lab practice
lab practice
lab practice
1. What is Linux?
Linux is an open-source operating system (OS) that powers a wide range of devices, from servers
and desktops to smartphones and embedded systems. It is known for its stability, security, and
Unlike graphical user interfaces (GUIs), Linux can be controlled through a Command Line
Interface (CLI), where users type commands to perform various tasks. The CLI is powerful,
allowing for automation, scripting, and precise control over the system.
4. Basic Commands
4.2. ls (List)
cd /path/to/directory
mkdir new_directory
rmdir directory_name
4.6. rm (Remove)
rm file_name
rm -rf directory_name
4.7. cp (Copy)
cp source_file destination_file
cp -r source_directory destination_directory
4.8. mv (Move)
mv source_file destination_file
4.9. touch
touch new_file.txt
cat file_name
5. Combining Commands
&&: Run the next command only if the previous one succeeded.
;: Run the next command regardless of the success or failure of the previous one.
| (pipe): Pass the output of one command as input to another.
6. Getting Help
man command_name
7. Conclusion
Learning Linux commands is essential for efficiently navigating and managing a Linux system.
Start with the basics, practice frequently, and gradually explore more advanced commands and
Cd Command
cd [directory]
Usage Scenarios
cd /var/log
cd documents
cd ..
cd -
If you move from /home/user to /var/log and then run cd -, it will take
you back to /home/user.
5. Going to the Home Directory:
o You can return to your home directory using cd without any arguments.
o Example:
cd "My Documents"
cd /home/user/documents
cd documents
Example in Practice
cd documents
cd ..
1. Creating a Directory
Command: mkdir
mkdir directory_name
Explanation: This command creates a new directory with the name directory_name.
mkdir my_directory
2. Creating a Subdirectory
Command: mkdir -p
mkdir -p parent_directory/sub_directory
mkdir -p my_directory/sub_directory
3. Copying a Directory
Command: cp -r
cp -r source_directory destination_directory
Explanation: The -r flag (recursive) is used to copy directories and their contents.
cp -r my_directory my_directory_copy
4. Renaming a Directory
Command: mv
mv old_directory_name new_directory_name
Explanation: The mv command is used for both moving and renaming files and
mv my_directory my_new_directory
5. Removing a Directory
Command: rmdir or rm -r
rmdir directory_name
rm -r my_directory
6. Moving a Directory
Command: mv
mv source_directory destination_directory
mv my_directory /path/to/destination_directory
7. Moving a File
Command: mv
Explanation: This moves the file from its current location to the
mv my_file.txt /path/to/destination_directory
8. Renaming a File
Command: mv
mv old_file_name new_file_name
mv my_file.txt my_new_file.txt
Command: cp -r
Explanation: The cp -r command can copy both directories and files to a new location.
1. Create a Directory:
o Create a directory named practice_dir.
o Inside practice_dir, create another directory named sub_dir.
2. Copy a Directory:
o Copy practice_dir to a new directory named practice_dir_copy.
3. Rename a Directory:
o Rename sub_dir inside practice_dir to renamed_sub_dir.
4. Move a Directory:
o Move practice_dir_copy to your home directory.
5. Remove a Directory:
o Remove the practice_dir_copy directory.
6. Move a File:
Command: touch
touch file_name
Explanation: The touch command is the simplest way to create an empty file. It creates
a file named file_name if it does not exist; if it does exist, it updates the file's timestamp.
touch example.txt
Command: echo
Explanation: The echo command outputs text to the terminal, and with the > redirection
operator, it writes the output into a file. If the file does not exist, it will be created.
Command: cat
Copy code
cat > example.txt
This is the content of the file.
(Press Ctrl+D)
Command: nano
nano file_name
Explanation: nano is a simple text editor in the terminal. When you open nano, it creates
the file if it doesn't exist, and you can start typing content. Save the file with Ctrl+O and
exit with Ctrl+X.
nano example.txt
Command: vi or vim
vi file_name
Explanation: vi or vim is a powerful text editor. When you open a file with vi or vim,
you can start editing the file. To save and exit, press Esc, type :wq, and hit Enter.
vi example.txt
Command: >
Copy code
> file_name
> example.txt
touch practice_dir/example.txt
nano practice_dir/renamed_sub_dir/nano_file.txt
(Type some content, save with Ctrl+O, and exit with Ctrl+X)
vi final_destination/vim_file.txt
(Type some content, save and exit with :wq)
Practice Environment
VirtualBox Ubuntu:
o Open the terminal inside your VirtualBox Ubuntu instance and practice the above
Real Ubuntu Installed on Windows:
o If you're using WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux), open the Ubuntu terminal
from the Start menu.
These exercises will help you become comfortable with file management and editing in different
Linux environments.
Using different types of commands to create files in Linux offers flexibility, depending on the
specific needs of your task. Here are some reasons why different commands are used:
Command: touch
Why Use It:
o If you need to create an empty file quickly, touch is the simplest and fastest
o It's efficient for scenarios where the content will be added later, or when you're
scripting and need to ensure a file exists.
4. Script Automation
Command: >>
Why Use It:
o This operator allows you to append content to an existing file without overwriting
it, which is useful in log files or situations where you need to add data
Some users might prefer nano because it's straightforward, while others might favor vim
for its powerful features.
The context of the task also dictates the command used. For example, quick edits on a
small file might be done with nano, while extensive configuration changes might be done
with vim.
Using different commands to create files in Linux allows for greater control, efficiency, and
adaptability based on your needs. Whether you're scripting, editing configuration files, or
working interactively, choosing the right command ensures that the task is completed effectively.