Csc 101 First Note
Csc 101 First Note
Csc 101 First Note
to Computer
CSC 101
Mr. Samuel Acheme
Mr. Francis Edoh
• Definition of computer science. History of computer and their
• Information Processing and their roles in the society
• Computer Hardware: functional components, Modern I/O units.
• Software: Operating Systems, Application Packages.
• Information Systems:
• Integration and Application of ICT in Business and other
segments of the society
• Usage of MS office Applications and the internet for lab sections
• Program: Development; Flowcharts and Algorithms;
• Introduction to Computer Programming using Python.
Course Aim and Objectives
The aim of this course is to Develop your knowledge
and understanding of the underlying principles and
applicability of Computer Science. The Objectives
A computer is an electronic
machine that accepts data as
2 3 input, stores it until the information
is needed, processes the
information according to the
instructions provided by the user
(called program), and finally
returns the results as output to the
Introduction to Computer Science
Babbage was more fortunate in receiving help from Augusta Ada Byron.
She helped to refine Babbage's ideas for making his machine
programmable—and this is why she is still, sometimes, referred to as the
world's first computer programmer. Ada suggested to Babbage, writing
a pan for how the engine might calculate Bernoulli numbers. This is
regarded as the first computer program.