AUA BUS110 Syllabus Spring 2023

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BUS 110 Applied Statistics

American University of Armenia

Manoogian Simone College of Business & Economics, BA in Business (BAB)
BUS110, SPRING 2023

Instructor: Sargis Maghakyan Class Location: 414W
Email: [email protected] Class Day/Time: Monday, Wednesday, Friday (10:30 AM-11:20 AM)
Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday Credit Hours: 3
(2:00 PM-3:30 PM)
Office Location: 210W
Office Phone: N/A
Term: SPRING 2023

This course introduces the necessary core quantitative methods that will be needed in future offerings as part of the
BA in Business program. Statistical software and the use of spreadsheets are integrated throughout so that students
better comprehend the importance of using modern technological tools for effective model building and decision
making. The course will make use of a data oriented approach in exposing students to basic statistical methods, their
conceptual underpinning, such as variability and uncertainty, and their use in the real world. Topics include data
collection, descriptive statistics, elementary probability rules and distributions, sampling distributions, and basic in-
ference. 2.5 hours of instructor-led class time per week.


Textbook:“Basic Business Statistics: Concepts and Applications (12th edition)” by Berenson, Levin, and Krehbiel
The electronic version of the textbook will be available online on AUA Moodle.
Lecture notes will be provided by the end of each class and will be shared via Moodle. I will also upload books and
materials about Excel to Moodle. You don’t need to be proficient in Excel, we will learn the basics together. How-
ever, I strongly encourage you to start exploring it. MS Excel skills are the must for success in any (!) profession.
I will also upload different articles, materials, videos concerning to statistical and data analysis. This material will
not be covered in class and will not be in exams. It is up to you to read them.


Week Topic Reading Homework

Introduction to the course: Transforming data to information. Chapter 1
Week 1
Data Measurement: Descriptive statistics: Organizing and visualizing data (Graphical presentation of data) Chapter 2
Summary statistics: Measures of Central Tendency Chapter 3
Week 2
Summary Statistics: Measures of variation, Chebishev’s rule Chapter 3 HW 1
Introduction to probability: Algebra of events, sample space,
Chapter 4
Week 3 experiments.
Simple probability, Joint probability, Conditional Probability, Bayes Rule: Chapter 4 HW 2
Counting rules Chapter 4
Week 4
Discrete probability distribution: Binomial and Poisson distributions Chapter 5 HW 3
Review chapters 1-5
Week 5
First Midterm
Continuous probability distribution: Normal, Uniform and Exponential distributions Chapter 6
Week 6
Chapter 7 HW 4
Sampling distribution and Central limit theorem Chapter 7
Week 7
Confidence intervals and sample size Chapter 8 HW 5

Week Topic Reading Homework
One sample t test; Chapter 9
Week 8
Independent samples t test Chapter 10
Paired samples t test Chapter 10
Week 9
Lab: Hypothesis testing with MS Excel HW 6
ANOVA Chapter11 HW 7
Week 10
Contingency tables (Crosstabs): Chi-Square test Chapter12
Lab: Chi-Square test with MS Excel Chapter 12 HW 8
Week 11
Second Midterm
Correlation analysis: Coefficient of Correlation Chapter 13
Week 12
Regression Analysis: Simple regression Chapter 13
Lab: Correlation analysis and simple regression with MS Excel Chapter 14, 15 HW 9
Week 13
Regression Analysis: Multiple Regression Chapter 14, 15
Regression Analysis: Multiple Regression
Week 14
Lab: Multiple Regression analysis with MS Excel HW 10
Course review
Week 15
Final exam


Course-based Student
Program Student Learning Outcomes
Program Goal Learning Outcomes
Students will be able to:
In this course, students will be able to:
Define and describe fundamentals
Equip students with knowledge of Accounting, Finance, Economics, Identify the basic Quantitative
and skills that are fundamental Marketing and Communications, Methods used to study many
for other courses and can be applied Operations, Organizational Behavior practical problems in different
in different real life problems. and Management, Information business related fields
Technology, and Quantitative Methods.
Develop creative and critical
Analyze a data set using the
thinking, decision-making skills
Identify and analyze business appropriate statistical technique(s).
for solving complex business
opportunities and challenges, and Use Microsoft Excel to perform
problems, supported by
recommend evidence-based solutions. statistical analysis and
the appropriate use of analytical
support presentations.
and quantitative techniques
Weigh evidence and arguments,
Provide students with a broad Present the results of the
and appreciate and engage n diverse
foundation of knowledge and statistical studies and explain
modes of inquiry characteristic of
skills and cultivate a commitment the opportunities and scope of their
historical, cultural, political,
to life-long learning. implications in decision-making processes.
economic, and quantitative disciplines.

Upon successful completion of this class a student should be able to assess uncertainty in business related sit-
uations; use basic probability rules and suitable distributions to compute probabilities; summarize business type
datasets (with graphical methods and numerical quantities); choose appropriate statistical methods and conduct sta-
tistical inference for the solution of business decision problems based on random samples; interpret results (writing
complete sentences to summarize results obtained from data analysis; and use Microsoft Excel data analysis tools
for the implementation of statistical routines.

The teaching method will be a combination of lectures, problem solving sessions and classroom discussions. Lec-
tures are highly interactive. You will be expected to keep up with the textbook so that you can answer questions that
are posed in class. You will be expected to learn how to use Microsoft Excel and its statistical features. We will try
to maintain an informal atmosphere. Students will be involved in ”learning by doing” processes – they frequently
will be asked in class to solve short problems, or interpret a statistical finding, etc., as a step toward enhancing your
understanding of the material. It is strongly recommended to read textbook chapters before coming to the class. It
will increase the learning productivity. The interaction with the course material outside the classroom is expected to
provide the greatest value added for the success on this course.


Course grades are assigned using the grading scale and assignment weighting noted below. Students are responsible
for the grade that they earn in class. The instructor does not engage in any grade negotiations due, for example,
to students who are under pressure to make a certain grade in order to avoid some negative outcome (e.g., not
graduating, loss of tuition assistance or a job offer, etc.). Grades will only be adjusted when computational mistakes
are made; students should inform the instructor of any such errors as soon as possible.
Method of Evaluation:

Component Points
Homework 10%
Quizzes 10%
Datacamp 10%
First Midterm Exam 20%
Second Midterm Exam 20%
Final Exam 30%

Final Grades:

Highest Lowest Letter Grade Points

100% 97.00% A+ 4.0
96.99% 93.00% A 4.0
92.99% 90.00% A- 3.7
89.99% 87.00% B+ 3.3
86.99% 83.00% B 3.0
82.99% 80.00% B- 2.7
79.99% 77.00% C+ 2.3
76.99% 73.00% C 2.0
72.99% 70.00% C- 1.7
69.99% 67.00% D+ 1.3
66.99% 63.00% D 1.0
62.99% 60.00% D- 0.7
59.99% 0.00% F 0.0

The weekly review exercises focus on basic concepts and computations. 10 homework assignments will be assigned.
Homework assignments can be downloaded from the Moodle. No Late assignments will be accepted. If you have a
reason, very good reason, to submit it late, be sure to make me know beforehand. Assignments that are submitted

after the due date, without prior notification, will earn 0 points. Homework assignments are just 10% of your grade.
However, they have a big importance as they will prepare you for the exams.

Quizzes will be conducted periodically throughout the semester (maximum 1 quiz per week). Students will be al-
lowed to use calculators, class notes, and textbooks during the quiz. Quizzes will not be announced in advance and
no make-up quiz will be given for the missed one.

DATACAMP: is an interactive platform to learn statistics and data analytics. You will be given 6-
months free access to all their courses. Here is how the datacamp grade is calculated.

1. Spreadsheets (deadline: February 10, 18:00pm) – 25 points

For the first part of the datacamp assignment you will need to pass all the following courses

• Spreadsheet fundamental (

• All courses listed here (

From this assignment you need to earn 18,000 EXP points. No partial credits will be given for the assignment,
so if at the deadline you don’t have 18,000 EXP, you will get 0 for this assignment

2. General Data Analytics courses (Deadline May 8, 18:00 pm) – 25 points

Datacamp also offers courses for R programming language, Python and SQL. Your goal is to collect 20,000 EXP
from any courses you want to take. We suggest to use datacamp tracks, and start with the very beginning. Please
note, only EXP earned from the courses that you started after January 20 will be counted for this assignment. No par-
tial points will be given for this assignment. For more on tracks look here -

We will have two midterm exams during the course. First Midterm will cover topics up to and including discrete
probability distributions (chapters 1-5), while the second midterm will cover topics from continuous probability
distributions up to and including chi-square tests (chapters 6-12).
The midterm exams will be administered in the large auditorium and will consist of the following:

1. Problem sets

2. Application of appropriate models and statistical methods to data samples

The purpose of the midterm exams is to assess students’ progress in learning how to use terminology and apply ap-
propriate models and methods to analyze data samples. Students will receive feedback through the in-class review.
Students are welcome to visit me during office hours for any questions. You will not be allowed to use phone, other
devices except one simple calculator. Don’t forget to bring the calculator, it will help you a lot.

The final exam will cover all the topics covered during the semester.

Students are expected to attend all classes and demonstrate their understanding of topics by participating in class
discussions. Moreover, there will be no make-up of pop-up in-class quizzes for those who were absent.

TA will organize weekly problem solving sessions through the semester. In addition, TA will help instructor to
prepare and check the homework assignments, midterm and final exams.


Students are encouraged to use supplemental online and reference materials available at the library to enhance their
overall learning in the course. If students have any questions or need additional support in using library resources or
technology, they should confer with library staff, ICT, or the instructor.

No Late assignments will be accepted. If you have a reason, very good reason, to submit it late, be sure to make me
know beforehand. Assignments that are submitted after the due date, without prior notification, will earn 0 points.
Make-up assignment, exam, and quiz will be given at the instructor’s discretion. Students must submit convincing
evidence of a medical or other emergency that makes completing an assignment or taking an exam or quiz at the
scheduled time impossible.
Students are entitled to appeal grades in line with the university’s Grade Policies policy which is available online at


Students are required to conduct themselves in an academically responsible and ethical manner in line with AUA’s
Student Code of Ethics. Acts of academic dishonesty impair the academic integrity of AUA and create an unfair
academic advantage for the student involved and other member(s) of the academic community. These acts are sub-
ject to disciplinary measures as prescribed in the AUA Student Code of Ethics,
The Student Code of Conduct can be found at

The American University of Armenia (AUA) is committed to providing equal access to education for all stu-
dents. Students requesting special accommodations for learning should contact the Office of Student Affairs,
[email protected], by the end of the Add/Drop period
with such requests.


AUA does not discriminate against students on the basis of race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry,
physical disability, mental disability, medical condition, marital status, sex, age, or sexual orientation in administer-
ing its policies and programs.

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, with which the American University of Armenia com-
plies, was enacted to protect the privacy of education records, to establish the right of students to inspect and review
their education records, and to provide guidelines for correction of inaccurate or misleading statements. For de-
tails, see the ”The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)” section of the University Policy Page at

The last day to drop this course is: Tuesday, January 24, 2023
The last day to withdraw with a grade of “W” from this course is: Thursday, March 9, 2023

Women’s Day: Wednesday, March 8, 2023
Spring Break (subject to change): From Monday, March 6, 2023 to Friday, March 10, 2023
Easter Memorial Day (Monday): Monday, April 10, 2023
Genocide Commemoration Day: Monday, April 24, 2023
Labor Day: Monday, May 1, 2023

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