Greeshma Raju
Assistant Professor-Adhoc
RIT Kottayam
• Soils consolidate under the application of loads from buildings.
• All foundations settle as the soil around and beneath the foundation
adjust to the loading.
• The vertical movement of the base of the structure is called
settlement and its effects upon the structure depends on its
magnitude, its uniformity, the length of the time over which it takes
place and the nature of the structure itself.
• Buildings with light loads or built on rock may experience negligible
• The total settlement may be considered to consist of the following
(a) Initial settlement or elastic compression
(b) Consolidation settlement or primary compression
(c) Secondary settlement or secondary compression
Initial Settlement or Elastic Compression
• This is also referred to as the ‘distortion settlement’ or ‘contact
settlement’ and is usually taken to occur immediately on application
of the foundation load.
• Such immediate settlement in the case of partially saturated soils is
primarily due to the expulsion of gases and to the elastic compression
and rearrangement of particles.
Consolidation settlement or primary
• The phenomenon of consolidation occurs in clays because the initial
excess pore water pressures cannot be dissipated immediately owing
to the low permeability.
• The theory of one-dimensional consolidation, advanced by Terzaghi,
can be applied to determine the total compression or settlement of a
clay layer as well as the time-rate of dissipation of excess pore
• The settlement computed by this procedure is known as that due to
primary compression since the process of consolidation as being the
dissipation of excess pore pressures alone is considered.
Secondary Settlement or Secondary
• Settlement due to secondary compression is believed to occur during
and mostly after the completion of primary consolidation or complete
dissipation of excess pore pressure.
• It can be determined from the coefficient of secondary consolidation.
• Secondary consolidation settlement occurs at constant effective
stress, with volume change occurring due to rearrangement of soil
• This secondary consolidation settlement is insignificant in case of
inorganic clays and silty soils.
1. Weak Bearing Soils
• Some soils are simply not capable of supporting the weight or bearing
pressure exerted by a building's foundation. As a result, the footings press
or sink into the soft soils, similar in theory to how a person standing in the
mud sinks into soft, wet clay.
• In such cases, footings may be designed to spread the load over the
weak soils, thereby reducing potential foundation settlement. However,
the majority of settlement problems caused by weak bearing soils occur in
residential construction, where the footings are designed based upon
general guidelines and not site-specific soil information.
2. Poor Compaction
• Placement of fill soils is common practice in the development of both
commercial and residential subdivisions.
• In general, before a foundation can be constructed on a plot, hilltops
are cut down and valleys are filled in order to create buildable lots.
Properly placed and compacted fill soils can provide adequate support
for foundations.
• When fill soils are not adequately compacted, they can compress
under a foundation load resulting in settlement of the structure.
3. Changes in Moisture Content
• Extreme changes in moisture content within foundation soils can
result in damaging settlement.
• Soils with high clay contents also have a tendency to shrink with loss
of moisture. As clay soils dry out, they shrink or contract, resulting in a
general decrease in soil volume.
• Therefore, settlement damage is often observed in a structure
supported on dried-out soil.
4. Maturing Trees and Vegetation
• Maturing trees, bushes and other vegetation in close proximity to a
home or building are a common cause of settlement. As trees and
other vegetation mature, their demand for water also grows.
• The root systems continually expand and can draw moisture from the
soil beneath the foundation. Again, clay-rich soils shrink as they lose
moisture, resulting in settlement of overlying structures.
• Foundations closer to the surface are more often affected by soil
dehydration due to tree roots than are deep, basement level
5. Soil Consolidation
• Consolidation occurs when the weight of a structure or newly-placed
fill soils compress lower, weak clayey soils. The applied load forces
water out of the clay soils, allowing the individual soil particles to
become more densely spaced.
• Consolidation results in downward movement or settlement of
overlying structures. Settlement caused by consolidation of foundation
soils may take weeks, months, or years to be considered "complete."
• As this occurs, the foundation will experience downward movement--
sometimes at an uneven rate. This leads to cracks and structural
• The linear theory of elasticity is used to determine the elastic
settlement of the footings on saturated clay.
• Schleicher (1926) gave the following formula for the vertical
settlement under a uniformly distributed flexible area.
q = uniformly distributed load,KN/m2
B = characteristic length of the loaded area
Es = modulus of elasticity of the soil,KN/m2
µ= Poisson's ratio (= 0.50 for saturated clay)
I = influence factor,depends on shape of loaded area,L/B ratio
• The value of the influence factor/ for a saturated clay layer of semi-
infinite extent can be obtained from Table .
• If the foundation is rigid, such as a heavy beam and slab raft, the
settlement is about 0.8 times the settlement at the centre of the
corresponding flexible foundation. It is approximately equal to the
average settlement.
• The above eqn is applicable for the footing located at surface.
• For the footings embedded in soil, the settlement would be less than
the computed values.
• As cohesionless soils do not follow Hooke's law, immediate
settlements are computed using semi-empirical approach proposed
by Schmertmann and Hartman (1978).
• The value of the strain-influence factor Iz varies linearly for a square
or circular foundation (Fig. 23.21)
• The value of Iz at depth z = 0, 0.5 B and 2B are respectively equal to
0.1, 0.5 and 0.0.
• For rectangular foundations, with L/B ratio equal to or greater than
10.0, the values at depth 0.0, B, and 4B are, respectively, 0.2, 0.5 and
• For intermediate values of L/B ratio, between 1.0 and 10.0,
interpolation can be made.
Allowable settlement and Maximum
• The allowable settlement is defined as the acceptable amount of settlement
of the structure.
• The settlement of a foundation that is acceptable both structural and
aesthetic point of view is called allowable settlement which generally
includes a factor of safety.
• The allowable maximum settlement depends upon
1. The type of soil
2. Type of foundation
3. The structural framing system
4. Type of construction
5. Use of construction
• The maximum settlement ranging from 20mm to 300 mm is generally
permitted to various structures.
• Theoretically no damage is done to the superstructure if the soil
settles uniformly.
• However, settlements exceeding 150 mm may cause trouble in
utilities such as water pipeline, severs, telephone lines and also in
access from street.
• Even sufficient precautions are taken while designing such utilities
the maximum settlement of even up to 2m may be permitted in special
cases provided the structure settles uniformly.
• IS Code permits
Differential settlements
• Uneven settlement of the soil beneath the foundation of a structure
that may lead to “sinking” of different parts of the structure which
causes cracks and other structural problems
• Differential settlement limited to–
• 20mm in sandy soil
• 40mm in clayey soil
• Maximum and differential settlements as per IS 1904-1978
A =
• Q=Column load, qna= allowable soil pressure
• If the area actually provided is more, actual pressure is given by;
• Critical section of BM
i]At the face of the column or pedestal monolithic with the footing
when no metal plate is used.
ii]Half-way between the face of the column or pedestal and the edge of
the metal plate on which the column or pedestal rests.
• The max BM for case i is ;
• For checking the diagonal shear F, the critical section is taken at a
distance equal to the effective depth (d) from the face of the column.
• For punching shear, the critical section is at a distance of d/2 from the
face of the column.
• Equation for calculating the overall depth of the footing;