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Unit 17,18 : Cooking and Diet, Money
No Word/Phrase Pronunciation Part of Definition Vietnamese . Speech Meaning 1 go on a diet /ɡəʊ ɒn ə phrase To start eating less or only Ăn kiêng ˈdaɪət/ certain kinds of food to lose weight. 2 balanced diet /ˈbælənst ˈdaɪət/ (n) A diet that includes all the Chế độ ăn essential nutrients in proper cân bằng amounts. 3 a waste of /ə weɪst əv phrase Something that is not useful Sự lãng phí time taɪm/ or productive. thời gian 4 good for you /ɡʊd fɔːr juː/ phrase Beneficial for your health or Tốt cho bạn well-being. 5 keep sth up /kiːp ˈsʌmθɪŋ phrasal To continue doing something. Duy trì điều ʌp/ verb gì đó 6 put on weight /pʊt ɒn weɪt/ phrasal To gain weight. Tăng cân verb 7 lose weight /luːz weɪt/ phrasal To become lighter in weight. Giảm cân verb 8 junk food /dʒʌŋk fuːd/ (n) Unhealthy but convenient and Đồ ăn vặt, tasty food. thức ăn nhanh 9 plenty of sth /ˈplɛnti əv phrase A large or sufficient amount Nhiều thứ gì ˈsʌmθɪŋ/ of something. đó 10 fizzy drink /ˈfɪzi drɪŋk/ (n) A carbonated soft drink. Đồ uống có ga 11 fattening /ˈfætnɪŋ/ (adj) Likely to cause weight gain. Gây béo 12 cut down on /kʌt daʊn ɒn phrasal To reduce the consumption of Cắt giảm thứ sth ˈsʌmθɪŋ/ verb something. gì đó 13 recipe /ˈresəpi/ (n) Instructions for preparing a Công thức particular dish. nấu ăn 14 cottage pie /ˈkɒtɪdʒ paɪ/ (n) A meat pie with a crust of Bánh thịt mashed potatoes. nghiền khoai tây 15 ingredient /ɪnˈɡriːdiənt/ (n) A food item used in the Nguyên liệu preparation of a dish. 16 stock /stɒk/ (n) A liquid made by simmering Nước hầm bones, meat, or vegetables in water. 17 boil /bɔɪl/ (v) To heat a liquid until it Luộc bubbles. 18 fry /fraɪ/ (v) To cook food in hot oil or fat. Chiên, rán 19 add /æd/ (v) To put something together Thêm vào with another thing. 20 dish /dɪʃ/ (n) A prepared food item or Món ăn course. 21 bake /beɪk/ (v) To cook food in an oven. Nướng (bánh, món ăn) 22 roast /roʊst/ (v) To cook food, especially Quay, nướng meat, in an oven or over a fire. 23 minced beef /mɪnst biːf/ (n) Ground beef. Thịt bò băm 24 peel /piːl/ (v) To remove the outer skin of Gọt vỏ, bóc fruits or vegetables. vỏ 25 mash /mæʃ/ (v) To crush food, usually Nghiền potatoes, into a smooth texture. 26 chop /tʃɒp/ (v) To cut into small pieces. Băm nhỏ, thái nhỏ 27 stir /stɜːr/ (v) To mix a liquid or other Khuấy, trộn substance by moving an implement through it. 28 oven /ˈʌvn/ (n) A cooking appliance used for Lò nướng baking or roasting. 29 frying pan /ˈfraɪɪŋ pæn/ (n) A flat pan used for frying Chảo rán food. 30 afford sth /əˈfɔːrd/ v To have enough money to pay Có khả năng for something. chi trả 31 scratch /skrætʃ/ v/n To make a slight cut or mark Cào, làm on a surface; a mark made by trầy; vết trầy scratching. 32 discount /ˈdɪs.kaʊnt/ n A reduction in the price of Giảm giá something. 33 reduction /rɪˈdʌk.ʃən/ n The act of making something Sự giảm bớt smaller or less in amount. 34 off /ɒf/ adv/prep Refers to a price reduction. Giảm giá 35 receipt /rɪˈsiːt/ n A written acknowledgment of Hóa đơn, payment received. biên lai 36 refund /ˈriː.fʌnd/ n/v Money returned for a Tiền hoàn lại; returned product; to give back hoàn tiền money. 37 the sales /ðə seɪlz/ n A period when shops sell Đợt giảm giá goods at reduced prices. 38 reduce sth /rɪˈdjuːs v To make something smaller in Giảm (cái gì ˈsʌmθɪŋ/ size, amount, or price. đó) 39 bargain /ˈbɑːrɡɪn/ n/v Something bought at a lower Món hời; price; to negotiate the price. mặc cả 40 change /tʃeɪndʒ/ n The money returned when Tiền thối lại more is paid than required. 41 income /ˈɪn.kʌm/ n Money earned from work or Thu nhập investments. 42 wealthy /ˈwel.θi/ adj Having a lot of money, Giàu có resources, or assets. 43 worth /wɜːrθ/ adj Having a value equal to a Đáng giá, có particular amount. giá trị 44 cost a fortune /kɒst ə ˈfɔːtʃən/ phrase To be very expensive. Rất đắt đỏ 45 value sth at /ˈvæl.juː v To estimate the worth of Định giá cái sth ˈsʌmθɪŋ æt/ something at a specific price.gì ở mức bao nhiêu 46 waste of /weɪst əv ˈmʌni/ phrase An unnecessary or foolish use Lãng phí tiền money of money. bạc 47 own sth /oʊn ˈsʌmθɪŋ/ v To have something as your Sở hữu cái gì property. 48 huge /hjuːdʒ/ adj Very large in size or amount. To lớn, khổng lồ 49 belong to /bɪˈlɒŋ tuː/ v To be owned by someone. Thuộc về ai đó 50 amount /əˈmaʊnt/ n A quantity of something. Số lượng, lượng 51 broke /broʊk/ adj Having no money. Hết tiền, cháy túi 52 owe sb sth /oʊ ˈsʌmbədi v To need to pay or give Nợ ai cái gì ˈsʌmθɪŋ/ something to someone. 53 debt /det/ n Money owed to someone Món nợ else.