Unit 3 Notes
Unit 3 Notes
Unit 3 Notes
A-not-b error- when infants make the mistake of selecting the familiar
hiding place (A) rather than the new hiding place (B) as they progress
into the 4th substage.
Educational Implications
a) Constructivist Approach- Children learn best when allowed to be
active and seek solutions for themselves. They shouldn't just be
passive receptacles of knowledge.
b) Facilitating rather than direct teaching- Teachers should promote
students’ thinking and design situations in which they are
encouraged to learn by doing.
c) Consideration of Child’s Level of Thinking and Knowledge -
Teachers should adapt to their students level of thought and
respond in ways that are easily understandable.
d) Promotion of Intellectual Health- Children’s learning happens
naturally, so it is important that they are not forced into
achieving too much at an early age.
e) Exploration and Discovery- If Piaget’s version of classrooms were
to be implemented in today's world, they would not be as
structured. Predetermined assignments would not exist, and
teaching would be according to each student’s interests and
natural activities in order to determine an apt course of teaching.
Language is ordered and organized. Infinite generativity- ability to
produce endless number of meaningful sentences. 5 major rules-
I. Phonology- sound system of lang, how they used + combined.
II. Morphology- units of meaning involved in word formation.
III. Syntax- words are combined to form phrases and sentences.
IV. Semantics- meaning of words and sentences.
V. Pragmatics- appropriate use of lang in different contexts.
Language Development
- Crying
- Cooing
- Babbling
- Gestures
- 2 word utterances by 18-24 months
Longitudinal Studies-
This studies the participants over a long period of time and the research usually takes periodic
samples of behavior
The advantage of this is that it allows us to track development and enables us to monitor changes
over time. Eg- Freud's study on Little Hans (from age 3 to 5)
This design allows for a reduction in participants variables as the same people are studied over a
relatively long period of time.
It’s a type of observational study design. Here, the investigator measures the outcome and the
exposures in the study participants at the same time. (study of people from different
sectors/classes like comparative studies on intelligence, work ethic etc)
Cross-cultural- taking a similar set of people (same class/same age) across cultures