j Me Stn 42352108
j Me Stn 42352108
j Me Stn 42352108
ISSN: 2458-9403
Vol. 4 Issue 3, March - 2017
JMESTN42352108 6905
Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology (JMEST)
ISSN: 2458-9403
Vol. 4 Issue 3, March - 2017
(a function of dissolved solids), Suspended solids, pH extra electrons in the system, therefore the anodic
level, and dissolved gases such as C02, H2S, or 02. reaction rate decreases and corrosion slows or
(4) ceases, and the addition of electrons to the system to
An effective way of mitigating this internal bottom plate stop corrosion from occurring is cathodic protection.
corrosion is by Cathodic Protection. Cathodic (2)
protection (CP) is a technique used to control the
corrosion of a metal by making it the cathode of an
electrochemical cell. The simplest method to apply CP Cathodic protection can be achieved in two ways:
is by connecting the metal to be protected with another 1. By the use of galvanic (sacrificial) anodes, or
more easily corroded metal to act as the anode of the 2. By “impressed” current.
electrochemical cell. (5)
This Paper aims to detail the design of a cathodic A. Galvanic Anodes
protection system using zinc anode in an oil and gas Galvanic anode system is an intentional creation of an
land facility electrochemical cell where two dissimilar metals are
II. MECHANISM OF CATHODIC PROTECTION connected electrically in order to protect one of them,
this is achieved due to the difference in potential of the
Every metal has a tendency to revert back to its two metals. The difference in natural potentials
chemically combined state after it is extracted from its between the anode and the metal, as indicated by their
ore. This usually happens under the action of oxygen relative positions in the electro-chemical series,
and water. This is called corrosion, the most common causes a positive current to flow in the electrolyte, from
example is the rusting of steel. (6) the anode to the metal. Thus, the whole surface of the
Corrosion is an electro-chemical process that involves metal (steel as a case study) becomes more
the passage of electrical currents on a micro or macro negatively charged and becomes the cathode. The
scale. The change from the metal to its original state metals commonly used, as sacrificial anodes are
occurs by oxidation of the metal that is the losing of aluminium, zinc and magnesium. These metals are
ions of the metal. It is also called the anodic reaction. alloyed to improve the long-term performance and
Below is an example of an anodic reaction that occurs dissolution characteristics. (7)
in steel (2) Cathodic protection in the sacrificial anode system is
2Fe 2Fe2+ + 4e- essentially a controlled electrochemical cell. Corrosion
This reaction produces free electrons which pass on the protected structure is shifted to the anode. The
within the metal to another site called the cathode on anode is consumed in the process but is designed and
the surface of the metal. The reaction at this site is installed so that it is easily replaced when consumed.
called the cathodic reaction, and here oxygen in the Anode life of 10 to 15 years is common. Anode life is
environment is reduced hence it is also called a dependent upon the amount of current emitted by the
reduction reaction. (2) anodes and their size. (8)
2H2O + O2 + 4e- 4OH- Magnesium has the most negative electropotential of
The reduction reaction in an acidic solution is quite the three and is more suitable for areas where the
different from that above, which is a neutral case, the electrolyte (soil or water) resistivity is higher. This is
equation is shown below usually on-shore pipelines and other buried structures,
4H+ + 4e- 2H2 although it is also used on boats in fresh water and in
Corrosion thus occurs at the anode but not at the water heaters. In some cases, the negative potential of
cathode (unless the metal of the cathode is attacked magnesium can be a disadvantage: if the potential of
by alkali). the protected metal becomes too negative, hydrogen
The two equations that complete the process are ions may be evolved on the cathode surface leading to
electrochemical because they involve the release and hydrogen embrittlement or to disbonding of the
consumption of electrons. The combination of the coating. Where this is a possibility, zinc anodes may
equations above yields the chemical reaction be used. (9)
equilibrium. (2) Zinc and Aluminium are generally used in salt water,
It follows that: where the resistivity is generally lower. Typical uses
Aqueous corrosion of any metal will be by a chemical are for the hulls of ships and boats, offshore pipelines
reaction and there will be chemical methods to control and production platforms, in salt-water-cooled marine
and monitor corrosion. Also it occurs by an engines, on small boat propellers and rudders, and for
electrochemical mechanism, this implies that there will the internal surface of storage tanks.
be electrochemical methods of control and monitoring. Zinc is considered a reliable material, but is not
The sites where the anodic reactions occur are called suitable for use at higher temperatures, as it tends to
anodes. The sites where the cathodic reactions occur passivate (becomes less negative); if this happens,
are called cathodes. The rate of these electrochemical current may cease to flow and the anode stops
reaction may be controlled working. Zinc has a relatively low driving voltage,
Chemically by removing oxygen which means in higher-resistivity soils or water it may
Electrically by adding or removing electrons not be able to provide sufficient current. However, in
Adding electrons to the system will reduce the electron some circumstances — where there is a risk of
released by the metal as it has to compensate for the
JMESTN42352108 6906
Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology (JMEST)
ISSN: 2458-9403
Vol. 4 Issue 3, March - 2017
hydrogen embrittlement for example — this lower The Surge tank in a Niger-Delta flowstation to be
voltage is advantageous, as overprotection is avoided. protected by a Cathodic Protection System have the
Aluminium anodes have several advantages, such as following specification.
a lighter weight, and much higher capacity than zinc. TABLE I.
However, their electrochemical behaviour is not
considered as reliable as zinc, and greater care must Equipment Diameter Height
be taken on how they are used. Aluminium anodes will
passivate where chloride concentration is below 1,446
Storage Tank 9.144m 5.486 m
parts per million.
One disadvantage of Aluminium is that if it strikes a Table 1 - Tanks Specification
rusty surface, a large thermite spark may be
2) Ground Resistivity
generated, therefore its use is restricted in tanks where
there may be explosive atmospheres and there is a This design uses soil resistivity report done for a
risk of the anode falling. location in the same field. According to the report, the
Since the operation of a galvanic anode relies on the range of resistivity is between 100 Ω-m to 2100 Ω-m.
difference in electropotential between the anode and (11) Using the lower range of 100, we can design for a
the cathode, practically any metal can be used to moderately corrosive soil as given by National
protect some other, providing there is a sufficient Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) Corrosion
difference in potential. For example, iron anodes can Basics
be used to protect copper (9) TABLE II.
1) Advantages of Galvanic Anodes
Soil Resistivity(Ωcm) Corrosive Level
Simple to install.
Independent of any source of electric power
0 - 500 Very Corrosive
Low maintenance requirement.
Less likely to cause stray current interference 500 – 1000 Corrosive
problem on neighbouring structures.
When the current requirement is small, a 1000 – 2000 Moderately
galvanic system is more economical than Corrosive
impressed current system. (10)
2000 – 10000 Medium Corrosive
2) Disadvantages of Galvanic Anodes
Low driving voltage. Ρ > 10000 Negligible
Limited to use in low resistivity soils.
Not an economical source of large amounts of Table 2 - NACE Corrosion Basics (4)
cathodic protection current. (10) B. Parameters
B. Impressed Current Design Life: 10 years
Impressed-current systems employ inert (zero or low Tank Diameter (D): 9.144m
dissolution) anodes and use an external source of dc Tank Height (h): 5.486m
power (rectified ac) to impress a current from an Coating quality: 100%
external anode onto the cathode surface. Desired Current Density: 2mA/m2
The connections are similar for the application of Resistivity (r) 1000 ohm-cm
cathodic protection to metallic storage tanks, jetties, Zn Anode weight (for one anode) Wan 11.8 kg
offshore structures and reinforced concrete structures. Zn Anode current efficiency 95%
Two types of Anodes mostly used; Current capacity of anode Ic 11.200 kg/A. year
1. Consumable anodes: provide current through C. Anode Specification
the dissolution of anode material; usually
anodes are scrap iron or steel. From SPA (An anode manufacturer’s catalogue)
2. Non consumable anodes: decomposition of specification for Zicoline shown below, WZ12 was
the environment gives anodic current, anode selected
reaction products ( hydrogen ions and chloride
ions) (2)
A. Technical Specifications
The specifications for the tank and soil used for the CP
System design are given below;
1) 2,000bbls Surge Tank Specification
JMESTN42352108 6907
Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology (JMEST)
ISSN: 2458-9403
Vol. 4 Issue 3, March - 2017
JMESTN42352108 6908