PDF Architects Data 4th Edition Ernst Neufert download
PDF Architects Data 4th Edition Ernst Neufert download
PDF Architects Data 4th Edition Ernst Neufert download
The Birds of Northern Melanesia Ernst Mayr
Ernst and Peter Neufert
Fourth Edition
A John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Publication
English language first published 2012
© 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
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Originally Published in the German Language by Vieweg + Teubner, 65189 Wiesbaden, Germany, as "Ernst Neufert: Neufert
Bauentwurfslehre. 39. Auflage (39th Edition)"
© Vieweg + TeubneriGWV Fachverlage GmbH, Wiesbaden 2009
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.
ISBN: 978-1-4051-9253-8
Using this book
This book provides architects and designers with a concise elsewhere must familiarise themselves separately with such national
source of the core information needed to form a framework for the and local legislation and guidance. Again, local conditions must be
detailed planning of any building project. The objective is to save taken into consideration for each individual case.
the designers of buildings time during their basic investigations.
The information includes: principles of the design process, basic The terminology and style of the text is UK English, which
information on siting, constructing and servicing buildings, as will need to be taken into account by readers accustomed to
well as illustrations and descriptions of a wide range of building American English. These readers will need to be aware that, for
types. Architects need to be well informed about the requirements example, 'lift' has been used instead of 'elevator' and 'ground
for all the constituent parts of new projects, to ensure that their floor/first floor' instead of 'first floor/second floor'.
designs satisfy their clients and the buildings conform to accepted
standards and regulations. The data and examples included in the text are drawn from a
wide range of sources; as a result a variety of conventions for
The contents list shows how the book is organised and the order dimensions is used throughout. The measurements shown are
of the subjects discussed. all metric but a mixture of metres, centimetres and millimetres is
used (and sometimes not identified).
To avoid repetition and keep the book to a manageable length,
the different subjects are covered only once in full. Readers Readers will also find some superscript numbers associated with
should therefore refer to several sections to glean all the measurements. When these appear by dimensions in metres with
information they require. For instance, an architect wanting to centimetres, for instance, they represent the additional millimetre
prepare a scheme for a college will need to refer to sections component of the measure (e.g. 1.265 denotes 1 m, 26 em,
other than that on universities and colleges, such as: drafting 5 mm). Anyone familiar with the metric system will not find this
guidelines; multi-storey buildings; various sections on services troublesome. Those people less comfortable with metric units can
and environmental control; catering; residential buildings, hotels use the conversion tables (to imperial measures) at the end of the
and flats (for student accommodation); office buildings (for book.
working environments); libraries; car parks; accessible building;
indoor and outdoor sports facilities; gardens; details on doors, The plans and diagrams of buildings do not have scales as
windows, stairs and other building components; the section on the purpose here is to show the general layout and express
construction, and more. relationships between different spaces, making exact scaling
unnecessary. However, all relevant dimensions are given on the
Readers should note that most of the material is from European detailed drawings and diagrams of installations, to assist in the
(substantially German) contributors. This means, for example, design of specific spaces and constructions.
that information on climate and daylight is from the perspective
of a temperate climate in the northern hemisphere. The actual To help readers identify relevant background information, details
conditions at the site of a proposed building will always have to be of British Standards Institute (BSI) and German Institute of
ascertained. Similarly, in the section on roads, illustrations show Standardisation (DIN) building-related standards are provided in
traffic driving on the right-hand side. two types of location. At the end of the book is a selected list of
BS and DIN standards, arranged broadly by topic. Additionally,
References to standards, regulations and guidelines reflect the the margin of many pages of the main text contains relevant BS
book's origins. For this translation, the publishers took the decision to and DIN codes. Please note that, if a British or Gerrnan code
leave the specific text references to German standards, regulations includes EN or ISO (signifying European or international), there is
and guidelines in place, to indicate where similar standards, automatically a German dr British counterpart with the same code
regulations and guidelines might exist in other jurisdictions. Users and title.
The publishers wish to thank the translator, Mr David Sturge. The and proofreader, Ms Kay Hyman, for the very significant
publishers also wish to acknowledge and thank the copyeditor contribution she has made to this publication.
Foreword ................................................................................... xii BUILDING COMPONENTS
BASICS Building excavations .................................................................. 66
Abbreviations and symbols ..................................................... 1 Foundations ............................................................................... 69
Sl units ........................................................................................ 2 Tanking, basement drainage ..................................................... 71
Repair ........................................................................................ 73
Paper formats .............................................................................. 4 Walls
Technical drawings ...................................................................... 5 Natural stone masonry .............................................................. 74
Layout of drawings ...................................................................... 6 Brick and block masonry ........................................................... 75
Construction drawings ................................................................. 7 Composite construction ............................................................. 78
Construction drawing symbols .................................................... 8 Repair ........................................................................................ 79
Water supply and drainage symbols, ........................................ 12 Floor Slabs
Electrical installation symbols ................................................... 14 Slab construction ....................................................................... 80
Security installation symbols ..................................................... 17 Refurbishment ........................................................................... 81
Gas installation symbols ........................................................... 18 Concrete repair ......................................................................... 82
Drawing by hand ....................................................................... 19 Floors ........................................................................................ 83
Computer-aided drawing ........................................................... 20
Accessible Building Roof shapes .............................................................................. 85
Dimensions for wheelchair users .............................................. 21 Pitched roofs ............................................................................. 86
Accessible public buildings ....................................................... 22 Flat roofs ................................................................................... 91
Accessible housing ................................................................... 23
Dimensional Basics and Arrangement ............................................................................. 96
Relationships Requirements ............................................................................ 97
Man as measure and purpose .................................................. 26 Design types ............................................................................. 98 c
The universal standard ............................................................. 27 Thermal insulation ..................................................................... 99
Body measurements and space requirements ......................... 28 Sound insulation ...................................................................... 100
Geometrical relationships .......................................................... 30 Cleaning buildings .................................................................. 101
Dimensions in building .............................................................. 34 Loft windows ........................................................................... 102
Building Biology Skylights and dome rooflights ................................................. 103
Basics ........................................................................................ 36 Glass
Room climate ............................................................................ 37 Basics ...................................................................................... 104
Electromagnetic fields ............................................................... 38 Insulated glazing ..................................................................... 105
Visual Perception Security and noise control glass ............................................. 107
The eye ..................................................................................... 39 Optically variable glass ........................................................... 108
Perception of colour .................................................................. 41 Cast glass ............................................................................... 108
Glass doors ............................................................................. 108
DESIGN PROCESS Profiled glass .......................................................................... 109
Glass blocks ............................................................................ 110
Design Fire protection glazing .............................................................. 111
What is design? ......................................................................... 42 Curtain walling ......................................................................... 112
Planes of reference ................................................................... 43
Questionnaire ............................................................................ 44 Doors
Arrangement ........................................................................... 113
Sustainable Building Constructional details .............................................................. 114
General, design, construction ................................................... 46 Special doors .......................................................................... 115
Operation, demolition ................................................................ 47 Garage/industrial doors ........................................................... 116
Facility Management Lock suites .............................................................................. 117
Background ............................................................................... 48 Security of buildings and grounds ........................................... 118
Methods ... : ................................................................................ 49 Stairs
Refurbishment Principles ................................................................................ 120
Conservation and alteration ...................................................... 50 Regulations ............................................................................. 121
Care of historic monuments ...................................................... 51 Construction ............................................................................ 122
Listed building protection .......................................................... 52 Ramps, spiral stairs ................................................................ 123
Recording of old buildings ......................................................... 53 Access and escape ladders .................................................... 125
Conversion ................................................................................ 54 Escalators
Design and Construction For shops and offices .............................................................. 126
Management Moving Walkways
Public building and planning law ............................................... 56 For shops and offices .............................................................. 127
Private building law, VOB, HOAI ............................................... 57
Work phases ............................................................................. 58 Lifts
Measures of building use .......................................................... 63 Principles ................................................................................ 128
Setback areas ........................................................................... 64 Control equipment ................................................................... 129
Construction costs .................................................................... 65 Passenger lifts for residential buildings ................................... 130
Passenger lifts for offices, hotels, banks ................................. 131 Playgrounds
Small goods lifts ...................................................................... 132 Playground equipment ............................................................ 190
Hydraulic lifts ........................................................................... 133
Special lifts .............................................................................. 134
General classrooms ................................................................ 191
Specialist classrooms .............................................................. 192
RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS Information and communal area ............................................. 193
Sanitary facilities, break and circulation area .......................... 194
Arrangement of classrooms, clusters ...................................... 195
Design basics .......................................................................... 135
Model room programmes for primary schools ........................ 196
House-building policy .............................................................. 136
Examples ................................................................................ 197
Housing Density
Universities and Colleges
Parameters .............................................................................. 137
Lecture theatres ...................................................................... 198
Orientation Examples of lecture theatres ................................................... 200
Layout of buildings .................................................................. 138 Seating and projection ............................................................ 201
Seminar and service rooms .................................................... 202
Laboratories ............................................................................ 203
Detached and terraced development ...................................... 139
Deck access ............................................................................ 140
Stepped houses ...................................................................... 141 CULTURAL VENUES
Vertical access ........................................................................ 142
Museums and Art Galleries
Floor Plans General ................................................................................... 207
Houses .................................................................................... 143 Display rooms ......................................................................... 208
Flats ........................................................................................ 145
Rooms Historical review ...................................................................... 209
Access ..................................................................................... 146 Typology .................................................................................. 210
Kitchens .................................................................................. 149 Auditorium ............................................................................... 211
Living areas ............................................................................. 154 Seating .................................................................................... 212
Bathrooms ............................................................................... 160 Stage ....................................................................................... 213
Subsidiary rooms .................................................................... 162 Subsidiary rooms .................................................................... 215
Garages and carports ............................................................. 166 Workshops and staff rooms .................................................... 216
Rehearsal and public rooms ................................................... 217
ACCOMMODATION Modernisation and extension .................................................. 218
High-Rise Buildings Operational areas .................................................................... 296
Basics ...................................................................................... 244 Outpatient area ....................................................................... 297
Construction ............................................................................ 245 Outpatient medical centre- example ...................................... 298
Requirements .......................................................................... 246 Examination and treatment ..................................................... 299
Libraries Care ........................................................................................ 305
Administration, social services ................................................ 312
Basics ..................................................................................... 247
Fittings .................................................................................... 249 Supply and waste disposal ...................................................... 313
Technical supply ...................................................................... 316
Space requirement ................................................................. 250
Scientific libraries .................................................................... 251
Archives .................................................................................. 252 SPORT AND LEISURE
Banks Stadiums
Banks ...................................................................................... 253 Overview ................................................................................. 318
Spectator stands ..................................................................... 319
RETAIL Sports Facilities
Playing areas .......................................................................... 320
Retail Outlets
Athletics ................................................................................... 323
Guidelines and typologies ....................................................... 254
Tennis ...................................................................................... 327
Retail regulations .................................................................... 255
Miniature golf .......................................................................... 329
Entrances and shop windows ................................................. 256
Golf courses ............................................................................ 331
Checkout and waiting zones ................................................... 257
Water sport, marinas ............................................................... 333
Waiting zones - examples ...................................................... 258
Water sport, rowing and canoeing .......................................... 339
Routeing, escalators ............................................................... 259
Equestrian sport ..................................................................... 341
Fittings -dimensions .............................................................. 260
Ski jumping ............................................................................. 343
Food shops ............................................................................. 261
Ice rinks ................................................................................... 344
Self-service shops .................................................................. 262
Roller skating rinks .................................................................. 345
Speed roller skating, skateboarding ........................................ 346
INDUSTRY AND TRADE Cycle-cross, BMX ................................................................... 347
Industry Shooting ranges ...................................................................... 348
Basics ..................................................................................... 263 Sports Halls
Shed construction ................................................................... 265 Dimensions ............................................................................. 350
Multi-storey industrial buildings ............................................... 266 Layout, construction ................................................................ 352
Transport ................................................................................. 267 Equipment ............................................................................... 353
Warehousing ........................................................................... 268 Stands ..................................................................................... 354
Subsidiary rooms .................................................................... 270 Examples ................................................................................ 355
Examples ................................................................................ 273 Judo ........................................................................................ 356
Workshops Wrestling ................................................................................. 356
Joinery .................................................................................... 274 Weight-lifting ........................................................................... 356
Carpenter's shop ..................................................................... 275 Boxing ..................................................................................... 356
Metalwork ............................................................................... 276 Badminton ............................................................................... 356
Vehicle repairs ......................................................................... 277 Squash .................................................................................... 357
Bakery ..................................................................................... 278 Table tennis ............................................................................. 357
Meat processing plant ............................................................. 279 Billiards ................................................................................... 357
Other trades ............................................................................ 280 Condition, fitness .................................................................... 358
Laundry ................................................................................... 281 Climbing halls .......................................................................... 360
Fire station .............................................................................. 283 Bowling alleys ......................................................................... 361
Swimming Pools
RELIGIOUS BUILDINGS Indoor swimming pools ........................................................... 362
Outdoor pools ......................................................................... 367
Christian Churches
Indoor/outdoor pools ............................................................... 368
Liturgical elements .................................................................. 285
Private pools ........................................................................... 371
Furnishing, vestry .................................................................... 286
Bell towers .............................................................................. 287 Spa
Sauna/small sauna/wellness .................................................. 372
General design notes .............................................................. 288 Amusement Arcades
Amusement arcades ............................................................... 375
General design notes .............................................................. 289
Street spaces .......................................................................... 376
Doctors' Practices
Types of road .......................................................................... 377
Single and group practices ..................................................... 290
Motorways .............................................................................. 378
Hospitals Traffic space ........................................................................... 379
General, modular grid ............................................................. 291 Inter-urban roads .................................................................... 380
Building design ........................................................................ 293 Intersections ............................................................................ 381
Examples ................................................................................ 294 Footpaths and cycle ways ...................................................... 382
Corridors, doors, stairs, lifts .................................................... 295 Bicycle traffic/storage ............................................................. 383
Traffic calming ......................................................................... 385 Greenhouses
Noise protection ...................................................................... 386 Greenhouses .......................................................................... 441
Fluorescent tubes ................................................................... 509 Heating .................................................................................... 532
Workplace Guideline 'Artificial lighting' (excerpt) .................... 510 Small sewage treatment plants ............................................... 536
Fire Protection Chimneys and Ventilation Shafts
Basics ....................................................................................: 511 Chimneys ................................................................................ 537
Classification ........................................................................... 512 Open fireplaces ....................................................................... 538
Fire compartment walls ........................................................... 513 Ventilation shafts ..................................................................... 539
Building components ............................................................... 514
References ............................................................................. 540
Fire-resistant glazing ............................................................... 516
Fire-resistant door sets ........................................................... 517 BS and DIN Standards ........................................................ 548
Fire fighting installations ......................................................... 518
Conversion of Units
Smoke and heat extractor systems ........................................ 519
Weights and measures ........................................................... 555
Sprinkler systems .................................................................... 520
Conversion tables ................................................................... 560
Other extinguishing systems ................................................... 521
INDEX ..................................................................................... 575
Domestic Installation
Drainage ................................................................................. 522
Ventilation ............................................................................... 528
The 'Neufert' continues to be the most comprehensive, yet The new German edition has once again been produced at the
compact, first source of information on the design of buildings. same location that was formative for Neufert's development
Just as the daily office grind of the architect proceeds in many as the office manager for Walter Gropius- the Bauhaus in
small steps and a few long strides, the sustained progress of Dessau. The decision to return to the roots here seems to have
the 'Neufert' is characterised not only by meticulous attention to been the right one, because the previous edition was greeted
standards and regulations, whose omnipresence in construction positively by architects, students, lecturers and other interested
is undeniable, but also by reflection of the great issues of our parties. The concepts in this edition have been developed
time as they affect building project design. These important further by Nicole Delmes, nee Neufert, and lngo Neufert. My
matters undoubtedly include concern for our environment and the thanks are due to them both, for the trust and understanding
absolute demand for sustainability in architecture. Sustainable they have shown, which made our collaboration straightforward
building has many aspects, to be weighted differently according and enjoyable. Also, I would especially like to thank Mathias
to the design brief. Brockhaus, Matthias Lohmann and Patricia Merkel, a team that
works in an exceptionally professional manner, the students of
The team working with Professor Johannes Kister has set out, the Hochschule Anhalt- Fanjuan Kong, Tobias Schwarzwald
right through the book, to emphasise new sustainability standards and Mandy Wagenknecht- and the external consultants, whose
and perspectives using the criteria 'objective information' and valuable advice and reliable collaboration made an essential
'topicality', which is presumably how Ernst Neufert would have contribution to the success of the project.
approached the task. We hope that this new edition, which
continues the redesign commenced in the previous one, will Dessau, March 2009 Johannes Kister
further consolidate the Foundation's reliable and exhaustive
reference volume on building design. External consultants:
Prof. Dr. Dirk Bohne Building services
Neufert Foundation, March 2009 Karl-Heinz Breuer Basics
Paul Coral! Fire protection
Thomas Ehrenberg Filling stations and service
Olaf Gersmeier Design and construction
Lydia Haack, John Hiipfner Filling stations and car wash
Karl-Josef Heinrichs Building physics
Prof. Alfred Jacoby Synagogues
Stefan Jackel, Tobias Micke External works
and Andreas Kotlan
Dr. Jiirg Junhold Zoos
LOr Meyer-Bassin Theatre
Hans-Peter MOhlethaler Restaurants
Prof. Dr. Gunther Nogge Zoos
Marcellus Puhlemann Design and construction
Hermann Schnell Facility management
Finn Stoll Administration
Wolfgang Thiede Health
Carsten Thiemann Railways
Heiko Uelze Catering
Prof. Susanne Weber Lighting
Carola Wunderlich Air transport
This handbook developed from the notes made for my lectures at should liberate them from all teachings, when it comes down to
the Bauhochschule in Weimar. They derive from measurements, it even from this one, and lead them to their own creative work.
experience and understanding gained from practice and research It should provide initial assistance: run- everyone must build for
in the human sphere, necessary for the design of buildings, but themselves.
also keeping an eye open for new opportunities and demands.
The architectural forms of our time are the result of the same
On the one hand we stand on the shoulders of our forebears but, process, which our predecessors underwent in order to produce
on the other, everything is fluid and we are children of our time with their splendid temples, cathedrals and palaces. They had
our gaze towards the future, though the outlook of each individual no models other than their own imaginations and intentions,
is often different. This results from differences in education and ideas and ideals, with which they neared their aspirations. The
training, the influence of the environment, personal predisposition commission formulated along these lines was enough to enliven
and the relevant degree of internally driven self-development. concepts, which took solid form in line with the technological
possibilities of the time and local conditions, and only bore a
Whether the 'fixed opinion' of today is absolutely correct remains remote similarity to what had gone before. These new buildings
to be seen, however, because it is only valid at the time of could be technically much better and deliver more because of
formation. Experience shows that fairer judgement develops improvement in the state of technology. They could, however, also
with time than is possible immediately, since we do not have the be compared artistically to similar structures from the past.
necessary detachment for breadth of vision. This makes clear
what reservations need to be imposed on teaching to prevent If we compare an industrial building of today- light, roomy, with
heresy. All teaching remains subjective and determined by its good dimensions and slimmer, lightweight construction -with a
time and environment, despite all efforts to achieve truth and factory from the 18th century or a workshop of the 15th century,
objectivity and all intentions to critically examine our favourite then the advantages of our modern buildings will be apparent
opinions. The danger of heresy can be avoided if the teaching even to the most blinkered conservationist. This means that,
also makes clear that it is not an end product but rather serves, whenever construction projects serve a genuine requirement of
and is subject to, all that is vital, upcoming and unfolding our time, work can be expected from energetic contemporary
architects that will bear comparison to, or even overshadow, the
This will then provide for our students the attitude meant by best of old buildings.
Nietzsche when he said, 'Only those who change themselves
remain associated with me.' A lively-minded university should offer primarily a view of our time
and a look to the future, glancing back only to the extent that this
The essential feature of such teaching of continuous progress, is advisable or unavoidable. This was the advice of one of the
the servant of development, is that there are no ready recipes, greatest of our profession, Fritz Schumacher, when he warned
no 'canned wisdom', but rather only building blocks, components a young student in his architecture lectures against getting too
or corners requiring the addition of combination, construction, lost in art history issues while researching the past. Being led
composition and harmony. astray by a doctorate into learned byways could be at the cost of
the energy required to meet the more varied requirements of the
Confucius put it like this more than 2500 years ago: 'I give my profession.
students a corner and they will have to find the other three
themselves!' Born architects, or those who yearn to build, will In contrast to this, it is better just to hand students the elements
keep their ears and eyes closed when a solution to a task is of architecture, as is done in this Architects' Data, where I
prescribed, because born architects are full of their ideas and have attempted to reduce the building blocks of design to the
ideals, and only need the elements in order to set to work and essentials, to schematise and even to abstract in order to make
make something of them! imitation difficult and force students to produce form and content
from within themselves. Their various design ideas will be
Those who have found faith in themselves, an insight into coordinated anyway to a certain extent by current fashion, that
connectivity, the play of forces, materials, colours, dimensions, idiosyncratic feeling of community which characterises mankind's
who can absorb the reality and the appearance of a building, joint efforts at a particular time and finds a durable and visible
study its effect, investigate it critically and rebuild it in the mind, expression in contemporary style.
are on the only true path to the great satisfaction offered by
active creation. This view of life should help them on their way. It Ernst Neufert
Sl units- Systeme International d'Unites UNITS
The international system of units: the most commonly used system Sl Units
of measurement and units in science. Basic units, which are not
derived from any other.
Quantily Basic unit Symbol Definition based on Sl units included Prefixes and their Abbreviations are:
Sl Units name in definition T (!era-) ~ 10 12 (million million) c (centi-) ~ 1/100 hundredth
1 length metre m wavelength of krypton - G (giga-) ~ 109 (thousand million) m (milli-) ~ 10"3 thousandth
radiation M (mega-)~ 10 6 (million) ~ (micro-) ~ 10~ millionth
103 n (nano-) ~ 1o- 12
2 mass kilogram kg international prototype - k (kilo-) (thousand)
p (pica-) ~ 10-12
h (hekto-) ~ 100 (hundred)
3 time second s period of caesium - da(deca-) ~ 10 (ten) f (femto-) ~ 1o- 15
d (deci-) ~ 1/10 (tenth) a (alto-) ~ 10-18
4 electrical current ampere A electrodynamic force kg, m, s
between two conductors only one prefix may be used to describe a decimal multiple
5 temperature kelvin K triple point of water -
(thenmodynamic C) Decimal multip\1ers and dividers of units
6 luminous intensity candela cd radiation from freezing kg, s
platinum Quantity to be measured Unit in the Sl system, compulsory Conversion
from 1978 factor
7 amount of substance mole mol molecular mass kg
length m metre
0 Basic Sl units area m2 square metre
relative air humidity
diffusion resistance coefficient
e Examples of 'derived Sl units' through combining basic units
Rm (dB) median airborne sound reduction 1 rad 21 s 2 ~ 1 rad s1 (~ 1 rad/s) 1AsN~1 CN~1 F
R' (dB) sound reduction CONTENTS with flanking transmission
(airborne sound) 8 Examples of Sl units derived through combining basic units with named derived
LSM (dB) airborne sound insulation margin
Ln (dB) impact sound pressure level
V/M (dB) sound improvement due to one floor or ceiling layer thermal resistance 1/A ~ 1 m 2h K/kcal ~ 0.8598 m2K!W
TSM (dB) impact sound reduction thermal conductivity l.~1 kcal/m h K ~1.163 W/m K
coefficient of thermal transmittance U ~ 1 kcal/m 2 h K ~ 1.163 Wfm2K
a H degree of sound absorption
coefficient of thermal transmission a ~ 1 kcal/m 2h K ~ 1.163 W/m 2K
A (m2) equivalent sound-absorbing area
bulk density ~1 kg/m 3 ~ 1 kg/m 3
r (m) resonance radius calculation weight ~1 kp/m 3 ~0.01 kN/m 3
L (dB) sound level reduction compressive strength ~ 1 kp/cm 2 ~0.1 N/mm2
Units of measurement in building UNITS
The international system of measurement with Sl units has been valid since 1 January 1978.
Sl Units
mech. stress, newton per square Nlm 2 newton per square Nlmm2
strength " metre millimetre kplcm 2 1 kp/cm 2 = 0.0980665 Nlmm2
kplmm 1 kpimm 2 = 9.80665 N/mm2
Paper Formats
DRAWINGS Standardised formats provide a foundation for office furniture
Paper formats design, which then determines the development of the floor plan.
drawings Good knowledge of paper formats is therefore important for the
Layout of designer.
Construction 1--------- X --j 1--------- X --j
drawings Paper formats have generally been standardised (apart from
drawing symbols
0-0 Basis of paper formats in the USA) to conform to the internationally accepted {ISO)
Water supply and series of paper sheet sizes {A,B,C,D). These were developed
drainage symbols
Electrical Format Series A Series B Series C on the basis of an area of 1 m2 , divided according to the ratio
installation of the sides:
symbols 0 841 X 1189 1000 X 1414 917 X 1297
1 594 X 841 707 X 1000 648 X 917
installation x:y=--12~0 lengthofsidex=0.841 m
symbols 420x 594 500 707 485x 648
2 X
Gas installation xxy=1 length of side y = 1.189 m
symbols 3 297x420 353 X 500 324x458
Drawing by hand
Computer-aided 4 210 X 297 250 X 353 229 324
The basic format (a rectangle with an area of 1 m2 and side
5 148x210 176 X 250 162 X 229 lengths as above) forms the basis for all the smaller sizes. The
BS EN ISO 216 A format series is produced by halving or doubling the basic
BS 1467 6 105 X 148 125 X 176 114x 162
DIN 476 format ~ 0 + f). The additional series B and C are intended
7 74 X 105 88 X 125 81 X 114
DIN 821 for items in dependent paper sizes, e.g. envelopes, binders and
DIN 4999 8 52x74 62x88 57 81
files~ 0.
9 37x52 44x62
10 26x37 31 x44 The formats in the B series are the geometric mean dimensions of
11 18 x26 22x31
the A series. The formats in the C series are the geometric mean
dimensions of the A and B series ~ 0.
12 13 X 18 15x22
8 Sheet sizes Strip (or side margin) formats are made by dividing the main formats
lengthwise into halves, quarters and eighths (for envelopes, signs,
drawings etc.) ~ 0 + e.
Format Abbreviation mm
picas mm
C) Bound and trimmed books ~ Layouts and type area of the A4 standard format -> C!)
Technical Drawings
marked with a cross is punched or clamped.
4. The drawing is then folded parallel to side a to a width of
18.5 em, for which a template of 18.5 x 29.8 em is useful.
·-·-·-·m The last section is folded in half to adjust the sheet size,
bringing the title block to the front. Long narrow formats can be
correspondingly folded.
5. The resulting strip is folded from side b.
A piece of card of size A5 = 14.8 x 21 em can be glued to the back
of the punched side to reinforce the edge. Any sheet size can be
folded by following the instructions above. If the drawing length
remaining after the folding of the first 21 em cannot be divided by
0 ISOsizeA3 18.5 em into an even number 2, 4, 6, etc., then the remaining width
should be folded in the centre .
.1 I 0
cut-out ISO A4
"'"i• l box
1~ I
Field divisions (grid squares)
~ I ~ I
0 ISOsizeA4 ISOA2
Layout of Drawings
9 -<----- 6250 _ , . -
+ 3.12
e t--- 6250 --t :1'---
G Marking of heights on sections and elevations f) f- ~~;~ - j f-
1 2 3 4 5 6 DRAWINGS
Line group Construction Drawings
I II 111 1) IV2l
Line weight Application Scale
;;;1:100 "'1:50 Dimensioning consists of: dimension DRAWINGS
Line width (mm) figure, dimension line, extension line, Paper formats
solid line (heavy) boundary of areas in section 0.5 0.5 1.0 1.0 dimension arrow ~ e. drawings
solid line (medium) visible edges and visible outlines of 0.25 0.35 0.5 0.7 Dimension figures are normally Layout of
building elements, boundary of narrow drawings
located above the relevant continuous Construction
or small building elements in section
dimension line so that they can be read drawings
solid line (fine) dimension lines, extension lines, pointer 0.18 0.25 0.35 0.5 Construction
from below or from the right when the drawing symbols
lines, walking lines, outlines of cut-outs,
simplified depictions drawing is used~ f) + 0. Water supply and
If building drawings are manually or mechanically drawn with ink and standardised drawing equipment, then the line
I \
extension line
_........-dimension arrow
widths according to the above should preferably be used. These widths are suitable for the usual application of common
reproduction methods.
1 2 3 4
unit for dimensions dimensions
dimensions <1m, e.g. >1 m,e.g.
1 em 24 88.5 388.5
2 m and em 24 885 3.88 5
24 3 mm 240 885
Dimensioning outside the drawing (scale C) Units for dimensions f) Pointer lines to notes
1:100, units~ em)
... 0
----- ---- ----- -m---- I
"' I
0 I
I C2
"' I
t I
G Dimensioning of pillars and openings, e.g. scale 1:50 em, units= em I
< t t
0 I
t I
----- I
axis 01 02 01 2 3 4
field Oc Ob Oa a c
Ob1 Ob2
9 Dimensioning with coordinate~ e.g. scale 1:50 m, em, units em and mm e Axis-field grid
Monochrome I Colour To be used for DRAWINGS
1111111\llfllll""""""- light green grass Construction Drawing Symbols
tt~ ) , 'l sepia peat dust and similar
Paper formats
burnt sienna ground C ceiling BR break-through widthx u under Ttop
Wwall G groove depth x o over B bottom
Layout of . ····· ... black/ white infilled earth
FO foundation
Dduct height UF unfinished floor
FF finished floor
8 Labelling of openings: examples
Construction ~ brown-red brick masonry in lime mortar
drawing Description Label Dimensions Depiction
Water supply and ~ brown-red brick masonry in cement mortar Plan
(section, view)
drainage symbols slab breakthrough SBR AxB
installation ~ brown-red brick masonry in cement-lime mortar
groove in slab (top) GS AxBxC I-A-<
~ ~
brown-red porous brick masonry in cement mortar ro
installation U.i 1111111 ~c
Gas installation hollow pot brick masonry in cement groove in slab GS AxBxC
symbols lime mortar (underneath) ~:c
!111111 1-A-l c
Drawing by hand
Computer-aided brown-red floor slab breakthrough FSBR AxB
clinker block masonry in cement mortar
(foundation= FO) L~:J~
1-A-l = I-A-<
~ ~{I)
BS EN ISO 4157 brown-red sand lime block masonry in lime mortar
DIN 1356 £~ C~-~~~~--~~~-+~~~~-t----------~
~ floor slab duct
FSD A x B x C HA
~ brown-red alluvial stone masonry in lime mortar
Q) -a floor slab groove
FSG : IsI ~I 'II' ~0
I <I
Closed in final state Remains open
Uli!JilUI!lll! blue grey insulation materials
Natural monument (border with points) according to:
NSG =conservation area
grey existing building elements
LSG = landscape conseJVation area
GLB = Protected landscape element
0 Symbols and colours used on plans and sections §23 =under §23 HENatG protected habitat
GA = Population of particularly protected or threatened species
f rCJ:k
Tree protection
f : :: ::
Layout plan To special Tree with species,
Tree to be removed with
- - - - - - existing public road fac1h!1es trunk centre, crown
species, trunk centre,
radius & trunk dia.
r=250 crown radius & trunk dia.
U=60 (Existing: full line,
Planned but not yet planned: dot-dash line
existing roads
I+++ ICemetery
Group of bushes to be partly removed
Existing: full line
~ Pennanent Planned: dot-dash line
Existing buildings tttti:J allotment To be removed: crossed-out full line
~ Camping and rr=\1
~ weekend site Q Sports field Border of area to be built on, whose soil is considerably contaminated
~Planned buildings
with harmful substances.
~Swimming lA! Children's Border of areas, whose soil is considerably contaminated with
~pool L\£J playground harmful substances.
Construction Drawing Symbols
Floor surfaces
Ceiling surfaces
Wall surfaces
of openings
) in m2 with
2 figures after
decimal oint
general insulation layer against heat
loss and noise
Paper formats
d) Clear wmdow areas p drawings
e) Clear door areas Layout of
f) Flooring types mineral wool insulation drawings
g) Type of paint or cladding to walls Construction
h) Type of paint or cladding to ceilings drawings
0 Dimensions and other information, if required glass fibre insulation drawing symbols
Water supply and
drainage symbols
sealing membrane (damp course) wood fibre insulation installation
• • 8 • • • vapour barrier peat fibre insulation
Gas installation
aaaaaaaa symbols
- - - - - -
separating/plastic foil
oil paper
xxxxxxxx synthetic foam
Drawing by hand
IIIII IIIII intermediate layer, spot glued moom~~%\lfm~1W?Ef1Bi~B\I cement-bonded wood wool board
·:·:·:·:·:·:·: plasterboards
plaster lath/reinforcement
llllllillillllllillilllllllll impregnation
0 0 {) {) 0 filter mat
tm drain mesh (plastic)
surface water
Windows set in reveals, scale 1:100 Construction Drawing Symbols
Paper formats
Layout of
-w-ith----'- '-wit-hou-t---.-E:"""III-.-.\11!
___-_____ -
0 Single window opening inward gains f) Box window (B) opening inward, 0 Single window opening outward G Double window (D) opening
space and offers a place for the double window, combined window outward
drawing Sash window, scale 1:100 Sliding window, scale 1:100
Water supply and
drainage symbols ~~~ ~~~
__-__-'-_ ' - - - - - - ""~""W""W""W""11""'
__·_-_D-_-:--_-=_ - - -
e Single window Double window (D), box window,
combined window
f) Single window (S) e Double window (SD)
Gas installation
Drawing by hand
0 Single-leaf door without lintel '~!) Single-leaf door 4) Double-leaf 4l} Double-leaf door
pair, with lintel
e Pivoting door 4D
~ Without threshold e
Threshold one side
0) Rising Gi) Sliding door G) Double sliding door ~ Sliding door with lifting
single-leaf door mechanism
~ Two-leaf revolving door @) Three-leaf revolving door @) Four-leaf revolving door ~ Folding partition
16 risers 16 risers
m ±0.00
Ground floor
I I +2.80
Upper floor
Attic When drawing windows, the left side is always shown with wall
niche and the right side without ----1 0- e.
fi Stairs with one flight
Living room Bedroom DRAWINGS
D 85 x 85 x 78 ~ 4 places
130 x 80 x 78 ~ 6 places
100 X 200
Construction Drawing Symbols
0 round table
0 90 ~ 6 places D side table
50x70, 60x70
Paper formats
electric oven
Water supply and
drainage symbols
pull-out table 120 x 180 Electrical
twin bed (French bed)
145 X 200 dishwasher symbols
DO stool 0 45 x 50 children's bed
Gas installation
Drawing by hand
IDI armchair 70 x 85
clothes cupboard
60 X 120
couch 95 x 195
75 X 170,
K oJI 85x185 solid fuel
sofa 80 x 175 0] small bath
70 X 105,
70 X 125 oil
upright piano
60 X 140-160
symbol symbol scale 1:50
shower 80 x 80,
90 X 90, 75 X 90
scale 1:100
double washbasin
television 60 X 120, 60 X 140 heating boiler with grate
nappy changing
we 38 x 70
table 80 x 90
urinal 35 x 30 oil-fired
washing basket 40 x 60
bidet 38 x 60
chest 40 x 100-150
waste disposal unit
urinal stand
cupboard 60 x 120
Kitchen waste chute
11 I
15-20 em
hanging rail
double sink 60 x 150 nrlL air supply and extraction
EH+t*i I
clothes and linen
cupboard 50 x 100-180 DJ[J] stepped sink
A PTL ~ patient lift
GL ~ goods lift
PL ~ passenger lift
FL ~food lift (paternoster)
D 70 X 130 X 78
80 X 150 X 78
kitchen bucket sink
HL ~ hydraulic lift
Drainage pipes and appliances DRAWINGS
Plan Elevation Description Water Supply and Drainage Symbols
Paper formats
I i!l
pressurised blackwater pipe is marked with DS Water supply
Plan Elevation Description
Technical cellar drainage pump
pressurised rainwater pipe is marked with DR [Q]
Layout of I
Construction blackwater lifting system
drawings mixed water pipe
drawing symbols
Water supply
/C ,1/ "==J bath
Security ~ 0 vanity unit, hand washbasin
Gas installation
0 according to type stack, downpipe [a \! sitting washbasin
Drawing by hand
a) / a) passing through
v urinal
b) b) starting and running downward
drawing ......-""' c) coming from above and ending
d) d) starting and running upward urinal with automatic flushing
BS EN 12056
DIN 1451
DIN 1986
---r- change of material
(QJ ~ we, floor-mounted
CJ D slop sink
f cleaning opening, round or rectangular
I cleaning opening
[[l] CD double sink
t 125
change of nominal diameter
-am -am dishwasher
1- odour trap
ill ill washing machine
CJ- c::::L_
~ ~
outlet or drainage gutter without odour trap
[]!]- [][;l- waste outlet with backflow device for faeces-free -crJ -crJ air conditioner
small wastewater wet riser pipe
treatment plant, two-level
--®- IIr fat separator
H Sp
HSp heating oil stop valve with backflow preventer
-€) soakaway shaft sprinkler system
--ao-- --ao-- backflow device for faeces-free wastewater
underfloor hydrant spray flooding system '"
---cx::J- ---cx::J- backflow device for wastewater containing faeces
--e- _o_ shaft with open through-flow (shown with blackwater pipe)
above-floor hydrant water spray system
---9- J:L shaft with closed through-flow
fire fighting hose
connection pipe
Water supply (continued) DRAWINGS
wall or slab opening with Water Supply and Drainage Symbols
water pipe E3
protecting sleeve and stopping
marking of location of shut-
off or throttling valve end of pipe
bleed valve, water softener, DRAWINGS
Xl --{]E]-
detachable connection
general type of connection
can be simplified by use of
short code
s screwed connection
v wall battery
Layout of
T-RL threaded connection
4 free-standing
non-detachable connection battery
with right-left thread Construction
F flange connection !1 30m'/h 5! booster pump drawing symbols
~ hose
instrument Drawing by hand
self-closing valve Computer-aided
air conditioner drawing
pressure flusher
§ flow gauge, through-flow
BS EN 12056
DIN 1451
DIN 1986
e.g. 0 80
{j- coupling
pipe anti-vacuum
device and bleeder
drinking water pipe, warm, flow meter, water meter
e.g. 0 50
drinking water pipe,
circulation, e.g. 0 40
+ type of connection can be
simplified by use of
short code
w welded connection
n pipe anti-vacuum
device and bleeder
with dripping water ~ calorimeter
TW15 drinking water pipe, hose, s soldered connection
G glued connection y connection for measuring
~ e.g. 015
p pressed connection
50 , l 40 change of nominal diameter, pipe ventilator, thermometer
e.g. from 0 50 to 0 40
l><l shut-off valve, general + through-flow
pressure gauge
as above but also as
reducer fitting
marking of location for
t pipe bleeder B type of gauge can be
indicated by use of short
( cu change of material, f>l<l shut-off gate valve 1 pipe interrupter l!.p differential pressure
e.g. from steel to copper 11
I gauge
crossing pipes (without -lSJ- shut-off flap valve pt pressure pulse
connection) backflow preventer generator
shut-off valve,
branch, one-sided l><l through-flow valve through-flow valve logger
-.<1-- [i] if required, mark type of
-+- branch, two-sided type of connection can be
simplified by use of short
with backflow
preventer device with short code
v through flow
riser pipe
a) passing through
b) starting and running
SO screw-down valve
SS slanted seat valve
T throttle valve
BP valve behind plaster
outlet valve with
ventilator and
threaded hose
v volume
T temperature
.6.p pressure difference
--------- control cable
c) coming from below
elbow valve draw-off tap with
d) starting and running
e) coming from above and ~ three-way valve !~ backflow preventer,
ventilator and 9 fluid-driven
electrical separation,
® four-way valve
threaded hose
connection '1 float-driven
earthing type of connection can be spring-driven
n expansion bend
-J1J1r pipe compensator I:ffJ three-way tap ~ pipe disconnecter <¥> electricity-driven
sealing bush compensator 9
---<==--- @ four-way tap
safety valve,
spring-loaded piston-driven
pipeline fixed point clamped tapping
)CJ-- (e.g. at side)
sliding pipe fixing
pressure reducer, --[@]- metering device container, non-pressure,
wall or slab opening with
protecting sleeve
IX1 pressure stopcock open, with overflow
Electrical consumer appliances DRAWINGS
electrical appliance, general light fitting, general
C9 secondary clock Electrical Installation Symbols
multiple light fitting stating
electric stove with three
-7( 5 x 60 no. lamps and power, e.g. main clock sound recorder
Paper formats five lamps at 60 W
Layout of
electric stove with built-in
coal oven
adjustable light fitting
drawing symbols
electric stove with oven for
baking --7< light fitting with current
bridge for lamp chains
denotes amplification
magnetic tape recorder
~ panic light
symbols microwave cooker
~ emergency light e multiple telephone meter
Gas installation
(X searchlight
L8J telephone, long-distance
meter panel, e.g with a fuse
Drawing by hand
infra red grill
C) light fitting with additional
emergency light
g telephone, semi-internal
BS EN 50110
DIN 18015
warming plate
G) light fitting with two
separate filaments
t§] telephone, internal
ll time clock, e.g. for switching
food processor
lamp, general
light band, e.g. three lamps television
[ZJ blink relay, blink switch
light band, e.g. two lamps at intercom, e.g. house or door sound frequency ripple
2x58W entry phone control relay
freezer, no. stars Signal and radio devices two-way intercom, e.g.
house or door entry phone -§ sound frequency cut-off
continuous-flow water light beam detector, light
heater barrier bell button
Si? alarm clock for safety circuit
B press-knob fire alarm
call buttons with name
labels 9 alarm clock with
run-down drive
ill automatic fire alarm
generator, general
motor, general
-{Z] police alarm
earpiece -0- motor alarm clock
fusible link alarm, automatic alarm clock with visual
hand dryer, hair dryer alarm
splitter, flush
room heating, general beeper or horn stating
pass lock security systems siren stating current type
current type
storage heater
centre of fire alarm system house intercom ~0 siren stating frequency, e.g.
electrically heated clear-
view screen light beam alarm system,
siren with wailing tone, e.g.
automatic, e.g. photo cell entry phone varying between 150 and
converter, general DRAWINGS
isolated cable in
direct current 0 rectifier, e.g. Electrical Installation Symbols
installation duct
isolated cable for dry alternating current mains
~ A alternating current, general (t)
rooms, e.g. sheathed wire connection
isolated cable for wet rectifier, e.g. pole changer, approach effect, general
~ 2 kHz stating the frequency (f) rooms, e.g. wet room Paper formats
contact effect, general Technical
~ T technical alternating cable for outdoor or Layout of
(k) fuse, general passive infra red motion
current underground laying drawings
direct current or alternating Construction
Cables, marking, application screw-in fuse, e.g. 1OA and drawings
current (universal current) time relay, e.g. for stair
type Dll, three-pole Construction
protection cable, e.g. for lighting drawing symbols
mixed current earthing, neutralisation or low-voltage high- Water supply and
protection circuit (old) performance fuse, e.g. SOA current impulse switch drainage symbols
size 00 Electrical
sound frequency installation
signal cable
alternating current symbols
trip, e.g. 63A, three-pole empty connection box
high frequency alternating Security
telephone cable installation
very high frequency radio cable switch, make contact r\. multiple socket symbols
Gas installation
alternating current symbols
Supporting points
cable with marking
simplified depiction
earth leakage circuit
breaker, four-pole
A single earthed socket Drawing by hand
in mast cables as above but for three-
phase current BS EN 50110
protective earth cable
cable, general cable protection switch, DIN 18015
e.g. 16A, three-pole
underground cable PEN cable
motor protection switch,
~ double earthed socket
tubular mast, general ·X-X-X-X-X· telephone, night circuit, emergency off switch depiction of vertical if
·0-0-0-0-0· required
e guyed mast -1-1-1-1-1-
blinking light cable,
emergency lighting cable
star-delta switch
lattice mast, general
guyed mast
twisted cable, e.g. two- 5,-l
starter, rheosta~ e.g. with
0 socket for isolating
coaxial cable
LJ five starting steps
IT] electrical connection,
© button switch
._ guyed mast rectangular hollow
8 double mast __} cable running upward switch with smoke extraction
indicator light ventilator switch
transverse H-mast or portal
I cable running downward
switch 1/1 (off switch, smoke extraction press-
support point with tension branch connection box, switch 1/3 (off switch,
IT connection socket
anchor depiction if necessary three-pole)
Visual indicators Lightning protection installations DRAWINGS
indicator light, general building outline Electrical Installation Symbols
No. (min.) of
No. Tvoe of aooliance Sockets1) Outlets Connected load 'kW\
gutter and down pipe Uvin room and bedroom
blinking indicator light with
DRAWINGS direction pointer reinforced concrete with f~J~:r~~;~~:~t~~~o 8
8-12 m"2
Paper formats connection 12-20 m2
Technical >20m"
indicator light wilh
darkening switch
ILT steel construction, metal
rails sockets,Jlghtlng
Kitchen kitchenette AC 3-ohase
32 fi htin
connection point to
meter 1 Q-- pipes
1) Or jtmcl!on boxes for consumer devices <2 kW
2) Sockets next to beds are double sockets, which, arranged next to aerial sockets, are triple sockets. These multiple
sockets, are counted in the table as single sockets.
3) The worktops should be Ill with as little shadow and glare as possible.
4) If a single extract fan Is to be provided.
--1-t- 5) Unless hot water is provided by other means.
meter with indicator lamp separation point 6) Of which one may be combined with the vanity unit light.
pipe and rod earth terminal
7) For bathrooms with 4 m2 usable area, one connection above the vanity unit Is sufficient.
~~ fn°[e~7d':~f.W~~~~~~~~~ut ~~~:~~~~~e swltch is via the general lighting, with time lag.
10) Unless a utility room Is provide:!or the appliances can be accommodated In another suitable room.
multiple detector 11) ForWCswith a vanity unit.
12) Unless accommodated in the bathroom or another suitable room.
earthing 13) Switchab!e from one location.
14) Switchab!e from two locations.
15) From 8m2 usable space.
sparking distance
1 1
j~~ ~~~:~~~~ ag~'~uWei:,"~~~~n~~~:f~~~~o:e~~~i t~~-rating-l!ke partitions, e.g. wire mesh.
acknowledgement detector 18) For passages >6 m long, one ouUetevery6 m of length begun.
closed sparking distance
excess voltage
0 Power supply to electrical appliances
Batteries r;-L:-:ivi-og_a_re-,a(-cm');:-r--;N-;-o-.c.,-ircu--:;-its-;fo-r:;-llg-;ch!;-in-g-.,-;d-,o-,ck:-e:-1,-,
discharge conductor Uvingarea(m2} No. circuits for lighting and sockets
elemental battery
ITIIIIIIl roof fixing up to 50
45-55 4
16A1 =
i: ® ~4~
* [ ~
' 16A3
' 20 4
A -@)
{' ~
l' 16A5 m
16A6 [ @J
£.1iiii.T. __ .::__·-·-·-
i: *;o~
16A8 [ ~
If required
[I] Utility room
Security Installation Symbols
Burglar alarm systems r::\ 1!;1
connection relay man Jock Paper formats
Lo.J optical signal generator
1 strike plate contact ------ Technical
r~ E]-r-
remote switching device analog-digital converter revolving door drawings
magnetic contact
I! ~ with line coupler signal Construction
~ tx'
drawing symbols
vibration sensor
alarm searchlight
1~1 flow device
Water supply and
D :.J <JOt> electrically unlocked door
drainage symbols
oscillation contact
Fire alarm systems ro'
L ..J
display tableau ...... electrically opened door
thread tension switch
[g maximum heat detector
L::_"::./~ operating panel
st- overlight
Gas installation
II II protective grille symbols
breakthrough sensor housing Drawing by hand
:::w:. pressure sensor/step mat [§;] optical smoke detector
r ., security escutcheon drawing
monitored housing
glass breakage sensor
~ ionisation smoke detector L _j long security handle plate
~ A I~
structure-borne sound monitored distributor tilt and turn window
<~.,. infra red flame sensor L .J casement lock
r;_] TV camera
lock for four-sided key
r6' image detector connection relay
L .J'
CJ:m) protective housing with
~ roller shutter locking
pan and tilt head
microwave doppler motion fire brigade key depot
detector L:. J
r:__ }m) TV camera with pan and ~ folding shutter locking
TV camera with motion
§!---~ HF barrier
r· ::-, ....-.-
[ill GJ monitor with video signal- cellar grating security
shop theft alarm control
dependent picture switching
ultrasound doppler motion centre L• • •..J
detector cylinder lock
[ill door opener control centre []- pass reader II vertically sliding door lock
stand-alone reader with
[2] converter additional code entry
0 ~
transmission system online reader
1..,; .J switchgear
[6] analog-digital converter
® roller shutter with closing
pass reader with security
r?-, additional code entry
mental switchgear
L'.J mains rectifier
@ steel roller shutters
time clock switchgear
L .J
accumulator battery - additional code entry
@ roller or concertina shutter
L: :.J
light switch device [JJ automatic dialling and
announcement device bl data terminal with [QJ safe
operating panel
L: :..1
acoustic signal generator [JJ recording system handle
0 •_j
-:J' Y5IT. laminated safety glass
Gas installations DRAWINGS
exposed horizontal pipe Gas Installation Symbols
(stating nominal diameter) gas storage water heater
concealed horizontal pipe
DRAWINGS (stating nominal diameter)
Gas Heating Gas
gas room heater for external wall
Paper formats change of cross-section
)( (stating nominal diameter)
connection (stating connection appliance capacity volume flow
capacity) (kW) (m 3/h)
drawings rn'ln
Layout of gas water 8.8-28.1 1.14-3.62
drawings gas pipe house entry heater
Construction gas heating boiler
circulating 9.5-28.4 1.23-3.67
Construction water heater
drawing symbols isolating piece flexible hose storage 5.1-13.9 0.70-1.91
Water supply water heater
Electrical riser pipe heating 2.6-B0.3 0.34-7.79
installation stove/boiler
continuously rising pipe
0 Connection specifications for gas
symbols downpipe
Gas installation
Drawing by hand
crossing of two pipes
without connection
~ Introduction and
inclined feed tube
drawing crossing connection
branch location f) House supply connection at right 8 Gas pipe laid on undisturbed soil;
angles to front of building does not have to be frost-free
---j RT cleaning T-piece
-+ RK cleaning K-piece
screwed connection
2 pressure regulator
8 Flow-operated safety device
and flue gas flap valve
B 3 shut-off
IJ flanged connection 4gas meter
5 riser
~ welded connection 6 gas supply line
-txKJ-- shut-off tap 7 branch line
8 devices connecting fitting
---{;::(K)-- shut-off gate valve thennally activated device
~ shut-offvalve 9 gas equipment: stove,
water heater
thermally activated shut-off
elbow valve
9 Gas meter in cellar
~ pressure regulator
0 Gas meters on each storey
~ gasmeter
1 power cable, local area
network management
2 steel service pipe
3 casing
[><Xl gas stove (four rings)
~ 4 pull out
5 shut off the main with
integrated insulating joints 1 A gas line installed free, gas lines can also be
unit (GVU) and installer
2 Gas pipe laid under plaster.
7 pressure regulator 3 Gas pipelines in shafls or channels have
to be loaded and ventilated. Openings
gas refrigerator approximately 10 cm2• For suspended
ceilings, these openings are placed
Drawing by Hand
Designers use drawings and
Paper formats
diagrams to communicate in- Technical
formation in a factual, un- drawings
ambiguous and geometric form Layout of
that can be understood anywhere Construction
in the world. Unlike painting, drawings
construction drawing is a means drawing symbols
to an end, and this differentiates Water supply and
drainage symbols
diagrams/working drawings and Electrical
Q Sketching paper f) Sketching: construction engineering f) Cutting paper to size illustrations from artistic works. installation
grid A4 sketch pads with 0.5 em
squared graph paper are ideal installation
for freehand sketches to scale. symbols
Gas installation
For more accurate sketches, symbols
millimetre graph paper with thick Drawing by
cone shape: hand
centimetre, faint 0.5 em and even Computer-aided
finer millimetre divisions should drawing
be used -7 0. Different paper is
BS EN ISO 8560
used for drawing and sketching BS 6750
according to standard modular DIN 4172
coordinated construction and
engineering grids -7 f). Use trac-
ing paper for sketching with a soft
lead pencil. Suitable sheet sizes
G Reinforcing edges e Drawing board 0 Drafting machine for drawings can be cut straight
from a roll, single pages being
torn off using a T-square -7 8
or cut on its underside -7 e.
Construction drawings are done
in hard pencil or ink on clear, tear-
resistant tracing paper, bordered
with protected edges -7 e and
stored in drawers. Ink drawings
are made on transparent paper
and water-resistant paper is used
for paintings or diagrams. Fix
the paper on a simple drawing
Computer-Aided Drawing
Paper formats y
Drawings are always an abstraction of reality because they are
drawings in two dimensions. The degree of abstraction depends on the
Layout of ----¥ (X,y) content and, above all, on the intended purpose of the drawing.
Construction I The lowest degree of abstraction is represented by perspectives,
collages and renderings, which attempt to come quite close to
drawing symbols
I reality. In order to produce the desired impression, it is particularly
Water supply and X
X important to leave some free rein for the fantasy of the viewer.
drainage symbols Diagrams can be used to explain functional interactions. Working
installation drawings contain all the required information about dimensions,
0 Cartesian coordinate system. All
points are defined through their x
Polar coordinate system. All points
are defined through their distance I
materials and arrangement of the object to be produced. In this
installation case, all details must be unambiguous and comprehensible for the
and y coordinates. The zero point from the zero point and the angle a
can be set for each drawing or related to the x-axis.
producer, and therefore have a high degree of abstraction.
Gas installation
symbols related to world coordinates.
Drawing by hand In the age of computer-generated images, it still remains important
to have a command of the rules and regulations of traditional
Measurement system Abbr. 1 mm= 1 unit drawing --+ pp. 39-40.
point pt 2.8346 pt 0.3528 mm
13567 Computer-aided drawings
ISO 13567 inch 25.4 mm Drawing with a computer is very different from the classic
in" 0.0394"
methods of drawing on paper. There are two basic principles:
8 Conversion factors for common computer units
raster graphics, in which every pixel of a drawing is saved (image
processing), and vector graphics, where the start, end and the
properties of a drawing element are saved (CAD). Because
Text layer
the output appears on a monitor screen or plot, there are also
Dimensions layer problems representing bodies and rooms in two dimensions.
Only very simple CAD programs work with two-dimensional
Furniture layer
data models. More common are three-dimensional data models
Openings layer
(object-oriented programs), which produce the desired type of
illustration on output (monitor, plotting). The information required
Construction layer for this is stored in a database in the computer. This enables the
elements of a drawing (line type, line thickness and colour) to be
Surround and title block layer
linked to further information, which is not visible, e.g. which layer
G Structuring of a CAD drawing by arranging groups of similar objects on their they belong to, dependence on other objects, material properties,
own layers
manufacturing information, order numbers etc. These properties
can be exploited for the structuring of content or for further use
(e.g. tenders or cost estimation).
Dimensions for Wheelchair Users
designed according to the minimum space requirement of a
see also: Lifts
wheelchair user. The wheelchair --7 0 - 8 and the movement pp. 128-134
area for the person --7 0- m
provide the modules for this. The
All dimensions of the movement area are 0.90-1.80 m and may
7 7
1---- 80 ------1 1 overlap - except in front of lift doors. A depth and width of
at least 1.50 m should be provided in every room for turning.
1----i;; 1.90----1 (More information on movement areas is found on the following
t) Plan Q Space requirement for wheelchair pages.)
parking space and movement area
200 ,___ _ _ <;150 - - - - - 1
100 200
180 ? 180
~--- -.....
r--. r--b( b a b
60 a f"' b 160 160 ,..._
....... ==~IH' I ' 140 ~---
40 140
20 lfc .v"' 120 II\~ 120
-t"' rc::: -1S ~ 100
20 I Nl XI'J.
60 ~
- \
r- 80
60 1\ y 'X. 40 40 \
.'17 I rn; ~ 20 -ll ] It
~ 0
II r- ;- IL
100 0 100 80 60 40 20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
100 80 60 40 20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Onaplan 4Ii) From the side m From behind 4!) Minimum turning space
t ::
T ~~{ ~t. , ,.,.,.,.,~~:
+ :·:_ +
.,.... ~1·:.
1 :·:
.L ~It ~l
;;; 1.50 :~:~ ;;; 1.50 :::
.. Kl--78--+-i;; 90-H
(9 Passage through one door 4D Through two doors 4D With three doors 0 With four doors
I - - <!;1.50 ----1 1 - - <!;1.90 ---l ACCESSIBLE BUILDING
T Accessible Public Buildings
ACCESSIBLE Movement areas must be:
Dimensions for
wheelchair users min. 1.50 m wide and min. 1.50 m deep ...
in every room as a place to turn, at the start and end of rarnps,
public buildings "!
in front of telephone boxes, public telephones, service counters,
Ni passages, pay desks, checkpoints, post boxes, automatic service
1 machines, calling/speaking equipment.
BS 8300
DIN 18024 I - - <!;1.50 ---1 f.-- ;;; 1.90 ----;
DIN 18025
f) min. 1.50 m wide ...
0 Movement areas In front of hand-
operated side-hung doors
Movement areas in front of hand-
operated sliding doors in corridors, main routes and next to stairs up and down.
Cars of lifts must have a min. clear width of 1.10 m and a clear
depth of 1.40 m. The movement area in front of the doors must
be as large as the floor area of the car, but min. 1.50 m wide and
1.50 m deep ~ 0. This area must not overlap with other traffic
f-- 95-1.35 ----l routes and movement areas.
e Ramp in section
,_;;; 1.10-t
Dimensions of corridors and
May have a maximum slope of 6% ~ 0. If ramps are longer than
6 m, an intermediate landing of min. 1.50 m length is required.
The ramp and the intermediate landing are both to be provided
with 10 em high wheel kerbs and handrails (diameter 3-4.5 em)
at a height of 85 em. The clear ramp width must be min. 1.20 m.
J Wheel kerbs and handrails must project 30 em horizontally into
"' the platform area. There must be no stairs down in the extension
of the ramp.
Stairs. The movement area next to the stairs going up and down
must be min. 1.50 m wide; the tread of the first step is not to be
included in the calculation of the movement area ~ f).
I l~
At least one toilet must be provided for wheelchair users in all
. ,__
sanitary facilities. The seat height should be 48 em ~ 8.
0 I ; Corridors and meeting areas
L_(_j _l
JJ Corridors and routes longer than 15 m must have a passing place
for two wheelchair users of at least 1.80 m width and depth.
Accessible Housing
Movement areas which must be: ACCESSIBLE
Dimensions for
min. 1.50 m wide and min. 1.50 m deep ..•
wheelchair users
a turning place in every room (excepting small rooms, which the Accessible public
wheelchair user can use by moving backwards and forwards), the Accessible
shower ---7 0 +e. in front of the we and vanity unit ---7 f)- e. in housing
1------;;; 1.50 - - l an outside seating area, in front of lift shaft doors, at the start and BS 8300
end of a ramp and in front of the intake of a rubbish chute.
0 Movement area by shower; Movement area in front of and
DIN 18024
alternative - bath next to we and washbasin DIN 18025
min. 1.50 m deep .•.
r--;;; 1.50 --I in front of the long side of a wheelchair user's bed ---7e. in front of MBO
1--;;; 95---+-35+--1 cupboards, in front of kitchen installations ---7 0-0, in front of the
;;; 30
access side of a bath ---7 0 +e. in front of a wheelchair parking
place and in front of the long side of a vehicle ---7 G).
The bathroom is to be provided with a wheelchair-accessible
shower. The later installation of a bath should be possible near
the shower. The movement area to the right or left of the we must
be at least 95 em wide and 70 em deep. From one side of the we
towards the wall, or furniture, there must be a distance of min.
30 em ---7 f) - e. No bathroom doors may open inwards.
I- 60-i ~ +i
36' 23'
Dimensions at the sink, stove and
e Dimensions in the kitchen
The main items of equipment items like the refrigerator, stove and
sink, plus the worktop, are to be arranged as close as possible
to each other. It must be possible for a wheelchair to pass under
f--;;; 1.50--; the sink and worktop without limitation. For the sink, this means
Wheelchair user's
that either a waste fitting behind the plaster or a flat fitting on
the surface is necessary. Shelf space must be accessible for the
0 wheelchair user and no tall units should be included in the design.
The horizontal reach area is about 60 em, and the vertical activity
range is 40-140 em. The optimum height of the worktop (approx.
75-90 em) should be discussed with the disabled person and
fixed at a height to suit the user ---7 0 + 0.
f.-;;; 1.20--1
Non-wheelchair user's
Car parking place
A weather-protected car parking place or garage is to be provided
C) Space requirement at the long side 4I!) Space requirement in a garage
for each dwelling. A movement area of 1.50 m depth should be
of a wheelchair user's and non-
wheelchair user's bed provided next to the long side of the car ---7 G).
~~~~~9e shelf
letterbox r Housing suitable for wheelchairs
dwelling, and into all rooms available to the residents of a house in
Dimensions for
wheelchair users
common, and to use all facilities. The wheelchair user must be in
Accessible public a position to be mostly independent of outside help. This applies
buildings notably to the blind and visually impaired, the deaf and hearing-
housing impaired, the physically disabled, old people, children and people
of exceptionally short or tall stature.
BS 8300
00266 In order to turn 180°, a wheelchair user requires at least 1.50 m2
~ 0 + f). This space requirement determines the size of, and
DIN 18024
DIN 18025 0 Deep entrance area with coat rack 0 Transverse layout of entrance area
movement area in, corridors, rooms, garages etc. In residential
MBO apartment blocks, access through corridors or hallways is the most
frequent arrangement. In this case, angles and corners are to be
avoided as far as possible; a straight access corridor is suitable.
~!I IJ[Jc
J-1.40 -t-- 80 -+50-j40l
II The minimum area of an entrance hall should be 1.50 x 1.50 m, and
an entrance lobby with a single-leaf door 1.70 x 1.60 m. A window
with a clear view from a parapet height of 60 em should be provided
in at least one living room of a dwelling. An entry phone at the flat or
house door is an important item of equipment for a blind resident.
Living area
Adequate freedom of movement for wheelchair users is important
in living rooms. There should also be room for at least two further
wheelchair users as visitors. For a living room with an eating area,
8 Entrance lobby with double-leaf
e Dining area layout for two or four
the minimum floor area should be: in a flat for one person 22 m2 ,
for 2-4 people 24 m2 , for five people 26 m 2 and for six people
28m 2 ; minimum room width 3.75 m (1-2 person household).
Open-air seating area
Every dwelling should be provided with an open-air seating area
such as a terrace, loggia or balcony with a min. size 4.5 m2 • The
movement area must be min. 1.50 m wide and 1.50 m deep~ 0.
Additional living space
0 Additional living space should be provided for every wheelchair
..L user if required. The floor area of a flat is normally increased by
0 Plan of open-air seating area
0 Elevation of open-air seating
about 15 m 2 by this requirement.
1----- 4.75 - - - j
1--<:; 3.75-----1
!_ _____ :
I I §[i'~
<d 10
D "',..:
1__ 0_ 10
D ~~
l e
1 ~Kitchen
I I _l_
f - - - 4.75 ------j
f) Living room for 1-2 people Living room with dining area for
4-5 people (23.75 m2) Single-room flat for wheelchair user Cii) Two-room flat (50--55 m')
(40--45 m 2)
Ll on<) Accessible Housing
~. 0'---0
Accessible building
(§50 of MBO- Model Building Regulations- applied at state level)
j <SChild Dimensions for
0 (1) In buildings with more than two flats, the flats on one floor
must be accessible. In these flats, the living rooms and bedrooms,
wheelchair users
Accessible public
0 Flat in two-family house before f) Flat in two-family house after
one toilet, one bathroom and the kitchen or kitchenette must be Accessible
conversion --7 f) conversion for serious disability housing
accessible with a wheelchair.
BS 8300
(2) Buildings which are publicly accessible, must in their parts DD266
serving the general public be capable of being accessed and used, DIN 18024
DIN 18025
according to their purpose, by disabled people, old people and
people with small children, without outside help. This requirement MBO
applies notably to cultural, educational, sport, leisure and health
facilities, offices, administration buildings and courts, sales and
catering establishments, parking, garages and toilets.
(3) Buildings, according to (2), must be accessible through an
entrance with a clear opening width of at least 0.90 m without
zy, living room and 1 bedroom flat One living room and two bedroom steps. An adequate movement area must be available in front of
before conversion ~ 0 flat after conversion (for a visually doors. Ramps may not have a slope of more than 6%, must be at
impaired child)
T II!!!!!!-· least 1.20 m wide and have a fixed handrail with a safe grip on both
sides. A landing is to be provided at the start and end of the ramp
and also an intermediate landing every 6 m. The landings must
have a length of at least 1.50 m. Stairs must have handrails on
both sides, which are to be continued past landings and window
openings and past the last steps. The stairs must have solid risers.
Corridors and entrance halls must be at least 1.50 m wide. One
toilet must also be suitable and accessible for wheelchair users;
this is to be indicated by a sign.
(4) Sections 1-3 do not apply if the installations can only be fulfilled
with unreasonable expense on account of difficult terrain conditions,
the installation of an otherwise unnecessary lift, unsuitable existing
buildings or the safety of disabled or old people.
0 One-room flat (40 m2)
Q Two-room flat (54 m') Flat(60 m2) Guideline sizes for flats with one wheelchair user -living area in m2
[determination of requirements www.nullbarriere.de]
Man as Measure and Purpose
The human being, however, is not just a living creature that needs
space. The emotional response is no less important. The way a
room is dimensioned, divided, painted, lit, entered and furnished
has great significance for the impression it makes. Starting from
all these considerations and insights, I set out in 1926 to collect,
in an organised way, the experience gained from a wide variety of
professional practice and teaching.
The present data book was developed from this work, starting from
the human being and providing the framework for assessing the O Leonardo da Vinci: Rules of Proportion
The Universal Standard
Man as measure
and purpose
The universal
and space
E requirements
Dimensions in
T l:
l: geometrical division of
length a by employing
the golden section
of the human being was discovered in a burial chamber among the of nipples
pyramids near Memphis (about 3000 BcE). Certainly, since then, 1J1o h = face height and width (including ears), hand length to the
scientists and artists have been engaged in trying to decipher wrist,
human proportional relationships. We know about the proportional 1f12 h = face width at level of underside of nose, leg width (above
systems of the Egyptian pharaohs, of the time of Ptolemy, of the the ankle) etc.
ancient Greeks and Romans, and the Canon of Polykleitos, which The sub-divisions extend to 1f4o h.
was long considered the standard, plus the work of the Middle
Ages and of Alberti, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo and, above In the last century, A. Zeising achieved greater clarity than
all, DOrer's world-famous advances. anyone on this subject with his investigations of the dimensional
relationships of man's proportions. He made exact measurements
In all these systems, the human body was measured according to and comparisons based on the golden section --> p. 33.
lengths of head, face or foot, which were than later sub-divided and Unfortunately, this work did not earn appropriate recognition until
related to each other so that they were applicable in everyday life. recently, when E. Moessel, an important researcher in this area,
Even into our own times, the foot and the ell (arm's length) have endorsed Zeising's work with detailed examinations using his
remained common measures. In particular, the details worked out by methods.
DOrer became a common standard. He started from the height (h) of
a human being and expressed the sub-divisions as fractions: From i 945, Le Corbusier also used, for all his projects, the sectional
relationships of the golden ratio, which he called 'Le Modular'. His
1f2 h = the entire torso from the crotch upwards measures were human height = i .829 m; navel height = i .130 m
114 h = leg length from ankle to knee, length from chin to navel etc. --> p. 33.
Body Measurements and Space Requirements
Man as measure
and purpose
The universal
and space
requirements l----750---\ t------625-----j t-875------1 f---625-----j !-----700-----1
Dimensions in
0 Crawling f) Sitting cross-legged Sitting (from
the front)
0 Sitting (from the side) e Kneeling e Squatting
C!) Dimensions: at the desk m Dimensions: at the dining table f) Dimensions: in a small easy chair Q Dimensions: in an armchair
' ~-1
e Working while standing 0) Kneeling Gi) Sitting on a chair cg) Sitting on the floor
fli) Sitting on a mattress ~ Leaning against sloping backrest ~ Lying with raised back @) Lying
Body Measurements and Space Requirements
Man as measure
and purpose
The universal
and space
I- 625 -l ---1 ---1 ------1 Geometrical
l-375-i 1- 875 1--- 1000 ~ 11 so 1--- 1700 ----1 1---- 2250 ~
0 Between walls ("'10%
supplement for people moving)
f) Two people next to each other 8 Three people next to each other Q Four people next to each other Dimensions in
1- 1250 --1 1- 1875 -----1 1- 2000 ----1 f- 2125 -----1 ~ 2250 -------1
e Closely packed 0 Normal spacing Q Choir group e Longer periods of standing C) With back packs
1-750 -+- 750 -1- 750 -l 1- 875 - t - 875 -+- 875 --1 1-- 1250 .__j f.-- 625 -l 2000
I-- 1125 ---i f-- 1000 --1 1- 1125 ---1 I- 875 -l I- 625 -I 1-- 875 --l 1- 1000 ---1 1 - - 1750 - - - I
0 Kneeling 0 Atthedesk ~ Stretching
1- 800 --I I - 1000 --1 1-- I- 875 --1 I- 750--1 I-- 1125 --1 1--- 2375
@) One
e Two suitcases G) Two people with two
suitcases each
a> Handbag (D With walking
@) With umbrella @) Two people with umbrellas
third 4/5
Geometrical Relationships
~=r. sin p
h =~. cotang p
Geometrical Relationships
A right-angled isosceles triangle (two sides of equal length),
with a relationship of baseline to height of 2:1, can be used for
0 Right-angled Isosceles triangle:
can be used for quadrature
f) Triangle (base= height)
quadrature (the process of constructing a square of equal area
to a given shape) --+ 0. An isosceles triangle with the base and Man as measure
and purpose
height forming two sides of a square was used successfully by The universal
the master cathedral builder Knauth to determine the dimensional standard
'Av'2 relationships of the cathedral in Strasbourg --+ 0. measurements
/ !'Av. The rr/4 triangle of A. v. Drach --+ 8 is rather more pointed than
and space
- v. v'2 Geometrical
that described above because its height is determined by the relationships
v. point of the slewed square. It was used successfully by its inventor Dimensions in
for details and devices. building
0 n/4 triangle (A. v. Drach) Squares developed from the The investigations of L. R. Spitzenpfeil into a number of old
octagon -> e -e buildings have discovered octagonal relationships. These are
based on the so-called diagonal triangle, where the height of
the triangle is the diagonal of the square constructed over half
of the base --+ G - C). The sides of the rectangle formed from
the diagonal triangle--+ 0 have a ratio of 1:-./2, so all halving or
doubling of the rectangle produces the same ratio of 1 :-./2. This
was used as the basis for the ISO A series paper formats --+ p. 4.
Geometrical progressions in this relationship are produced by the
hierarchies inside an octagon --+ e -e
and the hierarchy of the
0 _.e
square roots of numbers 1-7--+
-- - ...........
-17 = 2.646
The relationship between the square roots of whole numbers is
shown in --+ C). The factorisation procedure permits the application
'' of square roots for the installation of non-rectangular building
elements. Building from approximated values for square numbers,
Mengeringhausen developed the MERO space frame. The
principle is the so-called 'snail' --+ CD - 0. The imprecision of the
right angle is compensated by the screw connections of the rods at
the nodes. A different approximate calculation of the square roots of
whole numbers -.Jn for non-rectangular building elements is offered
1 l---1 ----1
by continued fractions (--+ p. 33) according to the formula:
G = -.Jn = 1 + n -1
--+ 4!).
0.6 51 7 1.4
Geometrical Relationships
The use of geometrical and dimensional relationships based on
RELATIONSHIPS the previous information was described by Vitruvius: according
Man as measure to his investigations, the Roman theatre, for example, is based
and purpose on a triangle rotated four times -7 0, and the Greek theatre on
The universal
standard a square rotated three times -7 f). Both constructions result in a
0 Roman theatre (according to f) Greek theatre (according to dodecagon, which is recognisable on the stairs.
Vitruvius) Vitruvius)
and space
requirements Moessel claims to have verified dimensional relationships
relationships 1 newest
according to the golden ratio, although this is unlikely -7 0. The
Dimensions in cave a only Greek theatre based on a pentagon is in Epidaurus -7 0. The
building 2 oldest
cave a design principle of the golden (holy, divine) section (ratio, mean)
3 orchestra
4 scenery was applied in a Roman residential quarter excavated in Ostia
storage Antica, the ancient harbour of Rome -7 0 - 0. This principle is
5 side
gangway based on the bisection of the diagonals of a square. If the points
6 retaining
wall at which the arcs (radius ..f2/2) intersect the sides of the square are
joined up, this produces a nine-part grid. Its centre is the square
of the golden section. The arc AB is with up to 0.65% deviation
the same length as the diagonal CD of the original halved square.
C) Gable corner of a Doric temple:
dimensional relationships based on
e Theatre in Epidaurus
The golden section therefore represents an approximate method
for squaring the circle. The entire complex at Ostia, from layout to
the golden section fitting out details, was based on this ratio.
G) Japanese treasury
$ Pian of the BMW Administration 48-sided polygon developed from
Rugen guildhall in ZOrich Building in Munich a triangle -> 0)
Geometrical Relationships
of the larger part to the smaller part. The golden section of a length Man as measure
A. C
and purpose
1--~--l Major Minor
can be determined either geometrically or by using a formula: The universal
0 Geometric construction of the Relationship between square, For the geometrical construction, the distance I (to be divided) is Body
golden section circle and triangle drawn as a vertical AB and the horizontal line AC (= AB/2) as the measurements
and space
baseline of a right-angled triangle. The length of the baseline AC requirements
2 parts is transferred using a compass with centre C onto the hypotenuse Geometrical
3 parts BC of this triangle, thus dividing the hypotenuse into the parts Dimensions in
5 parts BD and DC. The distance BD is the major part M of the vertical building
8 parts AB. This distance M is then transferred onto the vertical AB, thus
13 parts dividing AB into a major part (M) and a minor part (m) ~ 0.
21 parts
34 parts
55 parts major minor
89 parts
The connection between the golden section and the proportions of
square, circle and triangle is shown in ~ f). The golden sectioning
8 Continued fraction: golden section of the distance can also be determined with the continued fraction
G=1 +-
e Illustration of the values and sets of the Modular, according to Le Corbusier f) The Modular e Proportional figure
Dimensions in Building
Preferred numbers
DIMENSIONAL Preferred numbers have been introduced for the standardised
BASICS AND sizing of machinery and technical devices. The starting point is
SHIPS the continental unit of length the metre (-'> 40 in). The engineering
Man as measure requirement for geometrical graduation made the purely decimal
and purpose stBndard dimensions: 250 x 126 x 62.5mm division of the metre impractical. The geometrical 10-part preferred
The universal nominal dimensions: 240 x 115 x 52mm
number series is therefore: 1; 2; 4; 8; 16; 31.5; 63; 125; 250; 500;
Body Q Nominal and standard size of continental European wall bricks 1000. These are formed from the halving series (1000, 500, 250,
measurements 125) and the doubling series (1, 2, 4, 8, 16); the doubling number
and space
reqUirements 32 was rounded down to 31.5 towards the exact value of the halving
Geometrical number (31.25), and the halving number 62.5 was rounded up to 63.
Dimensions in The larger 5-part and the finer 20- and 40-part series fit in
building accordingly with their intermediate numbers.
BS 6Y50
Preferred numbers offer many advantages for calculation:
BS EN ISO 8560 products and quotients of any number of preferred numbers are
BS 2045
DIN 323
themselves preferred numbers, whole-number percentages of
DIN 4172 preferred numbers are again preferred numbers, and doubled and
halved preferred numbers also remain preferred numbers.
Although there is scarcely a need for geometrical graduation in
building (considering the predominantly arithmetical addition of
similar elements like: blocks, joists, rafters, trusses, columns,
windows and similar) the so-called building preferred numbers
have been defined and laid down.
Brickwork dimensions in the UK differ: in the past large variations
in the size of fired clay products often led to critical problems
with bonding clay bricks. Now, BS 3921 provides one standard
for dimensioning -'> 0: coordinating size (225 x 112.5 x 75 mm,
including 10 mm in each direction for joints and tolerances), and the
relating work size (215 [2 headers plus 1 joint] x 102.5 x 65 mm).
Series preferred for the structure Series preferred for individual Series preferred for finishings
a b c d e f g h i
25 2 1¥ 25
TO 5 2x5 4x5 5x5
5 5
6% 7.5
f) Modular structural dimensions (RR) and nominal dimensions (NM) for brickwork
8% 10
10 10
1211, 15 15
16% 17.5
18% 20 20 20 20
Terms 22.5
25 25 25 25 25 25
Building preferred numbers are those for modular construction 27.5
31% 30 30 30
dimensions and the individual, structural and finished dimensions 331;3 32.5%
derived from them. 37Y.,
35 35
37% 37.5
Modular dimensions are only theoretical dimensions, but are 41% 40 40 40 40
43% 42.5
the basis for the individual, structural and finished dimensions 45 45
50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
used in practice. Structural dimensions or nominal dimensions (for 52.5
construction types with joints and wall finishes) are derived from 56% 55 55
58% 57.5
modular dimensions by deducting or adding the component for the 60 60 60 60
62% 62% 62.5
joint or the finish thickness. (Example: modular dimension for the 65 65
66 68% 67.5
length of a brick=25 em; thickness of the vertical joint= 1 em; nominal 70 70 70
dimension for the length of the brick= 24 em; modular dimension for 75 75 75 75
75 75 75
the thickness of poured concrete walls= nominal dimension= 25 em). 81Yi 80 80 80 80
83% 82.5
Individual dimensions are dimensions (mostly small} for 85 85
87% 87% 87.5
units of structure or finishing such as joint thicknesses, plaster 91% 90 90 90
thicknesses, door rebate sizes, wall projection sizes, tolerances. 93?::i 92.5
95 95
Structural dimensions are of the unfinished structure, such as 97.5
100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
masonry dimensions (without plaster thicknesses), structural slab
thicknesses, sizes of unplastered door and window openings. e Building preferred numbers
Finished dimensions are for the finished building, such as clear 225 225 225 225 225
sizes of plastered rooms and openings, storage space dimensions, 215 215
10 215
floor-to-floor heights.
Nominal dimensions are the same as modular dimensions for
building types without joints. For building types with joints,
the nominal dimension is the modular dimension less the joint
10 mm: joints
thicknesses. 65 mm: actual
75 mm: format
Small dimensions are 2.5 em and less. They can be selected from w w 102.5 102.5 ~f102.6 w102.6 w102.5 w102.6 w102.6 w102.5 w102.5 w 102.6
mm: actual
mm: format
mm: actual
the sizes: 2.5 em; 2 em; 1.6 em; 1.25 em; 1 em; 8 mm; 6.3 mm; I 112.5 I 112.5 I 112.5 I 112.5
112,5 I 112.5
112.6 I 112.5 I
225 mm; format
5 mm; 3.2 mm; 2.5 mm; 2 mm; 1.6 mm; 1.25 mm; 1 mm. 0 Wall elevation illustrating brick sizes in the UK
Coordinate system
Coordinate plane
Reference Reference
a modular building standard contains details of a design and Man as measure
and purpose
detailing system based on coordination as an aid in the design and
e Boundary reference, centre-line
construction of buildings. It gives geometrical and dimensional
The universal
definitions for the spatial coordination of building components.
It also enables technical areas, which depend on each other
e Coordinate line (intersection of two
with regard to geometry and dimensions (e.g. building, electrical
engineering, transport) to be connected.
and space
Dimensions in
~~ Geometrical considerations
A coordinate system is always object-specific. It is used to
BS EN ISO 8560
--- BS 6750
coordinate building structures and components, and determine
DIN 18000
their position and size. From these are derived nominal dimensions
of building components, plus joint and connection thicknesses
~ 0 - 0. A coordinate system consists of planes arranged at
0 Coordinate point (intersection of 0 Superimposed partial coordinate right angles to each other, spaced according to the coordinate
three planes) systems measurements. Depending on the system, these can be of
different sizes and in all three dimensions.
It has become apparent that not all individual components have
n9 ·M = to be modular (e.g. each step in a staircase, windows, doors,
,;; (n3 - n6)· M
etc.), but only the building elements they are combined into (e.g.
staircases, fagade or partition elements etc.) ~ 0. For non-
modular building components which continue along or across
the whole building, a non-modular zone can be introduced,
which completely divides the coordinate system into two
sub-systems. The precondition is that the size of the building
component in the non-modular zone is already known at the
.» n1 · n = time when the coordinate system is set out, because the non-
(n1 - n9 ) • M
BUILDING Building biology is a collective term for the study of the holistic
interaction between building and resident ---7 0 - f). Its
Room climate aim is to determine any deleterious effects for the human
Electromagnetic organism through the consideration of physical, chemical and
microbiological conditions in interiors and, if appropriate, take
Guidelines of the measures to relieve the causes (via 'healthy living'). The themes
Association of
German Building
of building biology partially overlap with other disciplines:
Biologists VDB building ecology, whose main focus is the protection of nature
e. V. and environment in the construction and operation of buildings
and in the manufacture, processing and final disposal of building
materials, building physics and electrical engineering as well as
biology, chemistry and medicine.
The fact that the people today spend 90% of their lives inside
~ I buildings and are surrounded to an increasing degree by
---... South I electromagnetic fields has increased public interest in building
I biology in recent years. Meanwhile, 2-5% of the German
population now suffer complaints (e.g. headaches, insomnia,
I tiredness and concentration problems) due to the presence of
I I building biological pollution of their homes and offices.
Room Climate
e Air humidity values for breathing air
I /,
.E 28
<t>" 26 1-. ) /
'/I Low radiation temperature. Recommendations for room
~ 24 ~
~Iter""" I~"
by 0 / I climatic conditions and temperature of air and surrounding
18 " "l'qb
I 1/ The temperature of the surrounding surfaces should not differ
from the air temperature by more than 2-3°C. Alterations of the
~ 16 I----
:? 14
'Zo / air temperature can be compensated for to a certain extent by
alteration of the temperature of the surrounding surfaces (sinking
.2 12
I'- comfortable uncom-
I 1 fortfble air temperature- rising surface temperature). If these temperatures
§5 10 are too different, this causes excessive air movement. The critical
12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28
Room air temp, -oLin oc Room air temp, l'J.L in oc locations are above all the windows. Large heat transfers to the
floor through the feet should be avoided (floor temperature should
0 Thermal comfort zone (temperature 9 Thermal comfort zone (room
be greater than 1?"C). Hot feet and cold feet are experienced by
of surrounding surfaces and of air) air movement and room air
temperature) the sufferers and are not properties of the floor. The bare foot
feels heat/cold through the floor covering and its thickness, the
clothed foot through the floor covering and the temperature of
the floor. The surface temperature of the ceiling depends on the
40 30 room height. The temperatures perceived by people correspond
38 "l *lmf~rtaJiy w~rm
to approximately the average of the temperature of the air and that
34 \ comfortable c
""' ""'
of the surrounding surfaces.
Air and air movement. Air movement is experienced as draughts,
32 \
' i 22 ~able 1-- which in this case result in a local cooling of the body.
28 com-
1ii 20
1l 18 -
J> Air temperature and relative humidity. Relative humidity of
40-50% is thermally comfortable. If the humidity is less than 30%,
~ 16 dust particles can fly.
24 \ 0
.g 14 - 1-- f--uJcoJ--..._ Fresh air and air exchange: The ideal is controlled ventilation
uncom- rather than incidental or permanent ventilation. The C0 2 content
22 fortably 12 - 1- f--fot1
of the air must be replaced by oxygen. A C0 2 content of 0.10% by
20 cnlrl 10
12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 volume should not be exceeded, which requires 2-3 air changes
Room air temp, i\ in oc Room air temp, dL in oc
per hour in living rooms and bedrooms. The fresh air required by a
Thermal comfort zone (ceiling and f) Thermal comfort zone (floor and person is about 32.0 m3 /h. Air changes in living rooms: 0.4-0.8 x
room air temperature) room air temperature) room volume per person/h.
Exploring the Variety of Random
Documents with Different Content
De Karaïbanen zijn uitmuntend
Zijn zeer geheim met haar Genees-konst.
jaloers over de geheimenissen van hare Genees-konst; boven alle de
Vrouwen die zeer verstandig zijn in alle deze zuiveringen: en
waarom het ook wezen mag, zy hebben tot nog toe aan de
Christenen niet willen mededeilen d’ opper-vermogende hulp-
middelen, die zy [162]hebben tegen de kwetzingen van de vergiftige
Pijlen. Maar zy weigeren niet daar over te gaan en die te verbinden,
als zy hare hulpe van node hebben: in het tegendeel zy komen ’er
vrolijk aan, en vrywillig. Aldus een Perzoon van hoedanigheid onder
de Europeanen gevaarlijk gebeten zijnde geweest door een Serpent,
werd gelukkiglijk genezen door haar middel.
Na deze voor-
Maniere hoe dat de Boyé de Duivel doet opkomen.
bereidingen, de Boyé, die nimmer dit werk der duisternissen pleegt
als by de nagt, hebbende zorgvuldig doen uit-blusschen alle het vuur
dat in de Hutte en daar ontrent was, gaat by deze donkerheid in, en
zijne plaatze gevonden hebbende ter hulpe van het swak schijnzel
van een aangesteke Tabak-einde dat hy in zijne hand draagt, zo
spreekt hy terstond eenige Barbarische woorden; daar na stampt hy
met zijn slinker voet op d’ aarde met verscheide hervattingen; en het
Tabak-einde, dat hy in zijne hand draagt, in zijnen mond gesteken
hebbende, zo blaast hy den rook die ’er uitkomt vijf of zes malen om
hoog, daar na het Tabak-einde in zijne hand brijzelende, zo verspreid
hy het in de lugt. En als dan de Duivel die hy door deze aperijen
heeft doen opkomen, schuddende met een felle waggeling het dak
van de Hutte, of eenig ander vervaarlijk gerugt verwekkende, komt
alzo vaardig te voorschijn, en antwoord onderscheidentlijk op alle de
vragen, die hem door de Boyé worden gedaan.
De Boyé nadert het spook-beeld zo de zieke weder genezen zal werden.
de Duivel verzekert, dat de ziekte van den genen om wie met hem
raad word gepleegt, niet doodelijk is, dan naderen de Boyé en het
spook-beeld dat hem vergezelschapt by den zieken, om hem te
verzekeren dat hy wel haast zal genezen zijn, en om hem in deze
hope t’onderhouden, zo raken zy d’allersmertelijkste delen van zijn
lighaam zagtelijk aan, en die een weinig gedrukt hebbende, zo
veinzen zy daar uit te doen komen eenige doornen, gebrijzelde
beenderen, splinteren van hout, en stukken van steen, die, na het
zeggen van deze ongelukkige Genees-meesteren, d’ oorzake van
zijne kwale waren. Zy bevogtigen ook zomtijds met haren adem het
swakke deel, en daar aan met verscheide hervattingen hebbende
gezogen, zo overtuigen zy den lijdenden, dat [164]zy door dit middel
hebben uitgetrokken alle het vergif dat in zijn lighaam was, en dat
hem in kwijnen t’onderhield: Eindelijk tot het besluit van deze
vervloekte verborgentheid, zo wrijven zy het gants lighaam van den
zieken mee het zap van de Vrugt van Junipa, die het verft met een
geweldig donker bruin, het welke is als het teiken en het zegel van
zijne genezing.
De Karaïbanen hebben de dood van hare Ouderen niet verkort ten zy dat zy zulks
begeerden. Zekere Volkeren, niet konnende dragen de moeijelijkheid
en d’ ongemakken van eenen al te verminkten ouderdom, waren
gewoon met een glas Scherling hare ziele te verjagen, die al te lange
na haren zin in haar elendig lighaam kroop. Maar hoe verre
d’Ouderdom van onze Karaïbanen mag gekomen wezen, zo worden
de Kinderen nooit moede hare Vaderen en hare Moederen in dien
staat te zien. Het is waar, dat eenige Karaïbanen de dood van hare
Ouderen hebben verhaastet, en hare Vaderen en Moederen gedood,
gelovende een goed werk te doen, en haar eene lieftallige
gedienstigheid te bewijzen, in haar te verlossen van vele
ongemakken en moeijelijkheden, die d’Ouderdom met hem sleept.
Maar eerstelijk, zy gebruikten deze onmenschelijkheid niet als
wegens de genen die het aldus begeerden, om van d’elenden dezes
levens verlost te wezen: en dat was niet als om te voldoen d’
ernstige gebeden van haar die vermoeit waren in te leven wanneer
zy aldus handelden. Daar-en-boven, deze barbarije is nimmer
algemeenlijk onder haar aangenomen geweest: en d’
allerverstandigste hebben ’er tegenwoordig eenen gruwel af, en
onderhouden hare Vaderen en hare Moederen tot aan den laasten
oogenblijk van haar leven, met alle zorgvuldigheid, en alle de
betuigingen van vriendschap, eerbewijs, en van onderdanigheid die
men zoude konnen verwagten uit eene Natie, die [165]geen ander ligt
heeft om haar te geleiden als dat van de verdorvene nature. Zy
dragen geduldiglijk de gebreken en de gemelijkheden van haren
Ouderdom, vermoeijen hun niet in haar te dienen en houden haar zo
veel als mogelijk is by haar om haar te vermaken. Het welke genen
kleinen lof verdiend, indien men overweegt dat dit by Barbaren word
gedaan. Dat zo eenige onder haar, hare Vaderen en hare Moederen
aldus niet eeren, die zijn ontaart van de deugt haar’er Voor-ouderen.
Het gejammer en
De Karaïbanen bedreven tien dagen rouw over hare dooden.
gehuil van de Karaïbanen pleeg ten anderen tijde tien dagen, of daar
ontrent, te duuren: want indien tijd, kwamen hare Bloed-verwanten
en zelf hare aller beste Vrienden den dooden twe malen, des daags
aan de kuil bezoeken. En zy bragten dezen dooden altijd t’ eten en
te drinken, yder reize tot hem zeggende. „Ach! waarom zijt gy
gestorven? Waarom wilt gy in het leven niet wederkeren. Zegt ten
minsten niet dat wy u geweigert hebben waar van gy leven moest.
Want wy brengen u t’eten, en te drinken.” En na dat zy hem deze
schone vermaning hadden gedaan, gelijk of hy die hadde konnen
horen, zo lieten zy by hem op de kant van de kuil de spijzen en de
dranken tot aan het ander bezoek, dat zy haar op zijn hoofd stieten,
om dat hy zig niet gewaardigde zijne hand uit te steken om haar aan
te nemen.
Zy dooden ook
Dooden ook Slaven om hare dooden te verzelschappen.
zomtijds Slaven om de swervende Geesten van hare dooden te
vergezelschappen, en haar te gaan dienen in d’ andere wereld. Maar
deze arme elendige ontsnappen het te voet als haar Meester sterft,
en beschermen haar in eenig ander Plaats. Men krijgt een
regtveerdige schrik op het verhaal van deze onmenschelijke en
Barbarische Lijk-pligten, die bevogtigt worden met het bloed van de
Slaven, en van verscheide andere Perzonen, en die Vrouwen voor
het gezigt stellen met den strot af-gesneden, gebrand, of levendig
begraven, om in d’andere wereld hare Mannen gezelschap te gaan
houden, gelijk men daar voorbeelden af vind by verscheide Natien.
Maar onze Karaïbanen genoegen haar in deze ontmoetingen, met de
Slaven van den overledenen te dooden, zo zy haar konnen agter-
Eer de Karaïbanen
Plegen met hare dooden de toerustinge mede te begraven.
gemeenschap met de Christenen hadden gehad, doe begraven zy
met het Lighaam de Klederen, de toerusting, en den gantschen
aanhang van d’overledenen. Want in het laaste bezoek dat zy by den
dooden kwamen doen, bragten zy alle den Huis-raad die hem
gedurende zijn leven hebbe gedient, te weten, den Boog, en de
Pijlen, de Boutou of de Knodze, de Kronen van vederen,
d’Oorbehangzelen, de Hals-snoeren, de Baggen, d’ Armringen, de
Korven, de Vaten, en d’andere dingen die tot zijn gebruik waren, en
begraven het alle te zamen met den dooden, of branden het op de
kuil. Maar tegenwoordig zijn zy zuiniger geworden: want de naaste
Bloed-vrienden van den overledenen behouden dit alles, tot haar
gebruik; of zy schenken het [168]aan de behulpzame, die het
bewaren ter gedagtenisse van den overledenen.
De naaste Bloed-magen zo eer het lighaam met aarde is bedekt vasten strengelijk.
Na dat het Lighaam met aarde is bedekt, snijden de naaste Bloed-
magen hun hair af, en vasten gestrengelijk, gelovende dat zy hier
door en langer en gelukkiger zullen leven. Andere verlaten de Hutten
en de Plaatzen daar zy iemant van hare Vrienden hebben begraven,
en gaan elders woonen. Als het Lighaam ten naasten by verrot is,
houden zy nog eene verzameling, en na dat zy het Graf al zugtende
hebben bezogt en met voeten getreden, zo gaan zy hare
ontugtigheden bedrijven, en hare smerten in den Ouïcou
verdrenken. Aldus is de Plegtigheid geeindigt, en men komt dit arm
Lighaam niet meer kwellen.
Laat ons nu weder eens zien wat Gedierten, zo wilde als tamme,
onze Zurinaamsche Kust uitleveren; waar van wy in ’t vervolg zullen
Van de viervoetige Dieren, zo wilde als tamme, die op de
Tyger-katten of de gevlogte
Tyger, zijnde een kleinder zoort.
Wilde Varkens.Hier aan volgen de wilde Varkens, die hier redelijk veel
zijn, haar hair of borzels is ongelijk veel dikker al dat van d’
Europesche, want het schijnen eerder pennen, die op het end heel
scherp zijn, als hair. Deze werden van de Zurinaamsche opgevoet,
nog klein zijn, gelijk als tamme Verkens, werd haar ook mede een
naam gegeven, en als ze geropen werden zo komenze aanlopen en
strijken tegen de beenen van haar Opvoeder aan, werden gestreeld
gelijk de Honden.
Hazen. De Hazen zijn hier ook wel te hebben, maar van een ander
slag en maakzel; de rug is bruin vermengt met witte stippen, de
poten en ooren kort, zulks dat zy in ’t geheel geen gelijkenisse na
andere hebben; de smaak is zeer delicaat en niet wild, zijnde het
vlees heel en al als Kalfs-vlees.
Krocodillen. Krocodillen zijn niet heel groot, en ook ziet men ze zelden.
Quotoes.Quotoes, deze is swart en eenige manier als de Apen, dog
wat groter met een lange steert, waar mede zy zig van d’ eene Boom
na d’ andere swengt; zy hebben een rood bakkes, het hair over ’t
voor-hoofd hangende ziende uit als een oud grimmig gedrogt.
Bos-dier Hayi.Het Bos-dier Hayi, deze is zo groot als een Hond, heeft
mede een aangezigt als een Meer-kat, ook een hangende buik ligt
grauw, een zeer lange steert, wonderlijke plompe voeten als een
Beer, lange klauwen, en schoon het zeer wild is zo werd het dog
ligtelijk getempt, als het gevangen is; wegens de lange klauwen
spelen de Indianen daar niet mede; dit Dier heeft men nog in de
Bosschen, nog in de Huizen, ooit zien eten.
Marmazet. Marmazet, deze is een klein aardig Diertje van een gele en
groene koleur, veel kleinder als een Aap, nogtans beheerst het alle de
andere Boom-danssende Aperige gezellen, op hare rug, rijdende,
springende de dienaars van deze Marmazet van d’ eene Boom op d’
andere, haar daar-en-boven de spoor gevende met haar in de ooren
te bijten, zo dat zy zelfs niet konnen afgesmeten worden, om dat zy
zeer vast houden.
Tatu. Tatu, deze is een span hoog en anderhalve span lang, en over
al, tot zelf aan de buik, gewapend met schilden op malkanderen
sluitende met leden, als of het een Harnas ware; heeft een lange
spitze mond, een lange steert, onthoud zig by de Steen-klippen; zijn
spijze is eenig klein Gedierte als Mieren, en diergelijke Aard-diertjen,
nogtans hebben de zelve goed en vast vlees. [172]
Coaty. Coaty, deze is van de grote als een Haas, heeft een aangezigt
als een Meer-kat, een hangende buik, kleine spitze ooren, een kleine
kop, en de mond is van d’ oogen af langer als een voet, na voren
spits, byna over al even dik; het heeft een enge bek, zo dat men
kwalijk een kleine vinger daar kan in steken; als het gevangen word
trekt het alle vier voeten by malkanderen, en men kan die met geen
middel opbrengen.
Veelderlei zoorte van Diertjes, zo Ongedierte als andere.
De Pijl-Slang.
De Bloem-Slang.
De groene Oog-Slang.
De kleine Mieren-Slang.
De Slaap-Slang.
De groene Oog-Slang met twe witte strepen. [177]
De Klip-Slang.
De Stink-Slang.
De Ratel-Slang.
De slegte Oog-Slang.
De Buffel-Slang.
De Slang met witte en swarte vlakken.
De donker bruine Stink-Slang.
De Indiaansche Slang zonder vergift.
De Honds-Slang.
De Slang met gele en yzer verwige vlekken.
De Rivier-Slang met verscheide Arabische Characteren.
De grijze Stink-Slang, men kan egter de Slange met stank van
Galben verdrijven.
Men heeft gezien kleine Slangen nieuwlijks uit den dop der Eijeren
gekomen, waar in zy geteeld waren, zijnde pas een duim lang,
dewelke na dat men die hadde bewaart in een Kasse overdekt met
papier op dat zy door geen opening uit en kosten, dog vol van kleine
spelde gaatjes op dat de lugt daar vry in kost; zo zijn zy zo zeer
gegroeid in agt of tien Maanden dat het ongelooflijk is. Wijl dag en
nagt even lang zijnde, de lugt allervolst is van balsemtique ondelen,
dewelke haar ook het meeste voedzel toebrengt; als zijnde in de lugt
een verborgene voedzel voor ’t leven. Hebbende deze kleine
Slangetjes niet anders als alleenlijk de lugt die haar voeden, en
niettemin, met deze fijne spijze wierden zy in minder dan een Jaar
langer als een voet en dik na advenant. Van daar is ’t dat de
Natuurkundige zeggen, Cest in ære occultus vitæ cibus.
Bijen.Bijen die Honig winnen, daar men een verblijfplaats voor moet
zoeken dat die voor de wind beschut zijn, om haar aas dies te beter
t’ Huis te brengen. Men moet ontrent de volle Korven geen
gespikkelde of glibberige Hagedissen leggen, want deze vangen de
Bijen met de bek om hare Jongen daar lekkerlijk mede te aazen.
Dezen Bijen-Honig is heel helder en klaar, trekkende na het groen,
gesloten zijnde in beurskens (even als der oude Kooplieden stok-
beurssen die een hand-vatzel hadden, en daar veel beurskens aan
vast zijn,) daar deze Honig met een [181]vlies of vel om zat, zijnde
een zuivere vogtigheid. Wanneer men nu deze beurskens op brak,
kwam de Honig alleen uit het zelve lopen en niet uit de andere, als
elk gesepareert zijnde. Doende het eene naar het andere open, en
stortende de Honig daar uit in een Kalebasje, zijnde het zelve een
zeer uitnemende aangenaam zoet.
Dies te neffens vind men ook zo wit als Sneeuw, klaar en mede van
een goede smaak, maar grof gekorrent tegens de vorige, zijnde als
een zeer kostelijke Balssem. Deze Bijen zijn stroo geel van verwe,
klein en lang; vallende niemant in eeniger mate lastig, zelfs niet op
de plaats om deze Honig te bekomen. d’ Indianen gebruiken deze
zoort tot genezinge (in compositie) van wonden.
De Indiaansche Mol.
De Hamerling.
De Indiaansche Kat met een Beere mond.
De Indiaansche Hemp-haan.
De Muis.
De Zee-Rot.
De Vijper, Tricoleur genaamt.
De Indiaansche Sallamander, Gecco genaamt.
De Indiaansche Zijde-worm.
Veel grote Ruspen in zoorten.
De Indiaansche Egel.
De rode Eekhoorn.
De grote Indiaansche Miere-eter of Duivel.
Vele goude en andere zoorten van Torren.
De witte Indiaansche Egel.
De Zurie-Kat.
De Zee-Kat met een schild.
Van d’ aanmerkelijkste Vogelen, en andere Gedierten, zo
Jacoutin, Jucoupen en
Jacoutin, Jucoupen en Jacouonasson.
Jacouonasson, deze zijn van grote gelijk Kraaijen, en hebben swarte
en ook asgrauwe veren, smaken uittermaten wel.
Piracuroba, mede in grote als de Duif, en alle deze drie zoorten goed
om t’ eten.
Canide. Canide, heeft iets slegter vederen, dog die aan de hals zijn
glimmen als goud, aan ’t lijf en de steert schijnt hoog Hemels-blauw
met goud, in aanzien als een opstaande pool van Fluweel; van deze
Vogel zingen de Indianen mede in hare Liederen. Nestelende meest
op de toppen der Bomen, ontrent de Dorpen meerder als in de
Bosschen. Daar uit komt het dat de Indianen ’s Jaars drie en vier
malen deze Vogels plukken, makende uit deze veren Zijde, die ook
hare lighamen wonderlijk daar mede verzieren.
Tovis, mede een Papegaay, deze is zo lang als een Snip, heeft
een lange steert met Safferaan verwige veren, anders is hy in ’t
geheel groen over ’t lijf.