Have or subject to trouble with (check if yes): Have had: (check if yes) YEAR
Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat Hernia Allergy Measles _______________
Recurrent Diarrhea Heart Lungs Mumps _______________
Hypertension Kidney Malaria Chicken Pox _______________
Diabetes Whooping Cough _______________
In the event of illness or injury occurring to my son during his attendance at the Jamboree / Training, I do hereby consent to advance to
whatever medical or surgical diagnostic procedure or treatment is considered necessary in the best judgement of the attending
physician and performed by or under the supervision of a member of the medical staff furnishing medical services. I understand that, in
the event of a serious illness or injury, reasonable efforts to reach me will be attempted.
TO THE PHYSICIAN: Your careful examination and written recommendation will encourage personal fitness and safe
participation in strenuous outdoor activities. Review health history. If incomplete, please ask that this essential information
be provided for your use.
Normal Abnormal Explanation if abnormal
Eyes __________________________________________________________
Vision __________________________________________________________
Ears __________________________________________________________
Nose __________________________________________________________
Throat __________________________________________________________
Teeth __________________________________________________________
Lungs __________________________________________________________
Heart __________________________________________________________
Blood Pressure __________________________________________________________
Abdomen __________________________________________________________
Hernia __________________________________________________________
Genitalia __________________________________________________________
Extremities __________________________________________________________
Posture (Spine) __________________________________________________________
Skin __________________________________________________________
Urinalysis __________________________________________________________
Emotional Stability __________________________________________________________
I certify that I have reviewed the health history and examined this person and find him physically fit to participate in:
Camping & Hiking Water Sports Competitive Sports