Back to Basics:
Dent Formation and Coverage
INTRODUCTION energy loss is now a mixture of plastic and elastic energy
The aim of this mini-series is to cover the basic scientific transfer. The higher the ratio of plastic to elastic energy
principles of shot peening. Fundamental principles are transfer the greater is the efficiency of kinetic energy usage.
presented together with relevant theoretical explanations.
You do not need to understand the mathematics—they are DENT DIAMETER
only needed to justify the ways in which quantification and The controllable variables that influence indent diameter are
prediction can be achieved. well-known to shot peeners. For a given type of shot they are
A necessary feature of shot peening is that dents are shot diameter, shot velocity and component hardness. These
produced on the surface of the component. It is these dents variables influence three interrelated factors: the volume of
that induce the beneficial effects of surface work-hardening the indent, V, the amount of work done by the shot particle,
and compressive residual stress to form the “magic skin.” This W, and the amount of work, B, that has to be done to create
article deals only with dent formation and coverage, leaving each unit of indent volume. A simple equation connects the
these beneficial effects of dents for later articles. three variables:
Dent formation requires work being done. A very
important scientific principle is that energy is indestructible— V = W/B (1)
it can only be transferred. In our case we have the kinetic
energy of a flying shot particle available to carry out the work As a “hole digging” example for equation (1), if W represents
needed to create a dent. During dent formation two types of 80 man-hours of digging work and B represents a situation
kinetic energy transfer are involved: plastic and elastic. where 10 man-hours of work are needed to create 1 cubic
Kinetic energy and work energy are identical in metre of hole, then 8 cubic metres of hole are created.
terms of units. Every impacting shot particle has a kinetic
energy—½Mv2 where M is mass and v is velocity. Work done DENT VOLUME, V
is force times distance so that its units are Nm where N is Shot particles are almost spherical so that dent shape is close
force and m is distance. Mass can also be expressed as kg and to what mathematicians call a “spherical cap”. The volume of a
v as ms-1 so that Mv2 becomes kgm2s-2. One Newton, N, can spherical cap, see fig. 1 on page 30, can be represented by the
also be expressed as kgms-2 so that Nm becomes kgm2s-2— following equation:
the same as Mv2. V = πd4/32D (2)
Shot peening induces vast numbers of dents. These dents
give us progressive coverage. The greater the number of WORK, W, DONE IN CREATING DENT
dents per unit area the greater will be the coverage. Because A flying shot particle has a kinetic energy, E, given by the
coverage is a specified requirement it has been thoroughly expression E = ½Mv2 where M is the mass of the particle
analyzed. This article includes a summarized version of the and v is its velocity. The mass of a sphere is its volume, D2π/6
relevant theoretical explanations of coverage evolution. multiplied by its density, ρ. Hence:
Fig. 1. Indent of diameter d, created by sphere of diameter D. Equation (7) is absolutely fundamental to shot peening
control. Experienced shot peeners already know that the
The proportion of energy lost varies with the hardness factors in the equation are important. Indent diameter does
of the component. If the component was made of modelling increase with shot diameter, shot density and particularly
clay it would not rebound at all! A very simple experiment shot velocity but decreases as the hardness of the component
to find a value for P is illustrated in fig. 2. A ball bearing is increases—other factors being kept constant.
dropped from a known height, h1, onto a metal plate. The Science is based on a combination of theory and exper-
rebound height, h2, is measured using a rule held vertically imental verification. Experimental verification of equation
and monitored using the video function of a smartphone. P is (7) was presented in a previous article (TSP, Summer, 2004,
then given by: “Actual and Predicted Shot Peening Indentations”). Fig. 3
illustrates one factor, velocity, that was investigated. A 2 mm
P = (1 – h2/h1) (5)
weighted ball bearing was dropped from different heights
If h2 = h1 then h2/h1 =1 so that P = 0. This means that onto mild steel. The diameters of the indentations produced
no kinetic energy has been lost at all—perfect elasticity. More were measured optically and then plotted as a function of
realistically if h2/h1 = ½ then P = 0.5. drop height. Indentation diameter was found to be propor-
Knowing, or assuming, a value for P we can incorporate tional to the fourth root of the drop height. Impact velocity, v,
it into equation (4) to give that: is proportional to the square of the drop height. This means
that the data proves that indentation diameter is a function of
W = P. D2 .π.ρ.v2/12 (6) v0.5 as given in equation (7).
A key factor in coverage control is the number of dents that
are being produced per unit area per unit time, i.e., rate of
denting. The rate of denting is controlled by the shot feed rate
and the average size of the dents. As an example, assume that
an average of 50 dents, with each dent having an area of 1mm2,
are being produced every second for each area of 100mm2.
The rate of denting is therefore 50 x 1mm2 x s-1/100mm2 or
0.5s-1. Note that the units for area cancel each other out. Fig. 4. Seven and forty-two “craters”
distributed randomly.
The rate of denting can easily be measured. A polished
strip of the same hardness as the component can be peened much greater chance of tiny uncovered areas being present.
for a short time so that individual dents can be counted. For a These features can easily be seen using this type of model but
known area of strip, the number and average size of dents can difficult to identify for real peened components.
therefore be measured and converted into a denting rate.
COVERAGE In the author’s opinion, coverage can only be estimated. It
Coverage is generally defined as “The percentage area of cannot be measured with a high level of accuracy. Estimation
the peened surface that has been dented.” This sounds very techniques fall into three categories: manual comparison,
simple but “the devil is in the detail.” As a definition, it is manual measurement and computer-based image analysis.
incomplete! On a microscopic scale, coverage is a mixture Manual comparison involves simply comparing an
of 100% and 0%—either dent or not a dent. A more precise image of a peened area with reference images that span a
definition would therefore be: “For a specified area of a range of coverage levels. Fig. 5, copied from J2277, is a typical
peened surface, coverage is the percentage of that area that example of this useful, quick, but rough method. There is,
is comprised of dents.” If the defined area is reasonably large, obviously, a subjective element to this technique. An image
statistical variation of denting will then be averaged out. of a selected peened area can be photographed, via say a
Estimation of high levels of coverage is so tricky that the smartphone, and then downloaded to a computer for side-
term “Full Coverage” has been included in specifications as by-side comparison with stored reference images.
corresponding to 98%.
A major practical problem is to define the precise
area of each dent. Life becomes much simpler when using
models with clear defined edges. Coverage is then commonly
explained using a model based on the random distribution Fig. 5. Manual comparison
of identical circular dents. Fig. 4 is a typical example. Seven images.
and forty-two circular dents have been distributed randomly
with their centers all inside the outer square. In order for the
model to be accurate, coverage has to be measured using the
amount of “greying” inside the specified red square. Coverage
then becomes:
Shot Peening
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