012 QualityNewsLetter - January2012
012 QualityNewsLetter - January2012
012 QualityNewsLetter - January2012
Volume 2, Issue 1
David Gillbanks (IMT/FLUOR) - Quality Director Soonho Yee (SSA) - QA/QC Manager
S A M C o
I N S I D E T H I S I S S U E :
A C R Y L I C A C I D C O M P L E X J U B A I L , S A U D I A R A B I A
Management Commitments Project Highlights Project Quality Statistics Best Quality Practice Lighter Side of Life
Contractor / Sub Contractor Article
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It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the New Year, and first of all I would like to thank you for the efforts from last year. By any means of measurement, the results so far have been impressive. From carrying out over 22,000 inspections, no failures in either compaction tests or concrete compressive strength tests, and a decrease on a monthly basis in the present weld reject rate to 1.45%, we have set the basis for providing the Client once again with a World Class facility.
We are now entering a phase of the Project where there will be a lot of schedule pressure, rather than relaxing our quality standards, its imperative that we raise them, since we cannot afford time to be lost in carrying out remedial work. There are many new challenges coming up, there are exotic materials (Zirconium and Hastelloy), internal tray installation in columns will be starting, also extra attention must be paid to the Internal Cleanliness and Drying of the Pipe. We must ensure that our equipment preservation program continues, also that we respect the other disciplines working around us. There will also be more Licensor involvement than on our previous Projects, but IMT will ensure that this is managed in the correct manner. In summing up, we have a very critical year in front of us, but if we maintain our current standards, based on our overall experience, Construction Resources, and Technical expertise available, we can be confident of a successful year ahead.
Owner: Saudi Acrylic Monomer Company (Tasnee) Client: IMT / FLUOR Consortium: SAMSUNG / LINDE Contractor: SAMSUNG Scope of works: EPC & Commissioning Capacity: 250,000 MTPY of Acrylic and related Esters. Project Duration: Oct. 2010 to Feb. 2013 Subcontractors: NSH ARCC AL-NABA AZMEEL BO WON LEE WINTECO YANBU Steel
QUALITY MANAGEMENT IN CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION Quality assurance in construction activities guides the use of correct structural design, specifications and proper materials Quality means excellence. In ensuring that the quality of workmanship by the contractor / most industries especially in subcontractor is achieved and finally maintaining the structure manufacturing and process industry, the after construction is complete through periodic assessments concept of quality management is old for maintenance and repairs. Quality control has to be imand used extensively. Nowadays, appli- posed by the contractor whereas quality assurance is carried cation of quality management is not only out by a separate third party agency engaged by the owner. becoming popular but also mandatory in Causes for poor quality can be summarized as ignorance, construction industry. poor materials, poor design, poor detailing, poor workmanship, Just knowing some quality control meth- improper quantity of cement, improper concrete mix, excess P.Y.Ssong ods or procedures will not do any good. water, inadequate compaction, substandard forms, inadeCSA Manager SAMSUNG We must have adopt and implement the quate curing, inadequate cover, poor construction, practices, quality control methods and tools that poor supervision and above all lack of technical knowledge. are available to us. The concept and its practice must be At Samsung Engineering, It has been the policy to clearly tuned in harmoniously. Specific quality control requirements define, communicate, and understand the work requirements, for the WORK are indicated throughout the Contract Docuconforming to the code and specification, and perform and ments. The requirements of this section are primarily related supervise jobs right the first time and so is our commitment to to performance of WORK beyond furnishing of manufactured total Customer satisfaction and continual improvement in our products. The term Quality Control includes inspection, performance to meet customer expectations at all times keepsampling and testing, and associated requirements. ing high standards of QUALITY.
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PCD Trench works @ Process Sump Internal Coating Works AG Spool Fabrication works @ Process area. Paving Works @ B25 area. Central tank area Dike shop AG Piping Erection Works. Pipe Support Fabrication Works. works A20 area foundation works for shelter & equipment. WWT Pipe & Piping Support Painting Works Cable Tray Installation Work area Equipment foundation rebar & formworks. Rebar & formworks for Instrument Calibration @ calibration shop. Paving works @ Process ring wall & installation of anchor bolt for butanol tank. R21 Cable Area. Paving work for B10, B15, B20, B25, B40, B65, A35 and A40 trench works Cooling tower basin area Precast beams installation & area. Column and Pedestal installation for R19 Micro piling work for grouting PR40 Foundation/pedestal works. Port area Dike works, R31, R41 and R42 Cable trench and Slab installation for Generator R50, R53 Column & beams installation works. Cooling Tower Sump room of Substation #7 Duct installation for Substation #7 and SubstaInternal Coating Works AG Spool Fabrication works @ shop UG Pip- tion #7-10 Concrete pouring for Roof slab of Car parking building ing Erection, Testing, Wrapping and Holiday test. AG Piping Erection Column installation for RIB Building Steel structure erection start for Works. SW/CW Line Erection and Testing Works @ East Side Pipe S01, S02, H01, H02, B20 and B25 area 11C-1501 HAC Column instalSupport Fabrication Works. Piping Support Painting Works Ground- lation for B15 area 12C-0501 TGAA Column installation for B10 area ing Works. Cable Tray Installation Work Equipment installation @ 14C-3001 Dehydration Column installation for B10 area 10C-2501 Utility & Process Area. Auxiliary Boiler Erection @ A35 area Instru- Absorber installation for B65 area Field storage tank installation for Process area and U&O area Electrical & Instrument panel installation ment calibration works @ calibration shop.
Cumulate Opened 0 0 Issued 5 82 Closed 5 75
installation for R50 and R53 Grade slab and Roof slab work for Substation #26 Finishing work for Guard house and operation building Steel structure erection on pipe rack UG piping installation Opened for ISBL in Port area AG piping installation for OSBL in Port area 0 Field storage tank installation Cable pulling work is in progress
This corner is dedicated to the men who put quality into practice at site
Previous Weld (BW) 34,633 15,820 50,453 Weld RT'd 2,107 1,358 3,465 Rej. 33 15 48 Rej. Repair % 1.57% 1.10% 1.39% Weld (BW) 2,097 1,130 3,227
This Week RT' Rej. d 146 43 189 2 3 5 Repair % 1.37% 6.98% 2.65% Weld (BW) 36,730 16,950 53,680
Cumulate RT'd 2,253 1,401 3,654 Rej. Repair % 35 18 53 1.55% 1.28% 1.45%
Al Hajri ARCC
Grand Total
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A great deal of our communication is non-verbal and we rarely realize the effect that it has on others. Our tone of voice, our body language (particularly our eyes and face), our attitudes and our feelings, are constantly in communication with others, expressing anger, fear, love, trust, rejection - in fact, all our feel"So tell me," says the mechanic, "I've been won- ings and emotions. We cannot hide what we mean; dering about what we both do for a living, and we may do so for a while, but finally the truth emerges.
how much more you get paid than me.." "Yes?.." says the surgeon.
Communication is not just with others, but also with the self, with the Supreme Being and even nature. Being still, focused and open enables us to tune in to "Well look at this," says the mechanic, as he others so that we can respond in an appropriate and worked on a big complicated engine, "I check meaningful way, not simply in a mechanical way.
how it's running, open it up, fix the valves, and put it all back together so it works good as new.. We basically do the same job don't we? And yet you are paid ten times what I am - how do you explain that?"
Here are some common reasons for blocks to communication: * Too many thoughts, and an overload of words and actions, results in us being unable to think clearly. We lose the essence of what is trying to be conveyed (transmitted) by the other. state we do not listen attentively to others.
The surgeon thought for a moment, and smiling gently, replied, Try it with the engine running... * Being lost in our own feelings or ideas. In such a
* Remembering the past in a negative way. This does not allow us to tune in properly to our present and future. When we do not communicate properly with the needs of the present time, we loose opportunities. * Lack of sincerity. When our thoughts and feelings are honest and respectful, then the hearts of others will open to us. A positive highway of trust is built and communication flows positively. * Creating negative perceptions (understandings) and emotions about others i.e. how we visualize or label them. Such emotions, no matter how well hidden, are finally always communicated to others on a subtle (non-physical), non-verbal level, and create an atmosphere of tension and unease. * Not letting go of negative perceptions (understandings) and emotions. The only method to revive our relationship with others is to let go of negativity on a daily basis, to prevent it from building up. Far too often, the build-up happens without us even noticing it and, we wonder why positive feedback is not coming from the other side. * Lack of silence. To go deep into the self and put our thoughts and feelings into silence enables them to become positive. The silent relaxation defuses (reduces) anger and the blame and complaints that often go with it. - NSH
Hoooo. Im scared please dont! ( that is if you can see me here heheheh.. = )
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Alignment of Rotating Equipment for a Trouble -free Operation Alignment of rotating equipment is very important to attain a trouble-free operation. Alignment should be completed on any equipment that has a driver and driven equipment.
Computerized NDE (RT,PMI,PWHT,HT,PT,UT) Reports Using Field Material Control System (FMCS) Field Material Control System (FMCS) is a software program used for material receiving & issuance, balance control, piping spool, material forecasting control as well Mr. Alvin C. Silva as welding & NDE data control. Compare to manual sysFMCS Operator tem, this tool is more organized, flexible, compact, faster SAMSUNG and efficient. In particular, it is more easier for QC team to control and monitor welding data and NDE requests like Radiographic Testing (RT), Positive Material Identification (PMI), Post-Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT), Hardness Test (HT), Liquid Penetrant Test (PT) and Ultrasonic Test (UT). Once the result of the test arrive it will be encoded in the system for monitoring and reporting. Using this system we can easily determine how many joints are welded, accepted, rejected and Hydro-tested etc. Thus, it is easy for QC Department to monitor the status in real time as well as generating reports like weekly reports, welders rejection rate and test status. It is clear that in terms of efficient Construction Management and Quality Control the FMCS program is very useful tool for QC monitoring & tracing materials, welding data, NDE History, and testing. QUALITY IS EVERYONES RESPONSIBILITY
The lack of alignment is a condition where the rotating centerlines of two or more machinery shafts are not in line with each other. The purpose of alignment is to position equipment so that any deviation of the shafts centerline are within the given tolerance or criterion. In order to avoid higher misalignment, the installing technician or contractor should be made aware of and understand the specification and the alignment goals before starting the work. He needs to review the instructions for the pumps, driver, and coupling. The important part of alignment is that the technician is having the proper training and proper tools. Tools must be calibrated if required before use. Prior to alignment of an equipment train, the pre-alignment activities outlined shall be completed by the equipment installer. A pre -alignment meeting shall be held between the designated machinery representative and the installers personnel responsible for machinery alignment activities. Equipment outline drawing and vendors instruction shall be available. Data sheets with desired final reading shall be provided for the type of alignment specified. Take note that piping shall not be connected to the machinery until grouting, machinery shaft preliminary alignment. and final field welding have been completed. The objective of proper alignment is to minimize equipment downtime and maximize the operating life of the rotating equipment.
We as NSH had developed the unique methodology for steel structure erection in the petrochemical field. As we all know that the petrochemical field has standard steel structure like Pipe Racks and Equipment Structure. In general almost all the Pipe rack have similar dimensional pitch and hence we decided go for Modular pre assembly and erection of the same and then connection of two modular by conventional method. For which we made a multi dimensional and detachable bed frame assembly to use different Pipe rack with different dimensions. The beds frame were assembled near to the Pipe Rack where one location could yield 3 to 4 modular assembly erection is possible based on the available crane capacity.
Modular Assembly & Erection
We followed the below procedure for modular assembly and erection; The prefabricated base frame assembled and kept ready. Two legs assembled together at ground and formed lattice frame using 50t crane. Scaffolding made around the lattice frame wherever the connection member is bolted and the ladder with pp rope for rope grabber for safe claiming. Two nos lattice frame lifted one after one and bolted on the base frame. Interconnection beam erection using man lift & already built scaffold. Bolt tightening using man lift & already built scaffold. Module lifting & positioning with 160t crane After two module erection the erection of interconnection is by conventional method using the already built SCAFOLD IN THE TWO MODULAR.
The Advantages of the Modular assembly and erection; Ensured 100% safety on our workman. Effective control on quality by inspecting all quality requirement @ ground itself. Effective supervision. Low Cost and productivity is comparatively high.
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Material & Production Identification and Traceability This is to provide a system of maintaining the identification and traceability of purchased materials during receiving, storage, transporting, fabricaRhey R. Rodelas QC Supervisor tion and assembly into finished prodARCC uct and until the excess material is returned to the Warehouse.
Material & Equipment Preservation
Materials and equipment shall be stored at correct arrangement and requisite environment. Material storage classification shall serve as a guide for proper area where equipEbenezer E. Cal ment and materials should be stored Mechanical QA/QC and/or laid. Prior to the application of ARCC preservatives surfaces shall be clean, free of water, grease, oil, metal particles dirt and Tagging and labeling of fabricated spools, sup- debris.
ports, equipments, valves, electrical and instru- Preservatives and/or storage lubricants can adversely ments is very important on field installation works. affect the safety and operating life of equipment if they Traceability is very useful for QC Inspection and cific examples are (a) grease or oil-based products in verification should not be neglected during the con- contact with components to be installed in oxygen or chlorine service, (b) preservatives contaminating interistruction process.
ors of fluorochlorohydrocarbon refrigeration compressors, and (c) hydrocarbon flush oil contaminating synthetic oil passages. The installer shall ensure that all preservative and storage lubricants are suitable for the specific application. The Equipment shall have a temporary gauge to determine purge pressure. The equipment shall be inspected weekly to ensure that the purge integrity is maintained.
Congratulations!!! ARCC Quality Award Winner
Document Controllers Function
The function of a document controller's duties is to Cleanliness of the rebars- That means corroarrange paper documents in a way that is accessible, sion, dust, grease and any excess materials or organized and secure. debris should be free from it. Features Document controllers establish filing systems and prop- Diameters of rebar - required diameter of rebar should be placed as per plan. And in correct erly sort all paperwork into its respective places. For spacing and alignment. companies required to submit paperwork to federal or state regulators, controllers prepare all necessary docu Clear distance between bars- Usually Horizonments and ensure they are sent by established deadtal (Tension) bar should be placed with minimum lines.
1 bar diameter or 25mm gap and compression bar (vertical) should be placed with minimum 1.5 bar or 40mm gap.
Employees writing documents do not understand the difference between a air and moisture or in other words should not be exposed, because if Procedure and a Work Instruction. steel is exposed it will lead to corrosion. Therefore it is very important Terminology has not been defined, and is not used in a consistent manner. to follow the standard covering for reinforcement. Revisions take too long so documents are not kept current. There is no process for tracking changes or training on changes. Lap Splice Length of the bars- Required lap splice length of the bars Inconsistent use of other documents such as depends on the diameter and its formation as per tension or compres Forms sion. As per standard drawings we follow for the lap splice length of the Attachments bars. Drawings Placing of Stirrups- By following properly the design spacing as per Documents of external origin drawing. Too many documents are distributed making it difficult to maintain the system. Lack of control of documents of External Origin Some database systems may lead to circles. Allows comments but not changes. This may require a new draft version to allow for changes. Not keeping distribution current. How to Avoid These Problems The basics of a good document control system include: Having good documentation by obviously; Summarizing the document User friendly Systems
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Storage tank building is not among the most complicated constructions in the field of heavy industries. Owners determine that need by giving all the parameters and including the particular code that will govern its design. Compliance to the code continues throughout the period of building until it is handed over and accepted by the owner.
NELIO C. GUSTO Project Manager Yanbu Steel
Quality Inspection Experience
What comes into your mind if you heard a word that described an experience through various Quality Matters? Having actual on-the-job inspection experience is very important. Text books and classroom studies simply do not provide all of the things needed to Alvin C. Cueto inspect effectively. Experience will aid QA/QC Engineer the inspector in becoming more efficient. In time, better ways of thinking and working will develop.
It is in the gathering of materials that makes the complication because the global market cannot provide the materials the way it is wanted and its availability at the time of need. At this juncture the challenges begin because engineers double their efforts to put the tank on quality path complying to the On-the-job experience will also help the inspector develop the proper attitude and point of view regarding job assigncodes and standards even with material variability. ment. After working with various codes and specifications, In the erection arena, the environment is rather controlled be- the inspectors effectiveness will improve because of an cause the materials, manpower and equipments are in the hands improved understanding of various requirements. To emphaof the team builders. Guided by procedures, codes and standards size the need for inspection experience, it is commonplace with efficient construction maintaining safety, high quality & con- to see a new inspector working along with a well experienced one so that proper techniques can be passed along. struction acceptability makes tank building an easier task. TO SEE IS TO BELIEVE
Quality & Inspection (Relationship of Quality with Inspection) Quality:
Usually it is the goal of any construction company to have a level of reputation in the field of construction. It can be possible only to develop and manage the quality. Quality control plan, quality assurance systems are the Mr. Mohammed Iqbal essential means prior to quality management for any QC InspectorPiping Porosity is the result of gas entrapment in IMT (SAMCo) process. Therefore overall performance in a construction the solidifying metal. Porosity can take system can only be controlled by focusing upon quality. Quality control is a single factor which can make an or- many shapes on a radiograph but often appears as dark round ganization recognized. or irregular spots or specks appearing singularly, in clusters, or
I intend to state herewith that only quality is the way to recognize an organization. In other words it is quality which makes an organization popular. I also personally rate the quality on top of all construction terms & activities to make a company reputable. Inspection: Inspection is the key element to control the process activities. If we analyze any construction process statistically well find that inspection plays a huge role in construction to control the quality. Hence to control the work quality it is essential to manage and control well the site inspections on regular basis for any organization. Inspection may relate the quality as follows. No Inspection No Quality, Know Inspection Know Quality So inspection should be implemented & control for each activity and a crew level inspection shall be done for controlling the quality activity. Test reports of required activities are the proof of inspected quality work. NCE appreciate the implemented inspection (AFI) System for SAMCo AA Project having being compiled for each construction activities to acquire good quality & request all good self to kindly value the quality system of this project; represents our characteristic for the same project.
in rows. Sometimes, porosity is elongated and may appear to have a tail. This is the result of gas attempting to escape while the metal is still in a liquid state and is called wormhole porosity. All porosity is a void in the material and it will have a higher radiographic density than the surrounding area. Cluster porosity is caused when flux coated electrodes are contaminated with moisture. The moisture turns into a gas when heated and becomes trapped in the weld during the welding process. Cluster porosity appears just like regular porosity in the radiograph but the indications will be grouped close together. Other potential contamination problems are associated with material preparation. Cutting or grinding methods, which may deposit contaminants on to the plate surface or sub-surface, cutting fluids, grinding disc debris, and saw blade lubricants are all areas of concern. These material preparation methods should be closely evaluated as controlled elements of the welding procedure and not changed without revalidation. Certain types of grinding discs, for example, can deposit particles within the aluminum that will react during welding and cause major porosity problems. Failure to protect weld area from wind is a major cause of porosity.
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Cooling Tower Excavation at South Side, Basin Sump Middle Part Foundation Concreting, Cooing Tower Wall Rebar Installation. Tank Foundation Concreting. PRO1, PR02 Columns Concreting. Sump Concreting. Car Parking Foundation Concreting. Substation Grounding Cable Laying. UG Cooling Water Piping Fabrication Works.
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Major Works in Next Month : Cooling Tower Wall Concreting. Pipe rack Column & Beam Concreting. Fabrication of Precast concrete members. Equipment Foundation Anchor Bolt Installations. Substation Grounding Works.
Prepaid Telephone Card Distribution to Employees by IMT / SAMSUNG for Quality Excellence at Site
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Cooling Tower 17ST-3501at South Side, Basin Sump Middle Part Foundation Concreting, CooingBoiler Wall Rebar Installation. Tank 1st Lift Excavation Stack at A25 AreaARCC Auxiliary Tower @ A35 Area ARCC Foundation Concreting. PRO1, PR02 Columns Concreting. Sump Concreting. Car Parking Foundation Concreting. Substation Grounding Cable Laying. UG Cooling Water Piping Fabrication Works.
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Major Works in Next Month : Cooling Tower Wall Concreting. Pipe rack Column & Beam Concreting. Fabrication of Precast concrete members. Equipment Foundation Anchor Bolt Installations. Substation Grounding Works.