Good day, Friends!
We want to appreciate everyone who has been praying and leaving a good word
for us. Thank you very much. God bless you richly. And to all who have been
following, God bless you also.
Spiritual Growth Scheme New Testament Reading Training Material, 2024
✓ If tiny fonts make you sleepy, try bigger and bolder fonts.
✓ Take snacks to keep yourself busy or chew gum if it's healthy for you.
✓ Read where there's a lot of light.
✓ If you are reading during the day, go outside to expose your eyes to
daylight rather than staying inside.
✓ If you are really tired, try to rest a little and wake up bright, if that
works for you.
✓ Scientists believe that if you eat healthily and take lots of water, you will
feel more alert.
✓ You can ask the Holy Spirit to take control before you start
✓ You can read at intervals of 15mins. Do something you like then return
to continue.
Perhaps you also joined this Bible Reading because you want to earn God's
favour. You think reading up the New Testament will in some way make God love
Spiritual Growth Scheme New Testament Reading Training Material, 2024
you more, this is also a wrong mindset. God's Love for us is not dependent on
what we do. When we were at our worst, He loved us, gave us Himself and died
for us. It is an offence to the cross if you try to earn God's acceptance and love
through something you do. If you are His Child, He loves you not because of what
you do but because of who you are; not because you are loving but because He
is love. John 3:16 says it all. "God so loved the world" not "God so loved the lovely"
Are you also here still living in your sins or you have not yet accepted the Life of
Christ? Or did you commit grievous sins and hope that God will forgive you if you
read your bible like this? Do you think reading your Bible in some way will make
God overlook your sins or wrong? Stop that!!!! You cannot do Penance for your
sins. Receive the free gift of salvation through faith for the remission of your
sins, then come and follow Jesus.
Reading your Bible and living in sin can deceive your heart. GO TO THE CROSS.
Forgiveness and remission of sins are received by repentance and faith in the
Son of God who is Christ Jesus. Don't try to earn it through work.
TODAY IS THE DAY OF SALVATION! If you are in this category, today is the day
of salvation. Do not wait till tomorrow. Do not wait till the next church service.
• Why not speak to God wherever you are? Tell Him that you are ready to
turn away from your ways and your sins. Speak to Him like He is hearing
and Yes, He is.
• Tell Him that you believe He is the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God,
ordained only to save you and all who believe from sins.
• Ask Him to come and make your life a home. Ask Him to give you a new
heart and a new spirit. Ask His Spirit to come into your heart.
Spiritual Growth Scheme New Testament Reading Training Material, 2024
If you prayed that prayer from your heart, we believe that you are born again.
Speak to your Team Leader so that he or she can help you reach our counselling
team. We have something special for you to help you along the way. We look
forward to hearing from you.
If you are a child of God, you have the capacity to read your Bible because you
love God and want to know Him through His Word. Not for show, nor pride, not
for penance nor for favour. We love Him because he first loved us. 1 John 4:19
That will be all for this instalment. You can go over it again. It is very vital. We
must be wholehearted Followers of Christ. He must be our end, not a means to
our selfish ends.
Many people can't understand why someone would call them and care about
them for no selfish reason. But that is what God has called us to do. Many insult
our leaders, call them scammers and all sorts of names. They don't believe there
are people who will use their airtime to call them and text them just because
they care for their souls. It is well. We don't blame them.
Spiritual Growth Scheme New Testament Reading Training Material, 2024
all professionals represented in our leadership team from Nigeria and beyond
(we speak like men).
Please, we beseech you by the mercies of God that you cooperate and make their
work easy. They are all busy people like you, they are making sacrifices just to
help a fellow believer, and they are here to labour over you selflessly. Please
encourage them, and may God honour you in return in Jesus’ Name.
HAVE YOU JOINED YOUR TEAM GROUP? By now, we expect everyone to have
settled into their team subgroups. If not, reach the number provided in the
Let us pray!!!
Faithful God, we thank You for giving us eyes to see this day.
Precious Lord we ask that of all that You have given us, we will
lose none. There is nothing oh God that You cannot do. We
believe this with all our hearts.
Thank You Father. Your Word says if we seek You, all other
things will follow us. May that be our testimony this month.
Thank you because you always hear us.
Spiritual Growth Scheme New Testament Reading Training Material, 2024
Try to answer the questions below, if you can't, you may need to go through the
day 5 training again:
Spiritual Growth Scheme New Testament Reading Training Material, 2024
Spiritual Growth Steps Ministry, SGS
(AKA: Spiritual Growth Scheme)
7, Eru Oba 3 Street,
Off Car Street,
Akure, Ondo State.
Email us:;
Telephone/WhatsApp: +234 911 783 8566; +234 906 925 9365