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Conceptualizes contemporary art based on techniques and
performance practices in their locality.
(CAR11/12AP-0f -h-14)
NAME:__________________________________________ GRADE &
Key Concepts:

Contemporary Arts Production

(Acquired Skills Enhancement)

Skills enhancement – refers to strengthening of acquired artistic skills as

these are applied in the production of artworks or integrated in other fields of

A. Language and Literature – this skills are being enhance through

communicative ways such as drama, creative writing and many more.

B. Painting, Sculptures, and Architecture - are develop through creation of

creative ideas into a reality.

C. Music – is to be improved through vocal and instrument practices.

D. Dance - can be augment through intensive practice of body movements

and routines.

E. Drama –it could be level up through the help of media expert.

Activity 1

Directions: Read and understand each statement. Encircle the letter of

correct answer from the given choices.

1. What skill is being enhance through vocal and instrument practices?

A. dance B. drama C. music D. language and literature
2. This skill is leveled up through the help of media expert.
A. drama C. language and literature
B. music D. Painting, Sculptures, and
3. KC is a familiar student in their school and even in their district because
she always won in the painting artwork competition. How did she magnify
her skill?
A. Seeking help through a media expert
B. Practice vocal and instrument every now and then
C. Through intensive practice of body movements and routines
D. By constant practice of creating imaginative ideas into a reality
4. Do music and dance skills related? Why?
A. No, sense they exist separately
B. Yes, they are considered inseparable
C. Yes, because dancing is the most natural outcome of music
D. No, because music is a sound organized in time, and dance is a
sequence of rhythmic steps
5. If you have the skill in dancing how would you develop it?
A. Engaging vocal instrument practices
B. By creating imaginative ideas into reality
C. Communicating either in written or in verbal ways
D. Through intense practice of body movements and routines
Activity 2: Concept Linkers!

Directions: There is a bubble graph below and you are going to surround the
topic in the middle of the graph with the appropriate words or phrases the
expression connected to it.

Activity 3:

Based on your answers on the first activity, what contemporary art

based on techniques and performance practices in your locality would you
possibly create? Why?

Prepared By:
SHS Teacher-III


Applies artistic skills and techniques in the process of
creation (CAR11/12AP-0f -h-15)
Key Concepts:
The most important quality of an artist is having artistic skills. When a
person is involved in creation of arts, the process is the most important
aspect and not the thing that is created because artistic skills are mainly
acquired through the process of creating, discovering, and experimenting. It
is through his own experience of creation where man’s artistic skill lies an
opportunity for development.

Below are the standards of artistic acquisition demand that individual should
know and be able to do any of the following:

●To be able to communicate at a basic level in any of the artistic disciplines

– dance, music, theater, or the visual arts. This includes knowledge and skills
in the use of the basic vocabularies, materials, tools, techniques, and
intellectual methods of that art discipline.

●To be able to communicate proficiently in at least one art form, including

the ability to define and solve artistic problems with insight, reason, and
technical proficiency.

●To be able to develop and present basic analyses of the work of art from
structural, historical, and cultural perspectives, and from combinations of
those perspectives. This includes the ability to understand and evaluate work
in the various art disciplines.

●To have an informed acquaintance with exemplary works of art from a

variety of cultures, historical periods, and a basic understanding of historical
development in the arts disciplines, across the arts, and within cultures.

●To be able to relate various types of arts knowledge and skills within and
across the arts disciplines. This includes mixing and matching competencies
and understanding in art-making; history and culture; and analysis in any
arts-related project.

These standards would be the most important foundation for beginner

artists that would enable them to formulate their own knowledge, beliefs,
and values for making personal and artistic decisions.

How does an artist enhance artistic skills?

Becoming a good artist is always a work in progress. There is no end to
the learning, the growing, and the evolving. Through continuous practice,
devoting time for advance learning by reading about different art techniques
and constant updating of knowledge on what is the latest in the art world
would enable one person to even enhance artistic skills. What defines a good
artist is his concentration to develop the following characteristics in himself:

●Artistic Ability. A good artist continuously develops this ability to further

develop his natural, creative skills. Artists can achieve this through
“openness” to new trends and techniques in artistic expressions. He is never
satisfied with what he had already learned but is continuously learning to
hone his artistic skills.
●Creativity. A good artist knows how to make the most use out of
imagination. He should come up with original ideas and have the courage to
be different in his artistic expressions.

●Manual Dexterity. A good artist always allots time for practicing his skills.
Artists’ techniques differ in the manner in which he makes coordinated hand
and finger movements like in how he makes brush strokes, executes
sketches, or molds a pliable medium.

●Computer Editing. A good artist keeps up with technology and exerts effort
to gain computer literacy. He should equip himself with the ability to handle
computer graphics and other multimedia files.

●Communication Skills. A good artist should be able to convey information

to people clearly and simply. The ability to transmit and receive messages
clearly aids him in being able to read and understand his audience.

●Self-promotion/Marketing Skills. A good artist should learn how to publicly

relate oneself to people for the purpose of selling his products and services.
NAME:__________________________________________ GRADE &
Directions: Make a list of at least 3 art activities that your teachers had given
you during your elementary and secondary days then, write down a brief
description inside the box and answer the guide questions below. Write your
answer on the space provided.

Guide Questions:
1. What did you feel on your first ever art activity given by your teacher?
2. What specific artistic skills did you acquire from your art activities
experiences during elementary and high school?
3. What aspects in creation of arts do you think a child should focus on to
acquire artistic skills?
Directions: This task is called “Share Your Short Story!” In this activity, you
must work with your imagination. With your understanding about the
characteristics of a good artist, write a short story that can inspire one child
to become a good artist. Your story must be anchored to the theme
“Improving one’s artistic skill through constant practice.” Write your output
on the a short bond paper.

The following criteria will serve as your guide:

Content and Organization of the Story 20
Relevance to the Theme 20
Use of Language (Grammar and Vocabulary) 10
Total 50 Points
Directions: Look for any piece of paper (old magazines or newspapers)
available at your home which you can utilize in producing an artwork based
on techniques in our locality. You could either make a vase, basket, pen
holder, or any simple PURPOSEFUL ART made of paper that can be used at
home. Once you are finished, make a descriptive report based on the given
questions below. Write your output on a short bond paper.
1. What art title will you give to your artwork and why?
2. What is the specific purpose of your created output?

3. What artistic skills did you utilize in the conceptualization of your art? Why
4. What artistic skills did you apply for you to finish the output?
5. What specific learning did you realize upon completing the activity?

Directions: Reflect on your learning by filling in the blank of the statements
1. Acquisition of artistic skills can be achieved through
2. The characteristics of a good artist consist of

Prepared By:

SHS Teacher-III

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