PWD SCHEDULE OF RATES (Rs.) 1216.00 1096.00 999.00 926.00 932.00 866.00 826.00 820.00 766.00 772.00 708.00 674.00 651.00 644.00 534.00 MTPS-II NCTPS-II
Page 1 of 33
Description of Work Sy-II/ Mc-
FI(PL Sy-I / W Total
Sl. Elect I/Pb FII / Elect II/ Tr-I/ Br- No. of Rate
Code Dn. Qty Units in TA I TAII Mas I TA III Mas II /BB)/ I/Mc-I/ Sc- Ptr II Tr-II Mz-I Elec Hlpr Mz-II amount
No II II/Dr Hd II/ W-II/Sc shifts per Unit (Rs)
Pb I I/Dr Ld (Rs)
PWD SCHEDULE OF RATES (Rs.) 1216.00 1096.00 999.00 926.00 932.00 866.00 826.00 820.00 766.00 772.00 708.00 674.00 651.00 644.00 534.00 MTPS-II NCTPS-II
Page 2 of 33
Description of Work Sy-II/ Mc-
FI(PL Sy-I / W Total
Sl. Elect I/Pb FII / Elect II/ Tr-I/ Br- No. of Rate
Code Dn. Qty Units in TA I TAII Mas I TA III Mas II /BB)/ I/Mc-I/ Sc- Ptr II Tr-II Mz-I Elec Hlpr Mz-II amount
No II II/Dr Hd II/ W-II/Sc shifts per Unit (Rs)
Pb I I/Dr Ld (Rs)
PWD SCHEDULE OF RATES (Rs.) 1216.00 1096.00 999.00 926.00 932.00 866.00 826.00 820.00 766.00 772.00 708.00 674.00 651.00 644.00 534.00 MTPS-II NCTPS-II
ii) Labour required per shift for Metal filling, machining and
repairing of worn out shafts / Bearing seating surfaces on DE &
24 EM-6024 EM NDE sides, checking of bearings housings, providing sleeves in 1 No 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 4 0 1 5340.00 5340.00 5874.00
the end covers on DE & NDE.
Page 3 of 33
Description of Work Sy-II/ Mc-
FI(PL Sy-I / W Total
Sl. Elect I/Pb FII / Elect II/ Tr-I/ Br- No. of Rate
Code Dn. Qty Units in TA I TAII Mas I TA III Mas II /BB)/ I/Mc-I/ Sc- Ptr II Tr-II Mz-I Elec Hlpr Mz-II amount
No II II/Dr Hd II/ W-II/Sc shifts per Unit (Rs)
Pb I I/Dr Ld (Rs)
PWD SCHEDULE OF RATES (Rs.) 1216.00 1096.00 999.00 926.00 932.00 866.00 826.00 820.00 766.00 772.00 708.00 674.00 651.00 644.00 534.00 MTPS-II NCTPS-II
PWD SCHEDULE OF RATES (Rs.) 1216.00 1096.00 999.00 926.00 932.00 866.00 826.00 820.00 766.00 772.00 708.00 674.00 651.00 644.00 534.00 MTPS-II NCTPS-II
Charges for removing the 1120 KW CEP Motor bearings from the
shaft, checking the bearings and its clearance, inspecting the
49 EM-6049 EM bearings and replacement of bearings if necessary (both DE & 1 No 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 5 0 0 0 0 0 4 3 25278.00 25278.00 27805.80
NDE) (Bearings will be supplied by TANGEDCO)
Charges for removing the 1120 KW CEP Motor bearing from the
shafts, checking the bearing, checking its clearance, inspecting
55 EM-6055 EM the bearings and replacement of both DE & NDE bearings 1 No 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 5 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 33704.00 33704.00 37074.40
(Bearings will be supplied by Board)
Charges for Fixing the coupling pulley in the 1120 KW CEP Motor
by oil heating, Lifting and lowering of the motor and placing in
57 EM-6057 EM its bed for re-erection of motor, refixing of power terminal box, 1 No 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 5 0 0 0 0 0 4 3 22818.00 22818.00 25099.80
re-erection of roof and refixing the hand rails
Page 5 of 33
Description of Work Sy-II/ Mc-
FI(PL Sy-I / W Total
Sl. Elect I/Pb FII / Elect II/ Tr-I/ Br- No. of Rate
Code Dn. Qty Units in TA I TAII Mas I TA III Mas II /BB)/ I/Mc-I/ Sc- Ptr II Tr-II Mz-I Elec Hlpr Mz-II amount
No II II/Dr Hd II/ W-II/Sc shifts per Unit (Rs)
Pb I I/Dr Ld (Rs)
PWD SCHEDULE OF RATES (Rs.) 1216.00 1096.00 999.00 926.00 932.00 866.00 826.00 820.00 766.00 772.00 708.00 674.00 651.00 644.00 534.00 MTPS-II NCTPS-II
Page 6 of 33
Description of Work Sy-II/ Mc-
FI(PL Sy-I / W Total
Sl. Elect I/Pb FII / Elect II/ Tr-I/ Br- No. of Rate
Code Dn. Qty Units in TA I TAII Mas I TA III Mas II /BB)/ I/Mc-I/ Sc- Ptr II Tr-II Mz-I Elec Hlpr Mz-II amount
No II II/Dr Hd II/ W-II/Sc shifts per Unit (Rs)
Pb I I/Dr Ld (Rs)
PWD SCHEDULE OF RATES (Rs.) 1216.00 1096.00 999.00 926.00 932.00 866.00 826.00 820.00 766.00 772.00 708.00 674.00 651.00 644.00 534.00 MTPS-II NCTPS-II
Page 7 of 33
Description of Work Sy-II/ Mc-
FI(PL Sy-I / W Total
Sl. Elect I/Pb FII / Elect II/ Tr-I/ Br- No. of Rate
Code Dn. Qty Units in TA I TAII Mas I TA III Mas II /BB)/ I/Mc-I/ Sc- Ptr II Tr-II Mz-I Elec Hlpr Mz-II amount
No II II/Dr Hd II/ W-II/Sc shifts per Unit (Rs)
Pb I I/Dr Ld (Rs)
PWD SCHEDULE OF RATES (Rs.) 1216.00 1096.00 999.00 926.00 932.00 866.00 826.00 820.00 766.00 772.00 708.00 674.00 651.00 644.00 534.00 MTPS-II NCTPS-II
Page 8 of 33
Description of Work Sy-II/ Mc-
FI(PL Sy-I / W Total
Sl. Elect I/Pb FII / Elect II/ Tr-I/ Br- No. of Rate
Code Dn. Qty Units in TA I TAII Mas I TA III Mas II /BB)/ I/Mc-I/ Sc- Ptr II Tr-II Mz-I Elec Hlpr Mz-II amount
No II II/Dr Hd II/ W-II/Sc shifts per Unit (Rs)
Pb I I/Dr Ld (Rs)
PWD SCHEDULE OF RATES (Rs.) 1216.00 1096.00 999.00 926.00 932.00 866.00 826.00 820.00 766.00 772.00 708.00 674.00 651.00 644.00 534.00 MTPS-II NCTPS-II
Page 9 of 33
Description of Work Sy-II/ Mc-
FI(PL Sy-I / W Total
Sl. Elect I/Pb FII / Elect II/ Tr-I/ Br- No. of Rate
Code Dn. Qty Units in TA I TAII Mas I TA III Mas II /BB)/ I/Mc-I/ Sc- Ptr II Tr-II Mz-I Elec Hlpr Mz-II amount
No II II/Dr Hd II/ W-II/Sc shifts per Unit (Rs)
Pb I I/Dr Ld (Rs)
PWD SCHEDULE OF RATES (Rs.) 1216.00 1096.00 999.00 926.00 932.00 866.00 826.00 820.00 766.00 772.00 708.00 674.00 651.00 644.00 534.00 MTPS-II NCTPS-II
Page 10 of 33
Description of Work Sy-II/ Mc-
FI(PL Sy-I / W Total
Sl. Elect I/Pb FII / Elect II/ Tr-I/ Br- No. of Rate
Code Dn. Qty Units in TA I TAII Mas I TA III Mas II /BB)/ I/Mc-I/ Sc- Ptr II Tr-II Mz-I Elec Hlpr Mz-II amount
No II II/Dr Hd II/ W-II/Sc shifts per Unit (Rs)
Pb I I/Dr Ld (Rs)
PWD SCHEDULE OF RATES (Rs.) 1216.00 1096.00 999.00 926.00 932.00 866.00 826.00 820.00 766.00 772.00 708.00 674.00 651.00 644.00 534.00 MTPS-II NCTPS-II
b) Machining of bolts for seal body on both ends (TE & EE).
Cleaning of all equipment and its plinth area at seal oil system
and oil top up of seal oil vacuum pumps, cleaning of duplex
120 EM-6120 EM filters. 4 Unit 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 4062.00 1015.50 1117.05
Page 11 of 33
Description of Work Sy-II/ Mc-
FI(PL Sy-I / W Total
Sl. Elect I/Pb FII / Elect II/ Tr-I/ Br- No. of Rate
Code Dn. Qty Units in TA I TAII Mas I TA III Mas II /BB)/ I/Mc-I/ Sc- Ptr II Tr-II Mz-I Elec Hlpr Mz-II amount
No II II/Dr Hd II/ W-II/Sc shifts per Unit (Rs)
Pb I I/Dr Ld (Rs)
PWD SCHEDULE OF RATES (Rs.) 1216.00 1096.00 999.00 926.00 932.00 866.00 826.00 820.00 766.00 772.00 708.00 674.00 651.00 644.00 534.00 MTPS-II NCTPS-II
Page 12 of 33
Description of Work Sy-II/ Mc-
FI(PL Sy-I / W Total
Sl. Elect I/Pb FII / Elect II/ Tr-I/ Br- No. of Rate
Code Dn. Qty Units in TA I TAII Mas I TA III Mas II /BB)/ I/Mc-I/ Sc- Ptr II Tr-II Mz-I Elec Hlpr Mz-II amount
No II II/Dr Hd II/ W-II/Sc shifts per Unit (Rs)
Pb I I/Dr Ld (Rs)
PWD SCHEDULE OF RATES (Rs.) 1216.00 1096.00 999.00 926.00 932.00 866.00 826.00 820.00 766.00 772.00 708.00 674.00 651.00 644.00 534.00 MTPS-II NCTPS-II
EM 0
Cleaning of Gas unit–all equipment and its plinth area, gas filling
station, all feeding rack units of H2, CO2 & N2 and all connected
144 EM-6144 EM feeding pipelines. 4 Unit 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1464.00 366.00 402.60
Page 13 of 33
Description of Work Sy-II/ Mc-
FI(PL Sy-I / W Total
Sl. Elect I/Pb FII / Elect II/ Tr-I/ Br- No. of Rate
Code Dn. Qty Units in TA I TAII Mas I TA III Mas II /BB)/ I/Mc-I/ Sc- Ptr II Tr-II Mz-I Elec Hlpr Mz-II amount
No II II/Dr Hd II/ W-II/Sc shifts per Unit (Rs)
Pb I I/Dr Ld (Rs)
PWD SCHEDULE OF RATES (Rs.) 1216.00 1096.00 999.00 926.00 932.00 866.00 826.00 820.00 766.00 772.00 708.00 674.00 651.00 644.00 534.00 MTPS-II NCTPS-II
b) Batteries:
• Monitoring of all Battery Chargers & Batteries daily.
• Measuring of Pilot Cell Voltage & Specific gravity for 220V, 24V
156 EM-6156 EM 1 Days 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 644.00 644.00 708.40
& UPS Batteries.
• Recording Charger voltage, Charger Amps, Battery
V. Quarterly Maintenance:
Page 14 of 33
Description of Work Sy-II/ Mc-
FI(PL Sy-I / W Total
Sl. Elect I/Pb FII / Elect II/ Tr-I/ Br- No. of Rate
Code Dn. Qty Units in TA I TAII Mas I TA III Mas II /BB)/ I/Mc-I/ Sc- Ptr II Tr-II Mz-I Elec Hlpr Mz-II amount
No II II/Dr Hd II/ W-II/Sc shifts per Unit (Rs)
Pb I I/Dr Ld (Rs)
PWD SCHEDULE OF RATES (Rs.) 1216.00 1096.00 999.00 926.00 932.00 866.00 826.00 820.00 766.00 772.00 708.00 674.00 651.00 644.00 534.00 MTPS-II NCTPS-II
For HT Motors •
Checking of HT motors Power cable terminal tightness at motor
164 EM-6164 EM • Measuring Winding Resistance & IR value 2 No 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 2214.00 1107.00 1217.70
• Greasing of HT motors
A)External cleaning of 11KV HT Breaker switchgear panels.
175 EM-6175 EM 111 No 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 1932.00 17.41 19.15
Page 15 of 33
Description of Work Sy-II/ Mc-
FI(PL Sy-I / W Total
Sl. Elect I/Pb FII / Elect II/ Tr-I/ Br- No. of Rate
Code Dn. Qty Units in TA I TAII Mas I TA III Mas II /BB)/ I/Mc-I/ Sc- Ptr II Tr-II Mz-I Elec Hlpr Mz-II amount
No II II/Dr Hd II/ W-II/Sc shifts per Unit (Rs)
Pb I I/Dr Ld (Rs)
PWD SCHEDULE OF RATES (Rs.) 1216.00 1096.00 999.00 926.00 932.00 866.00 826.00 820.00 766.00 772.00 708.00 674.00 651.00 644.00 534.00 MTPS-II NCTPS-II
Page 16 of 33
Description of Work Sy-II/ Mc-
FI(PL Sy-I / W Total
Sl. Elect I/Pb FII / Elect II/ Tr-I/ Br- No. of Rate
Code Dn. Qty Units in TA I TAII Mas I TA III Mas II /BB)/ I/Mc-I/ Sc- Ptr II Tr-II Mz-I Elec Hlpr Mz-II amount
No II II/Dr Hd II/ W-II/Sc shifts per Unit (Rs)
Pb I I/Dr Ld (Rs)
PWD SCHEDULE OF RATES (Rs.) 1216.00 1096.00 999.00 926.00 932.00 866.00 826.00 820.00 766.00 772.00 708.00 674.00 651.00 644.00 534.00 MTPS-II NCTPS-II
Page 17 of 33
Description of Work Sy-II/ Mc-
FI(PL Sy-I / W Total
Sl. Elect I/Pb FII / Elect II/ Tr-I/ Br- No. of Rate
Code Dn. Qty Units in TA I TAII Mas I TA III Mas II /BB)/ I/Mc-I/ Sc- Ptr II Tr-II Mz-I Elec Hlpr Mz-II amount
No II II/Dr Hd II/ W-II/Sc shifts per Unit (Rs)
Pb I I/Dr Ld (Rs)
PWD SCHEDULE OF RATES (Rs.) 1216.00 1096.00 999.00 926.00 932.00 866.00 826.00 820.00 766.00 772.00 708.00 674.00 651.00 644.00 534.00 MTPS-II NCTPS-II
Loading and unloading of RCC poles 9.14 MTR from Store to site
Page 18 of 33
Description of Work Sy-II/ Mc-
FI(PL Sy-I / W Total
Sl. Elect I/Pb FII / Elect II/ Tr-I/ Br- No. of Rate
Code Dn. Qty Units in TA I TAII Mas I TA III Mas II /BB)/ I/Mc-I/ Sc- Ptr II Tr-II Mz-I Elec Hlpr Mz-II amount
No II II/Dr Hd II/ W-II/Sc shifts per Unit (Rs)
Pb I I/Dr Ld (Rs)
PWD SCHEDULE OF RATES (Rs.) 1216.00 1096.00 999.00 926.00 932.00 866.00 826.00 820.00 766.00 772.00 708.00 674.00 651.00 644.00 534.00 MTPS-II NCTPS-II
Page 19 of 33
Description of Work Sy-II/ Mc-
FI(PL Sy-I / W Total
Sl. Elect I/Pb FII / Elect II/ Tr-I/ Br- No. of Rate
Code Dn. Qty Units in TA I TAII Mas I TA III Mas II /BB)/ I/Mc-I/ Sc- Ptr II Tr-II Mz-I Elec Hlpr Mz-II amount
No II II/Dr Hd II/ W-II/Sc shifts per Unit (Rs)
Pb I I/Dr Ld (Rs)
PWD SCHEDULE OF RATES (Rs.) 1216.00 1096.00 999.00 926.00 932.00 866.00 826.00 820.00 766.00 772.00 708.00 674.00 651.00 644.00 534.00 MTPS-II NCTPS-II
Page 20 of 33
Description of Work Sy-II/ Mc-
FI(PL Sy-I / W Total
Sl. Elect I/Pb FII / Elect II/ Tr-I/ Br- No. of Rate
Code Dn. Qty Units in TA I TAII Mas I TA III Mas II /BB)/ I/Mc-I/ Sc- Ptr II Tr-II Mz-I Elec Hlpr Mz-II amount
No II II/Dr Hd II/ W-II/Sc shifts per Unit (Rs)
Pb I I/Dr Ld (Rs)
PWD SCHEDULE OF RATES (Rs.) 1216.00 1096.00 999.00 926.00 932.00 866.00 826.00 820.00 766.00 772.00 708.00 674.00 651.00 644.00 534.00 MTPS-II NCTPS-II
230/400 kV GANTRY
Page 21 of 33
Description of Work Sy-II/ Mc-
FI(PL Sy-I / W Total
Sl. Elect I/Pb FII / Elect II/ Tr-I/ Br- No. of Rate
Code Dn. Qty Units in TA I TAII Mas I TA III Mas II /BB)/ I/Mc-I/ Sc- Ptr II Tr-II Mz-I Elec Hlpr Mz-II amount
No II II/Dr Hd II/ W-II/Sc shifts per Unit (Rs)
Pb I I/Dr Ld (Rs)
PWD SCHEDULE OF RATES (Rs.) 1216.00 1096.00 999.00 926.00 932.00 866.00 826.00 820.00 766.00 772.00 708.00 674.00 651.00 644.00 534.00 MTPS-II NCTPS-II
Page 22 of 33
Description of Work Sy-II/ Mc-
FI(PL Sy-I / W Total
Sl. Elect I/Pb FII / Elect II/ Tr-I/ Br- No. of Rate
Code Dn. Qty Units in TA I TAII Mas I TA III Mas II /BB)/ I/Mc-I/ Sc- Ptr II Tr-II Mz-I Elec Hlpr Mz-II amount
No II II/Dr Hd II/ W-II/Sc shifts per Unit (Rs)
Pb I I/Dr Ld (Rs)
PWD SCHEDULE OF RATES (Rs.) 1216.00 1096.00 999.00 926.00 932.00 866.00 826.00 820.00 766.00 772.00 708.00 674.00 651.00 644.00 534.00 MTPS-II NCTPS-II
Charges for removing and re fixing the NDE side cover of 3.3KV
HT turbine motor for cleaning of cooling tubes, cooling fan and
274 EM-6274 EM painting the inner area of NDE cover, cooling fan including 10 No 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 10 43500.00 4350.00 4785.00
required T & P's,anti corrosive paints and consumables etc.,
Charges for replacing the damaged NDE side cooling fan mesh
in 3.3KV ACW & DMCW motors including required T & P's,
276 EM-6276 EM 7 No 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 3.5 4550.00 650.00 715.00
Charges for replacing the damaged NDE side cooling fan mesh
in 415V,110KW vacuum motor including required T & P's
280 EM-6280 EM 3 No 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 534.00 178.00 195.80
Page 23 of 33
Description of Work Sy-II/ Mc-
FI(PL Sy-I / W Total
Sl. Elect I/Pb FII / Elect II/ Tr-I/ Br- No. of Rate
Code Dn. Qty Units in TA I TAII Mas I TA III Mas II /BB)/ I/Mc-I/ Sc- Ptr II Tr-II Mz-I Elec Hlpr Mz-II amount
No II II/Dr Hd II/ W-II/Sc shifts per Unit (Rs)
Pb I I/Dr Ld (Rs)
PWD SCHEDULE OF RATES (Rs.) 1216.00 1096.00 999.00 926.00 932.00 866.00 826.00 820.00 766.00 772.00 708.00 674.00 651.00 644.00 534.00 MTPS-II NCTPS-II
Charges for fixing of PVC Box (6/4 way box with socket &
switch) / PVC junction box at wall and furnished cabin.
299 EM-6299 EM 8 nos 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 2422.00 302.75 333.03
Page 24 of 33
Description of Work Sy-II/ Mc-
FI(PL Sy-I / W Total
Sl. Elect I/Pb FII / Elect II/ Tr-I/ Br- No. of Rate
Code Dn. Qty Units in TA I TAII Mas I TA III Mas II /BB)/ I/Mc-I/ Sc- Ptr II Tr-II Mz-I Elec Hlpr Mz-II amount
No II II/Dr Hd II/ W-II/Sc shifts per Unit (Rs)
Pb I I/Dr Ld (Rs)
PWD SCHEDULE OF RATES (Rs.) 1216.00 1096.00 999.00 926.00 932.00 866.00 826.00 820.00 766.00 772.00 708.00 674.00 651.00 644.00 534.00 MTPS-II NCTPS-II
Charges for Laying of “3/4” inch PVC pipe /“3/4” inch PVC
flexible Conduit fixed with metal clamps, screw Fischer and
300 EM-6300 EM screws at wall and furnished cabin. 50 mtr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 2108.00 42.16 46.38
ReFixing of Cooling water line and Heat Barrier I/L & O/L
Pipelines with main line and Reaffixing of Hand Rails, Grills and
305 EM-6305 EM Channels in Work Area. 1 No 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 4 4 24840.00 24840.00 27324.00
Shifting of Mill Motor to repair bay and sapre motor from central
stores to location
312 EM-6312 EM 1 no 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 1834.00 1834.00 2017.40
Page 25 of 33
Description of Work Sy-II/ Mc-
FI(PL Sy-I / W Total
Sl. Elect I/Pb FII / Elect II/ Tr-I/ Br- No. of Rate
Code Dn. Qty Units in TA I TAII Mas I TA III Mas II /BB)/ I/Mc-I/ Sc- Ptr II Tr-II Mz-I Elec Hlpr Mz-II amount
No II II/Dr Hd II/ W-II/Sc shifts per Unit (Rs)
Pb I I/Dr Ld (Rs)
PWD SCHEDULE OF RATES (Rs.) 1216.00 1096.00 999.00 926.00 932.00 866.00 826.00 820.00 766.00 772.00 708.00 674.00 651.00 644.00 534.00 MTPS-II NCTPS-II
Page 26 of 33
Description of Work Sy-II/ Mc-
FI(PL Sy-I / W Total
Sl. Elect I/Pb FII / Elect II/ Tr-I/ Br- No. of Rate
Code Dn. Qty Units in TA I TAII Mas I TA III Mas II /BB)/ I/Mc-I/ Sc- Ptr II Tr-II Mz-I Elec Hlpr Mz-II amount
No II II/Dr Hd II/ W-II/Sc shifts per Unit (Rs)
Pb I I/Dr Ld (Rs)
PWD SCHEDULE OF RATES (Rs.) 1216.00 1096.00 999.00 926.00 932.00 866.00 826.00 820.00 766.00 772.00 708.00 674.00 651.00 644.00 534.00 MTPS-II NCTPS-II
Page 27 of 33
Description of Work Sy-II/ Mc-
FI(PL Sy-I / W Total
Sl. Elect I/Pb FII / Elect II/ Tr-I/ Br- No. of Rate
Code Dn. Qty Units in TA I TAII Mas I TA III Mas II /BB)/ I/Mc-I/ Sc- Ptr II Tr-II Mz-I Elec Hlpr Mz-II amount
No II II/Dr Hd II/ W-II/Sc shifts per Unit (Rs)
Pb I I/Dr Ld (Rs)
PWD SCHEDULE OF RATES (Rs.) 1216.00 1096.00 999.00 926.00 932.00 866.00 826.00 820.00 766.00 772.00 708.00 674.00 651.00 644.00 534.00 MTPS-II NCTPS-II
Page 28 of 33
Description of Work Sy-II/ Mc-
FI(PL Sy-I / W Total
Sl. Elect I/Pb FII / Elect II/ Tr-I/ Br- No. of Rate
Code Dn. Qty Units in TA I TAII Mas I TA III Mas II /BB)/ I/Mc-I/ Sc- Ptr II Tr-II Mz-I Elec Hlpr Mz-II amount
No II II/Dr Hd II/ W-II/Sc shifts per Unit (Rs)
Pb I I/Dr Ld (Rs)
PWD SCHEDULE OF RATES (Rs.) 1216.00 1096.00 999.00 926.00 932.00 866.00 826.00 820.00 766.00 772.00 708.00 674.00 651.00 644.00 534.00 MTPS-II NCTPS-II
Labour charges for removing and refixing the back door, top
cover for inspection work in line PT breaker panel, 2BATO1
362 EM-6362 EM incomer breaker and OBA tie breaker panel. 1 No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 2108.00 2108.00 2318.80
Page 29 of 33
Description of Work Sy-II/ Mc-
FI(PL Sy-I / W Total
Sl. Elect I/Pb FII / Elect II/ Tr-I/ Br- No. of Rate
Code Dn. Qty Units in TA I TAII Mas I TA III Mas II /BB)/ I/Mc-I/ Sc- Ptr II Tr-II Mz-I Elec Hlpr Mz-II amount
No II II/Dr Hd II/ W-II/Sc shifts per Unit (Rs)
Pb I I/Dr Ld (Rs)
PWD SCHEDULE OF RATES (Rs.) 1216.00 1096.00 999.00 926.00 932.00 866.00 826.00 820.00 766.00 772.00 708.00 674.00 651.00 644.00 534.00 MTPS-II NCTPS-II
Labour Charges for Cleaning and inspecting the 2BA bus (R,Y &
B phases) in Unit-II #2BATO1 Incomer and Line PT breaker
363 EM-6363 EM compartment. 1 No. 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 3 15936.00 15936.00 17529.60
Labour Charges for painting work for 11KV line PT breaker, 11KV
2BATO1 incomer breaker, 3Nos. line PT (Dr.Beg Varnish, paint &
366 EM-6366 EM thinner), Line PT and incomer breaker panel front & back sides, 1 No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 4 5224.00 5224.00 5746.40
inner and outside and top and bottom sides.
Labour charges for opening the man hole cover. Each man hole
have 36 bolts & Nuts at the height of (12.2 mtr height, 9.45m &
370 EM-6370 EM 7.5m height). 4 No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2174.00 543.50 597.85
Labour charges for closing the man hole cover and replacing all
bolts & Nuts with a new one. Each man hole have 36 bolts &
372 EM-6372 EM Nuts at the height of (12.2 mtr height, 9.45m & 7.5m height). 4 No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2174.00 543.50 597.85
Labour charges for loosen the 2 Nos. end rings over the rubber
bellow, removing the rubber bellow in 21KV bus duct in each
Phase, disconnecting and fixing the flexible joints and refixing
374 EM-6374 EM the rubber bellow, and tighten the end rings over the rubber 1 No. 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 9 47916.00 47916.00 52707.60
bellow at 12.2 mtr height. (128 Nos. Bolt & Nut removing &
refixing the flexible joints).
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Description of Work Sy-II/ Mc-
FI(PL Sy-I / W Total
Sl. Elect I/Pb FII / Elect II/ Tr-I/ Br- No. of Rate
Code Dn. Qty Units in TA I TAII Mas I TA III Mas II /BB)/ I/Mc-I/ Sc- Ptr II Tr-II Mz-I Elec Hlpr Mz-II amount
No II II/Dr Hd II/ W-II/Sc shifts per Unit (Rs)
Pb I I/Dr Ld (Rs)
PWD SCHEDULE OF RATES (Rs.) 1216.00 1096.00 999.00 926.00 932.00 866.00 826.00 820.00 766.00 772.00 708.00 674.00 651.00 644.00 534.00 MTPS-II NCTPS-II
Labour Charges for fixing the incoming and outgoing bus bars
with CT s and bus bars heat shrinkable sleeve changing and
383 EM-6383 EM connecting the bus bars with new fasteners in 415V, 800A, LT 1 No. 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 4 16096.00 16096.00 17705.60
Page 31 of 33
Description of Work Sy-II/ Mc-
FI(PL Sy-I / W Total
Sl. Elect I/Pb FII / Elect II/ Tr-I/ Br- No. of Rate
Code Dn. Qty Units in TA I TAII Mas I TA III Mas II /BB)/ I/Mc-I/ Sc- Ptr II Tr-II Mz-I Elec Hlpr Mz-II amount
No II II/Dr Hd II/ W-II/Sc shifts per Unit (Rs)
Pb I I/Dr Ld (Rs)
PWD SCHEDULE OF RATES (Rs.) 1216.00 1096.00 999.00 926.00 932.00 866.00 826.00 820.00 766.00 772.00 708.00 674.00 651.00 644.00 534.00 MTPS-II NCTPS-II
Charges for 105/15T EOT Crane AH Rotary limit switch (Up and
Down) fixing and cut-off operation limit setup work.
391 EM-6391 EM 1 Unit 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 6068.00 6068.00 6674.80
Page 32 of 33
Description of Work Sy-II/ Mc-
FI(PL Sy-I / W Total
Sl. Elect I/Pb FII / Elect II/ Tr-I/ Br- No. of Rate
Code Dn. Qty Units in TA I TAII Mas I TA III Mas II /BB)/ I/Mc-I/ Sc- Ptr II Tr-II Mz-I Elec Hlpr Mz-II amount
No II II/Dr Hd II/ W-II/Sc shifts per Unit (Rs)
Pb I I/Dr Ld (Rs)
PWD SCHEDULE OF RATES (Rs.) 1216.00 1096.00 999.00 926.00 932.00 866.00 826.00 820.00 766.00 772.00 708.00 674.00 651.00 644.00 534.00 MTPS-II NCTPS-II
Provision of New silicon rubber cable with 'H' class sleeve &
Silver brazed with ferrule, Fabrication of new terminal coupling
clamps & bushes for all three phases of 900KW, 3.3KV CEP
396 EM-6396 EM motor.(1 set consists of Silicon rubber cable, clamp & bush 3 sets 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 6188.00 2062.67 2268.93
required for one phase).
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