Financial Bid
Financial Bid
Financial Bid
Sl. No. Description Unit Rate Qnty Amount Code
DSR 14
Providing and fixing C.P.
brass bib cock of approved 18.49.
1 each 459.50 1.00 459.50
quality conforming 1
to IS:8931and
Providing : 15fixing
mm nominal
brass stop cock (concealed)
2 of standard design and of each 619.75 2.00 1239.50
approved make conforming
to IS:8931.and
Providing 15 fixing
mm nominal
closet squatting pan (Indian
type W.C. pan ) with 100 mm
sand cast Iron P or S trap, 10
litre low level white P.V.C.
flushing cistern, including
3 each 3392.80 1.00 3392.80 17.1.1
flush pipe, with manually
controlled device (handle
lever) conforming to IS :
7231, with all fittings and
fixtures complete, including
cutting and
Providing andmaking
basin with C.I. brackets, 15
mm C.P. brass
pillar taps, 32 mm C.P. brass
waste of standard pattern,
4 each 2331.15 1.00 2331.15 17.7.1
including painting of fittings
and brackets, cutting and
making good the walls
wherever require: White
Vitreous China
Providing Washwhite
and fixing basin
vitreous china pedestal for
5 wash basin each 979.95 1.00 979.95 17.8
completely recessed at the
back for the reception of
Providing and fixing mirror of
superior glass (of approved
quality) and of required
6 shape and size with plastic each 727.90 2.00 1455.80
moulded frame of approved
make and shade with 6 mm
thick hardand
Providing board backing
fixing PTMT:
shelf 440 mm long, 124 mm
7 width and 36 mm height of each 567.05 1.00 567.05 17.74
approved quality and colour,
weighing not
Providing andless than
fixing 300
towel rail complete with
brackets fixed to
wooden cleats with CP brass
8 screws with concealed each 483.45 1.00 483.45
fittings arrangement of
approved quality and colour.
450 mm long towel rail with
total length
Providing ofplacing
and 495 mm, on78
terrace (at all floor levels)
polyethylene water storage
tank, ISI : 12701 marked, per
9 7.25 1000.00 7250.00 18.48
with cover and suitable litre
locking arrangement and
making necessary holes for
inlet, outlet
Providing and
and overflow
Chlorinated Polyvinyl
Chloride (CPVC) pipes, having
thermal stability for hot &
cold water supply including
10 metre 163.30 12.00 1959.60 18.9.2
all CPVC plain & brass
threaded fittings This
includes jointing of pipes &
fittings with one step CPVC
solvent cement ,trenching
Providing and fixing
Chlorinated Polyvinyl
Chloride (CPVC) pipes, having
thermal stability for hot &
cold water supply including
11 metre 209.50 12.00 2514.00 18.9.3
all CPVC plain & brass
threaded fittings This
includes jointing of pipes &
fittings with one step CPVC
solvent cement
Providing ,trenching
and fixing gun
metal gate valve with C.I. 18.17.
12 each 428.85 1.00 428.85
wheel of approved quality 1
(screwed end) : 25 mm
13 Making 1 no septic tank each 41815.30 1.00 41815.30
Making soak pit 2.5 m
diameter 3.0 metre deep
with 45 x 45 cm dry brick
honey comb shaft with bricks 19.32.
14 each 18245.03 1.00 18245.03
and S.W. drain pipe 100 mm 1
diameter, 1.8 m long
complete as per standard
fixing on burnt
face unplasticised Rigid PVC
rain water pipes conforming
to IS : 13592 Type A, 12.41.
15 metre 231.65 12.00 2779.80
including jointing with seal 2
ring conforming to IS : 5382,
leaving 10 mm gap for
thermal expansion,
Providing and fixing (i)
face unplasticised - PVC
moulded fittings/
accessories for unplasticised
16 Rigid PVC rain water pipes each 161.55 5.00 807.75
conforming to
IS : 13592 Type A, including
jointing with seal ring
conforming to IS :
Providing and fixing on wall
face unplasticised - PVC
moulded fittings/
accessories for unplasticised
17 Rigid PVC rain water pipes each 295.10 4.00 1180.40
conforming to
IS : 13592 Type A, including
jointing with seal ring
Providing and tofixing
IS : white
vitreous china flat back or
wall corner type
lipped front urinal basin of
430x260x350 mm and
340x410x265 mm sizes
18 respectively with automatic each 3326.10 1.00 3326.10 17.4.1
flushing cistern with
standard flush pipe and C.P.
brass spreaders with brass
unions and G.I clamps
complete, including painting
of fittings and brackets,
Sub Total (B) 91216.03
Sl. No. Description Unit Rate Qnty Amount Code
DSR 14
Wiring for light point / fan
point /exhaust fan point /call
bell point with 1.5
FRLS PVC insulated copper
conductor single core cable
1 point 476.00 6.00 2856.00 1.8.1
in surface / recessed medium
class PVC conduit with
paiano type switch phenolic
laminated sheet suitable size
M.S. box and earthingh the
Supplying and fixing metal
box of 150 mm x 75 mm x60
mm deep (nominal size) on
surface or in recess with
suitable size of phenolic
2 each 194.00 2.00 388.00 1.29
laminated sheet cover in
front including providing and
fixing 3 pin 5/6 amps socket
outlet and 5/6 amps piano
type switch
Wiring connection
for circuit / submain
waring alongwith earth wire
the following sizes of FRLS
3 PVC insulated copper metre 131.00 30.00 3930.00 1.14.1
conductor single core cable
in surface / reecessed
Earthing class PVCearth
with G.I. conduit as
4.5 metre long 40 mm dia
including accessories and
4 providing masonary each 3926.00 1.00 3926.00 5.2
enclosure with cover plate
having locking arrangement
and watering
Supplying andpipe
fixingetc. with
following type switch /
socket on the existing switch each 33.00 4.00 132.00
box/cover including
connector etc as required.
3 pin 5/6 amp socket outlet each 41.00 4.00 164.00
15/16 amp switch each 72.00 1.00 72.00
6 pin 15/16 amp socket
each 83.00 1.00 83.00
outlet Sub Total (C)
Total amount without GST 519413.71
GST 18% 93494.47
Total amount with GST 612908.18