EE 7th SEM

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Paper Code : ES-CS701/OE-EE 702 C/OE-EEE 701 B Computer Network
UPID : 007591

Time Allotted : 3 Hours Full Marks :70

The Figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Candidate are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable

Group-A (Very Short Answer Type Question)

1. Answer any ten of the following : [ 1 x 10 = 10 ]
(I) Coaxial cable consists of _______ concentric copper conductors.
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
(II) Which one of the following is an architecture paradigms?
a) Peer to peer
b) Client-server
d) Both Peer-to-Peer & Client-Server
(III) UTP is commonly used in __________.
a) DSL
d) None of the above mentioned
(IV) Application developer has permission to decide the following on transport layer side:
a) Transport layer protocol
b) Maximum buffer size
c) Both Transport layer protocol and Maximum buffer size
d) None of the above mentioned
(V) UDP needs the _______ address to deliver the user datagram to the correct application process.

a) Port b) IP c) MAC d) none of these

(VI) Which of the following is not applicable for network layer design?
a) Packet
b) Ip address
c) Router
d) Port address
(VII) Which of the following is not correct in relation to multi-destination routing?
a) As same as broadcast routing
b) Contains the list of all destinations
c) Data is not sent by packets
d) There are multiple receivers
(VIII) CRC stands for __________.
a) cyclic redundancy check
b) code repeat check
c) code redundancy check
d) cyclic repeat check
(IX) The technique of temporarily delaying outgoing acknowledgements so that they can be hooked onto the next
outgoing data frame is called ____________.
a) Piggybacking
b) Cyclic redundancy check
c) Fletcher’s checksum
d) Parity check
(X) "Parity bits" are used for which of the following purposes?

a) Encryption of data b) To transmit faster c) To detect errors d) To identify the user

(XI) Which is a time-sensitive service?
a) File transfer
b) File download
c) E-mail
d) Internet telephony
(XII) Electronic mail uses which Application layer protocol?
c) FTP
d) SIP

Group-B (Short Answer Type Question)

Answer any three of the following : [ 5 x 3 = 15 ]
2. Differentiate between TDM & FDM . [5]
3. Differentiate between Pure Aloha & Slotted Aloha. [5]
4. If a class B network has a subnet mask of, what is the maximum number of hosts per [5]
subnet? What is loopback address ?
5. Differentiate between CSMA/CD and CSMA/CA. [5]
6. Subnet the Class C IP Address So that you have 10 subnets each with a maximum 12 hosts on [5]
each subnet. List the Address on host 1 on subnet 0, 1.

Group-C (Long Answer Type Question)

Answer any three of the following : [ 15 x 3 = 45 ]
7. Compare OSI & TCP/IP reference model. What is a Protocol ? Discuss advantages & disadvantages of star [ 8+2+5 ]
8. Distinguish between Error Detection and Error Correction methods . [ 5+8+2 ]
Explain Selective Repeat ARQ in details . What is byte stuffing ?
9. How transport layer connection is established in TCP? Illustrate with state diagrams. [ 15 ]
Differentiate between Link State and Distance Vector routing algorithms.
10. What do you mean by Private key and Public key Cryptography ? Why is it used ? [ 4+2+9 ]
Explain SMTP, FTP & HTTP in details.
11. A company is granted the site address (class B). The company needs 1000 subnets. Design the [ 10+5 ]
Differentiate between circuit switching and packet switching.

*** END OF PAPER ***

Paper Code : HM-EE 701/HM-EEE 701 Principle Of Management
UPID : 007612

Time Allotted : 3 Hours Full Marks :70

The Figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Candidate are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable

Group-A (Very Short Answer Type Question)

1. Answer any ten of the following : [ 1 x 10 = 10 ]
(I) What are the various functions of management?
(II) Define MBO in planning.
(III) What is span of control?
(IV) What is Laissez – faire?
(V) What is six sigma and it's examples?
(VI) Who is the father of scientific management?
(VII) What are the advantages of planning?
(VIII) What is job rotation?
(IX) List the different types of communication flow.
(X) What are the barriers to successful TQM
(XI) Give the meaning of mental revolution'as suggested by F. W. Taylor.
(XII) List any four quantitative forecasting techniques.

Group-B (Short Answer Type Question)

Answer any three of the following : [ 5 x 3 = 15 ]
2. Distinguish between formal and informal organization. [5]
3. Define the process of communication with the help of diagram and an example. [5]
4. Discuss the merits and demerits of a line and staff organization. [5]
5. Define scientific management and any 3 of its principles. [5]
6. Briefly discuss science not rule of thumb and harmony not discord as the principle of scientific [5]

Group-C (Long Answer Type Question)

Answer any three of the following : [ 15 x 3 = 45 ]
7. Define scientific management. State any three of its principles. [ 15 ]
8. Explain the process of MBO and explain its benefits and weakness. [ 15 ]
9. Explain the following principles of management given by Fayol with examples. [ 15 ]
(a) Unity of direction
(b) Equity
(c) Espirit de Corps
(d) Order
e) Centralisation and decentralisation
(f) Initiative
10. Define Communication, types of communication. Explain the barriers for effective communication. [ 15 ]
11. What is production management? What is operations management? Bring [ 15 ]
out the differences between the two?

*** END OF PAPER ***

Paper Code : OE-EE 701 A Artificial Intelligence
UPID : 007705

Time Allotted : 3 Hours Full Marks :70

The Figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Candidate are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable

Group-A (Very Short Answer Type Question)

1. Answer any ten of the following : [ 1 x 10 = 10 ]
(I) Among which of the following mentioned statements can the Bayesian probability be applied?
1. In the cases, where we have one event.
2. In the cases, where we have two events.
3. In the cases, where we have three events.
4. In the cases, where we have more than three events.
i) Only 4.
ii) All 1,2,3,4.
iii) 1 and 4.
iv) Only 2.
(II) State whether the following statement is True or False:
"Parsing determines Parse Trees (Grammatical Analysis) for a given sentence"
(III) Which of the mentioned properties of the utility-based AI agent differentiates it from the rest of the AI agents?
i) Responding and providing solution to the problem
ii) Meeting the preference of the user
iii) Meeting the goal
iv) All of the above
(IV) In AI systems, knowledge can be represented in two ways. What are these two ways?

1. Machine Logic
2. Predicate Logic
3. Propositional Logic
4. Compound Logic
i. 1. and 2.
ii. 1. and 3.
iii. 2. and 3.
iv. 3. and 4.
(V) Which of the mentioned points are valid reasons for uncertainty in the nature?
i. Partially observable environment
ii. Dynamic nature of the environment
iii. Inaccessible area in the environment
iv. All of the above
(VI) The form of heuristic function of A* is ______________.
(VII) In state-space, the set of actions for a given problem is expressed by the_____.
i. Intermediate States
ii. Successor function that takes current action and returns next state.
iii. Initial States
iv. None of the above
(VIII) Which of the following does not represent a Goal based agent?
i. Reaching the goal in minimal amount of time
ii. Reaching the goal in minimal cost
iii. Reaching the initial state again after reaching the goal state
iv. None of the above
(IX) What does a first order predicate logic contain?
i. Predicate and a subject
ii. Predicate and a Preposition
iii. Subject and an object
iv. None of the above
(X) Which of the mentioned point are not valid with respect to a Propositional Logic?
i. In propositional Logic, each sentence is a declarative sentence
ii. In propositional logic, the sentence can have answers other than True or False
iii. Propositional Logic is a type of knowledge representation in AI
iv. None of the above
(XI) Fuzzy logic is a form of
i. Two-valued logic
ii. Crisp set logic
iii. Many-valued logic
iv. Binary set logic
(XII) Sentiment analysis is an area of ________________.

Group-B (Short Answer Type Question)

Answer any three of the following : [ 5 x 3 = 15 ]
2. List the properties of task environments. [5]
3. List the steps involved in simple problem solving agent. [5]
4. Write a function for the table driven agent. [5]
5. What are nested quantifiers? [5]
6. What is Heuristic functions? [5]

Group-C (Long Answer Type Question)

Answer any three of the following : [ 15 x 3 = 45 ]
7. (a) Define an agent. [5]
(b) What are the components of well-defined problems? [5]
(c) Define A* Search algorithm. [5]
8. (a) Find out the solution for the following 8-puzzle problem: [8]

[fig : 1]
(b) What is Hill-Climbing Search? Write down the algorithm of Hill-Climbing Search. [7]
9. (a) What are knowledge based agents? Give the outline of a knowledge-based agent. [8]
(b) Explain in detail the connectives used in propositional logic. [7]
10. (a) Differentiate general purpose ontology from special purpose ontology. [5]
(b) Describe in detail the steps involved in the knowledge engineering process. [5]
(c) Explain the forward chaining process in detail with example. What is the need of [5]
incremental chaining?
11. (a) Explain Genetic algorithms with an example. [ 10 ]
(b) What do you mean by Constraint Satisfaction Problems? [5]

*** END OF PAPER ***

Paper Code : PC-EE 701 Electric Drive
UPID : 007598

Time Allotted : 3 Hours Full Marks :70

The Figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Candidate are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable

Group-A (Very Short Answer Type Question)

1. Answer any ten of the following : [ 1 x 10 = 10 ]
(I) Which of the following is used to build an electric drive?
(a) Source
(b) Motor
(c) Control unit
(d) All of the mentioned
(II) Which duty cycle has on load and off-loads period?
(a) Intermittent duty
(b) Short time duty
(c) Continuous duty with constant load
(d) Continuous duty with variable load
(III) Which of the following is the plugging method of braking?
(a) Reversal of field connections
(b) Reversal of armature connections
(c) Addition of equal and opposite field
(d) Removal of field circuit from current machine circuit
(IV) The starting torque of a D.C. motor is independent of which of the following?
(a) Flux
(b) Speed
(c) Armature current
(d) Flux and armature current
(V) In squirrel cage induction motors which of the following methods of starting cannot be used ?

(a) Resistance in rotor circuit

(b) Resistance in stator circuit
(c) Auto transformer starting
(d) Start Delta starting
(VI) In a 3-phase cylindrical-rotor alternator, synchronous reactance is sum of mutual and leakage reactance. (True /
(VII) Electric Vehicles are generally powered by __________.
(a) Aluminum batteries
(b) Lead-acid batteries
(c) Sodium batteries
(d) Magnesium batteries
(VIII) What is the condition for the steady-state operation of the motor?
(a) Load torque > Motor torque
(b) Load torque << Motor torque
(c) Load torque = Motor torque
(d) Load torque < Motor torque
(IX) An example of a motor having short-time duty is found in
(a) centrifugal pumps.
(b) crane drives.
(c) drilling machines.
(d) all of the above.
(X) To save energy during braking,________braking is used.
(a) dynamic
(b) Plugging
(c) regenerative.
(d) all of the above
(XI) For a D.C. shunt motor which of the following is incorrect?
(a) Unsuitable for heavy duty starting
(b) Torque varies as armature current
(c) Armature current is a straight line
(d) Torque is zero for zero armature current
(XII) A cyclo-converter fed induction motor is most suitable for which application?
(a) cement mill drive
(b) paper mill drive
(c) compressor drive
(d) machine tool drive.

Group-B (Short Answer Type Question)

Answer any three of the following : [ 5 x 3 = 15 ]
2. State essential parts of electric drive. What are the functions of a power modulator ? [5]
3. What are the classes of duty for an electric motor ? Mention the necessity of power rating. [5]
4. Briefly explain plugging in DC motor. Give the disadvantage of dynamic breaking. [5]
5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of flux control method of DC motor? [5]
6. A motor operates on a periodic duty cycle in which it is clutched to its load for 10 min and declutched to [5]
run on no-load for 20 min. Minimum temperature rise is 40°C. Heating and cooling time constants are
equal and have a value of 60 min. When load is declutched continuously the temperature rise is 15°C.
i) Maximum temperature during the duty cycle, and
ii) temperature when load is clutched continuously.

Group-C (Long Answer Type Question)

Answer any three of the following : [ 15 x 3 = 45 ]
7. (a) Compare the D.C and A.C drives. [5]
(b) Explain in detail the multiquadrant operation of motor driving a hoist load. [ 10 ]
8. Explain the different classes of motor duty with suitable diagrams. [ 15 ]
9. Explain how an induction motor is brought to stop by Plugging and dynamic breaking. [ 15 ]
10. Explain rectifier control of DC series motor with necessary circuit diagram and analysis. [ 15 ]
11. Discuss the methods of star delta starting and auto transformer starting with suitable circuit diagrams and [ 15 ]

*** END OF PAPER ***

Paper Code : PE-EE 701 C Power Generation Economics
UPID : 007704

Time Allotted : 3 Hours Full Marks :70

The Figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Candidate are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable

Group-A (Very Short Answer Type Question)

1. Answer any ten of the following : [ 1 x 10 = 10 ]
(I) In a power plant if the maximum demand on the plant is equal to the plant capacity, then
(A) plant reserve capacity will be zero.
(B) diversity factor will be unity.
(C) load factor will be unity.
(D) load factor will be nearly 60%.
(II) Load curve helps in deciding
(A) total installed capacity of the plant.
(B) sizes of the generating units.
(C) operating schedule of generating units.
(D) All of the above.
(III) Which of the following is not a source of power?
(A) Thermocouple
(B) Photovoltaic cell
(C) Solar cell
(D) Photoelectric cell
(IV) What is the power factor tariff?
(A) It considers only maximum demand.
(B) It considers only semi fixed charges and the power factor.
(C) It considers only power factor.
(D) It considers the load factor.
(V) Which estimation method is best suitable for state estimation in a power system?

(A) Least square estimation

(B) Equal Weighted Least square estimation
(C) Weighted least square estimation
(D) Fast decoupled
(VI) Which of the following is the essential requirement of peak load plant?
(A) It should run at high speed.
(B) It should produce high voltage.
(C) It should be small in size.
(D) It should be capable of starting quickly.
(VII) For a consumer the most economical power factor is generally
(A) 0.5 lagging
(B) 0.5 leading
(C) 0.95 lagging
(D) 0.95 leading
(VIII) Load forecasting is a method
(A) To estimate the load for future.
(B) To real time load estimation.
(C) Both A and B.
(D) None of the above.
(IX) Lower power factor is usually not due to
(A) Discharge lamp.
(B) Arc lamps.
(C) Incandescent lamps.
(D) Induction furnace.

(X) Match standard analytical with its equation: i. Straight line A.α+βσ+γσ2+η3 ii. Parabolic B.α+βσ+γσ2
iii. S-curve C. α+βσ iv. exponential D.γΕσ v. Gempertz E. ln-1
(A) i-A, ii-B, iii-C, iv-D, v-E
(B) i-C, ii-B, iii-A, iv-D, v-E
(C) i-A, ii-B, iii-D, iv-C, v-E
(D) i-D, ii-B, iii-A, iv-C, v-E
(XI) Power plant is expected to have the longest life
(A) Steam
(B) Diesel
(C) Hydroelectric
(D) Any of the above
(XII) What is the disadvantage of correlation methods?
(A) Required more past data for analysis
(B) Required more data space
(C) Less accuracy
(D) Load forecasting for demographic and economic factors is difficult

Group-B (Short Answer Type Question)

Answer any three of the following : [ 5 x 3 = 15 ]
2. What are the basic differences in plant utilization factor and plant capacity factor? [5]
3. Write short notes on Availability Based Tariff (ABT). [5]
4. Describe the line flow only algorithm for power system state estimation. [5]
5. Explain briefly the LSE and WLSE method of state estimation. [5]
6. Develop the analytical method of scheduling hydro plants in cascade. [5]

Group-C (Long Answer Type Question)

Answer any three of the following : [ 15 x 3 = 45 ]
7. Define diversity factor and plant capacity factor. Explain the basic differences in diversity factor and plant [ 8+7 ]
capacity factor.
What is the physical importance of penalty factor?
8. The incremental fuel costs in Rs/MWhr for a plant consisting of two units are: [ 15 ]
Assume that the both units are operating at all times and total load varies from 40MW to 250MW. How
will the load be shared between the two units as the system load varies over the full range? What are the
corresponding values of plant incremental costs?
9. Analytically develop a method for economizing plant load scheduling. [ 15 ]
10. What do you mean by load forecasting? [ 4+6+5 ]
What is the difference between short term and long term load forecasting?
Explain least square method with example for load forecasting.
11. Explain hydrothermal scheduling. [ 5+10 ]
Develop the gradient method of hydrothermal scheduling problem.

*** END OF PAPER ***


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