Orban 674A Stereo Equalizer Brochure
Orban 674A Stereo Equalizer Brochure
Orban 674A Stereo Equalizer Brochure
HIGHLIGHTS Introducing the 674A Stereo Equalizer Applications
The Orban 674A is a cost-effective, pro- three fundamental parameters of equali- Sound Reinforcement and Any way you cut it, the 674A's ing. In addition, many "effects" (such as
fessional, quasi-parametric equalizer zation: the amount of peak boost oi A Monitor Tuning economy and extraordinary versatility telephone, pocket radio, or "old time"
□ Eight bands per channel, each with with the convenience of graphic-type (in dB), the tuning (the frequency m- • There are many ways to use the 674A in make it one of the sound reinforcement recordings) can be easily created with
TUNING AND BANDWIDTH E0 controls. Wide-range high- and low- affected by the equalization), and the sound reinforcement and monitor tuning: practitioners' most useful tools. the 674A alone.
controls pass filters with I 2dB/octave Butter- "0" (whlch relates to the sharpness of I J In an economy biamped installation, Recording Studios In addition, the 674A can be used to
□ Each band tunes over 3: I fre- worth slopes follow the E0 section for the E0 curve-the degree to which fre- replace both the third-octave equalizer Every recording studio needs a few equalize the "B-chain" in the re-record-
quency range added versatility. The 674A has two quencies on either side of the peak fre- and the electronic crossover with the channels of 674A equalization to handle ing theater to the acoustic response
□ "O" typically variable between 0.3 outputs per channel, arranged so that quency are affected by the equalization). 674A. The 674A's narrowband, tunable the tough chores that the internal con- specifications of the studio. The lowpass
and 20 (center TUNING) these filters can also be used as a fully As opposed to our 622B Equalizer, the notches can deal with ring-modes more sole equalizers can't deal with. Patch filter can effectively simulate the
□ ± I 6dB equalization range
tunable electronic crossover. 674A is quasi-parametric. This means effectively than the third-octave unit that problem track through a 674A: its "Academy Rolloff" or its current
The space-saving 674A offers the that the "0" changes when you adjust could. Use three or four of the 674A fine-tuning ability lets you clean up the modifications.
□ EO controls are long-throw dust-
facilities of two complete mono 672A's the TUN/NG and/or E0 controls. Other bands for narrowband notching; leave track far more effectively than you
shielded slidepots for good Stereo Broadcasting
in a single chassis. Ganged, concentric control adjustments are completely non- the rest for wideband E0. could with a graphic or "three knob"
resolution Use the 674A in the production studio
controls make one-hand stereo opera- interacting: TUNING and E0 do not af- 2) In a higher budget biamped instal- console equali?er. Use the tunable filters
□ TUNING and BANDWIDTH controls to enhance the announce mike,
tion of bandwidth and tuning a snap. fect each other. lation, use the 674A as an electronic to help eliminate rumble, cymbal splash,
marked with "tics" indicating "sweeten" stereo music, and to create
Graphic-style E0 controls are split The other important performance dif- crossover plus a narrowband, tunable kick drum leakage-you name itl special production effects that make
typical settings parallel for each of the eight bands. notch filter for ring-mode suppression;
ference between the full-parametric If you need to correct the equalization your station stand out among its com-
□ Narrowband notching capability Separate high-and /ow-pass filters on 622B and the new 674A is that the incorporate a separate third-octave
of a track because of second thoughts petitors. Meanwhile, another 674A can
ideal for sound reinforcement each channel offer stereo two-way elec- 622B's E0 curves are "constant-0"; the equalizer to correct the house curve.
during or after the mix, the 674A can be quietly and efficiently equalizing the
□ Bands totally non-interacting tronic crossover capability. 674A's curves are "reciprocal". "Con- 3) Use variations of ( I J and (2) above
with an electronic crossover; the 674A's create the finishing touches as no or- stereo program line for maximum punch
□ A dedicated stereo device with con- While it is possible to operate the unit stant 0" curves are valuable in that dinary equalizer can. It's better than a and brightness on the air. Use the 674A
they permit infinite-depth notches to be highpass and /owpass filters can then be
trols arranged for optimum ease of with two unrelated mono program third-octave graphic, because the 674A to equalize phone or remote lines for
created; reciprocal curves limit the max- used to roll off the frequency response
maintaining stereo balance sources, under some circumstances high- can generate broad, non-ringing boosts, flat response-it's much more versatile
imum cut to the same number of dB as of the system in a controlled manner.
frequency crosstalk may be experienced. whereas the graphic is much more col- than the standard phone company
HP/LP FIiter Sections the maximum boost. In the case of the 4) In a non-blamped system (like a stage
Therefore, crosstalk requirements should ored and ringy. equalizers. In the main studio, use it on
□ Each section continuously tunable 674A, 16dB of cut is available. This is monitor), use the 674A to equalize the
be evaluated in such applications. (See The 674A is also an ideal adjunct to an the announce mike channel to equalize
over 100: I range in 2 decades fine for tuning out ring-modes in sound monitor, and use its filters to restrict for maximum presence, and also to
Specifications) electronic music synthesizer-you can
□ Each section independently switch- reinforcement systems, but might not be response in the extreme high and low notch out sounds like mechanical hum
The 674A is a professional product frequencies. create high "0" formats and shape the
able adequate in all circumstances to remove from cart machine motors or air condi-
designed to provide a large measure of 5) Use the 674A as a partial electronic spectrum so that the sound comes alive.
□ 12 dB/octave slopes versatility, convenience, and quality at a hum or other fixed-frequency inter- tioning noise. Whatever your applica-
ference from a signal. On the other crossover plus equalizer/filter by Motion Picture Sound tion, the 674A's RF suppression and op-
□ Filters follow graphic section. very attractive price. While it meets the devoting one channel of 674A equaliza-
hand, some people prefer reciprocal A The 674A is an ideal replacement for the tional output transformer mean prob-
Separate main/lowpass and high-
pass outputs allow use as filters or
requirements of the demanding profes-
sional, it is a/so designed and priced to curves because the boost and cut arw
mirror images of each other, thus per-
ion to each driver; one filter is required
o perform the crossover function; the
graphic equalizers ordinarily used for
dialogue equalization in motion picture
lem-free installation in high-RF en-
as full electronic crossover make it understandable and available to other can be used for its normal high- sound. Set the TUNING and BAND-
mitting previous equalization to be Dance Bars
the advanced audiophile. • pass (or lowpass) function. WIDTH controls to the "tics" on the
General readily "undone" later. Careful design The 674A is an.excellent dance bar
To make the 674A easy to use in situa- of the circuitry gives the 674A In boost 6) For super power in mono reinforce- panel, and you get the equivalent of a
□ Very low noise and distortion ment applications, connect both chan- stereo equalizer. The sound contractor
tions where its full versatility isn't need- mode a characteristic similar to the familiar easy-to-operate graphic. But
□ High slew rate for minimum TIM nels in series. You'll then get sixteen installing the system can offer the
ed, "tic" marks have been included on 622B's desirable "constant-0" curve when you need the extra control and
(SID) the dial calibrations of the TUN/NG and E0/notch filter bands, an electronic flexibility-such as notching out the ex- management exactly the sound desired-
□ Front-panel GAIN controls; I 2dB BANDWIDTH controls. When these con- crossover, and an extra set of filters to traneous sounds that always seem to including solid, punchy bass free from
gain available Why did we choose the quasi-para- limit system bandwidth. muddiness and boom-and an aggres-
trols are set to the tics, the 674A plague location recordings-that power
metric technique for the 674A7 Because sive, sizzling top free from ringing and
□ "Peak-stretching" overload lamps behaves like a standard octave-band In all cases, the BANDWIDTH control is there instantly, without patching or
it offers a way to produce a very high coloration typical of a full-octave
warn of clipping anywhere in graphic equalizer with the eight bands can be adjusted to make the totally non- the use of external dip filters. The high-
quality, stable equalizer at low cost graphic equalizer. The eight bands per-
equalizer on ISO frequencies from 63 to 8000Hz. interacting (series-connected) bands and lowpass filters are invaluable for
without compromising distortion, noise, mit substantial work to be done in flat-
□ Active balanced inputs; unbalanced Each feature of the 674A has been "combine"-a most desirable charac- cleaning up noise and rumble without
accuracy, or reliability. tening out undesired response devia-
outputs. Transformer-balanced out- thoughtfully chosen and cleverly im- teristic in sound reinforcement. affecting dialogue-and without using
tions in the upper bass and midrange.
plemented to make the equalizer a par- up E0 channels to try to achieve filter-
puts optional Narrowband notches can even deal
□ RF suppression on inputs, outputs, ticularly powerful tool in nearly all areas with the difficult resonances sometimes
and power leads of audio: sound reinforcement, public encountered in high-efficiency horn-type
address, recording studio, broadcasting, loudspeakers. In biamped installations,
□ I I 5/230V, 50-60Hz transformer is
motion picture sound, disco, theater ... use the separate lowpass cJnd highpass
Why " Quasi-Parametric"? filter outputs as a complete electronic
□ Industrial-grade parts and construc-
There are two basic types of parametric crossover. No other crossover is
tion including socketed /Cs
equalizer: full- and quasi-parametric. necessary.
□ Highly cost-effective
Orban manufactures both types. Both The 674A costs a bit more than an
offer far more effective control than octave-type graphic. But, unlike a
other kinds of equalizers, like graphics. graphic, it really solves the problem.
Our popular dual-channel 622B is a full
A MONO VERSION OF THIS parametric. This means that you have
totally non-Interacting control over the
Orban Associates Inc,
645 Bryant Street
San Francisco. California 94107
(415) 957-1067
Telex: 17-1480
Technlcal Description The EO IN/OUT switch bypasses the last Summary
The 674A Equalizer consists of a balanc• seven main amplifiers and defeats Many people are now aware of the
ed input buffer amplifier. eight main • equalization in the first amplifier. Gain power of parametric equalization: the
equalization amplifiers connected in and signal polarity are equal in the IN almost sensual satlsfa,ction of getting the
series. and tunable lowpass and high• and OUT modes. As the BANDWIDTH sound really right. Tt1ese same people
pass positive feedback I 2dB/octave But• control is operated, the skirts or the are also demanding p,rofessionals, In-
terworth filters. The output of the high• equalization curve move In and out, but sisting on inaudible noise and distortion, •
pass filter Is buffered to drive 600 ohms, the peak gain and peak frequency re• human engineering, quality ..feel". and
and is available separately. By suitable main constant. As the EOUAUZATION uncompromising reliabillty.
switch settings, the main output can be controls are operated, the frequencies of Orban is well-known for its line of fine
made to carry a lowpassed signal. Thus peak gain remain constant. However. as parametric equalizers, like the 6228.
the 674A q 1n be used as an equalizer the TUNING control or EQUALIZATION Now With the 674A, it brings equaliza-
cascaded with a full electronic crossover, control (In dip mode) are operated, the tion of the same rigorous quality to ap-
or as an equalizer cascaded with low- bandwidth (" O"j will chr,ge. because plications where it could never before
pass and hlghpass filters. of the simplifications In the "quasi-para- be afforded. The 6741'\ is Inexpensive
metric" bandpass resonator. Careful enough to qualify it for serious con-
Each amplifier in the equalizer section
provides equalization for one band only. design has enabled us to produce curves sideration in applications which would
(in boost mode only) essentially identical otherwise be given by default to a much
assuring no interaction between bands.
to the desirable " constant-0" curves less able graphic equalizer.
The total equalization Is simply the sum
provided by our 6228 true parametric
(in dB) of the equalizations provided by The 674A rounds out the line of Orban
each of the sections. equalizer in its boost mode.
" Professionals' Parametrics." Between
Peak boost is accomplished by adding The EOUAUZATION controls all produce the 6228 true parametric and the 674A
the output of a two-pole bandpass peaking curves; if shelving curves are quasi-parametric, thc~re ,s an equalizer
resonator to the main signal; .reciprocal desired, they can be approximated by for virtually every ne,ed and budget. The
dip occurs when this resonator Is sym- tuning the lowest band to 20Hz and the Orban "Professlonars·· Parametrics" are
metrically connected as a feedback ele- highest band to 20kHz. The breakpoint available at your autt1orized Orban
of the shelving characteristic is then ad- dealer.
ment in the main equalizer amplifier.
justed with the BANDWIDTH control.
"...an engineering tour-de-force which, as far' as I know, is unmatched
by any other single device!' Comment by Norman Eisenberg
"...making this the most powerful equalizing tool for pro audio work that
I have yet to come across!' Comment by Len Feldman
Orban 674A Stereo Equalizer
General Description: The Orban 674A is a stereo for use with t wo-conductor shielded cable. However, it
version of the Orban 672A (MR &M, November 1979). also may be used with optional XLR connectors which
Each channel is divided into eight frequency bands. may be installed and wired behind a removable plate on
each band with its own slider for graphic equalization. the rear of the chassis. In addition, t he owner's manual
As in the former model. parametric operation is provid- includes instructions for using single-conductor shield-
ed by continuously variable controls for adjusting ed cable and ¼-inch phone-plugs. Each channel's input
center frequency and bandwidth of each frequency seg· is balanced. The output is unbalanced, although it can
ment. In addition, each EQ section is followed by wide- be changed to balanced with an optional transformer.
range low-pass and high-pass filters (12 dB/octave). A block diagram showing signal paths is printed on the
The filters also may be used as an electronic crossover rear, which also contains the unit's fuse-holder and the
in bi-amped systems. AC power cord fitted wit h a three-p rong plug.
Each of the sixteen EQ sliders has a nominal The Orban 674A may be used as a stereo graphic/
boost/cut range of ± 16 dB. marked in gradations of 2 parametric equalizer with stereo high- and low-pass
dB and with center detents for O dB. Above each pair of filters, or as a stereo equalizer followed by stereo elec-
sliders is a dual-concentric knob control for left- and tronic crossover for two bi-amplified speaker systems.
right-channel t uning of the center frequency. Each Among its suggested applications. covered in the
knob has six frequencies marked, with a box around owner's manual. are stereo matching; sound reinforce-
the ISO frequency for t hat particular range. Below ment, including ''house tuning" and notch filtering;
each pair of s liders are additional dual-concentric full and partial electronic crossover (the latter involves
knobs for varying the bandwidth ("Q") separately on equalizing individual drivers in a given speaker
each channel. These knobs are labeled from O to 10. system); special uses in dance bars, recording studios.
representing a range from a very steep Q to a very motion picture sound. broadcasting and electronic
broad Q. The average Q of 7 is denoted by the box music.
Each filter section has individual controls for left Test Res ults: Neither the temporary operating
and right channels. The HP filter controls include manual which arrived with our test sample, nor the full
in/out and selectable range buttons plus continuously manual that came a bit later, contained a formal list of
variable frequency selector knobs. The markings for performance specs for the model 674A.' There were
t he knobs indicate frequencies of 20, 25, 32, 40, 50, 80, some references to a few items such as t he± 16 dB EQ
125, 160 and 200 Hz. Pushing ir. the range button. of range and so on, and a statement of "very low noise
course, multiplies these frequencies by 10. and distortion." Without formal specs, but mindful of
Similarly. t he LP filter section has its own input and t he fact that the 674A is essentially a stereo version of
range buttons and tuning knobs. Here the knobs are the 672A which had been tested some time ago. we
marked 2 K. 2.5 K. 3.2 K, 5 K. 8 K. 12.5 K, 16 K, 18 K were not "in the dark" with Utls service, and between
and 20 K. Pushing in the range button here multiplies bench tests (see "Vital Statistics") and 'scope analyses
these frequencies by 0.1-that is, it reduces the range we did run a comprehens ive series on the new Orban
to a span of 200 Hz to 2 kHz. Thus, when the HP range and crune up with very favorable results that confirm
switch is set for "X 0.1" and the LP range switch is set the model 674A as a most versatile, clean-performing.
for ' 'X 10" both filters cover the same range of 200 Hz equalizer of impressive capabilities.
to 2 kHz which facilitates the device's use as an elec· Figs. 1 and 2 show our plots of the high-pass (low
tronic crossover for any frequencies within that range. cut) and low-pass (high-cut) filter sections. The slopes
Below the filter controls are the unit's power off/on are 12 dB per octave (as claimed), and the overlap (from
switch and indicator; separate EQ in/out buttons for about 100 Hz Lo 2 kHz) does allow these filters to be
each channel; separate gain controls with overload in- used as adjustable electronic crossovers. with frequen-
dicators for each channel. The panel is colored light blue cies of your own choosing.
with white markings, and is rack mountable. Fig. 3 shows the wide range of adjustment of center
Signal input and output connections are made via frequency possible for one of the device's eight bands
screws on a barrier strip. As supplied. the unit is ready (the one chosen for this test was nominally centered at
Manufacturer's Notes
Specifications have been included in the Operating Manual in response to this appreciated criticism.
Fig. 1: Orban 674A: Extreme and intermediate fre• Fig. 3: Orban 674A: Each band of this quasi-
quency settings of high-pass (low-cut) filter yields parametric/graphic equalizer can be tuned over a
these curves. Slopes are 12 dB per octave. range of approximately 3:1 in frequency. Boost and
cut response curves shown are for two of the ex-
l kHz). Again, the results confirm the manufacturer's treme settings and a mid-frequency setting of the
claim of a 3:1 range in actual frequency for the band. nominal 1 kHz band control.
The variable bandwidth or "Q" characteristic was
examined as shown in Pig. 4. For the multiple response shown on the front panel we did not end up with equal
curves shown here we allowed the center frequency to values of Q (bandwidth) for each of t he band filters.
remain fixed at around 800 Hz, and we varied the "Q" However, with a bit of experience, we could have read-
control for t hat band from its narrowest (about 0.5 Q) justed the Q settings to make all of them more nearly
to its widest (about 10). equal. The point here was merely to show how the
For use as a simple graphic equalizer, we ran the test 674A could be used as a simple graphic equalizer.
whose results are s hown in Pig. 5. In this instance we As a final test of the tremendous flexibility of this
set all of t he frequency controls at their indicated combination graphic/parametric equalizer/fil ter set/
marks on the front panel, which puts the centers ap- crossover network, we decided to create the kind of
proximately an octave apart. We then adjusted the complex response curve that many acoustic en-
Q-controls to t heir front-panel indicated marks. Then, vironments might make you wish you could do with a
by varying each band's slider control (as we normally less " powerful'' equalizer. This is shown in Fig. 6.
do for plotting t he response of any graphic equalizer), Those experienced in room equalization might ap·
we obtained the multiple response curves s hown in Fig. preciate what can be accomplished with this one instru-
5. We did note t hat by using the suggested settings ment: For instance, a narrow bass peak that needs
Fig. 2: Orban 674A: Extreme and Intermediate fre- Fig. 4: Orban 674A: The " 0 " or bandwidth of each of
quency settings of low-pass (high-cut) filter yields the 8 bands of the unit is variable between 0.5 (nar-
curves shown. Slopes of this filter are also 12 dB per rowest display) and 10 (broadest looking curve cover-
octave. ing the entire audio spectrum).
"sucking out"' (without losing a good deal of the
music); the desirability of a more gradual bass boost
below that frequency to get another fraction of an oc•
tave from the speaker system; a smooth dip in the up·
per midrange t,o take care of midrange drivers that may
sound a bit "squawky;" and finally, a gradually rising
response to pe1rk up the top of the tweeter's range.
• though, do not tell you anything about the true worth against others that are basically parametric? How does
of this unit. A !S far as I'm concerned, the debate over it compare to others that are purely graphic equalizers?
whether parametric or graphic equalizers are more How does a stereo unit of this type compare with two
useful in pro a111dio work can stop right now. With the otherwise equally competent mono units? The last
Orban 67 4A you have the best of both EQ approaches, question is somewhat answered by Orban in the
plus lots more, such as continuously adjustable elec- owner's manual-and it strikes me as an honest state-
tronic crossovers. ment of its "limitations." Since the corresponding" A"
Most parametric equalizers we have tested previous-
ly had three, four or- at most-five control bands.
Here is a unit lthat has eight bands, all of them totally
controllable in terms of boost and cut, center frequency
and bandwidth or ''Q." And the range of the control for
each of these parameters is awesome, making this the
most powerful equalizing tool for pro audio work that I
have yet come across. Especially revealing is the curve
shown in Pig. ,6- I can't think of any equalizer 1 have
ever checked ,out that could create such a response
curve. I think, in a way, that curve tells it all. By the
time this appears in print, the Orban 674A will come
with its " permanent" owner's manual, which should
increase my ,enthusiasm for this device-if that's
OCTOBER 1981 73
and •'B" controls had to be placed physically close to customary three or four. Are eight bands of parametric
each other, "there is slight crosstalk between the chan- "too much?" I don't k now. There are many audio pros
nels at very high frequencies (typically better t han who feel that really good low-pass and high-pass filters
-56 dB at 20 kHz. falling at 6 dB/octave at lower fre• combined with three or four bands of paramet.ric are all
quencies). A s mall amount of leakage from one channel that they need. And yet. there is that "weird" response
to the other may be heard if you attempt to use each curve we were able to get (Fig. 6) with t his device that
674A channel to equalize entirely independent pro- documents a comple:xit.y and precision that seem u n-
gram materia l, and we recommend that the 674A be precedented for a single-unit equalizer. As a straight-
used only with stereophonic program ma terial. If you forward graphic equalizer, I.he eight bands of the Or-
require a bsolute isolation between the t.wo channels, ban are, of course, two less than the usual ten octaves
we recommend use of a pair of 672A equalizers found on pro-grade units. How impor tant those extra
instead.'' two segments are, as against all the other versatility of
Orban says this right. up front, to its credit. As to this model (including its electronic crossover options),
parametric options, the 674 A is clearly in a class of its is something you 'II have to decide for yourself. Whatever.
own, what with eigh t frequency bands rather I.ban I.he I.he Orban 674A merits very serious consideration.
Orban professional audio products are sold worldwide through authorized dealers.
Orban Associates Inc .• 645 Bryant Street, San Francisco, CA 94107 (415) 957-1067
006008-000-01 2182
Revision 15; Effective 1 February 1986 Professional Audio
Changes: Add 275A, 275A/RC Products
No price changes
Change Security Cover fran "GY" to "WH"
f.b:lel Description List
lllB/1 Spring Reverberation (2 channels} $899.00
Prices are danestic U.S. only; F.O.B. San Francisoo. Prices based on Buyer's acceptance
of Orban Standard Terms & Conditions of Sale are subject to change without notice.
All units are suwlied for 115V, 50/60 Hz operation unless otherwise specified.
See reverse side for accessories.