3. - Lect 1a - Cloud Computing Lecture
3. - Lect 1a - Cloud Computing Lecture
3. - Lect 1a - Cloud Computing Lecture
Dr Anthony Mile
What do they say ?
• What is elasticity ?
▪ The ability to grow or shrink infrastructure resources dynamically as
needed to adapt to workload changes in an autonomic manner,
maximizing the use of resources. This can result in savings in
infrastructure costs overall.
▪ Cloud elasticity is a popular feature associated with scale-out solutions
(horizontal scaling), which allows for resources to be dynamically
added or removed when needed.
Loss Revenue
1 2 3
1 2 3
Static Provisioning
Unused resources
Demand Demand
Time Time
Multi-tenant Design
• What is multi-tenant design ?
▪ Multi-tenant refers to a principle in software architecture where a
single instance of the software runs on a server, serving multiple client
▪ With a multi-tenant architecture, a software application is designed to
virtually partition its data and configuration thus each client
organization works with a customized virtual application instance.
• Some drawbacks :
▪ Enterprise pays for IT investment which is not its business
▪ Enterprise should take the risk of hardware/software
▪ Replacing and updating infrastructure is time consuming and
Reduce Capital Expenditure
• Capital expenditure with Cloud Computing service :
▪ Enterprise can almost dismiss its IT department
▪ The jobs of IT department can be achieved by cloud provider
• Dynamically update and upgrade hardware or software
• Dynamically provision and deploy infrastructure for enterprise
• Automatically backup data and check consistency
• Self-recover from disaster or system malfunction
• Some benefits :
▪ Enterprise can shift effort to its business focus
▪ Enterprise can reconfigure its IT services in short time
▪ Enterprise pays to cloud provider as many as the service
Reduce Capital Expenditure
• What does cloud computing achieve ?
Traditional With Cloud Computing
Need to own its IT Cloud provider takes
Business focus
department care everything
Pay for all investment Enterprise pays as the
and human resource service used
Time duration Long establish time Fast to business ready
Improve Industrial Specialization
• What does cloud computing achieve ?
Traditional With Cloud Computing
Enterprise needs to take Enterprise focuses on its
care everything own business
Enterprise works with Cloud provider applies
poor manageability professional control
Relationship Stand alone enterprise Win-Win partnership
Improve Resource Utilization
• What does cloud computing achieve ?
Traditional With Cloud Computing
IT Resource IT resource under Share to improve
Utilization utilized most of time utilization of IT resource
Power Waste power and Cloud system should be
Consumption cooling system global optimized
Reduce Local Computing Power
• What does cloud computing achieve ?
Traditional With Cloud Computing
Hardware User needs to buy Only basic hardware to
Requirement powerful hardware connect to internet
Software Install application in No local installation
Requirement local computer requirement
Portability Hard to be portable Natively portable
Reduce Local Storage Power
• What does cloud computing achieve ?
Traditional With Cloud Computing
Limited to local disk, Dynamically allocated
Storage Space
may be under utilized on demand
Storage Data Difficult to maintain Data consistency
Consistency data consistency maintained by cloud
Availability Regular user backup Cloud service guarantee
Variety of End Devices
• What does cloud computing achieve ?
Traditional With Cloud Computing
Computing Only accessed through Accessed through small
Power desktop computer smart devices
Functionalities was Shift computing incentive
Small Device
limited due to their jobs into cloud, and then
power consumption wait for results
• What is Cloud Computing ?
▪ Properties and characteristics
▪ Benefits from cloud computing
Service Model Overview
Infrastructure as a Service
Platform as a Service
Software as a Service
Infrastructure as a Service
• Infrastructure as a Service - IaaS
▪ The capability provided to the consumer is to provision processing,
storage, networks, and other fundamental computing resources
where the consumer is able to deploy and run arbitrary software,
which can include operating systems and applications.
▪ The consumer does not manage or control the underlying cloud
infrastructure but has control over operating systems, storage,
deployed applications, and possibly limited control of select
networking components.
• Examples :
▪ Amazon EC2
▪ Eucalyputs
▪ OpenNebula
▪ … etc
Infrastructure as a Service
• System architecture :
Infrastructure as a Service
• Enabling technique - Virtualization
▪ Virtualization is an abstraction of logical resources away
from underlying physical resources.
• Virtualization technique shift OS onto hypervisor.
• Multiple OS share the physical hardware and provide different
• Improve utilization, availability, security and convenience.
Platform as a Service
• Platform as a Service - PaaS
▪ The capability provided to the consumer is to deploy onto the cloud
infrastructure consumer-created or acquired applications created
using programming languages and tools supported by the provider.
▪ The consumer does not manage or control the underlying cloud
infrastructure including network, servers, operating systems, or
storage, but has control over the deployed applications and
possibly application hosting environment configurations.
• Examples :
▪ Microsoft Windows Azure
▪ Google App Engine
▪ Hadoop
▪ … etc
Platform as a Service
• System architecture :
Platform as a Service
• Enabling technique – Runtime Environment Design
▪ Runtime environment refers to collection of software services
available. Usually implemented by a collection of program libraries.
Software as a Service
• Software as a Service - SaaS
▪ The capability provided to the consumer is to use the provider’s
applications running on a cloud infrastructure. The applications are
accessible from various client devices through a thin client
interface such as a web browser (e.g., web-based email).
▪ The consumer does not manage or control the underlying cloud
infrastructure including network, servers, operating systems,
storage, or even individual application capabilities, with the
possible exception of limited user-specific application
configuration settings.
• Examples :
▪ Google Apps (e.g., Gmail, Google Docs, Google sites, …etc)
▪ SalesForce.com
▪ EyeOS
▪ … etc
Software as a Service
Software as a Service
• Enabling Technique – Web Service
▪ Web 2.0 is the trend of using the full potential of the
• Viewing the Internet as a computing platform
• Running interactive applications through a web browser
• Leveraging interconnectivity and mobility of devices
• Enhanced effectiveness with greater human participation
• Properties provided by Internet:
▪ Accessibility and Portability
Software as a Service
• Provide service – Web Portal
▪ Apart from the standard search engine feature, web portals
offer other services such as e-mail, news, stock prices,
information, databases and entertainment.
▪ Portals provide a way for enterprises to provide a consistent
look and feel with access control and procedures for multiple
applications and databases, which otherwise would have
been different entities altogether.
▪ Some examples :
• iGoogle
• Netvibes
• Yahoo!
SaaS - Summary
• SaaS is the finished applications that you rent and customize.
Deployment Model
• There are four primary cloud deployment models :
▪ Public Cloud
▪ Private Cloud
▪ Community Cloud
▪ Hybrid Cloud