B. Unit 22 Illness

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Unit 22: Illness

No Word/Phrase Pronunciation Part of Simple Definition Translation
. Speech (Vietnamese)
1 Headache /ˈhed.eɪk/ noun A continuous pain in the Đau đầu
2 Toothache /ˈtuːθeɪk/ noun A pain in the teeth or one Đau răng
3 Stomach-ache /ˈstʌmək-eɪk/ noun Pain in or near the stomach Đau dạ dày
4 Cold /koʊld/ noun A common illness with Cảm lạnh
symptoms like runny nose
5 Cough /kɔːf/ verb/noun To force air out suddenly Ho, sự ho
and noisily through your
6 Sore throat /sɔr θroʊt/ noun Painful throat, especially Đau họng
when swallowing
7 Flu /fluː/ noun An infectious illness causing Cúm
fever and headache
8 Temperature /ˈtem.prɪtʃər/ noun The degree of hotness or Sốt
coldness, can indicate fever
9 Backache /ˈbækeɪk/ noun A continuous pain in the Đau lưng
10 A pain in my leg /eɪ peɪn ɪn maɪ noun Pain in the leg Đau chân
leɡ/ phrase
11 Feel sick /fiːl sɪk/ verb To feel unwell, physically or Cảm thấy ốm
phrase mentally ill
12 Ill /ɪl/ adjective Suffering from an illness; Ốm
not feeling well
13 Be sick /biː sɪk/ verb To be physically unwell or Bị ốm
phrase ill
14 Go and see /ɡəʊ ænd siː/ verb To visit someone, often for Đi gặp, thăm
phrase medical reasons
15 GP (general /ˌdʒen.ər.əl præk noun A doctor trained in general Bác sĩ đa
practitioner) ˈtɪʃ.ən.ər/ medicine who treats patients khoa
in a community
16 Chemist's shop /ˈkem.ɪst's ʃɒp/ noun A shop where medicines are Hiệu thuốc
17 Lie down /laɪ daʊn/ verb To recline or rest Nằm xuống
18 For a while /fər ə waɪl/ adverb For a short period of time Trong chốc
phrase lát
19 Stay in bed /steɪ ɪn bɛd/ verb To remain in bed, typically Nằm trên
phrase to rest and recover from giường
20 For a day or two /fɔːr ə deɪ ɔːr tuː/ phrase For a short period of time, Trong một
typically no more than two hoặc hai ngày

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