#t1;Fi0e 'eet/ the#
Southester!1 para!!e! ith @e%'or% A0e#ue/ O#e;Hu#%re% o#e 'eet o#e ha!' i#ches to the Northeaster!1 si%e o'
South Ei$hth Street/ The#ce Southeaster!1 a!o#$ the Northeaster!1 si%e o' South Ei$hth Street/ Se0e#t1;Fi0e Feet to
the poi#t or p!ace or @e$i##i#$.

&a$e : o' >9

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