Omarn_0422_egisss-Enhancing Agile Application in Construction Projects Using Bim
Omarn_0422_egisss-Enhancing Agile Application in Construction Projects Using Bim
Omarn_0422_egisss-Enhancing Agile Application in Construction Projects Using Bim
Heriot-Watt University
April 2022
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I want to give my thanks and appreciation to everyone who contributed to this research
development. I am pleased for all the support that I had from everyone who shared knowledge
and experience to the success of this study. My sincere appreciation is to Dr. Taha Elhag for
sharing his tremendous academic experience and expertise with full support and kindness to
guide me in completing this research. I was honoured to be supervised and directed by him.
I want to express my wholehearted gratitude for my mother, Manar and my wife, Bayan; I could
never achieve the success of my dreams and goals without your continuous support and
encouragement. Special thanks to all my family members who always believed in me during this
beautiful journey. My appreciation is for my friends who always supported and inspired me.
Finally, I express my special thanks to all professionals who contribute to this research by
sharing their experience and knowledge. I am also grateful to all the participants who joined
during group studies for adding their opinions and views regarding this research.
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The construction industry's traditional management approach faced some difficulties during the
project lifecycle. This research integrated agile project management principles with Building
Information Modelling functionalities to develop a strategy to overcome some of the challenges
facing construction projects. On the other hand, agile project management had left a positive and
effective print in the software and manufacturing industries. So, this research reflects upon the
implementation of agile as a management approach for the construction industry. Moreover, the
technology revolution in the construction industry started to apply and develop modern methods
of 3D, 4D and nD modelling techniques. BIM (Building Information Modelling) is a technical
programme and a process that adopts changes and provides better results to the management and
construction team during the project lifecycle.
This research approach is deductive research. This study considered several measurements to
validate the study findings. The research epistemology is positivism which depends on science to
evaluate results. The research ontology is objectivism influenced by values, beliefs, culture, rules
and social acting. Moreover, this research strategy considered qualitative and quantitative
approaches to collect data and analyse results based upon professionals in the construction and
software industries. Also, it is designed on both primary and secondary case studies to drive data
from the two sectors (construction and IT sectors). The study relied on multiple research
methods encompassing interviewees, questionnaire surveys and Delphi techniques to collect data
from professionals in these sectors. The evaluation criterion considered validity to confirm
research results.
A summary of the research finding revealed that the agile project management approach's
application increased the construction industry's productivity by eliminating non-adding value
activities and increasing collaboration and communication with stakeholders. Moreover, this
study found that the adoption of BIM will enhance the capabilities of agile methods to achieve
more successful construction projects by reducing human errors, avoiding reworks and
improving quality.
In this research, agile project management is evaluated more practically in adopting changes,
communication, encouraging and empowering individuals. On the other hand, this study carried
out additional assessments on BIM functionalities of simulation, 4D scheduling, 5D cost
estimation, collaboration and coordination. In addition, this study investigated Agile, and BIM
implementation challenges to support professionals in the construction industry to overcome
these challenges.
This research has proven that the agile project management approach can improve the
construction industry's productivity. Moreover, BIM technologies supported team members to
understand and visualise the project during the design and construction stages. BIM assists the
project management team ensure better time management, constant improvement, and reduction
of uncertainties, minimising risks and better financial control to make better decisions.
This research developed 2D, 3D and 4D dimensional integrated frameworks between 12 agile
principles and 13 BIM functionalities, RIBA plan of work and procurement methods. These
integrations are validated through case studies, interviews and questionnaire surveys and linked
to a literature review to support this study.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................................................. i
DECLARATION ...................................................................................................................................... ii
ABSTRACT................................................................................................................................................. iii
TABLE OF CONTENT ................................................................................................................................ v
LIST OF FIGURES .....................................................................................................................................xx
LIST OF TABLES ..................................................................................................................................... xxv
LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................. xxvii
CHAPTER TWO: AGILE PROJECT MANAGEMENT............................................................................. 9
2.0 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ 9
2.1 AGILE PROJECT MANAGEMENT ........................................................................................... 9
2.2 TRADITIONAL PROJECT MANAGEMENT (WATERFALL) .............................................. 21
MANAGEMENT .................................................................................................................................... 23
2.4 AGILE PROJECT MANAGEMENT ADAPTABILITY ........................................................... 27
2.5 ADAPTABILITY AND RESPONDING TO CHANGES ......................................................... 28
2.6 AGILE LEADERSHIP VALUES .............................................................................................. 30
2.7 AGILE LEADER ........................................................................................................................ 32
2.8 AGILE TEAM AND LEADER SKILLS OF INNOVATION ................................................... 32
2.9 AGILE PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENTS......................................................................... 34
2.10 AGILITY AND CUSTOMER COLLABORATION ................................................................. 36
2.12 LEAN AND AGILE MANAGEMENT ..................................................................................... 38
2.13 AGILE SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT ............................................................................. 42
2.14 AGILE PROJECT MANAGEMENT RISKS ............................................................................. 44
2.15 STAKEHOLDERS VALUE OF INFORMATION FLOW ....................................................... 46
2.16 BENEFITS TO APPLY AGILE PROJECT MANAGEMENT ................................................. 46
2.17 WORKLOAD MANAGEMENT ............................................................................................... 47
2.18 AGILE TEAM DEVELOPMENT .............................................................................................. 47
2.19 COLLABORATION AND COORDINATION ......................................................................... 51
2.20 AGILE DELIVERY FOR GOVERNMENT SYSTEM ............................................................. 52
2.21 AGILE CHALLENGES FOR GOVERNMENT ........................................................................ 53
2.22 AGILITY REQUIREMENTS TO BE APPLIED IN GOVERNMENT ..................................... 53
2.23 AGILE FIXED-PRICE CONTRACT ......................................................................................... 54
2.24 AGILE PROJECT MANAGER.................................................................................................. 55
2.25 QUALITY IN AGILE ................................................................................................................. 56
2.26 CAUSES FOR REWORK IN CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS ................................................. 57
2.27 CHANGE MANAGEMENT IN CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS ............................................. 57
2.28 AGILE PROJECT MANAGEMENT ITERATION ................................................................... 59
2.29 FACTORS OF AGILE PROJECT MANAGEMENT SUCCESS .............................................. 62
2.30 HOW TO IMPROVE AGILITY WITHIN CONSTRUCTION ................................................. 63
2.31 KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT IN AGILE PROJECTS ....................................................... 64
2.32 AGILE AND BUSINESS ANALYSIS ...................................................................................... 65
MANAGEMENT IN THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY ................................................................. 67
2.34 SUMMARY ................................................................................................................................ 68
4.2 RESEARCH PARADIGM/EPISTEMOLOGY ........................................................................ 100
4.3 RESEARCH ONTOLOGY....................................................................................................... 101
4.4 RESEARCH STRATEGY ........................................................................................................ 102
4.4.1 Quantitative research......................................................................................................... 102
4.4.2 Qualitative research........................................................................................................... 103
4.5 RESEARCH DESIGN .............................................................................................................. 104
4.5.1 Experimental Studies ........................................................................................................ 104
4.5.2 Cross-Sectional Studies..................................................................................................... 104
4.5.3 Longitudinal Studies ......................................................................................................... 104
4.5.4 Case Studies ...................................................................................................................... 105
4.5.5 Comparative Design .......................................................................................................... 105
4.6 RESEARCH METHODS ......................................................................................................... 105
4.6.1 Questionnaire Survey ........................................................................................................ 105
4.6.2 Interviews .......................................................................................................................... 105
4.6.3 Observation ....................................................................................................................... 105
4.6.4 Focus Groups .................................................................................................................... 106
4.6.5 Model ................................................................................................................................ 106
4.6.6 Framework ........................................................................................................................ 107
4.6.7 Delphi Technique .............................................................................................................. 107
4.7 RESEARCH EVALUATION CRITERIA ............................................................................... 108
4.7.1 Reliability .......................................................................................................................... 108
4.7.2 Replication ........................................................................................................................ 108
4.7.3 Validity ............................................................................................................................. 108
4.8 HYPOTHESIS TESTING......................................................................................................... 109
STUDY ................................................................................................................................................. 109
5.2 BIM AGILE DEVELOPMENT................................................................................................ 114
5.4 AGILE BIM CHALLENGES ................................................................................................... 123
5.4.1 Agile Challenges ............................................................................................................... 124
5.4.2 BIM Challenges ................................................................................................................ 126
5.4.3 Agile Benefits ................................................................................................................... 131
5.4.4 BIM Benefits ..................................................................................................................... 132
5.5 AGILE BIM FRAMEWORK ................................................................................................... 139
5.5.1 2D Agile BIM Framework Detailed Process .................................................................... 141
5.5.2 3D Agile BIM Framework ................................................................................................ 147
5.5.3 4D Agile BIM Framework ................................................................................................ 148
5.6 THE 3RD DIMENSION OF AGILE BIM FRAMEWORK ...................................................... 149
5.6.1 RIBA Plan of Work........................................................................................................... 149
5.6.2 PMI Project Management Process Group and Knowledge Area Mapping ....................... 152
5.6.3 APM Project Life Cycle .................................................................................................... 154
5.6.4 CIOB Project Lifecycle ..................................................................................................... 156
5.7 THE 4TH DIMENSION OF AGILE BIM FRAMEWORK....................................................... 158
5.7.1 Design-Bid-Build Method................................................................................................. 159
5.7.2 Design-Build Method........................................................................................................ 160
5.7.3 Construction Management Method ................................................................................... 161
5.7.4 Management Contracting .................................................................................................. 162
5.7.5 Private-Public Partnership................................................................................................. 164
BIM FRAMEWORK ............................................................................................................................ 165
5.8.1 Apply Design Bid and Build Procurement Method Properties on 3D Agile BIM ............ 165
5.8.2 Apply Design-Build Procurement Method Properties on 3D Agile BIM ......................... 166
5.8.3 Apply Construction Management Procurement Method Properties on 3D Agile BIM .... 167
5.8.4 Apply Management Contracting Procurement Method Properties on 3D Agile BIM ...... 167
5.8.5 Apply Private Public Partnership Procurement Method Properties on 3D Agile BIM ..... 168
5.9 SUMMARY .............................................................................................................................. 169
CHAPTER SIX: CASE STUDIES (SECONDARY DATA) ................................................................... 171
6.0 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................ 171
6.1 BIM SECONDARY CASE STUDIES ..................................................................................... 171
6.1.1 DURHAM CATHEDRAL (Case Study 1) ....................................................................... 171 Benefits of applying BIM to DURHAM CATHEDRAL renovation project ............... 172 Challenges of BIM application during the renovation of DURHAM CATHEDRAL .. 173 Lesson Learned and Recommendations ........................................................................ 173 Discussion of (Case Study 1) ........................................................................................ 173 Linking DURHAM CATHEDRAL (Case Study 1) to Validation of the Integrated
Frameworks (Chapter 5) ............................................................................................................... 174
6.1.2 SYDNEY OPERA HOUSE (CASE STUDY 2) ............................................................... 175 Benefits of applying BIM to SYDNEY OPERA HOUSE Facility Management
innovation project ......................................................................................................................... 177 Challenges faced during BIM application to Facility Management innovation of
SYDNEY OPERA HOUSE .......................................................................................................... 177 Lesson Learned and Recommendations ........................................................................ 177 Discussion of (Case Study 2) ........................................................................................ 178 Linking SYDNEY OPERA HOUSE (Case Study 2) to Validation of the Integrated
Frameworks (Chapter 5) ............................................................................................................... 178
6.1.3 MANCHESTER TOWN HALL COMPLEX (Case Study 3) .......................................... 180 Benefits of applying BIM to MANCHESTER TOWN HALL COMPLEX construction
project 181 Challenges of applying BIM to MANCHESTER TOWN HALL COMPLEX
construction project ....................................................................................................................... 182 Lesson Learned and Recommendations ........................................................................ 182 Discussion of (Case Study 3) ........................................................................................ 182 Linking MANCHESTER TOWN HALL COMPLEX (Case Study 3) to Validation of
the Integrated Frameworks (Chapter 5) ........................................................................................ 183
6.1.4 SHANGHAI TOWER (Case Study 4) .............................................................................. 184 Benefits of BIM application during construction of SHANGHAI TOWER ................ 186 Challenges of BIM application during construction of SHANGHAI TOWER ............ 187 Lessons Learned and Recommendations ...................................................................... 187 Discussion of (Case Study 4) ........................................................................................ 187
x Linking SHANGHAI TOWER (Case Study 4) to Validation of the Integrated
Frameworks (Chapter 5) ............................................................................................................... 188
SHANGHAI TOWER .................................................................................................................. 188
6.1.5 Comparison between 4 Case Studies ................................................................................ 189
6.2 AGILE SECONDARY CASE STUDIES ................................................................................. 191
6.2.1 File Maker Development (Case Study 1) .......................................................................... 191 Benefits of Agile application on File Maker software solution .................................... 191 Challenges of Agile application on File Maker software solution ................................ 191 Discussion of (Case Study 1) ........................................................................................ 192 Linking File Maker Development (Case Study 1) to Validation of the Integrated
Frameworks (Chapter 5) ............................................................................................................... 192
File Maker Development .................................................................................................................. 193
6.2.2 Volvo Cars‘ Transformation Process (Case Study 2) ....................................................... 193 Benefits of Agile application on Volvos Cars management framework ....................... 194 Challenges of Agile application on Volvos Cars management framework .................. 194 Discussion of (Case Study 2) ........................................................................................ 194 Linking Volvos Cars management framework (Case Study 2) to Validation of the
Integrated Frameworks (Chapter 5) .............................................................................................. 195
Volvos Cars management framework ........................................................................................... 195
6.2.3 Cruise Line Industry (Case Study 3) ................................................................................. 196 Benefits of Agile application on Cruise Line Project ................................................... 196 Challenges of Agile application on Cruise Line Project ............................................... 196 Discussion of (Case Study 3) ........................................................................................ 197 Linking Cruise Line Industry (Case Study 3) to Validation of the Integrated Frameworks
(Chapter 5) .................................................................................................................................... 197
6.2.4 SME Web Application Development Effectiveness via Agile Methods (Case Study 4) .. 198 Benefits of Agile application on SME Web Application .............................................. 199 Challenges of Agile application on SME Web Application ......................................... 199 Discussion of (Case Study 4) ........................................................................................ 199 Linking SME Web Application (Case Study 4) to Validation of the Integrated
Frameworks (Chapter 5) ............................................................................................................... 200
6.2.5 Comparison between Agile 4 Case Studies ...................................................................... 201
6.3 SUMMARY .............................................................................................................................. 201
7.0 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................ 204
7.1 BIM PRIMARY CASE STUDY .............................................................................................. 205
7.1.1 Interview Questions and feedback .................................................................................... 207
7.1.2 Summary of Discussion and Analysis for BIM Case Study ............................................. 219
7.2 AGILE PRIMARY CASE STUDY .......................................................................................... 223
7.2.1 Interview Questions and Answers..................................................................................... 223
7.2.2 Summary of Discussion and Analysis for Agile Case Study ............................................ 238
7.3 DELPHI TECHNIQUE ANALYSIS FOR BIM IMPLEMENTATION .................................. 241
7.3.1 Question (1): How did you find BIM effectiveness in responding to changes? ............... 241 Delphi Technique (Round 1)......................................................................................... 241 Delphi Technique (Round 2)......................................................................................... 242 Discussion of (Question 1) Agreements and Disagreements ........................................ 242
7.3.2 Question (2): How did you find BIM providing better satisfaction to customer needs? .. 243 Delphi Technique (Round 1)......................................................................................... 243 Delphi Technique (Round 2)......................................................................................... 244 Discussion of (Question 2) Agreements and Disagreements ........................................ 244
7.3.3 Question (3): How did you find BIM effectiveness in coordination between project design
teams? 244 Delphi Technique (Round 1)......................................................................................... 244 Delphi Technique (Round 2)......................................................................................... 245 Discussion of (Question 3) Agreements and Disagreements ........................................ 245
7.3.4 Question (4): How does BIM provide better productivity, efficiency and effectiveness to
the project progress? ......................................................................................................................... 246 Delphi Technique (Round 1)......................................................................................... 246 Delphi Technique (Round 2)......................................................................................... 247 Discussion of (Question 4) Agreements and Disagreements ........................................ 247
7.3.5 Question (5): How did you find BIM supports the management team to maintain good
design and technical excellence? ...................................................................................................... 248 Delphi Technique (Round 1)......................................................................................... 248 Delphi Technique (Round 2)......................................................................................... 248 Discussion of (Question 5) Agreements and Disagreements ........................................ 249
7.3.6 Question (6): Up to what level does BIM provides cost estimation?................................ 249 Delphi Technique (Round 1)......................................................................................... 249 Delphi Technique (Round 2)......................................................................................... 250 Discussion of (Question 6) Agreements and Disagreements ........................................ 250
7.3.7 Question (7): Did BIM helps in discovering clash detection and removing errors and
omissions at the early design stage? ................................................................................................. 251 Delphi Technique (Round 1)......................................................................................... 251 Delphi Technique (Round 2)......................................................................................... 252 Discussion of (Question 7) Agreements and Disagreements ........................................ 252
7.3.8 Question (8): Up to what level does BIM provides Lean and reduction of wastes and
rework to the project? ....................................................................................................................... 252 Delphi Technique (Round 1)......................................................................................... 252 Delphi Technique (Round 2)......................................................................................... 253 Discussion of (Question 8) Agreements and Disagreements ........................................ 253
7.3.9 Question (9): How does BIM support the project using computer-controlled fabrication
functionality? .................................................................................................................................... 254 Delphi Technique (Round 1)......................................................................................... 254 Delphi Technique (Round 2)......................................................................................... 255 Discussion of (Question 9) Agreements and Disagreements ........................................ 255
7.3.10 Summary and Conclusions................................................................................................ 256
7.4.1 Question (1): How do you find agile providing better satisfaction to the customer? ....... 258 Delphi Technique (Round 1)......................................................................................... 258 Delphi Technique (Round 2)......................................................................................... 258 Discussion of (Question 1) Agreements and Disagreements ........................................ 259
7.4.2 Question (2): How do you find agile responding to changes during project lifecycle? .... 259 Delphi Technique (Round 1)......................................................................................... 259 Delphi Technique (Round 2)......................................................................................... 260 Discussion of (Question 2) Agreements and Disagreements ........................................ 260
7.4.3 Question (3): How much agile provides lean in terms of wastes removal to the project? 261 Delphi Technique (Round 1)......................................................................................... 261 Delphi Technique (Round 2)......................................................................................... 262
xiii Discussion of (Question 3) Agreements and Disagreements ........................................ 262
7.4.4 Question (4): How do agile minimize risks during project lifecycle? .............................. 262 Delphi Technique (Round 1)......................................................................................... 262 Delphi Technique (Round 2)......................................................................................... 263 Discussion of (Question 4) Agreements and Disagreements ........................................ 263
7.4.5 Question (5): How did you find agile effectiveness in communication and information
exchange?.......................................................................................................................................... 264 Delphi Technique (Round 1)......................................................................................... 264 Delphi Technique (Round 2)......................................................................................... 265 Discussion of (Question 5) Agreements and Disagreements ........................................ 265
7.4.6 Question (6): How is agile effective in motivating individuals and providing a good work
environment?..................................................................................................................................... 266 Delphi Technique (Round 1)......................................................................................... 266 Delphi Technique (Round 2)......................................................................................... 266 Discussion of (Question 6) Agreements and Disagreements ........................................ 267
7.4.7 Question (7): How do you find agile effectiveness in collaboration and coordination
between project stakeholders? .......................................................................................................... 267 Delphi Technique (Round 1)......................................................................................... 267 Delphi Technique (Round 2)......................................................................................... 268 Discussion of (Question 7) Agreements and Disagreements ........................................ 268
7.4.8 Question (8): How do you find agile effectiveness in self-organizing teams? ................. 269 Delphi Technique (Round 1)......................................................................................... 269 Delphi Technique (Round 2)......................................................................................... 269 Discussion of (Question 8) Agreements and Disagreements ........................................ 269
7.4.9 Question (9): How does the agile project management approach increase work
productivity? ..................................................................................................................................... 270 Delphi Technique (Round 1)......................................................................................... 270 Delphi Technique (Round 2)......................................................................................... 271 Discussion of (Question 9) Agreements and Disagreements ........................................ 271
7.4.10 Summary and Conclusions................................................................................................ 271
7.5 SUMMARY .............................................................................................................................. 274
8.0 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................ 275
8.0.1 Acceptable Sampling Size for the Surveys and Selecting of Participants ........................ 275
8.1 AGILE BIM DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONNAIRES SURVEY ........................................... 276
8.1.1 Types of Organizations Respondents Work in.................................................................. 276
8.1.2 Specialities of Organizations that Respondents work in ................................................... 277
8.1.3 Respondents' Experience in Construction Industry........................................................... 278
8.1.4 Respondents' Knowledge about Agile Project Management & BIM ................................ 278
8.1.5 Respondents rating for the effectiveness and usefulness of two project management
approaches......................................................................................................................................... 280
8.1.6 Is Agile Project Management Applicable in Construction Industry? ............................... 281
8.1.7 Rate the Usefulness of Agile to Enhance BIM & BIM to Enhance Agile ........................ 281
8.1.8 Respondents Rating Each Method in Maintaining Sustainable Development, Good Design
and Technical Excellence.................................................................................................................. 282
8.1.9 Rate Agile & BIM Effectiveness in Responding to Changes ........................................... 284
8.1.10 Agile & BIM Provides Better Satisfaction to Customer ................................................... 285
8.1.11 Rate Agile & BIM Minimizing Risk during Project Lifecycle ......................................... 286
8.1.12 Respondents Rating to Agile & BIM Effectiveness in Communication support .............. 287
8.1.13 Respondents Rating to Agile & BIM Provides Lean to a Project ..................................... 289
8.1.14 Respondents Rating to Agile & BIM Provides Value Engineering to a Project ............... 290
8.1.15 Respondents Rating to Agile & BIM Minimizing Rework in the Project ........................ 291
8.1.16 Respondents Rating Agile & BIM in Providing Collaboration and Coordination during
Project Lifecycle ............................................................................................................................... 293
8.1.17 Respondents Rating Agile Project Management effectiveness on Delivery of Early Results
8.1.18 Respondents Rating Agile Project Management Effectiveness in Motivating Individuals,
Providing Good Work Environment and Self Organizing Team ...................................................... 295
8.1.19 Respondents Rating Agile Project Management Effectiveness in Reducing Claims ....... 296
8.1.20 Respondents Rating Flexibility of Agile Project Management during Project Lifecycle . 297
8.1.21 Respondents Rating Effectiveness of BIM in Increasing Work Productivity ................... 298
8.1.22 Respondents Rating BIM Effectiveness in Supporting Project Management ................... 299
8.1.23 Respondents Rating BIM Effectiveness in Project Cost Estimation................................. 300
8.1.24 Respondents Rating BIM Effectiveness in Project Scheduling and Planning .................. 301
8.1.25 Respondents Rating to BIM Effectiveness on Elimination Errors and Emissions during
Project Lifecycle and Overcoming Clash Detection at Earlier Design Stage. .................................. 301
8.1.26 Linking Agile BIM Development Survey to 2D Agile BIM Framework ......................... 303
8.1.27 Inferential Analysis for the Agile Principles and BIM Functionalities Survey ................ 305
8.2 AGILE BIM 2D FRAMEWORK QUESTIONNAIRES SURVEY ......................................... 310
8.2.1 BIM functionality of reusing model data for predictive analysis will support agile customer
satisfaction and technical excellence principles. ............................................................................... 310
8.2.2 BIM functionality of construction process simulation will support agile principles of
customer satisfaction and welcome changes ..................................................................................... 312
8.2.3 BIM functionality of 4D visualization of construction schedule will support agile
principles of customer satisfaction, welcome changes and simplicity .............................................. 313
8.2.4 BIM functionality of automated generation of drawing and documents will support agile
principles of welcome changes and technical excellence ................................................................. 315
8.2.5 BIM functionality of collaboration in design and construction will support agile principles
of welcome changes, working together and sustainable development.............................................. 316
8.2.6 BIM functionality of rapid generation of construction plan will support agile principles of
welcome changes and priority for a working product ....................................................................... 317
8.2.7 BIM functionality of visualization will support the agile principle of priority of working
product 319
8.2.8 BIM functionality of maintaining information and design model integrity will support the
agile principle of sustainable development ....................................................................................... 320
8.2.9 BIM functionality of automated cost estimation will support the agile principle of
simplicity........................................................................................................................................... 321
8.2.10 BIM functionality of rapid generation of multiple designs alternatives will support agile
principles of frequent deliverables and more effective iterations ..................................................... 322
8.2.11 BIM functionality of online communication of product process will support agile
principles of working together, face to face conversation and self-organizing team ........................ 323
8.2.12 BIM functionality of integration with project partners will support agile principles of
welcome changes, working together, face to face conversation and self-organizing team............... 325
8.2.13 BIM functionality of computer-controlled fabrication will support agile principles of
welcome changes, frequent deliverables, sustainable development, technical excellence, simplicity
and more effective iterations ............................................................................................................. 326
8.2.14 Linking Second Survey to Agile BIM 2D Integrated Framework .................................... 329
8.2.15 Inferential Analysis for the 2D Agile BIM Integrated Framework Survey ...................... 330
81% highly rated BIM functionality of 4D visualization of construction schedule will support agile
principles of customer satisfaction .................................................................................................... 331
90% highly rated BIM functionality of 4D visualization of construction schedule will support agile
principles of welcome changes ......................................................................................................... 331
8.3 AGILE BIM 3D FRAMEWORK QUESTIONNAIRES SURVEY ......................................... 335
8.3.1 Effect of the integration between BIM functionality of reusing of model data and agile
principles of customer satisfaction and priority for technical excellence on RIBA plan of work: ... 337
8.3.2 Effect of the integration between BIM functionality of construction process simulation and
the agile principle of customer satisfaction and welcome changes on RIBA plan of work: ............. 340
8.3.3 Effect of the integration between BIM functionality of 4D visualization of the construction
schedule and the agile principle of customer satisfaction, welcome changes and simplicity on RIBA
plan of work: ..................................................................................................................................... 342
8.3.4 Effect of the Integration between BIM functionality of automated generation of drawing
and documents and agile principles of welcome changes and technical excellence on RIBA plan of
work: 345
8.3.5 Effect of the integration between BIM functionality of collaboration in design and
construction and the agile principle of welcome changes, working together and sustainable
development on RIBA plan of work: ................................................................................................ 347
8.3.6 Effect of the integration between BIM functionality of rapid generation of the construction
plan and agile principle of welcome changes and working product on RIBA plan of work: ........... 350
8.3.7 Effect of the integration between BIM functionality of computer-controlled fabrication and
the agile principle of welcome changes, frequent deliverables, sustainable development, technical
excellence, simplicity and more effective iteration on RIBA plan of work construction stage: ....... 352
8.3.8 Effect of the integration between BIM functionality of integration with project partners and
the agile principle of welcome changes, working together, face to face conversation and self-
organizing team on RIBA plan of work: ........................................................................................... 356
8.3.9 Effect of the integration between BIM functionality of rapid generation of multiple designs
and the agile principle of frequent deliverables and more effective iteration on RIBA plan of work:
8.3.10 Effect of the integration between BIM functionality of online communication of
production process and the agile principle of working together, face to face conversation and self-
organizing team on RIBA plan of work: ........................................................................................... 361
8.3.11 Effect of the integration between BIM functionality of visualization and agile principle of
priority of working product on RIBA plan of work: ......................................................................... 365
8.3.12 Effect of the integration between BIM functionality maintains of information and design
model document and the agile principle of priority of sustainable development on RIBA plan of
work: 367
8.3.13 Effect of the integration between BIM functionality of automated cost estimation and the
agile principle of simplicity on RIBA plan of work: ........................................................................ 369
8.3.14 Linking 3D Agile BIM Questionnaire Survey to Agile BIM 2D Integration Framework 370
8.3.15 Inferential Analysis for the 3D Agile BIM and RIBA Plan of Work Integrated Framework
Survey 374
8.4 SUMMARY OF AGILE BIM FRAMEWORK DEVELOPMENT ......................................... 391
8.5 TESTING RESEARCH HYPOTHESIS ................................................................................... 393
8.6 SUMMARY .............................................................................................................................. 396
9.6.1 Academic Perspective ....................................................................................................... 403
9.6.2 Industrial Perspective ........................................................................................................ 403
Figure 5.13 Detailed Integration of Functionality K and Principle 4, 6 and 11 ........................................ 145
Figure 5.14 Detailed Integration of Functionality L and Principle 2, 3, 8, 9, 10 and 12 .......................... 145
Figure 5.15 Detailed Integration of Functionality M and Principle 2, 4, 6 and 11 ................................... 146
Figure 5.16 3D Agile BIM Framework .................................................................................................... 147
Figure 5.17 4D Agile BIM Framework .................................................................................................... 148
Figure 5.18 RIBA Plan of Work 2013 ...................................................................................................... 149
Figure 5.19 PMI Project Management Process ......................................................................................... 152
Figure 5.20 APM Project Life Cycle Cycle .............................................................................................. 154
Figure 5.21 CIOB Project Lifecycle ......................................................................................................... 156
Figure 5.22 CIOB Project Lifecycle Process ............................................................................................ 156
Figure 5.23 Common Procurement Routes ............................................................................................... 159
Figure 5.24 Traditional Procurement Methods ......................................................................................... 160
Figure 5.25 Design and Build Procurement Method ................................................................................ 161
Figure 5.26 Construction Management Procurement Method .................................................................. 162
Figure 5.27 Management Contractor Procurement Method ..................................................................... 163
Figure 5.28 Private Public Partnership ..................................................................................................... 164
Figure 5.29 Agile BIM 3D Integrated Framework Summary ................................................................... 170
Figure 5.30 Agile BIM 3D Sprint ............................................................................................................. 170
Figure 8.8 Agile Enhancement to BIM ..................................................................................................... 282
Figure 8.9 BIM Enhancement to Agile ..................................................................................................... 282
Figure 8.10 Respondents Rating Each Method in Maintaining Sustainable Development, Good Design
and Technical Excellence ......................................................................................................................... 283
Figure 8.11 Agile Responding to Changes ............................................................................................... 284
Figure 8.12 BIM Responding to Changes ................................................................................................. 284
Figure 8.13 Agile and Customer Satisfaction ........................................................................................... 285
Figure 8.14 BIM and Customer Satisfaction ............................................................................................ 286
Figure 8.15 Agile Minimizing Risk .......................................................................................................... 287
Figure 8.16 BIM Minimizing Risk ........................................................................................................... 287
Figure 8.17 Agile supports communication .............................................................................................. 288
Figure 8.18 BIM supports communication ............................................................................................... 288
Figure 8.19 Agile Provides Lean to a Project ........................................................................................... 289
Figure 8.20 BIM Provides Lean to a Project ............................................................................................ 290
Figure 8.21 Agile Provides Value Engineering ....................................................................................... 291
Figure 8.22 BIM Provides Value Engineering.......................................................................................... 291
Figure 8.23 Agile Minimizing Rework ..................................................................................................... 292
Figure 8.24 BIM Minimizing Rework ...................................................................................................... 292
Figure 8.25 Agile Rating to Provide Collaboration and Coordination ..................................................... 293
Figure 8.26 BIM Rating to Provide Collaboration and Coordination ....................................................... 294
Figure 8.27 Rating Agile Project Management Effectiveness on Delivery of Early Results ................... 295
Figure 8.28 Respondents Rating Agile Motivating Individuals & Providing Good Work Environment . 296
Figure 8.29 Respondents Rating Agile Effectiveness in Self-Organizing Team ...................................... 296
Figure 8.30 Respondents Rating Agile Effectiveness in Reducing Claims .............................................. 297
Figure 8.31 Respondents Rating Flexibility of Agile Project Management during Project Lifecycle ..... 298
Figure 8.32 Respondents Rating Effectiveness of BIM in Increasing Work Productivity ....................... 299
Figure 8.33 Respondents Rating BIM Effectiveness in Supporting Project Management ....................... 299
Figure 8.34 Respondents Rating BIM Effectiveness in Project Cost Estimation ..................................... 300
Figure 8.35 Respondents Rating BIM Effectiveness in Project Scheduling and Planning ....................... 301
Figure 8.36 Rating BIM effectiveness in clash detection at the earlier design stage ................................ 302
Figure 8.37 BIM effectiveness on the elimination of errors & emissions ................................................ 302
Figure 8.38 BIM functionality of reusing of model data for predictive analysis will support agile
principles of customer satisfaction and technical excellence .................................................................... 311
Figure 8.39 BIM functionality of construction process simulation will support agile principles of
customer satisfaction and welcome changes ............................................................................................. 312
Figure 8.40 BIM functionality of 4D visualization of construction schedule will support the agile
principle of customer satisfaction, welcome changes and simplicity ....................................................... 313
Figure 8.41 BIM functionality of automated generation of drawing and documents will support the agile
principle of welcome changes and technical excellence ........................................................................... 315
Figure 8.42 BIM functionality of collaboration in design and construction will support the agile principle
of welcome changes, working together and sustainable development...................................................... 317
Figure 8.43 BIM functionality of rapid generation of construction plan will support agile principles of
welcome changes and priority for a working product ............................................................................... 318
Figure 8.44 BIM functionality of visualization will support the agile principle of priority of working
product ...................................................................................................................................................... 319
Figure 8.45 BIM functionality of maintenance of information and design model integrity will support the
agile principle of sustainable development ............................................................................................... 320
Figure 8.46 BIM functionality of automated cost estimation will support the agile principle of simplicity
.................................................................................................................................................................. 322
Figure 8.47 BIM functionality of rapid generation of multiple designs alternatives will support agile
principles of frequent deliverables and more effective iterations ............................................................. 323
Figure 8.48 BIM functionality of online communication of product process will support agile principles
of working together, face to face conversation and self-organizing team ................................................ 324
Figure 8.49 BIM functionality of integration with project partners will support agile principles of
welcome changes, working together, face to face conversation and self-organizing team....................... 325
Figure 8.50 BIM functionality of computer-controlled fabrication will support agile principles of
welcome changes, frequent deliverables, sustainable development, technical excellence, simplicity and
more effective iterations ........................................................................................................................... 328
Figure 8.51 RIBA Plan of Work ............................................................................................................... 336
Figure 8.52 Data results for effect on the integration between BIM functionality of reusing of model data
and the agile principle of customer satisfaction on RIBA plan of work ................................................... 337
Figure 8.53 Data results for effect on the integration between BIM functionality of reusing of model data
and the agile principle of technical excellence on RIBA plan of work..................................................... 338
Figure 8.54 Data results for the effect of the integration between BIM functionality of construction
process simulation and the agile principle of customer satisfaction on RIBA plan of work .................... 340
Figure 8.55 Data results for the effect of the integration between BIM functionality of construction
process simulation and the agile principle of welcome changes on RIBA plan of work .......................... 341
Figure 8.56 Data results for the effect of integration between BIM functionality of 4D visualization of the
construction schedule and the agile principle of customer satisfaction on RIBA plan of work ............... 342
Figure 8.57 Data Results for the Effect of integration between BIM functionality of 4D visualization of
the construction schedule and agile principle of welcome changes on RIBA plan of work ..................... 343
Figure 8.58 Data Results for the Effect of integration between BIM functionality of 4D visualization of
the construction schedule and agile principle of simplicity on RIBA plan of work ................................. 343
Figure 8.59 Data results for the effect of integration between BIM functionality of automated generation
of drawing and documents and agile principles of welcome changes on RIBA plan of work ................. 345
Figure 8.60 Data results for the effect of integration between BIM functionality of automated generation
of drawing and documents and agile principles of technical excellence on RIBA plan of the work
construction stage...................................................................................................................................... 346
Figure 8.61 Data results for the effect of integration between BIM functionality of collaboration in design
and construction and the agile principle of welcome changes on RIBA plan of work ............................. 347
Figure 8.62 Data results for the effect of integration between BIM functionality of collaboration in design
and construction and the agile principle of working together on RIBA plan of work .............................. 348
Figure 8.63 Data results for the effect of integration between BIM functionality of collaboration in design
and construction and the agile principle of sustainable development on RIBA plan of work .................. 349
Figure 8.64 Data results for the effect of integration between BIM functionality of rapid generation of the
construction plan and agile principle of welcome changes on RIBA plan of the work construction stage
.................................................................................................................................................................. 350
Figure 8.65 Data results for the effect of integration between BIM functionality of rapid generation of the
construction plan and the agile principle of working product on RIBA plan of the work construction stage
.................................................................................................................................................................. 351
Figure 8.66 Data results for the effect of the integration between BIM functionality of computer-
controlled fabrication and 6 of agile principles on RIBA plan of work.................................................... 355
Figure 8.67 Data Results for the Effect of Integration between BIM functionality of integration with
project partners four agile principles on RIBA plan of work.................................................................... 358
Figure 8.68 Data results for the effect of integration between BIM functionality of rapid generation of
multiple designs and the agile principle of frequent deliverables on RIBA plan of the work construction
stage .......................................................................................................................................................... 359
Figure 8.69 Data Results for the Effect of Integration between BIM functionality of rapid generation of
multiple designs and the agile principle of more effective iteration on RIBA plan of work .................... 360
Figure 8.70 Data Results for the Effect of Integration between BIM functionality of online
communication of production process and the agile principle of working together on RIBA plan of work
.................................................................................................................................................................. 362
Figure 8.71 Data Results for the Effect of Integration between BIM functionality of online
communication of production process and the agile principle of face to face conversation on RIBA plan of
work .......................................................................................................................................................... 363
Figure 8.72 Data Results for the Effect of Integration between BIM functionality of online
communication of production process and the agile principle of the self-organizing team on RIBA plan of
work .......................................................................................................................................................... 364
Figure 8.73 Data results for the effect of integration between BIM functionality of visualization and agile
principles of priority of working product on RIBA plan of work developed design stage ....................... 365
Figure 8.74 Data results for the effect of integration between BIM functionality of maintenance of
information and design model document and the agile principle of priority of sustainable development on
RIBA plan of work.................................................................................................................................... 367
Figure 8.75 Data results for the effect of the integration between BIM functionality of automated cost
estimation and the agile principle of simplicity on RIBA plan of work ................................................... 369
Figure 8.76 Agile BIM Framework .......................................................................................................... 392
Figure 8.77 Z-Test Graph ......................................................................................................................... 395
Table 6.1 Linking Agile BIM Integration to DURHAM CATHEDRAL Case Study Benefits and
Challenges ................................................................................................................................................. 175
Table 6.2 Linking Agile BIM Integration to SYDNEY OPERA HOUSE Case Study Benefits and
Challenges ................................................................................................................................................. 179
Table 6.3 Linking Agile BIM Integration to MANCHESTER TOWN HALL COMPLEX Case Study
Benefits and Challenges ............................................................................................................................ 183
Table 6.4 Linking Agile BIM Integration to SHANGHAI TOWER Case Study Benefits and Challenges
.................................................................................................................................................................. 188
Table 6.5 Linking Agile BIM Integration to File Maker Development Case Study Benefits and Challenges
.................................................................................................................................................................. 193
Table 6.6 Linking Agile BIM Integration to Volvos Cars management framework Case Study Benefits
and Challenges .......................................................................................................................................... 195
Table 6.7 Linking Agile BIM Integration to Cruise Line Industry Case Study Benefits and Challenges 198
Table 6.8 Linking Agile BIM Integration to SME Web Application Case Study Benefits and Challenges
.................................................................................................................................................................. 201
Table 7.1 Summary of Thematic Analysis for BIM Primary Case Study Question 1 Answers ............... 208
Table 7.2 Summary of Thematic Analysis for BIM Primary Case Study Question 2 Answers ............... 209
Table 7.3 Summary of Thematic Analysis for BIM Primary Case Study Question 3 Answers ............... 210
Table 7.4 Summary of Thematic Analysis for BIM Primary Case Study Question 4 Answers ............... 212
Table 7.5 Summary of Thematic Analysis for BIM Primary Case Study Question 5 Answers ............... 213
Table 7.6 Summary of Thematic Analysis for BIM Primary Case Study Question 6 Answers ............... 215
Table 7.7 Summary of Thematic Analysis for BIM Primary Case Study Question 7 Answers ............... 216
Table 7.8 Summary of Thematic Analysis for BIM Primary Case Study Question 8 Answers ............... 217
Table 7.9 Summary of Thematic Analysis for BIM Primary Case Study Question 9 Answers ............... 219
Table 7.10 Thematic Analysis Themes and Coding ................................................................................. 220
Table 7.11 Summary of Thematic Analysis for BIM Primary Case Study............................................... 221
Table 7.12 Linking BIM Case Study 1 and Participants Responses to Agile BIM 2D Framework ......... 222
Table 7.13 Thematic Analysis Summary for Agile Primary Case Study Question 1 Answers ................ 224
Table 7.14 Thematic Analysis Summary for Agile Primary Case Study Question 2 Answers ................ 226
Table 7.15 Thematic Analysis Summary for Agile Primary Case Study Question 3 Answers ................ 228
Table 7.16 Thematic Analysis Summary for Agile Primary Case Study Question 4 Answers ................ 229
Table 7.17 Thematic Analysis Summary for Agile Primary Case Study Question 5 Answers ................ 231
Table 7.18 Thematic Analysis Summary for Agile Primary Case Study Question 6 Answers ................ 233
Table 7.19 Thematic Analysis Summary for Agile Primary Case Study Question 7 Answers ................ 234
Table 7.20 Thematic Analysis Summary for Agile Primary Case Study Question 8 Answers ................ 236
Table 7.21 Thematic Analysis Summary for Agile Primary Case Study Question 9 Answers ................ 237
Table 7.22 BIM Thematic Analysis Themes and Codes........................................................................... 238
Table 7.23 Summary of Thematic Analysis for Agile Primary Case Study ............................................. 239
Table 7.24 Linking Agile Case Study 1 and Participants Responses to Agile BIM 2D Framework ........ 240
Table 7.25 Linking Delphi Technique BIM Case Study to Agile BIM 2D Framework ........................... 257
Table 7.26 Linking Agile Delphi Technique Case Study to Agile BIM 2D Framework.......................... 273
Table 8.1 Linking First Questionnaire Survey to Agile BIM 2D Framework .......................................... 304
Table 8.2 Summary of Inferential Analysis for the Agile Principles and BIM Functionalities Survey.... 306
Table 8.3 Linking Second Survey to Agile BIM 2D Integrated Framework ............................................ 329
Table 8.4 Summary of Inferential Analysis for the 2D Agile BIM Integrated Framework Survey ......... 331
Table 8.5 Linking Third Survey to Agile BIM 2D Framework in Chapter 5 ........................................... 371
Table 8.6 Summary of Inferential Analysis for the 3D Agile BIM and RIBA Plan of Work Integrated
Framework Survey .................................................................................................................................... 376
Construction project management is facing challenges during a project lifecycle. Over time,
the construction industry developed alternative management systems to overcome these
challenges. Meanwhile, agile project management has left a positive and effective print in the
software and manufacturing industries. Therefore, agile is considered an effective management
method to improve some of the issues facing project management in the construction industry.
Moreover, the technology revolution in the construction industry has started to apply and
develop better methods of 3D, 4D and nD modelling techniques, such as BIM (Building
Information Modelling). Thus, this research will integrate agile project management principles
with Building Information Modelling functionalities to develop an alternative approach to
enhance construction project management.
This thesis will examine the integration of agile application and BIM in multiple dimensions.
This thesis will focus on "Enhancing agile application in construction projects using building
information modelling". Moreover, the integrations will cover agile principles, BIM
functionalities, plans of works and procurement systems to develop an alternative management
approach for more successful projects.
BIM is considered software and a method that supports team members and provides a faster
result to the management and construction team during the project lifecycle. Also, this study will
provide multiple definitions of agile and BIM to understand this research study better.
Naegel and Preiss (1994) define agility as "a comprehensive response to the business challenges
of profiting from rapidly changing, continually fragmenting, and global markets for high quality,
high-performance, customer-configured goods and services" (Nir, 2014).
Nir (2014) says that "Agile is a culture, a way to manage and lead products and projects rather
than a defined tool-set" (Nir, 2014).
Eastman et al. (2011) state that "BIM is not a thing or a type of software but a human activity
that ultimately involves broad process changes in construction." They add that "The big picture
is that BIM facilities early integration of project design and construction teams, making closer
collaboration possible. BIM will help make the overall construction process faster, less costly,
more reliable, and less prone to errors and risk" (Eastman et al., 2011).
Innovation, better communication, and collaboration must overcome project challenges during
the construction phase. Meanwhile, traditional management methods face difficulties adapting
and overcoming challenges to provide faster results to customers and the construction
management team. Agile and BIM integrates to find the proper solutions and reactions to
overcome project challenges with minimum risks and errors.
On the other hand, agile project management and BIM are methods that respond to customer
questions during the early stages of a project. Also, by using BIM, the agile team will provide a
satisfactory result to the customer by bringing the project to life in the early stage of the project
The agile approach provides proper collaborating and continuous communication between
customers, design and constriction teams and contractors. Agile and BIM play an essential role
during the planning stage by gathering information through communication, collaboration, and
short meetings between stakeholders (Tomek and Kalinichuk, 2015).
In this thesis, agile and BIM integrates to deliver the project with maximum value by eliminating
wastes, minimising errors, adopting changes, minimising rework, increasing productivity, and
increasing customer involvement.
The following points explain and provide a more precise idea of how agile project management
develops a product throughout with the main rules defined as: (Nir, 2014)
4- Pull from demand and decide as late as possible: during product design, the agile team
has to be ready for any changes, even during the late stages of work progress.
5- Empower workers: empowerment of people involved by providing them authority, good
working environment and technologies needed.
On the other hand, BIM technology provides the owners many advantages during design and
construction stages in reducing errors, saving time and cost, increasing manufacturing quality
and performance, proper coordination and communication between team members and better
project visualisation. These advantages of BIM will support the project development and
delivery process. Moreover, the following points give an example of how the management and
owners' team can use the BIM model during the design stage: (Eastman et al., 2011)
1- BIM helps in energy and lighting design to increase building sustainability performance.
2- BIM reduces cost, which minimises the financial risk caused by improper collaboration
between team members and non-accurate cost estimation.
3- Reduction of project overall duration.
4- BIM provides the owner with an early estimate of project cost, which will help in better
5- BIM continues the analysis of the project model and minimises errors and mistakes.
6- BIM supports the facility management team to generate accurate As-Built drawings for
maintenance purposes.
Agile BIM integration works for the same purpose and aims. Agility is a mindset, while BIM is a
technological tool to support agility and enhance management to produce more effective and
valuable products. Also, agility aims always to reduce project duration, and BIM aims to
eliminate rework and omission. This integration shows BIM provides the same concept of agile
and supports agility to construct a successful project. In addition, BIM provides enhancement
and support to an agile approach through different means, such as: (Eastman et al., 2011)
BIM enhances agile project management in construction projects by estimating costs
during the design stage.
BIM supports construction projects during the fabrication process of structural elements,
supporting the agile approach to deliver faster results during the construction stage.
BIM provides quantity surveying, which allows the client and agile team to understand
better and precise cost estimation.
BIM can support agility by providing early 2D drawings, which help sub-contractors and
suppliers start the work at the earliest.
BIM enhances the application of agile methods to adopt changes at any stage by
providing faster analysis to the model and immediate automated generation of 2D
This thesis will discuss integrating BIM and agile methods to provide a successful project
management approach. Agile BIM will lead the construction industry into an alternative
approach to project delivery by integrating 12 agile principles, 13 BIM functionalities, and a plan
of work and procurement system to develop a framework that presents an alternative
management approach during the project lifecycle.
To investigate the integration of agile and BIM applications and the enhancement of agile
principles implementation in the construction industry using BIM functionalities.
The utilisation of an agile project management approach will increase the productivity of
construction projects.
The adoption of BIM will enhance the capability of the agile method to achieve more
successful construction projects.
This study will consider books, academic journals, newspapers, magazines, government reports
and conferences reports as references to support this research discussion of agile project
management and building information modelling, where initial primary references mentioned in
this study. Bryman (2012) states define a literature review as "A critical examination of existing
research relating to the phenomena of interest and relevant theoretical ideas" (Bryman, 2012).
Moreover, this study considered data collection based on designed surveys and interviews that
will study the opinions of professionals who work for small, medium and large companies in the
UAE's construction industry.
Both qualitative and quantitative approaches are used in this research to achieve its purpose.
Both methods aim to collect data in the UAE construction industry. This study considered the
diversity of positions, organisations and nationalities. This research collected data from
professionals who work in the construction and software industries. Data collection targets
different organisations sectors such as contractors, consultants, clients, sub-contractors and
project management consultancy. This study considered international, government and private
sectors organizations.
Moreover, this study targeted civil, structure, environmental, architectural, electrical and
mechanical expertise in construction and project management. Also, this research targeted
managers, CEOs and directors during data collection with international and local experiences.
Surveys will include questions that will gain the opinions of engineers in the UAE's construction
and software industries. The survey will consist of more focused questions that will help to
provide a clearer image of the research study to be analysed and discussed. Bryman (2012)
defines the research questions as "questions that provide an explicit statement of what it is the
research wants to know about" (Bryman, 2012). A survey is a structured interview or list of
questions to a specific group about a particular topic. Survey means collecting information
through the internet, telephone or e-mail.
This study interviews engineers and managers to obtain their opinions in the UAE's construction
and software industries. Bryman (2012) defines a structured interview as "the kind of interview
used in survey investigation-includes a host of questions used in the survey for the same
purpose" (Bryman, 2012). The interview is one of the ways to survey by preparing outline
questions to be asked by the interviewer to the interviewee. All interviewees will ask these same
questions to get their reactions and opinions and record them (Bryman, 2012).
This research considered case studies to collect and discuss data related to construction and
software projects regarding how agility and BIM are distributed and utilised in the projects. A
case study is a deep study of a particular situation rather than using a statistical survey by
narrowing the field of the research and focusing on a practical case. It helps to test the hypothesis
or any theory as to whether it works in real life or not. It is associated with the location such as a
project, company, organisation or committee. These research case studies are quantitative and
qualitative (Bryman, 2012).
This research uses information gathered from respondents by numerical graphs and measurement
methods. Statistical and graphical forms provide this information: "Quantitative research entails
measuring physical features of life that are countable and tangible" (Bouma and Akinson, 1995).
1.5.2 Chapter 2 – Agile Project Management
This chapter includes an overview of previous books, research, and academic articles related to
agile project management, considering all advantages and disadvantages discussed by previous
researchers who developed and studied the subject.
1.5.8 Chapter 8 – Questionnaires Survey Analysis and Discussion
This chapter provides the questionnaires regarding the problem or statement and how to collect
data through surveys and interviews. Furthermore, it illustrates how the answers are analysed,
sorted in tables and discussed to prove the hypothesis.
This chapter discussed the introduction of integration between agile and BIM in terms of
collaboration, communication, cost estimation, adopting changes, fabrication, and delivering
early results in construction projects. Moreover, this chapter covers the objectives and aims of
this study and the hypothesis.
This research aims to construct a study on agile project management methods and approaches by
discussing agile adaptation in manufacturing and software industries linked to the construction
industry. The value of agile project management, leadership, adaptation of changes, risk
management, simplicity, lean thinking and waste removing, supply chain management, skills of
leaders and comparison between traditional methods of management and agile project
management will be the headlines of the chapter. These subjects aimed to cover agile project
management principles, benefits and challenges.
Agile is a time cost approach that is not limited to the software industry. Meanwhile, traditional
waterfall plan-driven approaches are applied to a command and control approach that no longer
works. The waterfall method is slow-moving to produce a change in organization to develop a
new product, such as Nokia's failure to adopt market changes and create a new product.
Goldman, Naegel and Preiss (1994) defined agility as "a comprehensive response to the business
challenges of profiting from rapidly changing, continually fragmenting, and global markets for
high quality, high- performance, customer-configured goods and services" (Nir, 2014).
Nir (2014) consider Agility as a measurement that provides the organization with readiness for
changes in the market. Agile provides signals for potential product improvements to stay
competitive in the market (Nir, 2014).
Ambler and Scott (2003) define Agile Project Management as "A highly iterative and
incremental process, where developers and project stakeholders actively work together to
understand the domain, identify what needs to be built, and prioritize functionality" (Hass, 2007).
The agile project management approach consists of continuous iterations of planning and
development, allowing the agile project team to evaluate the project and get feedback from the
customer team, users, and stakeholders. During iterations, the agile team is learning from
successful phases. Each modification that occurs during iterations will be implemented on the
others for better product improvement (Hass, 2007).
Nir (2014) said that "Agile is not the specific process, it is a cultural mindset supported by
processes". Also, "Agile is a culture, a way to manage and lead products and projects rather than
a defined tool-set" (Nir, 2014).
Nir (2014) agreed with Naegel and Preiss (1994) about agility definition. Both agreed that
agility's role is to highlight market changes for the organizations to adopt, develop and compete
in the market. However, Hass (2007) consider Amber and Scott's (2003) definition of agile
project management from a different point of view. Developers and management teams and
executers must work together to identify needs continuously because agile is a highly iterative
process. Both have different points of view in defining agile. Moreover, Nir (2014) consider
agile as a culture and mindset, not only a process to follow.
Goldman, Nagel and Preiss (1995) define agility as, "Agility means delivering value to the
customer, being ready for change, valuing human knowledge and skills, and forming virtual
partnership" (Gilaninia et al., 2011).
Fliedner and Vokurka (1997) define agility as, "Agility is an ability to produce a broad range of
low cost, high-quality products with short lead times in varying lot sizes, built to individual
customer specification" (Gilaninia et al., 2011).
Katayama and Bennett (1999) defined agility as "Agility relates to the interference between the
company and the market. Agility acts as a pillar to improve competitiveness and the business
prospects" (Gilaninia et al., 2011).
Jones et al. (2000) defined agility as "Agility means using market knowledge and virtual
corporation to exploit profitable opportunities in a volatile marketplace" (Gilaninia et al., 2011).
Tolone (2000) defines agility as "Agility implies effectively integrating supply chain and forging
close and long term relationship with customers and suppliers" (Gilaninia et al., 2011).
Hoek, Harrison, and Christopher (2001) defined agility as "Agility is all about customer
responsiveness and market turbulence and requires specific capabilities that can be achieved
using lean thinking" (Gilaninia et al., 2011).
Aitken, Christopher, and Towill (2002) defined agility as "Agility is an ability to have visibility
of demand, flexible and quick response and synchronized operations" (Gilaninia et al., 2011).
Stratton and Warburton (2003) defined agility as "Innovative products and unstable demand
typify agile supply drivers" (Gilaninia et al., 2011).
Gilaninia (2011) collect multiple definitions of agile that cover the meaning of agile project
management from different perspectives. However, all these definitions are standard in adopting
changes, satisfying customers and adding value to the product.
Goodpasture (2010) defined agile as "Team working collectively and collaboratively to deliver
frequent, incremental releases of innovative functions and features, prioritized for need and
affordability; evolved iteratively from a vision according to use reflection and feedback, and
produced at best possible value" (Goodpasture, 2010).
Goodpasture (2010) states that "Agile objective is to deliver high-quality results that are
beneficial to business and customer; even if there is volatility and uncertainty about what the
customer needs and wants" (Goodpasture, 2010).
Business agility is "The ability to respond quickly and efficiently to changes in the business
environment and leverage those changes for competitive advantages. Business agility combines
technology and human system. Business agility is not looking only to make the technology
system or individual agile but also the organization itself to be agile" (Bloomberg, 2013).
Oxford Dictionary defines agility as "The ability to think and understand quickly" (Stare, 2013).
Inayat et al. (2015) state that "agile manifesto gives priority to individuals and interaction over
processes and tools, working software over comprehensive documentation, customer
collaboration over contract negotiation, and responding to changes over following a plan" (Aziz,
Nawawi, and Ariff, 2016).
Owen et al. (2006) State that "The characteristics of Agile Project Management are explored,
including philosophy, organizational attitudes and practices, planning, execution and control and
learning. Finally, Agile Project Management is subjectively assessed for its potential
contribution to the pre-design, design and construction phases (Owen, 2006).
APM (2015) define agile development or agile project management as "an iterative and
incremental method of managing the design and build activities for engineering, information
technology and new product or services development project" (APM, 2015).
Agile definitions discussed above explain agile aspects from multiple points of view. This
research considers Inayat et al. in (2015) statement about agile and how agile offers priority to
the individuals for better motivation, decision-making, and more interaction with stakeholders.
Also, Inayat et al. in (2015) statement about agile supports working product priority and
minimization of documentation and waste. In addition, Inayat et al. in (2015) statement about
agile consider responding to changes during project lifecycle rather than following a rigid plan
(Aziz, Nawawi, and Ariff, 2016). This research covers these issues in chapters 6, 7 and 8
throughout multiple case studies and obtaining professionals' experiences and opinions and
responding to changes versus following a strict plan" (Aziz, Nawawi, and Ariff, 2016).
8- Maintaining sustainable development.
9- Maintaining a good design and technical excellence.
10- Simplicity and maximizing the amount of work that no needs to be done.
11- Self-organizing team.
12- Provide more effective behaviour throughout the project lifecycle for better improvement
and effectiveness.
These principles of Nir (2014) listed are acceptable in the construction industry and can be
applied. All these principles are practical and describe the excellent behaviour of the
management system. The project management and construction teams use many principles such
as sustainability, self-organizing, sound design and technical excellence, etc. As Nir (2014)
described, Agile project management principles improve traditional project management
methods and professionals' behaviour and skills. It is not correct to consider agile project
management a new management approach. However, it is an improvement and a combination
between old principles and improved principles for more valuable productivity.
Opelt et al. (2013) defined the 12 principles of agile development as the following: (Opelt et al.,
1- Emphasis is on delivery
Opelt et al. (2013) define it as "Our top priority is to satisfy our customer through early
and continuous delivery" (Opelt et al., 2013).
2- Free exchange
Opelt et al. (2013) defined it as "Accept changes in requirements even late in
development. Agile processes use changes to the competitive advantage of customers"
(Opelt et al., 2013).
3- Deliver iterations
Opelt et al. (2013) defined it as "Deliver functions regularly within a few weeks or
months and favour these shorter periods" (Opelt et al., 2013).
4- End-user and developer sit together
Opelt et al. (2013) define it as "Experts and developers must work together daily
throughout the project" (Opelt et al., 2013).
5- Trust the individual
Opelt et al. (2013) defined it as "Build projects around motivated individuals. Give them
the environment and support they need and trust that they will get the job done" (Opelt et
al., 2013)
6- Face to face communication is more effective
Opelt et al. (2013) defined it as "The most efficient and effective method of delivering
information to a development team is face to face" (Opelt et al., 2013).
7- All that matters is completed function
Opelt et al. (2013) defined it as "Functioning product is the primary measure of success"
(Opelt et al., 2013).
8- Sustainable pace
Opelt et al. (2013) defined it as "Agile processes promote sustainable development.
Clients, developers, and end-users should be able to maintain a steady pace indefinitely"
(Opelt et al., 2013).
9- Quality is an attitude
Opelt et al. (2013) defined it as Continuous attention to technical excellence, and good
design promotes agility‖ (Opelt et al., 2013).
10- Keep it simple
Opelt et al. (2013) defined it as ―Simplicity. The art of maximizing the amount of work
not done is essential‖ (Opelt et al., 2013).
11- Complexity can be only answered with self-organization
Opelt et al. (2013) defined it as ―The best architectures, requirements, and designs
emerge from self-organized teams‖ (Opelt et al., 2013).
12- Learn from postmortems
Opelt et al. (2013) defined it as ―At regular intervals, the team reflects how it can be more
effective and adjusts its behaviour accordingly‖ (Opelt et al., 2013).
Moreover, some of the agile practices that must be taken into consideration are as the following:
Continues Integration: this practice aims to discover the problems at an early stage where there
is no effect on to cost or time of the project (Karlesky and Voord, 2008).
Documentation: this practice of agile project management aims to limit documentation and
work as per just on time approach (Karlesky and Voord, 2008).
Risk Management & Scope Management: this practice works as an evaluation of the risks and
adjusts the project to overcome the risks without any effect to cost and time (Karlesky and
Voord, 2008).
Agile Manifesto Principles: (Bloomberg, 2013)
1- Individuals and interactions over processes and tools: agile methodology encourages
people to play a role in decision making and innovation rather than using only tools and
2- Working software over comprehensive documentation: agile project management aims to
deliver a working product while documentations are a tool for the process.
3- Customer collaboration over contract negotiation: agile team, client and other
stakeholders are one team collaborating and coordinating together rather than
4- Responding to change following a plan: agile responses to changes immediately even if
these responses will affect the plan. Responding to changes in agile project management
is more important than following a plan.
The scrum method is a major part of the agile method. Nir in 2014 highlighted that ―Agile is
about a fundamental shift in thinking. The scrum method is much more about changing the way
we think than a process‖. Scrum is a method that focuses on how team members concentrate on
providing a flexible system to develop a product in changing environment (Nir, 2014).
Agile combines methods that include Scrum, Feature Driven Development, Dynamic System
Development Method, and Crystal Mythologies. These methodologies are responsible for
completing the development process throughout the delivery of the product, as shown in Figure
Feature Driven Development focuses on the design and building phases. Also, it supports
adaptations to late changes for more product value by monitoring the progress through accurate
Dynamic System Development Method focuses on fixing the time and resources to adjust the
number of functions. This method focused on time and cost and adjusted time and resources to
reach the target.
Crystal Mythologies focuses on human power and enhancing work success by involving people
and reducing paperwork (Nir, 2014).
Agile works in small teams and releases products frequently. Customer consultation and delivery
of continuous iteration is the business aim of agile. Empowering teams to solve the problems and
provide solutions with the decision is an agile way to manage a project (Goodpasture, 2010).
The agile method is always ready to take action once changes in requirements or any unknown
circumstances or variables affect the project. The agile method works better with co-located
teams rather than limited communication and the traditional way of limited channels
(Goodpasture, 2010).
Agile is an agenda that provides the most significant trust to the customer within an agile
organization. It provides command and control with proper face to face communication
(Goodpasture, 2010).
Agile project management primary sequences are as the following: (Goodpasture, 2010)
The agile working process is typical and follows these eight steps: (Nir, 2014)
1- The owner or developer will write project requirements and needs during collaboration
with the agile team, called scrum.
2- The developer will estimate how much time this product will take to complete.
3- The product will have a gradual release.
4- Developers will start to choose product features with a high value to release.
5- Once the product and features are completed, the agile team will present the product to
owners and stakeholders.
6- The agile team will present what is added to the product of business value features.
7- The agile team welcomes any evaluation and changes that could be made to the product
to add value.
8- The process will be repeated, and more products will be released.
Agile methodology focuses on time duration to complete a task called sprint. This duration is
between weeks to one month. Once one sprint is completed, another will start. During sprints, an
improvement process is applied to the product development.
Cuckburun (2005) described a declaration of interdependence (DOI) which states: (Nir, 2014)
3- Agile expect uncertainty and anticipate and adapt.
4- Agile unleash creativity and innovation by the individual source of value.
5- Agile is responsible for team effectiveness.
6- Agile is improving team effectiveness through strategies and practices‖.
This research will provide new values and principles to the agility approach. The agile
methodology focused on people skills, talents and abilities to communicate and solves problems.
Highsmith and Cocburn state that ―The most important implication to managers working in the
manner is that it places more emphasis on people factors in the project. If the people on the
project are good enough, they can use almost any process and accomplish their assignments. No
process will repair their inadequacy if people are not good enough‖ (Nir, 2014).
Nir, in 2014 agreed with Jim Highsmith and Alistair Cocburn about the human factor effect on
communication, problem-solving and decision making in agile project management. The
empowerment of people to make a decision is important in agile project management to respond
to any changes during the project lifecycle. The skills of team members are a major factor for the
success of human factors in agile project management.
The agile method is not refusing adaptation of any changes during product development. Agilest
are ready to receive changes any time during project iterations. These changes are considered as
a positive development. Changes provide a better understanding to the agile team about what
will make the product more valuable in the market. Some of these changes are driven according
to environmental changes, government policies, market changes, miscommunication or
misunderstanding, which cannot be eliminated. Driving down the cost of these changes is a
solution to satisfy the customer (Nir, 2014).
Nir (2014) highlights changes in product development by the customer according to many
investable factors. However, agile team has to drive donw the ocst to minimize project
Highsmith states, ―Agile projects are not controlled by conformance to plan, but by conformance
to the business value‖ (Nir, 2014).
Nir (2014) agreed with Highsmith in 2010 regarding changes during product development. Both
agreed that these changes would drive the product for more business value.
Moreover, Nir (2014) agreed with Laurie Williams on the inevitability of changes during product
development. Technology and team changes will affect product development. Changes in
product development will occur due to unpredictable changes.
The agile method allows customers or clients to take decisions during the production process but
up to a limit. Professionals make technical decisions during the project lifecycle.
Simplicity is one of the important factors in an agile method where the agile team is always
considering the simple path to reach the goals. The agile teams consider simply because they can
adopt changes in late stages. The agile team never produce more than what is needed. The agile
team never produces documents to predict the future because documentation always needs more
effort. (Nir, 2014)
The agile method regularly focuses on continuous collaboration between agile team members
and concerned customer teams. Martin Fowler states, ―Agile team cannot exist with occasional
communication‖. During the project duration, the agile team communicates and collaborates for
all issues and aspects of the project. This is the reason why agility is working well in small
teams. Highsmith states that ―Agile development is more difficult with larger teams‖ (Nir, 2014).
Martin flower supports the role of communication continuously between the agile team and
stakeholders. Highsmith agrees with this role but is to be applied in small teams for better
communication. Highsmith defined communication role to be in small teams for better success
while martin flower did not define the size of the team.
The agile method is adaptive and adds value to the business by decentralized management style,
adaptable to changes, collaborated culture, low documentation, enhancing stakeholders‘
involvement, unpredictable domain, minimum upfront planning, and early return on investment.
Agile method system focuses on business development to meet the product needs of financing,
management, marketing, purchasing and supplying.
The agile method adopts approaches that allow information to flow, gain the trust of customers
and people, improve the organization's success, breaking down the information into processes.
The agile method approach allows the agile team to work in open sessions to support them in
collaborating in a more relaxed way, taking decisions for their working hours, communicating
actively, sharing more information with the customer and appreciating the success and trust.
An example of one of the agile method's effective approaches is Kotter's approach, which is
defined as breaking down the changing process into eight phases to achieve its goal. These
processes are: (Nir, 2014)
1- Establishing a sense of urgency: this change process must be successful by evaluating its
importance and the impact on the development process, such as changing leadership
during the project lifecycle.
2- Create a coalition: team members and stakeholders must lead this process.
3- Develop clear vision: this process must include smartness, time bonded, measurements,
reality, etc.
The first three changes are responsible for creating the climate of the change.
4- Share the vision: this process is to understand the change and commit to it.
5- Empower people to clear obstacles: removing all obstacles related to this change.
The fourth and fifth processes are responsible for an engaging organization to support the change
The last three processes are responsible for implementing changes into the product, team and
organization (Nir, 2014).
To implement Agile Project Management some conditions must be presented: (Hass, 2007)
1- Project Value has to be clear.
2- The customer team, designer and developers have to participate during the project.
3- Development is acceptable to be implemented.
4- Documentation must be visible and acceptable.
The agile project management approach is straightforward. The success of agility is possible
according to its principles. These principles are as follow:
1- Agile project management is about doing good work for the customer.
2- It is about leading a team.
3- Delivery of business measurements.
Moreover, agile project management focuses on adding value to the features of the products. In
contrast, the traditional method focuses on finishing the project under the budget, which leads to
losing feature values. This clearly shows the agile project management approach and traditional
management methods. It is important to consider applying changes into project features that add
value to the customer even after project completion. (Hass, 2007)
Traditional project management depends on planning and controlling methods. This approach
turns the project life cycle into rigid processes depending on planned activities and the sequence
of work. In the construction industry, engineers need to determine the client's requirements to
start the design and planning for the entire project. Traditional project management considers all
the events that may affect the project as predictable and forecasted to be prepared for them.
Moreover, traditional project management considers completing a phase as the end and does not
need to go back and review it. The advantage of this approach is to plan phases and plan how to
overcome phase obstacles to satisfy project requirements.
On the other hand, the disadvantages of this approach are the sequence flow of activities. The
customer mostly found it difficult to complete all the requirements in the early stages of the
project. (Hass, 2007)
Project management professionals realize that nowadays, business is more complex and
interdependent. The complexity of the business process rejected the traditional project
management in the organization structure. The waterfall management method creates complexity
with strategic suppliers, networks, customers and key political groups. Nowadays, the alliances
between business processes and organizations can adopt changes, compatibility to market
demand, technology development, and complexity.
Economists raised concern for years regarding the huge demand in the market for products and
projects. Economists advise delivering small batches of products in a short time to satisfy the
market demand, but traditional project management could not satisfy market demand. The needs
of an alternative project management approach are required by market demand. Agile project
management can satisfy these needs (Hass, 2007).
1- Negative impact on project lifecycle once changes are required after baseline program is
2- Any changes on the project will affect documentation done at an early stage.
3- Testing the project systems and equipment will come at the end, leading to unseen and
not forecasted impacts on project delivery.
4- Over a long delivery duration, the market requirements could be changed, and the
project's benefits will be affected.
Goodpasture (2010) defined agile mission as ―Agile mission is to deliver frequent, incremental
releases of innovation function and features prioritized for need and affordability. According to
reflection and feedback, evolved iteration from a vision produced at best possible value‖
(Goodpasture, 2010).
1- Manager: allocate the tasks and independently plan the work of the project.
2- Team members: work individually with no collaboration.
3- Work: is followed strictly as its sequence.
4- Pressure: changes caused high pressure and stress over the project lifecycle.
5- Time: information supply chain and waiting for approvals are a waste of time.
Traditional project management is called waterfall, and the following steps will explain
Waterfall processes as the following: (Hass, 2007)
The agile method is different from the traditional method (Waterfall method): (Nir, 2014)
1- Linear versus iterative development: in the agile method, feedback must be taken daily.
Also, delivering the product in short terms is important to increase the success rate.
Moreover, releasing the early design to the customer is a major factor in the project's
2- The human element: Nir (2014) said that ―If you treat all developers as plug-compatible
programming units and not as individuals, it lowers the morale and creativity of the
developer‖ (Nir, 2014). Generating ideas and solving problems is more efficient
throughout the face to face communication style between team members and developers,
which is better than reading and writing documentation.
3- Project and product success: agile professionals consider project success throughout the
business value of the product by building something original and valuable.
As Nir (2014) explains, Agile project management depends on iterative processes and human
factors, while traditional project management (Waterfall method) depends on sequence
processes. Traditional project management depends on monitoring and controlling the project.
One process cannot be started in the waterfall method until the previous one is completed. For
example, construction in the waterfall method cannot be started until the design is completed.
Agile project management depends on releasing the early design to start construction. Agile
depends on the human factor for judgement, evaluation and decision making.
Moreover, Adil and Fatima (2015) states and defines some of the differences between agile
project management and the traditional method: (Adil and Fatima, 2015)
1- The agile project management approach focuses on people, while the traditional
management method focuses on process and plan.
2- Agile concentrates on the project's most important activity and then shift to another,
while the traditional method focuses on developing all activities first.
3- The agile team collaborates on all terms, while the members work individually with less
collaboration in the traditional method.
4- Agility focuses on self-organization, while the traditional method focuses on increase
controlling among team members.
5- Agile management is to provide support while traditional management is to control.
6- Agile considers the employee an important part while the traditional method considers
employee interchangeable.
7- Agile project management involves customers throughout the project duration, while in
the traditional management method, the customer is involved only during gathering
requirements and delivery of the project.
Adil and Fatima (2015) added more points on the differences between agile and waterfall
management methods than Nir (2014). Adil and Fatima explain how agile focuses on value-
adding activities while traditional focuses on following the plan. Moreover, the point of customer
involvement is differentiated between agile and traditional. On the other hand, both agreed on the
human factor points regarding self-organization and focusing on people.
The project management body of knowledge PMBOK is a strict waterfall method depending on
control and command. Agile stated that it is a slow method, and this approach will disappear
(Nir, 2014)
Figure 2.2 shows the different mindsets between agile and waterfall methods. The waterfall
mainly focuses on the scope of work even if the cost and duration of the project are affected.
Meanwhile, agile focuses on product value and delivery to reach the scope of work.
Tables 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 describe a comparison between traditional and agile development and
methods, showing the advantages and disadvantages of each. Agile Project Management has
been developed to enhance and resolve the competitive environment, difficult problems, and
anticipated changes, embrace changes of budget and overcome uncertainties. Agile Project
Management finds solutions for poor planning, rough controlling over the project, poor
estimation, missing timelines and improving the product's value. Agile Project Management
adopts different changes such as budget, competition, resources, needs and schedule changes.
Traditional Project Management evaluates changes as an expensive feature to the project. That is
why it tries to prevent planning, design, and documentation changes. On the other hand, agile
project management evaluates changes as manageable features and tries to control them and
implement them. (Karlesky and Voord, 2008)
Table 2.1 Traditional Development vs. Agile Development
The agile team must be aware of the following: (Wells, Dalcher and Smyth, 2015)
Project Management depends on rules, procedures, techniques, methods and practice. Project
Management methodology is to successfully lead the project manager throughout the project life
cycle to obtain project results. Project Management methodology is defined as ―a knowledge that
sets tasks, techniques, deliveries, roles and tools used during the project paired with knowledge
about adjusting all of that specific project‖ (Špundak, 2014).
Table 2.3 Traditional (Waterfall) vs Agile Project Management
Pros Pros
Agile project management is developing a method for customer value to provide a product that
meets customer requirements through continuous innovation. Agile is adapting culture based on
self-organizing and self-discipline (Highsmith, 2010).
According to technology development and customer demand, nowadays some products are
subjected to changes on weekly bases. Agile project management is adopting these changes and
applying them to the product. In the construction industry, agile project management can
interfere in changes requirements during the design and construction process (Highsmith, 2010).
Customers in the construction industry prefer companies that adopt changes and satisfy all
customer requirements. Construction industry clients are developing green projects for
sustainability and technology to make the life of humans easier and more comfortable.
A study for project delay and cost overrun needs to be analysed and understood to apply agile
project management. Project complexity is one of the main reasons for project failures in cost
and time. The poor performance of construction projects are divided into internal and external
causes (Sohi et al., 2016).
External causes are weather conditions, regulations changes, market changes and unexpected
conditions. These causes are out of control during the project lifecycle.
Internal causes are client changes, material delivery delay, workforce shortage, design changes,
and equipment delivery (Sohi et al., 2016).
Agile project management implementation rescues project quality, cost and duration from these
risks. Agility encourages and motivates individuals by providing decision making, coordination
and collaboration between stakeholders involved in the project.
To build an adaptable product or project, an adaptable method is required. The agile team needs
to accept changes during the project lifecycle. Resisting to changes will make an obstacle in the
method and agility process. A team of engineers involved in the project process shall be able to
develop an ability to satisfy customer needs and requirements. Changes during the construction
process are difficult to implement, but with an agile team, changes can be implemented using the
agile method and technology. Agility defined as the ―ability to both create and respond to
changes to profit in a turbulent business environment‖. ―Agility is the ability to balance
flexibility and stability‖. Agile method capabilities to adopt changes will defeat the competitors
in the industry. Innovations in agile project management and team skills will increase
productivity. Agility is developing an alternative process to accept the anticipated and
unanticipated changes during the production and construction (Highsmith, 2010).
Agile teams must expect changes and respond accordingly. Agile teams have to deal with
changes by two facts, first adopting rather than anticipating, second, envisioning rather than
following a plan. Agility refuses to follow the statement that the traditional management
approach is following ―Plan the work and work the plan‖ this statement did not allow flexibility
for management teams. This statement led to costly and critical actions.
Figure 2.3 Agile Iteration
Source: (APM, 2015)
Agility understood the business and uncertainty behind the projects and realized that every
project has known and unknown. Therefore, agility starts to balance planning with adaptability
and avoids strict plan execution. Agility studied which activity is more or less applicable, not
which activity is right or wrong. Agility focuses on decreasing the cost of iteration to allow
adaptability to changes and innovation. (Highsmith, 2010) Figure 2.3 shows the sprints that
iteration is made of. Agile project management teams have to attend and be involved in
alliteration planning sessions, which will provide the teams better ideas about what will happen,
what is next, and the context of work. Project leaders, developers, customers, iteration managers,
and testers must attend these sessions.
Project control and planning is a challenge for an organization developing a product. The
traditional project management method faced a problem controlling changes during the project
life cycle. The solution for this is throughout the more fixable way of project management. Agile
project management will take over this solution (Conforto et al., 2014). Agile team action toward
project development is to follow a repeatable process of planning, execution, studying and acting
to changes, as shown in Figure 2.4. Improving product value involves studying the subject or
changes and acting using a proper plan that best execution. Development is the best way to
manage a process. Repeating this methodology will drive the project into better value and
competition in the market (Wernham, 2012).
Figure 2.4 Agile Process Method
Source: (Wernham, 2012)
Larson and LaFasto (1989) state that ―In high-performance teams, the leaders managed the
principles, and the principles managed the team‖ (Highsmith, 2010).
To build valuable projects in construction, experienced teams are required. To attract these
experienced teams, agile principles must be applied in the construction industry. Rules will affect
principles, while practices will affect the implementation of principles. Values that must be
developed in an agile management team are defined in the Declaration of Interdependence,
which developed the mindset for the agile team. These values are as the following: (Highsmith,
5- We boost performance through group accountability for results and shared responsibility
for team effectiveness.
6- We improve effectiveness and reliability through specific strategies, processes, and
practices‖ (Highsmith, 2010).
Another primary source of values for agile is Manifesto for Agile Software Development, which
develops uncovered better ways to construct a project or build a product. These values of agile
manifesto are: (Highsmith, 2010)
Agile project management is impossible to be applied without a skilled team and proper
interaction between individuals and customers to deliver a working product in a short period
while adapting to changes.
Meanwhile, agile managers allow individuals to self-manage tasks to reach completed activity
(Highsmith, 2010).
Agility leadership needs to drive the idea of focusing on leader needs, not what developers want.
Agile leadership needs to focus on adding value to the project. Agility differentiates between the
project leader, and project administrators were focusing on compliance activities is project
administrative, not project leadership. According to agility, the customer pays for value only
anything else considered overhead. Sometimes overhead is necessary but up to the limit,
especially for government projects. Agility minimises overheads such as documentation or
reports to save the non-adding value activity costs.
Agile leadership behaviour has to be followed for more successful teams such as: (Wernham,
4- Get the business and technical people together.
5- Create trustable leadership.
6- Encourage face to face conversation.
7- Set targets and reward for real progress toward working solutions.
8- Give the team the space they need to excel.
There is a difference between an agile leader and a traditional leader regarding traits and values.
This difference is defined as ―A traditional project manager focus on following the plan with
minimal changes, whereas an agile leader focuses on adapting successfully to inevitable changes
(Highsmith, 2010).
Moreover, the Declaration of Interdependence assigns missions to the agile leader to follow:
(Highsmith, 2010)
A good team leader can adopt and drive the team to accept and deliver. Agile focuses on
differentiating traits, not creating trails where main traits are values, teams and adaptation. Agile
works to collaborate between team members and customers to deliver a valuable product. The
agile method is to get closer to customer needs and requirements. So, the agile leader has to drive
the agile team to reach these traits and adopt these values. (Highsmith, 2010)
Wujec and Muscat (2002) stated, ―We live in a time where creativity, innovation, and
imagination drive the world‖ (Highsmith, 2010). Agile organizations must consider adaptability
and innovation, while efficiency and optimization will be a second stage. Project management
companies that want to apply the agile method must focus on innovation and creativity to
develop products that people barely imagine. Agile innovation for the construction industry is an
exploration for management to build a project that satisfies the customer. Agile team innovation
and skills will help customers create what the industry demands. Agile team optimisation skills
will allow the customer to improve product quality and value. The agile team can create
innovative construction projects by applying technology, facing challenges, adapting changes,
creating ideas and reducing processes. (Highsmith, 2010)
The agile leader adds value to a project by working to deliver rather than controlling, monitoring
and planning. In Construction projects, planning comes to satisfy management and customer
requirements. The need for planning is to monitor the work rather than execution the work
(Highsmith, 2010). The agile leader has to study and analyse the project activity to specify the
time spent by team members on each activity. Then agile leader needs to realize how much
individual productivity of each activity is to calculate team productivity and delivery.
Admiral Grace Hopper, ―You cannot manage men into battle: You manage things…you lead
people‖. Highsmith (2010) stated, ―A leader‘s real authority is not delegated top-down but
earned bottom-up‖. ―Self-Organizing teams are not characterized by lack of leadership, but by a
leadership style‖ (Highsmith, 2010).
Highsmith (2010) agreed with Admiral Grace Hopper about the role of leadership and the
leader's skills to motivate and lead the team. Admiral's idea about leadership is that the leader
must be one of the team members, share with them and lead them. Also, Highsmith's (2010) idea
of a successful leader is to be active and interactive with each team member from the bottom of
the organization chart to the highest position. The team leader must reach out to all team
members, spend some time with them and discuss their ideas. The leader has to empower his
team and provide them with some space throughout self-organization to carry out the work.
The agile leader has to create a team and choose individuals who can adopt changes and work
with more productivity. Team leader in creating a self-organizing team needs to consider the
following: (Highsmith, 2010)
Goodpasture (2010) defined a team as ―A team is a social structure wherein all members
individually and mutually collaborate toward the achievement of a common goal that is possible
only by the committed and collective contribution of all members‖ (Goodpasture, 2010).
1- Trust: accepting the performance of other team members and commitment toward their
act to be responsible for their activities.
2- Commitment: commitment to effort, energy, and integrity to complete the project as
defined by the defined goals.
3- Accountability: acceptance of tasks and judgment by other team members.
4- Continuity: all conditions to remain the same unless changes occur during the project.
5- Simplicity: ensuring no complexity.
6- Clarity: ensuring no confusion.
7- Certainty: ensuring that no risks are involved
When agile project management needs to be implemented in organizations, many questions must
be answered. These questions as the following: (Gren, Torkar and Feldt, 2017)
1- How much and what type of training is needed for team members?
2- What types of agile methods need to be implemented in this organization?
3- Are agile practices binding with the surrounding environment?
4- What is applicable and not applicable to agility to be implemented in the organization?
5- Is agile effective with collocated team members in the organization?
6- Is agile support team cohesion?
Agile project management considers values as the first measurement while quality and
constraints are considered afterwards, as shown in Figure 2.5. Agile project management defines
the agile triangle in three concepts Values, Quality and Constraints.
1- Values: is focusing on customer values and providing a resalable product. Values need
constraints during projects moving forward.
2- Quality focuses on building adaptable products and reliable projects. Quality needs to
deliver values to customers and projects.
3- Constraints focus on driving quality and values in the proper stream and acceptable
constraints. Constraints are project parameters, but the goals are values and quality.
The agile leader focuses on a continuous flow of values for present and future projects. Agile
leader formula for success is simple, deliver today and adopt tomorrow. (Highsmith, 2010) Agile
leader mission is to satisfy customer needs and collaborate with the customer product team. The
agile leader shall have some skills such as when to hold, when to run and skill of lean thinking.
Examples of the typical behaviour of Agile project management approach: (Tignor, 2009)
1- The agile team combination is between seven and nine self-organised members and
emerge from each other.
2- The vision of adopting changes conditions.
3- Simple rules and behaviours that support complexity over time.
4- Team members have full access to all information.
5- Leadership is adopted among team members.
The agile project management rule is to collaborate with the customer team throughout the
interaction and continuous meetings to identify the customer's needs and evaluate results. The
agile project management method defines customer involvement in agile projects and describes
the responsibilities of the customer team. According to Highsmith's (2010) definition, customer
team responsibilities in an agile project is as the following: (Highsmith, 2010)
In reality, reaching this level of customer team collaboration and identifying responsibilities is
difficult, which are considered barriers to agile implementation.
Agility supports customer business, objectives and needs throughout the following: (Highsmith,
Lean thinking in agile is derived from the manufacturing industry. Highsmith (2010) explain lean
thinking as ―doing fewer things, doing the right things, eliminating bottlenecks and involves
differentiating between delivery activities and compliance activities to apply appropriate
strategies to each‖ (Highsmith, 2010).
Luke Hohmann stated, ―When you want your boat to go fast, it is easier to cut anchors than add
horsepower‖ (Highsmith, 2010).
The Agile Manifesto stated, ―the art of maximizing the amount of work not done – is essential‖
(Highsmith, 2010).
Lean agile is defined as eliminating anything that does not add value to the final product (Nir,
Petersen (2010) defines Lean agile as ―We define the lean software development paradigm as
principles and practices focused on removing waste leading to a lean software development
process. Waste thereby is defined as everything that does not contribute to the value creation for
the customer‖ (Petersen, 2010).
Highsmith (2010) and Luke Hohmann agreed to eliminate non-adding value activities.
Moreover, the Agile Manifesto also agreed to eliminate all works that do not add value to the
project. Agile as a process has to define the scope of work and remove any activity that slows the
process. Nir (2014) agreed to eliminate any activity that does not add value to the product.
Petersen (2010) advise removing waste activities that do not contribute to the value of the
customer product. All authors and researchers of agile project management supported the idea of
lean thinking. The agile team must comply with this approach and provide maximum value to the
customer product.
Toyota is an example that uses lean thinking to be applied in manufacturing by eliminating non-
value adding activities. Toyota succeeded by increasing its productivity three to four times.
The agile process must be simple to do the work fast and agile. Speed is not the concept of agile
but simplicity is how to speed the project. Simplicity adds value to the project by reducing the
cost. Documentation is a process time-consuming, while agile project management aims to
minimize documentation. Agile productivity is increased by removing activities that do not add
value to the product.
The agile method works to eliminate the details structure of the activity to push individuals to
think and interact (Highsmith, 2010)
changes require flexibility in organizations' strategies and standards. Flexibility is the key for an
organization to succeed and attract more customers. Companies must consider the responses for
changes as an improvement for the business and product (Bloomberg, 2013)
Lean-Agile is developing a product throughout main rules defined as: (Nir, 2014)
Lean and Agile Management focusing on: (Khan and Dalu, 2015)
1- Eliminating wastes.
2- Reducing cost by waste elimination.
3- Adding value to the product.
4- Increase productivity by removing unnecessary activities.
5- Reducing the time of productivity for each activity.
Khan and Dalu (2015) agreed with Nir (2014) about the rules and focusing on lean in the agile
project management approach. Both defined almost similar points to be implemented in agile to
reach lean method. Both supported eliminating waste activities, increased product value and
increased productivity.
Lean management is part of the agile method called value stream mapping, which deals with
studying the current state of the market and developing a design for the future. This method will
develop a product for the customer from the beginning into completion.
Agile organizations are adding alternative approaches to adopt more flexibility toward cost and
quality of the project that will speed up the process and increase productivity.
Market and competitors challenge leaded the organizations to adopt an alternative approach of
management such as: (Khan and Dalu, 2015)
1- Work quality.
2- Repairing defects after handing over.
3- Housekeeping and safety at the site.
4- Changes implementations.
5- The flow of information and proper reporting.
1- Globalization.
2- Diversity of customer requirements.
3- High quality & Low-cost industry needs.
4- Responding to unique and continuous needs.
An agile team has to reengineer and provide restructuring to adapt to these changes. Gupta and
Mittal defined Agile Manufacturing as ―a business concept integrates organization, people and
technology into a meaningful unit by deploying advanced information technologies and
flexibility and nimble organizational structures to support highly-skilled, knowledgeable and
motivated people‖ (Khan and Dalu, 2015).
Agility segregate wastes during the project lifecycle as follow: (Khan and Dalu, 2015)
Lean and agile management have been adopted in different disciplines worldwide, such as
just in time approach, quality system and work teams.
Lean agile management is facing difficulties of implementation in the organizations such as:
(Khan and Dalu, 2015)
1- Time pressures are created by coordination, meetings, follow up to bring the project to
2- Old working habits with employees are providing negativity to change.
3- The old culture of management rarely provides training.
4- Knowledge of agility is rare in management organizations.
5- A skilled team from all sides of the customer, agile team and executer are difficult to
6- Weak leadership is negatively impacting project processing.
7- Management's lack of commitment to teams will negatively affect agility.
Agility is involved in the material flow of purchasing, material control, production, sales and
distribution. Agile project management is succeeded in production and manufacturing systems
such as material management, manufacturing management, internal supply chain (Naylor, Naim
and Berry, 1999).
1- Re-work.
2- Waiting time.
3- Delays.
4- Defects.
5- Interruptions.
6- Excessive checking.
7- Excessive supervision.
8- Incomplete works.
9- Material shortage.
10- Changes.
Figure 2.6 shows eight lean wastes described by Girvan and Paul (2017), who agree with Freire
and Alarcón (2002). All agreed to remove these wastes to increase work productivity and
product value, as Khan and Dalu (2015) described.
Stevens (1989) defined a supply chain as ―suppliers of raw material, production process, product
distributors and customers, by a material flow and information flow from one side are
connected‖ (Gilaninia et al., 2011).
The agile supply chain deals with the material from the stage of raw up to the final product.
Agile develop the supply chain process by removing all wastes and non-adding value to the
process to comply with customer and market needs to adapt to environmental changes.
Moreover, agile supply chain management focuses on continuously improving the production
system by reducing the time of activities and providing small batches of products to start
execution rather than waiting to deliver full product (Gilaninia et al., 2011).
The agile supply chain management approach is driving companies and organizations to develop
an alternative process that will drive activities in construction and manufacturing industries into
the alternative approach of lean and values, and these processes are as the following: (Gilaninia
et al., 2011)
1- Delivery speed: this process deals with the fast delivery of goods and services to the
client compared to other competitors.
2- Cost minimization: this process focuses on reducing costs by removing wastes to satisfy
the organization‘s needs.
3- Quality improvement: the global market requires better quality products, focusing on
product quality to compete.
4- Minimizing resistance to change: this process tries to remove the old behaviour of
traditional management approaches in an agile team and increase the team's ability to
accept changes.
5- Trust development: this process focuses on building a good relationship with all supply
chains and stakeholders to increase the confidence of an agile organization.
6- Time reduction: improvement of time reduction towards activities is needed to compete
in the market.
Information management is a major factor in Agile BIM development. Hicks et al. (2006)
defined information Management as ―including the activities that support information lifecycle
from creation, representation, and maintenance through communication and reuse. BIM
technology supports information intelligence within the organization and successfully stores,
analyses, searches, finds, uses, reuses and assembles all information throughout project life
cycle‖ (Sheriff et al., 2011).
Information technology is needed in the construction industry to improve processes and
overcome skills shortage barriers, resistance to change, poor sharing culture, poor performance,
diversity of projects, etc. (Sheriff et al., 2011).
Agile methodology is subjected to risks during application in the industry. While the project is
under design and execution, communication between stakeholders is required continuously,
especially if the project is subjected to continuous changes.
Walczak and Kuchta (2013) defined risk as the ―effect of uncertainty on objectives where an
effect is a deviation from the expected positive or negative and the risk is characterized by
reference to potential events and consequences or a combination of these‖ (Walczak and Kuchta,
Agile project management is subjected to risks such as: (Walczak and Kuchta, 2013)
Barriers for Agile project management method should be taken into consideration as well: (Opelt
et al., 2013)
7- Difficulties in predicting problems.
8- The complexity of planning the projects
9- Poor knowledge.
1- Lack of motivation.
2- Regulations.
3- Lack of transparency.
Reduce the cost of failure using agile project management. There are four ways to reduce the
cost of failure due to changes and to increase the success rate of the project: (Bloomberg, 2013)
1- Allow for ambiguity: the hardest thing to design is the unknown requirements needed by
developers or ideas that they cannot provide. The solutions for these problems are the
prototype and Building Information Modeling by 3D visualization of the project.
2- Design for flexibility: In agile project management, architecture is designed for flexibility
to apply changes during any stage.
3- Behave iteratively: It is not enough to adopt changes in an organization but also to align
its culture, standards, technology and methods to enable continuous adaptation for
changes. Shifting the organization from the waterfall method to the agile method is
required support from technology and a proper understanding of agile principles.
4- Measure frequently: adopting changes and working for success is not enough. The
organization must frequently measure the market, environment and business to be ready
for any changes and keep heading in the right direction.
Gemuenden (2015) discussed the negative impact of the agile application on the construction
industry. Where the hypothesis mentioned, ―The more agile the underlying processes of software
development projects, the more fragile their results are‖ (Gemuenden, 2015).
Questions have been raised regarding the efficient application of agile project management.
These questions are as the following: (Gemuenden, 2015)
2- Is agile project management learned enough to be applied in the project?
(Refer to the following section 8.1.5)
3- Does agile apply sufficient integration collaboration with the client?
(Refer to the following sections 7.2.1 Question 7, 7.4.7 and 8.1.16)
4- Is agile project management increase motivation throughout the project lifecycle?
(Refer to the following sections 7.2.1 Question 6, 7.4.6 and 8.1.18)
These questions answered during data collection, analysis and discussions through survey
questions and interviews with professionals in the industry, as indicated above in the
corresponding sections for each question.
The construction industry has a system for information flow. Stakeholders involved in the system
are customers, engineers, manufacturers and site execution. These parties involved in the
construction process determine the success of the information flow process during project design
and construction. The client starts with clearing requirements to the designing department or
architects. Then engineering will provide a point of view for the details of the design and
requirements to start the manufacturing process. The production and manufacturing team will
involve a supply chain management system to start the fabrication of project material. Finally,
assembly and execution at the site (Lu et al., 2011).
During this process of information flow, the engineering and manufacturing team will study the
customer requirements, whether applicable to be done or not. Meanwhile, the engineering and
agile team provides solutions to overcome market needs by adopting changes to satisfy customer
needs. Agility application in the construction industry has to provide flexibility to the customer
through efficient designs and implementation of engineering tools to support the construction
process (Lu et al., 2011).
The application of agile project management adds benefits to the construction industry and
productivity of work. Some of these benefits are mentioned as the following: (Adil and Fatima,
1- Client Contribution.
2- Reduction of Uncertainties in Project.
3- Increase communication among team members.
4- Constant improvement.
5- Proper time management.
6- Adding strong vision to the task.
7- Individual motivation by decision making and responsibilities.
The agile team is responsible for workload management during the project lifecycle by reporting
on iteration daily. The individual in the team is responsible for monitoring his work progress
during iterations. Reporting will be curried during the stand-up meeting on each day with the
attendance of the team leader. The team leader needs to monitor on micro-level with an
individual for quality, practices and completion on time (Highsmith, 2010).
The agile team is subjected to some aspects throughout the agile team leader. These aspects are
as follows: (Highsmith, 2010)
1- Empowering.
2- Coaching.
3- Facilitating.
4- Working with customers and stakeholders.
Team leaders' aim toward individuals is to reach inside each of them to develop their talent and
release it into performance. So team leader focuses on individual is as follows: (Highsmith,
The team leader carries heavy responsibility, defined by Dee Hock (1999) as ―One‘s integrity,
character, ethics, knowledge, wisdom, temperament, words, and acts‖ (Highsmith, 2010). Also,
the Team leader has to manage with project managers, supervisors, executors and suppliers,
customers and competitors.
The agile team have to provide outcomes through direct contact with customer and stakeholders
during iterations. In contrast, the team leader has to define the goal to be carried out by an
individual to deliver the outcome (Highsmith, 2010).
Team leader duty is to support agile team by providing balancing, defining goal, overall vision,
objectives and constraints. The agile team is pressured to deliver quick results even. The agile
team shares characteristics due to daily interaction such as trust, conflict resolution, respect,
participation and decision making. Buckingham and Coffman (1999) stated that ―great managers
know that if, fundamentally, you do not trust people, and then there is no line, no point in time,
beyond which people suddenly become trustworthy‖ (Highsmith, 2010). Interaction between
agile team members will drive innovation toward the project lifecycle. During the interaction
between agile team members, brainstorming, ideas, and decisions will benefit the project, leading
to better progress, faster delivery, and problem solving (Highsmith, 2010).
1- To share information.
2- To create or develop a product.
3- To make a decision.
4- To report progress or to solve an obstacle.
Managers and leaders in agile project management have developed rules of engagements such
as: (Highsmith, 2010)
The agile leader has to resolve any problem that the customer team could cause. Some of the
problems that could be faced with the customer team are as the following: (Highsmith, 2010)
1- Lack of decision making and accepting the consequences from the customer team.
2- Poor reliability from customer team to an agile team.
3- Slow development of schedule for delivery.
4- Unrealistic schedule from customer team toward delivery.
5- Lack of customer team involvement in the project.
These factors can doom a project and damage iteration and delivery of activity. Most of the
organizations' decision making is considered by individuals as a win-lose position. Most
individuals' understanding of decision-making is an argument between parties with a louder
voice to win the decision. The agile team considers decision-making as collaborative behaviour
and a win-win decision with mutual understating.
In agile project management, some rules are applied for decision making within the team. Some
of these rules are as the following: (Highsmith, 2010)
1- Everyone in the agile team has to listen to others' ideas and opinions.
2- Once an agreement on a decision is made, everyone has to know about it.
3- No one in the agile team has to keep silent because of fear.
4- In favour of decision making, the team has to vote.
5- Once the decision is done and agreed all have to commit.
Once the decision is released, it has to be followed the triangle criteria of agile regarding quality,
value and constraints.
The rules of the agile team are as the following: (Opelt et al., 2013)
The agile team could play a major role with the design team for better improvement of design
and construction project throughout multi-stages, as shown in Figure 2.7: (Freire and Alarcón,
Figure 2.7 Improvement Process
Source: (Freire and Alarcón, 2002)
Agile project management advantage increases coordination and collaboration between teams
involved in the project lifecycle. A stand-up meeting is an example of agile project
management's methods for coordination and collaboration daily. A stand-up meeting is about 20
to 25 minutes, and the purpose is not to solve problems but to identify them. Once the problem is
identified, the individuals involved hold a meeting to solve it. The stand-up meeting has many
guidelines such as: (Highsmith, 2010)
1- Stand up meetings must behold at the same time and same place.
2- The meeting must last a minimum of 15 minutes.
3- All agile team members have to attend the meeting.
4- Project leader to attend as per participant.
5- Manager to attend the meeting from time to time for observation.
6- The project leader facilitates the meeting.
7- Each individual to address three questions.
a. What did you do yesterday?
b. What are you planning to do today?
c. What impediments are in the way?
Daily interaction and collaboration with the customer team are very important in the agile
method to ensure that customer needs and expectations are developed properly and that the work
is on track or needs some adjustments. The project leader has to coordinate with stakeholders and
provide resources to team members to make sure all processes are ongoing (Highsmith, 2010).
Full cooperation and coordination between designers and manufacturers in the construction
industry are required and proper communication and management. Agile project management
minimises rework, expenses and project complexity (Chen, Reichard and Beliveau, 2007).
Governments consider agility as a fast-moving process to deliver a project. Agile considers fast
decision making, proper risk management, flexible allocation of resources, better understanding
of environmental changes, and balancing the short-term responses to the long-term management
process. Moreover, agile supported the government by ensuring that the approach of
management is ready for the uncertainty of events or changes in technology and the
environment. Government operate in a dynamic environment so that individual cannot consider
decision making on static changes (National Audit Office, 2012).
Government is interested in agile project management adaptation for different reasons: (National
Audit Office, 2012)
Agile project management applies principles for government projects adaptation, and these
principles are as follows: (National Audit Office, 2012)
1- The agile goal is to satisfy the customer in the continuous delivery of the valuable
2- Welcoming changes even in a late stage of development.
3- Deliver part of the project in the early stages.
4- Individuals and developers have to coordinate together during the project lifecycle.
5- Develop the project with a motivational, trust and support team.
6- Developing sustainable projects.
7- Better design and technical excellence projects.
Government prefer to use agile project management because agility is helping to challenge the
unpredicted future. Moreover, when the government deals with complex projects and uncertain
environments, agility is ready to face and support all economic development, technology
development and environmental changes (National Audit Office, 2012).
National Audit Officer of UK (2012) stated some challenges agility facing for government such
as: (National Audit Office, 2012)
Agile project management has some demands from the government to be applied successfully.
Some of these requirements are as the following: (National Audit Office, 2012)
1- Outward Oriented Culture: government agencies have to analyse and study the other
actions of decision making and problem-solving to examine their operation management
2- System and Policy Alignment: agile project management needs to ensure the whole
system of government policies are aligned from top to bottom with agile principles.
These alignments are human resource, services delivery, information management,
communication and reporting.
3- Workforce Adaptability: public agencies cannot respond quickly once there is a
workforce. So leaders must have skills to solve problems and to generate effective
4- Fast and Effective Decision Making: government is very slow to make decisions,
especially in political issues, while agile project management needs cooperation and
coordination to take faster decisions.
5- Successful Use of Information: government high quality to track information is required
to agile project management methods for better decision making.
The agile project management method and approach needs a type of contract that is adequate to
be implemented and aligned with the agile way of work. A fixed-price contract defines the
framework of a project regarding time and cost agreement. Moreover, it defines the structure and
boundaries of scope to be under control during the project process. It includes the scope of work
controlled to make easier decisions possible for specifying the project features. It helps to
decrease the complexity of procedures and development processes (Opelt et al., 2013).
A traditional fixed-price contract is ruled by specified completed details of the scope and
delivery dates. It defines what customers expect to be delivered.
The approach of an agile fixed-price contract is as the following: (Opelt et al., 2013)
1- The contract will define the product, vision, topics and epics.
2- Details will be specified to the level of user requirements.
3- The fixed-price range will be suggested.
4- Defining risk share, checkpoints and exit points.
5- Define management process and scope to be agreed upon.
6- Cooperative and motivation to be agreed upon.
Agile Project Managers are involved in effective agendas that lead to project success and proper
coordination between stakeholders during the project lifecycle. The following describes what
agile project manager practices are: (Goodpasture, 2010)
1- Toward Customer: lead the end-user during the project lifecycle to participate with the
agile team. Managing customer requirements to satisfy end-user needs.
2- Managing communication: agile project managers encourage communication through
honest and open channels within the agile team. Managing face to face discussion and
interaction between stakeholders and agile team.
3- Seeking results: the main focus of the manager is project results and early delivery of
iteration to the developer.
4- Motivating people or individuals: inspiring individuals of stakeholders and agile team to
maintain proper collaboration among team members.
5- Innovation and technical excellence: Agile project managers always seek technical
excellence to minimize rework and provide high value to the customer.
William A. Foster defined Quality as ―Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high
intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skilful execution; it represents the wise choice
of many alternatives‖ (Goodpasture, 2010).
Quality principles of agile project management are as the following: (Goodpasture, 2010)
Agile Project Management works to prevent rework, cost overrun and delays. The construction
industry suffers from rework (Ye et al., 2014).
Ye et al. (2014) defined rework as ―Primary caused by construction changes and construction
errors because of poor detailing and workmanship‖ (Ye et al., 2014).
Josephson et al. (2002) defined rework as ―unnecessary output caused by mistakes undertaken
during the construction process‖ (Ye et al., 2014).
To avoid rework Agile Project Management analysis the causes behind the rework as the
following: (Ye et al., 2014)
The project is subjected to changes. Agile project management adaptation of changes is putting
the project at risk. Change management is important to be implemented along with agile project
management to study and consider the risks of implementing changes. Study the impact of
changes implemented on the cost, time and quality are essential (Hwang and Low, 2012).
Ibbs et al. (2001) defined project changes as ―Any addition or deletions to project goals or scope
are considered to change, whether they increase or decrease the project cost, schedule or quality
(Hwang and Low, 2012).
Arain and Low (2005) defined project change as ―change is any modification to the contractual
agreement provided by the contractors or owners‖ (Hwang and Low, 2012).
Hwang and Low (2012) stated that ―Changes negatively affect project performance‖ (Hwang and
Low, 2012).
Owen et al. (2006) Stated that ―Changes has traditionally been seen as a threat to conformance to
plan‖ (Owen et al., 2006).
Effects of project changes are as the following: (Hwang and Low, 2012)
1- Increase in project cost: any addition to the scope of work will increase the project cost.
2- Recruiting new professionals: changes to the scope of work require more workforce and
specialized professionals to conduct the work.
3- Increase in overhead expenses: changes between the original scope and the new scope of
the developer will change the contractual agreement between owner and contractor.
4- Quality degradation: continuous changes and rework or demolition of work will affect the
project quality.
5- Decrease in labour productivity: applying changes to the project needs more working
hours, leading labourers to work overtime. This may decrease the morale of work and
6- Delay in the procurement process: changes required new material, which required time to
be supplied. This will affect the procurement process.
7- Rework and demolition: changes cause major or minor rework. Depending on the project
stage, rework will impact the project's cost.
8- Safety conditions: changes require new equipment to be implemented in the project,
which will lead to new measurements of safety requirements.
9- Delay in completion schedule: continuous changes to the project scope of work will
affect project duration.
Some types of changes that usually occur during the project lifecycle are as the following:
(Serrador and Pinto, 2015)
1- Goals.
2- Material.
3- Resources.
4- Tools and Techniques.
5- Relationship with others.
Hanna et al. (2002) defined change as ―any event that results in a modification of the original
scope, execution time, or cost of work, is inevitable on most construction projects due to the
uniqueness of each project and the limited resources of time and money available for planning‖
(Hanna et al., 2002).
Webster (1986) defined impact as ―the force of impression of one thing on another‖ (Hanna et
al., 2002). In construction projects changing the scope of work will impact the efficiency of work
productivity and will negatively impact labour efficiency. The contractor assesses the change
order as the fault of the designer and owner. Meanwhile, the owner will claim the cause of the
change order as a lack of management and supervision (Hanna et al., 2002).
The agile approach focuses on project execution while planning is assumed. Agile project
management includes specifications in the planning stage. This is why agility defines a rough
schedule at the beginning of the project (Stare, 2013).
Figure 2.8 describes how iteration works—starting with the project scope described by the
customer. Then planning iteration will take place as assumptions of time and cost, which is
reputable during iterations. Launching a product is the target of the agile team by proper
monitoring and controlling over customer needs. Closing of iteration will come last after tests
and improvements. The following steps are an explanation of how iteration works: (Wysocki,
5- Conducting the iteration: (Wysocki, 2011)
a- Client to be involved fully in the process.
b- Client to manage all decisions.
c- Completed open work atmosphere.
d- Business value is evaluated for decisions taking.
e- Aligning the decisions with the goals.
6- Closing the iteration: (Wysocki, 2011)
a- Getting client approval.
b- Installing features and final fixing.
c- Preparing final report/handing over-report.
d- Conducting an audit.
Measurements for agile practices during each stage are as the following: (Gren and Goldman,
d- Problems are reporting.
5- Customer Access: (Gren and Goldman, 2016)
a- Reaching to customer.
b- Contact between developer teams and customer teams.
c- Customer feedback.
6- Customer Acceptance Tests: (Gren and Goldman, 2016)
a- Applying to acceptance tests.
b- Acceptance results.
c- Testing criteria.
d- End of iteration accomplishment,
7- Retrospectives: (Gren and Goldman, 2016)
a- Team participation in lessons learned.
b- Improvements needed.
c- Assigning points for improvements.
d- Follow up improvement point‘s achievement.
8- Collocation: (Gren and Goldman, 2016)
a- All members are to be located.
b- Locating engineers with developers.
Assigning an agile team for a project, multiple considerations must be taken into consideration,
such as co-location, skills, availability, empowerment, use of tools, techniques, motivation and
communication skills to overcome a successful project (APM, 2015). Moreover, Hellard (1995)
described the key elements of successful project partnering such as commitment, equity, trust,
mutual objectives, effective problem solving, effective communication and continuous
measurements for better improvements (APM, 2015). Figure 2.9 shows Aziz, Nawawi and Ariff
(2016) described other factors, such as communication, development, team capacity, culture,
environment, and customer relationship (Aziz, Nawawi and Ariff, 2016).
Figure 2.9 Factors of Agile Project Management Success
Source: (Aziz, Nawawi and Ariff, 2016)
All of these researchers agreed to similar factors affecting project success which must be
considered during the project lifecycle by all stakeholders involved.
During the construction project lifecycle, many areas of agility are capable of improvements
such as pre-design, design and construction. This research will study the application of agile in
construction projects during the following phases:
5- The approach of development.
6- Changing responding attitude.
Design phase: (Owen et al., 2006)
During this phase, concept design is developed into the solution used in the construction
phase. Agile Project Management takes place in this phase for:
1- Execution.
2- Controlling.
3- Planning.
4- Organization practices.
Construction phase: (Owen et al., 2006)
Agile project management is very hard to be implemented in the construction phase
because of the need to change the culture of the construction execution process within the
construction industry to be more applicable to adopt changes and deal with them more
Agile project management considers factors affecting engineering productivity related to project
size, cost, priority, continuous improvement, safety, rework, scheduling, construction
productivity, quality management, motivation, and engineering cost. Communication is a factor
that affects project success. Responding time by owner and contractor is majorly considered an
element to project success. (Liao, 2011)
2- Tacit Knowledge: it is the knowledge embedded in individual experience, and it is
difficult to communicate and must be transferred.
Business agility is defined as ―Is the ability of an organization to be responsive to forces within
the business environment and adaptable when change is required‖ (Girvan and Paul, 2017).
Industry must be ready for business change caused by technology development. New
competition enters the market along with new ideas. Adaptation of agile helps meet continuous
changes in the industry (Girvan and Paul, 2017). Business improvement needs to start with
system improvement, which will lead to process improvement to reach the target. One of the
approaches to improving a business is identifying the idea and evaluating. The following
activities must be followed and analysed to keep up with development for a successful business.
These activities are the following:
Agile adaptation and responding to changes support organizations to develop and improve. The
Factors that cause changes are external such as politics, environment, economy, technology and
culture, while internal factors are the process and structure of the organization. To overcome
these factors, agile needs to follow common principles and values. Figure 2.11 shows the core
values of agile that need to be followed by organizations to reach business success.
implementation is required to improve control, execution and planning processes (Krishna and
Nisha, 2020). Professionals in the construction industry need to be trained and get more familiar
with the agile project management approach. During the study on the application of agile on
renewable energy projects, it was found that only 48% of the team has general information about
agile (Mendza, 2018). All players in construction organizations need to redefine their strategies
and business for more agility processes and approaches. These organizations must move towards
agile management (Ribeirinho et al., 2020). These researchers agreed on implementing an
alternative project management method to overcome traditional management methods challenges
during the construction of projects.
This chapter provides a better view and clear idea about agile project management and how all
subjects covered and discussed help the aims and objectives of this study to the link between
BIM and agile project management. Agile project management can be implemented in the
construction industry and provides an alternative management approach to construction projects
and the adaptation of better skills for teams involved. This chapter discussed and compared the
pros and cons of traditional project management and agile project management and highlighted
the agile methodology towards responding to changes, communication, quality control, and
management style. Moreover, this chapter studied agile leadership values and highlighted leader
skills to motivate individuals. Also, agile performance measurements took place in this chapter
and highlighted agile values, quality and constraints within a project lifecycle.
Furthermore, agile simplicity and collaboration with the customer were discussed during this
chapter to allow the reader to understand agile principles. This chapter reviewed agile and lean
thinking in terms of waste elimination, reduction of cost, and how agile adds value to projects.
Moreover, this chapter discussed agile implementation in government systems and challenges to
be overcome. On the other hand, this chapter discussed the causes of rework in construction
projects and how to avoid rework using agile project management iterations. Also, this chapter
covered how to implement agile within the construction industry and factors of agile success in
terms of culture, communication and relationship with customers/clients. Finally, this thesis
considered this chapter to provide more detailed information about agile principles, which will
be integrated with BIM functionalities in Chapter 5.
This chapter aims to discuss Building Information Modelling in the construction industry, like
technology, process and methodology toward design, management and sustainability in the
construction industry. Strategy, information exchange, coordination, benefits, management,
analysis, government adaptation, fabrication, Lean, and waste removal are all subjects covered in
this chapter to better understand Building Information Modelling. This chapter will provide
better support for this study to the link between agile project management and BIM.
3.1 BIM
BIM supports the new design and construction process. BIM increases the quality of the
construction process and reduces the cost and duration of the projects throughout an integrated
design and construction work. BIM provides advantages to the alternative business process by
adding more value for the project to satisfy customer and market demand (Eastman et al., 2011).
Eastman et al. (2011) stated that ―BIM is not a thing or a type of software but a human activity
that ultimately involves broad process changes in construction‖. Also, ―BIM will contribute to a
higher degree of prefabrication, greater flexibility and variety in building methods and types,
fewer claims, and fewer budget, less waste, and higher productivity‖. Then, added, "The big
picture is that BIM facilitates early integration of project design and construction teams, making
closer collaboration possible. This will help make the overall construction process faster, less
costly, more reliable, and less prone to errors and risk‖ (Eastman et al., 2011).
McGraw Hill (2009) defined BIM as ―The process of creating and using digital models for
design, construction and operation of projects‖. BIM is ―an intelligent 3D virtual building model
that can be constructed digitally by containing all aspects of building information-into an
intelligent format. BIM can be used to develop optimized building solutions with reduced risk
and increase value before committing to a design proposal‖ (Barlish and Sullivan, 2012).
Zuppa et al. (2009) defined BIM as ―BIM was most frequent perceived of like a tool for
visualizing and coordinating AEC work and avoiding errors and omissions‖ (Barlish and
Sullivan, 2012).
CRC Press (1999) stated that ―BIM is a digital representation of the building process to facilitate
exchange and interoperability of information in digital format‖ (Hardin, 2009).
The construction industry development board of Malaysia CIDB (2013) defined BIM as ―a
process supported by technology of computer-generated model used in collaboration to populate
information and simulate the planning, design, construction and operation of a facility‖ (Takim,
Harris and Nawawi, 2013).
Eastman (2011) mentions that BIM is software and a performance of human activity; meanwhile,
McGraw Hill, Zuppa and CRC press (1999) did not remark the human activity in BIM. Eastman
(2011) discussed the use of BIM in fabrication, lowering cost, reduction of waste and increasing
productivity, while McGraw Hill (2009), Zuppa et al. (2009) and CRC Press (1999) did not
remark these uses. Eastman (2011) had a wider view regarding BIM benefits in collaboration,
integration and speeding up the construction process, while others did not define these benefits.
McGraw mentioned the use of BIM in risk reduction and solutions development which agreed
with Eastman (2011) and Zuppa (2009); meanwhile, Barlish and Sullivan (2012) discussed BIM
as 3D used to visualize design. All these definitions of BIM intersect and provide positive results
of BIM toward design and construction and how BIM is helping to minimize risks and errors.
This research considered McGraw Hill's (2009) definition of BIM in terms of the intelligent 3D
virtual model that construct a building during the design stage from all aspects of engineering,
which allows the management team to study cost, duration, risks, quantities, modifications and
BIM concept is facing misunderstanding in the construction industry, and clarifying it the
following points show what is not included in BIM: (Eastman et al., 2011)
1- Any 3D model that does not know the object other than its appearance, such as Google
Sketch Up, is not considered BIM.
2- Any Model that does not provide support behaviour of the object and cannot be adjusted
in position or proportion is not BIM.
3- Any Model of 2D that needs a combination to define an object is not BIM.
4- Any Model that does not transfer changes in one elevation to the others, such as
AutoCAD, is not BIM, as shown in Figure 3.1.
BIM Software‘s are different such as E-tabs, Revit and SAP. This software provides structural
design while other software like MS Project and Primavera provides planning and control over a
project (Eastman et al., 2011).
BIM Technology provides the construction industry time and cost reduction for the design
process, sustainable design functionalities, reduction in energy consumption, improving building
performance, and supporting industry to keep up with market demand.
BIM technology analyses the project budget and duration. Meanwhile, BIM provides the
customer clearer image of the project by using visualization functionality before starting the
construction process. Moreover, BIM evaluates all the quality needs along with client
requirements. BIM helps the client better understand the product and estimated costs, time, and
BIM supports design process throughout multiple procedures such as: (Eastman et al., 2011)
1- BIM provides the client with an overview of the design during earlier stages throughout
3D visualization.
2- Ability to accept changes at any project lifecycle stage to apply corrections needed.
3- BIM provides an automated generation of 2D drawings for any plan or elevations. This
functionality helps in reducing errors during drawings generation for all activities. BIM
helps to generate drawings as soon as changes are applied.
4- BIM supports collaboration and coordination between multiple designs. Moreover, BIM
provides more control over all the design processes, which will lead to better
improvement and implementation of value engineering and cost-efficiency.
5- BIM provides accurate cost estimation and quantity surveying during the early stages of
the project. BIM helps provide clear cost estimation for all parties involved during the
design stage to make better decisions.
6- BIM helps to improve energy efficiency and sustainability of the project earlier during
the design stage.
BIM supports the application of changes into project design by providing better visualization of
the change for all stakeholders to share better understanding without any paperwork or time
consuming (Eastman et al., 2011).
BIM will help in the reduction of design errors and misunderstanding of information. BIM
provides better coordination between contractor, designer and client to reduce errors and speed
up the process to avoid legal disputes. BIM provides a smoother process during the project
lifecycle (Eastman et al., 2011).
BIM technology provides a 4D modelling that helps in the planning process during the project
lifecycle. BIM provides a construction simulation that enables parties involved in the project to
know the construction process day by day and what time each stage will take. This will add
clearer calculations for the contractor to provide an accurate number of labours, equipment and
material needed to avoid delays in the construction process. This simulation is not covered in
documentation or traditional construction methods (Eastman et al., 2011).
BIM technology is providing better support during project handing over and operation phases
such as: (Eastman et al., 2011)
1- BIM helps hand over the project to the client or their facility management. Also, BIM
provides full information for maintenance about all material used in the project.
2- BIM provides better support to the management and project operation. BIM provides for
the operation team full information about machinery equipment control systems.
Moreover, BIM provides accurate as-built drawings for maintaining the team.
BIM technology provides the owners many advantages such as better quality, high performance,
reduction of errors, less time and cost. Uses of the BIM model by facility management and
owners are helping in multiple areas such as the following: (Eastman et al., 2011)
1- BIM supports energy consumption calculations and lighting design to increase building
sustainability performance.
2- BIM provides a reduction of cost, which minimizes the financial risk.
3- The project's duration will be less from starting design up to delivery and handing over
the stage.
4- BIM provides the owner with an early estimation of the project cost, which will help in
better decision making.
5- BIM continues the analysis of the project model provides system compliance overall
project duration.
6- Facility management uses the BIM model to operate and generate accurate as-built
drawings for maintenance purposes.
Jackson (2002) discussed owners‘ problems in the construction industry, such as cost overruns,
schedule delays, and quality issues (Eastman et al., 2011). BIM provides owners with technology
that have a better response to these problems. Moreover, BIM can keep up with market demands
for a better return on capital. Reasons behind the adaptation of BIM technology by owners are as
the following: (Eastman et al., 2011)
1- Sustainable design.
2- Operation and assets to manage.
3- Market compatibility and proper timing.
4- Improvement in product quality.
5- More project cost reliability.
6- Easier uses of complex facilities.
7- Early assessment for design.
These drivers and factors will encourage the owners for better decisions to adopt BIM
technology in construction projects. (Eastman, C et al., 2011) BIM technology reduces the
complexity of the design process through proper coordination between architect, MEP and
structural systems.
BIM respond to market needs and any changes required during the design process. BIM is
capable of minimizing risks and reducing project duration. BIM technology has the ability for
quicker response to the unseen field condition throughout the 4D model analysis.
BIM technology is assisting with facility management as well. BIM supports the commissioning
and handing over the process by providing accurate results and a database for operation and
maintenance (Eastman et al., 2011).
There is a reason behind naming BIM (Building information modelling) and not the model. BIM
believes in human activity to run the software. BIM requires areas to be available in the
construction industry for better applications. These areas are as the following: (Eastman et al.,
8- The manufacturing and fabrication process is based on BIM technology and 3D
BIM technology is facing some challenges during the project process such as: (Eastman et al.,
1- Changing during project phases will affect the agreements between contractor, designer
and client.
2- Determining the proper method to share information of the BIM model between the team,
client, and contractor.
3- Ownership of BIM models, multiple designs, data analysis, or fabrication systems is a
legal concern facing the BIM technology methods for ownership.
4- BIM technology needs education and practice to help understand the system and process
for all team members and clients.
5- Implementation of BIM technology in all aspects of business is also considered a
challenge in BIM adaptation.
BIM technology faces multiple barriers during implementation, and these barriers increase the
risk of adopting BIM technology. These barriers are: (Eastman et al., 2011)
These are some steps that help to implement BIM in the industry which will lead to easier and
proper transformation to the future technology and management system these steps are: (Eastman
et al., 2011)
1- Developing an adaptation plan for BIM implantation.
2- Create a team or manager to implement BIM and study cost, time and performances.
3- Starting by using BIM in small one or two projects only.
4- Providing proper training, guides and education for the staff.
5- Starting off using BIM on the new projects
6- Finding all problems a re-plan BIM implantation process to have better results.
BIM's simulation and virtual reality helps the client, developer, and designer understand the
project's functionality. For example, railway stations and airports projects need to apply
simulation for the flow of the passengers during normal hours and beak hours (Nowotarski and
Pasławski, 2016).
One of the benefits of building information modelling is to support outcomes of the construction
process. Owners face difficulty realizing and visualising the project to decide what to implement.
Building information modelling provides customers with the ability to improve decision making
regarding facility management and operation of the project.
Moreover, the success of building information modelling depends on the skills of the team
members and communication between all disciplines (Barlish and Sullivan, 2012).
Recently construction industry has started facing high demand for productivity, sustainable
projects, higher quality projects, lesser project duration and more efficient productivity.
Moreover, Stakeholders start demanding more communication and collaboration during the
construction lifecycle. Building information modelling is a method and approach that enable
engineers in the construction industry to perform the following: (Arayici et al., 2012)
1- BIM enables engineers to simulate the work by more than one discipline.
2- BIM provides more information sharing.
3- BIM allows better financial control.
4- BIM runs visualization to help configure the design.
5- BIM assist in providing accurate 2D drawings.
6- BIM support customers with more flexibility.
7- BIM delivers quality, speed and cost-minimizing services to the projects.
8- BIM helps to minimize errors before starting execution and construction.
9- BIM Discover errors and Auto-Correct them.
BIM provides architects and designers in the construction industry with multi-benefits such as:
(Arayici et al., 2012)
1- Ability to review all drawings to evaluate and correct with accurate results.
2- Accurate information distribution to other parties involved such as contractor, sub-
contractor, suppliers, customer and facility management.
3- Background feedback regarding errors learning to be solved and not repeated in the new
4- Storing information on material usage, sustainability codes, and types of housing designs
allows for effective reuse.
5- Information exchange and better communication and collaboration.
6- Enable correction of design mistakes.
The architecture, engineering and construction industries are slow in adapting technology. Also,
it was claimed that the construction industry has been adopting the old business and management
approach for decades. Technology adaptation is important to sustain completion in the market
(Takim, Harris and Nawawi, 2013).
The construction project is still negatively affected by poor information sharing between project
stakeholders causes overruns in cost and time. BIM interfere with improving information sharing
for more successful opportunities to increase coordination to overcome these challenges
(Mahalingam, Yadav and Varaprasad, 2015).
BIM supports planning, controlling and coordination during project lifecycle by enhancing
visualization and information sharing (Mahalingam, Yadav and Varaprasad, 2015).
BIM is useful in the construction industry and supports planning, concept design, construction,
maintenance, facility management, installation guidance, estimation for resources, cash flow,
schedule for the workforce and operation support (Popov et al., 2008).
Adaptation of BIM in government started when the government started to push the construction
industry for more innovation and environmental collaboration. Government investing in BIM as
technology and software and for the process certainty and efficiency. National BIM Report
(2012) considered that the construction industry is concerned about sharing information and its
risk. This concern will be neglected once the information sharing is absolute and successful.
Government consider BIM as a digital tool that allows for constructing an optimal design and
better operating solution for the industry. Moreover, BIM is considered a continuous tool that
eliminates waste and reanalyses the design to refine it from all wastes (NBS, 2012).
BIM is becoming universal in the construction industry, but it is misunderstood, while BIM is a
digital information 3D modelling of a building or infrastructure projects. It is used to make better
decisions and answer questions during the project lifecycle. Once BIM is implemented in a
collaborative environment, one input will provide many outputs. A large part of the construction
industry needs training and education to make sure BIM is well understood also knowledge and
skills are well provided. BIM supports the construction industry to prevent information loss
during the construction and operation stages. BIM
supports the facility management team during operation and maintenance time (NBS, 2012).
Figure 3.2 shows that since 2008 the cost of technical staff that operate BIM is increased from
approximately 70,000 £ to 150,000 £ and training as well increased from 100,000 £ to 200,000 £
while income is increased from 280,000 £ to 380,000 £. At the end of 2012, technical staff costs
reached 350,000 £ and started to decrease while BIM tools reached 380,000 £ and became
almost steady. From 2009 up to 2012, BIM income increased sharply to reach 740,000 £, and the
figures show it is still increasing. According to the time elapsed using BIM and experience built
within teams of engineers and technical staff, the cost of staff is becoming steading and known in
the industry. Also, the cost of the tools is identified. Meanwhile, the construction industry and
the market depend on BIM, which causes an increase in a sharp way in the field, increasing the
income for years. This benefits BIM business-wise to organisations and construction designers
companies (NBS, 2012).
Figure 3.3 Using CAD 2D, 3D, both or neither
Source: (NBS, 2012)
Through conferences, courses, training, and media, the construction industry has to increase the
awareness of BIM technology and tools. BIM benefits have to be highlighted to all engineers
involved in the construction industry. Companies need to adopt alternative developments and
technologies. BIM is an example of the successful method and technologies that will drive the
construction industry for better productivity and innovation.
BIM technology requires alternative contracts that focus on the collaboration and coordination
between design, contractor, and client teams for sharing information. This contracting approach
also focuses on the risk and cost for the benefit of all parties involved (Eastman, C et al., 2011).
Figure 3.5 shows BIM coordination between multiple sides in the construction industry such as
architectural, structure, mechanical and electrical designers, cost analysis team and construction
teams. This coordination involves the proper exchange of information and documentation.
Coordination between these parties involved in the design and execution required a high level of
management, coordination and collaboration. Implementing agile project management and
technology will provide the organizations with proper information transfer, knowledge sharing
and wider discussions (NBS, 2012).
BIM is mainly dependent on technology used to create, design, and maintain the assets more
efficiently. BIM technology must be understood as a cooperative tool between software and
construction sectors to create better projects to benefit the environment and human beings. Local
government clients are adopting BIM technology and approach in the construction industry to
increase the benefits of lean construction. UK government is largely increasing the adaptation
scale of BIM process and technology for more economic growth in the international market (HM
The UK government recognises that other countries are adopting BIM technology, increasing
competition for the UK market and economy. Skills and expertise will be a challenge for
different countries while UK implementation takes the lead by early implantation. UK
government is considering BIM implementation in other countries as a great threat where other
countries' use of innovation throughout this technology will increase the competition in the
future (HM GOVERNMENT, 2012).
Tsinghua University in Beijing states, ―BIM will be the future IT solution in China; the Chinese
Government is strongly supporting BIM‖ (HM GOVERNMENT, 2012).
UK planned the action toward the implementation of BIM as the following: (HM
BIM is supporting UK Government for a better future in the construction industry and economic
growth. Moreover, BIM is capable of providing better designs for a more sustainable
environment throughout: (HM GOVERNMENT, 2012)
BIM is a revolution in the construction industry that changes the style of construction,
management, designing, analysis and buildings (Hardin, 2009). Contractors are one of the most
important parties in the construction industry that value the benefits of BIM. It is considered a
virtual construction facility for a structure. BIM technology provides information for
construction projects. These information contractors distribute over team members to facilitate
better understanding, collaboration and communication throughout the project lifecycle (Hardin,
Benefits of communication and collaboration BIM provides for designers, architects, contractors,
engineers, owners and facility managers drive positive impacts over construction projects for
better productivity and values (Hardin, 2009). McGraw Hill Construction (2007) states,
―Construction industry over the last forty years productivity has decreased because of lack of
communication and collaboration for information‖ (Hardin, 2009).
BIM have many advantages that help to improve the construction process, such as the following:
(Hardin, 2009)
1- BIM provides lesser time for drafting and more time for designing.
2- Owners and clients demand BIM technology to be adopted in their projects.
3- BIM supports parametric modifications to the design.
4- BIM is providing a chance to the construction industry for cost reduction.
5- BIM will reduce the number of information requests.
6- BIM assists in cost estimation for the project.
7- BIM will provide an opportunity for a reduction in construction time.
8- BIM will help in the reduction of claims.
9- BIM tools will help in the improvement of scheduling capabilities.
10- BIM supports the design to comply with codes and standards.
11- BIM is providing an enhancement of lean construction.
12- BIM supports the project management approaches.
Designers have the advantages of providing the owner with a perspective of the project faster
through BIM. Moreover, mechanical and electrical engineers are capable of providing a model of
the system performance throughout BIM. Also, sustainability engineering is supported by BIM
throughout the measurements of solar orientation, daylighting, reused material and recycling
(Hardin, 2009).
The contractor is one of the parties affected positively by BIM implementation. The contractor
understands the design intent much better than before. BIM allows contractors for better
involvement during the design stage and decision making. The contractor has a place with the
architect and design engineers as valuable members during the project's design stage. BIM
integration of technology allows contractors and subcontractors to have a better understanding
and familiarity of what is going to be built. The contractor can estimate and clarify the cost and
budget of the construction process in the early stage. Contractor experience and knowledge about
the construction process are important in design and decision-making. The BIM model enables
the contractor to communicate with team members in a better way that was not available before.
BIM gives advantages to designers by contractor engagement to add a better understanding of
the actual construction activity of the project. BIM provides contractors with information stored
in the model itself and an ability to communicate better to the construction team. BIM provides
the contractor with a 3D coordination layout, site coordination, sustainability issues, clash
detection, 2D shop drawings, field communication and view of facility management,
coordination plan, sections information, perspectives, projections, views and visualization
throughout the construction model (Hardin, 2009).
Duties of the architect, mechanical and electrical, structural and contractors‘ responsibility
towards information exchange are as the follows: (Hardin, 2009)
8- Architect engineer has to follow up specifications, warranties and other construction
documentation in a technological manner.
Contractor Responsibility: (Hardin, 2009)
1- The contractor is responsible for reviewing the architect's design and setting the budget
for the project through our BIM.
2- The contractor has to maintain information and specification agreed.
3- The contractor is responsible for issuing the Request for Information RFI in digital
4- The contractor has to create the As-Built drawings.
5- The contractor must report immediately for any clash detection continuously.
Mechanical, Electrical and Structure Responsibilities: (Hardin, 2009)
1- MEP and structural engineers in design are responsible for providing the contractor with
2D drawings.
2- Responding to clash detection issues and reports.
3- Responding to adopt the changes and creation of new analysis.
4- MEP and structural engineers are responsible for providing recommendations.
5- Updates model and project team accurately during the project lifecycle.
Within all these responsibilities and coordination, the project management system has to carry
out an information exchange plan and develop a better way to transfer and respond to any
information or requirement during the project lifecycle. Agile project management can enhance
and support BIM during project construction and design and the owner operation team and
facility management team (Hardin, 2009).
During the last century, governments were too busy building projects and organizations did not
manage information assets correctly. This causes the loss of a lot of information, data and
knowledge. In the Netherlands, government and professional organizations assign BIM to be the
infrastructure of all data in the construction industry and the asset of information (Mommers,
BIM technology supports the engineering and manufacturing processes during construction by
providing BIM models to manufacture steel structure and precast elements, which will be easier
and more accurate. The BIM 3D model provides tools and fully accurate details of fabrication
elements used by controlled machinery. This will helps in the reduction of cost and time
(Eastman et al., 2011).
The manufacturing industry had been changed after the adaptation of BIM. The construction
industry and construction projects have been affected positively with BIM digital data, and
accurate measurement for fabrication of all projects eliminated. BIM provides a great
opportunity for subcontractors and suppliers to use the 3D model of the project to fabricate all
the standard and unique elements. All building elements that 3D model of BIM will support its
fabrication process are as follows: (Hardin, 2009)
1- Steel Structure: Beams, Bracing, Joints, Bars, Columns, Truss, Rods, Plats, etc.
2- Glass elements: Elevations, Windows, Doors, Connections.
3- Precast Concrete: Columns, Panels, Boundary walls, Patterns.
4- MEP material: piping, conduits, Ducts.
5- Finishing Items: Furniture, Signage, Ceramic, Floor finishing.
Using BIM technology for fabrication decreases rework by providing correct and accurate
measurements for all elements. Using computers and machinery eliminates human error. The
fabrication process goes through many stages, starting with BIM design, construction, field
installation, and recording and closing out (Hardin, 2009).
BIM and Lean construction are adopting the same concept of lean production. Both are
providing effort for better procurements such as the following: (Hardin, 2009)
Sacks et al. (2010) defined lean principles as ―reduction in capabilities, reduction in cycle time,
increasing in flexibility, designing product for flow and value, focusing on the concept selection,
continuous improvement, using visualized management methods‖ (Eastman et al., 2011).
Laurenzo (2005) states that ―Lean process in Manufacturing and aerospace industry such as
Toyota and Boeing have achieved manufacturing efficiency and commercial success (Eastman et
al., 2011).
Hardin (2009) described lean construction as ―a holistic pursuit of concurrent and continuous
improvements in all dimensions of the built and natural environment design, construction,
activation, maintenance, salvaging and recycling. This approach manages and improves
construction processes with minimum cost and maximum value by considering customer needs‖
(Hardin, 2009). McGraw-Hill Construction states that ―The value of green building construction
is projected to increase to 60 billion dollars by 2010‖ (Hardin, 2009).
Sacks (2010) agreed with Hardin (2009) to implement lean principles in the construction
industry to provide continuous improvement and maximise the value of the projects. Meanwhile,
Laurenzo (2005) described the success of the lean processes in the manufacturing industry, and
McGraw-Hill agrees. Green buildings projected benefits of 60 billion in the construction
industry. All agree that the lean process supports the product's built environment and design
Lean construction is a process that aims to minimize material waste onsite. BIM technology
supports lean construction by ensuring that contractors and sub-contractors fully cooperate to
deliver materials and equipment needed on time. Moreover, BIM technology helps in the
procurement process by providing accurate data of exact quantities of material and machinery
needed (Eastman et al., 2011).
BIM technology is fulfilling lean principles by removing wastes and improving workflow. Using
BIM reduce variation according to the reliability and integrity of the design process. This will
lead to a more economical impact on project lifecycle and customer investment. Also, BIM helps
reduce project duration throughout 4D modelling (Eastman et al., 2011).
The construction team and designing team are aiming to build sustainable projects. All
stakeholders of the project need to follow the following categories for design and construction:
(Hardin, 2009)
1- Water efficiency.
2- Material and resources.
3- Sustainable land or site.
4- Energy and atmosphere.
5- Quality environment.
6- Innovation.
The architect has to implement all data related to climate, project area, surroundings, location,
resources and geography. The designer has to consider building orientation to use as much as
possible sunlight and solar energy (Hardin, 2009).
Green BIM depends on material selection, management system and site location. These factors
will affect the design of all sustainable implementation decisions and project goals. The
contractor and consultants must provide all information needed to the BIM team regarding
material selection and other alternatives. The construction industry is consuming 40% of raw
materials worldwide. Green buildings and BIM have to work for the benefit of the planet and
how to utilize natural resources of the environment. While choosing material for the project,
BIM has to consider many factors such as cost of the material, shipping, sources, effect on the
environment, chemical contains, toxins, wastes, and future impact. All these factors must be
taken highly into consideration by the contractor, owner and designing team (Hardin, 2009).
The contractor must play an important role in material selection and consider fuel consumption
while transferring the material, shipping, storing, and installing. The contractor, while using
BIM, has the advantage of storing information and history databases for material performance
and results.
Green buildings follow a Leadership in Energy and Environment LEED method that evaluates
building design, energy consumption, material usage, and sustainability. (Hardin, 2009) Lean
construction and Green buildings are enhanced by BIM technology to develop sustainable,
valuable projects for humanity.
Natural resources like water, raw material, light, fuel, and plants must be considered and any
wastes material for recycling and reuse. Engineers and designers must provide a plan to identify
the goals of sustainable projects. Cost-saving and reduction of energy consumption are essential
during the design stage (Hardin, 2009).
On the other hand, any material more than the quantity required is considered waste material.
Here, BIM allows the construction manager to avoid any waste of material, save time, do less
rework, and complete the project on budget. BIM provides accurate information about the
quantity of material required for the project. (Hardin, 2009) Material wastes can be recycled
during construction or demolished.
In the construction industry, BIM provides less waste during the construction life cycle, such as
documentation where printed documents at the site are unbelievable during construction work.
For example, specification documents around 100 to 10,000 pages in some projects. Providing a
copy for each party involved in the project from the owner's side to the consultant, contractor,
sub-contractors, suppliers, designer, etc., is considered a waste. Providing multi copies of this
specification is a huge amount of paperwork and documents. BIM throughout technology avoids
this waste by using online digital data. Moreover, the cost of these extra copies for other parties
is considered waste during the construction lifecycle. BIM can reduce and minimise paperwork
through technology using digital format (Hardin, 2009).
BIM technology applies methods during project construction to eliminate human errors and add
more value to the project completion and process. These methods are examples to track
installation activities and construction processes during project lifecycle such as the following:
(Eastman et al., 2011)
1- GPS technology (Global positioning systems) helps engineers to verify locations of
projects on mobiles.
2- Machine guidance technology helps to identify exact dimensions during the excavation
3- Radio Frequently Identification RFID helps in tracking material and equipment onsite.
4- Laser scanning technology helps to compare the location of the structure items with the
1- Quality: This category measures how BIM meets owner requirements and the model
complies with contract requirements.
2- Accuracy: this category measures up to what level project As-Built drawings, data, and
geometry complies with fieldwork.
3- Usefulness: This category measures how the model is useful to generate drawings,
schedules and fabrication drawings. Also, to measure design, construction and operation
over the project life cycle.
4- Economic: this category measures the level of effectiveness the project added value to the
economy where the model is developed at the lowest cost and meets requirements.
5- Productivity: This category measures how fast the model is developed.
6- Effectiveness: this category measure how many times the model will be changed or
corrected during the project life cycle.
Some of the Quality criteria requirements in construction are: (Gransberg and Windel, 2008)
1- Design quality assurance plan.
2- Construction quality control review.
3- National standards specified.
4- Construction inspection required.
5- Construction testing is required.
6- Design submittals review.
7- Quality of proposed submittals.
BIM technology and approach is improving design and construction by supporting all the details
needed complete a project such as the following: (Pulaski and Horman, 2005)
1- Technical details: isolation, gas system, drainage, fireproofing, heating, air conditioning,
power requirements, fuel resources, alarm, emergency power, etc.
2- Structural details: foundation, roof, slab, beam, footings, piles, walls, columns, framing,
3- Architectural details: floor, gross area, space allocation, ceiling, furniture, cabinets, ducts,
windows, equipment, stairway, elevator, service shaft, etc.
BIM technology motivates engineering and architects for better training and education to
improve professional skills. According to Gerber, Khashe and Smith (2013), a survey had been
conducted on 115 individuals using BIM. As per Figure 3.6, the results of this survey show
trained and non-trained individuals for BIM technology skills. An individual needs different
categories and skills to use BIM. Figure 3.6 shows the highest use of Modelling skills while the
least is automation. BIM technology is not based on designing only, but it also provides
scheduling functions. (Gerber, Khashe and Smith, 2013)
Competition in architectural engineering in the construction industry increased over the decayed.
Many modern designs have been developed. BIM increased this competition by providing better
technology implementation and interference with the manufacturing process (Sørensen, Frandsen
and Øien, 2015).
The difference between design and construction is that the design works to implement client
requirements and needs using creative knowledge, visions and continuous improvement.
Meanwhile, the construction process implements the design with minimum cost and delivery on
time (Deshpande, 2011). Some of the negative behaviours that affect the design process are as
the following: (Deshpande, 2011)
1- Poor communication.
2- Missing information inputs.
3- Lack of documentation.
4- Lack of resources allocation.
5- Unpredictable decision making.
To improve the design process, the quality of information needs to be improved and empower
individuals for decision making, proper documentation and accuracy of information and
communication. BIM supports lean construction by providing proper design to the construction
process and removing non-adding value activities (Deshpande, 2011).
Coordination and implementation of BIM application in design are increased lately for
mechanical and electrical disciplines. BIM is used to store information, efficient communication,
processing of information and develop drawings (Wang and Leite, 2015).
BIM is a tool that improves change order practice. BIM capabilities to apply design changes are
much more advanced than the old method of documentation and 2D drawings. BIM processes
and platform applications can adopt different changes such as adding or removing elements,
relocation of items, changing type of materials or specifications and modifications on the number
of materials. BIM functionalities of visualization, automated generation of project design
drawings and simulation of construction process support applications of change orders and
decision making (Likhitruangsilp, Handayani, and Yabuki, 2018). BIM models will
automatically adjust and apply the modifications covering all affected elements regarding
changes that affect other related elements. Also, the BIM functionality of generating documents
helps to generate reports that show all modified and affected elements. The Revit platform
allows users to identify affected elements in coded colours (Moayeri, Moselhi and Zhu, 2017).
Change management requires proper information exchange between team members. BIM central
model allows all engineering disciplines and contractors to share information and modifications
more simply (Liu et al., 2014). Moreover, BIM tools support change order practice by
automatically tracking design changes, providing cost and schedule evaluation, colour coding for
changed elements and automated generation of reports related to applied changes (Handayani,
Likhitruangsilp and Yabuki, 2019).
This chapter discussed BIM objectives related to this study and provided better support for
integrating BIM and agile project management. As a process and management system, BIM
utilisation in the construction industry supports productivity and time-saving. BIM technology
develops a better production and construction system for buildings in terms of fabrication and
design. With a proper management system like agile and BIM, success can be increased in the
construction industry worldwide. This chapter discussed BIM difficulties and benefits during
implementation in the construction industry regarding model ownership, sharing of information
and BIM capabilities to discover errors.
Meanwhile, this chapter highlighted BIM capabilities in coordination and collaboration between
all structure disciplines, architects, electrical and mechanical engineers during design and
construction stages. Also, Chapter 3 highlighted to the reader how BIM successfully supports the
fabrication process of building structure elements by using a digital model. Moreover, the
information exchange process during the design stage and modification of the model is discussed
during this chapter to show how BIM supports changes and customer needs during the design
stage. Furthermore, this chapter studied lean and sustainability in the construction industry and
how BIM supports waste management and value engineering. This chapter provided BIM
functionalities that will be integrated with agile project management principles during this thesis.
This chapter discusses different methods to obtain professionals' opinions, experience and
feedback regarding this research. Qualitative and quantitative methods are applied to fulfil
research aims and objectives to verify the research hypothesis in chapter 1. Documents analysis
of previous case studies is considered secondary data, while questionnaires, surveys, interviews
and presented case study analysis are considered primary data.
Research theory is an explanation and clarification of phenomena by collecting data either to test
the theory or to build a theory (Bryman and Bell, 2011).
There are three types of theories, deductive, inductive and abductive theories. Deductive theory
means a process in which the researcher places a theory to start collecting findings or
observations. However, inductive theory process is when the researcher collects finding or
observations to create a theory (Bryman and Bell, 2011).
In deductive theory, the researcher assumes a hypothesis. The process will lead to gathering data
to end up with findings that will confirm the hypothesis or be rejected, as shown in Figure 4.1.
At the same time, the inductive theory is the opposite direction of deductive theory (Bryman and
Bell, 2011).
During the deductive theory process, the researcher's point of view might change because of the
linear process or the step by step process of deductive theory. During the research and data
collection, the researcher might find different ideas or alternative ideas from data analysis or
other research findings. Moreover, the researcher might find the data irrelevant to the hypotheses
(Bryman and Bell, 2011).
Cameron and Price (2009) defined deductive research as ―starts with a theory and proceeds by
testing hypotheses derived from the theory‖ (Cameron and Price, 2009).
Figure 4.1 The Process of Deduction
Source: (Bryman and Bell, 2011)
Because deductive research starts with a theory, inductive research comes first. However, as
most researchers consider it ‗scientific research, the deductive research. During deductive
research, the researchers place hypotheses that can be testable and provide the conditions to be
tested (Cameron and Price, 2009).
Challenges associated with the deductive approach: (Cameron and Price, 2009)
2- Unavoidable limitation.
Advantages of deductive research: (Cameron and Price, 2009)
1- Observation preference may be minimized.
2- Easier to plan deductive research.
3- Easier to sell to other stakeholders.
According to inductive research, before the researcher place a theory, observations are needed to
drive it. Inductive comes before deductive.
Cameron and Price (2009) define inductive research as ―starts with the observations and drives
theory form these‖ (Cameron and Price, 2009). Inductive research is known as Grounded
Theory. Inductive research benefit is the flexibility of research design.
According to Figure 4.2, this research is deductive. This is based on placing the theory that it
exists in the construction industry and driving the hypotheses based on positivism to be tested for
research approach is defined by Cameron and Price (2009) as ―a process of drawing the
conclusion that includes preferring one hypothesis over others that could explain the facts when
there is no basis in previous knowledge that could justify this preference‖ (Cameron and Price,
2009). Abduction research is used once the researcher does not has a hypothesis or an existing
theory. During this approach, the researcher will build a theory.
The induction process started with an observation then findings to reach a theory. Moreover,
literature in inductive research is to improve the theory. Inductive research is associated with the
qualitative type of research, while deductive research is associated with the quantitative type
(Ghauri and Grønhaug, 2010). Figure 4.3 shows deductive and inductive approaches consist of
positive and positivist approaches that lead to quantitative and qualitative methods for the
researcher to follow during the study.
This research is considered deductive research. The hypothesis is defined after the theory of
literature review is initialled. Moreover, several measurements took place to validate or reject the
hypothesis. All measurements are evaluated as per results and feedback. The consideration of
deductive research occurred to identify a hypothesis that will be accepted or rejected after the
study is completed.
Bryman and Bell (2011) defined Positivism as ―an epistemological position that advocates the
application of the methods of natural science to the study of social reality and beyond‖ (Bryman
and Bell, 2011). Positivism is an element of two approaches, deductive approach and inductive
Positivism is an old theme used by Ancient Greeks. Auguste Comte, a French philosopher during
the nineteenth century, studied and defined positivism as ―understanding of behaviour,
explanation proceeds by way of scientific description‖ (Cohen, Manion and Morrison, 2013).
Positivism is a term that means human knowledge accept natural science. Positivism uses social
science to observe the social reality. Positivism provides the researcher with clear ideas about
knowledge throughout science and supports researchers in studying human behaviour, work
complexity, order, and nature (Cohen, Manion and Morrison, 2013).
Bryman and Bell (2011) defined Realism as ―a belief that the natural and the social science can
and should apply the same kinds of approach to the collection of data and explanation, and a
commitment to the view that there is an external reality to which scientists direct their attention
(Bryman and Bell, 2011).
1- Empirical realism is the use of correct methods and reality for better understanding.
2- Critical realism is the recognition of reality and the order of events of the social world.
Bryman and Bell (2011) defined Interpretivism as ―it is predicated upon the view that a strategy
is required that respects the difference between people and the objects of the natural sciences and
therefore requires the social scientist to grasp the subjective meaning of social action (Bryman
and Bell, 2011).
This research is positivism research that depends on the science to evaluate social facts of
professionals in the industries. The reason behind choosing this type of research is to identify
how much each approach of management and technology affect teams and professionals in the
industries towards culture and social acting towards projects lifecycle.
Ontology is a since that deal with the nature of being. It concerns social beings. Ontology
classifies social beings into two categories, objectivism and constructionism. Ontology studies
objectives and effectiveness of social being (Bryman and Bell, 2011).
Bryman and Bell in 2011 defined Objectivism as ―an ontology position that asserts that social
phenomena and their meanings have an existence that is independents of social actors. Onology
implies that social phenomena and the categories that we use in everyday discourse exist
independently or separate from actors‖ (Bryman and Bell, 2011).
Objectivism has an external effect on social beings. For example, culture in society will
influence the values and beliefs of social actors. In an organization, standards, rules and
regulations will influence social actors‘ behaviour, action and compliances. So, objectivism is an
external factor affecting social beings out of their reach (Bryman and Bell, 2011).
Bryman and Bell in 2011 defined constructionism as ―ontology position which asserts that social
actors are continually accomplishing social phenomena and their meanings. ontology implies that
social phenomena and categories are not only produced through social interaction, but they are
constantly revising‖ (Bryman and Bell, 2011). Constructionism studies the adaptation of social
actors to organization and culture and how social being affects success.
This research is considered objectivism, which is influenced by values, beliefs, culture, rules and
social acting affected by the application of alternative management systems and advanced
technology in the construction industry.
Qualitative research is used to develop ideas about hypotheses and to understand opinions and
reasons behind the research. It used methods for data collection such as individual interviews,
observations and discussion with focused groups. Qualitative research gathers information from
small groups (Bryman and Bell, 2011). Figure 4.5 shows the qualitative research process that the
researcher follows during conducting a study, while data collection is based on individuals'
experiences and opinions towards the subject.
This research considered both research strategies, qualitative and quantitative. The use of data
collection to verify the study's objectives is done through individual interviews, surveys and case
studies. The reason behind using both strategies is to collect data through various methods.
Experimental studies are used by researchers to investigate the conditions of the study and to
measure differences and changes of variables. The experimental study has two variables, the
independent variable causes a change on another variable and the dependent variable causes an
effect on another variable. The input variable is the independent variable, while the outcome
variable is the dependent variable (Cohen et al., 2013). There are different types of experiments:
(Cohen et al., 2013)
Cross-sectional studies choose a population sample at a certain point in time. The individuals of
the population chosen for the study are different in education, occupation, age, income, location,
geographic distribution and gender. Cross-sectional studies are included in longitudinal studies
that work in parallel to expand the samples chosen over some time (Cohen et al., 2013).
Longitudinal studies are used to study cases over a long period. Information gathering will take
several years for the long term and several months for the short term. Surveys and case studies
are longitudinal studies that use different large samples repeatable over time or new ones. Long
term investigation allows the researcher to analyse the phenomena over a long period to collect
more information, variables, behaviours and effects. Longitudinal studies may use qualitative or
numerical data (Cohen et al., 2013).
4.5.4 Case Studies
Case studies provide the research with an example of a particular situation that helps the reader
understand the research, the case, or the study's ideas. Case studies explain, describe and
practically illustrate the research (Cohen et al., 2013).
A comparative study uses one or more methods during the research study. Quantitative and
qualitative methods are included during the comparative study. Examination of different
phenomena includes a variety of traditions, lifestyles, organizations, nations, values, and people
express the comparison during the study (Cohen et al., 2013).
Primary and secondary case studies are considered in this research design to drive data from the
construction and software industries field to support the research with actual situations and real
A questionnaire survey is mostly used for collecting information throughout a survey. The
survey structure is designed through a sequence of questions such as scaling data, rating
questions, multiple choices and type of questions. The survey can be distributed to individuals in
person or online (Cohen et al., 2013).
4.6.2 Interviews
The interview is a tool to collect data verbally throughout a series of questions that enable the
interviewers to express the answer and all deep details regarding the subject. Interviews generate
the knowledge between humans and allow humans to interact to discuss and express their points
of view (Cohen et al., 2013).
4.6.3 Observation
Observation is a method that the researcher uses to collect data by systematically looking and
noting the behaviours, events, and routines of people that the research is targeting. It is
advantageous for the researcher to collect live information from a specific situation. The research
will examine the situation on-site to collect data. The observation method is a flexible method
that helps the researcher interact with a population in the field in a simpler way. Observation
allows the researcher to record the non-verbal situation and behaviours (Cohen et al., 2013).
Focus Groups are a method used during research that relies on the interaction between
individuals to data during a topic discussion. The opinions of the participants can emerge from
developing a theme and data. The focus groups method is choosing a specific number of
individuals. Focus groups aim to produce a large amount of data and information in a short
period. The disadvantage is that the amount of data generated is lesser than interviewing
individuals separately (Cohen et al., 2013).
4.6.5 Model
The model is based on theoretical assumptions, while the conceptual model represents the
system. Model is a result of a study that provides a theory on how a group will act and interact.
After the assumption is made, the model will be examined throughout multiple tests. The model
can be defined as a map. Properties of the model are as the following: (Jonker, 2010)
4.6.6 Framework
The framework is a study to serve and build a proper understanding of research. It also supports
the methodology of the thesis. The framework needs to be tested and validated by others.
Framework design of research can be applied in qualitative and quantitative studies. The
framework is an understanding of a problem to be presented and specified theoretically to
support the research. It also helps analyse the research data and choose research design (Grant
and Osanloo, 2014).
The Foundation of selecting framework of the study is based on different methodologies: (Grant
and Osanloo, 2014)
The Delphi technique is applied based on gathering information and opinions from a group of
professionals due to the limitations of time and accessibility. Delphi technique is used for
qualitative research or study to identify the major elements. Panel size and the number of
individuals are recommended based on topics covered and differentiation between disciplines
and experiences needed. These individuals are called the Delphi panel. Moreover, the validation
of the results depends on the experience and knowledge of individuals selected for the study
(Habibi, Sarafrazi and Lzadyar, 2014).
For this research, 8 participants were chosen for the Delphi technique study, which fulfils part 2
of the abovementioned Delphi technique principles. Also, two rounds are done during the Delphi
technique method, which fulfils part 3 of the Delphi technique principle.
This research considers data collection methods through questionnaires survey by distributing
the surveys to multi professionals in the industries to get their feedback on the subject. Also,
individuals‘ interviews took place by collecting data face to face with an individual by asking a
series of questions related to the research. On the other hand, the Delphi technique is also applied
to collect data from a group of individuals regarding the subject and compare their answers
through multiple rounds.
4.7.1 Reliability
Reliability differs from qualitative research to quantitative research. Reliability is a feature that
concerns accuracy and precision. Features can be measured in the research, such as the height
can be precise, but sociological data precision cannot be measured. If the researcher chooses a
particular population sample with a similar approach, the results will be the same. Reliability is
related to positivism (Cohen et al. 2013). Reliability can be explained throughout IQ tests for
people. It is founded that IQ tests are not reliable because it gives different scores in different
situations (Bryman and Bell, 2011).
4.7.2 Replication
Replication is used in quantitative research, and it is not common in business research. It means
that the replication of other researchers works. Replication used during research must be applied
for the study (Bryman and Bell, 2011).
4.7.3 Validity
Validity is the key factor in both qualitative and quantitative research. Validity gives the research
ideas about the worth of work. There are many types of validity, such as culture, theoretical,
content, etc. Validity is the main criterion for education research (Cohen et al., 2013). Validity is
concerned about the conclusion of the research (Bryman and Bell, 2011).
These research evaluation criteria considered validity to confirm research results by referring to
the theoretical and analysis data done during the research.
This research uses a one-sample testing technique considering z-test to evaluate both research
hypotheses, stated in Section 1.3, either rejected or fail to reject. Meanwhile, left tail and right
trail tests will be applied to evaluate z-test results compared to the confidence level discussed at
the analysis stage of this research study (Sections 8.5 and 9.3.6). The following equation and
descriptions define the z-test and its parameters: (Taeger and kuhnt, 2014)
Null hypothesis H0: µ = µ0
This section will cover sampling strategy for interviews, Delphi technique and survey study.
Meanwhile, ―there are two types of sampling procedure, random and non-random. Random
sampling techniques give the most reliable representation of the whole population. In contrast,
non-random techniques, relying on the researcher's judgment or accident, cannot generally be
used to make generalizations about the whole population‖ (Walliman and Baiche, 2001).
The sampling strategy for the interview study is considered non-random sampling. An
experienced consultant/designer and contractor in BIM application with civil
engineering background are chosen from UAE construction industry for interview
study of BIM primary case.
Sampling strategy for survey study is considered random sampling. The researcher
distributed the survey for software and construction industry professionals to obtain
their opinions and answers towards research questions.
This chapter covers data collection and analysis methods. Qualitative and quantitative methods
were adopted in this research. Literature reviews, questionnaire surveys, primary and secondary
case studies were considered to validate and verify the objectives of this study. Moreover, the
framework is developed during chapter 5 to establish an alternative management approach.
Figure 4.6 and Table 4.1 summarise the research methodology chapter and the selecting of
paradigm, approach and strategy covered in previous sections.
Research Methodology
Research Approach Deductive Theory
Research Epistemology Positivism
Research Ontology Objectivism
Research Strategy Qualitative and Quantitative Research
Research Design Case Studies
Research Method Questionnaires Survey- Interviews-Framework- Delphi Technique
Research Evaluation Criteria Validity
This chapter highlighted research methodology and considered the research approach as a
deductive theory because the hypothesis is assumed, and the finding will fail to reject or reject
the hypothesis. Moreover, this research epistemology is considered as positivism. This study is
built on human behaviours and social acts to obtain professionals opinions. Moreover, this
chapter describes research ontology as objectivism because beliefs and values influence this
study. Furthermore, the research strategy and methods considered surveys, interviews and case
studies to gather information and data during this study. Finally, research evaluation is
considered during this study as a validity type to confirm the result by data analysis.
Figure 4.6 Research Methodology Summary
This study focuses on the integration of agile principles and BIM functionalities. The research
developed three integrated frameworks: (i) 2D-framework integrating Agile and BIM; (ii) 3D-
framework integrating the 2D-framework with the project life-cycle of RIBA plan of work; and
(iii) 4D-framework integrating the 3D-framework with project procurement systems. The
research utilized the literature review and secondary case studies (a) to identify and evaluate
these principles and functionaries; and (b) to develop the integrated conceptual frameworks (2D,
3D and 4D frameworks). The research investigated four secondary case studies about BIM and
four secondary case studies about agile, besides the literature review, to develop these three
Agile-BIM integrated frameworks. On the other hand, primary case studies and surveys validated
the integration frameworks between agile principles and BIM functionalities. Two primary case
studies about BIM and two primary case studies about agile were analysed and discussed to
validate Agile-BIM integrated frameworks. In addition, a questionnaire survey of 210
professionals in the industry was carried out to obtain their opinions, which were used to
accomplish the research aim and objectives set in section 1.2.
Agile and BIM methods share similar principles to achieve successful delivery. This chapter will
discuss integrating agile project management and building information modelling and studying
agile project management enhancement to building information modelling.
This integration has not been discussed widely in construction or manufacturing industries. This
chapter will cover this integration and discuss the alternative methodology of management and
Building information modelling adaptation in the construction industry had not yet identified the
processes or framework for project design, construction and operation (refer to appendix C) as an
example of the pre-construction process. Agile project management methods and techniques will
integrate with BIM to provide a clear framework for the construction industry. This integration
will help identify the processes to maximize coordination and collaboration throughout the
project life cycle for data management, information distribution, customer satisfaction, welcome
changes and technical excellence (Kumar and McArthur, 2015).
Omar and Elhag (2020) investigated BIM application in the construction industry and support to
management teams by providing geometric and non-geometric information data to stakeholders,
facility management, contractor and sub-contractors in addition to a study on agile project
management approach and the effect on increasing interaction between design teams and
customer through better communication and collaboration (Omar and Elhag, 2020). Building
design faces challenges during changes adaptation and rework. Agile project management
supports Building Information Modelling by providing a short and fast iteration of work,
improving coordination and communication, eliminating unnecessary activities, developing more
beneficial engineering analysis and improving activities sequence. Agility supported BIM by
increasing customer satisfaction and improving risk management (Kumar, S and McArthur, J,
Building information modelling developed coordination between design teams and stakeholders
involved in the project. However, unfortunately, because of miss-communication and interaction
between stakeholders‘ teams, pitfalls are created during BIM implementation. Improper
management for BIM implementation causes inefficient delivery of activities during the project
lifecycle. In this research, agile project management enhances Building Information Modelling
communication and interaction to guarantee proper delivery of activities and customer
satisfaction throughout the project life cycle.
One of the techniques agile project management has is to regularly develop a style of
communication between team members and stakeholders to identify the goals of the next phase
and discuss issues related to the project activities. Agile application to BIM will reduce rework
caused by miscommunication (Kumar and McArthur, 2015).
BIM combine all the data from all stakeholders involved in the project during the design,
construction and operation phases. All data provided by asset management, health and safety,
sustainability, maintenance, facility management, space planning and authorities are saved from
being used during the project operation phase. This information needs a proper management
system for coordination between the building information modelling team and management team
to collect, distribute, review, highlight and follow up the actions during the project lifecycle
(Kumar and McArthur, 2015).
Building information modelling as software is mainly used for design. BIM is also used to
provide geometric and non-geometric information data to stakeholders, facility management,
contractors, sub-contractors, suppliers, and management teams. Agile project management
approach and teams enable more interaction with the architectural design to provide visualization
for customers. Agile supports BIM by providing clarity, simplicity, beneficial communication,
regular feedback from customers, adaptation changes, and high response to customer needs
(Kumar and McArthur, 2015).
Agile project management defines four iterations for Building information modelling as follows:
(Kumar and McArthur, 2015)
1- Visualization: during this iteration, BIM is used as a visualization tool.
2- Design: during this iteration, improve elements details for design by refining the overall
3- Analysis: during this iteration, BIM is used for analyzing project data and for getting
outcomes for building design, cost, operation and facility management.
4- Documentation: during this iteration, agile takes place to minimize documentation to
reduce waste such as time and paperwork.
Regular meetings will be conducted with the client to provide a work progress presentation, and
Iteration will be discussed during the meeting. A new goal will be identified for the next iteration
in case of success. Nevertheless, alternative measurements and goals will be identified based on
the information gathered from the unsuccessful iteration (Kumar and McArthur, 2015).
Agile BIM develops proper communication and information transfer with the client for the
design intent and project progress. This will allow the client to understand the project priorities
and directions better.
going through a long supply chain of information is not applicable in the BIM approach (Dossick
and Neff, 2009).
Agile project management should take action regarding the speed of submittals process approval
and Shop drawings approval and review. Material samples and project data sent to the consultant
for approval usually take time for review, causing delays. BIM generates drawings at any time
required, and material is specified within data inputs. The agile team has to support the
submittals process to manage approval on time to avoid delays (Pestana, Alves and Barbosa,
Agile project management approach and way of communication daily during stand-up meetings
are mandatory to improve communication, collaboration, and coordination over the project life
The traditional project management approach of communication isolates the design team from
construction and MEP teams. This will cause a lack of collaboration and coordination between
architect and design teams with subcontractor and construction teams (Dossick and Neff, 2009).
Building information modelling needs a proper management system to ensure work deliverables
and collaboration. Agile project management has been proved a successful management method
in the manufacturing and software industry for the past years. BIM functionalities and agile
principles are studied and analysed with 32 interactions (Sacks et al., 2010). Managers,
developers, construction executives, designers and management teams working in the
construction industry will be affected by the benefits of Agile BIM development strategy
adaptation. A framework will be developed to ensure BIM and Agile fit and interact together
(Sacks et al., 2010). Table 5.1 shows a matrix between 12 agile principles and 13 BIM functions.
Agile principles motivate the individual to support BIM functionalities by adding value to the
integration. Table 5.2 shows a description of each integration between agile and BIM. Omar and
Elhag (2019) studied agile principles and BIM functionalities and found 32 integrations to create
a 2D framework to enhance the application of Agile in construction projects using BIM (Omar
and Elhag, 2019).
Table 5.1 Agile Principles vs BIM Functionalities
Satisfy customer 24 12 15
14 8 10 13 16 22 29
3 23
9 19 30
Face to Face
20 31
Priority for a
working 1 11
6 17 25
4 7 26
Simplicity 5 18 27
21 32
More effective
2 28
Table 5.2 Agile Principles vs BIM Functionalities Discussion
BIM provides a rapid generation of designs during the project life (Sacks et al., 2010) -
cycle. This allows the agile project management team to re-evaluate (Nir, 2014) - (Opelt et
the errors, emissions and deletion of non-adding value items. This al., 2013) - (Eastman et
2 integration between BIM and agile will provide more effective al., 2011) - (Hardin,
iteration during the design and construction stages.
BIM's rapid generation of designs will provide high satisfaction for (Sacks et al., 2010) -
the customer and show frequent deliverables of the product or (Nir, 2014) - (Opelt et
3 design. Moreover, the agile project management approach supports al., 2013) - (Eastman et
al., 2011)
short and continuous deliverables throughout iterations.
Throughout the analysis of data inputs based on customer (Sacks et al., 2010) -
requirements, BIM will provide cost estimation for the project. The (Nir, 2014) - (Opelt et
5 agile principle of simplicity requires BIM cost estimation somewhat al., 2013) - (Eastman et
al., 2011)
manual pricing of each item, leading to more time-consuming.
BIM's commitment to standards and policies regarding sustainable (Sacks et al., 2010) -
(Nir, 2014) - (Opelt et
projects developed during design and construction stages supports al., 2013) - (Eastman et
6 sustainable development's agile principle. al., 2011) - (Hardin,
BIM automated generation of drawings saving time and effort (Sacks et al., 2010) -
during application of changes, and maintaining technical excellence (Nir, 2014) - (Opelt et
al., 2013) - (Eastman et
in terms of accurate drawings used by all stakeholders, which fulfil
7 al., 2011) - (Hardin,
the agile principle of technical excellence.
BIM capabilities of collaboration between design disciplines and (Sacks et al., 2010) -
construction activities allow the agile method to welcome changes (Nir, 2014) - (Opelt et
al., 2013) - (Eastman et
required by the customer during the construction process. This
8 al., 2011) - (Hardin,
integration is increasing customer satisfaction and project value.
BIM collaboration of design and construction supporting agile team (Sacks et al., 2010) -
to fulfil working together principle by properly coordinating (Nir, 2014) - (Opelt et
al., 2013) - (Eastman et
between stakeholders involved in the project to reach better
9 al., 2011) - (Hardin,
customer satisfaction and technical excellence.
Changes affect the project plan. BIM's rapid generation of (Sacks et al., 2010) -
construction plans allows agile project management to adopt (Nir, 2014) - (Opelt et
al., 2013) - (Eastman et
changes and satisfy the customer. BIM and Agile integration help
10 al., 2011) - (Hardin,
generate plans and analyse the effect on project duration.
BIM's ability to simulate the project model during the design and (Sacks et al., 2010) -
construction process using 3D modelling of project structure (Nir, 2014) - (Opelt et
supports the agile management team to coordinate and collect more al., 2013) - (Eastman et
12 details about customer needs and requirements. This integration al., 2011) - (Hardin,
will increase customer collaboration and satisfaction.
BIM's ability to simulate project design and construction process (Sacks et al., 2010) -
supports the agile project management approach to implement (Nir, 2014) - (Opelt et
changes required during the project life cycle. Simulation al., 2013) - (Eastman et
13 functionality allows customers and the Agile team to understand the al., 2011) - (Hardin,
effect of these changes on the project process, cost and duration.
BIM automated generation of documents and drawings allows agile (Sacks et al., 2010) -
to implement changes. The agile team will be able to provide the (Nir, 2014) - (Opelt et
construction team with necessary drawings and documents affected al., 2013) - (Eastman et
14 by changes in a short period. This integration provides accurate al., 2011) - (Hardin,
results and saves time and effort.
BIM 4D visualization of the construction process and scheduling (Sacks et al., 2010) -
supports the agile team to provide customers with a proper (Nir, 2014) - (Opelt et
al., 2013) - (Eastman et
understanding of the project's cost, time, and work process.
15 al., 2011) - (Hardin,
BIM 4D visualization supports agile to implement changes and (Sacks et al., 2010) -
increase the ability to evaluate the effects of these changes. 4D (Nir, 2014) - (Opelt et
al., 2013) - (Eastman et
visualization supports lean principles to eliminate waste and non-
16 al., 2011) - (Hardin,
adding value activities.
BIM functionality of collaboration between design and construction (Sacks et al., 2010) -
supports the agile principle to involve stakeholders during the (Nir, 2014) - (Opelt et
al., 2013) - (Eastman et
design process to implement sustainable material, reduce wastes
17 al., 2011) - (Hardin,
and study project consumption of energy.
4D visualization of the construction schedule supports the agile (Sacks et al., 2010) -
principle of simplicity by providing less documentation and reports. (Nir, 2014) - (Opelt et
BIM digital data obtained from the model is used once needed by al., 2013) - (Eastman et
18 any parties involved in the project. This use of technology will save al., 2011) - (Hardin,
time and effort during the project lifecycle.
Agile project management supports communication throughout the (Sacks et al., 2010) -
face to face conversations. BIM technology is providing online (Nir, 2014) - (Opelt et
communication to support individuals located in different areas to al., 2013) - (Eastman et
20 communicate throughout face to face. This integration saves time al., 2011) - (Hardin,
and effort for stakeholders involved in the project.
BIM functionality of online communication provides support to the (Sacks et al., 2010) -
self-organizing team to update, coordinate and collaborate with (Nir, 2014) - (Opelt et
al., 2013) - (Eastman et
project stakeholders. This integration minimizes rework and
21 al., 2011) - (Hardin,
miscommunication between team members.
The BIM technology of computer-controlled fabrication supports (Sacks et al., 2010) -
agile project management for continuous material delivery by (Nir, 2014) - (Opelt et
speeding up the fabrication process of structural elements and al., 2013) - (Eastman et
23 minimizing rework and human errors during the construction al., 2011) - (Hardin,
BIM functionality of reusing model data for predictive analysis is (Sacks et al., 2010) -
providing customers with an estimation of the project duration, cost (Nir, 2014) - (Opelt et
and process. This functionality supports the agile project al., 2013) - (Eastman et
24 management principle of customer satisfaction by providing teams‘ al., 2011) - (Hardin,
better understanding and re-evaluation of project cost and duration.
The agile principle of technical excellence is supported by the BIM (Sacks et al., 2010) -
functionality of computer-controlled fabrication in terms of higher (Nir, 2014) - (Opelt et
al., 2013) - (Eastman et
quality products fabricated with accurate data.
26 al., 2011) - (Hardin,
The agile principle of simplicity and BIM computer-controlled (Sacks et al., 2010) -
fabrication is integrated to reduce document works and (Nir, 2014) - (Opelt et
al., 2013) - (Eastman et
specifications. Digital data of the BIM model is distributed to all
27 al., 2011) - (Hardin,
stakeholders for higher coordination to save time and effort.
Integration between the agile principle of effective iteration and (Sacks et al., 2010) -
BIM computer control fabrication is minimizing errors and (Nir, 2014) - (Opelt et
al., 2013) - (Eastman et
omissions. This integration is improving project value and technical
28 al., 2011) - (Hardin,
BIM functionality of integration with project partners is supporting (Sacks et al., 2010) -
the agile principle of welcome changes by proper implementation (Nir, 2014) - (Opelt et
of client requirements at any stage during the project life cycle. Any al., 2013) - (Eastman et
29 changes in design will be distributed directly to all partners al., 2011) - (Hardin,
involved in the project.
BIM functionality of integration between project partners and the (Sacks et al., 2010) -
agile principle of working together is integrated to support project (Nir, 2014) - (Opelt et
al., 2013) - (Eastman et
success, collaboration and coordination between all project
30 al., 2011) - (Hardin,
The agile principle of the self-organizing team and BIM (Sacks et al., 2010) -
functionality of integration between project partners are integrated (Nir, 2014) - (Opelt et
al., 2013) - (Eastman et
to empower individuals for better decision making and problem-
32 al., 2011) - (Hardin,
5- Increase customer satisfaction.
6- High improvement for process techniques.
These challenges are affecting agile and BIM adaptation in the construction industry. This
section will cover agile and BIM challenges based on academic research and industrial reports to
be highlighted in this study.
According to National Audit Officer of UK (2012) described some of the challenges agility
facing during government projects such as: (National Audit Office, 2012)
Identification of Agile Project Management Challenges: (Nuottila, Aaltonen and Kujala, 2016)
1- Project Level:
a- Changes and delays of project requirements: These challenges are affecting team
estimation of sprints delivery.
b- Sponsorship of senior management: decisions of senior management to provide
training for the team to allow empowerment, decision making and motivation.
2- Team Level:
a- Achieving cross-functionality: this challenge is defined as ―the ability of the team
members to work across various technologies and functional areas to achieve the
same organizational task‖. (Hoda and Murugesan, 2016)
b- Effective estimation: this challenge occurs once the team is apart from each other.
Effective estimation occurs during meetings and sharing views of activities.
3- Individual Level:
a- Asserting Autonomy: this challenge depends on individuals achieving tasks without
interference or involvement.
b- Self-assignment: this challenge occurs once the team members are not able to assign
tasks for themselves without waiting for managers.
4- Task Level:
a- Lack of assessment methodology: this challenge required individuals to evaluate the
work by proper checklist and to have acceptance criteria to improve performance.
b- Task dependency: this challenge occurs once one activity is cancelled and another
activity depends on it.
Education and training of individuals are important to ensure their understanding of the roles and
responsibilities of agile project management. Organizations must make sure agile knowledge is
distributed to all individuals in the organization to be utilized.
Agile project management depends on the individual. The agile method to minimize
documentation is a challenge for the agile team in case one of the individuals decides to leave
without data records. (Nuottila, Aaltonen and Kujala, 2016) The agile teams and agile project
managers are facing difficulties with other stakeholders who are not familiar with agile project
The agile project management method required continuous communication between the agile
team, customer team and other stakeholder teams. The agile method is based on discussing
project issues, problems, updates and processes continuously. This creates a challenge to the
agile team to push other stakeholders to be involved in the project as per the agile method.
(Nuottila, Aaltonen and Kujala, 2016)
5.4.2 BIM Challenges
BIM technology is facing some challenges during the project process such as: (Eastman et al.,
1- Changing requirements during the project lifecycle will affect the agreements between
contractor, designer and client.
2- Determining the proper contractual agreement to be used for sharing information of BIM
model between designer, client and contractor.
3- Ownership of the model, designs, data analysis and system of fabrication is a legal
concern facing the BIM technology method for ownership.
4- BIM technology needs education and practice for the teams to understand the system and
Projects that implement BIM are facing major issues regarding rules of communication between
designers and stakeholders. These issues are causing problems during BIM implementation,
which need to be identified and solved for better value and behaviour. These problems are as the
following: (Tauriainen et al., 2016)
15- Changing requirements.
For BIM technology to be successful and overcome challenges, all teams of the customers,
developer and other stakeholders must take into consideration the requirements of BIM shown in
Figure 5.2 in terms of technology, communication, rules, responsibilities and competition.
(Tulenheimo, 2015)
Table 5.3 Matrix of Agile BIM Challenges
Stakeholder communication
and involvement
Stakeholders understanding
of rules and responsibilities
Knowledge transfer 2 7
Documentation 3 8
Table 5.4 Matrix of Agile BIM Challenges Discussion
Agile BIM challenge while implementing changes occurs (National Audit Office,
2012) - (Eastman et al.,
because of a lack of communication and involvement of 2011) - (Tulenheimo, 2015)
1 stakeholders during the project lifecycle. - (Nuottila, Aaltonen and
Kujala, 2016)
The agile BIM challenge of knowledge transfer is caused by a (National Audit Office,
2012) - (Eastman et al.,
lack of sharing information between stakeholders involved in the
2011) - (Tulenheimo, 2015)
2 - (Nuottila, Aaltonen and
Kujala, 2016)
Agile BIM challenges the availability of experience to run BIM
software. Knowledge of BIM software is a challenge facing all (National Audit Office,
2012) - (Eastman et al.,
stakeholders involved in the project, while the design and agile 2011) - (Tulenheimo, 2015)
7 team is responsible for distributing the BIM model for all parties - (Nuottila, Aaltonen and
Kujala, 2016)
involved in the project.
considered as a waste.
The challenge of the Agile BIM method is to increase (National Audit Office,
2012) - (Eastman et al.,
stakeholders understanding of rules and responsibilities toward 2011) - (Tulenheimo, 2015)
12 ownership of the BIM model. - (Nuottila, Aaltonen and
Kujala, 2016)
5.4.3 Agile Benefits
The application of agile project management is adding benefits to the construction industry's
productivity of work. Some of these benefits are as the following: (Adil and Fatima, 2015)
1- Client Contribution.
2- Reduction of Project Uncertainties.
3- Increase communication among team members.
4- Constant improvement.
5- Proper time management.
6- Adding strong vision to the task.
7- Individual motivation by decision making and responsibilities.
1- Better quality product: agile project management works to prevent project problems by
using better technology, more advanced design and sustainable development. Agile seeks
continuous testing, fixing errors and improving the work process.
2- High customer satisfaction: agile aims to satisfy customers by keeping customers
involved in the project, updating the work processes and delivering early processes.
3- High team morality: agile method toward an individual is encouraged self-organizing
teams, innovation and decision making. This will motivate the individual and break all
shields of hesitation and improve team collaboration.
4- Increasing collaboration and ownership: agile team daily interaction and collaboration
with stakeholders improve information exchange and discussion during the project
5- Increase of project control: agile method allows the project team, stakeholders, customers
and design team to inspect the project all the time. This will lead to better control over the
project lifecycle.
6- Improvement of project predictability: agile team daily meetings and updates allows
predicting timeline and budgeting for the project.
7- Risk reduction: agile always seeks to eliminate project failures by constant
communication, daily meetings and continuous feedback.
8- Adaptation to environment changes agile welcomes changes at any stage of the project
BIM provides architects and design companies in the construction industry multi-benefits such
as: (Arayici et al., 2012)
BIM supports the outcomes of the construction process. Owners are facing issues to realize and
visualize the project to decide what to be implemented. Building information modelling provides
customers with the ability to improve the decision making regarding facility management and
operation outcomes of the project. Moreover, the success of building information modelling
depends on the professionals' experience and communication between all teams involved in the
project. (Barlish and Sullivan, 2012)
Recently the construction industry has started facing a high demand for productivity, sustainable
projects, high-quality projects, fewer project life cycles and more efficient projects. Furthermore,
Stakeholders start demanding more communication and collaboration in construction projects.
Building information modelling is a method and approach that enable engineers in the
construction industry to do the following: (Arayici et al., 2012)
5- BIM assist in providing accurate 2D drawing.
6- BIM supports the customer with more flexibility.
7- BIM delivers quality and cost-minimizing services to the projects.
8- BIM helps to minimize errors before starting execution and construction.
9- BIM Discover errors and Auto-Correct them.
BIM benefits toward project lifecycle are as the follows: (Ghaffarianhoseini et al., 2017)
1- Technical benefits: BIM digital intelligence allows users to transfer design data to other
2- Knowledge management benefits: BIM allows storing information during the design
process, such as light fittings, quantities, finishes, costs, geotechnical information, etc.
3- Standardization benefits: BIM enables collaboration and data exchange.
4- Diversity management benefits: BIM is implementing a wide range of systems such as
maintenance, emergency management, quality control, energy management, planning,
facility management, tracing warranties and monitoring and assessments processes.
5- Integration benefits: BIM integrates information and communication technologies. BIM
supports the development of construction complexity throughout maintenance,
construction, design, safety, operation, collaboration, and coordination between
stakeholders such as owners, designers, contractors, supervisors and management teams.
6- Economic benefits: BIM supports less staff turnover, minimizing documentation errors,
fewer contractual claims, reduction of construction costs, delivery on time and budget.
All mentioned is providing a positive value on return of investment.
7- Planning benefits: BIM 4D tools enable facility management to update and record daily
operations and prepare maintenance schedules. Moreover, BIM supports scheduling
during the construction lifecycle.
8- Life cycle assessment benefits: BIM supports operation processes such as property
management, cost estimation, re-engineering of design, construction and maintenance.
9- Decision support benefits: BIM allows all stakeholders to share the model to be used in
supervision, fabrication of material, print out drawings, applying changes and
visualization. Knowledge sharing among stakeholders is supported decision making and
better analysis of the project.
Table 5.5 Matrix of Agile BIM Benefits
Agile Benefits
Simulate the Sharing Financial More Better Minimizing Auto- Minimizing Time-
Visualization 2D
work information control Flexibility Quality errors Correct cost saving
BIM Benefits drawings
Reduction of
1 4 12
Improvement of
predictability and 7 13 15
reduction of risks
Constant improvement 5 14
Time management 3 18
Increase collaboration,
communication and 2
project control
Table 5.6 Matrix of Agile BIM Benefits Discussion
Agile BIM's advantage in the construction industry is by simulation (Arayici et al., 2012) -
(Barlish and Sullivan, 2012) -
of works by using the BIM technology model. This process will
(Khan and Dalu, 2015) –
support the agile method to reduce uncertainties of the construction
(Tomek and Kalinichuk,
1 process and provide a better understanding of the project process. 2015) – (Bunsiri and
Kumprom, 2016)
Agile BIM adds to the construction industry better collaboration, (Arayici et al., 2012) -
(Barlish and Sullivan, 2012) -
communication, sharing information and better project control.
(Khan and Dalu, 2015) –
Both methods enhance stakeholders to work together for better
(Tomek and Kalinichuk,
2 communication and transfer of information to ensure control over 2015) – (Bunsiri and
the project construction process. Kumprom, 2016)
Agile BIM is sharing with traditional project management the (Arayici et al., 2012) -
method of time management and financial control over the project. (Barlish and Sullivan, 2012) -
BIM technology provides an estimation of cost and the ability to (Khan and Dalu, 2015) –
(Tomek and Kalinichuk,
3 provide cash flow for the project. Agile as well as iterations will
2015) – (Bunsiri and
provide time management sprints during iteration activities.
Kumprom, 2016)
Agile BIM provides a benefit to the customer to visualize the model (Arayici et al., 2012) -
(Barlish and Sullivan, 2012) -
of the project before starting the construction process. This will
(Khan and Dalu, 2015) –
reduce the uncertainties of customer changes in the future.
(Tomek and Kalinichuk,
2015) – (Bunsiri and
Kumprom, 2016)
Agile BIM integration allows customers, agile teams and design (Arayici et al., 2012) -
(Barlish and Sullivan, 2012) -
teams to improve project models before starting the construction
(Khan and Dalu, 2015) –
process by visualization and understanding of concept design. BIM
(Tomek and Kalinichuk,
5 model will provide all stakeholders better view of the project design 2015) – (Bunsiri and
and final shape of the project. Kumprom, 2016)
Agile BIM integration is adding improvement for project quality (Arayici et al., 2012) -
(Barlish and Sullivan, 2012) -
and allowing customer, designer and agile teams to apply changes
(Khan and Dalu, 2015) –
to project design by using the functionality of visualization.
(Tomek and Kalinichuk,
2015) – (Bunsiri and
Kumprom, 2016)
Agile BIM's advantage to the construction process is by providing (Arayici et al., 2012) -
(Barlish and Sullivan, 2012) -
better quality to project construction through accurate 2D drawings.
(Khan and Dalu, 2015) –
Stakeholders involved in manufacturing elements and construction
(Tomek and Kalinichuk,
8 will have the same accurate drawings that match fabrication with 2015) – (Bunsiri and
site conditions with almost zero errors. Kumprom, 2016)
Agile BIM benefit customer is to providing higher satisfaction by (Arayici et al., 2012) -
(Barlish and Sullivan, 2012) -
being flexible to implement changes during the design and
(Khan and Dalu, 2015) –
construction process. BIM and the Agile team will support customer
(Tomek and Kalinichuk,
9 needs for modifications at any time during the project lifecycle. 2015) – (Bunsiri and
Kumprom, 2016)
Agile BIM provides more flexibility even for individuals and allows (Arayici et al., 2012) -
them to make a decision. This advantage will motivate the (Barlish and Sullivan, 2012) -
10 individuals and increase their credits. (Khan and Dalu, 2015)
Agile BIM methods share the same approach to provide a better (Arayici et al., 2012) -
(Barlish and Sullivan, 2012) -
quality product for customers and to increase project value.
(Khan and Dalu, 2015) –
11 (Tomek and Kalinichuk,
Agile BIM works to minimize errors and to reduce uncertainties by (Arayici et al., 2012) -
(Barlish and Sullivan, 2012) -
eliminating errors and wastes during the project lifecycle.
(Khan and Dalu, 2015) –
Manufacturers are using the BIM model for the fabrication of
(Tomek and Kalinichuk,
12 elements while this technology is providing accurate digital data for 2015) – (Bunsiri and
higher quality products. Kumprom, 2016)
The agile BIM approach minimizes errors and improves (Arayici et al., 2012) -
(Barlish and Sullivan, 2012) -
predictability by reducing risks. Agile BIM supports risk
(Khan and Dalu, 2015) –
management studies for better control over project errors and
(Tomek and Kalinichuk,
13 omissions. 2015) – (Bunsiri and
Kumprom, 2016)
Agile BIM works for continuous improvement. Minimizing errors (Arayici et al., 2012) -
(Barlish and Sullivan, 2012) -
supports the method of improvement. The advantage and benefit of
(Khan and Dalu, 2015) –
Agile BIM is the integration of benefits toward the project,
(Tomek and Kalinichuk,
14 customer and industry. 2015) – (Bunsiri and
Kumprom, 2016)
Agile BIM's advantage and benefit for the design process is the (Arayici et al., 2012) -
(Barlish and Sullivan, 2012) -
Auto-correction advantage of the technology, which will reduce the
(Khan and Dalu, 2015) –
risk of mistakes during the design stage. BIM model continues the
(Tomek and Kalinichuk,
15 analysis of the project design allows better improvement and 2015) – (Bunsiri and
control over errors. Kumprom, 2016)
Agile BIM provides higher project quality by Auto-correction of (Arayici et al., 2012) -
(Barlish and Sullivan, 2012) -
design model during analysis and implementations. Accurate data is
(Khan and Dalu, 2015) –
provided by the BIM model for stakeholders to ensure better quality
16 (Tomek and Kalinichuk,
toward the project. 2015)
Agile BIM integration provides time-saving and time management (Arayici et al., 2012) -
(Barlish and Sullivan, 2012) -
to release working products. Both methods seek to reduce project
(Khan and Dalu, 2015) –
lifecycle and satisfy customers with early outcomes.
(Tomek and Kalinichuk,
2015) – (Bunsiri and
Kumprom, 2016)
The agile BIM method provides reduction of project life cycle by (Arayici et al., 2012) -
(Barlish and Sullivan, 2012) -
using BIM technology to track project process throughout 4D
(Khan and Dalu, 2015) –
visualization. Meanwhile, the agile approach to construct the project
(Tomek and Kalinichuk,
19 throughout iterations provides time-saving for the project lifecycle. 2015) – (Bunsiri and
Kumprom, 2016)
The agile BIM framework identified in this research is to show a clear idea of how to start a
construction project within the alternative approach of management. It supports the application
of changes within iterations to show all stakeholders involved the ability to implement changes
during the project lifecycle. This framework links between management, design, construction
and procurement phases. The agile BIM approach is not only about following the framework but
is also about how the teams behave within the framework. Uikey and Suman (2012) described
project manager behaviour within the agile approach as ―In traditional project management, the
role of the project manager is more of a command and control type, where the project manager is
the commander and team members are the followers. Any type of change in the software
development environment is managed by the project manager, and necessary actions are directed
to the team. However, in today‘s modern project management approach, like agile, the role of the
project manager is redefined as a guide and mentor, working together with the team. The teams
in agile methodologies are self-organized and motivated. The role of the project manager is to
support and help the team to accomplish the task‖ (Uikey and Suman, 2012). This framework
depends on collaboration and coordination between owner, developer, agile, BIM and
construction teams. Agile BIM framework is designed based on four dimensions to accomplish
the integration as the following:
The study and discussion about the first and second dimensions are covered in chapters two and
three, while the third and fourth dimensions will be studied and discussed during this chapter.
Table 5.7 shows the Agile BIM 2D framework integration matrix coded with numbers and letters
for better understanding and reference while agile principles are coded from 1 to 12, whereas
BIM functionalities are coded from A to M. Moreover, starting from Figure 5.3 to Figure 5.15 is
a description of coding details of the Agile BIM framework.
Table 5.7 Agile BIM 2D Framework Integration Matrix
5.5.1 2D Agile BIM Framework Detailed Process
Figure 5.6 Detailed Integration of Functionality D and Principle 10
Figure 5.9 Detailed Integration of Functionality G and Principle 2, 4 and 8
Figure 5.11 Detailed Integration of Functionality I and Principle 1 and 2
Figure 5.13 Detailed Integration of Functionality K and Principle 4, 6 and 11
Figure 5.15 Detailed Integration of Functionality M and Principle 2, 4, 6 and 11
Each of these 13 Figures shows the integration of BIM functionalities with multiple agile
principles coded for better understanding. Figure 5.15 shows an example of these integrations by
describing the integration between BIM functionality of integration with project partners coded
(M) with 4 of agile principles of welcome changes coded (2), working together coded (4), face to
face conversation coded (6) and self-organizing team coded (11). Each of these integrations
references Table 5.7, such as M2 is the integration between BIM functionality of integration with
project partners and the agile principle of welcome changes. Omar and Elhag (2019) stated,
―Agile project management adaptation of changes puts the project at risk. Changes during the
construction process are difficult to implement, but with the agile method and agile team and
technology, changes can be implemented‖ (Omar and Elhag, 2019).
All of the above is a description of Agile BIM 2D framework integration. Meanwhile, Figure
5.16 shows 3D integration between Agile BIM and RIBA work plan, which is covered in section
Agile BIM 2D integrations are linked into RIBA stages, such as D10 integration is linked with
the concept design stage. During this stage, cost estimation and simplicity are required. All these
integrations will be tested and verified during the following chapters by questionnaire surveys
and interviews. Moreover, Figure 5.17 shows 4D integration between Agile, BIM, and RIBA
plan of work and private-public partnership procurement method, which is covered in section
5.5.2 3D Agile BIM Framework
5.5.3 4D Agile BIM Framework
The agile BIM 2D framework integrates agile principles and BIM functionalities, while the
3D framework is the integration of 2D with project lifecycle or project plan of work.
According to the management institutes, there are different work plans such as RIBA, PMI,
APM, CIOB and RICS. These different institutes are standard in construction and other
industries. Meanwhile, Agile BIM integration is looking for the best suitable plan of work to
be integrated with the Agile BIM 2D framework developed earlier. This section will discuss
the different types of plans of work to determine the suitable one for integration.
1- RIBA supports all project sectors.
2- RIBA provides mapping for procurement implementation.
3- It participates in sustainable design.
4- It supports Building information modelling during the project lifecycle.
5- It provides simplicity for project planning and scheduling.
RIBA plan of work consists of 8 stages and eight taskbars. The taskbar concludes the
activities within the stage. Each stage is part of the project lifecycle. RIBA plan of work
stages are as the follows: (Sinclair, 2013)
Stage 0 (Strategic Definition) consists of a business case and a project brief and
requirements. Moreover, it works on establishing the project program. During this
stage, the team ensures a review of client requirements regarding sustainability
development for the reuse of facilities, components and materials.
Stage 1 (Preparation and Brief): during this stage, project objectives are established
along with the budget, feasibility studies, assigning project team, review of the project
program, perpetration of handing over and risk assessment studies, preparation of
project execution plan and communication strategy. During this stage Building,
information modelling technology is used to support communication and project
Stage 2 (Concept Design): during this stage, Agile BIM teams start to prepare concept
design, outlines for structure and building services systems, specification and cost
estimation. This stage considers a review for maintenance, handover, risk assessment,
operation and construction strategies.
Stage 3 (Developed Design): this stage has the same tasks as stage 2 but with more
review, development and updates for project control procedure, construction and
health and safety rules.
Stage 4 (Technical Design): Agile BIM teams start to prepare technical design and
responsibility matrix during the technical design stage. This stage includes project
strategies and work of architectural, structural and building services. Moreover, it
includes specialized sub-contractors for design and specification reviews. Also,
design program reviews and updates are taken into consideration. Sustainability,
maintenance, risk assessment, operation, project execution plan, construction and
health and safety procedures are considered for review and updates.
Stage 5 (Construction): RIBA plan of work stage 5 covers the construction process
with multiple offsite and on-site construction tasks. Stage 5 works for the
manufacturing process and program of construction. Moreover, it covers building
contracts of inspections and progress. During this stage, BIM provides a design model
for the manufacturing process to be used to fabricate project elements.
Stage 6 (Handover and Closeout): during stage 6 of handing over, project procedures
are considered for review and updates and the closure of the project procedures.
Updating project feedback and project information are also considered during this
Stage 7 (In Use): the schedule of services developed in the early stages is considered
in this stage to be followed and updated. Moreover, tasks of handing over strategy and
project performance are updated during this stage.
The agile project management approach is suitable for applying within the RIBA work plan.
RIBA divides the project into eight stages, similar to the agile work method, constructing the
project throughout iterations. RIBA plan of work encourages information exchange,
sustainable design and construction, similar to Agile BIM aims and objectives. The RIBA
work plan is considered the 3rd-dimensional integration with Agile and BIM. The following
5.6.2 PMI Project Management Process Group and Knowledge Area Mapping
PMI divided project lifecycle into management processes groups and knowledge areas as per
Figure 5.19. The PMI work plan is divided into five process groups and ten integrated
knowledge areas. The processes are initiating, planning, executing, monitoring and
controlling, and closing process groups. At the same time, the knowledge areas are project
integration, scope, time, cost, quality, human resource, communication, risk, procurement and
stakeholder management. Integrating process groups and knowledge areas delivers 47 project
management processes (PMBOK, 2013). The process groups are overlapped activities during
the project lifecycle while the output of one activity is the input to the other.
Moreover, the outputs of the activities are the deliverables of the project. Even though the
project is divided into phases, the project activities are overlapped within these phases and
linked. During the project lifecycle, some of the processes can be repeated. According to the
nature of the project, a process in one group can be updated in the next one.
Project Management Processes Group: (PMBOK, 2013)
Initiating Process Group: these processes define the start of the project. It is made of
two processes, develop a project charter and identify project stakeholders. During
these processes, the project's scope is defined along with financial resources and
stakeholders‘ interference and interactions.
Planning Process Group: during this process establishment of project scope and
objectives are identified by project teams. During this process, definitions of the
action courses take place. Moreover, all documents used to carry out the work and
inspections during the project lifecycle will be defined. Processes of this group are
used in updating project activities for the following group processes.
Executing Process Group: these processes apply identified plans and project
specifications to deliver a successful project. These processes are direct and manage
project work, perform quality assurance, acquire project team, manage project team,
manage communications, conduct procurements and manage stakeholder engagement.
The project budget will be spent during these processes, and the team will face any
unanticipated issues during project execution work.
Monitoring and Controlling Process Group: The project management team will
perform tracking and review to monitor the project process and plans during these
processes. These processes monitor and control project work, perform integrated
change control, validate scope, schedule, cost, quality, communication, risks,
procurements, and stakeholder engagement.
Closing Process Group: finally, these processes finalize project closure. These
processes are close projects or phases and close procurements. During these
processes, the formal closing of the project takes over to finalize all the activities.
During these processes, obtaining approvals and acceptance from the client and
customers is required.
5.6.3 APM Project Life Cycle
Concept phase: this is the project's first phase according to the APM body of
knowledge. During this phase, a business case is developed. Moreover, the resources
required are defined along with strategic objectives. The team will identify the
stakeholders during this phase. The sponsor's approval of the business case will take
the project into the next phase.
Definition phase: this is the project's second phase as per the APM body of
knowledge. A project management plan will be defined during this phase, and the
implementation of resources identified in the previous phase will be used. The
definition phase will affect the project's scope, time, cost, and quality. Plans during
this phase are prepared, such as quality plan, HSE plan, risk management plan,
communication plan. Moreover, the business plan needs to be updated according to
project updates. Once the sponsor approves the project management plan, the project
will be taken to the next phase.
Implementation phase: as per the APM body of knowledge, this phase is the third
phase of the project where design is finalized, and the project management plan is
implemented, monitored and controlled. The design stage is documented throughout
the drawings, specifications, and contract during this phase. Meanwhile, the project
manager monitors the project execution to ensure that project is on track with the
highest number of stakeholders involved during this phase with the highest budget
and activities. Configuration management, change control and procurement of
resources all are taken place during this phase. The sponsor reviews the business case
against project progress to continue into the next phase.
Handover and closeout phase: APM body of knowledge (2012) considers handing
over and closeout phase as the fourth and final phase of the project where the
deliverables of the project are handed over to the client. Moreover, closeout of the
project takes over in this phase to finalize all documentation officially and archive
project data. After this phase, the project will start operation after successful testing
and commissioning.
Operation phase: APM considers project operation is to be done by the developer for
maintenance and continues support to the customer.
Termination phase: APM considers the termination phase as the closure of the project
to the end of the lifetime.
5.6.4 CIOB Project Lifecycle
Stage (1) Inspection: During this stage, client objectives and needs are defined to develop
a business case. The business case is as the following: (CIOB, 2002)
1- Must be flexible.
2- Contain previous experiences.
3- Define scope and value of resources.
4- Focused on the needs.
5- Define possible risks.
During this stage, a group of managers, such as senior managers, directors, sponsors and
advisors, review the capacities of the project, taking decisions regarding variation orders and
project progress. The client advisors provide expertise to the client directly regarding taxes,
legal issues, resources, authorities laws and banking issues (CIOB, 2002).
The client focuses on project objectives to avoid conflict on project aims and objectives.
Also, the client pays attention to communication procedures and authorities levels of team
Stage (2) Feasibility: This stage allows the client to choose the most suitable objectives
after reviewing each objective's risk assessment and values. Another output during this
stage is to establish the project execution plan. Moreover, a project brief is defined during
this stage, where the project brief contains all possibilities to achieve client objectives.
The project brief involves design teams and clients representatives. Meanwhile, a project
definition is needed to achieve scope deliverables and overcome constraints and
interfaces. Project execution plan defined in this stage must have audit review, plans and
procedures, responsibilities definitions, objectives, cash flow, risk assessment,
scheduling, design, procurement routes, construction, commissioning and handing over.
Stage (3) Strategy: during this stage feasibility study is established. Defining of team
structure and selection of project team is finalized during this stage. Moreover, project
planning, cost planning and cost control are finalized. Finally, the procurement method is
identified during this stage. During this stage, client and project management teams'
targets are the project plan, the procurement strategy, and handing over. Moreover, this
stage will prepare rules, responsibilities, recommendations, tendering and site selection
(CIOB, 2002).
Stage (4) Pre-construction: during this stage, finalization of the project brief and ensuring
that the detailed design had been completed and achieved. Meanwhile, an audit for energy
and the environment will be conducted. Also, registration of risks, costs and master plan
schedule will be finalized during this stage. The project execution plan will be enhanced
during this stage before application (CIOB, 2002).
Stage (5) Construction: during this stage, multi activities are accomplished, such as
signing contracts, documents prepared, handing over the site to the contractor, reviewing
method statements, holding site meetings and monitoring contractor performance.
Moreover, managing cost plans, health and safety policies, site inspections, reports,
production and fabrication and controlling the quality of work are also accomplished
during this stage. Meanwhile, variations, completion certificates and authorities approvals
are all taken place during this stage (CIOB, 2002).
Stage (6) Testing and Commissioning: during this stage, verification from the client about
installation and meeting the requirements will be completed. Planning and execution of
the commissioning procedures need to be prepared. Testing of the systems and review of
the design will occur during this stage.
Stage (7) Completion, handing over, and operation: this is the final stage of the project
where the teams have executed the work and handed it over to the client is completed.
Issuing a completion certificate of the project is done during this stage.
Stage (8) Post-Completion Review and In Use: This stage takes over a closeout of project
audit, cost and time study, human resource aspects, performance study, project feedback
and closeout report (CIOB, 2002).
RIBA plan of work is suitable for all sectors and project sizes. The construction industry is
using the RIBA plan of work to cover project stages in terms of definition, design,
construction and handing over. Building information modelling is well integrated through
mapping the RIBA plan of work compared to the other professional bodies. Meanwhile, PMI
project management process group and knowledge area mapping is used for traditional
project management methods and is not suitable for the agile methodology of managing a
project. APM and CIOB are closer to the RIBA plan of work and can be used to integrate the
third dimension, allowing future studies to develop and add more inputs for this framework.
The procurement system is the route to identify, select and commission the project activities.
Several procurement systems or methods can be used according to the project characteristics
and client requirements. According to the RIBA plan of work (2013), a study was conducted
to use procurement systems. Figure 5.23 shows that the traditional method is most common
while private finance initiative is the least common (CIOB, 2002). These methods are
described as the following:
Figure 5.23 Common Procurement Routes
Source: (Sinclair, 2013)
5.7.1 Design-Bid-Build Method
This is a traditional method of procurement that works as a lump sum fixed price contract
without consideration of further costs. The design and supervision are client responsibilities
while the contractor is appointed after tendering process is completed for the whole scope of
the project or part of it. (CIOB, 2002) Design and construction are separate stages. The
contractor receives the design from the client and starts the construction works under the
agreed program.
This type of procurement method works under some conditions such as the following: (Casey
and Bamford, 2014)
1- Enough time to complete the design and then to carry out the construction work.
2- There is no innovation during the construction stage once the scope is defined and the
design is completed.
3- The client wants to maintain control over the project.
4- The client wants to have cost certainty.
5- Client accepting design risk.
Figure 5.24 shows the procurement communication matrix between project stakeholders. The
client is the link between contractor and designer, while the contractor is the link between
sub-contractor and owner. This procurement method has advantages and disadvantages
described in Table 5.8 for better understanding and reference.
During this procurement method, the client assigns a contractor responsible for the project
design and construction under agreed cost and time conditions. This type of method has a
high risk to the contractor (CIOB, 2002). The owner provides a brief of the design while the
contractor is responsible for the design and construction. Moreover, the contractor is
responsible for maintaining and operating the assets under the agreed period (Casey and
Bamford, 2014). Design and Build is one of the most effective procurement methods that can
be used under the following cases: (Casey and Bamford, 2014)
1- The owner needs cost certainty.
2- Well defined requirements and project period.
3- The owner does not want to overtake design risk.
4- Better coordination and integration between design and construction.
Figure 5.25 shows the communication process during the application of this procurement
method while the contractor is the link between client and designer. Table 5.9 shows some of
the advantages and disadvantages compared and described for better understanding and
This method works when the client appoints a construction manager for advice and
experience advice while the contractor is connected to the client directly (CIOB, 2002). The
project owner is directly controlled and engaged with the designer and contractor.
Meanwhile, the construction manager provides advice, manages the work and coordinates
(Casey and Bamford, 2014).
Figure 5.26 shows the communication process where the client is the link between
contractors, designers and construction managers. Table 5.10 shows the advantages and
disadvantages of this procurement method discussed for better understanding and reference.
This type of procurement focuses on large complex projects. The main contractor manages
the design, coordination, contracts, and delivery of the construction works on behalf of the
client. Meanwhile, the main contractor takes over the managing of sub-contractors and
supervises the works (Casey and Bamford, 2014).
Managing contracting procurement method has some guidelines to be used as the following:
Figure 5.27 shows the communication process during implementation of this procurement
method where the contractor is the link between the client, designer and all other
stakeholders. Table 5.11 shows the advantages and disadvantages of this procurement method
for better understanding and reference.
5.7.5 Private-Public Partnership
This type of procurement considers the private sector to deliver the entire project areas of
maintenance, operation, management and construction. Meanwhile, the public sector is
considered a client for the project that establishes standards where the private sector needs to
meet them.
This procurement system transfers the risk from the public sector to the private sector, such
as scheduling, design, construction, financing, operations and maintenance. Figure 5.28
shows the connection process between all stakeholders where are parties are in contact for
better coordination throughout the project vehicle.
Table 5.12 shows the advantage and disadvantages of the PPP procurement method for better
understanding and reference.
Table 5.12 Private Public Partnership Procurement Method Advantages vs Disadvantages
This section will cover tests of each procurement method on the 3D Agile BIM framework to
choose the most suitable procurement method for integration (refer to appendix B). Each of
these procurement methods has multiple properties for the application. Each of these
properties will be tested with the integrations of the Agile BIM 2D framework.
5.8.1 Apply Design Bid and Build Procurement Method Properties on 3D Agile BIM
Table 5.13 Testing Design Bid and Build on 3D Agile BIM Framework
Lack of innovation B12, L12, F2, G2, H2, J2, C1, I1, J1
The design bid and build procurement method does not apply to Agile BIM integration, as
shown in Table 5.13. High-cost certainty property of design bid and build procurement
method supports the integration between BIM functionality of automated cost estimation and
the agile principle of simplicity. Nevertheless, on the other hand, the properties of complete
control by the client, high risk of cost overrun, lack of innovation, etc., are not supporting the
integration between agile principles and BIM functionalities of customer satisfaction,
innovation; motivate individuals, collaboration in design and construction, etc. Therefore, the
traditional procurement method is not suitable for Agile BIM integration.
The high level of innovation B12, L12, F2, G2, H2, J2, C1, I1, J1
Better project management G4, K4, M4, K6, M6, K11, M11
The design and build procurement method can be applied to integrate Agile and BIM as per
Table 5.14. High level of innovation, better project management, high price certainty and
contractor modifying the design to suit the budget support agile principles and BIM
functionalities for more effective iterations, rapid generation of multiple designs, welcome
changes, face to face conversation and online communication. Nevertheless, on the other
hand, some of these properties are not suitable for integration, such as a longer tendering
process. The design is related to the contractor and has less control by the owner over the
design, which does not support BIM functionalities and agile principles of collaboration in
design and construction, welcome changes and works together. Therefore, this method is
possible to be applied for Agile BIM integration.
This procurement method is not suitable for Agile BIM integration as per Table 5.15. The
properties of construction management procurement methods such as high control by the
project owner, coordination are complicated. The construction manager overtakes contract
management, and the overall risk is on the client are not supporting the BIM functionalities
and agile principles of automated cost estimation, self-organizing team, simplicity,
collaboration in design and construction and online communication of the production process.
Therefore, this procurement method does not apply to Agile BIM integration.
This procurement method is possible to be applied on Agile BIM Integration. The properties
of management contracting procurement method as shown in Table 5.16, such as less
management effort, flexible delivery of work and proper management to meet client budget
are, supporting the principles and functionalities of Agile BIM integration such as
collaboration in design and construction, simplicity, rapid generation of multiple design
alternatives, frequent deliverables, etc. However, on the other hand, the property of difficulty
setting project budget because of limited design does not support BIM functionality of
automated cost estimated, construction process simulation, etc. Nor agile principles of the
satisfying customer, frequent deliverables, technical excellence, etc. Therefore, this
procurement method can be used for Agile BIM integration.
5.8.5 Apply Private Public Partnership Procurement Method Properties on 3D Agile BIM
This procurement method is highly recommended to be applied for Agile BIM integration.
Table 5.17 shows that the properties of private-public partnership properties such as risk-
sharing, maximum flexibility, and a high degree of innovation, welcome changes and
knowledge sharing support BIM functionalities and Agile principles such as welcome
changes, simplicity, face to face conversation, more effective iteration and sustainable
development. Also, it supports rapid generation of multiple design alternatives, collaboration
in design and construction, automated cost estimation, etc. Managing contracting properties,
such as quality risk, are high, and the client is exposed to non-end risks, are not supporting
the functionalities and principles of reuse of model data, automated generation of drawings
and documents, working together and technical excellence. Properties of the PPP
procurement method cover and support most Agile BIM functionalities and principles.
Therefore, PPP is the most suitable procurement method for integrating the agile BIM
Table 5.17 Testing Private-public Partnership on 3D Agile BIM Framework
Maximum Flexibility F2, G2, H2, I2, J2, L2, M2, D10, J10
The high degree of Innovation B12, L12, F2, L8, C9, F9, L9
The high degree of welcoming changes F2, G2, H2, I2, J2, L2, M2
This chapter integrated agile principles and BIM functionalities to develop a 2D framework.
Also, integration is developed between a 2D framework and RIBA plan of work stages to
overcome using a 3D framework, as shown in Figure 5.29. Finally, the 3D framework is
integrated with proper procurement methods to end up with 4D frameworks to be used during
project management. All integrations are evaluated to be validated and supported by
professionals in the industry. This chapter highlighted agile BIM benefits and challenges and
how agile and BIM integration will support project construction and overcome challenges
that the management team will face during the project lifecycle. Moreover, this chapter
studied the advantages and disadvantages of different procurement systems in the
construction industry and how public-private partnership is the most suitable for this
integration. Furthermore, this chapter discussed how the 2D, 3D and 4D integration is
performed to allow readers s better understand an alternative management approach to be
implemented in the construction industry.
Figure 5.29 Agile BIM 3D Integrated Framework Summary
Moreover, the 3D agile BIM framework is divided into 78 sprints. Figure 5.30 defines one of
these sprints as follows:
1- Applying the agile principle of customer satisfaction by the agile team to BIM
functionality of construction process simulation.
2- Using BIM technology of simulation during the construction stage of RIBA plan of
3- Testing construction of the item.
4- Deliver the item if the process is a success.
This chapter will discuss different case studies about agile and BIM implementation in the
construction and software industry. Due to the unavailability of the case studies related to the
integration between agile and BIM in the industry. Each case study will be discussed
separately and compared later. These case studies are considered secondary data collection to
obtain points of view from previous experiences related to the subjects in both industries.
This section will cover four BIM case studies discussed by researchers to understand the
barriers and benefits of implementing BIM into construction projects.
This project applied BIM to renovate DURHAM CATHEDRAL, built-in 1093 in England.
The case study involved the creation of 2D and 3D models. The BIM team proposed to apply
laser scanning to draw the entire interior design of the cathedral to develop a 3D model to
provide information about the cathedral as a single source of information (Tapponi et al.,
2015). BIM application is not limited to AEC (Architectural, engineering and construction)
but also supports the renovation of the building and its facility management duties. BIM
application allows team working in renovation process to improve communication process
overall. BIM discover the benefits and challenges facing such type of renovation projects and
supports the teams involved to provide better documentation information about the material
and other features of the project (Tapponi et al., 2015). Laser scanning technology was used
to survey and scan the building dimensions and shapes. Beams of laser emits through a
device in 3 directions X, Y and Z continuously with movement all over the CATHEDRAL to
calculate the distances and dimensions to draw the surrounding areas. Photos are taken by the
team and merged into scanned data to add the colours to build up the model. Once the
scanning process is completed, the BIM team linked the data into the Autodesk Revit
program to provide a geometric model. This model includes elevations, floors, walls,
sections, etc., of the building (Tapponi et al., 2015). Figure 6.1 shows a 3D model created
from scanned data impeded into the Autodesk Rivet program. This type of technology
supports cultural challenges and unique types of projects. BIM supports facility management
of the building by providing a detailed model for future maintenance purposes, as shown in
Figure 6.2, with a cross-sectional view and coloured elements to simplify managing and
scheduling the needs.
al., 2015).
1. BIM provided future generations with the ability to maintain the building.
2. Managing the building more sufficiently and professionally.
3. Reduction in physical work to calculate and obtain accurate information about the
4. Reduction in cost, time and effort for the team to access any information needed for
the renovation and future uses.
5. Reduction in human errors by using laser scanning with accurate dimensions.
6. Production of accurate drawings for any section in the building with no cost and time.
7. BIM provides a maintenance team to create a schedule of elements and work
procedures from the BIM model itself.
8. BIM provides a visual walk for the tourists inside and around the building.
9. Updates building model at any time during renovation works.
10. Supports the decision making by facility management teams on daily basis.
1. Lack of information about the structural thickness and volumes to create a building
2. The facility management team needs training on using Autodesk Revit to update and
access the model database.
The data collected from the DURHAM CATHEDRAL renovation project is based on
professionals' experience in the field. In chapter 5, BIM benefits and challenges obtained
from multiple academic resources are discussed for better understanding and clarification.
Arayici et al. (2012) discussed BIM benefits of providing accurate information to all
stakeholders involved in the project and visualization to help configure the design that
reduces physical works during the project lifecycle and supports project renovation. (Arayici,
Y et al., 2012). Barlish and Sullivan (2012) discussed visualization benefits for future
generations to decide what to implement. This benefit supports the DURHAM
CATHEDRAL maintenance team to use the BIM model for future maintenance activities
(Barlish and Sullivan 2012). Also, Ghaffarianhoseini et al. (2017) discussed BIM digital
intelligence that allows users to transfer design data for other users. BIM supported
DURHAM CATHEDRAL to develop a digital model to be used as a tool for tourism
purposes. On the other hand, BIM 4D tools enable facility management to update and record
daily operations of DURHAM CATHEDRAL to be linked with security, fire alarm and
operation systems (Ghaffarianhoseini et al., 2017).
Eastman et al. (2011) discussed BIM challenges of working process and skills needed from
users and stakeholders to understand the system (Eastman et al., 2011). This challenge is also
faced during the renovation of DURHAM CATHEDRAL as per Tapponi et al. (2015)
discussion of the challenge faced facility management team and the needs of Autodesk Revit
training and skills (Tapponi et al., 2015).
A secondary case study of DURHAM CATHEDRAL supports and adds more validation for
the Agile-BIM integrated frameworks developed in Chapter 5. Table 6.1 presents the
relationships between the benefits and challenges of the DURHAM CATHEDRAL Case
Study and the corresponding relevant components of the integrated frameworks developed in
Chapter 5. Benefit 1 discussed within the second case study of DURHAM CATHEDRAL
supports and validates L9 integration between Agile and BIM (Table 6.1). Where benefit 1
explains how BIM provided future generations with the ability to maintain the building. This
benefit endorses and reinforces the integration of BIM functionality of computer-controlled
fabrication and the Agile principle of technical excellence (L9). This benefit supports L9
integration by showing how BIM computer-controlled fabrication allows future generations
to maintain building elements to ensure technical excellence.
On the other hand, the DURHAM CATHEDRAL case study faced many challenges.
Challenge 1 explains the lack of information and their exchange and sharing amongst the
various project teams. This challenge is linked to E8 Agile BIM integration and can be
overcome by using BIM digital modelling of the building. The BIM integrity model will
support and allow teams to effectively manage information and develop more sustainable
automated information systems. Following this example, Table 6.1 presents all links and
relationships between DURHAM CATHEDRAL case study benefits and challenges and the
2D Agile BIM framework as presented in Table 6.1.
This summarises the relationships between the DURHAM CATHEDRAL case study and
Agile BIM integration, supporting and validating some components of the integrated
frameworks developed in chapter 5. Table 6.1 depicts this summary.
Table 6.1 Linking Agile BIM Integration to DURHAM CATHEDRAL Case Study Benefits
and Challenges
Since 2004, the building management team has started developing a building information
modelling strategy for operation, building control, and daily maintenance for the Sydney
opera house. This decision is made to improve facility management efficiency and
effectiveness framework. BIM strategy is used as open data exchange between team
members. BIM gathered all the building data, such as finishes, services, information for the
visitors, internal fittings, security system, safety, etc. (Sanchez, Hampson and Mohamed,
2015). BIM developed a reliable model to support the facility management team with the
necessary information to run the building, such as building services and assets. Scottish Ten
laser mapping technology is used to scan the external and internal of the building to integrate
the digital information into BIM software such as REVIT architectural and to develop a 3D
model for the building (Sanchez, Hampson and Mohamed, 2015). Figure 6.3 and 6.4 shows
the Sydney opera house 3D model developed using the laser scanning technology impeded
into RIVET software.
Figure 6.3 BIM Model of Ten Scanning for SYDNEY OPERA HOUSE
Figure 6.4 BIM Model of Ten Scanning for SYDNEY OPERA HOUSE
176 Benefits of applying BIM to SYDNEY OPERA HOUSE Facility Management Lesson Learned and Recommendations (Sanchez, Hampson and Mohamed, 2015)
1. Uses of BIM support public buildings to adopt a sustainability approach and targets to
save the environment.
2. Developing and adding more features to BIM software to comply with organizations
and technology requirements.
3. Developing BIM software specialized for tourisms tours, facility management
operations and maintenance processes.
4. BIM team members must keep themselves updated and provide self-education to
follow up software updates and technology.
5. Organizations need to develop a culture of change management.
Chapter 5 mentioned BIM benefits by Arayici et al. (2012), describing BIM and its ability to
simulate the work by more than one discipline and support the customer with more flexibility
(Arayici et al., 2012). Meanwhile, Hampson and Mohamed (2015) mentioned the benefits of
applying BIM for the SYDNEY OPERA HOUSE project that provides management to
handle the project's complexity and allows stakeholders for better involvement and
coordination (Sanchez, Hampson and Mohamed, 2015). Also, Mahalingam, Yadav and
Varaprasad (2015) agreed with BIM interference to improve coordination between
stakeholders to overcome challenges (Mahalingam, Yadav and Varaprasad, 2015). In Chapter
3, Nowotraski and Paslawski (2016) discussed the challenges of implementing BIM
technology and the need to overcome all the barriers to applying this technology in the
construction industry (Nowotarski and Pasławski, 2016). Meanwhile, Sanchez, Hampson and
Mohamed (2015) described one of the challenges SYDNEY OPERA HOUSE faced as the
unwillingness to change and resistance to adopt BIM (Sanchez, Hampson and Mohamed,
2015), which matches both of the studies. The need to overcome professionals' mindsets in
the industry to adopt more technology is mandatory. National BIM Report (2012) states that a
large part of the construction industry needs training and education of BIM for better
understanding, knowledge and skills (NBS, 2012). This agrees with Sanchez, Hampson and
Mohamed in 2015 recommendations to keep team members up to date and provide a self-
organizing team mindset (Sanchez, Hampson and Mohamed, 2015). Linking SYDNEY OPERA HOUSE (Case Study 2) to Validation of the Integrated
Frameworks (Chapter 5)
A secondary case study of SYDNEY OPERA HOUSE supports and adds more validation for
the Agile-BIM integrated frameworks developed in Chapter 5. Table 6.2 presents the
relationships between the benefits and challenges of the SYDNEY OPERA HOUSE Case
Study and the relevant components of the integrated frameworks developed in Chapter 5.
Benefit 1 discussed within the second case study of SYDNEY OPERA HOUSE supports and
validates M4 integration between Agile and BIM (Table 6.2). Where benefit 1 explains how
BIM provides proper management to the complexity of project assets. This benefit endorses
and reinforces the integration of BIM functionality of integration with project partners and
the Agile principle of working together (M4). This benefit supports M4 integration by
showing how BIM integration with project partners ensures proper management by working
together with the principle of agile.
On the other hand, SYDNEY OPERA HOUSE case study faced many challenges. Challenge
1 explains limited funding to the project. This challenge is linked to D10 Agile BIM
integration and can be overcome by using automated cost estimation functionality. BIM
automated cost estimation will support and allow teams to effectively manage project costs
more simply. Following this example, Table 6.2 presents all links and relationships between
SYDNEY OPERA HOUSE case study benefits and challenges and the 2D Agile BIM
framework as presented in Table 6.2.
This summarises the relationships between the SYDNEY OPERA HOUSE case study and
Agile BIM integration, supporting and validating some components of the integrated
frameworks developed in chapter 5. Table 6.2 depicts this summary.
Table 6.2 Linking Agile BIM Integration to SYDNEY OPERA HOUSE Case Study Benefits
and Challenges
This case study takes over the investigation on communication, collaboration, data sharing,
construction planning, and the impact of BIM application on the scope of work and facility
management operations. The complexity of BIM adoption in construction projects can be a
challenge if not managed properly (Codinhoto et al., 2011). During the Manchester town hall
complex construction, BIM provides a system to generate services to purchase and hire
material at early stages. BIM application in this project is supported teams to overcome the
obstacles of design, construction, management, human errors, business problems and
technical issues.
BIM added to the Manchester town hall complex full support to facility management by
providing complete information about all assets in the building such as doors, light fittings,
CCTV, fire equipment, furniture, power supplies, emergency lighting, etc. All these items are
needed during project operation and maintenance. Figure 6.5 shows that the BIM team uses a
visualization model of the building better to understand the design and construction operation
for the building (Codinhoto et al., 2011). Moreover, Figure 6.6 shows a 3D cross-sectional
model for the building, which identifies MEP coordination throughout the building. These
Figures allow design and construction teams to coordinate to overcome technical or design
issues during the project life cycle.
Figure 6.6 BIM MEP Design Coordination for Manchester Town Hall Complex
181 Challenges of applying BIM to MANCHESTER TOWN HALL COMPLEX
Chapter 5 Arayici et al. (2012) described the benefits of BIM application to the construction
industry by minimizing errors before starting execution and providing auto-correction
(Arayici et al., 2012). Meanwhile, BIM application to the MANCHESTER TOWN HALL
COMPLEX project faced similar benefits described by Cohinhoto et al. (2011) as removal of
clash detection and elimination of duplicated works (Codinhoto et al., 2011). Moreover,
Ghaffarianhoseini et al. (2017) support both studies by describing BIM benefit as an
economic benefit by minimizing documentation errors (Ghaffarianhoseini et al., 2017). In
chapter 3, Takim, Harris and Nawawi (2013) discussed the lack of adoption of BIM
technology in the construction industry and the importance to increase coordination to
overcome the challenges (Takim, Harris and Nawawi, 2013). Meanwhile, during the
application of BIM to MANCHESTER TOWN HALL COMPLEX, Cohinhoto et al. (2008)
discussed the challenges that the BIM team faced during implementation like lack of
understanding, awareness and coordination with the client team (Codinhoto et al., 2011).
Moreover, Mahalingam, Yadav and Varaprasad (2015) support the discussion by describing
that poor information sharing between stakeholders caused overrun in cost and time
(Mahalingam, Yadav and Varaprasad, 2015).
A secondary case study of MANCHESTER TOWN HALL COMPLEX supports and adds
more validation for the Agile-BIM integrated frameworks developed in Chapter 5. Table 6.3
presents the relationships between the benefits and challenges of the MANCHESTER TOWN
HALL COMPLEX Case Study and the relevant components of the integrated frameworks
developed in Chapter 5.
Table 6.3 Linking Agile BIM Integration to MANCHESTER TOWN HALL COMPLEX
Case Study Benefits and Challenges
Benefit 1 discussed within the second case study of MANCHESTER TOWN HALL
COMPLEX supports and validates A7 integration between Agile and BIM (Table 6.3).
Where benefit 1 explains how BIM provides the visualization to the project throughout the
digital model, which supports teams for better decision making. This benefit endorses and
reinforces the integration of BIM functionality of visualization and the Agile principle of the
working product (A7). This benefit supports A7 integration by showing how BIM
visualization for the project model ensures the delivery of the working product to the
customer. On the other hand, the MANCHESTER TOWN HALL COMPLEX case study
faced many challenges. Challenge 1 explains the lack of understanding of BIM
implementation. This challenge is linked to K4 Agile BIM integration and can be overcome
by using BIM online communication functionality to enhance the working together with the
principle of agile. BIM online communication will support and allow teams to effectively
work together during the project lifecycle. Following this example, Table 6.3 presents all
links and relationships between MANCHESTER TOWN HALL COMPLEX case study
benefits and challenges and the 2D Agile BIM framework as presented in Table 6.3.
This summarises the relationships between the MANCHESTER TOWN HALL COMPLEX
case study and Agile BIM integration, which support and validate some components of the
integrated frameworks developed in chapter 5. Table 6.3 depicts this summary.
This case study used BIM technology to design and construct a high rise building that
contains 121 stories with a total height of 632 meters. This building used sustainability to
design 33% of the space as a green area to develop a way of living. Different specialities are
included in this building, such as restaurants, shops, hotels and offices. This building is a
challenge in the construction industry due to the environment and geography. The building
area is an active earthquake zone, and the climate is windy.
Moreover, the soil is a clay type (Xia, Poon and Mass, 2010). SHANGHAI TOWER applied
BIM according to the owners' requests and goals. Autodesk Rivet of architectural, structural
and MEP are used during this implementation. Figure 6.7 shows BIM 3D structural model
obtained from Autodesk Rivet software. This software‘s are used to coordinate and
collaborate between team members to provide drawings and documentation. BIM 3D model
also provides detailed information of project structural elements. Figure 6.8 shows a detailed
building core profile of the building. BIM software is an excellent tool during project design,
construction and management processes.
Figure 6.7 BIM 3D Structural Model of The Building
Figure 6.8 BIM Structural Core Profile of The Building
10. BIM software affords analysis to the tower structure to test its resistance toward wind
and earthquakes.
11. BIM helps to minimize material waste and on-site rework.
12. BIM provides facility management for the project to use the model in maintenance
and operation processes.
13. BIM software helps to find clash detections between building models.
In chapter 3, Eastman et al. (2011) highlight BIM capabilities to support the design team to
understand the project better by using visualization functionality, which helped save time and
better share of information (Eastman et al., 2011). Also, during the construction of
SHANGHAI TOWER, Autodesk (2012) highlights BIM benefits of providing proper
coordination and better understanding between team members to save time cost and provide
better performance (Autodesk, 2012). In chapter 5, Arayici et al. (2012) highlight one of the
BIM benefits that allow the BIM team to enable the correction of design mistakes (Arayici et
al., 2012). Meanwhile, during SHANGHAI TOWER construction Autodesk (2012)
mentioned that BIM supports finding clash detections between BIM models (Autodesk,
2012). These benefits were discussed by academic researchers and confirmed during
fieldwork. In chapter 3, Eastman et al. (2011) describe one of BIM challenges to find a
proper method to share information between project stakeholders (Eastman et al., 2011).
Meanwhile, during the construction of SHANGHAI TOWER, Autodesk (2012) highlights
this challenge BIM faced during the project life cycle by difficulty coordinating between
project sub-contractors (Autodesk, 2012).
187 Linking SHANGHAI TOWER (Case Study 4) to Validation of the Integrated
Frameworks (Chapter 5)
A secondary case study of SHANGHAI TOWER supports and adds more validation for the
Agile-BIM integrated frameworks developed in Chapter 5. Table 6.4 presents the
relationships between the benefits and challenges of the SHANGHAI TOWER Case Study
and the relevant components of the integrated frameworks developed in Chapter 5. Benefit 5
discussed within the second case study of SHANGHAI TOWER supports and validates J1
integration between Agile and BIM (Table 6.4). Where benefit 5 explains how BIM delivers
proper monitoring toward project progress against schedule.
Table 6.4 Linking Agile BIM Integration to SHANGHAI TOWER Case Study Benefits and
This benefit endorses and reinforces the integration of BIM functionality of 4D visualization
of the construction schedule and the Agile principle of customer satisfaction (J1). This benefit
supports J1 integration by showing how BIM 4D visualization of construction schedule
allows and ensure delivery of proper updates for project activities to ensure customer
satisfaction. On the other hand, the SHANGHAI TOWER case study faced many challenges.
Challenge 3 explains project complexity. This challenge is linked to J10 Agile BIM
integration and can be overcome by using BIM 4D visualization of the construction schedule
to achieve simplicity. BIM 4D visualization of the construction schedule will support and
allow teams to effectively produce the updated program for activities more simply during the
project lifecycle. Following this example, Table 6.4 presents all links and relationships
between SHANGHAI TOWER case study benefits and challenges and the 2D Agile BIM
framework as presented in Table 6.4.
This summarises the relationships between the SHANGHAI TOWER case study and Agile
BIM integration, which support and validate some components of the integrated frameworks
developed in chapter 5. Table 6.4 depicts this summary.
Table 6.1 shows four case studies that implemented BIM in construction projects. These case
studies mentioned what BIM added to these projects. Moreover, it summarises the benefits
and challenges these projects faced. BIM added to the DURHAM CATHEDRAL renovation
project a visualization walk around the project and simulation for the scaffolding during
construction work (Tapponi et al., 2015). Meanwhile, the same benefits faced the BIM team
during SYDNEY OPERA HOUSE project where BIM provided stakeholders detailed
information (Sanchez, Hampson and Mohamed, 2015). Also, during MANCHESTER TOWN
HALL COMPLEX construction works, BIM added simulation at the early stages and a
simulation to the consumption of project energy (Codinhoto et al., 2011).
Moreover, during SHANGHAI TOWER, BIM provided 3D visualization for the high rise
building (Autodesk, 2012). All these four projects are implemented BIM and agreed on the
benefits of BIM during construction works. Eastmen et al. (2011) also described during the
discussion in chapter 3 and by Arayici et al. (2012) during the discussion in chapter 5.
Nevertheless, the challenges the BIM team faced during these four projects are different
because of the uniqueness of construction projects and the different areas and locations these
projects are located. Meanwhile, most challenges are repeatable during BIM implementation
into these four case studies, such as the need for training and skills, resistance to change and
understanding of rules and responsibilities. These challenges need to be resolved and
eliminated by professionals in the industry.
Table 6.1 Case Studies about BIM Implementation
Benefits of BIM Generating accurate Providing detailed Improvement in design Improving design
Implementation layouts for the building. information to all coordination. communication.
Generating sections and stakeholders for future Project simulation at early Enhancing coordination.
elevation at any time and needs. stages. Saving building material.
with seconds. Providing detailed Supporting decision- Using BIM in project
Providing visual walk specifications. makers by providing management lifecycle.
within and around the Providing improvement visualization. Better efficiency of the
project. to operation and cost Simulation to the use of construction process.
Providing simulation and efficiencies project consumption 3D visualization for high
data for the scaffolding. Providing an accurate energy. rise buildings.
Providing simulation by model to the engineering Simulation to the project Supports decision-makers
Revit program. and maintenance team sustainability functions. by data analysis and
Updating the model on- for the proper control visualization.
site. system.
Providing accurate
measurements for the
Area needs Proper understanding of Proper understanding of Lack of understanding of Coordination with the
Improvement the 3D model. the systems and how BIM. global design team.
they are linked
References (Tapponi et al., 2015) (Sanchez, Hampson and (Codinhoto et al. 2011) (Autodesk, 2012)
Mohamed, 2015)
File Maker is software that had been developed by agile methodology and became a leader
for IT solutions. Software organizations adopted the traditional project management method
for large projects. Meanwhile, it was challenged to predict the outcomes during the project
lifecycle. Agile has been discovered to resolve this challenge for the software industry
(Mundok, 2013). Agile development methodologies such as scrum and extreme
programming focused on cooperation, adopting changes, and meeting business needs.
Software development throughout agile is based on teams' knowledge and skills rather than
system or procedures (Mundok, 2013). File maker solution is used to overcome management
challenges and data collection. The agile methodology supports file maker solutions to gather
a huge amount of information. Benefits of Agile application on File Maker software solution (Mundok, 2013)
1. Ensuring that everyone in the team is aware of agile project success and comfortable
with it.
2. Dealing with customers who have not been familiar with software development or
agile methodology.
3. Removal of roadblocks that faces the agile team and developers during the project
Chapter 5 discussed some of the agile benefits by Adil and Fatima (2015) toward client
contribution and increasing communication among team members (Adil and Fatima, 2015).
Meanwhile, during File Maker software solution Mundok (2013) describes one of the agile
benefits of proper communication during regular meetings and keeping developer teams
updated for the development process (Mundok, 2013). Both agreed on the same benefits of
agile during the project lifecycle. Moreover, Bunsiri and Kumprom (2016) greed with these
benefits in chapter 5 and added agile elimination of errors and improving work process to
provide a better quality product (Bunsiri and Kumprom, 2016). These benefits were also
mentioned by Mundok (2013) during the File Maker project, where agile predicts the health
of the project development process (Mundok, 2013). Linking File Maker Development (Case Study 1) to Validation of the Integrated
Frameworks (Chapter 5)
A secondary case study of File Maker Development supports and adds more validation for
the Agile-BIM integrated frameworks developed in Chapter 5. Table 6.5 presents the
relationships between the benefits and challenges of the File Maker Development Case Study
and the corresponding relevant components of the integrated frameworks developed in
Chapter 5. Benefit 3 discussed within the second case study of File Maker Development
supports and validates G4 integration between Agile and BIM (Table 6.5). Where benefit 3
explains how agile focuses on keeping developer team members updated on the development
process and removing all obstacles from their way. This benefit endorses and reinforces the
integration of BIM functionality of collaboration in design and construction and the Agile
principle of working together (G4). This benefit supports G4 integration by showing how
BIM collaboration in design and construction allows and ensures all engineering and
management teams are working together.
On the other hand, the File Maker Development case study faced many challenges. Challenge
3 explains the difficulties of removing roadblocks that faced agile and developer teams
during the project lifecycle. This challenge is linked to L12 Agile BIM integration and can be
overcome by using BIM computer-controlled fabrication for more effective iteration. BIM
computer control fabrication will allow teams to effectively deliver products without human
errors to achieve more effective iteration. Following this example, Table 6.5 presents all links
and relationships between File Maker Development case study benefits and challenges and
the 2D Agile BIM framework as presented in Table 6.5.
This summarises the relationships between the File Maker Development case study and Agile
BIM integration, which support and validate some components of the integrated frameworks
developed in chapter 5. Table 6.5 depicts this summary.
Table 6.5 Linking Agile BIM Integration to File Maker Development Case Study Benefits
and Challenges
The application of change management into large organizations has many benefits and
challenges, described and discussed. Applying the alternative framework to such large
organizations is essential to be studied and considered for testing agile principles and benefits
to the manufacturing industry (Bergqvist and Gordani, 2018). Benefits of Agile application on Volvos Cars management framework (Bergqvist and
Gordani, 2018)
Chapter 5 discussed some of the agile benefits of Adil and Fatima (2015), which focused on
constant improvement to the project and motivating individuals to make better decisions
(Adil and Fatima, 2015). During agile application to Volvos Cars management framework,
Bergqvist and Gordani (2018) discussed the same agile benefits of adding better rules and
responsibilities to management teams and training and knowledge to develop the
management process (Bergqvist and Gordani, 2018). Meanwhile, Bunsiri and Kumprom
(2016) described the agile benefit of adding higher customer satisfaction by keeping the
customer involved in the project (Bunsiri and Kumprom, 2016). This benefit is agreed by
Bergqvist and Gordani (2018) when agile motivate the management team by working close to
the customer to add better satisfaction (Bergqvist and Gordani, 2018). On the other hand,
Nuottila, Aaltonen and Kujala (2016) described some agile challenges like lack of individuals
understanding of rules and responsibilities and organization education to train individuals
(Nuottila, Aaltonen and Kujala, 2016). Meanwhile, Bergqvist and Gordani (2018) agreed
with these challenges during the Volvos Cars management framework project faced
resistance of employees understanding and their different mindset to adopt changes due to the
lack of agile knowledge (Bergqvist and Gordani, 2018). Linking Volvos Cars management framework (Case Study 2) to Validation of the
Integrated Frameworks (Chapter 5)
A secondary case study of Volvos Cars management framework supports and adds more
validation for the Agile-BIM integrated frameworks developed in Chapter 5. Table 6.6
presents the relationships between the benefits and challenges of the Volvos Cars
management framework Case Study and the corresponding relevant components of the
integrated frameworks developed in Chapter 5. Benefit 1 discussed within the second case
study of Volvos Cars management framework supports and validates B3 integration between
Agile and BIM (Table 6.6). Where benefit 1 explains how agile added a faster way of
learning cycles. This benefit endorses and reinforces the integration of BIM functionality of
rapid generation of multiple design alternatives and Agile principle of frequent deliverables
(B3). This benefit supports B3 integration by showing how agile supports a faster way of
product delivery.
Table 6.6 Linking Agile BIM Integration to Volvos Cars management framework Case Study
Benefits and Challenges
On the other hand, the Volvos Cars management framework case study faced many
challenges. Challenge 3 explains the acceptance of the transformation process. This challenge
is linked to M2 Agile BIM integration and can be overcome by using BIM integration with
project partners to effectively welcome changes. BIM integration with project partners will
support and allow teams to effectively welcome and accept the transformation process.
Following this example, Table 6.6 presents all links and relationships between Volvos Cars
management framework case study benefits and challenges and the 2D Agile BIM framework
as presented in Table 6.6.
This summarises the relationships between Volvos Cars management framework case study
and Agile BIM integration, which support and validate some components of the integrated
frameworks developed in chapter 5. Table 6.6 depicts this summary.
Changing unanticipated requirements is expected in the cruise line industry. The agile
method is applied for large projects to control and manage changes once required. The cruise
line industry has a high range of uncertainties and high risks of changing requirements. This
case study tests the agile method in a large project to evaluate its ability to meet business
needs and revenue outcomes (Batra et al., 2010). The project goal was to create a new
website to replace the old one. This new website must have a new feature regarding
marketing and online booking. This project includes a website that allows customers to book
cabins, purchase things on board, hotel booking and do activities. The agile method supports
project aims by communication, self-organizing team simplicity, expecting changes and
continuous unit testing (Batra et al., 2010).
4. Coordination with many stakeholders involved in the project.
5. Difficulty in measuring project progress due to changes in time and budget.
Chapter 2 discussed the agile methodology by Nir (2014) and described one of the agile
principles for motivating individuals and providing them better work environment (Nir,
2014). Meanwhile, Batra et al. (2010) discussed one of the agile benefits during the Cruise
Line project: motivating the team and allowing them for better decision-making (Batra et al.,
2010). Also, in chapter 5, Adil and Fatima (2015) discussed agile benefits to reduce
uncertainties and proper time management (Adil and Fatima, 2015). These benefits are
covered by Batra et al. (2010) by describing agile benefits of reducing complexity and
avoiding the impact of sudden changes (Batra et al., 2010). On the other hand, Nuottila,
Aaltonen and Kujala (2016), in chapter 5, discussed some of the agile challenges like lack of
individuals‘ understanding rules and responsibilities (Nuottila, Aaltonen and Kujala, 2016).
Meanwhile, Batra (2010) described one of the agile challenges during the project as a lack of
understanding of project scope at an early stage (Batra et al., 2010). Moreover, Nuottila,
Aaltonen and Kujala (2016), in chapter 5, described another agile challenge about
stakeholders‘ involvement and communication as per the agile method (Nuottila, Aaltonen
and Kujala, 2016). The same challenge faced the agile team during the Cruise Line project
that Batra (2010) described as formal communication slowed down work progress (Batra et
al., 2010). Linking Cruise Line Industry (Case Study 3) to Validation of the Integrated
Frameworks (Chapter 5)
A secondary case study of the Cruise Line Industry supports and adds more validation for the
Agile-BIM integrated frameworks developed in Chapter 5. Table 6.7 presents the
relationships between the benefits and challenges of the Cruise Line Industry Case Study and
the corresponding relevant components of the integrated frameworks developed in Chapter 5.
Benefit 3 discussed within a second case study of Cruise Line Industry supports and validates
F2 integration between Agile and BIM (Table 6.7). Where benefit 3 explains how agile
reduces the impact of sudden changes. This benefit endorses and reinforces the integration of
BIM functionality of automated generation of drawings and documents and the Agile
principle of welcome changes (F2). This benefit supports F2 integration by showing how
BIM automated generation of drawings and documents allows management teams to reduce
the impact of sudden changes by generating required documents.
On the other hand, the Cruise Line Industry case study faced many challenges. Challenge 2
explains the difficulties of continuous adjustment to the project schedule. This challenge is
linked to J2 Agile BIM integration and can be overcome by using BIM 4D visualization of a
construction schedule to enhance the agile principle of welcoming changes. BIM 4D
visualization of construction schedule will support and allow teams to effectively deliver
proper schedule once changes are applied. Following this example, Table 6.7 presents all
links and relationships between the Cruise Line Industry case study benefits and challenges
and the 2D Agile BIM framework as presented in Table 6.7.
This summarises the relationships between the Cruise Line Industry case study and Agile
BIM integration, which support and validate some components of the integrated frameworks
developed in chapter 5. Table 6.7 depicts this summary.
Table 6.7 Linking Agile BIM Integration to Cruise Line Industry Case Study Benefits and
6.2.4 SME Web Application Development Effectiveness via Agile Methods (Case Study 4)
The web application is an essential tool for organizations during technology development.
Traditional development to Web application had been negatively affecting productivity. This
case study considered the agile method for developing the SME web to measure its
effectiveness (Clutterbuck, Rowlands and Seamons, 2009). The developer requirement is to
fulfil each team member's role in terms of design, management, and business needs. The web
application supports user requirements, customer interactions, maintenance operations and
feasibility estimation. The agile methodology application on SME Web development aims to
respond to changes other than following a rigid plan. Collaboration with customers is
considered individuals' interactions with each other better than following a strict plan or strict
contract (Clutterbuck, Rowlands and Seamons, 2009).
Chapter 2 discussed the agile key concept of customer engagement by Karlesky, Vander and
Voord (2008), where the customer is fully available and agile team members to evaluate the
product and decision making (Karlesky and Voord, 2008). Meanwhile, Clutterbuck,
Rowlands and Seamons (2009) described one of the agile benefits during SME Web
application project where customers are closely interacting with a management team that
allows for better communication, support and decision making (Clutterbuck, Rowlands and
Seamons, 2009). Also, chapter 5 discussed some of the agile benefits by Bunsiri and
Kumprom (2016) regarding high customer satisfaction and increasing collaboration and
ownership by more interaction with stakeholders (Bunsiri and Kumprom, 2016). These
benefits are reflected by Clutterbuck, Rowlands and Seamons (2009) during the SME Web
application project by providing close interaction with customers and better decision making
(Clutterbuck, Rowlands and Seamons, 2009). On the other hand, chapter 5 covers some of the
agile challenges described by Nuottila, Aaltonen and Kujala (2016), where individuals face
difficulties understanding rules and responsibilities (Nuottila, Aaltonen and Kujala, 2016).
Meanwhile, during the SME Web application project, Clutterbuck, Rowlands and Seamons
(2009) cover the same challenges by describing that the new members are facing difficulties
engaging with existing teams in terms of responsibilities (Clutterbuck, Rowlands and
Seamons, 2009). Linking SME Web Application (Case Study 4) to Validation of the Integrated
Frameworks (Chapter 5)
A secondary case study of SME Web Application supports and adds more validation for the
Agile-BIM integrated frameworks developed in Chapter 5. Table 6.8 presents the
relationships between the benefits and challenges of SME Web Application Case Study and
the corresponding relevant components of the integrated frameworks developed in Chapter 5.
Benefit 5 discussed within a second case study of SME Web Application supports and
validates I1 integration between Agile and BIM (Table 6.8). Where benefit 5 explains how
agile meets design needs. This benefit endorses and reinforces the integration of BIM
functionality of construction process simulation and the Agile principle of the satisfying
customer (I1). This benefit supports I1 integration by showing how BIM construction process
simulation allows and supports engineering and management teams to simulate the project
model during the construction stage to meet design needs. On the other hand, the SME Web
Application case study faced many challenges. Challenge 3 explains time delay. This
challenge is linked to J2 Agile BIM integration and can be overcome by using BIM 4D
visualization of a construction schedule to enhance the agile principle of welcoming changes.
BIM 4D visualization of construction schedule will support and allow teams to effectively
deliver proper schedule once changes are applied. Following this example, Table 6.8 presents
all links and relationships between SME Web Application case study benefits and challenges
and the 2D Agile BIM framework as presented in Table 6.8.
This summarises the relationships between SME Web Application case study and Agile BIM
integration, which support and validate some components of the integrated framework
developed in chapter 5. Table 6.8 depicts this summary.
Table 6.8 Linking Agile BIM Integration to SME Web Application Case Study Benefits and
Table 6.2 summarises some of the agile benefits and challenges to be compared during agile
application on these four case studies. During agile application to File Maker development
project and Cruise Line industry project, some benefits are shared such as freedom to apply
changes by providing power tool to implement solutions (Mundok, 2013) and (Batra et al.,
2010). Also, during Volvos cars transformation process and SME Web application, some of
the agile benefits are shared, such as increasing team members' awareness allows delivering
more teamwork and flexibility among team members (Bergqvist and Gordani, 2018) and
(Clutterbuck, Rowlands and Seamons, 2009). On the other hand, challenges are different
from one project to another due to the uniqueness of each project and the environment
surrounding it. Meanwhile, the shared challenge that needs to be resolved for future projects
is understanding rules and responsibilities among team members.
This chapter covers case studies about projects using agile and BIM approaches. These case
studies are considered secondary data collection to overcome issues with analysed data that
support and validate the objectives of this study. Also, this chapter covers the benefits and
challenges of each case study and how these case studies are linked to the literature review
and agile BIM integration. Furthermore, secondary case studies covered how BIM
functionalities were implemented in each project, such as visualisation, 3D modelling and
cost estimation. Also, each BIM case study covered challenges that the BIM team faced
during each of these projects, such as resistance to change, software limitation, and lack of
skills and training.
On the other hand, this chapter studied case studies about multiple projects which
implemented agile project management and covered benefits of agile such as accepting
changes, supporting team members and developing sustainable products. Also, agile team
challenges are discussed for each project, such as understanding agile project management by
stakeholders, acceptance of transformation process and timeline of testing iterations. Finally,
this chapter extended to the reader broader and more accurate information and data about
BIM and agile implementation in the construction and software industries.
Table 6.2 Case Studies of Agile Implementation
Project Name File Maker Development Volvo Cars Transformation Cruise Line Industry SME Web Application
Benefits of Agile Allows immediate Roles and Provides the freedom to Delivery of satisfactory and
Implementation decision making for responsibilities are apply changes rather than necessary products.
corrections. clearly defined. keeping to the original Deliver teamwork.
Predict the health of the Well, understanding of plan. Provides flexibility among
project. the transformation Providing time boxing to team members.
Power tool to implement purpose. reduce the complexity of Enable contingency plans
development. Clear transparency the project. and risk management for
Power tool to implement among the organization Developers continuously the next stage.
solutions. team. provide a working product. Ensure delivery of project
Allows defining project Full management Proper communication and quality.
deadlines. support. information change brought The proper delivery of
Weekly discussions better quality and information to the
allow learning and coordination to the project. customer.
solving errors. Agility supported the Increase productivity.
Allow teams involved to reduction of the impact
ask questions. caused by the
Increase awareness of implementation of changes.
the team.
Areas need Dedication of consistent Application of Meeting schedule of Hard to coordinate with
Improvement time to the project. transformation among project delivery. new team members.
the large organization.
References (Bergqvist and Gordani, (Clutterbuck, Rowlands and
( Mundok, 2013) (Batra et al. 2010)
2018) Seamons, 2009)
This chapter analyses and discusses primary case studies of BIM and Agile projects to verify
the components of the developed Agile-BIM framework. This chapter presents interviews
conducted with various industry professionals and the use of Delphi technique study and
thematic analysis. The following sections will discuss these studies and compare the
outcomes with previous discussions.
Selecting participants during primary case studies is done in several stages during this
research. BIM primary case study is conducted on employees who worked in construction
projects using BIM method as design software and construction management tool by
contacting interviewees by E-mail to book an appointment with them to proceed with face to
face interview. Meanwhile, an agile primary case study is conducted on multiple employees
working in an international organization that uses agile as a project management system
during projects lifecycle. Recruiting of interviewees is done by sending an e-mail to the
company's General Manager asking for permission to conduct interviewees with employees
through phone calls and virtual meetings (Refer to Appendix D). This company is helping
organizations hire qualified candidates in 20 days or less through an intelligent recruitment
platform. Also, this company uses agile project management to provide better decision
making during filtering out candidates and offering customers the best required and suitable
professional for the job. Agile project management supports organizations to save time and
money during this process. During the agile primary case study, multiple interviews were
conducted with employees to obtain their opinions and professional feedback on agile
applications. Moreover, customer dealing with the organization is also targeted to obtain their
experience during a project that applied agile as a management approach.
This chapter will cover a study done on a group of professionals in the industry using Delphi
Techniques refer to sections 7.3 and 7.4 by sending questions to a specific group of
individuals to obtain their opinions and experiences. Nine different questions are asked to
eight participants to obtain opinions and feedback. Multiple rounds are conducted to obtain
better discussion and more data.
First, the BIM case study is done using the Delphi technique by choosing eight different
professionals (Refer to Appendix E) in the construction industry experience in the
implementation of BIM during design and construction of projects :( Grime and Wright,
The construction and design of this project are complex in innovation and technology. The
client requires to fix glass fibre reinforced concrete GRC material to structure the shape of
the building. This requirement needed sophisticated study and technology to be applied. The
idea behind the use of GRC material is to fix the project structure and dismantle it after the
project's purpose is completed.
Masdar Visitor Centre MVC (Project A) is a project that was built-in Italy Milan during Expo
2015. After Expo was completed, the building was dismantled and shipped back to Abu
Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates to be rebuilt in Masdar City. Figure 7.1 shows a view
from Google Earth for the project rebuilding progress in its current location in Masdar City in
Abu Dhabi.
Source: (Google Earth)
One of the building design requirements is to use efficient and sustainable energy. Building
components are offices, auditorium and exhibition hall. Moreover, the project is zero carbon
footprints. BIM technology was used during the design and construction stages of the project.
Autodesk Revit platform is the main program used for architectural and MEP design.
Figure 7.3 BIM View for Generator Room MEP Coordination Design
The project design was based on local Authorities and International Standards along with
extensive discussions with the client. Stakeholder coordination took place to decide structural
components, core layout, locations, services, fresh air intake, exhaust system, electrical and
telecommunication requirements, security system, etc. Budget and cost were taken into
consideration as well during coordination meetings. This project also consists of a solar
heating system for water. Figure 7.2 shows a perspective plan view from architectural design
using Revit software. In contrast, Figure 7.3 shows MEP coordination design for the
generator room and the architectural design of walls and structural design of supports.
This section covers the interviews conducted with stakeholders involved in this project. Nine
different questions (refer to Appendix D) are asked to obtain professionals' experience and
opinions. These questions align with the research aim and objectives to validate and verify
this study.
Question (1): How did you find BIM effectiveness in responding to changes?
Consultant/Designer A: BIM provides a central model to all disciplines where the project
manager decides how many central models will be. This is called BIM management. The
central model allows designers to apply changes at any stage, which increase BIM
effectiveness to apply changes.
Contractor A: BIM allows generating drawings to be distributed to sub-contractors,
suppliers and authorities‘ approvals. During the project construction stage, some changes
are applied, which causes a redistribution of the drawings. BIM saved time for applying
changes on each drawing by an automated generation of 2D drawings. BIM saved the
effort of all team members and helped to increase the ability to accept changes.
Thematic Analysis: Table 7.1 shows interviewees' ratings and opinions about responding
to changes using BIM model functionalities during the project lifecycle. These ratings
will consider interviewees‘ statements rated as high, medium and low in relevance to the
theme defined. The differences between these ratings are how the interviewees'
statements support and agree with the theme chosen for the rating. Consultant/Designer A
agreed to the statement that the BIM model supports changes by explaining how BIM
allows designers to apply changes. BIM functionalities linking all design disciplines
support all team members to coordinate changes during the project lifecycle.
Meanwhile, Contractor A agreed with the theme of the BIM model supporting changes by
explaining how BIM allows generating drawings after changes are applied. Automatically
generating drawings is necessary to distribute changes to overall stakeholders during the
project lifecycle. Both interviewees highly rated the theme defined and agreed with
previous studies and research.
Table 7.1 Summary of Thematic Analysis for BIM Primary Case Study Question 1 Answers
Interviewees Consultant/Designer A Contractor A
Theme (BIM model supports changes The central model allows designers to
BIM allows generating drawings
application) apply changes
Discussion: Arayici et al. (2012), in chapter 3 sections 3.3, discussed BIM capabilities to
provide accurate information and automated generation of 2D drawings to the other
parties involved in the project lifecycle (Arayici et al., 2012) while Eastman et al. (2011)
in chapter 3 sections 3.1 agreed and added BIM capabilities of coordination and
collaboration for supporting design process (Eastman et al., 2011). Moreover,
Ghaffarianhoseini et al. (2017), in chapter 5, sections 5.4.4, discussed BIM benefits of
transferring digital data and information to other users using BIM intelligence
(Ghaffarianhoseini et al., 2017). Also, Tapponi et al. (2015), in chapter 6 sections,
confirms BIM production of accurate drawings for any section of the project with no cost
and time impact (Tapponi et al., 2015). Meanwhile, Consultant A and Contractor A's
answers to question 1 align with writers' discussions during literature review studies
which give more validation for this research study.
Question (2): How did you find BIM providing better satisfaction to customer needs?
the project's timeline. These factors increase customer satisfaction much better than the
traditional way of management.
Thematic Analysis: Table 7.2 shows interviewees' ratings and opinions about customer
satisfaction using BIM technology during the project lifecycle. These ratings will
consider interviewees‘ statements rated as high, medium and low in relevance to the
theme defined. The differences between these ratings are how the interviewee's
statements support and agree with the theme chosen for the rating. Consultant/Designer A
agreed with the statement that BIM technology increase customer satisfaction by
explaining how BIM allows the client to use BIM technology to link building operation
and CCTV system. BIM technology also supports the maintenance team to fix and
maintain project elements after the project's operation.
Meanwhile, Contractor A agreed with the theme of BIM technology increasing customer
satisfaction by explaining how BIM technology shows the project owner a view of the
project during construction stages. The client prefers to understand the operation
mechanism of the project in case modification is required at earlier stages. Both
interviewees highly rated the theme defined and agreed with previous studies and
Table 7.2 Summary of Thematic Analysis for BIM Primary Case Study Question 2 Answers
Interviewees Consultant/Designer A Contractor A
Theme (BIM technology increase BIM supports the technology used to BIM allows project owners to have
customer satisfaction) introduce the project better ideas for the current and
subsequent stages of construction
Rating High High
Discussion: Chapter 3, sections 3.15 and 3.16, discussed BIM quality measurements and
BIM supports for project design by Liu et al. (2016) and Pulaski and Horman (2005).
Both writers agreed with Consultant A's answer and confirmed BIM's capabilities to
satisfy customers through design support and better quality products. Barlish and Sullivan
(2012) and Arayici et al. (2012), during chapter 5, section 5.4.4, discussed BIM supports
owners by visualization functionality for progress follow up, better understanding and
decision making (Barlish and Sullivan 2012) (Arayici et al., 2012). Both writers agreed
with Contractor A and confirmed BIM capabilities to satisfy customers through
visualization functionality. Meanwhile, Xia, Poon and Mass (2012), in chapter 6 sections, agreed with all writer's and interviewees' answers by describing BIM capabilities
to provide high-quality product and 3D visualization during the construction of
SHANGHAI TOWER (Xia, Poon and Mass, 2012). Both interviewees‘ answers align
with these studies covered during the literature review and provide more validation for
the research.
Question (3): How did you find BIM effectiveness in better coordination between project
design teams?
Table 7.3 Summary of Thematic Analysis for BIM Primary Case Study Question 3 Answers
Interviewees Consultant/Designer A Contractor A
Coordination between architectural, BIM proper coordination between
Theme (BIM coordinate between MEP and structural design teams by design and construction teams
multiple design disciplines) providing a 3D view, simulation and supports clarification of a
continued analysis once needed. misunderstanding
Discussion: Chapter 3, sections 3.1 and 3.6 Eastman et al. (2011) discussed BIM
coordination and collaboration between team members during the project lifecycle
(Eastman et al., 2011). National BIM Report (2012) agreed with Eastman et al. (2011) for
BIM's role in increasing coordination between different designs disciplines (NBS, 2012).
Meanwhile, in chapter 5, sections 5.4.4, Arayici et al. (2012) described BIM benefits for
information exchange and better communication and collaboration (Arayici et al. 2012).
Also, chapter 6, Section Autodesk (2012), highlights BIM benefits of adding
proper communication to generate project documents (Autodesk, 2012). All writers
agreed on the same benefits of BIM during the project lifecycle. Interviewees‘ answers
and opinions obtained from the case study align with writers' studies covered during the
literature review, which provide more validation for this research.
Question (4): How does BIM provide better productivity, efficiency and effectiveness to the
project progress?
project elements and provided numbering for organizing purposes to be shipped and
reassembled during the construction stage which increase work progress. Meanwhile,
Contractor A agreed with the theme of BIM functionality of visualization supports
structure fabrication and organizing work progress by using 3D visualization to overview
the internal and external structure of the building, which gives a more precise vision
during the construction stage. Both interviewees agreed with previous studies and
research by rating the theme defined as high, as shown in Table 7.4.
Table 7.4 Summary of Thematic Analysis for BIM Primary Case Study Question 4 Answers
Interviewees Consultant/Designer A Contractor A
BIM model provides 3D visualization
Theme (BIM Model visualization BIM model is organizing, shipping
for the internal and external structure
supports structure fabrication and and ordering of elements during the
of the building, which allows for
organization ) construction process
better decision making
Discussion: chapter 3 sections 3.1 Takim, Harris and Nawawi (2013), Barlish and
Sullivan (2012) described BIM technology supports for the construction industry by
proper coordination and visualization, which allows for better productivity and increasing
work progress (Takim, Harris and Nawawi, 2013), (Barlish and Sullivan, 2012). Hardin
(2009), in chapter 3, section 3.8, agreed with these studies and highlighted the need of
adopting BIM technology in the construction industry to increase work effectiveness by
proper coordination between design and construction team (Hardin, 2009). During this
project life cycle, BIM technology supports design and construction teams by providing
3D visualization, a digital model for fabrication, and 4D scheduling for controlling
overwork progress. Meanwhile, both interviewees of Consultant A and Contractor A's
answers are highly rated BIM visualization toward work productivity which is in line
with these studies covered during the literature review and provide more validation for
this research.
Question (5): How did you find BIM to support the management team to maintain good
design and technical excellence?
Consultant/Designer A: indeed, BIM provides a clear vision of the project's final shape.
Moreover, BIM supports the coordination between the facilities included in the building.
This coordination and simulation added a better vision to adjust and modify any detail
during design stages. Moreover, BIM allows the design team to work on one platform,
which increases coordination between the design team and minimize errors and mistakes.
Also, BIM technology allows discovery clash detection before the release of the design to
the construction team, which increase technical excellence and provides good design to
the management team.
Contractor A: BIM 4D scheduling provides the management team better look ahead for
work progress and the number of working hours needed to complete each activity on
time. The BIM method of coordination and collaboration between stakeholders also
added technical excellence to the design and construction process. Also, the BIM model
provides quantity surveying to the material used in the project, which supports the
management team to estimate project cost and procurement requirements. Moreover, the
BIM model provides digital and accurate data for the fabrication process, minimising
errors and increasing technical excellence.
Thematic Analysis: Table 7.5 shows interviewees' ratings and opinions about BIM
support to the management team to maintain good design and technical excellence by
using BIM simulation and 4D scheduling to support technical excellence. These ratings
will consider interviewees‘ statements rated as high, medium and low in relevance to the
theme defined. The differences between these ratings are how the interviewee's
statements support and agree with the theme chosen for the rating. Consultant/Designer A
agreed with the statement of BIM simulation and 4D scheduling supporting project
technical excellences by adding better vision to adjust and modify any details during the
design stage as stated in Table 7.5. Meanwhile, Contractor A's statement is rated as a
medium compared to Consultant A because the theme is about BIM supporting technical
excellence in terms of progress.
In contrast, the contractor statement is related to reporting for management about work
progress. Nevertheless, Contractor A agreed with the theme by explaining how BIM
provides accurate data for the fabrication process to increase and support technical
excellence. Both interviewees agreed with previous studies and research by rating the
theme defined between high and medium, as shown in Table 7.5.
Table 7.5 Summary of Thematic Analysis for BIM Primary Case Study Question 5 Answers
Interviewees Consultant/Designer A Contractor A
Theme (BIM simulation and 4D This coordination and simulation BIM 4D scheduling provides the
scheduling supports technical added a better vision to adjust and management team better look ahead
excellence) modify any detail during design stages for work
Discussion: chapter 3 sections 3.1 Eastman et al. (2011) highlights that BIM technology
provides a 4D modelling that supports the planning team to schedule work process during
project lifecycle (Eastman et al., 2011). Moreover, BIM provides simulation of the works
to allow the construction team to track work progress daily, making coordination between
the design team and construction team much easier through proper coordination between
different disciplines (Eastman et al., 2011). Meanwhile, chapter 3, section 3.2, covered
BIM supports for the construction team, developers and stakeholders to understand
project flow and process (Nowotarski and Pasławski, 2016). Moreover, Arayici et al.
(2012), during chapter 3, section 3.3, highlight that BIM enables the correction of design
mistakes during project simulation of works which adds better technical excellence for
the project (Arayici et al., 2012). Sections 3.4 National BIM Report (2012) highlights that
BIM as a digital tool allows constructing optimal design and eliminating wastes during
4D planning of the project, which leads to better design and technical excellence (NBS,
2012). Both interviewees‘ answers align with these studies covered during the literature
review and confirm BIM capabilities to provide good design and technical excellence by
using simulation functionality which adds more validation to this research study.
Question (6): Up to what level does BIM provides cost estimation support?
generates quantity surveying for project material to support cost estimation of the project.
Meanwhile, Contractor A agreed with the theme of BIM generating quantity surveying by
explaining how BIM generate quantity surveying for all project items such as MEP
connections and other fittings for better cost estimation. Both interviewees agreed with
previous studies and research by rating the theme defined as high, as shown in Table 7.6.
Table 7.6 Summary of Thematic Analysis for BIM Primary Case Study Question 6 Answers
Interviewees Consultant/Designer A Contractor A
BIM generation of quantity surveying
Theme (BIM generation of quantity for all project items such as
BIM automatically generate quantity
surveying supports project cost substructural, superstructural, fittings
surveying for project materials
estimation) and MEP connections added much
better cost estimation to the project
Discussion: Chapter 3 Section 3.1 discussed BIM providing accurate quantity surveying
and cost estimation support for better decision making and reduction of financial risks
(Eastman et al., 2011). Also, section 3.8 highlights the BIM benefit of assisting in cost
estimation for a construction project (Hardin, 2009). Meanwhile, chapter 5, section 5.4.4,
described BIM capabilities to provide better financial control over project lifecycle
(Arayici et al., 2012). Moreover, chapter 6, section, highlights BIM benefits to
MANCHESTER TOWN HALL COMPLEX by providing quantity estimation of physical
components and 5D construction costing (Codinhoto et al., 2011). Literature review,
secondary case studies, and primary data collected from this project confirm BIM
capabilities to support project cost control. Both interviewees‘ answers align with these
studies covered during the literature review, which provide more validation to this
Question (7): Did BIM help discover clash detection and remove errors and omissions at the
early design stage?
Thematic Analysis: Table 7.7 shows interviewees‘ ratings and opinions about BIM
discovering clash detection and removing errors and omissions at the early design stage.
These ratings will consider interviewees‘ statements rated as high, medium and low in
relevance to the theme defined. The differences between these ratings are how the
interviewee's statements support and agree with the theme chosen for the rating.
Consultant/Designer A agreed with the statement that BIM finds clash detections between
different designs by explaining how BIM uses some programs like Naviswork, which
finds clashes between designs. Meanwhile, Contractor A agreed with the theme of BIM
finding clashes between designs by mentioning that the BIM model was clear from
clashes and well-coordinated between design disciplines before starting construction
works. Both interviewees agreed with previous studies and research by rating the theme
defined as high, as shown in Table 7.7.
Table 7.7 Summary of Thematic Analysis for BIM Primary Case Study Question 7 Answers
Interviewees Consultant/Designer A Contractor A
BIM has different software such as
BIM model was clear from any clash
Theme (BIM finds clash detections Naviswork, which is responsible for
detection and well-coordinated from
between different designs) finding clash detection between
all disciplines.
designs of different disciplines
Discussion: chapter 3, section 3.1, highlights BIM reduction of design errors and mistakes
(Eastman et al., 2011). Sections 3.3 discussed BIM supports to minimize errors before
starting execution and construction (Arayici et al., 2012). Moreover, chapter 6, sections, described BIM benefits during the construction of MANCHESTER TOWN
HALL COMPLEX by identifying and eliminating clashes (Codinhoto et al., 2011).
Meanwhile, Tapponi et al. (2015), during the DURHAM CATHEDRAL renovation
project, agreed and added a reduction of human errors by using laser scanning technology
(Tapponi et al., 2015). Both interviewees‘ answers and opinions based on field experience
align with these studies and add more validation to this research. The literature review
and secondary data case studies are clarified by the primary data BIM case study results.
These results support the study of Agile BIM integration.
Question (8): Up to what level does BIM provides Lean and reduction of wastes and rework
to the project?
usage. Moreover, BIM paperless work allows removing wastes of documentation in terms
of time and cost.
Contractor A: BIM technology of quantity surveying provides accurate material order as
per project needs, reducing the amount of waste material. The BIM model decreases
documentation work, reducing waste in terms of time and paperwork. Accuracy of the
BIM model eliminates any rework required due to mistakes of design.
Thematic Analysis: Table 7.8 shows interviewees‘ ratings and opinions about BIM
supporting Lean and reduction of wastes and rework during the project lifecycle. These
ratings will consider interviewees‘ statements rated as high, medium and low in relevance
to the theme defined. The differences between these ratings are how the interviewee's
statements support and agree with the theme chosen for the rating. Consultant/Designer A
agreed with the statement of BIM functionality of removal of wastes by explaining how
BIM supports paperless work and reduces time consumption of documentation which
considers waste. BIM technology saves time, effort and aerial by providing digital
information and data basis for project needs.
Meanwhile, Contractor A agreed with the theme of BIM functionality of removing wastes
by explaining how the BIM model produces accurate quantity surveying to support
accurate material procurement during the project lifecycle and minimize wastes. This
process supports the construction team in eliminating surplus material during the project
life cycle and reducing costs. Both interviewees agreed with previous studies and research
by rating the theme defined as high, as shown in Table 7.8.
Table 7.8 Summary of Thematic Analysis for BIM Primary Case Study Question 8 Answers
Interviewees Consultant/Designer A Contractor A
BIM technology of quantity surveying
BIM paperless work allows removing
Theme (BIM removal of wastes such provides accurate material order as
wastes of documentation in terms of
as time, material and cost) per project needs which reduces the
time and cost.
amount of waste material
Discussion: Chapter 3 Section 3.4 discussed BIM consideration as a tool that eliminates
wastes during project lifecycle by reanalysing the design to refine it from all wastes
(NBS, 2012). Also, chapter 3, section 3.12, discussed that BIM supports lean construction
by maximizing project value and minimizing wastes of rework and documentation
(Eastman et al., 2011). Hardin (2009) agreed and added BIM technology supporting a
sustainable design approach by following different water efficiency and innovation
(Hardin, 2009). Moreover, chapter 5, section 5.4.4, highlighted BIM benefits for
economic gains by minimizing documentation errors and using the BIM model for
fabrication (Ghaffarianhoseini et al., 2017). Meanwhile, chapter 6, section,
described the BIM benefit of reduction of rework and better quality fabricated products
(Autodesk, 2012). Both Consultant A and Contractor A's answers align with these studies
covered during the literature review, which provided more validation for this study and
Question (9): How does BIM support the project using computer-controlled fabrication
Consultant/Designer A: The manufacturer can rely on the accuracy of the BIM model's
dimensions. All elements details are digitally available and accurate, which allows for
better quality and time-saving.
Contractor A: BIM model had been used for prefabricated elements of architectural,
structural and MEP design components. Also, BIM is used to accurately fabricate fittings
elements such as ceiling works, doors, windows, etc. Accurate measurements allow for
better fittings and proper site coordination.
Thematic Analysis: Table 7.9 shows interviewees‘ ratings and opinions about BIM
supporting the project using computer-controlled fabrication functionality. These ratings
will consider interviewees‘ statements rated as high, medium and low in relevance to the
theme defined. The differences between these ratings are how the interviewee's
statements support and agree with the theme chosen for the rating. Consultant/Designer A
agreed with the statement that the BIM model is used to fabricate project elements by
explaining how BIM provides digital data for the manufacturer to fabricate accurate and
higher-quality elements, which saves time and effort. Meanwhile, Contractor A agreed
with the theme that the BIM model is used to fabricate project elements by explaining
how the BIM model is used to provide accurate data about fitting and other elements such
as door and windows for proper fabrication and accurate dimensions. Both interviewees
agreed with previous studies and research by rating the theme defined as high, as shown
in Table 7.9.
Table 7.9 Summary of Thematic Analysis for BIM Primary Case Study Question 9 Answers
Interviewees Consultant/Designer A Contractor A
All elements details are digitally BIM is used to accurately fabricate
Theme (BIM model used for
available and accurate, which allows fittings elements such as ceiling
fabrication of project elements)
for better quality and time-saving. works, doors, windows, etc.
Discussion: Chapter 3 Section 3.1 highlighted that BIM is used during the construction
process to fabricate project elements (Eastman et al., 2011). Also, chapter 3, section 3.11,
discussed BIM support for the fabrication process by providing digital 3D models for
suppliers and manufacturers (Eastman et al., 2011). Moreover, Hardin (2009) highlights
BIM capabilities to support pre-fabricated elements such as columns, panels, boundary
walls, etc. (Hardin, 2009). Meanwhile, section 3.15 described BIM supports for
fabrication process by providing accurate measurements data (Liu et al., 2016). Chapter 6,
sections highlights BIM benefits for SYDNEY OPERA HOUSE by providing an
accurate 3D digital model and saved data of unseen underground elements for future
maintenance purposes (Sanchez, Hampson and Mohamed, 2015). Both interviewees‘
answers align with these studies covered during the literature review and provided more
validation for this research.
Finally, Consultant A and Contractor A provide their opinions on BIM technology based on
experience during design and construction field work. These answers are analysed and
compared with the literature review obtained from previous studies and research made by
academic writers. Moreover, these answers are compared with the secondary data case
studies of BIM in chapter 6. The results are positive and in line with the research aims and
objectives for more validation and clarification. The thematic analysis methodology is used to
rate interviewees‘ statements compared to defined themes.
Meanwhile, coding and rating are used for this analysis from High, Medium and Low. Table
7.10 shows themes defined for each question and rating coding as well. Moreover, Table 7.11
summarises all thematic analyses done previously during the discussion of each question.
Nevertheless, agile project management integration with BIM will add more benefits for the
construction industry, analysed and discussed in section 8.1.
Table 7.10 Thematic Analysis Themes and Coding
Table 7.11 Summary of Thematic Analysis for BIM Primary Case Study
Table 7.12 Linking BIM Case Study 1 and Participants Responses to Agile BIM 2D
Also, this chapter supports the integration between agile principles and BIM functionalities.
Table 7.12 explains the link between each interviewee's response and the Agile BIM 2D
framework. Question 1 is answered by Consultant A as (BIM provides a central model to all
disciplines which allow designers to apply changes) and that is linked to (G2) BIM
functionality of collaboration in design and construction and the agile principle of welcome
changes. Moreover, Question 1 was answered by Contractor A as (BIM saved time during
application of changes by automatically generating drawings) and that is linked to (F2) BIM
functionality of automated generation of drawings and documents and the agile principle of
welcome changes. Following this example, table 7.12 summarizes the link between each
interviewee's answers and Agile BIM integrated framework as presented in Table 7.12.
Question (1): How do you find agile providing better satisfaction to the customer?
Employee A: agile is about building something block by block, which allows the
customer to be involved in micro levels and apply modifications once required.
Meanwhile, the release of the final product will satisfy the customer and provides the
Employee B: During agile application to develop a product. The customer works
closely to define and refine the product, which provides more clarity to the
development team and more satisfaction to the customer.
Employee C: Agile development team delivers working functionality in regular
intervals. This allows the customer to provide feedback at the end of each sprint to
modify the process, which adds more satisfaction to the customer.
Employee D: agile supports customers to overcome standardised products that do not
fit nowadays because of multiple diversifications in both organizations and
consumers, which provides more satisfaction to the customer.
Customer A: the agile team is frequently in touch with the customer team, which
improves communication and transparency. The agile team gives lots of confidence
relationships which improve the collaboration with the customer team and leads to
better satisfaction.
Thematic Analysis: Table 7.13 shows interviewees‘ ratings and opinions about agile
capabilities to provide better satisfaction to customers by increasing customer
involvement. These ratings will consider interviewees‘ statements rated as high,
medium and low in relevance to the theme defined. The differences between these
ratings are how the interviewee's statements support and agree with the theme chosen
for the rating. Employees A, B and Customer A agreed with the theme of Agile
allowing customers for more involvement, which increases customer satisfaction by
explaining how Agile allows the customer to be involved in micro levels, work
closely to define the product, and frequently in touch with customers the agile team.
Meanwhile, Employee C agreed with the theme. However, the statement is rated as a
medium because the explanation shows less customer involvement, as shown in Table
In contrast, in agile, the customer's need to be involved is highly recommended during
the project lifecycle. Moreover, Employee D agreed with the theme, but the statement
is rated as low because the explanation did not include customer involvement as
focused on overcoming product standardization. All of the interviewees agreed with
previous studies and research by rating the theme defined as high, medium and low,
as shown in Table 7.13.
Table 7.13 Thematic Analysis Summary for Agile Primary Case Study Question 1 Answers
Interviewees Employee A Employee B Employee C Employee D Customer A
customer to supports
allows the customer work an agile team is
Theme (Customer provide the customers to
customer to be closely to define frequently in
involvement feedback at the overcome
involved in and refine the touch with the
increase satisfaction) end of each standardised
micro levels product customer team
sprint product
Rating High High Medium Low High
Discussion: chapter 2, section 2.15, highlights the agile rule in increasing customer
satisfaction by adopting changes to overcome market needs and providing engineering
solutions. Moreover, agile provides flexibility to the customer through efficient
designs and supporting project processes (Lu et al., 2011). On the other hand, section
2.13 discussed agile cost minimization and removal of wastes to satisfy organization
and customer needs (Gilaninia et al., 2011). Meanwhile, section 2.20 discussed the
agile principle and goal to satisfy the customer by delivering continuous valuable
products (National Audit Office, 2012). Also, section 2.24 studies the improvement of
customer satisfaction by the leading end-user to participate with the agile teams
during project lifecycle (Goodpasture, 2010).
Nevertheless, section 2.9 mentioned the agile rule of satisfying customers by being
flexible and collaborative during the project lifecycle (Highsmith, 2010). Although
chapter 6, sections 6.5.4, discussed agile benefits towards SME Web Application by
driving customer and developer teams to work in close interaction during the project
lifecycle, which adds better satisfaction to the customer (Clutterbuck, Rowlands and
Seamons, 2009). Employee A, B, C and Customer A's answers and opinions are in
line with previous studies covered during the literature review, which add more
validation and verifications to the research. Meanwhile, employee D low rated the
theme but agreed with agile increasing satisfaction by providing innovation to the
Question (2): How do you find agile responding to changes during project lifecycle?
Employee A: agile build product that can be refined from early-stage, which provides
the ability to develop and refine each step till producing the final product as per scope
and concept.
Employee B: the agile process is built for change. Development teams can
accommodate new requirements, updates and shifting priorities with each sprint,
offsetting the cost of these changes by removing the lowest priority requirements or
functionalities that likely will never or rarely get used. Agile provides flexibility to
adopt changes during the project lifecycle.
Employee C: agile helps build client and user engagement by adopting changes.
Changes are incremental and evolutionary rather than revolutionary.
Employee D: The agile team invites stakeholders to show the product after
completing an iteration. Agile is effective in supporting culture changes to the
successful transformation of projects.
Customer A: developer team allows the customer team to provide their opinions and
feedback on the product during iterations. Any changes requested by the customer
team are welcomed by the agile team and implemented during the project lifecycle.
Thematic Analysis: Table 7.13 shows interviewees‘ ratings and opinions about agile
responding to changes during project lifecycle by supporting changing culture. These
ratings will consider interviewees‘ statements rated as high, medium and low in
relevance to the theme defined. The differences between these ratings are how the
interviewee's statements support and agree with the theme chosen for the rating.
Employees A, B and D agreed with the theme that Agile supports changing culture.
This allows agile to respond to changes by explaining how Agile build a product that
can be refined, develop teams that can accommodate changing requirements and
ensures agile effectiveness in supporting changes. Meanwhile, Employee C agreed
with the theme. However, the statement is rated as a medium because the explanation
shows less reaction to agile and more explanation about changes, as shown in Table
Moreover, Customer A agreed as well with the theme. However, the statement is rated
as a medium because the explanation did not focus on the agile way to adopt changes
but on the agile team principle of accepting changes, as shown in Table 7.14. All of
the interviewees agreed with previous studies and research by rating the theme
defined as high and medium, as shown in Table 7.14.
Table 7.14 Thematic Analysis Summary for Agile Primary Case Study Question 2 Answers
Interviewees Employee A Employee B Employee C Employee D Customer A
Development Changes are The agile team
Theme (Agile Agile build teams can incremental and Agile is effective welcomes any
supports changing products that can accommodate evolutionary in supporting changes
culture) be refined new rather than cultural changes requested by the
requirements revolutionary customer team
Rating High High Medium High Medium
Question (3): How much agile provides lean in terms of wastes removal to the project?
Employee A: an agile system of building a product is refining and testing each stage.
Meanwhile, any unnecessary inputs will not be built during the process and removed
from other stages. Agile is only building valuable inputs to the product.
Employee B: agile support lean thinking and encourage the removal of wastes. If a
customer does not pay for a process, it is considered a waste. Agile developers and
stakeholders help teams create a habit of eliminating processes and activities that do
not directly result in customer value.
Employee C: agile detect and identify the wastes and causes of the wastes. Then
changes will be applied to the work environment and development process to
eliminate waste.
Employee D: value stream mapping is one particular tool used by a team or
organization to identify wasteful activities. The team describe the amount of time that
work takes to go through each activity in their overall work process. The activities
that are not adding value will be eliminated.
Customer A: the agile team is validating the product and ensuring that any non-adding
value processes are removed, especially after the review with the customer team.
During agile innovation, many wastes appear, and the agile team works to minimize
these wastes during the project lifecycle.
Thematic Analysis: Table 7.15 shows interviewees‘ ratings and opinions about how
agile provides lean in terms of wastes removal to the project by removing unnecessary
inputs to the project process. These ratings will consider interviewees‘ statements
rated as high, medium and low in relevance to the theme defined. The differences
between these ratings are how the interviewee's statements support and agree with the
theme chosen for the rating. Employees A, D and Customer A agreed with the theme
of Agile removing unnecessary inputs to the project process by explaining how the
unnecessary inputs will not be built during the process and by eliminating non adding
value activities, especially after customer review. Meanwhile, Employee B agreed
with the theme. However, the statement is rated as a medium because the explanation
is about the agile principle and not how agile removes unnecessary inputs, as shown
in Table 7.15.
Moreover, Employee C agrees with the theme. However, the statement is rated as a
medium because the explanation did not focus on the project process. However, it
includes work environment and development processes such as paperless work, as
shown in Table 7.15. All of the interviewees agreed with previous studies and
research by rating the theme defined as high and medium, as shown in Table 7.15.
Table 7.15 Thematic Analysis Summary for Agile Primary Case Study Question 3 Answers
Interviewees Employee A Employee B Employee C Employee D Customer A
changes will be any non-adding
any unnecessary
agile support applied to the value processes
Theme (Agile inputs will not be The activities
lean thinking and work are removed,
removing built during the that are not
encourage the environment and especially after
unnecessary inputs process and adding value will
removal of development the review with
to project process) removed from be eliminated
wastes process to the customer
other stages
eliminate wastes team
Rating High Medium Medium High High
Discussion: chapter 2, section 2.11, highlighted agile aim to eliminate waste and adds
value to the product by adopting lean thinking (Nir, 2014). Moreover, agile remove
everything that does not add or contribute value to the process of product
development (Petersen, 2010). Also, section 2.12 mentioned lean and agile
management focusing on eliminating waste, removing unnecessary activities and
adding value to the product (Khan and Dalu, 2015). Although, section 2.13 studies
agile approaches to lean into a project by delivery speed, cost minimization, quality
improvement and time reduction (Gilaninia et al., 2011). On the other hand, chapter 6,
section 6.2.2, discussed agile benefits towards Volvos Cars management framework
by developing more sustainable products (Bergqvist and Gordani, 2018). All
interviewees‘ statements rating to the theme, answers, and opinions align with these
studies covered during the literature review and added more validation into this
research study.
Employee A: involvement of the client during the building process allows to check,
verify and update every process at a very early stage which minimizes risks to reject
or majorly modify the product.
Employee B: testing and quality assurance is integral parts of the agile cycle to
continuously check application feature to avoid any failure or expensive changes that
may occur unexpectedly.
Employee C: The product will be tested during agile projects during iterations.
Testers should be informed on time about the potential risks for all modules in the
new development. Also, testers and developers should collaborate in understanding
and planning the software modules to deliver code that will lower the later impacts on
the entire project.
Employee D: agile provides proper planning for each process and coordination with
customers to minimize risk factors during the project life cycle.
Customer A: agile team study and overcome significant technology risks, business
and people skills by implementing suitable solutions after a risk assessment study on
each of these risks. After product release to the market and end-user feedback, the
agile team minimize risks by modifying product based on the end-user requirement.
Thematic Analysis: Table 7.16 shows interviewees‘ ratings and opinions about agile
minimization of risks during project lifecycle by testing and updating iterations. These
ratings will consider interviewees‘ statements rated as high, medium and low in
relevance to the theme defined. The differences between these ratings are how the
interviewee's statements support and agree with the theme chosen for the rating.
Employees C, D and Customer A agreed with Agile updating and testing iterations to
minimize risks by motivating testers and developers to collaborate during iterations,
proper planning and coordination with the customer during iterations and modifying
products based on the end-user requirement. Meanwhile, Employee A agreed with the
theme. However, the statement is rated as a medium because it focuses on the client
involvement during the building process than how agile works to update iterations, as
shown in Table 7.16.
Moreover, Employee B agreed as well with the theme. However, the statement is
rated as a medium because it explains continuous checking to avoid process failures,
as shown in Table 7.16. All of the interviewees agreed with previous studies and
research by rating the theme defined as high and medium, as shown in Table 7.16.
Table 7.16 Thematic Analysis Summary for Agile Primary Case Study Question 4 Answers
Interviewees Employee A Employee B Employee C Employee D Customer A
involvement of continuously testers and proper planning agile team
the client during checking developers to each process minimize risks
Theme (agile tests the building application should and well by modifying
and updates iteration features to avoid collaborate in coordination product based on
process is
helps in minimizing any failure understanding with customers the end-user
risks) allowing to occurring and planning the to minimize risk requirement
minimize risks unexpectedly software
affecting time or cost (Karlesky and Voord, 2008). Moreover, section 2.14
highlighted the agile way to overcome risks by working collectively, making group
decisions, following agile rules and understanding the agile method (Walczak and
Kuchta, 2013). Also, section 2.27 mentioned the agile method of considering risks
during applying changes by studying the impact of risks on cost, time and quality
(Hwang and Low, 2012). Although, section 2.28 discussed the agile application of
risk assessment during planning iteration and project performance monitoring
(Wysocki, 2011). On the other hand, chapter 6, section 6.2.3, discussed agile benefits
towards the Cruise Line Project by reducing project complexity and the impact of
sudden changes, leading to risk minimization and control (Batra et al., 2010). All
interviewees‘ answers and opinions align with these studies covered during the
literature review, which add more validation and verification to this research study.
Question (5): How did you find agile effectiveness in communication and information
Employee A: agile required a joint workshop with the business and technical team on
every review to allow the technical team to get a clear picture of requirements and to
understand the business case. So, agile is very effective in communication and
information exchange among teams involved in the project.
Employee B: effective communication is a fundamental requirement for agile
modelling where team members learn to speak the same language no matter their
disciplines. The agile team share accountability for the outcomes and learn iteration.
Employee C: all communications within the agile team must be addressed to the
complete team, including sharing any documents, release plans or schedules, review
requests and feedback, risks or concerns, and even leaving updates. This builds a
complete sense of oneness within the team and maintains complete transparency.
Employee D: face to face communications are the best way because more than 70% of
conversations are memorable.
Customer A: agile method of communication through regular meetings and face to
face communication make it easier to understand the personality of team members.
Thematic Analysis: Table 7.17 shows interviewees‘ ratings and opinions about agile
effectiveness in communication and information exchange by continuous interaction
with end-user and stakeholders. These ratings will consider interviewees‘ statements
rated as high, medium and low in relevance to the theme defined. The differences
between these ratings are how the interviewee's statements support and agree with the
theme chosen for the rating. Employees A, D and Customer A agreed with the theme
of Agile continuously interacting with end-user and stakeholders by conducting joint
workshops on every review, face to face communication and regular meetings.
Meanwhile, Employee B agreed with the theme. However, the statement is low
because the explanation focused on team members‘ skills and experiences of
understanding the agile process, as shown in Table 7.17.
Moreover, Employee C agreed as well with the theme. However, the statement is
rated as a medium because the explanation focused on distributing correspondences to
all team members for better communication, as shown in Table 7.17. All of the
interviewees agreed with previous studies and research by rating the theme defined as
high, medium and low, as shown in Table 7.17.
Table 7.17 Thematic Analysis Summary for Agile Primary Case Study Question 5 Answers
Interviewees Employee A Employee B Employee C Employee D Customer A
agile required all
team members
Theme (agile joint workshop communications
learn to speak the face to face regular meetings
continuously interact with business within the agile
same language no communication and face to face
with end-user and and technical team must be
matter what their is the best way communication
stakeholders) team on every addressed to the
review complete team
Rating High Low Medium High High
rating to the theme is low, but it enhances agile teams and other teams to speak the
same management language for better understanding.
Question (6): How is agile effective in motivating individuals and providing a good work
Employee A: agile is monitoring work progress to deliver the product. Working with
diverse team members forces individuals to complete the task and hand it to another
team member. All team members need each other to complete building a product.
This way will motivate agile team members by depending on each other work.
Employee B: Agile motivates individuals by supporting their needs and providing a
good work environment by building trust. An agile team learns, empowers, and
motivates each other during the project life cycle.
Employee C: agile supports teams by avoiding reassignment or redistribution of the
members. The agile team grows and learns when staying together. The agile best
practice is to keep teams together in a good work environment.
Employee D: agile provides trust to the individuals, which unleash creativity. Agile
gives respect and ownership to the solutions that individual provides. These actions
motivate individuals and provide a good work environment.
Customer A: the agile team is motivated by the agile work method and respect among
team members. Agile managers listen to individuals‘ ideas and requirements, allowing
them to innovate and create.
Thematic Analysis: Table 7.18 shows interviewees‘ ratings and opinions about agile
effectiveness in motivating individuals and providing a good work environment by
trusting and listening to the individuals. These ratings will consider interviewees‘
statements rated as high, medium and low in relevance to the theme defined. The
differences between these ratings are how the interviewee's statements support and
agree with the theme chosen for the rating. Employees B, D and Customer A agreed
with the theme of Agile trusting and listening to the individuals during project
lifecycle by motivating individuals, unleashing team creativity by trusting their
capabilities and supporting individuals‘ requirements through their managers.
Meanwhile, Employee A agreed with the theme. Still, the statement is low because
the explanation focused on forcing teams to complete the tasks while working
together rather than trusting and listening to the individuals, as shown in Table 7.18.
Table 7.18 Thematic Analysis Summary for Agile Primary Case Study Question 6 Answers
Moreover, Employee C agreed as well with the theme. Still, the statement is rated as a
medium because the explanation focused on allowing teams to learn and grow by
staying together during the project lifecycle, as shown in Table 7.18. All of the
interviewees agreed with previous studies and research by rating the theme defined as
high, medium and low, as shown in Table 7.18.
Discussion: chapter 2, section 2.24, highlighted the agile project manager rule of
motivating individuals and inspiring teams by providing trust and empowerment
(Goodpasture, 2010). Moreover, section 2.12 discussed that agile empowers workers
by providing authorities, a good working environment, and the necessary technologies
(Nir, 2014). Also, chapter 6, section 6.2.3, mentioned agile benefits towards Cruise
Line Project by motivating the team and allowing for decision making, which helps to
adjust the process (Batra et al., 2010). On the other hand, section 6.2.4 mentioned
agile benefits during SME Web Application by providing support to the team working
in the project, which leads to better decision making and better ways to solve
problems (Clutterbuck, Rowlands and Semons, 2009). All interviewees‘ answers and
opinions align with previous studies covered during the literature review, which
provide more validation and verification to this research.
Question (7): How do you find agile effectiveness in collaboration and coordination between
project stakeholders?
Employee A: agile is a new process for stakeholders, but after experiencing the work
process using agile, the stakeholders‘ feedback is positive. Continued collaboration is
maintaining close cooperation between stakeholders during the project lifecycle.
Employee B: agile is effective in collaboration with stakeholders by discussing the
priorities and potential trade-offs with business stakeholders and the customer to
adopt plans to meet new requirements.
Employee C: The agile team regularly interacts with business stakeholders to infuse
business and domain expertise in the development process. Inviting stakeholders to
brainstorm about features and functionalities helps introduce new ideas and insights.
This way of coordination between stakeholders makes agile very effective.
Employee D: basic of agile is to frequently communicate, collaborate and coordinate
with stakeholders to avoid misunderstanding and remove non-adding value processes
from iterations. So, agile is effective in collaboration with stakeholders.
Customer A: agile team provides well coordination and collaboration with the
customer team, especially during the end of iterations. The effectiveness of agile team
collaboration allows the customer to evaluate and provide inputs to increase
satisfaction toward the product.
Thematic Analysis: Table 7.19 shows interviewees‘ ratings and opinions about agile
effectiveness in collaboration and coordination between project stakeholders by
supporting the agile team to interact with stakeholders frequently. These ratings will
consider interviewees‘ statements rated as high, medium and low in relevance to the
theme defined. The differences between these ratings are how the interviewee's
statements support and agree with the theme chosen for the rating. Employees A, B,
C, D and Customer A agreed with the theme of the Agile team frequently interacting
with stakeholders and explaining how the agile team acts during the interaction.
Continuously maintaining collaboration, discussing priorities with stakeholders,
avoiding misunderstanding, and coordination at the end of the iteration, as shown in
Table 7.19. All of the interviewees agreed with previous studies and research by
rating the theme defined as high, medium and low, as shown in Table 7.19.
Table 7.19 Thematic Analysis Summary for Agile Primary Case Study Question 7 Answers
Interviewees Employee A Employee B Employee C Employee D Customer A
Continues discussing the frequently well
collaboration is priorities and the agile team communicate, coordination and
Theme (Agile team maintaining potential trade- interacts with collaborate and collaboration
frequently interact close offs with business coordinate with with customer
with stakeholders) cooperation business stakeholders stakeholders to team, especially
between stakeholders and regularly avoid during the end of
stakeholders the customer misunderstanding iterations
Rating High High High High High
Employee A: agile define the process for individuals to micro-manage the project to
coordinate among team members for better effectiveness and self-organizing teams.
Employee B: agile is effective in self-organizing teams using a cross-functional method.
All team members have the necessary skills to implement the required tasks without a
manager looking over their shoulders to work.
Employee C: agile team members choose their processes and tools. The self-managing
team is effectively managing work by avoiding day to the day management processes.
Employee D: the agile team is independent and not waiting for external validation for the
situation during the project lifecycle. The agile team is not depending on the outside team
other than the agile team. Agile individuals are self-organized and take immediate action.
Customer A: agility is an educated self-organizing team that delivers the product on time
by providing support and motivation to decision-making and problem solutions.
Thematic Analysis: Table 7.20 shows interviewees‘ ratings and opinions about agile
effectiveness in self-organizing teams. Agile uses a skilled team with the right tools to
perform self-organizing functionality. These ratings will consider interviewees‘
statements rated as high, medium and low in relevance to the theme defined. The
differences between these ratings are how the interviewee's statements support and agree
with the theme chosen for the rating. Employees B, C and D agreed with the theme of
Agile using a skilled team with tools for self-organizing by ensuring team members have
necessary skills, avoiding day to the daily management processes and taking action rather
than avoiding dependence on the outside team. Meanwhile, Employee A agreed with the
theme. Still, the statement is rated as a medium because the explanation focused on the
agile process of defining the micro-management process, as shown in Table 7.20.
Moreover, Customer A agreed with the theme. Still, the statement is rated as a medium
because the explanation focused on the agile method of educating the self-organizing
team, as shown in Table 7.20. All of the interviewees agreed with previous studies and
research by rating the theme defined as high and medium, as shown in Table 7.20.
Table 7.20 Thematic Analysis Summary for Agile Primary Case Study Question 8 Answers
Interviewees Employee A Employee B Employee C Employee D Customer A
An agile team is
agile define the team members managing work not depending on agility educated
Theme (agile use a
process for have all the by avoiding day the outside team self-organizing
skilled team with
individuals to necessary skills to the daily other than the team to deliver
tools for self-
micro-manage to implement the management agile team and the product on
the project required tasks process take immediate time
Rating Medium High High High Medium
Discussion: Chapter 2 Section 2.1 highlighted the agile way to solve projects complexity
by self-organizing teams (Opelt et al., 2013). Moreover, section 2.4 mentioned that agile
culture is based on self-organizing (Highsmith, 2010). Also, section 2.9 described agile
behaviour between team members by the self-organizing team and emerging between
each other (Tignot, 2009). Chapter 6, sections 6.2.3 discussed agile benefits towards
Cruise Line Project by allowing team members to adjust the process and empowering the
team for decision making (Batra et al., 2010). All interviewees‘ statements are rated
highly to medium to the theme defined in addition to the answers and opinions, which are
in line with these studies covered during the literature review and provides more
validation and verification to this research study.
Question (9): How does the agile project management approach increase work productivity?
short-term deadlines because contributors are not taking on too many different project
components at once, which increases productivity.
Employee D: agile productivity is gained through effective communication and
responsiveness to customer demands. Also, testing the product at each sprint allows
understanding the working process and accordingly increases work productivity.
Customer A: work productivity increases by agile implementation due to motivated
individuals, better communication and collaboration, and a healthy work environment.
Thematic Analysis: Table 7.21 shows interviewees‘ ratings and opinions about the agile
project management approach increasing work productivity by adopting collaboration to
increase work productivity. These ratings will consider interviewees‘ statements rated as
high, medium and low in relevance to the theme defined. The differences between these
ratings are how the interviewee's statements support and agree with the theme chosen for
the rating. Employees A, B, D and Customer A agreed with the theme of Agile
collaboration to increase project productivity by solving errors during continuous
collaboration with stakeholders.
Keeping everyone focused on one task, effective communication to respond to customer
demand and motivating individuals for better communication and collaboration.
Meanwhile, Employee C agreed with the theme. Still, the statement is rated as a medium
because the explanation focused on adopting smaller scope of work among team members
to increase productivity, as shown in Table 7.21. All of the interviewees agreed with
previous studies and research by rating the theme defined as high and medium, as shown
in Table 7.21.
Table 7.21 Thematic Analysis Summary for Agile Primary Case Study Question 9 Answers
Interviewees Employee A Employee B Employee C Employee D Customer A
Solving errors
agile is productivity is
are increasing agile focuses on productivity is
incredibly gained through
work a much smaller increased due to
Theme (agile effective for effective
productivity scope which motivated
collaboration productivity communication
along with leads individuals,
increase project because it helps and being highly
continued productivity to better
productivity) keep everyone responsive to
collaboration increase communication
focused on one customer
with and collaboration
task at a time demands
Rating High High Medium High High
Discussion: chapter 2, section 2.5, described the agile method of innovation along with
skilled team members would increase work productivity (Highsmith, 2010). Moreover,
section 2.11 discussed the agile way to increase productivity by removing non-adding
values activities (Highsmith, 2010). Also, section 2.12 described agile as increasing
productivity by removing unnecessary activities (Khan and Dalu, 2015). Although,
section 2.16 highlighted agile benefits towards construction industry productivity by
proper time management and individual motivation (Adil and Fatima, 2015). On the other
hand, chapter 6, section 6.2.2, discussed agile benefits towards Volvos Car management
framework by focusing on reducing patch size to increase product release (Bergqvist and
Gordani, 2018). All interviewees‘ answers and opinions align with previous studies
covered during the literature review, which provide more validation for this research.
Finally, Employees A to D and Customer A provide their opinions on the agile approach and
methods based on actual experience during fieldwork. These answers are analysed and
compared with the literature review obtained from previous studies and research made by
academic writers. Moreover, these answers are compared with the secondary data case
studies of agile in chapter 6. Meanwhile, thematic analysis is provided for rating
interviewees‘ statements to question themes, as shown in Table 7.22. On the other hand, a
summary of thematic analysis statements, coding, themes and ratings are provided in Table
7.23 for more understanding and summarizing. The results are positive and in line with the
research aims and objectives for more validation and clarification. Agile project management
integration with BIM will add more benefits for the construction industry. The summary table
7.23 of thematic analysis shows all questions themes and rating codes for each interviewee
for the reader to easier understand the assessment of all questions.
Table 7.23 Summary of Thematic Analysis for Agile Primary Case Study
Table 7.24 Linking Agile Case Study 1 and Participants Responses to Agile BIM 2D
Employee Employee (B) Employee (C) Employee (D) Customer (A)
Question (1)
(A) Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer
Link to 2D
I1 G4 I1 L12 K4
Employee Employee (B) Employee (C) Employee (D) Customer (A)
Question (2)
(A) Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer
Link to 2D
G8 G2 H2 G8 I2
Employee Employee (B) Employee (C) Employee (D) Customer (A)
Question (3)
(A) Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer
Link to 2D
G8 E8 G2 L8 M2
Employee Employee (B) Employee (C) Employee (D) Customer (A)
Question (4)
(A) Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer
Link to 2D
K4 G4 J10 J1 G2
Employee Employee (B) Employee (C) Employee (D) Customer (A)
Question (5)
(A) Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer
Link to 2D
M4 K4 K4 K6 K6
Employee Employee (B) Employee (C) Employee (D) Customer (A)
Question (6)
(A) Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer
Link to 2D
M4 M11 G4 M11 K11
Employee Employee (B) Employee (C) Employee (D) Customer (A)
Question (7)
(A) Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer
Link to 2D
M4 M11 M6 M6 M4
Employee Employee (B) Employee (C) Employee (D) Customer (A)
Question (8)
(A) Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer
Link to 2D
K11 M11 K11 M11 L3
Employee Employee (B) Employee (C) Employee (D) Customer (A)
Question (9)
(A) Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer
Link to 2D
B3 B12 L10 K4 K6
Also, this chapter supports the integration between agile principles and BIM functionalities.
Table 7.24 explains each interviewee's response and the Agile BIM 2D framework. Question
1 is answered by Employee A as (agile is about building something block by block which
provides satisfaction to customer) and this is linked to (I1) integration of BIM functionality of
construction process simulation and agile principle of the satisfying customer. Moreover,
Question 1 was answered by Customer A as (the agile team is frequently in touch with the
customer team), and this is linked to (K4) integration of BIM functionality of online
communication and the agile principle of working together. Following this example, table
7.24 summarizes the link between each interviewee's answers and the Agile BIM integrated
framework as presented in Table 7.24.
This section will cover a study done on a group of professionals in the industry using Delphi
Techniques. The following questions are sent to a specific group of individuals to obtain their
opinions and experiences. Nine different questions are asked to eight participants to obtain
the following answers. Multiple rounds are conducted to obtain better discussion and more
First, the BIM case study is done using the Delphi technique by choosing eight different
professionals in the construction industry experienced in the implementation of BIM during
the design and construction of projects (Refer to Appendix D): (Grime and Wright, 2014)
Participant (A): BIM application of changes during the early design stage is more effective
and less expensive than changes during the construction stage. BIM provides visualization for
the design that allows the client and management team to understand the project better.
Participant (B): BIM can leverage changes. BIM provides a data package to reflect the
design, allowing changes to these data during the project running to adopt modifications.
Participant (C): BIM provides read-only model functionality to the client for review and
confirmation. However, it will not allow the client to apply changes to the model. BIM
visualization gives the client opportunity to review and decide what to be changed. These
functionalities increase BIM effectiveness to apply changes.
Participant (D): The inherited BIM association reduces designers' fear of applying changes.
Tools and software capabilities allow designers to apply modifications during the project
Participant (E): BIM reduces the time of printing out modifications on drawings once
changes are applied, increasing the effectiveness of BIM to apply changes.
Participant (F): Innovation must be applied during the design and construction of the project.
BIM supports applying these changes more effectively to adjust the cost and quality of
material as per requirements.
Participant (G): BIM is paperless work. Once changes are applied, there will be no need for
drawings printouts. BIM digital model increases work effectiveness and save time during
changes applications. In case authorities request hardcopies, BIM functionality of automated
generation of drawings will allow printout changes applied.
Participant (H): BIM provides a higher response and more accessible application to changes
reflected on the project life cycle and complete design.
Participant (F): Once the client requests changes. The design team implement these change
and report back to the client with all the effects on the project budget and duration. Then, the
client will study these effects for confirmation or modification.
Participant (H): duration of some construction projects is over years. Standards and rules may
change during this period. Application of these changes is a must. BIM provides a higher
response to these changes and supports the client in completing the work scope to operate the
generation of drawings. Participants A to H's opinions and answers align with these previous
studies, adding more validation and clarification to this research.
7.3.2 Question (2): How did you find BIM providing better satisfaction to customer needs?
Participant (A): BIM coordination and collaboration between all designers on one platform
increase the quality of the design, save time, and minimize errors better than the traditional
designing method where each designer works alone. This functionality of BIM increases the
satisfaction of the customer.
Participant (B): By using visual tools that are easier for the customer to understand the
architectural project shape and apply the modification. Visual tools are better than 2D or
traditional simple designs. BIM certainly gives better customer satisfaction.
Participant (C): BIM allows stakeholders to achieve customer requirements and needs during
the project lifecycle. BIM advantages of accepting changes minimizing errors and wastes to
save cost and time overrun, are increasing customer satisfaction during the project lifecycle.
Participant (D): Ensuring that the AEC firm uses cutting edge technology with less likelihood
of conflicts and errors during the construction process will drive customers for better
Participant (E): BIM provides a clear picture and understandable project design. BIM
provides a realistic 3D model of the project, which allows for better visualization of the
design. These advantages of BIM increase client satisfaction during the project lifecycle.
Participant (F): BIM capabilities of improving coordination and collaboration between
workforces allows for better project management and productivity, which increases customer
Participant (G): BIM engages all stakeholders in the design. Client contribution to confirm
project design at each stage and visualize project progress improves client satisfaction.
Participant (H): BIM technology added better satisfaction to the customer than traditional
ways of design methods. Many clients are not technical and could not understand what the
2D drawings mean. Nevertheless, BIM provides 3D visualization, allowing clients to
understand the design better.
243 Delphi Technique (Round 2)
Participant (D): BIM is more than 3D modelling and discovering clash detection during
designs. BIM presents project design in digital format, which increases the ability of the
viewers to understand all visual details and information required. This technique increases
customer satisfaction during BIM implementation.
7.3.3 Question (3): How did you find BIM effectiveness in coordination between project
design teams?
Participant (A): BIM coordination between design teams minimizes clashes and errors during
changes application. BIM allows teams to notice changes in reflection on all disciplines.
Participant (B): BIM coordination allows all designers to read and visualise all the other
implementations to the model to understand the needs of other disciplines to apply the right
Participant (C): BIM capabilities of coordination and collaboration reduce the time and effort
of all team members to conclude and exchange information about the design. BIM is
considered highly effective in coordination.
Participant (D): many companies use BIM for design visualization coordination between
design and construction teams. BIM is capable of eliminating the conflicts between all
Participant (E): BIM provides better coordination between project design teams. BIM allows
all disciplines to work together on the same model simultaneously and directly implement
data into the model for others to engage.
Participant (F): BIM supports the reduction of errors during the design and construction of
the project by providing better coordination between design teams.
Participant (G): During the project lifecycle, the BIM coordinator works to manage teams and
ensure all stakeholders are engaged in the project. BIM software supports the BIM
coordinator to find clash detection and documented to instruct team members for corrective
Participant (H): BIM effectively coordinates by providing a virtual model of the project
before it is built and allows teams to establish schedules, quantity surveying, cost estimation,
labour hours and workflow. BIM capabilities allow all stakeholders to coordinate much better
than the traditional design method.
Participant (D): BIM supports all design disciplines by allowing all designers to work on one
platform. Any data input or modification will appear for another designer to apply the
required inputs.
Participant (F): errors and clashes are eliminated using BIM technology and software such as
Navisworks. Once clashes are found, the designer will coordinate with other disciplines to
apply modifications required to eliminate clashes.
discussed BIM effectiveness in communication and collaboration during project lifecycle
(Barlish and Sullivan, 2012) and BIM benefits for information exchange using coordination
and collaboration functionalities (Arayici et al., 2012). Moreover, chapter 5, Section 5.4.4,
highlights BIM benefits for standardization by enabling collaboration and data exchange
(Ghaffarianhoseini et al., 2017). Chapter 6 sections mentioned BIM benefits for the
SHANGHAI TOWER case study by providing proper coordination to generate project
documents. In addition, chapter 7, section 7.1.1, provide the opinions of consultant A and
Contractor A during a primary case study about BIM collaboration and coordination to
minimize misunderstanding and support all disciplines. Finally, participants' A to H opinions
and answers align with these studies, adding more validation and verification for this
7.3.4 Question (4): How does BIM provide better productivity, efficiency and effectiveness
to the project progress?
Participant (A): BIM productivity and efficiency depend on team skills and capabilities. BIM
productivity increases once proper coordination is applied between design and construction
Participant (B): BIM promotes quicker decision making and reduces the chances of making
an error which reflect the project's progress positively.
Participant (C): BIM provides quantity surveying by applying automated data generation for
all items used in the project. These increases work productivity and effectiveness by saving
time and minimizing human errors.
Participant (D): In general, BIM increases work productivity by minimizing paperwork,
better coordination and eliminating errors. However, it is hard to measure productivity based
on BIM alone because many factors affect construction project productivity.
Participant (E): BIM provides outcomes that increase work efficiency and effectiveness like
schedules, diagrams, drawings and cost estimation, allowing better communication to
increase work progress and productivity.
Participant (F): BIM provides digital data that allows for better planning and managing of the
project. BIM designs are linked together, which increase design efficiency and effectiveness.
BIM's proper method of communication increases works productivity by minimizing errors
and wastes during the project lifecycle.
Participant (G): BIM provides a platform to review and monitor the project during the
construction stage to make a better decision. BIM model increases work efficiency and
effectiveness by saving time to follow the long process of requesting information from the
design team, which lead to better productivity.
Participant (H): In terms of effectiveness, BIM increases cost-effectiveness by automating all
items used in the project to calculate the estimated price. Also, in terms of efficiency, BIM
minimizes errors, leading to better quality. Finally, in terms of productivity, BIM provides
better coordination between stakeholders, reflecting better productivity.
Participant (A): designers and construction teams in the construction industry needs more
training and education about BIM knowledge and tools continuously. The productivity and
efficiency of BIM depend on this factor to ensure that BIM is well used.
All round 1 agreed on BIM benefits for project progress productivity, efficiency, and
effectiveness. Meanwhile, round 2 is processed to obtain more information from participant
A opinion regarding the subject. Chapter 3 Section 3.8 highlights BIM benefits of
communication and collaboration between stakeholders and its positive impact on project
productivity (Hardin, 2009). Sections 3.11 discussed BIM model capabilities to support the
fabrication process, which leads to more productivity (Eastman et al., 2011). Also, chapter 6,
section, described BIM benefits toward SHANGHAI TOWER case study by
supporting design efficiency of minimizing light pollution and building energy consumption
(Autodesk, 2012). Meanwhile, chapter 7, section 7.1.1, highlights consultant A and contractor
A's opinions during BIM's primary case study about using the BIM model for visualization
and prefabrication of elements that increase project productivity and effectiveness. Finally,
participants' A to H opinions and answers align with these previous studies and other
interviewees' opinions which provide more validation and support for this research.
7.3.5 Question (5): How did you find BIM supports the management team to maintain good
design and technical excellence?
Participant (A): BIM 4D and 5D applications allow the project management team to schedule
work progress and establish cost feedback. Moreover, virtual reality provides all stakeholders
better understanding of project design to reach the goal of technical excellence.
Participant (B): BIM allows for easier access to all aspects of the project to be presented
neatly to maintain good design and technical excellence.
Participant (C): BIM's abilities to remove clash detections, work on one platform, minimise
human errors, and coordinate is adding better support to the management and increasing
technical excellence of the design.
Participant (D): BIM supports the management team by increasing coordination between all
disciplines. BIM provides better information exchange throughout working on one platform.
The BIM model of digital data is shared among all stakeholders to increase technical
excellence and avoid clashes.
Participant (E): BIM provides better awareness of the design to all stakeholders and
minimizes variations that come from misunderstanding or clashes during the construction
stage. BIM adds better coordination between design and construction teams during the
project lifecycle, which increases the support to the management team to maintain good
design and technical excellence.
Participant (F): The BIM method of working on one platform minimises requests for
information between design teams working on different disciplines.
Participant (G): BIM is used by project managers to increase communication, coordination
and collaboration by providing one environment for work. BIM increase project operation
efficiency by linking model data to all systems that operate the project, such as CCTV,
ventilation, fire alarm, etc.
Participant (H): BIM supports the project management team by providing continuous updates
of work progress, advice on risk management and establishing a project budget. These
functionalities of BIM add more technical excellence to the project.
Participant (B): design and construction teams supported by BIM model during project
lifecycle by having the ability to access all model disciplines for review and updates.
248 Discussion of (Question 5) Agreements and Disagreements
All participants in round 1 agreed on BIM supports to the management team to achieve good
design and technical excellence. Meanwhile, round 2 is conducted to clarify participant B's
opinion regarding the subject. Chapter 3, section 3.1, highlights BIM technology of 4D
modelling that supports planning systems during the construction process (Eastman et al.,
2011). Sections 3.3 described BIM supports engineering to maintain good design by
simulation works using different disciplines (Arayici et al., 2012). Sections 3.4 mentioned
BIM digital tools to construct an optimal design for better operation solutions (NBS, 2012).
Sections 3.8 described BIM factors toward construction projects by supporting project
management approaches (Hardin, 2009). Chapter 5 sections 5.4.4 mentioned BIM benefits
for the project management team during the project's operation by using the BIM model to
link operational systems such as CCTV (Ghaffarianhoseini et al., 2017). Also, chapter 6,
section, highlights BIM benefits toward the MANCHESTER TOWN HALL
COMPLEX case study by delivering professional design coordination and better decision
making (Codinhoto et al., 2011). Chapter 7 sections 7.1.1 both interviewees‘ opinions support
BIM in delivering good design and technical excellence using simulation, coordination and
4D scheduling. Finally, participants A to H's opinions and answers align with these studies,
which provide more validation for this research.
7.3.6 Question (6): Up to what level does BIM provides cost estimation?
Participant (A): BIM provides automated cost estimation by automatic generation of schedule
for all items used in the project, which allows the quantity survivor engineer to add the cost
of each item to calculate the estimated cost of the project.
Participant (B): BIM 3D modelling provides a better tool for the project team to apply
quantifying quantities that are more accurate and faster than traditional 2D drawings and
Participant (C): Cost was adjusted more than once during the early stages. BIM support teams
by simulating the suitability of these modifications. Moreover, BIM provides accurate
material quantities to be used in the project. These functionalities of BIM added better cost
estimation to the project.
Participant (D): Once the designer starts using elements to create a project model, BIM
provides the option to edit each element. This function allows adding the cost of these
elements. Aso, BIM provides a summary for all items with their costs which gives cost
estimation to the project.
Participant (E): BIM provides more accurate material quantities that support more accurate
cost estimation. BIM minimize manual calculations of material quantities used in traditional
methods of design.
Participant (F): Revit software provides a material take-off function to add the cost of each
item or element used to generate cost estimation for the whole project.
Participant (G): BIM allows for automatically extracting material quantities used by the
model itself. BIM supports cost managers to avoid manual calculation, which is slow and
Participant (H): 5D BIM provides accurate cost estimation for all structural components of
the project. 5D BIM saves time and effort for quantity surveyors to calculate projects
quantities and estimate costs.
Participant (B): during the traditional design method, 2D drawings were only available for
engineering to calculate quantities of material needed. The manual calculation is performed,
which causes inaccurate data and waste. BIM model is supporting projects for better financial
control and fewer human errors.
All participants in round 1 agreed on the proper cost estimation that BIM is providing during
the project lifecycle. Meanwhile, round 2 is processed to obtain more information from
participant B regarding the subject. Chapter 3, section 3.1, highlights that BIM supports the
design process by providing accurate cost estimation and quantity surveying to the project
(Eastman et al., 2011). Sections 3.3 described BIM supports engineering and construction
processes by providing better financial control over the project and cost minimization by
accurate calculation (Arayici et al., 2012). Sections 3.8 mentioned that BIM assists
construction projects by providing cost estimation (Hardin, 2009). Chapter 6, sections,
highlights BIM benefits on providing 5D construction costing and quantity estimation for
physical components (Codinhoto et al., 2011). Meanwhile, in chapter 7, section 7.1.1, both
interviewees‘ opinions and answers support BIM capabilities to provide quantity surveying
for structural elements to provide accurate cost estimation. Finally, participants' A to H
answers and opinions align with these previous studies and provide more validation and
verification to the research.
7.3.7 Question (7): Did BIM helps in discovering clash detection and removing errors and
omissions at the early design stage?
Participant (A): Various software supports BIM to find clash detection during project design.
Revit, Navisworks and ArchiCAD are types of software that are integrated to find any
interferences and clashes. BIM's ability to remove clashes and errors increases work
productivity, quality and time-saving.
Participant (B): Clash review tool allows team members to manage and coordinate the
analysis process. The project management team will monitor the project status during the
running of clash detection and add the comments needed to send notifications to concerned
parties. Moreover, the Revit model will produce a clash detection report of model analysis.
Participant (C): While applying any modification to the project's design, the BIM model
discovered and marked the unsuitable materials, locations of the facilities, types of structures
that fit the project. BIM functionalities support decision-making and save time and effort by
reducing rework.
Participant (D): BIM allows the design manager to visualize the model of the project to
identify errors and detections marked to guide the design team to take the correct action to
adjust and remove errors.
Participant (E): BIM reduces clash detections which cause reduction of variation, cost
overrun and delays. BIM effectively removes errors and omissions during all design stages,
which positively affects construction progress and project cost.
Participant (F): All design disciplines such as Architectural, MEP, and structural are
combined and merged to be checked and verified for clashes using Navisworks. BIM
coordination functionality allows removing these clashes to reach a free error model.
Participant (G): Contractor is provided by BIM model after awarding of project construction.
The designer makes sure the model has no clashes or errors, and the contractor verifies after
receiving the model. BIM technology and software save the contractor's time and effort to
review all the drawings during tendering stage and reduce the request for information.
Participant (H): Revit and Navisworks allowed 3D view for the model and marked clashes
and errors in the model after integration to take action to remove, adjust and modify what is
Participant (G): The contractor is provided with 2D drawings for pricing the project during
the traditional design method. During this stage, the contractor is responsible for finding
clashes to adjust pricing before construction is started. Meanwhile, the BIM model provides a
straightforward design without errors or crashes.
7.3.8 Question (8): Up to what level does BIM provides Lean and reduction of wastes and
rework to the project?
Participant (A): BIM capabilities to eliminate errors and clashes are affecting the reduction of
rework and wastes removal positively. BIM reduces mistakes and failures during the
construction stage, reducing the amount of rework.
Participant (B): Working on one platform allows teams to coordinate to remove any
misunderstanding or confusion during design stages, which is better to eliminate rework and
Participant (C): BIM provides the maximum level of collaboration and coordination between
design and construction, which reduces the tolerance and waste to a minimum.
Participant (D): BIM model and technology of simulation provides teams with work process
and quantity of materials. BIM helps to minimize surprises during design and construction
progress by increasing coordination. BIM flexibility of adjusting building design and its
landscape supports cost reduction and changing the type of material to be used.
Participant (E): BIM provides cost security and quality control over the project lifecycle.
BIM effectiveness in communication, collaboration, and errors removal supports lean
construction in waste reduction and rework elimination.
Participant (F): BIM removes overproduction, defects, waiting, over-processing by using
software analysis, surveying, visualization and coordination. These functionalities of BIM
support principles of lean construction and minimizing rework.
Participant (G): Traditional construction methods contain many non-adding value elements to
the project, such as delays and poor communications, rework, cost overruns, disputes and
material wastes. BIM software removes design errors and manages proper communication
and collaboration over different design disciplines, which support removing non-adding value
elements to the project.
Participant (H): BIM usage of forwarding technology methods serves developers to optimize
value-added elements. BIM uses resources as efficiently as possible during construction
stages while everyone is involved in sharing information effectively, decreasing rework and
increasing lean thinking.
Participant (D): BIM capabilities to coordinate design and construction team eliminate errors
and rework, which saves project from waste and increases support to lean during construction
All participants in round 1 agreed on BIM effectiveness to provide lean, reduction of wastes
and rework during a construction project. Meanwhile, round 2 is conducted to obtain more
information from participant D regarding the subject. Chapter 3, sections 3.1 are highlights
BIM efficiencies in improving energy consumption and sustainability performance of the
building during the design stage (Eastman et al., 2011). Sections 3.12 described BIM
effectiveness in minimizing project cost and maximizing project values (Hardin, 2009).
Chapter 5, sections 5.4.4 mentioned BIM benefits toward construction projects by improving
economic benefits on project value and return on investment by minimizing errors and claims
(Ghaffarianhoseini et al., 2017). Chapter 6, sections discussed BIM benefits toward
SYDNEY OPERA HOUSE innovation project by eliminating rework and duplication of
activity using BIM technology (Sanchez, Hampson and Mohamed, 2015). Moreover, chapter
7, section 7.1.1, highlights both interviewees‘ opinions and answers regarding the primary
case study about BIM removal of errors during design and minimizing waste material.
Finally, participants' A to H opinions and answers align with these studies, which provide
more validation and confirmation for this research.
7.3.9 Question (9): How does BIM support the project using computer-controlled
fabrication functionality?
Participant (A): BIM allows MEP designers to shift from complete design into detailed
design. Rivet software in BIM provides MEP designer fabrication tools to fill the gaps and
automatically adjust elements to fit into the design.
Participant (B): Manufacturers can utilize data inputs from BIM digital model to assist in the
fabrication process. Parametric fabrication data throughout BIM can be used to fabricate
structural elements, which will expedite the process and reduce human errors.
Participant (C): BIM software helps mechanical, electrical and plumbing designs and
construction teams by providing more accurate data for fabricating items. Data exported from
Revit software can be used for the fabrication process during the construction stage.
Participant (D): BIM advanced technology allows contractors to be more competitive by
providing better fabrication methods, which saves time and effort. Also, BIM supports the
fabrication process by reducing costs and increasing the quality of the structure.
Participant (E): BIM software supports fabrication and installation workflow during the
project lifecycle. BIM model provides contractor digital data to fabricate elements that reduce
waste and overcome the shop drawing process.
Participant (F): BIM model and technology supports manufacturing process during
construction work and provides high-quality elements. Moreover, this functionality saved
much time and reduced waste during construction progress. Pre-fabricated items support the
assembly process based on BIM technology's labelling during the manufacturing process.
Participant (G): BIM supports the fabrication process and understanding how the project
elements of the structure interact together. BIM technology supports pre-fabricated elements,
reducing the cost and providing better efficiency to the project.
Participant (H): after ensuring all services in the building are fit and properly coordinated.
BIM software provides all details of services used in the project for fabrication, which is
better than the traditional method of 2D shop drawings.
Participant (H): the traditional method of elements fabrication during the construction process
consumes much time, cost, and effort. Manufacture receives 2D drawings of the project for
the study and submits more detailed drawings called shop drawings for approval. Once it is
approved, fabrication will start. BIM digital model provides all accurate details for all
elements and saves time and effort.
All participants in round 1 agreed on the effectiveness of BIM functionality to support the
fabrication process. Meanwhile, round 2 is processed to obtain more information from
participant H.
Chapter 3, sections 3.11 discussed BIM supports for engineering and manufacturing process
during a construction project by using 3D digital data model for fabrication of structural
elements and using of accurate information (Eastman et al., 2011) and using BIM technology
for fabrication of MEP and finishing materials (Hardin, 2009). Chapter 5, sections 5.4.4,
highlights BIM digital intelligence to fabricate material (Ghaffarianhoseini et al., 2017).
Moreover, in chapter 6, sections, during the MANCHESTER TOWN HALL
COMPLEX construction project, BIM supports the engineering and construction team to
provide off-site material fabrication such as steel and glass (Codinhoto et al., 2011). Also,
chapter 7, section 7.1.1, highlights both interviewees' opinions during BIM's primary case
study regarding BIM supports for the manufacturing process and prefabrication of elements.
Finally, participants' A to H opinions and answers align with these studies, which provide
more validation and verification toward this research.
7.3.10 Summary and Conclusions
This section discussed BIM effectiveness, capabilities and benefits for the construction
industry. Delphi technique is used to obtain participants' opinions to verify and confirm this
study. All responses are compared and discussed with previous literature reviews, secondary
case studies and primary case studies to validate research objectives. Also, this chapter
supports the integration between agile principles and BIM functionalities. Table 7.25 explains
the link between participants‘ responses and the Agile BIM 2D framework. Question 1 is
answered by participant A as (BIM provides application of changes at an early stage and
allows the client to visualize the design). This is linked to the integration (I2) of BIM
functionality of construction process simulation and the agile principle of welcome changes.
Moreover, Question 1 was answered by participant B as (BIM allows application of changes
during the project running) and this is linked to the integrations (G2) of BIM functionality of
collaboration between design and construction and the agile principle of welcome changes.
Following this example, table 7.25 summarizes the link between participant responses and the
Agile BIM integrated framework as presented in Table 7.25.
Table 7.25 Linking Delphi Technique BIM Case Study to Agile BIM 2D Framework
Question (1) Participant (A) Participant (B) Participant (C) Participant (D) Participant (E) Participant (F) Participant (G) Participant (H)
Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer
Link to 2D
I2 G2 M2 F2 F2 D10 F2 J2
Question (2) Participant (A) Participant (B) Participant (C) Participant (D) Participant (E) Participant (F) Participant (G) Participant (H)
Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer
Link to 2D
G4 A7 I1 I1 A7 G4 I1 A7
Question (3) Participant (A) Participant (B) Participant (C) Participant (D) Participant (E) Participant (F) Participant (G) Participant (H)
Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer
Link to 2D
G2 I2 G4 A7 K4 G8 M4 J10
Question (4) Participant (A) Participant (B) Participant (C) Participant (D) Participant (E) Participant (F) Participant (G) Participant (H)
Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer
Link to 2D
G4 G2 D10 L8 J10 C9 D10 D10
Question (5) Participant (A) Participant (B) Participant (C) Participant (D) Participant (E) Participant (F) Participant (G) Participant (H)
Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer
Link to 2D
J1 E8 C9 K4 G4 G4 C9 D10
Question (6) Participant (A) Participant (B) Participant (C) Participant (D) Participant (E) Participant (F) Participant (G) Participant (H)
Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer
Link to 2D
D10 C9 D10 D10 D10 D10 D10 D10
Question (7) Participant (A) Participant (B) Participant (C) Participant (D) Participant (E) Participant (F) Participant (G) Participant (H)
Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer
Link to 2D
C9 G4 C9 C9 G8 G8 E8 C1
Question (8) Participant (A) Participant (B) Participant (C) Participant (D) Participant (E) Participant (F) Participant (G) Participant (H)
Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer
Link to 2D
G8 G4 G8 I1 D10 I1 G8 G4
Question (9) Participant (A) Participant (B) Participant (C) Participant (D) Participant (E) Participant (F) Participant (G) Participant (H)
Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer
Link to 2D
L10 L3 B3 L8 L8 L3 L10 L9
7.4.1 Question (1): How do you find agile providing better satisfaction to the customer?
Participant (A): Agile provides value sooner to the hand of the owner. This advantage of agile
gives the owner more satisfaction once the project comes to life and the owner finds
satisfactory results.
Participant (B): Agile allows the customer to provide feedback at an early stage of the project
once the product reaches the customer.
Participant (C): Agile delivers value early during the development of iterations, which
satisfies the customer more.
Participant (D): Agile provides continuous customer engagement, which clarifies the
customer's understanding during implementation and groundwork.
Participant (E): Agile allows the customer to be engaged during data inputs and further
development, which improves customer satisfaction.
Participant (F): The key for customer satisfaction is the feedback loops that are the agile
methodology's driving factors. Almost all agile frameworks are using this methodology. A
sprint itself is a feedback loop, and this sprint is injected into all iteration stages to make the
team more agile.
Participant (G): Agile early delivery of value and capabilities to respond to changes increases
customer satisfaction.
Participant (H): Agile method of work is by the early and frequent release of a product which
gives more satisfaction to the customer. Also, the team's ability to respond quickly to changes
will play a measuring factor for customer satisfaction.
Participant (D): Many factors affect customer satisfaction during an agile project. Continued
engagement is a significant factor, and delivery of early products will allow the customer to
be more comfortable by ensuring that the product matches expectations.
Participant (E): early delivery certainly provides more customer satisfaction. Meanwhile,
customer engagement during the development process will prove that the project is in
258 Discussion of (Question 1) Agreements and Disagreements
All participants in round 1 agreed on agile effectiveness to provide better satisfaction for the
customer. Meanwhile, round 2 is carried out to obtain more information and opinions from
participants D and E. chapter 2, section 2.1, highlights the agile principle to obtain customer
satisfaction by continuous deliverables, accepting changes and delivering the working
product (Nir, 2014). Also, Opelt et al. (2013) agreed with Nir (2014) by defining agile top
priority is to satisfy customers throughout early and continuous delivery (Opelt et al., 2013).
Moreover, section 2.6 discussed agile leadership behaviour that needs to be followed to
satisfy customer needs by harness changes, encouraging face to face communication and
encouraging incremental implementation (Wernham, 2012). Chapter 5 sections 5.4.3
mentioned agile benefits toward project management by providing higher customer
satisfaction through more involvement and early delivery of processes (Bunsiri and
Kumprom, 2016). Chapter 6 sections discussed agile benefits on SME WEB case
study by providing closer interaction with customer and developer, increasing product quality
and rapid product release. This factor increases customer satisfaction by using the agile
method of management (Clutterbuck, Rowlands and Seamons, 2009). Meanwhile, chapter 7,
section 7.2.1 highlighted during the primary case study the employees' and customer
opinions, which agree with participants‘ answers regarding agile effectiveness in providing
customer satisfaction by delivering working functionalities in regular intervals and frequently
getting in touch with the customer team. Finally, participants' A to H opinions and answers
align with these previous studies, which provide more validation and confirmation into this
7.4.2 Question (2): How do you find agile responding to changes during project lifecycle?
Participant (A): Agility is about responding to changes by allowing the team members to
focus on the sprints. This method allows the agile team to apply changes during the sprint and
the other remaining project requirements.
Participant (B): Agile helps plan and execute project sprints. This allows implementing
changes once they occur. Moreover, changes will be applied in the backlog that has not yet
Participant (C): Agile allows implementing changes on the next sprints based on client
feedback and requirements.
Participant (D): It is not agile that respond to changes, but agile enables users to be more
appreciative of changes.
Participant (E): Agile supports teams to respond to changes quicker because of frequent
feedback cycles.
Participant (F): responding to changes is not the key element of agile, and because of it, agile
implementation is very successful.
Participant (G): Agile approaches are based on planning, executing, and prioritization,
allowing project teams to respond quickly and flexibly to changes.
Participant (H): Responding to changes are cheaper in time and effort than traditional project
management methodologies. Nevertheless, the client should be careful to introduce the
changes in the mid of the sprint.
Participant (C): once iteration is delivered, the client has the chance to provide feedback on
the deliverables and to adjust what is required for the agile team to implement these changes
for the next sprints.
Participant (D): agile methodology and principles build a mindset within individuals to adopt
changes during the project lifecycle. Iteration and sprints are the tools to implement client
Participant (F): agile project-based on multi principles and rules. Accepting changes is one of
these principles. Meanwhile, the agile team can adopt changes based on customer reviews
and requirements during iterations.
All participants in round 1 agreed on agile responding to changes during the project lifecycle.
Meanwhile, round 2 processed to obtain more information from participants C, D, and F.
Chapter 2 sections 2.1 described agile as the ability to respond rapidly to changes in demand
(Gilaninia et al., 2011) and accept changes in requirements at any time (Nir, 2014). Sections
2.5 highlighted agile capabilities to accept anticipated and unanticipated changes in the
production process (Highsmith, 2010). Chapter 5 sections 5.4.3 mentioned agile benefits
toward the project management approach by adopting environmental changes during the
project life cycle (Bunsiri and Kumprom, 2016). Also, in chapter 6, Section 6.2.4 highlights
the agile benefit during the SME WEB application case study by adopting changes flexibly
and simply (Clutterbuck, Rowlands and Seamons, 2009). Moreover, chapter 7, sections 7.2.1,
mentioned during the primary case study the employees' and customer opinions, which agree
with participants‘ answers regarding agile effectiveness in responding to changes by
accommodating new requirements and being flexible. Finally, participants' A to H opinions
and answers align with these studies, which provide more validation and confirmation for this
7.4.3 Question (3): How much agile provides lean in terms of wastes removal to the
Participant (A): Agile supports the lean method by handling each sprint as a special package
each time while agile deals with each sprint separately in planning, execution and
Participant (B): Waste is considered doing the whole project one time as one sprint, such as
documentation, design, planning and execution. However, agile executes the project
throughout many sprints, and each sprint contains all activities.
Participant (C): Agile follows sprint techniques that allow dealing with wastes to be removed
from the other sprints during each sprint. Also, short feedback loops between agile
developers and stakeholders help eliminate processes, activities and products that are not
adding value to the customer.
Participant (D): Agile mainly removes waiting for waste by executing each sprint separately.
So once an activity is delayed, the other ones will be executed.
Participant (E): Agile provides priority for more valuable activity at any point during the
project execution. So the waiting waste will be removed by avoiding the hold on activities at
any time.
Participant (F): There is no waste. Agile is handling minimum documents. Also, the agile
team is doing multiple inspections to take corrective actions during all project life cycles.
Also, agile is not spending time on non-valuable items.
Participant (G): In agile software development, the client or the product owner participates in
iteration kick-offs. So, this allows valuable features to be created during iteration to avoid any
waste. Moreover, the client's presence helps provide clarification directly and avoid any
Participant (H): Agile test methodology supports detection of any defects or invaluable
features, which allows the agile team to take immediate decisions to remove wastewater
All participants agreed in round 1 on agile effectiveness to provide lean construction during
the project lifecycle. Meanwhile, round 2 is conducted to obtain more information from
participant F regarding the subject. Chapter 2, sections 2.11, highlights agile supports for lean
thinking application during projects lifecycle by removing non-value adding activities
(Highsmith, 2010) and (Petersen, 2010). Sections 2.12 described agile and lean management
as eliminating wastes such as documents, models and diagrams along with maximizing the
flow (Nir, 2014), which was agreed by (Khan and Dalu, 2015). Chapter 5, sections 5.4.3
discussed agile benefits that increase work productivity, such as reducing uncertainties during
project lifecycle (Adil and Fatima, 2015).
Moreover, chapter 6, sections mentioned agile benefits toward File Maker case study
by eliminating technical team responsibility to arrange meetings, budgets and reports and
focus more on work productivity (Mundok, 2013). Meanwhile, chapter 7, section 7.2.1,
highlighted during the primary case study the employees' and customer opinions, which agree
with participants‘ answers regarding how agile uses waste removal by refining the production
process and removing non-adding value activities. Finally, participants' A to H opinions and
answers align with these studies, adding more validation and confirmation for this research.
7.4.4 Question (4): How do agile minimize risks during project lifecycle?
Participant (A): Agility allows reacting to risks by making the team better prepared to handle
the risks and being more prepared by making the execution strategy better in responding to
changes that minimize the risks.
Participant (B): A sudden change may occur during the project lifecycle due to changing
standards or rules. This type of risk is very costly to be handled. Agile allows team members
to apply these changes on the going and further sprints.
Participant (C): Agile works to release the minimum set of product features required to the
market. Then receiving the feedback from the customers and accordingly, the changes
required will be applied to the rest of the features. This strategy will allow to expose the risks
and avoid them by applying changes to the exclusive features.
Participant (D): Agile helps in more ―on the spot‖ risk mitigation by being more appreciative
of change, which is a different but better approach to avoid risks. Also, risk planning at the
beginning stages will support risk minimization.
Participant (E): Agile strategy minimises risks by continuous verification, allowing testing
each sprint and applying modification to the next ones.
Participant (F): Daily stand up meeting allows all team members to highlight all impediments
and identify the risks to take corrective action to mitigate the risks.
Participant (G): Automation and close feedback loop help to minimize risks during the
project life cycle. Also, the agile team provides continuous inspections during iterations to
point out risks to be removed or corrected.
Participant (H): Continuous delivery and running software early in the project gives the agile
team the advantage to address risks. This method will not remove the risks, but it will give
the focus on identifying these risks to adapt and plan accordingly.
Participant (F): during continuous meetings, all team members share and exchange
information about project progress, risks, productivities and any changes required.
Meanwhile, the agile team experiences shared solutions to solve the risks and minimize them
during the project lifecycle.
All participants in round 1 agreed on agile effectiveness to minimize risks during the project
lifecycle. Meanwhile, round 2 is processed to obtain more information from participant F.
Chapter 2 sections 2.1 described agile practice to minimize risks by evaluating and adjusting
the project overcome without effect on cost and time (Karlesky and Voord, 2008). Moreover,
section 2.14 discussed agile methods to minimize risks by designing for flexibility, behaving
iteratively and frequently measuring (Gemuenden, 2015). Also, chapter 5, section 5.4.3,
highlights agile benefits of risk reduction during project progress by seeking to eliminate
project failures through continuous communication and daily meetings (Bunsiri and
Kumprom, 2016). Chapter 6 sections mentioned agile practices and benefits applied
during SME Web application case study to reduce risks through flexibility, simplicity, better
ways to solve problems and close interaction with customer and developer (Clutterbuck,
Rowlands and Seamons, 2009). Meanwhile, chapter 7, section 7.2.1, highlighted during the
primary case study the employees' and customer opinions, which agree with participants‘
answers regarding agile minimization of risks by keeping the client involved in testing the
product during iterations. Finally, participants A to H's opinions and answers align with these
studies, which provided more validation and confirmation for this research.
7.4.5 Question (5): How did you find agile effectiveness in communication and information
Participant (H): Agile provide more value to customer collaboration over contract
Participant (G): communication is based on valuable information and data collected during
the project lifecycle. Once features are released, a better exchange of information is needed to
discuss and evaluate customer requirements. Face to face communication between team
members is the best solution to exchange such information in a faster and proper way.
Participant (H): formal documents take time to exchange information. Agile seeks more
suitable ways to save time and remove non-adding value activities. Face to face conversation
documented during progress meetings is a better way to exchange project information.
Moreover, chapter 6, sections, described the benefits of agile during the File Maker
software solution case study where agile added proper communication and regular meetings
during iteration with addition to schedule planning (Mundok, 2013). Meanwhile, chapter 7,
section 7.2.1 highlighted during the primary case study the employees' and customer
opinions, which agree with participants‘ answers regarding agile effectiveness in
communication and information exchange by joint workshops and face to face
communication. Participants A to H agreed with these studies, which added more validation
and verification for this research.
7.4.6 Question (6): How is agile effective in motivating individuals and providing a good
work environment?
Participant (A): Agile recommends providing a good work environment for the team,
especially in the software industry, because most of the work done is creative, which needs
relaxation and a peaceful mind.
Participant (B): Agile focuses on motivating individuals to deliver a good value product.
Once the product is delivered early, and positive feedback comes back from the customer, all
team members will be motivated by the success.
Participant (C): Agile supports a self-organizing team by providing empowerment for the
individuals to make decisions and flexibility to the work environment.
Participant (D): Agile project leader is a scrum master who plays the leading role to
motivating individuals by being a servant leader to the agile team, which helps to encourage
team members.
Participant (E): Agile methodology of motivating individuals is empowering instead of
commanding and controlling, allowing team members to innovate and deliver a better
Participant (F): Agile highlights all the issues at an early stage, allowing everyone to express
their feelings without any external influence so all the team members can gather to help and
support, which provides better motivation and a good work environment.
Participant (G): In agile practices, individuals are encouraged to design their processes and
address complete problems by taking ownership and coordinating themselves with no
command and control.
Participant (H): Agile takes ownership of the product and gives the team more control. Agile
supports teams by self-organizing to enable teams to take control over the work environment.
Participant (A): flexibility to working hours, choosing a place to work and empowerment are
all factors agile implement for better success and a good working environment.
266 Discussion of (Question 6) Agreements and Disagreements
Chapter 2, section 2.1 highlights the agile principle of motivating individuals and providing a
good work environment for better support and trust (Nir, 2014). Moreover, Opelt et al. (2013)
agreed and added the agile method of trusting individuals to get the job done (Opelt et al.,
2013). Sections 2.24 described the role of the agile project managers to motivate individuals
by inspiring the agile team to maintain good collaboration with stakeholders (Goodpasture,
2010). Also, chapter 5, section 5.4.3, discussed agile benefits toward the team by increasing
team mortality through self-management and innovation (Bunsiri and Kumprom, 2016).
Chapter 6, sections mentioned agile benefits during Volvos cars management
framework case study by motivating individuals to work closely with the customer (Bergqvist
and Gordani, 2018). Meanwhile, chapter 7, section 7.2.1, highlighted during the primary case
study the employees' and customer opinions, which agree with participants‘ answers
regarding agile effectiveness in motivating individuals by providing trust and support.
Finally, participants' A to H opinions and answers align with these studies, which provide
more validation and confirmation for this research.
7.4.7 Question (7): How do you find agile effectiveness in collaboration and coordination
between project stakeholders?
Participant (A): Agile collaboration is effective once all project stakeholders physically being
present in the same place with the customer.
Participant (B): Agile is very effective once the customer is on board. Quick feedback cycle
and stakeholders' engagement increase collaboration and coordination during the project
Participant (C): Agile value manifesto is customer collaboration over contract negotiation,
which increase customer engagement with the development team to collaborate rather than
being adversaries.
Participant (D): Agile increases communication during product delivery where all
stakeholders gather in one place to discuss and confirm sprint validity to move into the next
Participant (E): Agile coordination based on stakeholders‘ engagement during project
iterations and sprints allows for better coordination and collaboration between project
Participant (F): Adopting agile frameworks such as scrum allows applying roles for better
collaboration with stakeholders and inviting them to the main events to get frequent feedback
and show the working product.
Participant (G): Engaging customer and project sponsors during project iterations and
encouraging better communication between stakeholders to understand opinions and needs.
All these factors consider effective coordination and collaboration techniques used by agile
Participant (H): face to face communication and daily stand up meetings between the agile
team and other stakeholders are considered an effective way for coordination and
Participant (F): main events considered as the end of each sprint till delivery of iteration.
Customer interference in technical details had no benefits to the agile team. So, the main
events are considered here once iteration is completed.
developer (Clutterbuck, Rowlands and Seamons, 2009). Meanwhile, chapter 7, section 7.2.1,
highlighted during the primary case study the employees' and customer opinions, which agree
with participants‘ answers regarding agile effectiveness in collaboration and coordination by
continuous interaction with project stakeholders. Finally, participants' A to H opinions and
answers align with these studies, adding more validation and verification for this research.
7.4.8 Question (8): How do you find agile effectiveness in self-organizing teams?
Participant (A): Agile promotes a self-organizing team as proactive, not reactive. Agile teams
are encouraged to make decisions rather than asking questions and waiting for answers.
Participant (B): Agile effectiveness in self-organizing is enhanced by empowering individuals
to take action to resolve problems. Agile provides an excellent environment to the team by
appointing the correct number of individuals to the tasks that help distribute the workload.
Participant (C): Self-organizing teams feels empowered by giving the space to the individuals
and not directed or managed by someone at a higher level.
Participant (D): Agile allows the team to do what is necessary to deliver the project needs and
iterations. The agile teams are autonomous and know the goals of the projects.
Participant (E): Agile teams are self-assured and active participants. Agile helps teams to take
more ownership and rely less on external teams.
Participant (F): Self-organizing teams are highly effective in agile. During stand up meetings,
a member highlights an issue, so the other team members who faced a similar issue help him.
Participant (G): Agile practices are people-centric. Developers participate during crucial
decision making. This is because developers are the closest to any issues that arise.
Participant (H): Agile gives the option to the team to take decisions once needed, which
increase capability to solve problems and increase the effectiveness of self-organizing.
Participant (D): individuals in agile are empowered to decide how to resolve the problem to
proceed with work progress.
Chapter 2 Section 2.1 discussed agile methodology and principle to overcome project
complexity by encouraging self-organizing teams (Opelt et al., 2013) and (Nir, 2014). Also,
section 2.4 highlight the agile culture of self-organizing teams and self-discipline (Highsmith,
2010). Moreover, chapter 5, section 5.4.3, mentioned the agile benefit toward the project
team by providing proper time management (Adil and Fatima, 2015). Also, chapter 6, section, highlights agile benefits for File Maker software solutions by supporting team
members to take action and decisions once needed (Mundok, 2013). Meanwhile, chapter 7,
section 7.2.1, highlighted during the primary case study the employees' and customer
opinions, which agree with participants‘ answers regarding agile effectiveness in the self-
organizing team by encouraging individuals to take action and decisions. Finally, participants'
A to H opinions and answers align with these studies, which provide more validation for this
7.4.9 Question (9): How does the agile project management approach increase work
Participant (A): By setting together, eliminating wastes, avoiding doing entire design and
documentation, effective coordination, no confluent with customer, maturity and experience
of team members, proper communication and information exchange are factors to increase
work productivity.
Participant (B): Agile increases work productivity by doing the work based on sprints
methodology and by avoiding book procedures. Also, it depends on effective self-organizing
teams and avoids waiting for commands.
Participant (C): Availability of team members in the same place and physical presents allows
for better productivity where collocated teams will reduce work productivity throughout
coordination difficulties.
Participant (D): Avoiding mechanical agile means doing the work based on the book and
procedures and avoiding doing the work from their spirits. This will decrease work
Participant (E): Providing a good work environment for the team members will increase work
Participant (F): Agile focus on delivering the highest priority feature needed by the customer,
and due to this strategy, all unnecessary work will be removed, and productivity will be
Participant (G): Agile project management creates a supportive culture which is a successful
methodology to increase work productivity 95% due to culture and 5% due to tools.
Participant (H): Agile focuses on building valuable items, reducing waste, and increasing
work productivity. Also, a good work environment encourages the team to work harder and
be more organized, which will lead to more productivity.
Participant (G): culture in agile is to self-organize teams, empower individuals for decision-
making, and communicate on continuous bases for better exchange of information.
This section discussed and compared all participants‘ opinions and answers with this
research's literature review and secondary case studies. This discussion added more
validation and confirmation regarding research objectives and hypotheses. Also, this chapter
supports the integration between agile principles and BIM functionalities. Table 7.26 explains
each participant‘s responses and the Agile BIM 2D framework. Question 1 is answered by
participant A as (agile provides value sooner to the client, which adds more customer
satisfaction. This is linked to the integration (J1) of BIM functionality of 4D visualization of
the construction schedule and the agile principle of customer satisfaction. Moreover,
Question 1 was answered by participant B as (agile allows the customer to provide early
feedback on the project), and this is linked to the integration (A7) of BIM functionality of
visualization and the agile principle of priority for working products.
Table 7.26 Linking Agile Delphi Technique Case Study to Agile BIM 2D Framework
Question (1) Participant (A) Participant (B) Participant (C) Participant (D) Participant (E) Participant (F) Participant (G) Participant (H)
Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer
Link to 2D
J1 A7 G8 M4 K4 I1 C1 G2
Question (2) Participant (A) Participant (B) Participant (C) Participant (D) Participant (E) Participant (F) Participant (G) Participant (H)
Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer
Link to 2D
G2 J2 M2 H2 F2 G2 J2 B12
Question (3) Participant (A) Participant (B) Participant (C) Participant (D) Participant (E) Participant (F) Participant (G) Participant (H)
Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer
Link to 2D
E8 F9 G8 H7 H7 L9 M6 C9
Question (4) Participant (A) Participant (B) Participant (C) Participant (D) Participant (E) Participant (F) Participant (G) Participant (H)
Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer
Link to 2D
J10 D10 F2 H2 I2 K6 E8 A7
Question (5) Participant (A) Participant (B) Participant (C) Participant (D) Participant (E) Participant (F) Participant (G) Participant (H)
Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer
Link to 2D
K6 K4 G4 K6 K6 K4 M4 G4
Question (6) Participant (A) Participant (B) Participant (C) Participant (D) Participant (E) Participant (F) Participant (G) Participant (H)
Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer
Link to 2D
K11 I1 M11 K11 M4 M2 M11 K11
Question (7) Participant (A) Participant (B) Participant (C) Participant (D) Participant (E) Participant (F) Participant (G) Participant (H)
Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer
Link to 2D
M6 K4 M4 M4 G4 M4 B12 K6
Question (8) Participant (A) Participant (B) Participant (C) Participant (D) Participant (E) Participant (F) Participant (G) Participant (H)
Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer
Link to 2D
M11 K11 K11 L12 M11 K6 M11 M11
Question (9) Participant (A) Participant (B) Participant (C) Participant (D) Participant (E) Participant (F) Participant (G) Participant (H)
Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer
Link to 2D
G8 B12 K4 M11 L12 L10 K4 L8
Following this example, Table 7.26 summarizes the link between each participant‘s responses
and the Agile BIM integrated framework as presented in Table 7.26.
This chapter covers primary case studies about agile and BIM. Delphi technique is used to
obtain professionals' opinions and expertise about the objective of this study. Each question is
compared with previous chapters of the literature review and secondary case studies to
develop a validated result that supports this research. Also, this chapter studied a primary
case study about a project which implemented BIM in the UAE construction industry where
professionals‘ opinions and answers supported BIM functionalities of responding to changes,
satisfying customers, coordination and collaboration with stakeholders and how BIM
increases the productivity of a construction project. Moreover, an agile primary case study
included interviews with employees and clients for a project that implemented agile project
management. Answers supported and validated agile principles such as responding to
changes, waste removal, minimising risks, and motivating individuals.
On the other hand, the Delphi technique is used with separate groups of professionals by
asking several questions regarding BIM and agile. The results and answers provided by a
group of professionals validated the objective of this study. They agreed with BIM
functionalities and agile principles, which supported the integration of both to overcome
issues with an alternative management approach in the construction industry.
This research used survey questionnaires to get professionals' experience and opinions in the
construction industry to evaluate and prove the integration of Agile and BIM 2D and 3D
frameworks (refer to appendix A). Each Survey covers Agile BIM integrations. First Survey
takes over Agile BIM Development and Integration that covers objectives of this study,
professionals‘ knowledge about this subject; respondents experience variety, different
working fields and types of the organizations' respondents working in. The second Survey
covered professional ratings and opinions regarding the Agile BIM 2D framework. This
survey aims to validate the 2D framework in this research. All 32 integrations are asked as a
questionnaire to the professionals in the field. Finally, the third survey is about the Agile BIM
3D framework. This survey covered 32 questionnaires that asked the professionals in the area
to validate and prove the 3D framework.
8.0.1 Acceptable Sampling Size for the Surveys and Selecting of Participants
The following method calculates the acceptable sampling size for this research regarding
questionnaire surveys to analyse data (Taherdoost, 2016). The following method is subjected
to multiple factors described below:
[ n = p (1-p)z2 /E2 ]
n is the required sample size
P is the percentage occurrence of a state or condition
E is the percentage maximum error required
Z is the value corresponding to the level of confidence required
This research considers P (Variance of the population) as 50% to maximize the variance and
size of the sample required. Also, E (Error Margin) is considered 6% to have a low plus-
minus risk figure during this research. Moreover, Z (Level of Confidence) is considered
during this research as 90%, which is equal to Z=1.645 (Taherdoost, 2016).
To correct the sample size the following equation needs to be calculated:
nc= nN/(N+n-1)
As per the United Arab Emirates' annual economic report for 2019 (7th Edition), the number
of professionals working in the construction and buildings industry is 52,338. Meanwhile, the
numbers of professionals working in the information and communications industry are
13,121. So these two categories are targeted in UAE to obtain their opinions for the
questionnaire surveys. So, N will be equal to 65459 to be substituted in the correction sample
equation as the following:
nc = (187.92 x 65459)/(65459+187.92-1)=187.38
This research chooses a 90% confidence level as a high level for social studies, while the
higher than 90% are used for more scientific studies (Viana, 2021). This research targeted
210 professionals in UAE construction and software industries with a background in BIM or
Agile project management using a random sampling technique. Also, surveys were
distributed via the Survey monkey website and by hardcopies to obtain professionals'
opinions on Agile BIM integration.
This Survey used a rating method for the questions from very low to very high or strongly
disagreed to agree strongly. 70 respondents were targeted during this survey to get their
professional experience regarding each question as to the following:
This survey targeted multi respondents who work in different organizations to ensure various
experiences in the field. Rating the questionnaires based on diverse backgrounds is essential
to reach into professionals' experiences in these fields. Figure 8.1 shows different types of
organizations respondents work for, such as local private sectors, which cover 33% of
respondents‘ organizations. Also, respondents work for the government sector covering 17%
of respondents‘ organizations.
UAE construction industry because the global sector has the highest workforce. Most
organizations are international, and the local private sector comes second in the industry.
Meanwhile, the Government sector is the third in the industry, such as municipality,
department of transportation, road and transport authority, etc. Finally, semi-government
organizations are the lowest number in the UAE construction industry, such as property
Different positions respondents work for support the results of questionnaire ratings. Having
different backgrounds from respondents provide more validation to the research. This
research survey targeted contracting, consulting & design professionals, project management,
developers, sub-contractors, and manufacturing organizations. These respondents are
handling positions of engineers, designers, project managers, etc. Figure 8.2 shows that 17%
of respondents work for contracting companies, 19% works for consultant/Design companies,
30% of respondents work as a consultant in project management companies, 3% works for
sub-contracting companies, and 13% works for manufacturing companies.
Respondents' experience in the field is essential to have different opinions from different
points of view. Figure 8.3 shows that 10% of respondents have experience of 2 years or less.
At the same time, 16% of respondents have experienced between 2 to 5 years in the field.
Also, 33% have 5 to 10 years of experience, and 10% have 10 to 15 years of experience.
Finally, 30% of respondents have experience of 15 years and more. This variety of
experiences from the respondents in the field will support the research and validate the
Hence, 40% of respondents had more than ten years of experience, which gives the study
more validated results from highly experienced professionals in the industry.
approach. Moreover, Figure 8.5 shows that 76% of respondents know Building Information
Modelling, while 24% have no knowledge about BIM in the construction industry. These
results identify that the understanding of BIM in the construction industry is more than Agile.
As discussed earlier in chapter 2, section 2.4, project management professionals realize that
business and projects are complicated nowadays (Hass, 2007). To adapt to this complexity
and changes in technology alternative management approach needs to be adopted.
Knowledge about agile in the construction industry needs to be distributed along with
professionals in the industry. Adopting agile project management in the industry will benefit
the management approach, as discussed in chapter 2, section 2.16, such as constant
improvement and time management (Adil and Fatima, 2015).
2006). Respondents‘ answers are in line with these previous studies and expectations.
Respondents‘ knowledge about BIM in the construction industry is acceptable, while
knowledge about agile needs to be improved and distributed among engineers and
organizations. There should be awareness in the construction industry about agile project
8.1.5 Respondents rating for the effectiveness and usefulness of two project management
This question targeted professionals' experience in the construction industry to rate the
traditional project management approach used in construction projects against the agile
project management approach during the project lifecycle. Figure 8.6 shows that respondents'
ratings for agile effectiveness and usefulness to manage a project are higher than the waterfall
management method. 63% of respondents rated agile between high and very high, while 22%
rated traditional project management between high and very high. As discussed in chapter 2,
section 2.3, professionals seek alternative management systems due to projects and industry
complexity (Hass, 2007). Moreover, Tables 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 show the differences between
agile and waterfall methods, supporting respondents' rating for the agile approach. These
tables explained the immediate response of agile management, continuous feedback, regular
delivery, early return on investment and quality control (Wells, Dalcher and Smyth, 2015).
Respondents‘ answers align with these previous studies and expectations to agile project
management's success in managing complex projects nowadays.
Figure 8.6 Respondents Rating for The Effectiveness and Usefulness of Two Project
Management Approaches
8.1.6 Is Agile Project Management Applicable in Construction Industry?
8.1.7 Rate the Usefulness of Agile to Enhance BIM & BIM to Enhance Agile
This survey targeted professionals in construction and software industries to obtain their
opinions about agile enhancement to BIM and BIM enhancement to Agile. Figures 8.8 and
8.9 show respondents‘ opinions regarding agile enhancement to BIM as 73% between high
and very high while 67% supported BIM enhancement to agile from high to very high. These
responses help the previous study in chapter 5, sections 5.1 and 5.2 regarding Agile BIM
development. BIM is based on collaboration and coordination, which will support the agile
way of communication to deliver better improvement to the project (Dossick and Neff, 2009).
Moreover, Agility supports BIM by increasing customer satisfaction and improving risk
management for BIM (Kumar and McArthur, 2015). Tables 5.1 and 5.2 show the integration
between agile principles and BIM functionalities to enhance each other throughout different
management manners. These results from professionals are in line with these previous studies
and add more support to the research.
This question targeted respondents' rating to agile and BIM regarding good design,
sustainable development and technical excellence. Figure 8.10 shows that 74 % of
professionals in the industry rated agile between high and very high to these techniques. On
the other hand, 78% rated BIM between high and very high to the same methods.
Figure 8.10 Respondents Rating Each Method in Maintaining Sustainable Development,
Good Design and Technical Excellence
Chapter 2 Section 2.1 discussed agile project management principles and capabilities to
maintain good design and technical excellence during the project lifecycle (Nir, 2014). Also,
Opelt et al. (2013) defined agility as ―continuous attention to technical excellence, and good
design promoted agility‖ (Opelt et al., 2013). Moreover, one of the agile principles in
governance adaptation is to develop sustainable projects (National Audit Office, 2012).
Chapter 6, sections highlight agile benefits towards Volvos cars management
framework case study by creating more sustainable product (Bergqvist and Gordani, 2018).
Respondents' rating to agile regarding the following principles and techniques align with
these previous studies and support the research.
8.1.9 Rate Agile & BIM Effectiveness in Responding to Changes
This survey targeted professionals to rate responses for Agile and BIM adaptation to changes.
Figure 8.11 shows that 65% of respondents are ratting agile ability to adopt high and very
high changes. Chapter 2, section 2.5 is discussed agility respond to changes and defines
agility as the ―ability to both create and respond to changes to profit in a turbulent business
environment‖ (Highsmith, 2010).
adaptation to changes (Eastman et al., 2011). Meanwhile, chapter 6, section, highlight
the agile benefits of SME Web application by adding more flexibility and simplicity to adopt
changes at any point (Clutterbuck, Rowlands and Seamons, 2009). Also, chapter 7, sections
7.1.1 and 7.3.1, discussed interviewees‘ opinions and answers regarding the subject with
agreement on BIM capabilities and effectiveness to adopt changes. Respondents' ratings
during this survey align with these studies and support the research discussion to provide
more validation and a clearer image of the management approach.
Survey questionnaires targeted professionals in the industry to rate customer satisfaction for
agile and BIM. Figure 8.13 and 8.14 shows that 67% of respondents rated customer
satisfaction from agile as high and very high, while 72% rated customer satisfaction from
BIM between high and very high. Chapter 2 Section 2.1 discussed the agile principle to
customer satisfaction by providing continuous delivery of the valuable product (Nir, 2014).
Respondents' ratings supported the agile principle in the construction field. Moreover, chapter
3, section 3.8, discussed BIM technology and its advantage to customer satisfaction by
accepting owner demand, providing less time to draft design and reducing construction time.
These advantages increase customer satisfaction (Hardin, 2009). Moreover, chapter 6,
Section, highlights the agile benefits of SME Web applications by working closely
with customers and developers (Clutterbuck, Rowlands and Seamons, 2009). Sections
described BIM benefits towards SYDNEY OPERA HOUSE facility management by
allowing stakeholders for better involvement and collaboration (Sanchez, Hmpson and
Mohamed, 2015). Meanwhile, chapter 7, sections 7.1.1, 7.3.1 and 7.4.1 discussed
interviewees‘ opinions and answers regarding both subjects with agreement on agile and BIM
effectiveness to satisfy the customer. Surveys' results align with these studies regarding Agile
& BIM and provide more validation for this research.
8.1.11 Rate Agile & BIM Minimizing Risk during Project Lifecycle
Chapter 2 Section 2.14 discussed agile project management risks such as the risk of making
wrong decisions, risk of short project duration and risk of the self-organizing team (Walczak
and Kuchta, 2013). Moreover, risks of no clear vision, little teamwork and less advanced
technology are also covered (Opelt et al., 2013). Meanwhile, agile project management can
overcome risks by reducing uncertainties, designing for flexibility and behaving iteratively
(Bloomberg, 2013). Respondents rated agile minimizing risk during project lifecycle
positively. Figure 8.15 shows that 74% of respondents‘ ratings are high and very high. These
ratings support agile capabilities to overcome previous risks. On the other hand, chapter 5,
Section 5.4.4, described BIM's benefits to the construction industry as to overcome risks by
providing more information sharing, better financial control, accurate drawings, discovering
errors and autocorrect (Arayaici et al., 2012). Figure 8.16 shows that 74% of respondents
rated BIM's ability to minimize risks during project lifecycle between high and very high,
which support BIM's capability to overcome the risks and provide evidence to the study.
Chapter 6, sections highlights BIM benefits towards MANCHESTER TOWN HALL
COMLEX construction project by identification of clash detections which minimize risks
during project lifecycle (Codinhoto et al., 2011). Moreover, chapter 7, section 7.2.1,
mentioned interviewees‘ opinions regarding agile effectiveness in reducing risks by
continuously choking and updating the work process. Meanwhile, chapter 7, section 7.4.1,
discussed agile capabilities to minimize risks throughout interviewees‘ opinions and answers
that agreed on agile's effectiveness regarding the subject. These ratings align with these
previous studies and provide more validation to the research.
This question targeted professionals' opinions on the effectiveness of agile and BIM
communication. Figure 8.17 shows that 71% of respondents rated agile supports for
communication between high and very high meanwhile, Figure 8.18 shows that 74% rated
BIM between high and very high. Chapter 2, section 2.1 studied the agile principle of face to
face communication and its effectiveness. Opelt et al. (2013) mentioned that ―the most
efficient and effective method of delivering information to a development team is face to
face‖ (Opelt et al., 2013).
Moreover, chapter 3, section 3.3, discussed BIM's benefits to the construction industry by
providing better information exchange and collaboration between designers and architects
(Arayici et al., 2012). Both figures show respondents' rating supports agile and BIM benefits
to the construction industry in terms of communication effectiveness. Chapter 6 sections highlights agile benefits towards File Maker software solution by adding proper
communication and information exchange during regular meetings conducted to evaluate
iterations (Mundok, 2013). Also, chapter 7, sections 7.1 and 7.3.1, discussed interviewees‘
opinions and answers regarding the subject and agreed on BIM effectiveness of
communication. These ratings provided during this survey align with the research studies and
provide more confirmation about Agile and BIM integration capabilities to manage a project.
This research questionnaire targeted professionals in the construction industry to rate Agile &
BIM's ability to provide lean to the project. Figure 8.19 shows that 58% of respondents rated
agile capabilities to provide lean-to project between high and very high. Also, Figure 8.20
shows 67% of respondents rating between high and very high towards BIM support to lean.
Chapter 2, sections 2.11 and 2.12, discussed lean thinking linked to agile project
management. The agile manifesto stated that ―the art of maximizing the amount of work not
done is essential‖ (Highsmith, 2010).
Moreover, lean-agile is defined as eliminating anything that does not add value to the final
product (Nir, 2014). Lean and agile focus on eliminating wastes, reducing non-necessary
activities and minimizing costs (Khan and Dalu, 2015). On the other hand, chapter 3, sections
3.11 and 3.12, discussed BIM and lean construction adaptation of the same concepts of lean
production by providing efforts for better procurements procedures such as reduction of
waste, decreasing of rework, reduction in documentation and paperwork by adopting
technical coordination (Hardin, 2009). Moreover, chapter 6, Section, highlights BIM
benefits toward SYDNEY OPERA HOUSE facility management by reducing rework and
tracking hazardous material wastes (Sanchez, Hampson and Mohamed, 2015). Meanwhile,
chapter 7, section 7.4.1, discussed agile effectiveness in lean production throughout
interviewees‘ opinions and answers regarding the subject. These ratings align with the
previous studies and provide more support and validation for the research.
8.1.14 Respondents Rating to Agile & BIM Provides Value Engineering to a Project
This research targeted professionals in the construction industry to rate agile and BIM adding
value to construction projects. Figure 8.21 shows that 63% of respondents‘ opinions rated
agile adding value engineering between high and very high. Chapter 2 Section 2.9 discussed
agile value engineering as the top measurement that focuses on customer value and provides
good products (Highsmith, 2019). Meanwhile, Figure 8.22 shows that 74% of respondents
rated BIM adding value engineering to construction projects between high and very high.
Chapter 3, sections 3.12 discussed BIM capabilities to add value engineering to the project by
eliminating waste and rework.
Moreover, BIM helps measure exact quantities of material and minimise paperwork (Hardin,
2009). Chapter 6, sections discussed BIM benefits toward SHANGHAI TOWER
construction project by better value and reduction of cost and reworked (Xia, Poon and Mass,
2010). Meanwhile, chapter 7, section 7.4.1, mentioned interviewees‘ and participants‘
answers and opinions supporting agile effectiveness of value engineering, minimizing cost
rework. These results align with previous studies and add more validation and support to this
8.1.15 Respondents Rating to Agile & BIM Minimizing Rework in the Project
During this survey, a question had been asked regarding Agile & BIM capabilities to
minimize the rework during a construction project. Respondents' answers based on their
experience in the construction industry 65% rated agile project management between high
and very high to minimize rework in Figure 8.23. Chapter 2, sections 2.26 discussed agile
role to prevent rework by avoiding poor supervision, adopting new authorities‘ regulations
and preventing external environment uncertainties (Ye et al., 2014).
Figure 8.23 Agile Minimizing Rework
Moreover, Figure 8.24 shows that 64% of respondents rated BIM to minimize rework
between high and very high. Chapter 3, sections 3.14 and 3.15, discussed BIM capabilities to
use technology during the project lifecycle to catch human errors to minimize rework
(Eastman et al., 2011). Meanwhile, chapter 6, section highlights BIM benefits toward
SYDNEY OPERA HOUSE facility management innovation project by supporting
maintenance teams to eliminate rework and duplication of activities by providing the hidden
elements (Sanchez, Hampson and Mohamed, 2015). Chapter 7 sections 7.4.1 discussed
interviewees‘ opinions and answers supporting agile effectiveness in eliminating rework.
These survey ratings support this study and align with previous discussion and research.
8.1.16 Respondents Rating Agile & BIM in Providing Collaboration and Coordination
during Project Lifecycle
The following Figures show the results of respondents' rating to agile and BIM in terms of
collaboration and coordination toward project stakeholders during the project lifecycle.
Figure 8.25 shows that 65% of respondents rated agile between high and very high. Chapter
2, sections 2.19 discussed one of the agile strategies to increase collaboration and
coordination by involving project teams in stand-up meetings to ensure work is on track and
all customer needs are delivered (Highsmith, 2010).
Moreover, Figure 8.26 shows that 67% of respondents rated BIM between high and very
high. Chapter 3 Section 3.3 discussed BIM capabilities to provide information exchange and
better coordination and collaboration between architectural and MEP during project design.
BIM's ability to use technology to increase coordination among project team members
supports the complexity of construction projects (Arayici et al., 2012). Chapter 6, sections discussed BIM benefits towards SYDNEY OPERA HOUSE facility management
innovation project by allowing stakeholders for better involvement and collaboration
(Sanchez, Hampson and Mohamed, 2015). Meanwhile, sections discussed agile
benefits towards SME Web application development by adding closer interaction with
customer and developer (Clutterbuck, Rowlands and Seamons, 2009). Chapter 7 sections 7.1,
7.2, 7.3.1 and 7.4.1 discussed BIM and agile effectiveness in collaboration and coordination
throughout participants' and interviewees‘ opinions and answers. These results and ratings
align with previous studies and validate the research.
This question targeted respondents to get their opinions on agile effectiveness for delivering
early results. Figure 8.27 shows that 63% of respondents rated agile between agreeing and
strongly agreeing. Chapter 2, sections 2.1 discussed agile, emphasising on delivery of early
results by defining agile as ―our top priority is to satisfy our customer through early and
continuous delivery‖. Moreover, agile delivers a product or a project on iterations, defined as
―deliver functions regularly within a few weeks or months and favour these shorter periods‖
(Opelt et al., 2013). Meanwhile, chapter 5, section 5.4.3, discussed agile benefits by
increasing customer satisfaction throughout early results delivery (Bunsiri and Kumprom,
2016). Chapter 6, sections and, highlights agile benefits toward Volvos cars
management framework and SME Web application by focusing on releasing product by
reducing patch size (Bergqvist and Gordani, 2018) and rapid release and development to the
product (Clutterbuck, Rowlands and Seamons, 2009). Also, Chapter 7, section 7.4.1, supports
agile effectiveness in delivering early results throughout participants' and interviewees'
answers and opinions. These results and professionals' opinions align with this research and
provide more validation into previous studies' discussions.
Figure 8.27 Rating Agile Project Management Effectiveness on Delivery of Early Results
Figure 8.28 shows that 70% of respondents rated agile between agreeing and strongly
agreeing on motivating individuals and providing them good work environment. Also, Figure
8.29 shows that 63% of respondents rated agile effectiveness in a self-organizing team
between high and very high. Chapter 2, sections 2.1, 2.8 and 2.18 discussed agile
methodologies and how agile allows project teams to perform self-organizing work by
providing trust and support (Nir, 2014). Moreover, agile teams consider values of self-
organizing methodology such as trust, commitment, accountability, clarity and simplicity
(Goodpasture, 2010). Although empowering, coaching, focusing on objectives and project
vision, risk management and sharing information provide a proper work environment and
effectiveness among project management (Highsmith, 2010).
Meanwhile, chapter 6, section, highlights agile benefits toward the Cruise Line project
by motivating the team and allowing decision making, which supports process adjustments
(Batra et al., 2010). Chapter 7, sections 7.4.1 discussed interviewees‘ and participants'
opinions and answers during Delphi Technique, which helps motivate individuals. Figure
8.28 and 8.29 results align with these research studies and discussions and prove that agile
supports and motivate individuals, validating this research.
Figure 8.28 Respondents Rating Agile Motivating Individuals & Providing Good Work
Figure 8.30 show that 57% of respondents evaluated agile ability to reduce claims in
construction projects between high and very high. Meanwhile, chapter 2, sections 2.14 and
2.16, discussed reducing the cost of failure by designing for flexibility and behaving
iteratively (Bloomberg, 2013). Moreover, the benefits of agile applications are to reduce
uncertainties in the project and to improve client contribution during the project lifecycle
(Adil and Fatima, 2015). Also, chapter 6, sections and highlight agile benefits
toward the Cruise Line project by reducing the impact caused by sudden changes (Batra et
al., 2010). Meanwhile, during SME Web application, agile provided better ways to solve
problems (Clutterbuck, Rowlands and Seamons, 2009). These results support the previous
studies in this research and are considered in line with an agile study that added more
validation and confirmation.
This survey is targeted professionals in the industry to evaluate and rate agile project
management flexibility to adopt changes and respond to customer needs during the project
lifecycle. Figure 8.31 shows that 67% of respondents rated agile between high and very high.
Meanwhile, in chapter 2, sections 2.5 and 2.10, this research defined agility as ―the ability to
balance flexibility and stability‖ (Highsmith, 2010). Moreover, agile support customer
business and needs by being flexible (Highsmith, 2010). Also, chapter 6, section,
highlights the agile benefits of SME Web application by providing flexibility and simplicity
to adopt changes during the project lifecycle (Clutterbuck, Rowlands and Seamons, 2009).
Chapter 7 sections 7.4.1 discussed participants‘ opinions and answers that agreed on agile
flexibility to adopt changes. These results align with previous studies and support this
research with more validation.
Figure 8.31 Respondents Rating Flexibility of Agile Project Management during Project
Figure 8.32 Respondents Rating Effectiveness of BIM in Increasing Work Productivity
This question targeted professionals in the industry to rate BIM effectiveness in supporting
construction project management. Figure 8.33 shows that 76% of respondents rated BIM
agreeing and strongly agreeing.
Chapter 3, sections 3.8, studied the BIM revolution in the construction industry and changes
provided to project management. BIM improve coordination and collaboration between
designers and the construction team. Moreover, BIM provided lesser time for drawings
drafting, helped to adopt owner demand and improved project scheduling (Hardin, 2009).
Meanwhile, chapter 6, section, highlights BIM benefits toward DURHAM
CATHEDRAL by supporting facility management teams to make better decisions daily
(Tapponi et al., 2015). Also, chapter 7, sections 7.1.1 and 7.3.1, discussed interviewees‘
opinions and answers during primary case studies and proved that professionals in the market
agree with BIM support to the project management team. These studies and results of
respondents‘ ratings are in line with previous studies and provide more validation for this
This question rated BIM effectiveness in project cost estimation. Figure 8.34 shows that 71%
of respondents‘ ratings are between agreeing and strongly agreeing. Chapter 3, sections 3.1
and 3.9 discussed BIM benefits towards project owners by providing an early estimation for
the project cost (Eastman et al., 2011).
Moreover, BIM can estimate and clarify project costs and budgets using modelling
technology and analysis functionalities (Hardin, 2009). Chapter 6, sections, highlights
BIM benefits toward MANCHESTER TOWN HALL COMPLEX construction project by
adding 5D construction costing (Codinhoto et al., 2011). Meanwhile, chapter 7, section 7.1.1,
mentioned that BIM supports a primary case study by providing cost estimation throughout
quantity surveying. These studies align with Figure 8.34 results and respondents‘ ratings
which provided more support and validation to the research.
This research targeted professionals in the construction industry to rate BIM effectiveness in
project scheduling and planning. The survey is distributed to professionals, and 74% of
respondents agreed and strongly agreed to BIM effectiveness. Meanwhile, chapter 3, section
3.8, discussed BIM advantages to support the construction process by improving scheduling
capabilities throughout BIM tools (Harding, 2009). Moreover, chapter 5, section 5.4.4,
discussed BIM benefits towards planning by using 4D tools, which enable facility
management to update and record daily operations (Ghaffarianhoseini et al., 2017). Also,
chapter 6, section, highlights BIM benefits towards MANCHESTER TOWN HALL
COMPLEX construction project by providing 4D construction programming (Codinhoto et
al., 2011). These results are shown in Figure 8.35 align with this research study and provide
more validation.
Figure 8.35 Respondents Rating BIM Effectiveness in Project Scheduling and Planning
This survey targeted professionals to rate BIM functionalities, tools and benefits toward
construction projects. Figure 8.36 shows respondents' rating of BIM effectiveness to
overcome clash detection at early design stages, where 77% of respondents agree with BIM
effectiveness. Moreover, Figure 8.37 shows that 60% of respondents rated BIM effectiveness
on eliminating errors and emissions between high and very high. Chapter 3 discussed BIM
effectiveness regarding these subjects in different sections. BIM is defined as ―BIM was most
frequent perceived of like a toll visualizing and coordinating AEC work and avoiding errors
and omissions‖ (Barlish and Sullivan, 2012). Moreover, BIM can help and support the
reduction of design errors and mistakes (Eastman et al., 2011). Also, BIM enables engineers
and the construction industry to reduce and minimize errors before starting execution and
construction (Arayici et al., 2012).
Figure 8.36 Rating BIM effectiveness in clash detection at the earlier design stage
BIM provides architects and design companies different advantages by providing feedback
regarding errors to be solved and learning to not be repeated in the new project. Also, BIM
enables the correction of design mistakes (Arayici et al., 2012). On the other hand, BIM uses
machinery for elements fabrication which eliminates human error (Hardin, 2009). Chapter 6,
sections highlights BIN benefits towards MANCHESTER TOWN HALL COMPLEX
construction project by identifying clash detection and elimination of errors and rework
(Codinhoto et al., 2011). All these studies align with survey results and respondents' opinions
toward BIM. These results provide more validation to the study and support this research.
This chapter supports agile BIM integration and links each survey to the Agile BIM 2D
framework, shown in Table 8.1. Some of these questions included in the first survey are
general questions. Meanwhile, section 8.1.8 included questions linked to the agile BIM
integration 2D framework (E8, L8 and L9) as presented in Table 8.1. Section 8.1.8 covered
survey respondents' answers to rate each method of agile and BIM regarding maintaining
sustainable development, good design and technical excellence. Respondents‘ answers are
linked to E8 integration of BIM functionality of maintaining model integrity and the agile
principle of sustainable design. Also, respondents' answers to the same question are linked to
the L8 integration of BIM functionality of computer-controlled fabrication and the agile
principle of sustainable development. Moreover, respondents' answers to the same question
are linked to the L9 integration of BIM functionality of computer-controlled fabrication and
the agile principle of technical excellence. Following this example, Table 8.1 presents all
links and relationships between the first questionnaire survey and the 2D Agile BIM
framework, as presented in Table 8.1.
Table 8.1 Linking First Questionnaire Survey to Agile BIM 2D Framework
Linking to Agile
Description of Question BIM 2D
8.1.1 Types of Organizations Respondents Work in General
8.1.2 Specialities of Organizations that Respondents work in General
8.1.3 Respondents' Experience in Construction Industry General
8.1.4 Respondents' Knowledge about Agile Project Management & BIM General
Respondents rating for the effectiveness and usefulness of two project
8.1.5 General
management approaches
8.1.6 Is Agile Project Management Applicable in Construction Industry? General
Rate the Usefulness of Agile to Enhance BIM & BIM to Enhance
8.1.7 General
Respondents Rating Each Method in Maintaining Sustainable
8.1.8 E8, L8, L9
Development, Good Design and Technical Excellence
8.1.9 Rate Agile & BIM Effectiveness in Responding to Changes F2, G2, I2
8.1.10 Agile & BIM Provides Better Satisfaction to Customer C1, I1
8.1.11 Rate Agile & BIM Minimizing Risk during Project Lifecycle M2, M4
Respondents Rating to Agile & BIM Effectiveness in
8.1.12 K6, M6
Communication support
8.1.13 Respondents Rating to Agile & BIM Provides Lean to a Project L8
Respondents Rating to Agile & BIM Provides Value Engineering to a
8.1.14 L3, L8
Respondents Rating to Agile & BIM Minimizing Rework in the
8.1.15 L12
Respondents Rating Agile & BIM in Providing Collaboration and
8.1.16 Coordination G4
during Project Lifecycle
Respondents Rating Agile Project Management effectiveness on
8.1.17 A7, H7
Delivery of Early Results
Respondents Rating Agile Project Management Effectiveness in
8.1.18 K4, K11
Individuals, Providing Good Work Environment and Self Organizing
Respondents Rating Agile Project Management Effectiveness in
8.1.19 D10, I2
Reducing Claims
Respondents Rating Flexibility of Agile Project Management during
8.1.20 F2, G2, D10
Project Lifecycle
Respondents Rating Effectiveness of BIM in Increasing Work
8.1.21 L12
Respondents Rating BIM Effectiveness in Supporting Project
8.1.22 J1
8.1.23 Respondents Rating BIM Effectiveness in Project Cost Estimation D10
Respondents Rating BIM Effectiveness in Project Scheduling and
8.1.24 J10
Respondents Rating to BIM Effectiveness on Elimination Errors and
8.1.25 Emissions during Project Lifecycle and Overcoming Clash Detection L9
at Earlier Design Stage.
8.1.27 Inferential Analysis for the Agile Principles and BIM Functionalities Survey
This research considers both types of statistical analysis, descriptive and inferential analysis,
to conclude data and results of questionnaire surveys. Sections 8.1.5 to 8.1.25 covered
descriptive analysis by providing professionals answers and opinions obtained throughout the
distribution of surveys in percentage rating. Moreover, bar and pie charts were provided to
summarize and to clear these data. On the other hand, section 8.1.27 covered inferential
analysis throughout table 8.2 to conclude each question rated by professionals and compared
to confidential value and margin of error. Meanwhile, sections 8.1.1 to 8.1.4 are not covered
in table 8.2 because of the type of questions that are linked to general questions about
professionals' experience, organization types, etc.
For example, section 8.1.5 covered two questions asked to professionals in both industries
during questionnaire survey distribution about the effectiveness of agile and traditional
project management methods. Table 8.2 covered descriptive analysis regarding these two
questions under section 8.1.5 by presenting data percentages and the type of chart used to
summarize the data. Also, table 8.2 covered inferential analysis by writing a conclusion
regarding agile effectiveness by showing that 90% Confident that 63% of professionals
highly rated the effectiveness of agile with an Error Margin of ±6%. These factors are
obtained from section 8.0.1 while calculating the survey's sample size.
This section covered descriptive and inferential analysis regarding the first survey about
Agile BIM development.
Table 8.2 Summary of Inferential Analysis for the Agile Principles and BIM Functionalities Survey
Descriptive Analysis
Section Inferential Analysis
Percentage Chart
63% highly rated agile effectiveness 90% Confident that 63% of professionals highly rated effectiveness of agile
with an Error Margin of ±6%
8.1.5 Bar
Chart 90% Confident that 22% of professionals highly rated effectiveness of
22% highly rated traditional effectiveness Traditional with Error Margin of ±6%
69% highly rated applicability of agile in 90% Confident that 69% of professionals highly rated applicability of agile in
8.1.6 Bar
the construction industry Chart the construction industry with an Error Margin of ±6%
73% highly rated Agile enhancement to 90% Confident that 73% of professionals highly rated Agile enhancement to
BIM BIM with an Error Margin of ±6%
8.1.7 Bar
67% highly rated BIM enhancement to Chart 90% Confident that 67% of professionals highly rated BIM enhancement to
Agile Agile with an Error Margin of ±6%
65% highly rated Agile responding to 90% Confident that 74% of professionals highly rated Agile responding to
changes changes with Error Margin of ±6%
8.1.9 Bar
75% highly rated BIM responding to Chart 90% Confident that 78% of the professionals highly rated BIM responding to
changes changes with an Error Margin of ±6%
67% highly rated Agile providing of 90% Confident that 67% of professionals highly rated Agile providing of
customer satisfaction customer satisfaction with Error Margin of ±6%
8.1.10 Bar
72% highly rated BIM providing of Chart 90% Confident that 72% of professionals highly rated BIM providing of
customer satisfaction customer satisfaction with Error Margin of ±6%
74% highly rated Agile minimizing risks 90% Confident that 74% of professionals highly rated Agile minimizing risks
with Error Margin of ±6%
8.1.11 Bar
Chart 90% Confident that 74% of professionals highly rated BIM minimizing risks
74% highly rated BIM minimizing risks with an Error Margin of ±6%
71% highly rated Agile supports 90% Confident that 71% of professionals highly rated Agile supports to
communication communication with Error Margin of ±6%
8.1.12 Bar
74% highly rated BIM supports Chart 90% Confident that 74% of professionals highly rated BIM support to
communication communication with Error Margin of ±6%
90% Confident that 58% of professionals highly rated Agile provides lean-to
58% highly rated Agile provides lean-to project with Error Margin of ±6%
8.1.13 project Bar
Chart 90% Confident that 67% of professionals highly rated BIM provides lean-to
67% highly rated BIM provides lean-to project with Error Margin of ±6%
63% highly rated Agile provides value 90% Confident that 63% of professionals highly rated Agile provides value
engineering to project engineering to project with Error Margin of ±6%
8.1.14 Bar
74% highly rated BIM provides value Chart 90% Confident that 74% of professionals highly rated BIM provides value
engineering to project engineering to project with an Error Margin of ±6%
65% highly rated Agile minimizing rework 90% Confident that 65% of professionals highly rated Agile minimizing
rework with Error Margin of ±6%
8.1.15 Bar
Chart 90% Confident that 64% of professionals highly rated BIM minimizing rework
64% highly rated BIM minimizing rework with Error Margin of ±6%
65% highly rated Agile in providing 90% Confident that 65% of professionals highly rated Agile in providing
collaboration and coordination collaboration and coordination with Error Margin of ±6%
8.1.16 Bar
67% highly rated BIM in providing Chart 90% Confident that 67% of professionals highly rated BIM in providing
collaboration and coordination collaboration and coordination with Error Margin of ±6%
63% highly rated Agile effectiveness in the 90% Confident that 63% of professionals highly rated Agile effectiveness in
8.1.17 Pie
delivery of early results Chart the delivery of early results with an Error Margin of ±6%
70% highly rated Agile effectiveness in 90% Confident that 70% of professionals highly rated Agile effectiveness in
motivating individuals motivating individuals with an Error Margin of ±6%
8.1.18 Pie
63% highly rated Agile effectiveness in a Chart 90% Confident that 63% of professionals highly rated Agile effectiveness in
self-organizing team the self-organizing team with an Error Margin of ±6%
90% Confident that 67% of professionals highly rated Agile flexibility with an
8.1.20 67% highly rated Agile flexibility Pie
Chart Error Margin of ±6%
71% highly rated BIM in increasing work 90% Confident that 71% of professionals highly rated BIM effectiveness in
8.1.21 Pie
productivity Chart increasing work productivity with an Error Margin of ±6%
76% highly rated BIM in supporting 90% Confident that 76% of professionals highly rated BIM in supporting
8.1.22 Pie
project management Chart project management with an Error Margin of ±6%
71% highly rated BIM effectiveness in cost 90% Confident that 71% of professionals highly rated BIM effectiveness in
8.1.23 Pie
estimation Chart cost estimation with an Error Margin of ±6%
74% highly rated BIM Effectiveness in 90% Confident that 74% of professionals highly rated BIM Effectiveness in
8.1.24 Bar
Project Scheduling and Planning Chart Project Scheduling and Planning with an Error Margin of ±6%
77% highly rated BIM effectiveness in 90% Confident that 77% of professionals highly rated Agile effectiveness in
Overcoming Clash Detection Overcoming Clash Detection with Error Margin of ±6%
8.1.25 Bar
60% highly rated BIM effectiveness in Chart 90% Confident that 60% of professionals highly rated Agile effectiveness in
Elimination of Errors Elimination of Errors with Error Margin of ±6%
This section discusses the Agile BIM 2D framework integration survey. Seventy of
Professionals in the construction industry is targeted to obtain their opinions towards the
subject. Different experiences of professionals added their opinions and answers. These
professionals work in different types of organizations and positions in the field. According to
the results and studies of BIM functionalities and agile principles integration, the following
questions are discussed.
8.2.1 BIM functionality of reusing model data for predictive analysis will support agile
customer satisfaction and technical excellence principles.
This question targeted professionals in the construction industry to evaluate their rating
toward Agile BIM integration between BIM functionality of reusing of data supporting agile
principles of customer satisfaction and technical excellence. Figure 8.38 shows that 75% of
respondents rated the integration between reusing the data model and customer satisfaction as
agree and strongly agree. Also, 86% of respondents rated integration between reusing of
model data and technical excellence as agree and strongly agree. Meanwhile, both chapters 2
and 3 discussed this integration in detail. Facility management, after project completion, uses
the BIM model in the operating system to generate accurate As-Built drawings (Eastman et
al., 2011). This functionality supports the customer during the operation stage of the project
and provides more satisfaction.
Moreover, the construction team can reuse the BIM model in the fabrication process during
elements manufacturing which supports technical excellence and customer saving time and
cost (Eastman et al., 2011). During the construction stage, the BIM model is distributed to
contractors, sub-contractors, suppliers and facility management to ensure accurate
distribution of information (Arayici et al., 2012). This functionality supports maintaining
technical excellence and customer satisfaction by ensuring high-quality products and
installation (Nir, 2014). BIM is defined as ―a process supported by technology of computer-
generated model used in collaboration to populate information and simulate the planning,
design, construction and operation of a facility‖ (Takim, Harries and Nawawi, 2013). Also,
agile is defined as ―continuous attention to technical excellence, and good design promotes
agility‖ (Opelt et al., 2013). These definitions support the agile team during the project
construction lifecycle, leading to more customer satisfaction and technical excellence in
managing and constructing the project.
Figure 8.38 BIM functionality of reusing of model data for predictive analysis will support
agile principles of customer satisfaction and technical excellence
Meanwhile, BIM meets owner needs and requirements in terms of quality by providing a
model that complies with contract specifications (Liu et al., 2016). This model will be reused
during the project lifecycle by different stakeholders who will allow controlling project
quality. The agile project management team will be enhanced by this functionality of reusing
the model data by different stakeholders in the project and providing more satisfaction, good
design and technical excellence to the customer and the project. The agile project manager
practices agility by providing more innovation and technical excellence to add more value
and satisfaction to the customer (Goodpasture, 2010). BIM functionality of reusing the data
model for predictive analysis supports agile project managers by adding a proper tool during
the project lifecycle. Chapter 6, section, highlights BIM benefits toward SHANGHAI
TOWER by providing a high-quality product and technical excellence during the
technological fabrication of elements (Autodesk, 2012).
Meanwhile, sections discussed agile benefits towards SME Web application by
providing close interaction to the customer and developer to meet client needs (Clutterbuck,
Rowlands and Seamons, 2009). All these studies and results gathered from professionals in
the industry are in line and match the integration between agile principles and BIM
functionality. These results support this research and provide more validation to the previous
8.2.2 BIM functionality of construction process simulation will support agile principles of
customer satisfaction and welcome changes
This question targeted professionals in the construction industry to evaluate the support of
BIM functionality of construction process simulation toward agile principles of customer
satisfaction and welcome changes.
Figure 8.39 BIM functionality of construction process simulation will support agile principles
of customer satisfaction and welcome changes
Figure 8.39 shows that 76% of respondents rated customer satisfaction supported by
construction simulation between agreeing and strongly agreeing. Meanwhile, 78% of
respondents are rated welcome changes supported by construction simulation between
agreeing and strongly agreeing. Chapter 2 and 3 discussed BIM efficiency in adopting
changes and providing visualization throughout the simulation process to the customer and
stakeholders to provide better understanding and information sharing (Eastman et al., 2011).
Agile is defined as ―Accept changes in requirements even late in development. Agile
processes use changes to customers' competitive advantage‖ (Opelt et al., 2013). Moreover,
Agility allows the agile team to manage customer needs and requirements to satisfy end-user
needs (Goodpasture, 2010).
On the other hand, BIM enables engineers to simulate the work by more than one discipline
(Arayici et al., 2012). BIM technology provides virtual simulation for project operation
systems and helps stakeholders understand owner needs and changes (Eastman et al., 2011).
Chapter 6, sections and, highlights BIM benefits towards MANCHESTER
TOWN HALL COMPLEX and SHANGHAI TOWER construction projects by providing a
3D visualization process for better decision making (Codinhoto et al., 2011) and adopting of
changes (Autodesk, 2012).
Moreover, chapter 7, sections 7.1.1 and 7.3.1, discussed interviewees‘ opinions and answers
agreeing with BIM supporting customer satisfaction and welcome changes using the
construction simulation process. Respondents' rating confirms all these studies to the
question. Professionals in the industry verify the previous studies, and their opinions align
with Agile BIM integration.
Figure 8.40 BIM functionality of 4D visualization of construction schedule will support the
agile principle of customer satisfaction, welcome changes and simplicity
This survey targeted respondents of professionals in the construction industry to rate BIM
functionality of 4D visualization supporting agile principles based on their experience in the
industry. Figure 8.40 shows that 81% of respondents agreed and strongly agreed that 4D
visualization will support the agile principle of customer satisfaction. Although, 90% of
respondents agreed and strongly agreed that 4D visualization will support the agile principle
of welcome changes. Also, 82% of professionals agreed and strongly agreed that 4D
visualization will support the agile principle of simplicity. These integrations have been
discussed earlier in Chapters 2 and 3. BIM visualization technology brings the project to life
by providing enough results to the investor, designers, and agile management team to better
visualise and understand the project functionalities and construction process data (Tomek and
Kalinichuk, 2015). The agile project management team supports designers by providing more
flexibility and simplicity to receive changes (Bloomberg, 2013). BIM 4D visualization
supports the agile team by its technology and data analysis. During project construction, the
hardest thing to do is to make changes. However, BIM 4D visualization solves this issue for
customers and stakeholders (Bloomberg, 2013).
Moreover, BIM technology provides 4D modelling that helps in the planning system in the
construction industry. Also, it provides simulation of building construction that enables
stakeholders to know the activities day by day (Eastman et al., 2011). Agile principles are
welcoming changes at any time by applying simplicity during accepting and removing non-
necessary activities (Nir, 2014). The BIM functionality of 4D visualization supports and
provides a tool to the designer and management team to satisfy customer needs and
requirements. BIM benefits construction projects and stakeholders by supporting agility to
provide more support to the customer and add more flexibility, simplicity, visualization and
ability to run the design to correct errors and evaluate the results (Arayici et al., 2012).
Chapter 6, sections, highlights BIM benefits towards MANCHESTER TOWN HALL
COMPLEX construction project by providing 4D construction programming (Codinhoto et
al., 2011).
Meanwhile, chapter 7, section 7.1.1, discussed interviewees‘ opinions during the primary
case study and BIM effectiveness in providing better satisfaction to customer needs
throughout the use of technology. All these previous studies are verified and confirmed by
respondents' ratings. Professionals‘ opinions in this survey align with the research study of
Agile BIM integration and add more validation for this research.
8.2.4 BIM functionality of automated generation of drawing and documents will support
agile principles of welcome changes and technical excellence
This survey includes a question of Agile BIM integration to be rated to validate the 2D
framework developed in this research. Figure 8.41 shows the respondents‘ answers regarding
BIM functionality of automated generation of drawings and documents supporting agile
principles of welcoming changes and technical excellence. 75% of professionals agree toward
BIM functionality, supporting the agile principle of welcoming changes. Meanwhile, 70% of
respondents agreeing on supporting BIM functionality toward the agile principle of technical
excellence. Previous chapters in this research discussed agile BIM integration in more detail.
BIM helps to provide 2D drawings for all plans and elevation at any time or stage during the
project lifecycle (Eastman et al., 2011). Also, BIM provides accurate 2D drawings (Arayici et
al., 2012).
Figure 8.41 BIM functionality of automated generation of drawing and documents will
support the agile principle of welcome changes and technical excellence
BIM allows stakeholders to share the digital model data to generate 2D drawings, fabricate
material, and share accurate information (Ghaffarianhoseini et al., 2017). Moreover, agile
project management methods of handling construction projects accept changes and maintain
good design and technical excellence (Nir, 2014). BIM supports agile during the construction
stage by providing flexibility once changes are applied to generate accurate drawings.
Although, the BIM functionality of automated drawings at any time or stage supports the
quality of drawings and data shared between stakeholders. This leads to technical excellence
during the construction stages. Chapter 6, sections highlights BIM benefits towards
the DURHAM CATHEDRAL renovation project by producing accurate drawings for any
section in the building at any time with no costs (Tapponi et al., 2015). Meanwhile, chapter 7,
section 7.1.1, discussed interviewees' opinions and answers during the primary case study of
BIM and how BIM adds more technical excellence during project construction and design by
using proper coordination and technology, which added a better way to adopt changes. All
these integrations and studies align with respondents' results and provide more validation for
this research.
8.2.5 BIM functionality of collaboration in design and construction will support agile
principles of welcome changes, working together and sustainable development
Figure 8.42 BIM functionality of collaboration in design and construction will support the
agile principle of welcome changes, working together and sustainable development
BIM allows the agile team to apply these principles during the project lifecycle by providing
proper technology that matches the development of the construction industry. Chapter 6,
section highlights BIM benefits towards the SHANGHAI TOWER construction
project by adding better coordination and understanding of design to generate project
documents and decisions (Autodesk, 2012). Meanwhile, chapter 7, section 7.3.1, discussed
BIM effectiveness in coordination by working on one platform, which helped in welcoming
changes and supports teams to work together during the design stage. Respondents' opinions
and answers align with the previous studies and discussions, which adds more validation to
this research.
8.2.6 BIM functionality of rapid generation of construction plan will support agile
principles of welcome changes and priority for a working product
This question targeted the opinions of professionals in the construction industry to evaluate
the support of BIM's rapid generation of construction plan toward agile principles of
welcoming changes and priority of working product. Figure 8.43 shows that 74% of
respondents agreed and strongly agreed with BIM functionality to support the agile principle
of welcoming changes. Meanwhile, 78% of respondents agreed and strongly agreed with the
rapid generation of construction plans to support the priority of working products. These
integrations and studies are discussed previously in more detail in chapters 2 and 3. BIM
responds to the market changes by providing continuous plans as per changes that occur
during the project lifecycle (Eastman et al., 2011). BIM technology can adjust the
construction process by planning and controlling industry development implementation
within construction projects (Nowotarski and Pasławski, 2016).
Figure 8.43 BIM functionality of rapid generation of construction plan will support agile
principles of welcome changes and priority for a working product
Agile aims are to keep priority to deliver progress during construction projects. Agility
defined delivery of working product as ―Our top priority is to satisfy the customer through
early and continuous delivery‖ (Opelt et al., 2013). All these studies conclude that BIM
provides actions to project management teams to have updated plans on continuous adoption
for changes during development stages to deliver a working product as per customer and
client requirements. Chapter 6 sections discussed BIM benefits towards
MANCHESTER TOWN HALL COMPLEX construction project by providing 4D
construction programming (Codinhoto et al., 2011) meanwhile sections highlights
agile challenges during the Cruise Line project and the need for continuous adjustment of
schedule during project lifecycle (Batra et al., 2010). Also, chapter 7, section 7.3.1, discussed
BIM's effectiveness in responding to changes and satisfying customers during the primary
case study of focus group and agreement of participants on this subject. BIM functionality
will enhance agile to generate plans during welcoming changes to provide a working product.
The results of respondents are in line with these studies and validate the integration
discussion in this research.
8.2.7 BIM functionality of visualization will support the agile principle of priority of
working product
This question targeted respondents in the construction industry to evaluate their opinions
regarding the integration between BIM functionality of visualization and agile principle of
priority of working product. Figure 8.44 shows that 72% of respondents agreed and strongly
agreed with BIM visualization functionality supporting the priority of working product. This
integration had been discussed earlier in Chapters 2 and 3. BIM technology of modelling
visualization brings the project to life by providing enough results to the investor, designers,
and agile management team to better visualise and understand the project functionalities and
construction process data (Tomek and Kalinichuk, 2015).
Figure 8.44 BIM functionality of visualization will support the agile principle of priority of
working product
8.2.8 BIM functionality of maintaining information and design model integrity will support
the agile principle of sustainable development
This question was asked to professionals in the construction industry from different
organizations and backgrounds. Figure 8.45 shows that 78% of respondents agreed and
strongly agreed that BIM functionality of maintaining information and model documents will
support the agile principle of sustainable development.
Figure 8.45 BIM functionality of maintenance of information and design model integrity will
support the agile principle of sustainable development
This research studies the integration between agile and BIM in chapters 2 and 3.
Governments have been focused on building projects and neglected saving data and
documents for further applications during the last century. Nowadays, the government of the
Netherlands uses BIM as an infrastructure for all the data in the construction industry to be
saved and used once needed for future projects (Mommers, 2014). BIM technology is
supporting handing over process by providing accurate results based on the model database
for facility management and operations (Eastman et al., 2011). Contractor, while using BIM,
has the advantage of storing information and history database for material performance and
results (Hardin, 2009). BIM generates drawings at any time required, and material is
specified within data inputs (Pestana, Alves and Barbosa, 2013). Agile had a principle based
on maintaining sustainable development (Nir, 2014). Agile is defined as ―Agile processes
promoting sustainable development. Clients, developers, and end-users should be able to
maintain a steady pace indefinitely‖ (Opelt et al., 2013). Once the project is constructed, all
data must be evaluated and used in a future project. BIM is supporting agile to reuse all the
data of materials and systems in the project. BIM technology saves costs by reducing
documents used during the project lifecycle and maintaining sustainability to the
Moreover, BIM provides the ability to the customer and management team to develop a
sustainable project by its technology. Chapter 6, sections highlights BIM benefits
towards SYDNEY OPERA HOUSE facility management innovation project by providing
calculations for the consumption of the building energy and water to be adjusted to reach the
level of environmentally sustainable projects (Sanchez, Hampson and Mohamed, 2015). This
functionality supports the agile principle of sustainable projects. Chapter 7, sections 7.1.1
discussed BIM supports waste removal and lean management during primary case study by
decreasing documenting and rework to sustainable development. The results of this question
obtained from professionals align with this research and provide more validation for this
8.2.9 BIM functionality of automated cost estimation will support the agile principle of
This survey targeted professionals in the construction industry to evaluate the support of BIM
functionality of automated cost estimation supporting the agile principle of simplicity. This
integration is discussed previously in Chapters 2 and 3. Figure 8.46 shows that 81% of
respondents agreed and strongly agreed with BIM cost estimation supporting agile simplicity.
BIM technology provides cash flow to better understand cost estimation during the project
life cycle (Eastman et al., 2011). Moreover, BIM provides advantages to construction projects
such as project cost estimation, proper analysis and cost reduction, supporting the reduction
in insurance claims (Hardin, 2009). Although, BIM can provide better financial control and
cost-minimizing during construction projects (Arayici et al., 2012).
Figure 8.46 BIM functionality of automated cost estimation will support the agile principle of
On the other hand, the agile methodology of project management had a principle of
simplicity, defined as ―Simplicity. The art of maximizing the amount of work not done is
essential‖ (Opelt et al., 2013). The agile principle of simplicity is to add value to the project
by reducing the cost (Highsmith, 2010). Chapter 6, sections highlights BIM benefits
towards MANCHESTER TOWN HALL COMPLEX construction project by adding 5D
construction costing, which supports quantity surveying during the project lifecycle
(Codinhoto et al., 2011). Meanwhile, chapter 7, section 7.1.1, discussed that BIM supports
cost estimation by automatically generating quantity surveying for project material. Based on
this discussion and study of BIM functionality and agile principle, it concluded that BIM
technology of cost estimation supports the agile principle of simplicity. The respondents'
opinions and answers align with the study, which provides more validation for this research.
8.2.10 BIM functionality of rapid generation of multiple designs alternatives will support
agile principles of frequent deliverables and more effective iterations
During this survey, 77% of respondents in the construction industry agreed and strongly
agreed with BIM's rapid generation of multiple designs alternative supporting agile principle
of more effective iterations. Meanwhile, 80% of respondents strongly agreed with BIM
support to frequent deliverables. These integrations are discussed in more detail previously in
Chapters 2 and 3. BIM technology coordinates with architectural, structural and MEP
designers‘ teams by providing 2D drawings during the project lifecycle (Eastman et al.,
Figure 8.47 BIM functionality of rapid generation of multiple designs alternatives will
support agile principles of frequent deliverables and more effective iterations
BIM can generate multiple designs during project design and construction (Hardin, 2009).
The agile principle of frequent deliverables and more effective iterations are supported by
BIM rapid generation of multiple designs alternatives. Agile is defined as ―Deliver functions
regularly within a few weeks or months and favour these shorter periods‖ (Opelt et al., 2013).
Chapter 6, sections highlights BIM benefits towards MANCHESTER TOWN HALL
COMPLEX construction project by generating drawings and documents from a single source
of information which supports frequent deliverables during iterations (Codinhoto et al.,
2011). These studies support the integration between BIM functionality and the agile
principle. The results of respondents‘ opinions are in line with these studies and support the
discussion in this research.
8.2.11 BIM functionality of online communication of product process will support agile
principles of working together, face to face conversation and self-organizing team
respondents‘ results. Figure 8.48 shows the BIM functionalities of online communication of
product process supporting three agile principles. Most of the results distributed between
agreed and strongly agreed as the following:
1- Working together had 74% of respondents‘ answers.
2- Face to face conversations had 76% of respondents‘ answers.
3- The self-organizing team had 82% of respondents‘ answers.
Previous studies discussed BIM functionality and agile principles in chapters 2 and 3 in more
detail. Stakeholders in the construction industry started to demand more communication and
collaboration in construction projects (Arayici et al., 2012).
Figure 8.48 BIM functionality of online communication of product process will support agile
principles of working together, face to face conversation and self-organizing team
BIM provided the functionality of online communication throughout its technology to assist
face to face conversation, working together, and self-organizing teams in agile principles.
BIM provides stakeholders with better communication and collaboration (Arayici et al.,
2012). The benefits BIM provides for communication and collaboration toward stakeholders
positively impact the construction industry for better productivity and values (Hardin, 2009).
Chapter 6, sections, highlights agile benefits towards SME WEB application by
providing close interaction to the customer and developer and increasing communication
among the developer team (Clutterbuck, Rowlands and Seamons, 2009). Moreover, chapter
7, section 7.1.1, discussed BIM benefits towards the primary case study by providing more
effective coordination among design teams throughout coordination meetings. Both
approaches support each other to deliver better communication channels among teams
involved during the project lifecycle. Finally, all these results are in line with this research
study. Respondents‘ ratings provided more validation to this research and agile BIM
8.2.12 BIM functionality of integration with project partners will support agile principles of
welcome changes, working together, face to face conversation and self-organizing
Figure 8.49 BIM functionality of integration with project partners will support agile
principles of welcome changes, working together, face to face conversation and self-
organizing team
Professionals in the construction industry are targeted to answer this question. Surveys are
distributed among different respondents working in construction projects and having different
experiences and positions. Figure 8.49 shows the results of respondents rating BIM
functionality of integration with project partners supporting four agile principles as the
1- Welcome changes had 69% of respondents rating between agreeing and strongly
2- Working together had 77% of respondents rating between agreeing and strongly
3- Face to face conversation had 77% of respondents rating between agreeing and
strongly agree.
4- The self-organizing team had 77% of respondents rating between agreeing and
strongly agreeing.
These integrations are discussed previously in chapters 2 and 3 in more detail. BIM
technology supports contractors, architects and engineering during the project lifecycle.
Stakeholders who use BIM in construction projects rethink redesigning their systems and
processes based on BIM technology (Eastman et al., 2011). This functionality provides more
space for stakeholders to work together and share information to improve the construction
process (Nir, 2014). Agility defines information sharing as ―the most efficient and effective
method of delivering information to the development team is face to face‖ (Opelt et al.,
This survey targeted respondents in the construction industry who work in different
organizations and positions. Different opinions and results are summarized in Figure 8.50
regarding the integration between BIM functionality of computer-controlled fabrication and
six agile principles. Most of the results were distributed between agreeing and strongly
agreeing toward BIM functionalities supporting six agile principles as the following:
1- Welcome changes had 78% of respondents' ratings.
2- Frequent deliverables had 80% of respondents' rating.
3- Sustainable development had 78% of respondents rating.
4- Technical excellence had 71% of respondents rating.
5- Simplicity had 84% of respondents' ratings.
6- More effective iterations had 84% of respondents' rating.
These integrations had been discussed during previous studies to develop an alternative
management approach between Agile and BIM. Chapters 2 and 3 are studied agile and BIM
in detail to develop a 2D framework for managing a construction project. BIM supports the
construction industry by providing modelling technology that helps in structural elements
fabrication. Also, it helps agile project management in providing products in a short process
during construction stages (Eastman et al., 2011). Meanwhile, this functionality supports the
agile team to welcome changes at any time by modifying the structural elements as per
customer requirements (Nir, 2014).
Meanwhile, chapter 6, Section, highlights BIM benefits towards the MANCHESTER
TOWN HALL COMPLEX construction project by providing off-site fabrication for different
materials such as steel and glass (Codinhoto et al., 2011). Chapter 7, sections 7.1.1 discussed
BIM supports toward primary case study using computer-controlled fabrication throughout
the digital model. All these studies and results support the research and integration between
Agile and BIM to provide an alternative management approach to the construction industry.
The survey results align with the previous studies and provide more validation to the
Figure 8.50 BIM functionality of computer-controlled fabrication will support agile principles of welcome changes, frequent deliverables,
sustainable development, technical excellence, simplicity and more effective iterations
8.2.14 Linking Second Survey to Agile BIM 2D Integrated Framework
This chapter supports agile BIM integration and links each question in the second survey to
the Agile BIM 2D framework, as shown in Table 8.3. Section 8.2.1 discussed questions
linked to agile BIM integration 2D framework (C1 and C9) as presented in Table 8.3. Section
8.2.1 covered survey respondents‘ answers to rate the support of BIM functionality of reusing
model data for predictive analysis to agile principles of customer satisfaction and technical
excellence. Respondents‘ answers are linked to C1 integration of BIM functionality of
reusing model data for predictive analysis and the agile principle of customer satisfaction.
Also, respondents‘ answers are linked to C2 integration of BIM functionality of reusing
model data for predictive analysis and the agile principle of technical excellence. Following
this example, Table 8.3 presents all links and relationships between the second questionnaire
survey and the 2D Agile BIM framework, as presented in Table 8.3.
BIM functionality of computer-controlled fabrication will support agile
L2, L3, L8,
8.2.13 principles of welcome changes, frequent deliverables, sustainable
L9, L10, L12
development, technical excellence, simplicity and more effective iterations
8.2.15 Inferential Analysis for the 2D Agile BIM Integrated Framework Survey
This research considers both types of statistical analysis, descriptive and inferential analysis,
to conclude data and results of the second questionnaire surveys. Sections 8.2.1 to 8.2.13
covered descriptive analysis for the second survey by providing professionals answers and
opinions obtained throughout the distribution of the second survey in percentage rating.
Moreover, bar and pie charts were provided to summarize and clear these data. On the other
hand, section 8.2.15 covered inferential analysis throughout table 8.4 to conclude each
question rated by professionals and compared to confidential value and margin of error.
For example, section 8.2.1 covered two questions asked to professionals in both industries
during the second questionnaire survey distribution about the rating of BIM functionality of
reusing of model data for predictive analysis will support agile principles of customer
satisfaction and rating of BIM functionality of reusing of model data for predictive analysis
will support agile principles of technical excellence. Table 8.4 covered descriptive analysis
regarding these two questions under section 8.2.1 by presenting data percentages and the type
of chart used to summarize the data. Also, table 8.4 covered inferential analysis by writing a
conclusion regarding both questions.
Table 8.4 shows that 75% of professionals who highly rated BIM functionality of reusing of
model data for predictive analysis will support agile principles of customer satisfaction are
90% confident with an Error Margin of ±6%.
And 86% of professionals highly rated BIM functionality of reusing of model data for
predictive analysis will support agile principles of technical excellence are 90% confident
with Error Margin of ±6%. These factors are obtained from section 8.0.1 during the
calculation of survey sample size.
This section covered descriptive and inferential analysis regarding the second survey about
the 2D Agile BIM integrations framework.
Table 8.4 Summary of Inferential Analysis for the 2D Agile BIM Integrated Framework Survey
Descriptive Analysis
Section Inferential Analysis
Percentage Chart
75% highly rated BIM functionality of reusing 90% Confident that 75% of professionals highly rated BIM functionality of reusing of model
model data for predictive analysis will support the data for predictive analysis will support the agile principles of customer satisfaction with an
agile principles of customer satisfaction Bar Error Margin of ±6%
86% highly rated BIM functionality of reusing 90% Confident that 86% of professionals highly rated BIM functionality of reusing of model
model data for predictive analysis will support agile data for predictive analysis will support the agile principles of technical excellence with an
principles of technical excellence Error Margin of ±6%
76% highly rated BIM functionality of construction 90% Confident that 76% of professionals highly rated BIM functionality of construction
process simulation will support agile principles of process simulation will support the agile principles of customer satisfaction with an Error
customer satisfaction Bar Margin of ±6%
78% highly rated BIM functionality of construction Chart 90% Confident that 78% of professionals highly rated BIM functionality of construction
process simulation will support agile principles of process simulation will support the agile principles of welcome changes with an Error Margin
welcome changes of ±6%
81% highly rated BIM functionality of 4D 90% Confident that 81% of professionals highly rated BIM functionality of 4D visualization of
visualization of construction schedule will support construction schedule will support the agile principles of customer satisfaction with an Error
agile principles of customer satisfaction Margin of ±6%
90% highly rated BIM functionality of 4D 90% Confident that 90% of professionals highly rated BIM functionality of 4D visualization of
visualization of construction schedule will support construction schedule will support the agile principles of welcome changes with an Error
agile principles of welcome changes Margin of ±6%
82% highly rated BIM functionality of 4D 90% Confident that 82% of professionals highly rated BIM functionality of 4D visualization of
visualization of construction schedule will support construction schedule will support the agile principles of simplicity with an Error Margin of
agile principles of simplicity ±6%
75% highly rated BIM functionality of automated 90% Confident that 75% of professionals highly rated BIM functionality of automated
generation of drawing and documents will support generation of drawing and documents will support the agile principles of welcome changes
agile principles of welcome changes Bar with an Error Margin of ±6%
70% highly rated BIM functionality of automated Chart 90% Confident that 70% of professionals highly rated BIM functionality of automated
generation of drawing and documents will support generation of drawing and documents will support the agile principles of technical excellence
agile principles of technical excellence with an Error Margin of ±6%
78% highly rated BIM functionality of 90% Confident that 78% of professionals highly rated BIM functionality of collaboration in
collaboration in design and construction will design and construction will support the agile principles of welcome changes with an Error
support agile principles of welcome changes Margin of ±6%
73% highly rated BIM functionality of 90% Confident that 73% of professionals highly rated BIM functionality of collaboration in
8.2.5 collaboration in design and construction will design and construction will support the agile principles of working together with an Error
support agile principles of working together Margin of ±6%
77% highly rated BIM functionality of 90% Confident that 77% of professionals highly rated BIM functionality of collaboration in
collaboration in design and construction will design and construction will support the agile principles of sustainable development with an
support agile principles of sustainable development Error Margin of ±6%
74% highly rated BIM functionality of rapid 90% Confident that 74% of professionals highly rated BIM functionality of rapid generation of
generation of construction plan will support agile construction plan will support the agile principles of welcome changes with an Error Margin of
principles of welcome changes ±6%
8.2.6 78% highly rated BIM functionality of rapid 90% Confident that 78% of professionals highly rated BIM functionality of rapid generation of
generation of construction plan will support agile construction plan will support the agile principles of priority for working product with an Error
principles of priority for a working product Margin of ±6%
72% highly rated BIM functionality of visualization 90% Confident that 72% of professionals highly rated BIM functionality of visualization will
8.2.7 will support the agile principle of priority of support the agile principle of priority of working product with an Error Margin of ±6%
working product
78% highly rated BIM functionality of maintenance 90% Confident that 78% of professionals highly rated BIM functionality of maintenance of
of information and design model integrity will Pie information and design model integrity will support the agile principle of sustainable
support the agile principle of sustainable Chart development with an Error Margin of ±6%
81% highly rated BIM functionality of automated 90% Confident that 81% of professionals highly rated BIM functionality of automated cost
8.2.9 cost estimation will support the agile principle of estimation will support the agile principle of simplicity with an Error Margin of ±6%
77% highly rated BIM functionality of rapid 90% Confident that 77% of professionals highly rated BIM functionality of rapid generation of
generation of multiple designs alternatives will multiple designs alternatives will support the agile principles of frequent deliverables with an
support agile principles of frequent deliverables Error Margin of ±6%
80% highly rated BIM functionality of rapid 90% Confident that 80% of professionals highly rated BIM functionality of rapid generation of
generation of multiple designs alternatives will multiple designs alternatives will support the agile principles of more effective iterations with
support agile principles of more effective iterations an Error Margin of ±6%
74% highly rated BIM functionality of online 90% Confident that 74% of professionals highly rated BIM functionality of online
communication of product process will support communication of product process will support the agile principles of working together with
agile principles of working together an Error Margin of ±6%
76% highly rated BIM functionality of online 90% Confident that 76% of professionals highly rated BIM functionality of online
communication of product process will support communication of product process will support the agile principles of face to face conversation
8.2.11 agile principles of face to face conversation with an Error Margin of ±6%
82% highly rated BIM functionality of online 90% Confident that 82% of professionals highly rated BIM functionality of online
communication of product process will support communication of product process will support the agile principles of the self-organizing team
agile principles of a self-organizing team with an Error Margin of ±6%
69% highly rated BIM functionality of integration 90% Confident that 69% of professionals highly rated BIM functionality of integration with
with project partners will support agile principles of project partners will support the agile principles of welcome changes with an Error Margin of
welcome changes ±6%
78% highly rated BIM functionality of computer- 90% Confident that 78% of professionals highly rated BIM functionality of computer-
Bar controlled fabrication will support the agile principles of sustainable development with an
8.2.13 controlled fabrication will support agile principles
Chart Error Margin of ±6%
of sustainable development
71% highly rated BIM functionality of computer- 90% Confident that 71% of professionals highly rated BIM functionality of computer-
controlled fabrication will support the agile principles of technical excellence with an Error
controlled fabrication will support agile principles
Margin of ±6%
of technical excellence
90% Confident that 84% of professionals highly rated BIM functionality of computer-
84% highly rated BIM functionality of computer- controlled fabrication will support the agile principles of simplicity with an Error Margin of
controlled fabrication will support agile principles ±6%
of simplicity
This survey targeted professionals in the construction industry to evaluate and share their
opinions toward integrating agile principles and BIM functionalities to enhance the RIBA
plan of work during different project stages. Several questions were prepared to evaluate 2D
agile BIM framework enhancement to RIBA plan of work. These questions will be discussed
in more detail, along with the results obtained from respondents. Figure 8.51 shows the RIBA
plan of work and its eight stages during the project lifecycle (Sinclair, 2013). RIBA plan of
work supports the construction and design stages of the project along with other sectors of
procurements and sustainability. This work plan followed in the construction industry aims to
provide simplicity, planning, and scheduling to construction projects (Sinclair, 2013). RIBA
plan of work has eight stages discussed in chapter 4 in more detail. These stages are
summarized as the following:
1- Stage 0 (Strategic Definitions): during this stage, the project team works to ensure
client requirements and develop a business case and a project brief.
2- Stage 1 (Preparation and Brief): project teams during this stage prepare feasibility
study, budget, risk assessment studies and project execution plan.
3- Stage 2 (Concept Design): The engineering team prepares specifications, structural
design, and building services during this stage.
4- Stage 3 (Developed Design): this stage is to complete stage 2 works with more
development and updates.
5- Stage 4 (Technical Design): The project team prepares the technical design and
responsibility matrix during this stage.
6- Stage 5 (Construction) covers the site's construction process and the offsite
manufacturing process.
7- Stage 6 (Handover and Closeout): this stage takes action for summarizing project
information, updating and feedback.
8- Stage 7 (In Use): the scheduled service is developed in this stage along with project
performance and updates.
The following question will be discussed based on previous studies and survey questions.
Figure 8.51 RIBA Plan of Work
8.3.1 Effect of the integration between BIM functionality of reusing of model data and
agile principles of customer satisfaction and priority for technical excellence on RIBA
plan of work:
Figure 8.52 Data results for effect on the integration between BIM functionality of reusing of
model data and the agile principle of customer satisfaction on RIBA plan of work
Figure 8.52 shows the results of respondents‘ answers to the effect of integration between
BIM functionality of reusing of model data and the agile principle of customer satisfaction
toward RIBA plan of work as the follows:
1- 76% of respondents rated the integration effect toward the concept design stage
between agreeing and strongly agreeing.
2- 83% of respondents rated the integration effect toward developed design stage
between agreeing and strongly agree.
3- 87% of respondents rated the integration effect toward the technical design stage
between agreeing and strongly agreeing.
4- 73% of respondents rated the integration effect toward in use stage between agreeing
and strongly agreeing.
Also, Figure 8.53 show the results of respondents‘ answers to the effect of integration
between BIM functionality of reusing of model data and the agile principle of technical
excellence toward RIBA plan of work as follows:
1- 93% of respondents rated the integration effect toward the construction stage between
agreeing and strongly agreeing.
2- 66% of respondents rated the integration effect toward handover and closeout stage
between agreeing and strongly agree.
3- 70% of respondents rated the integration effect toward in use stage between agreeing
and strongly agreeing.
Figure 8.53 Data results for effect on the integration between BIM functionality of reusing of
model data and the agile principle of technical excellence on RIBA plan of work
Meanwhile, both chapters 2 and 3 discussed this integration in detail. Facility management,
after project completion, uses using BIM model in the operating system to generate accurate
As-Built drawings (Eastman et al., 2011). This functionality supports the customer during the
operation stage of the project and provides more satisfaction. Moreover, the construction
team can reuse the BIM model in the fabrication process during elements manufacturing
which supports technical excellence and customer saving time and cost (Eastman et al.,
2011). During the construction stage, the BIM model is distributed to contractors, sub-
contractors, suppliers and facility management to ensure accurate distribution of information
(Arayici et al., 2012). This functionality supports maintaining technical excellence and
customer satisfaction by ensuring high-quality products and installation (Nir, 2014). BIM is
defined as ―a process supported by technology of computer-generated model used in
collaboration to populate information and simulate the planning, design, construction and
operation of a facility‖ (Takim, Harries and Nawawi, 2013). Also, agile is defined as
―continuous attention to technical excellence, and good design promotes agility‖ (Opelt et al.,
2013). These definitions support the agile team during the project construction lifecycle,
leading to more customer satisfaction and technical excellence in managing and constructing
the project.
Meanwhile, BIM meets owner needs and requirements in terms of quality by providing a
model that complies with contract specifications (Liu et al., 2016). This model will be reused
during the project lifecycle by different stakeholders who will allow controlling project
quality. The agile project management team will be enhanced by this functionality of reusing
the model data by different stakeholders in the project and providing more satisfaction, good
design and technical excellence to the customer and project. The agile project manager
practices agility by providing more innovation and technical excellence to add more value
and satisfaction to the customer (Goodpasture, 2010). BIM functionality of reusing the data
model for predictive analysis supports agile project managers by adding a proper tool during
the project lifecycle. These benefits of agile BIM integration as the 2D framework will
support the project life cycle stages. RIBA plan of work included eight stages during the
entire construction project cycle. Figure 8.52 shows the integration between reusing the data
model and customer satisfaction in supporting concept design, developed design, technical
design and in use stage of RIBA plan of work. All engineering and management teams work
together during concept design to include the outlines of specifications, structural design, and
building services. BIM functionality during these stages can be used by engineering and
supported by the agile team to provide more customer satisfaction. The review of risk
assessment, operation and maintenance procedures are taking place in this stage.
Moreover, the developed design is updated and reviewed for construction control procedures
and health and safety rules. Although, the technical design includes setting up the strategies
of sub-contractors, architectural and other stakeholders involved in the construction process.
These stages are well supported by the reusing of the data model to point out the rules of each
stakeholder during project design and construction. The involvement of customers during
these stages and the technology used are increasing customer satisfaction during the project
On the other hand, Figure 8.53 shows the results of reusing the data model supporting
technical excellence during construction, handing over and closeout and using stages of the
RIBA plan of work. During the construction stage, BIM technology is taking place to support
the agile team for more technical excellence during inspections, work progress,
manufacturing process and handing over. Also, this integration will support stakeholders in
updating project information and building the feedback during Handing and closeout stage.
Both the integration and results in Figures 8.52 and 8.53 support the use stage of the RIBA
plan of work to develop a schedule of the services (Sinclair, 2013). Chapter 6, section
highlights BIM benefits towards DURHAM CATHEDRAL renovation project by using the
digital model to provide a visual walk for tourists inside and around the building and
updating the building model during renovation works. These benefits support the study
during the handing-over and in use stages of the RIBA work plan. Meanwhile, chapter 7,
section 7.1.1, discussed BIM's effectiveness in satisfying customers by simply applying
changes. These results align with the project study and discussion, which provides more
verification and support to the research.
Figure 8.54 Data results for the effect of the integration between BIM functionality of
construction process simulation and the agile principle of customer satisfaction on RIBA plan
of work
Figure 8.54 shows the results of respondents‘ answers to the effect of integration between
BIM functionality of construction process simulation and the agile principle of customer
satisfaction toward RIBA plan of work as the follows:
1- 84% of respondents rated the integration effect toward the developed design stage
between agreeing and strongly agreeing.
2- 85% of respondents rated the integration effect toward the construction stage between
agreeing and strongly agreeing.
Figure 8.55 shows the results of respondents‘ answers to the effect of integration between
BIM functionality of construction process simulation and the agile principle of welcome
changes toward RIBA plan of work as the follows:
1- 81% of respondents rated the integration effect toward the developed design stage
between agreeing and strongly agreeing.
2- 88% of respondents rated the integration effect toward the construction stage between
agreeing and strongly agreeing.
Figure 8.55 Data results for the effect of the integration between BIM functionality of
construction process simulation and the agile principle of welcome changes on RIBA plan of
Chapters 2 and 3 discussed both BIM functionality and agile principles. BIM is efficient in
adopting changes and providing visualization throughout the simulation process to the
customer and stakeholders to provide better understanding and information sharing (Eastman
et al., 2011). Agile is defined as ―Accept changes in requirements even late in development.
Agile processes use changes to customers' competitive advantage‖ (Opelt et al., 2013).
Moreover, Agility allows the agile team to manage customer needs and requirements to
satisfy end-user needs (Goodpasture, 2010). On the other hand, BIM enables engineers to
simulate the work by more than one discipline (Arayici et al., 2012). BIM technology
provides virtual simulation for project operation systems. It helps the stakeholders to
understand the owner's needs and changes (Eastman et al., 2011). Agile BIM integration
plays a significant role in supporting the RIBA work plan during project stages. Figure 8.54
and 8.55 shows the results of construction process simulation supporting the agile team
during developed design and construction stages. BIM technology helps the engineering and
management team by using simulation processes during updates and reviews of maintenance
procedures, designing a strategy for the sustainable project and following structural design
(Sinclair, 2013). During this stage, BIM technology supports the agile team to welcome
customer changes to provide more customer satisfaction. On the other hand, using this
integration supports the engineering and management team during the construction stage by
providing a technological simulation of the construction process during inspections progress
and manufacturing process. These results of respondents are in line with this study, and
discussion provides more validation to the research.
Figure 8.56 Data results for the effect of integration between BIM functionality of 4D
visualization of the construction schedule and the agile principle of customer satisfaction on
RIBA plan of work
Figure 8.56 shows the results of respondents‘ answers to the effect of integration between
BIM functionality of 4D visualization of construction schedule and agile principle of
customer satisfaction toward RIBA plan of work as the following:
1- 84% of respondents rated the integration effect toward the developed design stage
between agreeing and strongly agreeing.
2- 81% of respondents rated the integration effect toward the construction stage between
agreeing and strongly agreeing.
Figure 8.57 shows the results of respondents‘ answers to the effect of integration between
BIM functionality of 4D visualization of construction schedule and agile principle of
welcome changes toward RIBA plan of work as the following:
1- 83% of respondents rated the integration effect toward developed design stage
between agreeing and strongly agree.
2- 88% of respondents rated the integration effect toward the construction stage between
agreeing and strongly agreeing.
Figure 8.57 Data Results for the Effect of integration between BIM functionality of 4D
visualization of the construction schedule and agile principle of welcome changes on RIBA
plan of work
Figure 8.58 Data Results for the Effect of integration between BIM functionality of 4D
visualization of the construction schedule and agile principle of simplicity on RIBA plan of
Figure 8.58 shows the results of respondents‘ answers to the effect of integration between
BIM functionality of 4D visualization of the construction schedule and the agile principle of
simplicity toward RIBA plan of work as the following:
1- 87% of respondents rated the integration effect toward developed design stage
between agreeing and strongly agree.
2- 90% of respondents rated the integration effect toward the construction stage between
agreeing and strongly agreeing.
These integrations have been discussed earlier in Chapters 2 and 3. BIM technology of
modelling visualization brings the project to life by providing enough results to the investor,
designers, and agile management team to better visualise and understand the project
functionalities and construction process data (Tomek and Kalinichuk, 2015). The agile
project management teams support designers by providing more flexibility and simplicity to
receive changes (Bloomberg, 2013). BIM 4D visualization supports the agile team by its
technology and data analysis. During project construction, the hardest thing to do is to make
changes. Nevertheless, BIM 4D visualization solves this issue for customers and stakeholders
(Bloomberg, 2013).
Moreover, BIM technology provides 4D modelling that helps in the planning system in the
construction industry. Also, it provides simulation of building construction that enables
stakeholders to know the activities day by day (Eastman et al., 2011). Agile principles of
welcoming changes at any time and simplicity of accepting and removing non-necessary
activities (Nir, 2014) are supported by BIM functionality of 4D visualization by providing a
tool to the designer and management team to satisfy customer needs and requirements. BIM
benefits construction projects, and stakeholders support agility by providing more support to
the customer by adding more flexibility, simplicity, visualization and ability to run the design
to correct errors and evaluate the results (Arayici et al., 2012). RIBA plan of work is
supported by agile BIM integration during the project life cycle. 4D visualization of the
construction schedule supports the agile team in providing customer satisfaction, welcoming
changes, and simplicity during the developed design and construction stage (Sinclair, 2013).
Agile and engineering teams use BIM technology of scheduling to provide the support once
changes are applied to the project during design and construction stages to provide a proper
risk assessment (Sinclair, 2013). This technology support increases customer satisfaction by
simplifying the procedures of changes application. Meanwhile, chapter 6, section,
discussed BIM benefits towards MANCHESTER TOWN HALL COMPLEX construction
project by providing 4D construction programming (Codinhoto et al., 2011). This
functionality supported customer and stakeholders teams to apply changes more simply.
Moreover, chapter 7, section 7.1.1 highlights during the primary case study that BIM
effectively responds to changes and provides better customer satisfaction. The results are
shown in figures 8.56, 8.57 and 8.58 align with the research studies and discussions. These
results provide more validation and support to the integration.
Figure 8.59 Data results for the effect of integration between BIM functionality of automated
generation of drawing and documents and agile principles of welcome changes on RIBA plan
of work
Figure 8.59 shows the results of respondents‘ answers to the effect of integration between
BIM functionality of automated generation of drawing and documents and the agile principle
of welcome changes toward RIBA plan of work as the following:
1- 78% of respondents rated the integration effect toward the developed design stage
between agreeing and strongly agreeing.
2- 80% of respondents rated the integration effect toward the technical design stage
between agreeing and strongly agreeing.
3- 87% of respondents rated the integration effect toward the construction stage between
agreeing and strongly agreeing.
Figure 8.60 shows the results of respondents‘ answers to the effect of integration between
BIM functionality of automated generation of drawing and documents and the agile principle
of technical excellence toward RIBA plan of work as follows:
1- 85% of respondents rated the integration effect toward the construction stage between
agreeing and strongly agreeing.
Figure 8.60 Data results for the effect of integration between BIM functionality of automated
generation of drawing and documents and agile principles of technical excellence on RIBA
plan of the work construction stage
Previous chapters in this research discussed agile BIM integration in more detail. BIM helps
to provide 2D drawings for all plans and elevation at any time or stage during the project
lifecycle (Eastman et al., 2011). Also, BIM provides accurate 2D drawings (Arayici et al.,
2012). BIM allows stakeholders to share the model digital data to generate 2D drawings,
fabricate material, and share accurate information (Ghaffarianhoseini et al., 2017). Moreover,
agile project management methods of handling construction projects accept changes and
maintain good design and technical excellence (Nir, 2014). BIM supports agile during the
construction stage by providing flexibility once changes are applied to generate accurate
drawings. Although, the BIM functionality of automated drawings at any time or stage
supports the quality of drawings and data shared between stakeholders. This leads to
technical excellence during the construction stages. Figures 8.59 and 8.60 show the results of
agile BIM integration to enhance the RIBA plan of work as a 3D framework to the
management team. During the design stage, BIM technology will provide an easier way for
agile and engineering teams to apply changes once required to the specification, cost,
structural design updates and building services system (Sinclair, 2013). Automated
generation of drawings and documents supports the construction stage by providing
stakeholders with proper documentation and data during the site and offsite construction
Meanwhile, chapter 7, section, highlights BIM benefits toward the DURHAM
CATHEDRAL renovation project by producing accurate drawings for any building section
with no cost and time (Tapponi et al., 2015). Chapter 7, sections 7.3.1 discussed participants‘
answers during focus group study and highlights BIM's effectiveness in welcoming changes
and maintaining technical excellence by providing 4D programming and 5D cost estimation.
These results of respondents‘ opinions toward these integrations align with the research study
and provide more validation to the study.
8.3.5 Effect of the integration between BIM functionality of collaboration in design and
construction and the agile principle of welcome changes, working together and
sustainable development on RIBA plan of work:
Figure 8.61 Data results for the effect of integration between BIM functionality of
collaboration in design and construction and the agile principle of welcome changes on RIBA
plan of work
Figure 8.61 shows the results of respondents‘ answers to the effect of integration between
BIM functionality of collaboration in design and construction and documents and the agile
principle of welcome changes toward RIBA plan of work as the following:
1- 83% of respondents rated the integration effect toward the technical design stage
between agreeing and strongly agreeing.
2- 84% of respondents rated the integration effect toward the construction stage between
agreeing and strongly agreeing.
Figure 8.62 shows the results of respondents‘ answers to the effect of integration between
BIM functionality of collaboration in design and construction and documents and the agile
principle of working together toward RIBA plan of work as the following:
1- 81% of respondents rated the integration effect toward the technical design stage
between agreeing and strongly agreeing.
2- 84% of respondents rated the integration effect toward the construction stage between
agreeing and strongly agreeing.
Figure 8.62 Data results for the effect of integration between BIM functionality of
collaboration in design and construction and the agile principle of working together on RIBA
plan of work
Figure 8.63 Data results for the effect of integration between BIM functionality of
collaboration in design and construction and the agile principle of sustainable development
on RIBA plan of work
Figure 8.63 shows the results of respondents‘ answers to the effect of integration between
BIM functionality of collaboration in design and construction and documents and the agile
principle of sustainable development toward RIBA plan of work as the following:
1- 87% of respondents rated the integration effect toward the technical design stage
between agreeing and strongly agreeing.
2- 87% of respondents rated the integration effect toward the construction stage between
agreeing and strongly agreeing.
Chapters 2 and 3 discussed the integration in Figure 8.42 to be compared with these results.
BIM supports closer collaboration between construction teams during the project lifecycle to
provide faster processes, cost reduction, more reliable results and lesser error and mistakes
(Eastman et al., 2011). BIM focuses on collaboration and coordination between project
stakeholders to better share information during the design and construction stage (Eastman et
al., 2011). During the project life cycle, BIM works in coordination and collaboration
between architectural, structural, mechanical, and electrical teams to motivate information
transfer, knowledge sharing, and data discussion among involved teams (NBS, 2012).
Meanwhile, agile teams work on principles of welcome changes, working together and
sustainable development (Nir, 2014). BIM allows the agile team to apply these principles
during the project lifecycle by providing the proper technology that matches the development
of the construction industry. Figures 8.61, 8.62 and 8.63 show the integration between BIM
technology and agile principles toward the RIBA plan of technical design and construction
work stages. During the design process, the collaboration in the design and construction of
BIM functionality provides proper coordination to the structural, architectural and MEP
designer teams, which allow the agile team to apply the principles of working together and
welcoming changes.
Moreover, the functionality of BIM allows engineers during the construction stage to provide
more sustainable design and operation to the project (Sinclair, 2013). Also, it helps to
increase the sustainability of the manufacturing process off-site. Meanwhile, chapter 6,
section discussed BIM benefits towards SYDNEY OPERA HOUSE facility
management innovation project by allowing stakeholders for better involvement and
collaboration (Sanchez, Hampson and Mohamed, 2015). Moreover, chapter 7, section 7.3.1,
discussed BIM's effectiveness towards accepting changes, customer satisfaction and
maintaining good design during focus group study. These results of professionals' opinions
toward these integrations align with the project study and provide more validation and
support to the research.
8.3.6 Effect of the integration between BIM functionality of rapid generation of the
construction plan and agile principle of welcome changes and working product on
RIBA plan of work:
Figure 8.64 Data results for the effect of integration between BIM functionality of rapid
generation of the construction plan and agile principle of welcome changes on RIBA plan of
the work construction stage
Figure 8.64 shows the results of respondents‘ answers to the effect of integration between
BIM functionality of rapid generation of the construction plan and agile principle of welcome
changes toward RIBA plan of work construction stage as the follows:
1- 85% of respondents rated the integration effect toward the technical design stage
between agreeing and strongly agreeing.
Figure 8.65 shows the results of respondents‘ answers to the effect of integration between
BIM functionality of rapid generation of the construction plan and agile principle of working
product toward RIBA plan of work construction stage as the following:
1- 86% of respondents rated the integration effect toward the technical design stage
between agreeing and strongly agreeing.
These integration and studies are discussed in chapters 2 and 3 in more detail. BIM responds
to market changes by providing continuous plans as per changes that occur during the project
lifecycle (Eastman et al., 2011). BIM technology can adjust the construction process by
planning and controlling industry development implementation within construction projects
(Nowotarski and Pasławski, 2016). The agile aim is to keep priority to deliver progress
during a construction project. Agility defined delivery of working product as ―Our top
priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery‖ (Opelt et al., 2013).
Figure 8.65 Data results for the effect of integration between BIM functionality of rapid
generation of the construction plan and the agile principle of working product on RIBA plan
of the work construction stage
All these studies accomplished that BIM provides action to the project management team to
continuously have updated plans to adopt changes due to development and deliver the
working product as per customer or client requirement. The RIBA plan of work is supported
by agile BIM integration during the construction process. Rapid generation of construction
plan supports the engineering team at site to modify the timeline once changes are applied to
the project (Sinclair, 2013). BIM technology delivers updates to the iterations of the project
stages and processes to support the agile team in delivering working products. Meanwhile,
chapter 6, Section, highlights BIM benefits towards the MANCHESTER TOWN
HALL COMPLEX construction project by providing 4D construction programming, which
supports faster delivery of the working product (Codinhoto et al., 2011). Moreover, chapter 7
sections discuss BIM effectiveness to support the construction and management team to make
a better decision during the project lifecycle, which will support the application of changes.
Figures 8.64 and 8.65 align with the project study and provide more validation to the
Figure 8.66 shows different figures related to the integration between BIM computers
controlled fabrication and 6 of agile principles on RIBA plan of work described as the
Figure A shows the results of respondents‘ answers to the effect of integration between BIM
functionality of rapid generation of the construction plan and the agile principle of welcome
changes toward RIBA plan of work construction stage as the follows:
1- 89% of respondents rated the integration effect toward the construction stage between
agreeing and strongly agreeing.
Figure B shows the results of respondents‘ answers to the effect of integration between BIM
functionality of rapid generation of the construction plan and the agile principle of frequent
deliverables toward RIBA plan of work construction stage as the follows:
1- 90% of respondents rated the integration effect toward the construction stage between
agreeing and strongly agreeing.
Figure C shows the results of respondents‘ answers to the effect of integration between BIM
functionality of rapid generation of the construction plan and agile principle of sustainable
development toward RIBA plan of work construction stage as the follows:
1- 88% of respondents rated the integration effect toward the construction stage between
agreeing and strongly agreeing.
Figure D shows the results of respondents‘ answers to the effect of integration between BIM
functionality of rapid generation of the construction plan and agile principle of technical
excellence toward RIBA plan of work construction stage as the follows:
1- 91% of respondents rated the integration effect toward the construction stage between
agreeing and strongly agreeing.
Figure E shows the results of respondents‘ answers to the effect of integration between BIM
functionality of rapid generation of the construction plan and agile principle of simplicity
toward RIBA plan of work construction stage as the follows:
1- 86% of respondents rated the integration effect toward the construction stage between
agreeing and strongly agreeing.
Figure F shows the results of respondents‘ answers to the effect of integration between BIM
functionality of rapid generation of the construction plan and the agile principle of more
effective iterations toward RIBA plan of work construction stage as the follows:
1- 86% of respondents rated the integration effect toward the construction stage between
agreeing and strongly agreeing.
These integrations had been discussed in previous studies to develop an alternative
management approach between Agile and BIM. Chapters 2 and 3 are studied agile and BIM
in detail to develop a 2D framework for managing construction projects. BIM supports the
construction industry by providing modelling technology that helps in structural elements
fabrication; also, it helps agile project management by providing products in a shorter time
during construction stages (Eastman et al., 2011). Meanwhile, this functionality supports the
agile team to welcome changes at any time by modifying the structural elements as per
customer requirements (Nir, 2014). Moreover, BIM manufacturing of structural elements is
working based on BIM technology of 3D modelling (Eastman et al., 2011). BIM provides
stakeholders of contractors, sub-contractors, and suppliers a 3D modelling that contains all
accurate measurements and designs to fabricate the project elements such as beams, columns,
piping, windows, and doors (Hardin, 2009). Using computers and machinery to fabricate the
project elements reduces time, effort and human errors (Hardin, 2009). This functionality of
BIM supports agile principles of technical excellence, frequent deliverables and sustainable
development by providing accurate elements at any stage of the project lifecycle. This
process provides effective iterations to the agile team during project construction (Opelt et
al., 2013). Chapter 6 highlights BIM support into different case studies by providing offsite
fabrication (Codinhoto et al., 2011) and better quality fabricated products (Autodesk, 2012).
Moreover, chapter 7, section 7.3.1, discussed BIM effectiveness to support the earlier agile
principle. All these studies and results support the research and the integration between Agile
and BIM to provide an alternative management approach to the construction industry. The
computer-controlled fabrication functionality of BIM supports the RIBA plan of the work
construction stage. It provides a technological model of the project that includes all the
elements and structure of the building to the manufacturer to fabricate accurate elements
throughout machinery, which leads to technical excellence and sustainable structural out of
wastes. This technology allows agile principles during the construction stage to welcome
changes by applying modification to the model and resending it to the manufacturer, leading
to simplicity during the construction stage. Moreover, BIM technology allows the
construction teams to increase productivity by supporting frequent deliverables and more
effective iteration principles of the agile management approach. Figure 8.66 results align with
the project study and give more validation and support to the research.
Figure 8.66 Data results for the effect of the integration between BIM functionality of computer-controlled fabrication and 6 of agile principles
on RIBA plan of work
8.3.8 Effect of the integration between BIM functionality of integration with project
partners and the agile principle of welcome changes, working together, face to face
conversation and self-organizing team on RIBA plan of work:
Figure 8.67 shows the results of respondents on the integration between BIM functionality of
integration with project partners and 4 of agile principle on RIBA plan of work as the
Figure A shows the results of respondents‘ answers to the effect of integration between BIM
functionality of integration with project partners and the agile principle of welcome changes
toward RIBA plan of work as the follows:
1- 73% of respondents rated the integration effect toward handover and closeout stage
between agreeing and strongly agree.
Figure B shows the results of respondents‘ answers to the effect of integration between BIM
functionality of integration with project partners and the agile principle of working together
toward RIBA plan of work as the following:
1- 80% of respondents rated the integration effect toward strategic definition stage
between agreeing and strongly agreeing.
2- 81% of respondents rated the integration effect toward preparation and brief stage
between agreeing and strongly agree.
3- 72% of respondents rated the integration effect toward handover and closeout stage
between agreeing and strongly agree.
Figure C shows the results of respondents‘ answers to the effect of integration between BIM
functionality of integration with project partners and the agile principle of face to face
conversation toward RIBA plan of work as follows:
1- 77% of respondents rated the integration effect toward strategic definition stage
between agreeing and strongly agreeing.
2- 74% of respondents rated the integration effect toward preparation and brief stage
between agreeing and strongly agree.
3- 74% of respondents rated the integration effect toward handover and closeout stage
between agreeing and strongly agree.
Figure D shows the results of respondents‘ answers to the effect of integration between BIM
functionality of integration with project partners and the agile principle of a self-organizing
team toward RIBA plan of work as follows:
1- 78% of respondents rated the integration effect toward strategic definition stage
between agreeing and strongly agreeing.
2- 77% of respondents rated the integration effect toward preparation and brief stage
between agreeing and strongly agree.
3- 72% of respondents rated the integration effect toward handover and closeout stage
between agreeing and strongly agree.
These integrations are discussed previously in Chapters 2 and 3 in detail. BIM technology
supports contractors, architects and engineering during the project lifecycle. Stakeholders
used BIM during construction projects to redesign their systems and processes based on BIM
technology (Eastman et al., 2011). This functionality provides more space for the
stakeholders to work together and share information to improve the construction process (Nir,
2014). Agility defines information sharing as ―the most efficient and effective method of
delivering information to the development team is face to face‖ (Opelt et al., 2013).
Moreover, BIM success depends on stakeholders‘ communication and involvement together.
BIM technology provides support to agile team members to coordinate between stakeholders
to work together, share information through face to face conversation during stand up
meetings, welcome changes and adopt them (Barlish and Sullivan, 2012). BIM provides more
successful opportunities to improve information sharing to overcome the challenges of
coordination during the project lifecycle. BIM supports the management team to coordinate
and control the project by enhancing information sharing (Mahalingam, Yadav and
Varaprsad, 2015). Agile project management supports self-organizing teams by adopting
BIM technology that allows all teams to communicate and share information more simply.
The RIBA plan of work stages involves management and engineering teams during strategic
definition, preparation and brief, and handing over and closing out the project. The
integration with project partners that BIM provides by allowing all stakeholders involved to
coordinate and communicate together supports the establishment of the project program,
material components, feasibility study, risk assessment study, project feedback, and project
Figure 8.67 Data Results for the Effect of Integration between BIM functionality of integration with project partners four agile principles on
RIBA plan of work
This functionality of BIM supports face to face conversation and working together principles of
agile during RIBA stages. Meanwhile, chapter 7, section 6.1, covers BIM benefits during
multiple case studies by allowing stakeholders for better involvement and collaboration
(Sanchez, Hampson and Mohamed, 2015) and proper coordination to generate project documents
(Autodesk, 2012). The results are shown in Figure 8.67 align with the earlier project study and
discussion, which provides more validation and support to the research.
8.3.9 Effect of the integration between BIM functionality of rapid generation of multiple
designs and the agile principle of frequent deliverables and more effective iteration on
RIBA plan of work:
Figure 8.68 Data results for the effect of integration between BIM functionality of rapid
generation of multiple designs and the agile principle of frequent deliverables on RIBA plan of
the work construction stage
Figure 8.68 shows the results of respondents‘ answers to the effect of integration between BIM
functionality of rapid generation of multiple designs and the agile principle of frequent
deliverables toward RIBA plan of work construction stage as follows:
1- 84% of respondents rated the integration effect toward the construction stage between
agreeing and strongly agreeing.
Figure 8.69 shows the results of respondents‘ answers to the effect of integration between BIM
functionality of rapid generation of multiple designs and the agile principle of more effective
iteration toward RIBA plan of work as follows:
1- 81% of respondents rated the integration effect toward the developed design stage
between agreeing and strongly agreeing.
2- 85% of respondents rated the integration effect toward the technical design stage between
agreeing and strongly agreeing.
3- 92% of respondents rated the integration effect toward the construction stage between
agreeing and strongly agreeing.
Figure 8.69 Data Results for the Effect of Integration between BIM functionality of rapid
generation of multiple designs and the agile principle of more effective iteration on RIBA plan of
These integrations are discussed in more detail previously in Chapters 2 and 3. BIM technology
coordinates with architectural, structural and MEP designers‘ teams by providing 2D drawings
during the project lifecycle (Eastman et al., 2011). BIM can generate multiple designs during
project design and construction (Hardin, 2009). Agile principles of frequent deliverables and
more effective iterations are supported by BIM rapid generation of multiple designs alternatives.
Agile is defined as ―Deliver functions regularly within a few weeks or months and favour these
shorter periods‖ (Opelt et al., 2013). These studies support the integration between BIM
functionalities and agile principles. RIBA plan of work takes over multiple stages during the
project life cycle. These stages are supported by BIM technology and agile principles. The
developed design stage set up the structural design and building services system outlines,
allowing the engineering team to use BIM technology to generate multiple designs to test project
iteration by specialized stakeholders. Moreover, during technical design, the designer and
customer need to generate drawings to review and assign professionals of sub-contractors which
allow the agile team to update the iterations and correct any mistakes. On the other hand, the
construction stage generates drawings during iterations of inspection progress and elements
Meanwhile, chapter 6, section 6.1, highlights BIM benefits towards multiple case studies in the
construction industry by delivering engineering documents for operation management and
maintenance of the building (Sanchez, Hampson and Mohamed). Meanwhile, chapter 7, section
7.3, discussed participants‘ opinions during focus group study towards BIM effectiveness in
delivering coordination and collaboration between project partners to prioritise a working
product. Figures 8.75 and 8.76 align with these studies and provide more validation and support
to the research.
Figure 8.70 shows the results of respondents‘ answers to the effect of integration between BIM
functionality of online communication of production process and the agile principle of working
together toward RIBA plan of work as the following:
1- 77% of respondents rated the integration effect toward strategic definition stage between
agreeing and strongly agreeing.
2- 69% of respondents rated the integration effect toward preparation on a brief stage
between agreeing and strongly agreeing.
3- 86% of respondents rated the integration effect toward the concept design stage between
agreeing and strongly agreeing.
4- 89% of respondents rated the integration effect toward the developed design stage
between agreeing and strongly agreeing.
5- 88% of respondents rated the integration effect toward the technical design stage between
agreeing and strongly agreeing.
6- 89% of respondents rated the integration effect toward the construction stage between
agreeing and strongly agreeing.
7- 67% of respondents rated the integration effect toward handover and closeout stage
between agreeing and strongly agree.
Figure 8.70 Data Results for the Effect of Integration between BIM functionality of online
communication of production process and the agile principle of working together on RIBA plan
of work
Figure 8.71 shows the results of respondents‘ answers to the effect of integration between BIM
functionality of online communication of production process and the agile principle of face to
face conversation toward RIBA plan of work as the follows:
1- 81% of respondents rated the integration effect toward strategic definition stage between
agreeing and strongly agreeing.
2- 81% of respondents rated the integration effect toward preparation on a brief stage
between agreeing and strongly agreeing.
3- 80% of respondents rated the integration effect toward the concept design stage between
agreeing and strongly agreeing.
4- 86% of respondents rated the integration effect toward developed design stage between
agreeing and strongly agree.
5- 86% of respondents rated the integration effect toward the technical design stage between
agreeing and strongly agreeing.
6- 90% of respondents rated the integration effect toward the construction stage between
agreeing and strongly agreeing.
7- 72% of respondents rated the integration effect toward handover and closeout stage
between agreeing and strongly agree.
Figure 8.71 Data Results for the Effect of Integration between BIM functionality of online
communication of production process and the agile principle of face to face conversation on
RIBA plan of work
Figure 8.72 shows the results of respondents‘ answers to the effect of integration between BIM
functionality of online communication of production process and the agile principle of a self-
organizing team toward RIBA plan of work as the follows:
1- 75% of respondents rated the integration effect toward strategic definition stage between
agreeing and strongly agreeing.
2- 76% of respondents rated the integration effect toward preparation on a brief stage
between agreeing and strongly agreeing.
3- 81% of respondents rated the integration effect toward the concept design stage between
agreeing and strongly agreeing.
4- 81% of respondents rated the integration effect toward the developed design stage
between agreeing and strongly agreeing.
5- 89% of respondents rated the integration effect toward the technical design stage between
agreeing and strongly agreeing.
6- 81% of respondents rated the integration effect toward the construction stage between
agreeing and strongly agreeing.
7- 72% of respondents rated the integration effect toward handover and closeout stage
between agreeing and strongly agree.
Figure 8.72 Data Results for the Effect of Integration between BIM functionality of online
communication of production process and the agile principle of the self-organizing team on
RIBA plan of work
Previous studies discussed BIM functionality and agile principles in chapters 2 and 3 in more
detail. Stakeholders in the construction industry demand more communication and collaboration
in construction projects (Arayici et al., 2012). BIM provided the functionality of online
communication throughout its technology to assist face to face conversation, working together,
and self-organizing teams in agile principles. BIM provides stakeholders with better
communication and collaboration (Arayici et al., 2012). The benefits BIM provides for
communication and collaboration toward stakeholders positively impact the construction
industry for better productivity and values (Hardin, 2009). BIM technology provides RIBA plan
of work support during the project life cycle by adding simplicity to the communication process
between stakeholders. During the RIBA plan of work stages, the engineering and management
team needs online communication, especially for an international project.
Moreover, agile management approach principles of working together, face to face conversations
and self-organizing teams are applied during the RIBA plan of work stages. All team members
need online communication during the establishment of the project program, setting up the
project's specification, reviewing and updating, designing responsibility matrix, developing
maintenance and operation procedures of the project, manufacturing process and building up the
closure of the project and feedback. All these stages require the interference of all stakeholders
all the time, and to save time and effort, BIM technology supports all team members by online
communication during the project lifecycle. Meanwhile, chapter 6, section 6.1, discussed
multiple case studies and covered BIM benefits towards these projects by improving design
communication and developing engineers‘ ability to self-organizing and decisions making.
Moreover, chapter 7, section 7.3, discussed BIM effectiveness towards the self-organizing team
and online communication improvement. Figures 8.70, 8.71 and 7.72 show the results of
respondents who evaluated the integration, which is in line with the previous studies in this
research. These results provide more validation and support to the discussion in this research.
8.3.11 Effect of the integration between BIM functionality of visualization and agile principle of
priority of working product on RIBA plan of work:
Figure 8.73 Data results for the effect of integration between BIM functionality of visualization
and agile principles of priority of working product on RIBA plan of work developed design stage
Figure 8.73 shows the results of respondents‘ answers to the effect of integration between BIM
functionality of visualization and agile principle of working product toward RIBA plan of work
developed design stage as the following:
1- 79% of respondents rated the integration effect toward the developed design stage
between agreeing and strongly agreeing.
These integrations have been discussed in earlier chapters 2 and 3. BIM technology functionality
of visualization brings the project to life by providing enough results to the investors, designers,
and agile management team to better visualise and understand the project functionalities and
construction process data (Tomek and Kalinichuk, 2015). Moreover, visualization helps design
and management teams to understand customer requirements by simulating the project model
and applying the changes required (Bloomberg, 2013). BIM defined as ―BIM was most
frequently perceived as a tool for visualizing and coordinating AEC work and avoiding errors
and omissions‖ (Barlish and Sullivan, 2012). The agile principle of delivering an early product is
a priority to the agile team to satisfy the customer and succeed (Opelt et al., 2013). BIM
functionality allows the agile team to visualize the construction process and apply any changes
required by the customer to finalize an iteration to be delivered to the customer. RIBA plan of
work is supported by BIM functionality of visualization during the developed design stage to
provide priority to the agile principle of working product. The visualization functionality of BIM
technology supports the engineering team and agile team to view the project's model and provide
a clear idea about its iteration to prioritise working product principles.
Meanwhile, chapter 6, section, highlights BIM benefits towards MANCHESTER TOWN
HALL COMPLEX construction project by allowing teams for better decision making using
visualization process. Moreover, chapter 7, section 7.1.1, discussed interviewees‘ opinions
during the primary case study towards BIM effectiveness towards increasing productivity using
3D visualization for internal and external structure. The results are shown in Figure 8.73 align
with the study and provide more validation to the research.
8.3.12 Effect of the integration between BIM functionality maintains of information and design
model document and the agile principle of priority of sustainable development on RIBA
plan of work:
Figure 8.74 shows the results of respondents‘ answers to the effect of integration between BIM
functionality of maintenance of information and design model document and the agile principle
of priority of sustainable development toward RIBA plan of work as the follows:
1- 75% of respondents rated the integration effect toward preparation on a brief stage
between agreeing and strongly agreeing.
2- 78% of respondents rated the integration effect toward the concept design stage between
agreeing and strongly agreeing.
3- 83% of respondents rated the integration effect toward developed design stage between
agreeing and strongly agree.
4- 89% of respondents rated the integration effect toward the technical design stage between
agreeing and strongly agreeing.
5- 89% of respondents rated the integration effect toward the construction stage between
agreeing and strongly agreeing.
Figure 8.74 Data results for the effect of integration between BIM functionality of maintenance
of information and design model document and the agile principle of priority of sustainable
development on RIBA plan of work
This research studies the integration between Agile and BIM in chapters 2 and 3. Governments
have been focused on building projects and neglected saving data and documents for further
applications during the last century. Nowadays, the government of the Netherlands uses BIM as
an infrastructure for all the data in the construction industry to be saved and used once needed
for future projects (Mommers, 2014). BIM technology is supporting handing over process by
providing accurate results based on the model database for facility management and operations
(Eastman et al., 2011). Contractor, while using BIM, has the advantage of storing information
and history database for material performance and results (Hardin, 2009). BIM generates
drawings at any time required, and material is specified within data inputs (Pestana, Alves, and
Barbosa, 2013). Agile had a principle based on maintaining sustainable development (Nir, 2014).
Agile is defined as ―Agile processes promoting sustainable development. Clients, developers,
and end-users should be able to maintain a steady pace indefinitely‖ (Opelt et al., 2013). Once
the project is constructed, all data is needed to be evaluated and used in future projects. BIM is
supporting agile to reuse all the data of materials and systems in the project. BIM technology is
saving costs by reducing documents used during the project lifecycle and maintaining
sustainability to the environment.
Moreover, BIM provides the ability to the customer and management team to develop
sustainable projects using technology. During the application of RIBA plan of work throughout
project life cycle stages, maintaining information and design documents of the previous project
by BIM technology helps and supports agile and engineering teams during preparation and brief,
concept design, developed design and technical design stages. BIM technology provides
information from the previous project for risk assessment, communication strategy, feasibility
studies, assigning project teams, handing over strategy and responsibility matrix. All these
requirements during project design are needed by the engineering and management team, which
can be provided from previous projects to give an example for the new project study to design
and construct the project more sustainably. Moreover, the construction stage needs to maintain
documents and information done by stakeholders for reference. Moreover, chapter 6, section, highlights BIM benefits towards SYDNEY OPERA HOUSE facility management
innovation project by allowing teams to rely on a single source of information.
Meanwhile, chapter 7, section 7.3.1, discussed participants‘ answers and opinions during the
focus group study by highlighting BIM effectiveness towards lean and reduction of wastes. The
entire above are supported by Figure 8.74 results which added more validation to the research.
These results are in line with the project study and discussion.
8.3.13 Effect of the integration between BIM functionality of automated cost estimation and the
agile principle of simplicity on RIBA plan of work:
Figure 8.75 shows the results of respondents‘ answers to the effect of integration between BIM
functionality of automated cost estimation and the agile principle of simplicity toward RIBA
plan of work as the follows:
1- 71% of respondents rated the integration effect toward preparation and brief stage
between agreeing and strongly agree.
2- 84% of respondents rated the integration effect toward the concept design stage between
agreeing and strongly agreeing.
Figure 8.75 Data results for the effect of the integration between BIM functionality of automated
cost estimation and the agile principle of simplicity on RIBA plan of work
BIM technology provides cash flow to better understand cost estimation during the project life
cycle (Eastman et al., 2011). Moreover, BIM provides advantages to construction projects such
as project cost estimation, proper analysis and cost reduction, supporting the reduction in
insurance claims (Hardin, 2009). Although, BIM can provide better financial control and cost-
minimizing during construction projects (Arayici et al., 2012). On the other hand, the agile
methodology of project management had a principle of simplicity, defined as ―Simplicity. The
art of maximizing the amount of work not done is essential‖ (Opelt et al., 2013). The agile
principle of simplicity adds value to the project by reducing costs (Highsmith, 2010). RIBA plan
of work is supported by agile BIM integration during preparation and brief concept design
stages. Automated cost estimation provides the advantage to the management team to determine
estimation to the project budget, which allows the agile team to add simplicity principle to the
project. Moreover, during the concept design stage, the outlines for the project cost is prepared.
BIM technology delivers cost estimation to the engineering and agile team to provide the
requirement during this stage of the project life cycle.
Meanwhile, chapter 6, Section, highlights BIM benefits towards the MANCHESTER
TOWN HALL COMPLEX construction project by adding 5D construction costing. Moreover,
chapter 7, section 7.1.1, discussed interviewees‘ opinions and answers regarding the primary
case study by supporting BIM effectiveness towards cost estimation and generating of quantity
surveying during the construction lifecycle. The results in Figure 8.75 align with the project
study and provide more validation to the research.
8.3.14 Linking 3D Agile BIM Questionnaire Survey to Agile BIM 2D Integration Framework
This chapter supports agile BIM integration and links each question in the third survey to the
Agile BIM 2D framework, shown in Table 8.5. Section 8.3.1 discussed questions linked to agile
BIM integration 2D framework (C1) as presented in Table 8.5. Section 8.3.1 covered survey
respondents‘ answers to rate the support of the integration between BIM functionality of reusing
of model data for predictive analysis and the agile principle of customer satisfaction (C1) to
RIBA plan of work stages of concept design, developed design, technical design and in use.
Following this example, Table 8.5 presents all links and relationships between the third
questionnaire survey and the 2D Agile BIM framework, as presented in Table 8.5.
Table 8.5 Linking Third Survey to Agile BIM 2D Framework in Chapter 5
Linking to
Agile BIM
Section RIBA Plan of Work
Description of Question 2D
No. Stages
Concept Design C1
Effect of the integration between BIM functionality of reusing of Developed Design C1
model data and agile principles of customer satisfaction on RIBA
plan of work stages Technical Design C1
8.3.1 In User C1
Effect of the integration between BIM functionality of reusing of Construction C9
model data and agile principles of technical excellence on RIBA Handover and Closeout C9
plan of work stages In Use C9
Effect of the integration between BIM functionality of Developed Design
construction process simulation and the agile principle of
customer satisfaction on RIBA plan of work stages Construction I1
Effect of the integration between BIM functionality of Developed Design I2
construction process simulation and agile principle welcome
changes on RIBA plan of work stages Construction I2
Effect of the integration between BIM functionality of 4D Developed Design J1
visualization of the construction schedule and the agile principle
of customer satisfaction on RIBA plan of work stages Construction J1
Effect of the integration between BIM functionality of 4D Developed Design J2
8.3.3 visualization of the construction schedule and the agile principle
of welcome changes on RIBA plan of work stages Construction J2
Effect of the integration between BIM functionality of 4D Developed Design J10
visualization of the construction schedule and the agile principle
of simplicity on RIBA plan of work stages Construction J10
Effect of the integration between BIM functionality of rapid
generation of the construction plan and the agile principle of
Construction H7
welcome changes and working product on RIBA plan of work
Effect of the integration between BIM functionality of computer-
controlled fabrication and the agile principle of welcome changes Construction L2
on RIBA plan at construction stage
Effect of the integration between BIM functionality of computer-
controlled fabrication and the agile principle of frequent Construction L3
deliverables on RIBA plan at construction stage
Effect of the integration between BIM functionality of computer-
controlled fabrication and the agile principle of sustainable Construction L8
development on RIBA plan at construction stage
8.3.7 Effect of the integration between BIM functionality of computer-
controlled fabrication and the agile principle of technical
excellence on RIBA plan at construction stage Construction L9
Handover and Closeout
Strategic Definition K6
Preparation and Brief K6
Effect of the integration between BIM functionality of online Concept Design K6
communication of production process and the agile principle of Developed Design K6
face to face conversation on RIBA plan of work stages Technical Design K6
Construction K6
Handover and Closeout K6
8.3.10 Strategic Definition K11
Preparation and Brief K11
Effect of the integration between BIM functionality of online Concept Design K11
communication of production process and the agile principle of Developed Design K11
the self-organizing team on RIBA plan of work Stages. Technical Design K11
Construction K11
Handover and Closeout K11
Effect of the integration between BIM functionality of
8.3.11 visualization and agile principle of priority of working product on A7
Developed Design
RIBA plan of work stages
8.3.15 Inferential Analysis for the 3D Agile BIM and RIBA Plan of Work Integrated
Framework Survey
This research considers both types of statistical analysis, descriptive and inferential analysis, to
conclude data and results of the third questionnaire survey. Sections 8.3.1 to 8.3.13 covered
descriptive analysis for the third survey by providing professionals answers and opinions
obtained throughout the distribution of the third survey in percentage rating. Moreover, bar and
pie charts were provided to summarize and clear these data. On the other hand, section 8.3.15
covered inferential analysis throughout table 8.6 to conclude each question rated by professionals
and compared to confidential value and margin of error.
For example, section 8.3.1 covered six questions asked to professionals in both industries during
the third questionnaire survey distribution about the rating of the effect of the integration
between BIM functionality of reusing of model data and six agile principles on RIBA plan of
work stages. Table 8.6 covered descriptive analysis regarding these six questions under section
8.3.1 by presenting data percentages and the type of chart used to summarize the data. Also, table
8.6 covered inferential analysis by writing a conclusion regarding six questions like the
90% Confident that 76% of professionals highly rated Effect of the integration between BIM
functionality of reusing of model data and agile principles of customer satisfaction on RIBA
plan of work concept design stage with Error Margin of ±6%
90% Confident that 83% of professionals highly rated Effect of the integration between BIM
functionality of reusing of model data and agile principles of customer satisfaction on RIBA
plan of work develop design stage with Error Margin of ±6%
90% Confident that 87% of professionals highly rated Effect of the integration between BIM
functionality of reusing of model data and agile principles of customer satisfaction on RIBA
plan of work technical design stage with Error Margin of ±6%
90% Confident that 73% of professionals highly rated Effect of the integration between BIM
functionality of reusing of model data and agile principles of customer satisfaction on RIBA
plan of work in use stage with Error Margin of ±6%
90% Confident that 93% of professionals highly rated Effect of the integration between BIM
functionality of reusing of model data and agile principles of technical excellence on RIBA
plan of work construction stage Error Margin of ±6%
90% Confident that 66% of professionals highly rated Effect of the integration between BIM
functionality of reusing of model data and agile principles of technical excellence on RIBA
plan of work handover stage with Error Margin of ±6%
These factors are obtained from section 8.0.1 during the calculation of survey sample size. This
section covered descriptive and inferential analysis regarding the second survey about the 3D
Agile BIM integrations framework.
Table 8.6 Summary of Inferential Analysis for the 3D Agile BIM and RIBA Plan of Work Integrated Framework Survey
Descriptive Analysis
Section Inferential Analysis
Percentage Chart
76% highly rated Effect of the integration 90% Confident that 76% of professionals highly rated Effect of the integration between
between BIM functionality of reusing of model BIM functionality of reusing of model data and agile principles of customer satisfaction
data and agile principles of customer satisfaction on RIBA plan of work concept design stage with Error Margin of ±6%
on RIBA plan of work concept design stage
83% highly rated Effect of the integration 90% Confident that 83% of professionals highly rated Effect of the integration between
between BIM functionality of reusing of model BIM functionality of reusing of model data and agile principles of customer satisfaction
data and agile principles of customer satisfaction on RIBA plan of work develop design stage with Error Margin of ±6%
on RIBA plan of work develop design stage
66% highly rated Effect of the integration 90% Confident that 66% of professionals highly rated Effect of the integration between
between BIM functionality of reusing of model BIM functionality of reusing of model data and agile principles of technical excellence
data and agile principles of technical excellence on RIBA plan of work handover stage with Error Margin of ±6%
on RIBA plan of work handover stage
84% highly rated Effect of the integration 90% Confident that 84% of professionals highly rated Effect of the integration between
between BIM functionality of construction BIM functionality of construction process simulation and the agile principle of
process simulation and the agile principle of customer satisfaction on RIBA plan of work develop design stage with Error Margin of
customer satisfaction on RIBA plan of work
develop design stage
85% highly rated Effect of the integration 90% Confident that 85% of professionals highly rated Effect of the integration between
between BIM functionality of construction BIM functionality of construction process simulation and the agile principle of
process simulation and the agile principle of customer satisfaction on RIBA plan of work construction stage with Error Margin of
customer satisfaction on RIBA plan of the work ±6%
construction stage
81% highly rated Effect of the integration 90% Confident that 81% of professionals highly rated Effect of the integration between
between BIM functionality of construction BIM functionality of construction process simulation and the agile principle of
process simulation and the agile principle of welcome changes on RIBA plan of work develop design stage with Error Margin of
welcome changes on RIBA plan of work ±6%
develop design stage
88% highly rated Effect of the integration 90% Confident that 88% of professionals highly rated Effect of the integration between
between BIM functionality of construction BIM functionality of construction process simulation and the agile principle of
process simulation and the agile principle of welcome changes on RIBA plan of work construction stage with Error Margin of ±6%
welcome changes on RIBA plan of the work
construction stage
81% highly rated Effect of the integration 90% Confident that 81% of professionals highly rated Effect of the integration between
between BIM functionality of 4D visualization BIM functionality of 4D visualization of the construction schedule and the agile
principle of customer satisfaction on RIBA plan of work construction stage with Error
of the construction schedule and agile principle
Margin of ±6%
of customer satisfaction on RIBA plan of the
work construction stage
83% highly rated Effect of the integration 90% Confident that 83% of professionals highly rated Effect of the integration between
between BIM functionality of 4D visualization BIM functionality of 4D visualization of the construction schedule and agile principle
of the construction schedule and agile principle of welcome changes on RIBA plan of work develop design stage with Error Margin of
of welcome changes on RIBA plan of work
develop design stage
88% highly rated Effect of the integration 90% Confident that 88% of professionals highly rated Effect of the integration between
between BIM functionality of 4D visualization BIM functionality of 4D visualization of the construction schedule and the agile
of the construction schedule and agile principle principle of welcome changes on RIBA plan of work construction stage with Error
of welcome changes on RIBA plan of the work Margin of ±6%
construction stage
87% highly rated Effect of the integration 90% Confident that 87% of professionals highly rated Effect of the integration between
between BIM functionality of 4D visualization BIM functionality of 4D visualization of the construction schedule and the agile
of the construction schedule and agile principle principle of simplicity on RIBA plan of work develop design stage with Error Margin
of simplicity on RIBA plan of work develop of ±6%
design stage
90% highly rated Effect of the integration 90% Confident that 90% of professionals highly rated Effect of the integration between
between BIM functionality of 4D visualization BIM functionality of 4D visualization of the construction schedule and the agile
of the construction schedule and the agile principle of simplicity on RIBA plan of work construction stage with Error Margin of
principle of simplicity on RIBA plan of the ±6%
work construction stage
78% highly rated Effect of the Integration 90% Confident that 75% of professionals highly rated Effect of the Integration between
between BIM functionality of automated BIM functionality of automated generation of drawing and documents and agile
generation of drawing and documents and agile principles of welcome changes on RIBA plan of work develop design stage with Error
Margin of ±6%
principles of welcome changes on RIBA plan of
work develop design stage
80% highly rated Effect of the Integration 90% Confident that 70% of professionals highly rated Effect of the Integration between
between BIM functionality of automated BIM functionality of automated generation of drawing and documents and agile
generation of drawing and documents and agile principles of welcome changes on RIBA plan of work technical design stage with Error
principles of welcome changes on RIBA plan of Margin of ±6%
work technical design stage Bar &
8.2.4 Pie
87% highly rated Effect of the Integration Chart 90% Confident that 70% of professionals highly rated Effect of the Integration between
between BIM functionality of automated BIM functionality of automated generation of drawing and documents and agile
generation of drawing and documents and agile principles of welcome changes on RIBA plan of work construction stage with Error
principles of welcome changes on RIBA plan of Margin of ±6%
the work construction stage
85% highly rated Effect of the Integration 90% Confident that 70% of professionals highly rated Effect of the Integration between
between BIM functionality of automated BIM functionality of automated generation of drawing and documents and agile
generation of drawing and documents and agile principles of technical excellence on RIBA plan of work construction stage with Error
principles of technical excellence on RIBA plan Margin of ±6%
of the work construction stage
83% highly rated Effect of the integration 90% Confident that 78% of professionals highly rated Effect of the integration between
between BIM functionality of collaboration in BIM functionality of collaboration in design and construction and the agile principle of
design and construction and the agile principle welcome changes on RIBA plan of work technical design stage with Error Margin of
of welcome changes on RIBA plan of work
technical design stage
84% highly rated Effect of the integration Chart 90% Confident that 73% of professionals highly rated Effect of the integration between
between BIM functionality of collaboration in BIM functionality of collaboration in design and construction and the agile principle of
design and construction and the agile principle welcome changes on RIBA plan of work construction stage with Error Margin of ±6%
of welcome changes on RIBA plan at
construction stage
81% highly rated Effect of the integration 90% Confident that 77% of professionals highly rated Effect of the integration between
between BIM functionality of collaboration in BIM functionality of collaboration in design and construction and the agile principle of
design and construction and the agile principle working together on RIBA plan of work technical design stage with Error Margin of
of working together on RIBA plan of work
technical design stage
84% highly rated Effect of the integration 90% Confident that 77% of professionals highly rated Effect of the integration between
between BIM functionality of collaboration in BIM functionality of collaboration in design and construction and the agile principle of
design and construction and the agile principle working together on RIBA plan of work construction stage with Error Margin of ±6%
of working together on RIBA plan at
construction stage
87% highly rated Effect of the integration 90% Confident that 77% of professionals highly rated Effect of the integration between
between BIM functionality of collaboration in BIM functionality of collaboration in design and construction and the agile principle of
design and construction and the agile principle sustainable development on RIBA plan of work technical design stage with Error
of sustainable development on RIBA plan of Margin of ±6%
work technical design stage
87% highly rated Effect of the integration 90% Confident that 77% of professionals highly rated Effect of the integration between
between BIM functionality of collaboration in BIM functionality of collaboration in design and construction and the agile principle of
design and construction and the agile principle sustainable development on RIBA plan of work construction with Error Margin of ±6%
of sustainable development on RIBA plan of
work construction
85% highly rated Effect of the integration 90% Confident that 74% of professionals highly rated Effect of the integration between
between BIM functionality of rapid generation BIM functionality of rapid generation of the construction plan and the agile principle of
of the construction plan and the agile principle welcome changes on RIBA plan of work construction stage with Error Margin of ±6%
of welcome changes on RIBA plan at
construction stage
86% highly rated Effect of the integration
between BIM functionality of rapid generation 90% Confident that 78% of professionals highly rated Effect of the integration between
of the construction plan and the agile principle BIM functionality of rapid generation of the construction plan and the agile principle of
working product on RIBA plan of work construction stage with Error Margin of ±6%
of working product on RIBA plan at
construction stage
89% highly rated Effect of the integration 90% Confident that 89% of professionals highly rated Effect of the integration between
between BIM functionality of computer- BIM functionality of computer-controlled fabrication and the agile principle of
controlled fabrication and the agile principle of welcome changes on RIBA plan of work construction stage with Error Margin of ±6%
welcome changes on RIBA plan at construction
90% highly rated Effect of the integration 90% Confident that 90% of professionals highly rated Effect of the integration between
between BIM functionality of computer- BIM functionality of computer-controlled fabrication and the agile principle of frequent
controlled fabrication and the agile principle of deliverables on RIBA plan of work construction stage with Error Margin of ±6%
frequent deliverables on RIBA plan at
construction stage
88% highly rated Effect of the integration 90% Confident that 88% of professionals highly rated Effect of the integration between
between BIM functionality of computer- BIM functionality of computer-controlled fabrication and the agile principle of
controlled fabrication and the agile principle of sustainable development on RIBA plan of work construction stage with Error Margin
sustainable development on RIBA plan at of ±6%
construction stage
91% highly rated Effect of the integration Chart
between BIM functionality of computer- 90% Confident that 91% of professionals highly rated Effect of the integration between
controlled fabrication and the agile principle of BIM functionality of computer-controlled fabrication and the agile principle of
technical excellence on RIBA plan at technical excellence on RIBA plan of work construction stage with Error Margin of
construction stage ±6%
86% highly rated Effect of the integration 90% Confident that 86% of professionals highly rated Effect of the integration between
BIM functionality of computer-controlled fabrication and the agile principle of
between BIM functionality of computer-
simplicity on RIBA plan of work construction stage with Error Margin of ±6%
controlled fabrication and the agile principle of
simplicity on RIBA plan at construction stage
73% highly rated Effect of the integration 90% Confident that 73% of professionals highly rated Effect of the integration between
between BIM functionality of integration with BIM functionality of integration with project partners and the agile principle of
project partners and the agile principle of welcome changes on RIBA plan of work handover stage with Error Margin of ±6%
welcome changes on RIBA plan of work
handover stage
90% Confident that 80% of professionals highly rated Effect of the integration between
80% highly rated Effect of the integration BIM functionality of integration with project partners and the agile principle of working
between BIM functionality of integration with together on RIBA plan of work strategic definition stage with Error Margin of ±6%
project partners and the agile principle of
working together on RIBA plan of work
strategic definition stage
90% Confident that 74% of professionals highly rated Effect of the integration between
74% highly rated Effect of the integration
BIM functionality of integration with project partners and the agile principle of face to
between BIM functionality of integration with face conversation on RIBA plan of work preparation and brief stage with Error Margin
project partners and the agile principle of face to of ±6%
face conversation on RIBA plan of work
preparation and brief stage
74% highly rated Effect of the integration 90% Confident that 74% of professionals highly rated Effect of the integration between
between BIM functionality of integration with BIM functionality of integration with project partners and the agile principle of face to
face conversation on RIBA plan of work handover stage with Error Margin of ±6%
project partners and the agile principle of face to
face conversation on RIBA plan of work
handover stage
77% highly rated Effect of the integration 90% Confident that 77% of professionals highly rated Effect of the integration between
between BIM functionality of integration with BIM functionality of integration with project partners and the agile principle of the self-
project partners and the agile principle of the organizing team on RIBA plan of work preparation and brief with Error Margin of ±6
self-organizing team on RIBA plan of work
preparation and brief
84% highly rated Effect of the integration 90% Confident that 84% of professionals highly rated Effect of the integration between
between BIM functionality of rapid generation BIM functionality of rapid generation of multiple designs and the agile principle of
of multiple designs and the agile principle of frequent deliverables on RIBA plan of work construction stage with Error Margin of
frequent deliverables on RIBA plan at ±6%
construction stage
77% highly rated Effect of the integration 90% Confident that 77% of professionals highly rated Effect of the integration between
between BIM functionality of online BIM functionality of online communication of production process and the agile
communication of production process and the principle of working together on RIBA plan of work strategic definition stage with
Error Margin of ±6%
agile principle of working together on RIBA
plan of work strategic definition stage
69% highly rated Effect of the integration 90% Confident that 69% of professionals highly rated Effect of the integration between
between BIM functionality of online BIM functionality of online communication of production process and the agile
communication of production process and the principle of working together on RIBA plan of work preparation and brief stage with
agile principle of working together on RIBA Error Margin of ±6%
plan of work preparation and brief stage
86% highly rated Effect of the integration 90% Confident that 86% of professionals highly rated Effect of the integration between
between BIM functionality of online BIM functionality of online communication of production process and the agile
communication of production process and the principle of working together on RIBA plan of work concept design stage with Error
agile principle of working together on RIBA Margin of ±6%
plan of work concept design stage
89% highly rated Effect of the integration 90% Confident that 89% of professionals highly rated Effect of the integration between
between BIM functionality of online BIM functionality of online communication of production process and the agile
communication of production process and the principle of working together on RIBA plan of work developed design stage with Error
agile principle of working together on RIBA Bar Margin of ±6%
plan of work developed design stage Chart
87% highly rated Effect of the integration 90% Confident that 87% of professionals highly rated Effect of the integration between
between BIM functionality of online BIM functionality of online communication of production process and the agile
communication of production process and the
principle of working together on RIBA plan of work handover stage with Error Margin
agile principle of working together on RIBA
plan of work handover stage of ±6%
75% highly rated Effect of the integration 90% Confident that 75% of professionals highly rated Effect of the integration between
between BIM functionality of online BIM functionality of online communication of production process and the agile
communication of production process and the principle of face to face conversation on RIBA plan of work strategic definitions stage
agile principle of face to face conversation on with Error Margin of ±6%
RIBA plan of work strategic definitions stage
76% highly rated Effect of the integration 90% Confident that 76% of professionals highly rated Effect of the integration between
between BIM functionality of online BIM functionality of online communication of production process and the agile
communication of production process and the principle of face to face conversation on RIBA plan of work preparation and brief stage
agile principle of face to face conversation on with Error Margin of ±6%
RIBA plan of work preparation and brief stage
81% highly rated Effect of the integration 90% Confident that 81% of professionals highly rated Effect of the integration between
between BIM functionality of online BIM functionality of online communication of production process and the agile
principle of face to face conversation on RIBA plan of work construction stage with
communication of production process and the
Error Margin of ±6%
agile principle of face to face conversation on
RIBA plan at construction stage
72% highly rated Effect of the integration 90% Confident that 72% of professionals highly rated Effect of the integration between
between BIM functionality of online BIM functionality of online communication of production process and the agile
communication of production process and the principle of face to face conversation on RIBA plan of work handover stage with Error
Margin of ±6%
agile principle of face to face conversation on
RIBA plan of work handover stage
75% highly rated Effect of the integration 90% Confident that 75% of professionals highly rated Effect of the integration between
between BIM functionality of online BIM functionality of online communication of production process and the agile
communication of production process and the principle of the self-organizing team on RIBA plan of work strategic definition stage
agile principle of the self-organizing team on with Error Margin of ±6%
RIBA plan of work strategic definition stage
76% highly rated Effect of the integration 90% Confident that 76% of professionals highly rated Effect of the integration between
between BIM functionality of online BIM functionality of online communication of production process and the agile
communication of production process and the principle of the self-organizing team on RIBA plan of work preparation and brief stage
agile principle of the self-organizing team on with Error Margin of ±6%
RIBA plan of work preparation and brief stage
81% highly rated Effect of the integration 90% Confident that 81% of professionals highly rated Effect of the integration between
between BIM functionality of online BIM functionality of online communication of production process and the agile
communication of production process and the principle of the self-organizing team on RIBA plan of work concept design stage with
agile principle of the self-organizing team on Error Margin of ±6%
RIBA plan of work concept design stage
81% highly rated Effect of the integration 90% Confident that 81% of professionals highly rated Effect of the integration between
between BIM functionality of online BIM functionality of online communication of production process and the agile
principle of the self-organizing team on RIBA plan of work developed design stage
communication of production process and the
with Error Margin of ±6%
agile principle of the self-organizing team on
RIBA plan of work developed design stage
89% highly rated Effect of the integration 90% Confident that 89% of professionals highly rated Effect of the integration between
between BIM functionality of online BIM functionality of online communication of production process and the agile
communication of production process and the principle of the self-organizing team on RIBA plan of work technical design stage with
Error Margin of ±6%
agile principle of the self-organizing team on
RIBA plan of work technical design stage
81% highly rated Effect of the integration 90% Confident that 81% of professionals highly rated Effect of the integration between
between BIM functionality of online BIM functionality of online communication of production process and the agile
communication of production process and the principle of the self-organizing team on RIBA plan of work construction stage with
agile principle of the self-organizing team on Error Margin of ±6%
RIBA plan of the work construction stage
72% highly rated Effect of the integration 90% Confident that 72% of professionals highly rated Effect of the integration between
between BIM functionality of online BIM functionality of online communication of production process and the agile
communication of production process and the principle of the self-organizing team on RIBA plan of work handover stage with Error
agile principle of the self-organizing team on Margin of ±6%
RIBA plan of work handover stage
79% highly rated Effect of the integration 90% Confident that 79% of professionals highly rated Effect of the integration between
between BIM functionality of visualization and Bar BIM functionality of visualization and the agile principle of priority of working product
the agile principle of priority of working product Chart on RIBA plan of work developed design stage with Error Margin of ±6%
on RIBA plan of work developed design stage
75% highly rated Effect of the integration 90% Confident that 75% of professionals highly rated Effect of the integration between
between BIM functionality maintains of BIM functionality maintains of information and design model document and the agile
information and design model document and the principle of priority of sustainable development on RIBA plan of work preparation and
brief stage with Error Margin of ±6%
agile principle of priority of sustainable
development on RIBA plan of work preparation
and brief stage
78% highly rated Effect of the integration 90% Confident that 78% of professionals highly rated Effect of the integration between
between BIM functionality maintains of BIM functionality maintains of information and design model document and the agile
information and design model document and the principle of priority of sustainable development on RIBA plan of work concept design
stage with Error Margin of ±6%
agile principle of priority of sustainable
development on RIBA plan of work concept
design stage
83% highly rated Effect of the integration 90% Confident that 83% of professionals highly rated Effect of the integration between
between BIM functionality maintains of BIM functionality maintains of information and design model document and the agile
Bar principle of priority of sustainable development on RIBA plan of work developed
8.2.12 information, and design model document and
Chart design stage with Error Margin of ±6%
the agile principle of priority of sustainable
development on RIBA plan of work developed
design stage
89% highly rated Effect of the integration 90% Confident that 89% of professionals highly rated Effect of the integration between
between BIM functionality maintains of BIM functionality maintains of information and design model document and the agile
information and design model document and the principle of priority of sustainable development on RIBA plan of work technical design
agile principle of priority of sustainable stage with Error Margin of ±6%
development on RIBA plan of work technical
design stage
89% highly rated Effect of the integration 90% Confident that 89% of professionals highly rated Effect of the integration between
between BIM functionality maintains of BIM functionality maintains of information and design model document and the agile
information and design model document and the principle of priority of sustainable development on RIBA plan of work construction
agile principle of priority of sustainable stage with Error Margin of ±6%
development on RIBA plan at construction stage
71% highly rated Effect of the integration 90% Confident that 71% of professionals highly rated Effect of the integration between
between BIM functionality of automated cost BIM functionality of automated cost estimation and the agile principle of simplicity on
estimation and the agile principle of simplicity RIBA plan of work preparation and brief stage with Error Margin of ±6%
on RIBA plan of work preparation and brief
stage Bar
84% highly rated Effect of the integration
between BIM functionality of automated cost 90% Confident that 84% of professionals highly rated Effect of the integration between
estimation and the agile principle of simplicity BIM functionality of automated cost estimation and the agile principle of simplicity on
RIBA plan of work concept design stage with Error Margin of ±6%
on RIBA plan of work concept design stage
In conclusion of previous studies analysis, Figure 8.76 summarises the agile BIM framework.
Figure 8.76 describe the integration between agile principles and BIM functionalities as 2D
integration coded by letters and numbers. Also, Figure 8.76 summarizes 3D integration between
agile, BIM and RIBA plan of work with percentages of integrations. Finally, Figure 8.76 ends
with the 4D integration, procurement methods. Moreover, Figure 8.76 allows the reader to
understand the multiple integrations between agile, BIM, RIBA and procurement methods
concluded during this research.
Figure 8.76 Agile BIM Framework
First question: how much agile project management minimizes the rework in a project?
(Refer to section 8.1.15 figure 8.24). (Minimizing rework is a factor of improving work
Assuming the first null hypothesis equals 75% of the Likert scale, where H0: µ0 = 75. The mean,
x, is calculated as per survey responses. S refers to the standard deviation and calculated as per
survey responses. N is the number of respondents, which is equal to 70. The following equations
are used to calculate the Z-test, standard deviation and mean. (Taeger and kuhnt, 2014)
µ x N S
75 74.10 70 15.54
Second question: how much agile project management motivates individuals and provides a
good work environment? (Refer to section 8.1.18 figure 8.28). (Motivating individual is a
factor of increasing work productivity).
Assuming the first null hypothesis equals 75% of the Likert scale, where H0: µ0 = 75. The mean,
x, is calculated as per survey responses. S refers to the standard deviation and calculated as per
survey responses. N is the number of respondents, which is equal to 70. The following equations
are used to calculate the Z-test, standard deviation and mean. (Taeger and kuhnt, 2014)
µ x n s
75 76.22 70 13.20
µ x n s
75 74.59 70 18.65
Analysis and Discussion of Hypothesis Testing Results
This research considers the confidence level as 90%, equal to the Z value of 1.645. Testing
hypothesis results are by comparing the z test for each hypothesis with a Z value of 1.645. This
type of test is called a one-sample test. This test is either the left tail test or the right tail test.
Figure 8.77 represents the Z test graph depicting the locations of Z value and level of confidence.
If the test results are located in the area of 0.9, the hypothesis will be ―fail to reject‖. However, if
the results are located in the area of -0.05 or 0.05, then the hypothesis will be ―rejected‖. (Taeger
and kuhnt, 2014)
The Z-test result of the first question is -0.4845, which is greater than the Z value -1.645.
Based on the left tail of figure 8.77, it shows that the result is not located in the area of -0.05.
Therefore, the null hypothesis is ―failed to reject‖. (Taeger and kuhnt, 2014). That means the
first research hypothesis is proved to be accepted.
The Z-test result of the second question is 0.7732, which is less than the Z value of 1.645.
Based on the right tail of figure 8.77, the result is not located in the area of 0.05. Therefore,
the null hypothesis is ―failed to reject‖. (Taeger and kuhnt, 2014). That means the first
research hypothesis is proved to be accepted.
Second Research Hypothesis
The Z-test result is -0.1839, more significant than the Z value -1.645. Based on the left tail of
figure 8.77, it shows that the result is not located in the area of -0.05. Therefore, the null
hypothesis is ―failed to reject‖. (Taeger and kuhnt, 2014). That means the second research
hypothesis is proved to be accepted.
This chapter covers questionnaire surveys data collection and analysis. Three different surveys
were distributed among professionals in both software and construction industries to obtain their
opinions and answers regarding this research. The results were analysed and compared with
previous chapters to validate the objectives of this study. The first type of survey included
general questions about agile, BIM and the traditional project management approaches. The
results supported the effectiveness of agile to manage construction projects. Also, professionals
agreed with BIM's effectiveness in collaboration and coordination between multiple disciplines
during design and construction stages. Moreover, the second survey included questions about the
integration between agile principles and BIM functionalities. The results supported agile BIM
integrations such as BIM functionality of process simulation supports agile principles of
welcoming changes and satisfying customers. On the other hand, this chapter considered the
third survey about agile, BIM and RIBA plan of work integrations. The professionals‘ opinions
are analysed, and the outcomes support the research study and integration between agile, BIM
and RIBA plan of work such as automated generation of drawings supports technical excellence
during the construction stage of the project lifecycle. Finally, this chapter concluded that the
results validated these study objectives and verified integrations between agile, BIM, and RIBA
work plans.
This chapter will discuss the research summary and conclusions regarding aims, objectives and
hypotheses. Moreover, recommendations for future research will be covered for future studies.
The first section will conclude whether the research objectives are achieved or not. The second
section will discuss the research limitations, and the third section will highlight research
recommendations for the construction industry and further studies.
This study covers five objectives regarding agile project management, building information
modelling, and integrating both methods. These objectives are verified through literature review,
secondary and primary case studies and questionnaire surveys. Professionals in the construction
and software industries are targeted to obtain their opinions and answers regarding the research
objectives. The following subsections will discuss each objective separately to highlight
verifications and clarification towards each objective.
9.2.1 Objective 1: To investigate the impact of the 12 agile principles on the management of
Previous studies covered by the literature review in Chapter 2 discussed and covered 12 agile
principles and highlighted that agile performance is effective towards collaboration with
customer and management teams involved in the project. Moreover, agile performance towards
project value is adequate to provide valuable products. Chapter 6 verified objective 1 through
four secondary case studies, such as SME web application that discussed how agile supports
working closer with the customer. Furthermore, Chapter 7 validated objective 1 through a focus
group primary case study by discussing the effectiveness of agile collaboration once all
stakeholders are physically present in the same place. Meanwhile, Chapter 8 covered
respondents‘ answers regarding validation towards objective 1 through the first questionnaire
surveys. Figure 8.21 shows that 63% of respondents positively rated agile between high and very
high regarding the performance towards project value. Also, Figure 8.26 shows that 67% of
respondents‘ answers towards agile performance towards collaboration and coordination are
between high and very high. Finally, objective one is achieved and verified by different methods
in this research.
frameworks. Each of the interviewees‘ and participants‘ answers is linked to validate 2D
frameworks as per Table 7.12 and Tables 7.24 to 7.26. Finally, objective three is validated by
different methodologies in this study.
9.2.4 Objective 4: To develop a 3D integrated framework including the project life-cycle RIBA
plan of work
Chapter 5 verified objective four in this study by developing a 3D integrated framework of agile
principles, BIM functionalities and RIBA plan of work as per Figure 5.16. Seventy-eight
integrations concluded the 3D framework of agile BIM and RIBA plan of work stages. Chapter 8
validated the 3D agile BIM framework through the third questionnaire survey summarised in
Table 8.3. Moreover, Chapter 5 discussed the suitability of the RIBA plan of work stages
compared to other work plans.
This study considered previous projects conducted using BIM technology and an agile
management approach worldwide. Four case studies for each method were considered secondary
data to be studied and discussed to obtain information for the research support. These case
studies were evaluated to summarise benefits, challenges, and lessons learnt during agile and
BIM. Secondary case studies concluded that agile and BIM share a similar approach to managing
projects which supports the idea behind the integration between both approaches.
During this study, a project from a construction project was considered as a primary case study
to evaluate BIM implementation during the project lifecycle. Multiple questions were asked to
the interviewees to obtain answers to validate this research. Many areas were covered in
customer support, communication, coordination, prefabrication and responding to change. This
chapter concluded that BIM‘s abilities to support the agile management approach in these terms
are effective and practical.
Evaluation of professionals‘ opinions, experiences and knowledge about the objectives of this
research required a group of participants in a case study using Delphi Technique methodology
for the researcher to ask participants multiple questions and gather opinions for further
evaluation and comparisons. The conclusion came with positive results supporting and validating
the research objective of BIM enhancement for agile implementation.
This research targeted many professionals through questionnaire surveys distributed online and
hardcopies handed over to professionals in the UAE industry from different organisations,
backgrounds, skills, experiences and disciplines related to the construction industry. A total of
210 responses were obtained during three different surveys, including covering agile BIM
integration of 2D and 3D frameworks. Answers to questions that covered a large area of the
research were positive and validated the study objective through statistical analysis.
9.3.6 Hypothesis Testing Conclusion
The first research hypothesis is ―failed to reject‖ at a confidence level of 90%. Therefore,
there is no sufficient evidence to prove that using an agile project management approach will
not increase the productivity of construction projects.
The second research hypothesis is ―failed to reject‖ at a confidence level of 90%. Therefore,
there is no sufficient evidence to prove that the adoption of BIM will not enhance the
capability of the agile method to achieve more successful construction projects.
To study the remaining integrations between agile principles and BIM functionalities to
investigate more about the alternative management approach by obtaining opinions from
each professional discipline and comparing results for more validation.
To integrate agile BIM 2D framework on another professional project lifecycle to
develop another 3D framework and to be tested by obtaining professionals‘ experience
and opinion in both construction and software industries.
To study the integration between the 3D framework of agile, BIM and RIBA plan of
work with another procurement method to develop another 4D framework; and validate
the integration by obtaining different professional disciplines‘ opinions in the
construction industry and comparing results together.
To cover more primary case studies on projects implementing agile management and
BIM approaches to verify and confirm the findings and outcomes by conducting different
methodologies and data collection methods.
Conducting training among professionals in the construction industry to improve skills
and knowledge about BIM technology and functionalities through CPDs about BIM
platforms and processes.
Reduce documentation waste by driving the industry to paperless work through the
adoption of BIM digital technology for storing and sharing data and information, which
will support lean application and improve project management practices.
Spreading the agile project management approach culture between professionals in the
construction industry by directing organisations into alternative management methods to
overcome construction industry challenges for adopting an alternative management
9.5.1 Duration
This research may cover many areas of the construction and software industries. Also, more
integration is possible. Testing all integrations between agile principles and BIM functionality,
whether suitable, will add more inputs for this thesis. Also, testing integration between agile and
BIM with all types of the plan of work is required and adds further inputs. So, this research can
be expanded during future studies or through journals and conference publications.
9.5.2 Distance
Allocation of professionals during questionnaire surveys and primary case studies was quite a
challenge. Distribution of cities in the UAE required travelling to meet face to face with
professionals either in Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Fujairah or Ajman. Conversation over the phone or
Skype video chatting was conducted to obtain professionals' opinions and responses to overcome
this challenge.
Many professionals in the software industry and companies working on the agile project had
policies not to release information related to the projects. Security of information and
commercial confidentialities were challenged to conduct primary case studies regarding agile
projects. Meanwhile, professionals agreed to share their experience regarding questions during
interviewees and questionnaire surveys in general and not specific projects.
Based on the analysis of industrial practice and experiences of the software industry, this study
has proven that the following aspects are also valid and applicable to the construction industry:
The agile management approach will increase the construction industry's abilities to
handle and adopt changes in better and more effective ways to increase customer
Agile application in design and construction stages during project lifecycle will increase
collaboration and coordination among team members and customers to develop more
valuable products with less time and cost.
BIM technologies will support principles of agile project management by increasing the
ability of team members to understand and visualise the project during the design and
construction stage to guide stakeholders' involvement for better collaboration and
contribution during the project lifecycle
BIM functionalities assist the project management team ensure better time management,
constant improvement, reduction of uncertainties, minimising risks, financial control and
better decision making during the project lifecycle.
The agile management principle of sustainable development enhances BIM application in
a construction project to develop more effective and sustainable projects.
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Pre-Construction Plan
Interview Questions
Agile Questions
No. Description
Question 1 How do you find agile providing better satisfaction to the customer?
Question 2 How do you find agile responding to changes during the project lifecycle?
Question 3 How much agile provides lean in terms of wastes removal to the project?
Question 5 How did you find agile effectiveness in communication and information exchange?
Question 6 How is agile effective in motivating individuals and providing a good work
Question 7 How do you find agile effectiveness in collaboration and coordination between project
BIM Questions
No. Description
Question 2 How did you find BIM providing better satisfaction to customer needs?
Question 3 How did you find BIM effective in better coordination between project design teams?
Question 4 How does BIM provide better productivity, efficiency and effectiveness to the project
Question 5 How did you find BIM to provide support to the management team to maintain good
design and technical excellence?
Question 7 Did BIM help in discovering clash detection and removing errors and omissions at the
early design stage?
Question 8 Up to what level does BIM provide Lean and reduction of wastes and rework to the
Question 9 How does BIM support the project by using computer-controlled fabrication
Interviewees Details
Interviews Details
Employee A 14th of Oct, 2019 Abu Dhabi, UAE IT, Software Industry